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In contrast with the marine reaches of estuaries, few studies have dealt with zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton in the upper estuarine reaches, where freshwater zooplankton species tend to dominate the zooplankton community. In spring and early summer 2003, grazing by micro- and mesozooplankton on phytoplankton was investigated at three sites in the upper Schelde estuary. Grazing by mesozooplankton was evaluated by monitoring growth of phytoplankton in 200 μm filtered water in the presence or absence of mesozooplankton. In different experiments, the grazing impact was tested of the calanoïd copepod Eurytemora affinis, the cyclopoid copepods Acanthocyclops robustus and Cyclops vicinus and the cladocera Chydorus sphaericus, Moina affinis and Daphnia magna/pulex. No significant grazing impact of mesozooplankton in any experiment was found despite the fact that mesozooplankton densities used in the experiments (20 or 40 ind. l−1) were higher than densities in the field (0.1–6.9 ind. l−1). Grazing by microzooplankton was evaluated by comparing growth of phytoplankton in 30 and 200 μm filtered water. Microzooplankton in the 30–200 μm size range included mainly rotifers of the genera Brachionus, Trichocerca and Synchaeta, which were present from 191 to 1777 ind. l−1. Microzooplankton had a significant grazing impact in five out of six experiments. They had a community grazing rate of 0.41–1.83 day−1 and grazed up to 84% of initial phytoplankton standing stock per day. Rotifer clearance rates estimated from microzooplankton community grazing rates and rotifer abundances varied from 8.3 to 41.7 μl ind.−1 h−1. CHEMTAX analysis of accessory pigment data revealed a similar phytoplankton community composition after incubation with and without microzooplankton, indicating non-selective feeding by rotifers on phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The plankton community composition comprising heterotrophic bacteria, pro-/eukaryotes, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton was assessed during the spring bloom and at non-bloom stations in the English Channel and Celtic Sea between 6 and 12 April 2002. Non-bloom sites were characterised by a dominance of pro-/eukaryotic phytoplankton <20 μm, higher abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates, microzooplankton standing stocks ranging between 60 and 380 mg C m−2, lower mesozooplankton diversity and copepod abundance of between 760 and 2600 ind m−3. Within the bloom, the phytoplankton community was typically dominated by larger cells with low abundance of pro-/eukaryotes. Heterotrophic nanoflagellate cell bio-volume decreased leading to a reduction in biomass whereas microzooplankton biomass increased (360–1500 mg C m−2) due to an increase in cell bio-volume and copepod abundance ranged between 1400 and 3800 ind m−3. Mesozooplankton diversity increased with an increase in productivity. Relationships between the plankton community and environmental data were examined using multivariate statistics and these highlighted significant differences in the abiotic variables, the pro-/eukaryotic phytoplankton communities, heterotrophic nanoflagellate, microzooplankton and total zooplankton communities between the bloom and non-bloom sites. The variables which best described variation in the microzooplankton community were temperature and silicate. The spatial variation in zooplankton diversity was best explained by temperature. This study provides an insight into the changes that occur between trophic levels within the plankton in response to the spring bloom in this area.  相似文献   

While numerous laboratory studies in the last decade have shown that diatoms can induce reproductive failure in copepods, field evidence for a negative diatom effect is equivocal. To unambiguously elucidate the effects diatoms have on copepod reproduction in situ, we undertook a study of the abundance, distribution, grazing rates, and reproductive success of Calanus pacificus in Dabob Bay, Washington, USA, during two spring bloom periods. We simultaneously measured the phytoplankton composition, abundance, and distribution. Here we present results for the reproductive success of C. pacificus using four measurements: egg production rate, clutch size, egg hatching success, and naupliar survival (to the first feeding stage). Egg production rate was positively correlated with chlorophyll a concentration, and egg hatching success and naupliar survival were usually greater than 80%. However, in February 2002 and 2003 – during blooms of diatoms of the genus Thalassiosira – either egg hatching success, naupliar survival, or both were significantly depressed compared to other times in spring and summer. These effects, combined with evidence that C. pacificus was grazing aldehyde-producing Thalassiosira at the time of their blooms, indicate that diatoms can negatively affect copepod reproduction in the field, albeit only under specific circumstances and for brief periods.  相似文献   

