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This study tests the hypothesis that the in situ void ratio of surficial marine sediments may be predicted from shear wave velocity-depth data with a reliability equal to that of other methods currently available. Shear wave velocity is fundamentally controlled by the number of grain-to-grain contacts per unit volume of material and by the effective stress across those contacts. In this study, three previously established empirical formulae are used to predict void ratio from velocity-depth data. Field data were acquired along a transect off the northern Californian coast across which water depth increased from 35 to 70 m and seafloor sediment type varied from sand to silty-sand, respectively. A towed seafloor sled device was used to collect shear wave refraction data, and a marked, systematic decrease in velocity was observed along the line, ranging from 35–70 m/s for the coarse, near-shore material to 25–40 m/s for the finer, offshore deposits. Void ratios predicted from these velocities were compared with data measured directly from box-core samples. Of the formulae used for prediction, two agree remarkably well with the control data. Both predicted and control values increase from 0.6–0.8 for the sandy material to 1.1–1.5 for the silty-sand. Thus, this study does not disprove the hypothesis set and demonstrates the potential of field shear wave velocity-depth data as a means of delineating spatial variation in void ratio for surficial marine sediments in a remote, nondestructive manner.  相似文献   

由海底沉积物的纵波速、横波速及湿密度,根据岩土力学原理,整理出一组计算海底沉积物弹性参数的公式;以该公式计算了南海南部海域浅层沉积物的弹性参数,计算结果与已有文献资料数据做了比较,分析了两者误差的原因.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Study of Shear Wave in Seafloor Surface Sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article preliminarily reports and analyses the transmission characteristics and behaviors of shear wave in the offshore seafloor surface sediments in China, discusses the relationships between the physical and mechanical features of the shear wave and the compression wave, and compares the testing results with that of Hamilton and Chen et al. The result shows that the shear wave can be tested if the seafloor surface sediment has tangent modulus. The shear wave velocity ranges from 50-600 m/s and the measuring frequency from 50-200 kHz. The sound velocity rate of shear wave and compression wave can be used to appraise the stress-strain feature of seafloor surface sediments. This study provides a basis for further describing and appraising the seafloor sedimentary acoustic-mechanical feature and building a geological-acoustic model on China's offshore sea area.  相似文献   

Undrained shear strength is a fundamental parameter for estimating the stability of soft soils. This study explores the relationship between undrained shear strength, void ratio, and shear wave velocity for saturated and normally consolidated clay specimens. The undrained shear strength void ratio-shear wave velocity relationship was correlated to empirically determined parameters of selected marine clay specimens. To verify the proposed relationship between undrained shear strength and shear wave velocity, in situ flat dilatometer tests were used for determining the undrained shear strength, and downhole tests were used to assess the shear wave velocity on a natural soil deposit at various depths. The undrained shear strength estimated from the in situ shear wave velocities was compared to the undrained shear strength obtained in the field. The results show that the inferred undrained shear strength yield similar values and follow the same trends as the in situ undrained shear strength data. This method using shear wave velocity can help to nondestructively estimate the undrained shear strength of soft soils in the field and be used in both on-shore and off-shore geotechnical engineering projects.  相似文献   

采用压电陶瓷弯曲元法和共振柱试验的方法对采自我国海域的一些典型海底浅表层沉积物样品进行了剪切波速测试,获得首批可信数据.两种方法所测得的剪切波速数据具有很好的一致性,且在数赫兹至数十千赫兹频段范围内剪切波速不具明显弥散性.剪切波速与沉积物类型关系密切,不同海区和不同类型海底沉积物的剪切波速有明显差异.近海较细颗粒沉积物粉砂的剪切波速在100m/s左右,细颗粒沉积物的剪切波速在100m/s以下;陆架较粗颗粒沉积物的剪切波速最大,超过100m/s;深海、半深海细颗粒沉积物的剪切波速最低,小于50m/s.剪切波速与含水量、密度、孔隙度、塑限和液限等沉积物物理参数之间具很好的相关性,反映了剪切波速和物理性质之间的密切关系.剪切波速与压缩波速呈正相关性,但在不同的波速范围剪切波速随压缩波速的变化有很大不同.  相似文献   

