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南海北部陆架海域内潮特征的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2014年南海东沙岛西北部海域70余天的流速剖面高频观测资料,研究分析了该海区正压潮、内潮的时空分布特征。结果表明,观测海区正压潮流以O_1,K_1,M_2,S_2为主;斜压潮流中,除四大分潮之外,MU_2与2Q_1分潮能量也较强;内潮的主轴方向基本沿东南-西北方向,近似与局地等深线垂直。全日内潮的锁相部分占全日内潮能量的17.5%,而半日内潮的锁相部分占半日内潮能量的30%;进一步研究发现半日内潮主要由第一模态主导,而全日内潮第二模态占比50%,约为其第一模态能量的两倍;内潮模态能量占比显示出显著的大小潮调制的半月周期。对比不同垂向模态计算方法发现,当流速观测深度有限时,利用全水深温盐资料计算观测范围内流速垂向模态是更为准确的方式。  相似文献   

本文基于布放于南海北部的ADCP海流数据和温度链数据,分析了南海北部上层海洋对强台风尼格响应特征。结果表明:台风活动会生成强烈的近惯性振荡;在热力学方面会引起南海北部海区特别是表层海水迅速降温,海温的日变化特征消失;动力学方面近惯性内波成为支配研究海区海水流动的关键因素,造成流速迅速增大;此外近惯性内波会向下传播,并且下传时经历由慢至快的过程;最后近惯性内波会引起波-波相互作用,包括近惯性内波的入射和反射波之间相互作用生成频率两倍于惯性频率的内波,以及近惯性振荡与半日内潮相互作用生成两者频率之和的波动,使近惯性能量发生转移。  相似文献   

基于潮汐-环流耦合的FVCOM数值模式,本文以南海北部全日内潮为例探究了中尺度涡对内潮传播的影响。分析结果表明,暖涡和冷涡分别导致全日内潮向西北和西南方向折射,能通量方向最大变化可达40°;全日内潮能通量大小在子午向呈现反相位变化,在暖涡南部(冷涡北部)边缘显著减小,而在暖涡北部(冷涡南部)边缘明显增大,最大变化幅度达25%;在暖涡南部和冷涡北部,西向背景流导致全日内潮传播相速度分别加快0.7和0.3 m/s,进而引起内潮波峰线向西凸起弯曲。本研究结果对深化理解多尺度背景下的南海北部内波和深海混合时空变化特征具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文利用南海西沙群岛潟湖区29 d的全水深浮标观测资料研究了潟湖区内正压潮和内潮的基本特征,采用深度平均方法分析海流的适用性,并讨论潟湖区内潮的主要来源。深度平均流的动能谱显示全日潮流占主导,其动能占整体海流动能的41%。对比分析深度平均流和Tpxo7.2模式预测的全日、半日潮流的调和常数,两者均表明全日正压潮流受地形调制,主轴方向为西北?东南向,而半日正压潮流主轴方向为东?西向。两种方法得到的全日正压潮流大?小潮存在半个相位(6~7 d)的差异,进一步分析发现全日正压潮和全日内潮潮龄不同,存在部分相互抵消,且全日内潮大潮发生时间在深度上存在差异,推测由于缺少海表和海底的测量数据,导致深度平均方法得到的全日正压潮仍然包含全日内潮信号。调和分析结果表明,全日内潮的动能中相干部分占比高达91%,说明潟湖区的全日内潮是正压潮与局地岛礁地形相互作用产生,而从远场传播而来的可能性很小。  相似文献   

为了研究内波远距离传播过程中的演化规律,本文采用图像测速法(PIV)分别对内波近场和远场的速度场进行测量。实验中同时采用两台CCD相机对实验区域进行拍摄,根据实验结果对内波能量和垂向模态结构进行计算分析。实验结果表明,在近场区域生成的内波主要表现为内波射线结构。内波射线在经过海表面反射后,其能量在空间上出现非对称结构,能量在加强区域较减弱区增加约15%。在远场,内波射线结构不再清晰,内波主要表现为低模态内波结构。内波射线在反射时能量衰减显著,损失约为50%;低模态内波可以离开内波生成源地远距离传播,传播过程中能量损失较小,在远场传播过程中(第一模态内波半波长的距离)能量损失约20%。低模态内波的传播相速度介于垂向第一模态和第二模态相速度之间。  相似文献   