During late winter and spring of 2002 and 2003, 24 two- to three-day cruises were conducted to Dabob Bay, Washington State, USA, to examine the grazing, egg production, and hatching success rates of adult female Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus newmani. Here, we discuss the results of our grazing experiments for P. newmani. Each week, we conducted traditional microzooplankton dilution experiments and “copepod dilution” experiments, each from two different layers. Grazing was measured by changes in chlorophyll concentration and direct cell counts. Clearance rates on individual prey species, as calculated by cell counts, showed that Pseudocalanus are highly selective in their feeding, and may have much higher grazing rates on individual taxa than calculated from bulk chlorophyll disappearance. The grazing rates of the copepods, however, are typically an order of magnitude lower than the grazing rates of the microzooplankton community, or the growth rates of the phytoplankton. P. newmani ingested diatoms, but, at certain times fed preferentially on microzooplankton, such as ciliates, tintinnids, and larger dinoflagellates. Removal of the microzooplankton may have released the other phytoplankton species from grazing pressure, allowing those species’ abundance to increase, which was measured as an apparent “negative” grazing on those phytoplankton species. The net result of grazing on some phytoplankton species, while simultaneously releasing others from grazing pressure resulted in bulk chlorophyll-derived estimates of grazing which were essentially zero or slightly negative; thus bulk chlorophyll disappearance is a poor indicator of copepod grazing. Whether copepods can significantly release phytoplankton from the grazing pressure by microzooplankton in situ, thus causing a trophic cascade, remains to be verified, but is suggested by our study.  相似文献   

根据2013年8月(夏季)和2014年5月(春季)在曹妃甸邻近海域的调查资料,研究了浮游动物群落的种类组成、丰度、生物量、优势种和多样性的时空变化特征,分析了其与环境因子的关系,并结合2004年调查资料对比分析了浮游动物丰度和优势种的变化特征及围填海的影响。结果表明,研究海域浮游动物共鉴定得到31种(类),以桡足类和浮游幼体为主,优势种主要包括双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)、小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus)、拟长腹剑水蚤(Oithona similis)和桡足类幼体(Copepodid larva)等。春季的浮游动物丰度和生物量均高于夏季,多样性和均匀度指数均低于夏季。浮游动物丰度的空间分布主要受温度、叶绿素a(Chl-a)等环境因子影响,春季基本为近岸高、远岸低的空间分布规律,夏季则相反,基本为近岸低、远岸高的空间分布规律。与2004年相比,本次调查春季和夏季的浮游动物丰度明显下降,可能与浮游植物丰度及DIP浓度降低有关。春季,西侧、东侧海域的浮游动物丰度分别明显降低、升高,与围填海后营养盐重新分布促进了东侧海域浮游植物增殖有关。夏季则主要受河流输入影响,浮游动物丰度的变化不具有空间差异。  相似文献   