海底表层沉积物具有多相、多颗粒、多形态的组成结构,导致其声学特性复杂多样。通过分析压缩波速度和切变波速度特性的研究现状,指出有待于解决的科学问题和关键技术问题。在分析国内外有关海底沉积层声速特性研究基础上,提出采取系统、可控的实验测量手段解决当前测量存在的4点问题。综合分析了压缩波速度和切变波速度存在的统计回归关系和理论分析关系,探讨了当前地声反演、采样样品声学测量、原位声学测量3种方法存在的测量尺度、测量频率、测量状态等的差异,探讨建立不同测量方法和测量技术对测量结果进行统一性解释的方法,从而获得不同类型、不同区域的海底表层沉积物真实的声速特性。最后,从实验室声学测量、物理力学参数测量、流固耦合特性分析、原位测量及海底监测、采样测量与原位测量的误差分析及校正、海底大纵深声学测量6个方面提出技术需求,为提高声学探测海洋和海底的精度服务,推动海洋声学探测和海洋工程发展。  相似文献   

海底沉积物纵波波速与物理-力学性质的理论关系和比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文提出以密度变化比和等效弹性模量变化比为参数描述海底沉积物纵波波速,得到密度变化比是由孔隙率、海水密度和海底沉积物固相密度构成的复合参数,建立了以复合参数和等效弹性模量变化比为变量的泰勒多项式海底沉积物纵波波速公式。基于单因素分析法得出纵波波速可表示为参考声速与调制函数的乘积,沉积物的参考声速由海底底质物理性质确定,建立了复合参数-声速的近似理论模型。对该理论模型与现有的主要纵波波速经验公式的分析结果表明,孔隙率-纵波波速经验公式只是参考声速不同,但调制函数是互相等效的,验证了本文海底沉积物纵波波速理论关系的有效性。  相似文献   

本文通过对南海海底沉积物样品的声学物理参数和沉积粒度特征统计分析,发现了高、低含砂量沉积物的声学物理特征存在明显差异,建立了海底沉积物的含砂量与压缩波速度、孔隙度、含水量和密度等经验公式,分析了含砂量变化与沉积物的体积压缩模量和密度变化的关系,从声速理论基础上阐明了含砂量变化引起沉积物压缩波速度变化的内在原因是含砂量变化引起了体积压缩模量和密度发生了变化,说明了含砂量增大引起沉积物压缩波速度增大的内在原因是含砂量增大引起了体积压缩模量变化量大于密度变化量,从而在数据统计和理论分析结合基础上,论证了含砂量是影响海底沉积物压缩波速度的重要因素之一。这一研究对声学方法反演海底沉积物粒度参数和沉积物类型、地声参数转换模型的建立,以及对水声反演海底和海底资源勘探等方面都具有重要理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

分析研究了南海北部大陆架西南缘的海南岛东南外海海底沉积物声学物理特性,在多个航次中进行了海底沉积层取样、海水CTD测量、浅地层及旁侧声呐扫测等工作.在实验室里对沉积物样品进行声学参数、沉积学基本参数、物理力学参数和14C年龄测试等分析.根据多尔特曼公式求解出弹性模量、体积弹性模量、压缩系数、切变模量、泊松比和拉梅常数等六项沉积物弹性参数.分析结果表明在该海区海底沉积物的压缩波速为1.474~1.700 m/s,在不同的海区内有高低声速两类性质的沉积物分布;沉积物的切变波速为150~600 m/s;沉积物在100 kHz的声衰减为35~260 dB/m;沉积物的密度为1.4~2.0 g/cm3;沉积物的孔隙度为42%~88%.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the implication of geoacoustic behaviors in the shallow marine sediments associated with the changes in geotechnical index properties. Two piston cores (270 cm and 400 cm in core length) used in this study were recovered from stations 1 and 2, the western continental margin, the East Sea. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to illustrate the effects of microstructure on shear properties. The direct SEM observation of sediment fabrics is inevitable to understand the correlation of the changes in geoacoustic properties to the sediment structure. The consolidation of sediments by overburden stress resulting in the clay fabric alteration appears to play an important role in changing shear properties. Water contents and porosity of sediments gradually decreases with increasing depth, whereas wet bulk density shows a reverse trend. It is interesting to note that shear wave velocities increase rapidly from 8 to 20 m/s while compressional wave velocities significantly fluctuate, ranging from 1450 to 1550 m/s with depth. The fabric changes in sediment with increasing depth for example, uniform grain size and well oriented clay fabrics may cause the shear strength increase from 1 to 12 kPa. Shear wave velocity is, therefore, shown to be very sensitive to the changes in undrained strength for unconsolidated marine sediments. This correlation allows an in-situ estimation of shear stress in the subsurface from shear wave velocity data.  相似文献   