We studied the effect of four types of fronts, the coastal front, the middle front, the shelf partition front and the shelf break front on the quantitative distribution and the composition of plankton communities in the Pribilof area of the eastern Bering Sea shelf in late spring and summer of 1993 and 1994. The coastal fronts near St. Paul and St. George Islands and the coastal domains encircled by the fronts featured specific taxonomic composition of planktonic algae, high abundance and production of phytoplankton, as well as large numbers of heterotrophic nanoplankton. The coastal fronts also were characterized by high values of total mesozooplankton biomass, high concentrations of Calanus marshallae, as well as relatively high abundances of Parasagitta setosa and Euphausiacea compared to surrounding shelf waters. We hypothesize that wind-induced erosion of a weak thermocline in the inner part of the coastal front as well as transfrontal water exchange in subthermocline layers result in nutrient enrichment of the euphotic layer in the coastal fronts and coastal domains in summer time. This leads to prolonged high primary production and high phytoplankton biomass. In this paper a new type of front—the shelf partition front located 45–55 km to the north-east off St. Paul Island—is described, which is assumed to be formed by the flux of oceanic domain waters onto the shelf. This front features a high abundance of phytoplankton and a high level of primary production compared to the adjacent middle shelf. Near the southwestern periphery of the front a mesozooplankton peak occurred, composed of C. marshallae, with biomass in the subthermocline layer, reaching values typical for the shelf break front and the highest for the area. High abundance of phyto- and zooplankton as well as heterotrophic nanoplankton and elevated primary production were most often observed in the area adjacent to the shelf break front at its oceanic side. The phyto- and mesozooplankton peaks here were formed by oceanic community species. The summer levels of phytoplankton numbers, biomass and primary production in the shelf break frontal area were similar to those reported for the outer and middle shelf during the spring bloom and the coastal domains and coastal fronts in summer. In the environment with a narrow shelf to the south of St. George Island, the mesozooplankton peak was observed at the inner side of the shelf break front as close as 20 km from the island shore and was comprised of a “mixed” community of shelf and oceanic species. The biomass in the peak reached the highest values for the Pribilof area at 2.5 g mean wet weight m−3 in the 0–100 m layer. Details of the taxonomic composition and the numbers and production of phytoplankton hint at the similarity of processes that affect the phytoplankton summer community in the coastal domains of the islands, at the coastal fronts, and at the oceanic side of the shelf break front. The middle front was the only one that had no effect on plankton composition or its quantitative characteristics in June and July. Location of a variety of frontal productive areas within 100 km of the Pribilof Islands creates favorable foraging habitat for higher trophic level organisms, including sea birds and marine mammals, populating the islands.  相似文献   

Zooplankton biomass consisting of large and small-size copepods, copepod nauplii and tintinnids were investigated over a period of one year at two stations in Funka Bay, Japan. The food requirement of zooplankton was also estimated using the method of Ikeda and Motoda. Estimated total carbon requirement of zooplankton in the coastal and central parts of the bay was equivalent to 52 and 38% of the annual primary production, respectively. These corresponded to zooplankton production of 12–13 gC·m–2·yr–1.The total carbon requirement at each station increased to 63 and 74% of the primary production during summer compared with 26 and 3% in spring or 19 and 17% in winter. The microzooplankton (copepod nauplii and tintinnids) accounted for about half of the carbon requirement from April to November.Food requirements reached 161% at the coastal station and 194% at the central station of the daily organic carbon production during September. Zooplankton may also feed on carbon sources other than living phytoplankton. This could account for the observed decrease in particulate organic carbon in a water column.Contribution No. 202 from the Research Institute of North Pacific Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   

Incubation experiments were carried out daily during a Lagrangian experiment within an upwelled filament off the Galician coast to determine the importance of microzooplankton in the diet of calanoid copepods. Despite low chlorophyll concentrations the microzooplankton formed the minor component of the diet of the copepod community (7 to 15% of carbon ingested through autotrophic and heterotrophic prey). Ingestion of ciliates was greater than that of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, which reflected a higher abundance of ciliates in the water column. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates appeared also to be consumed by the copepods, although the very small size fraction (2–5μm) was probably not grazed by the larger copepods of Calanus spp. Grazing pressure by the copepods enumerated in the net samples was not sufficient to impact significantly the microzooplankton populations (2 to 51% of daily microzooplankton production was removed). Allometric relationships of grazing on microzooplankton for a range of numerically dominant copepod species are developed from the experimental results. The grazing pressure of the whole copepod community is estimated from these relationships. By considering the total mesozooplankton community we suggest that microzooplankton growth was probably restricted by metazoan grazers.  相似文献   

The role of copepod grazing on the ecosystem dynamics in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific was investigated during six cruises from June 2001 to June 2002. In situ grazing rates of the copepod community (CGR) were measured by the gut fluorescence method in respect to developmental stages of dominant species. In terms of biomass, more than 80% of the copepod community was dominated by six large calanoid species (Neocalanus cristatus, Neocalanus flemingeri, Neocalanus plumchrus, Eucalanus bungii, Metridia pacifica and Metridia okhotensis) throughout the year. Resulting from the observed pattern of the interzonal migrating copepods, the CGR in the Oyashio region was divided into three phases, i.e. spring (bloom), summer (post-bloom) and autumn-winter phase. During the spring bloom, late copepodites of the interzonal migrating species, N. cristatus, N. flemingeri and E. bungii appeared in the surface layer (0-50 m) to consume the production of the bloom, resulting in a high grazing rate of the copepod community (7.9 mg Chl m−2 d−1), though its impact on phytoplankton community was low due to the high primary productivity. During the post-bloom period, although the copepod community which was dominated by N. cristatus, N. plumchrus, M. pacifica and newly recruited E. bungii still maintained a high biomass, the CGR was generally lower (1.8-2.6 mg Chl m−2 d−1 for June and August 2001), probably due to the lower availability of phytoplankton. Nevertheless, the highest CGR was also observed during this period (10.5 mg Chl m−2 d−1 in June 2002). The high CGR on autotrophic carbon accounted for 69% of the primary production, suggesting that the copepod community in the Oyashio region potentially terminates the phytoplankton bloom. Abundant occurrence of young E. bungii, which is a characteristic phenomenon in the Oyashio region, was largely responsible for the high grazing pressure in June 2002 suggesting that success of reproduction, growth, and survival in E. bungii during the spring bloom is an important factor in controlling phytoplankton abundance during the post-bloom season. During autumn and winter, CGR was the lowest in the year (0.29-0.38 mg Chl. m−2 d−1) due to the disappearance of the interzonal migrating copepods from the surface layer. Diel migrant M. pacifica was the most important grazer during this period. The annual ingestion of the copepod community is estimated as 37.7 gC m−2 on autotrophic carbon (converted using C:Chl ratio of 30) or 137.9 gC m−2 on suspended particles (using C:Chl ratio of in situ value, 58-191), accounting for 13% and 46% of annual primary production, respectively. This study confirms that copepod grazing is an important pathway in carbon flow in the Oyashio region and in particular their role in the phytoplankton dynamics is significant for the termination of the spring bloom.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual change in mesozooplankton community structure in the offshore Tsushima Current area of the Japan/East Sea was studied in relation to climatic events and temporal variability of the upper water column environment from 1991 to 1999. We observed a clear seasonal succession in zooplankton community structure from a cold-water copepod-dominated community in winter and spring to a gelatinous, carnivorous and warm-water copepod-dominated community in summer and autumn. The mean abundance (inds. m−3) of the spring community was 3–4-fold higher than that of the other season. The spring community structure varied considerably between years: the community characterized by the summer–autumn type zooplankton assemblage appeared in 1991–1993 and 1998, while the community characterized by high abundance of cold-water copepods appeared in the mid 1990s. Time series profiles of water density and nutrients showed the thickness of the surface warm Tsushima Current and the cold subsurface water increased and decreased, respectively, limiting nutrient supply to the surface water in 1992 and 1998. These results suggest that a thick, warm surface layer might reduce the reproductive success and survival ratio of the cold-water copepods both directly and indirectly, by hindering their upward migration to the surface where food is available, and by limiting phytoplankton growth due to nutrient depletion, respectively. A Monsoon Index (MOI) showed weaker winter wind stress in 1992 and 1998, which might have attenuated formation of the cold subsurface layer in the northern Japan/East Sea and been responsible for surface warming of the study area. Since 1992 and 1998 were El Niño years, this study revealed that ENSO related climatic variability on an interannual time scale considerably influenced the lower trophic level ecosystem in the Japan/East Sea.  相似文献   

Zooplankton sampling at Station 18 off Concepción (36°30′S and 73°07′W), on an average frequency of 30 days (August 2002 to December 2005), allowed the assessment of seasonal and inter-annual variation in zooplankton biomass, its C and N content, and the community structure in relation to upwelling variability. Copepods contributed 79% of the total zooplankton community and were mostly represented by Paracalanus parvus, Oithona similis, Oithona nana, Calanus chilensis, and Rhincalanus nasutus. Other copepod species, euphausiids (mainly Euphausia mucronata), gelatinous zooplankton, and crustacean larvae comprised the rest of the community. Changes in the depth of the upper boundary of the oxygen minimum zone indicated the strongly seasonal upwelling pattern. The bulk of zooplankton biomass and total copepod abundance were both strongly and positively associated with a shallow (<20 m) oxygen minimum zone; these values increased in spring/summer, when upwelling prevailed. Gelatinous zooplankton showed positive abundance anomalies in the spring and winter, whereas euphausiids had no seasonal pattern and a positive anomaly in the fall. The C content and the C/N ratio of zooplankton biomass significantly increased during the spring when chlorophyll-a was high (>5 mg m−3). No major changes in zooplankton biomass and species were found from one year to the next. We concluded that upwelling is the key process modulating variability in zooplankton biomass and its community structure in this zone. The spring/summer increase in zooplankton may be largely the result of the aggregation of dominant copepods within the upwelling region; these may reproduce throughout the year, increasing their C content and C/N ratios given high diatom concentrations.  相似文献   