对南海某海域深度100~400 m的海底浅层(约2 m埋深范围)沉积物柱状样在接近海底水压力下进行三轴应变-声学同步测量,结果表明沉积物纵波声速有两个特征:(1)从应变过程开始到结束,沉积物纵波声速不断变化;(2)平均声速随着平均静弹性模量的增加,由大变小又由小变大,存在声速最小值。这些结果与海底浅表层沉积物的物理力学性质、围压、颗粒的结合状态改变有关。此外,沉积物动弹性模量和孔隙度呈良好的负相关性,这与孔隙度增大含水量增大有关;动弹性模量是静弹性模量的10~100倍,这主要与三轴应变试验的应变数量级与声波振动产生的应变数量级的差异大有关。采用本论文实验测量的数据分别建立了双复合参数-声速和孔隙度-声速经验公式,分析结果表明双复合参数-声速公式声速预报误差约是孔隙度-声速公式的1/4,表明双复合参数-声速公式更加有效。  相似文献   

Geoacoustic properties of the seabed have a controlling role in the propagation and reverberation of sound in shallow-water environments. Several techniques are available to quantify the important properties but are usually unable to adequately sample the region of interest. In this paper, we explore the potential for obtaining geotechnical properties from a process-based stratigraphic model. Grain-size predictions from the stratigraphic model are combined with two acoustic models to estimate sound speed with distance across the New Jersey continental shelf and with depth below the seabed. Model predictions are compared to two independent sets of data: 1) Surficial sound speeds obtained through direct measurement using in situ compressional wave probes, and 2) sound speed as a function of depth obtained through inversion of seabed reflection measurements. In water depths less than 100 m, the model predictions produce a trend of decreasing grain-size and sound speed with increasing water depth as similarly observed in the measured surficial data. In water depths between 100 and 130 m, the model predictions exhibit an increase in sound speed that was not observed in the measured surficial data. A closer comparison indicates that the grain-sizes predicted for the surficial sediments are generally too small producing sound speeds that are too slow. The predicted sound speeds also tend to be too slow for sediments 0.5-20 m below the seabed in water depths greater than 100 m. However, in water depths less than 100 m, the sound speeds between 0.5-20-m subbottom depth are generally too fast. There are several reasons for the discrepancies including the stratigraphic model was limited to two dimensions, the model was unable to simulate biologic processes responsible for the high sound-speed shell material common in the model area, and incomplete geological records necessary to accurately predict grain-size  相似文献   

海底浅表层(小于1 m)沉积物的物理性质,如粒度、孔隙度、密度等是海洋沉积学研究和海洋工程地质分析的重要内容,目前主要基于有限的海底取样或原位测试获取这些沉积物的物理性质。浅地层剖面是基于声学信号(频率几千赫兹)在沉积物中的传播得到可反映沉积地层结构的数据,其中的一些声学参数,如海底反射系数、波阻抗等与沉积物物理性质密切相关。如何充分而有效地利用浅地层剖面资料,反演得到剖面覆盖区海底浅表层沉积物的物理性质参数,极具科学意义和应用价值,且基于声学属性反演沉积物物理性质是当前研究的热点。为此,本文基于渤海LD16-3CEPA至LD10-1PAPD路由段的浅地层剖面数据和海底表层沉积物的实测物理参数,利用Biot-Stoll模型建立研究区海底反射系数和沉积物物理性质之间的关系,并基于浅地层剖面数据计算得到的海底反射系数,反演了研究区海底浅表层沉积物的孔隙度、密度、平均粒径等物理性质参数。其中反演的孔隙度、密度、平均粒径与实测孔隙度、密度、平均粒径基本相符,偏差度基本都在20%的偏差范围内,表明该反演方法在该区的应用是可行的。  相似文献   

Acouso-physical properties of sea floor sediments in the southeast offshore sea area of Hainan Island on the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea are analyzed. In many cruises, conductivity-temperature-depth measurements of seawater, measurements of shallow stratum and side-scan sonar have been made. Acoustic parameters, basic sedimentary parameters, physical-mechanical parameters and 14C age, etc., have been measured. The sediment elastic parameters, including Young's modulus, bulk modulus, constrained modulus, rigidity modulus, Poisson's ratio, Lames constant, etc., have been calculated. Results show that the compression wave velocity of the seafloor sediment in the sea area ranges from 1474–1700 m/s, and there are high and low sound velocity sediment types in the different sea areas; the shear wave velocity is 150–600 m/s; at 100 kHz the sediment sound attenuation is 35–260 dB/m, the sediment density is 1.4–2.0 g/cm3; the sediment porosity is 42–88%. Sound field parameters and describing sound reciprocity between sea and seafloor are described.  相似文献   

A design is presented for an expendable seafloor penetrometer system for real time classification of marine sediments and estimate for shear strength. An accelerometer in the nose section of an expendable probe senses deceleration after impact with the ocean bottom and provides this data to the underway launch platform via a two-conductor trailing wire umbilical. Signals are amplified, digitized and processed by microcomputer to provide seafloor classification in virtual real time.  相似文献   