A mesoscale iron-fertilization experiment was carried out in the western subarctic Pacific during summer 2001. The iron-patch was traced for 14 days after the fertilization, and the abundance and behavior of mesozooplankton were compared with those outside of the patch. The phytoplankton biomass in the patch rapidly increased to over 15 times the initial level by the later half of the observation period, and was composed of large-sized (>10 mm), centric diatoms. Dominant zooplankton species in the upper 200-m depth were large copepods: Neocalanus plumchrus, Neocalanus cristatus, Eucalanus bungii and Metridia pacifica. Mesozoplankton biomass as well as species composition did not change significantly in the patch over the observation period. Furthermore, no changes of vertical distribution or diel vertical migration were observed for any species or stages of mesozooplankton throughout the observation period. However, the abundance of the first copepodite stages of N. plumchrus and E. bungii increased several fold in the patch after the diatom bloom formation compared to the densities outside the patch. The increases of both species are considered to be due to lowered mortality during the egg and nauplius stages. Spawning of N. plumchrus takes place at depth using lipid storage, while spawning of E. bungii takes place in the surface layer supported by grazing. These facts suggest that the relative importance of nauplii in the diets of the large copepods was decreased in the patch by the diatom bloom. Gut-pigment contents of dominant copepods in the patch increased 4–18 times, and the maximum values were observed during the bloom peak. However, the grazing impact on phytoplankton was low throughout the experiment, especially during the bloom period (<6% of the primary production).  相似文献   

As part of a broader field study examining the potentially deleterious effects of diatoms on planktonic food webs, we examined the abundance, stage composition, diet, and feeding success of the chaetognath, Sagitta elegans, and the abundance and morphometric condition of larval Pacific hake, Merluccius productus. Our objective was to look for a relationship between spring phytoplankton blooms and planktonic predators, as mediated by their copepod prey, with special reference to possible deleterious effects of diatoms. Zooplankton were collected weekly during February–May and in mid-summer of 2002 and 2003 in Dabob Bay, Washington State, USA. S. elegans abundance was high in summer of both years and was higher in spring 2003 than spring 2002. Larval chaetognaths dominated the population in early spring and remained present throughout sampling. S. elegans consumed mostly copepods. The abundance of larval S. elegans was correlated with the abundance of copepodites, although no relationship between chaetognath feeding success and prey abundance was found. Larval Pacific hake abundance was high (1200 larvae per square meter) in late February and early March of 2002 and 2003 and decreased rapidly in late spring. The morphometric condition of M. productus was not significantly related to copepod abundance. These results indicate that any deleterious effects of diatoms on copepod abundance, at the scale seen during spring 2002 and 2003 in Dabob Bay, did not greatly affect the next higher trophic level.  相似文献   

莱州湾夏季浮游桡足类的摄食研究   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:15  
于1997年7月有(19-24日)和小湖(26-30日)期间在莱州湾对不同大小桡足类自然群体(大型:〉500mm,小型:200-500mm)的分布及肠道色素含量进行了现场测定,并在一个48h连续观测站(A4)进行了肠道排空率和摄食节律实验。结果表明,浮动物肠道色素含量随个体的增大而增加,大型桡足类存在着一定的昼夜摄食节律,摄食高峰出现在夜间,小型桡足类摄食切律不明显。A4站测得的桡足类摄食结果表明  相似文献   