海底底质特性描述及分类是当今浅海声学的研究热点,海底沉积物的物理结构特性与其声学响应特征密切相关。在分析海底沉积物声传播特性的基础上,应用现代计算机信号分析技术手段,对海底沉积物声学响应波形提取了4个特征参数:声速、波幅指数、波形关联维分形指数和声波频谱的频率矩。以这4个特征参数作为输入向量,海底沉积物的结构类型作为输出向量,建立径向基概率神经网络模型。研究表明建立的神经网络模型具有较强的海底沉积物分类预报能力。  相似文献   

东营港海域表层沉积物分布及其运移趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2008年10月东营港海域表层沉积物粒度取样,结合水文观测和相关波浪资料,通过粒度分析以及粒径趋势矢量和掀沙动力等计算,探讨了沉积物的分布特征及其运移趋势。研究表明:东营港海域表层沉积物以黏土质粉砂为主,由岸向海呈"粗-细-粗-细"的条带状分布,相应地形成了沿岸最粗、近岸次细、远岸次粗和外海最细的4个沉积区,呈现出沉积物由粗沉积区向细沉积区运移的趋势;引堤阻隔了两侧潮流运动和波浪传播的连续性,引起引堤-引桥连接部位水流的辐聚或辐散,对于来自NE向的常强浪,引堤北侧为迎波区,南侧为波影区,致使沿岸和近岸的局部水动力场改变,从而造成了引堤南北侧沉积物分布和运移的差异。进一步研究显示,沉积物在总体上呈离岸运移,与余流呈偏东向的离岸流动基本一致。  相似文献   

Gas hydrates affect the bulk physical properties of marine sediments, in particular, elastic parameters. Shear modulus is an important parameter for estimating the distribution of hydrates in the marine sediments. However, S-wave information is difficult to recover without proper datasets. Seafloor compliance, the transfer function between pressure induced by surface gravity waves and the associated seafloor deformation, is one of few techniques to study shear modulus in the marine sediments. The coherence between recorded time series of displacement and pressure provides a measure of the quality of the calculated transfer function, the seafloor compliance. Thus, it is important to understand how to collect high coherence datasets. Here we conducted a 10-month pilot experiment using broadband seismic sensors and differential pressure gauges. We found that data collected in shallow water depth and during rough seas gave high coherence. This study is the first time long-term data sets have been employed to investigate seafloor compliance data quality and its dependence on sea state. These results will help designing future large-scale compliance experiments to study anomalously high shear moduli associated with the presence of gas hydrate or cold vents, or alternatively anomalously low shear moduli, associated with partial melt and magma chamber.  相似文献   

The ridge-and-swale topography on the continental shelf south of Fire Island, New York, is characterized by northeast-trending linear shoals that are shore attached and shore oblique on the inner shelf and isolated and shore parallel on the middle shelf. High-resolution seismic reflection profiles show that the ridges and swales occur independent of, and are not controlled by, the presence of internal structures (for example, filled tidal inlet channels, paleobarrier strata) or underlying structure (for example, high-relief Cretaceous unconformity). Grab samples of surficial sediments on the shelf south of Fire Island average 98 % sand. Locally, benthic fauna increase silt and clay content through fecal pellet production or increase the content of gravel-size material by contribution of their fragmented shell remains. Surficial sand on the ridges is unimodal at 0.33 mm (medium sand, about 50 mesh), and surficial sand in troughs is bimodal at 0.33 mm and 0.15 mm (fine sand, about 100 mesh). In addition to seismic studies, 26 vibracores were recovered from the continental shelf in state and federal waters from south of Rockaway and Long Beaches, Long Island, New York. Stratigraphic and sedimentological data gleaned from these cores were used to outline the geologic framework in the study area. A variety of sedimentary features were noted in the cores, including burrow-mottled sections of sand in a finer silty-sand, rhythmic lamination of sand and silty-sand that reflect cyclic changes in sediment transport, layers of shell hash and shells that probably represent tempestites, and changes from dark color to light color in the sediments that probably represent changes in the oxidation reduction conditions in the area with time. The stratigraphic units identified are an upper, generally oxidized,nearshore facies, an underlying fine-to medium-sand and silty-clay unit considered to be an estuarine facies, and a lower, coarse-grained, deeply oxidized, cross-laminated preHolocene unit. Grain-size analysis shows that medium-to fine-grained sand makes up most (68-99 %) of the surficial sediments. Gravel exists in trace amounts up to 19 %. Silt ranges between 3 % and 42 %, and clay ranges from 1 % to 10 %.  相似文献   

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