To elucidate iron regeneration and organic iron(III)-binding ligand formation during microzooplankton and copepod grazing on phytoplankton, incubation experiments were conducted in the western subarctic Pacific. During 8 days of dark incubation of ambient water and that amended with plankton concentrate, dissolved iron and organic iron(III)-binding ligands accumulated, approximately proportionally to the decrease in chlorophyll a. The observed increases in dissolved iron concentration were much greater than those expected from the consumption of phytoplankton biomass and previously reported Fe:C value of cultured algal cells, suggesting resolution from colloidal or particulate iron adsorbed onto the algal cell surface. When copepods were added to the ambient water, organic iron(III)-binding ligands accumulated more rapidly than in the control receiving no copepod addition, although consumed phytoplankton biomass was comparable between the two treatments. Bioassay experiment using filtrates collected from the incubation experiment showed that organic ligands formed during microzooplankton grazing reduced the iron bioavailability to phytoplankton and suppressed their growth. Moreover, picoplankton Synechococcus sp. and Micromonas pusilla were more suppressed by the organic ligands than the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. In conclusion, through microzooplankton and copepod grazing on phytoplankton, organic iron(III)-binding ligands as well as regenerated iron are released into the ambient seawater. Because the ligands lower iron bioavailability to phytoplankton through complexation and the degree of availability reduction varies among phytoplankton species, grazing by zooplankton can shift phytoplankton community structure in iron-limited waters.  相似文献   

The dynamics, composition and grazing impact of microzooplankton were studied during the in situ iron fertilisation experiment EisenEx in the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone in austral spring (November 2000). During the 21 day experiment, protozooplankton and small metazooplankton were sampled from the mixed layer inside and outside the patch using Niskin bottles. Aplastidic dinoflagellates increased threefold in abundance and biomass in the first 10 days of the experiment, but decreased thereafter to values twofold higher than pre-fertilisation values. The decline after day 10 is attributed to increasing grazing pressure by copepods. They also constrained ciliate abundances and biomass which were higher inside the fertilised patch than outside but highly variable. Copepod nauplii abundance remained stable whereas biomass doubled. Numbers of copepodites and adults of small copepod species (<1.5 mm) increased threefold inside the patch, but doubled in surrounding waters. Grazing rates estimated using the dilution method suggest that microzooplankton grazing constrained pico- and nanoplankton populations, but species capable of feeding on large diatoms (dinoflagellates and small copepods including possibly nauplii) were selectively predated by the metazoan community. Thus, iron fertilisation of a developing spring phytoplankton assemblage resulted in a trophic cascade which favoured dominance of the bloom by large diatoms.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton communities, production rates and chlorophyll levels, together with zooplankton communities and biomass, were studied in relation to the hydrological properties in the euphotic zone (upper 100 m) in the Cretan Sea and the Straits of the Cretan Arc. The data were collected during four seasonal cruises undertaken from March 1994 to January 1995.The area studied is characterised by low nutrient concentrations, low 14C fixation rates, and impoverished phytoplankton and zooplankton standing stocks. Seasonal fluctuations in phytoplankton densities, chlorophyll standing stock and phytoplankton production are significant; maxima occur in spring and winter and minima in summer and autumn. Zooplankton also shows a clear seasonal pattern, with highest abundances occurring in autumn–winter, and smallest populations in spring–summer. During summer and early autumn, the phytoplankton distribution is determined by the vertical structure of the water column.Concentrations of all nutrients are very low in the surface waters, but increase at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) layer, which ranges in depth from about 75–100 m. Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the DCM vary from 0.22–0.49 mg m−3, whilst the surface values range from 0.03–0.06 mg m−3. Maxima of phytoplankton, in terms of cell populations, are also encountered at average depths of 50–75 m, and do not always coincide with chlorophyll maxima. Primary production peaks usually occur within the upper layers of the euphotic zone.There is a seasonal succession of phytoplankton and zooplankton species. Diatoms and ‘others’ (comprising mainly cryptophytes and rhodophytes) dominate in winter and spring and are replaced by dinoflagellates in summer and coccolithophores in autumn. Copepods always dominate the mesozooplankton assemblages, contributing approximately 70% of total mesozooplankton abundance, and chaetognaths are the second most abundant group.  相似文献   

The micro- and mesozooplankton communities in surface waters of the Greenland Sea are described based on data from five cruises covering an annual cycle. Special emphasis is given to the summer period (June and August), prior to and after the descent of Calanus spp. Calanus spp. dominated the copepod community during the spring bloom and in the beginning of the summer. However, during the summer, there was a pronounced shift in the zooplankton composition in the euphotic zone. In contrast to what has been observed in other Arctic systems, smaller genera such as Pseudocalanus spp., Oncaea spp. and Oithona spp. became abundant and the total copepod biomass remained high after the Calanus spp. descended for hibernation. The peak protozooplankton biomass in the Greenland Sea (June) co-occurred with the peak in Calanus spp. Protozooplankton biomass then decreased during the summer. Growth of protozooplankton and grazing rates of the two dominating non-Calanus genera, Oithona and Pseudocalanus, were measured. For both copepod genera, protozooplankton constituted 40% or more of the diet, and maximum clearance was on prey items with an equivalent spherical diameter between 15 and 30 μm. The non-Calanus components of the zooplankton community were responsible for 70–99% of the total zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton during summer and were crucial for the recycling and respiration of primary production.  相似文献   

广东省南澳海域是粤东重要的海产养殖基地, 分析该海域浮游动物群落结构特征对评估其生态环境质量具有重要意义。文章根据2014年9月(秋季)、12月(冬季)、2015年4月(春季)和2016年7月(夏季)在南澳岛东部海域的浮游动物调查, 分析该海域浮游动物的群落结构特征, 探讨环境因素对其时空分布的影响。共鉴定浮游动物206种(包括浮游幼虫), 桡足类种数最多, 达94种; 远岸海域浮游动物的种数高于近岸海域。浮游动物丰度和生物量的季节变化明显, 夏、秋季高于冬、春季; 浮游动物丰度和生物量的分布趋势较一致, 夏季高值区主要出现在近岸, 秋季由近岸向远岸海域递增。浮游动物不同类群和优势种的丰度也存在季节变化, 桡足类是调查期间丰度较高的类群, 秋季水母类和海樽类丰度明显增加; 优势种后圆真浮萤(Euconchoecia maimai)和针刺真浮萤(Euconchoecia aculeata)在夏季丰度高, 小齿海樽(Doliolum denticulatum)在秋季占绝对优势。温度、盐度和浮游植物生物量是影响南澳岛东部海域浮游动物时空变化的主要环境因子, 说明该海域浮游动物群落特征受海流、水团和养殖活动的综合影响。  相似文献   

《Journal of Oceanography》2007,63(6):983-994
A mesoscale iron-enrichment study (SEEDS II) was carried out in the western subarctic Pacific in the summer of 2004. The iron patch was traced for 26 days, which included observations of the development and the decline of the bloom by mapping with sulfur hexafluoride. The experiment was conducted at almost the same location and the same season as SEEDS (previous iron-enrichment experiment). However, the results were very different between SEEDS and SEEDS II. A high accumulation of phytoplankton biomass (∼18 mg chl m−3) was characteristic of SEEDS. In contrast, in SEEDS II, the surface chlorophyll-a accumulation was lower, 0.8 to 2.48 mg m−3, with no prominent diatom bloom. Photosynthetic competence in terms of F v/F m for the total phytoplankton community in the surface waters increased after the iron enrichments and returned to the ambient level by day 20. These results suggest that the photosynthetic physiology of the phytoplankton assemblage was improved by the iron enrichments and returned to an iron-stressed condition during the declining phase of the bloom. Pico-phytoplankton (<2 μm) became dominant in the chlorophyll-a size distribution after the bloom. We observed a nitrate drawdown of 3.8 μM in the patch (day 21), but there was no difference in silicic acid concentration between inside and outside the patch. Mesozooplankton (copepod) biomass was three to five times higher during the bloom-development phase in SEEDS II than in SEEDS. The copepod biomass increased exponentially. The grazing rate estimation indicates that the copepod grazing prevented the formation of an extensive diatom bloom, which was observed in SEEDS, and led to the change to a pico-phytoplankton dominated community towards the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

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