南海是全球内波高发区之一,也是强混合海区。本文利用公开的温盐、流场、风场等数据,结合理论模型分别给出了近惯性内波、内潮、背风波对南海混合的能量贡献及空间分布。三者输入南海的能量之和约为19GW,其中近惯性内波贡献27%;内潮贡献66%;背风波贡献7%。假设这些能量全部在南海耗散为混合提供能量,计算得到南海的平均混合率约为2.8×10~(-3)m~2·s~(-1)。  相似文献   

基于2011年4月至2012年3月南海北部陆坡区潜标观测的高分辨率流速数据,本文研究了海洋上层细尺度流速剪切的时间变化特征及其演变规律。流速剪切的功率谱分析结果显示,南海北部上层的细尺度流速剪切主要受亚惯性运动、近惯性内波、全日内潮和半日内潮四种过程控制。其中,风生近惯性内波和中尺度涡旋所对应的亚惯性运动是造成上层流速剪切时间变化的主要原因,以往研究强调的全日和半日內潮的贡献则相对较弱。进一步分析发现,冬季中尺度暖涡能够极大地增强海洋上层的亚惯性剪切;夏、秋季南海活跃的台风所激发的近惯性内波能够造成近惯性剪切增强。另外,研究还发现,背景涡度对近惯性剪切具有重要的调制作用,即负涡度相较于正涡度更有利于近惯性剪切增强。该研究所揭示的流速剪切的时间变化规律及调控机制对改进海洋混合的参数化方案具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

近惯性内波运动普遍存在于全球大洋中,影响大洋中的质量、动量和能量输送,是大气强迫与海洋混合之间的重要纽带。由于目前海洋深层观测资料的缺乏,对于深层近惯性内波生消演变特征研究甚少。利用2009-2012年的潜标观测资料,采用带通滤波和谱分析方法研究了南海西沙海域深层近惯性内波生成、传播和消亡等演变特征。通过研究发现,南海西沙海域深层存在较强的近惯性振荡,其生成源为台风过境能量输入,绝大部分时段内,近惯性振荡能量在海洋浅层耗散,不向海洋深层传播;仅在少部分时段内,近惯性振荡能量的80%~85%耗散在500 m以浅区域,有大概15%~20%继续向海洋深层传播。  相似文献   

本文在z坐标海洋数值模式HAMSOM中引入了内潮黏性项(Interhal-tide viscosity term),将之运用到吕宋海峡M2内潮的生成与传播过程的数值模拟研究.研究结果表明:(1)在250 m以浅,吕宋海峡产生的M2内潮振幅于温跃层处最大,岛坡附近的内潮明显强于别处,且最大振幅可达到40 m左右;(2)M2内潮的生成源主要集中在伊特巴亚岛西北、巴丹岛西南以及巴布延群岛西北的岛坡;(3)海峡产生的M2内潮向东西2个方向传播.巴丹岛以西的西向能量在吕宋海沟斜向下传播,在到达恒春海脊附近发生反射返回海面,到达海面后再次反射回海底,在此过程中,有高模态的内潮被激发,不同模态间有相消干涉的现象产生.西传的内潮能量分为2支进入南海,产生于巴布延群岛西北的能量分支直接向西南折转进入南海海盆,而产生于伊特巴亚岛和巴丹岛岛坡附近的主要能量则以束状向南海陆架传播,在到达118°E后部分能量折向西南的海盆,其余的能量则沿西北方向传入中国近岸,陆架陆坡地形起着重要的耗散作用.伊特巴亚岛西北有最大的能量产生,向东北传入太平洋.在122°E以东,能量主要以束状向东南传入太平洋.  相似文献   

吐噶喇海峡是西北太平洋重要的内潮产生区域,该区域内产生的内潮对于东海陆架和西北太平洋的混合和物质输运有十分重要的作用。水平分辨率为3km的JCOPE-T(JapanCoastalOcean PredictabilityExperiment—Tides)水动力学模式的结果表明,吐噶喇海峡的内潮主要产生在地形变化剧烈的海山和海岛附近,其引起的等密面起伏振幅可达30m。吐噶喇海峡的内潮在垂直于等深线方向分为两支向外传播:一支向西北方向传播,进入东海陆架后迅速减小;另一支向东南方向传播,进入西北太平洋。吐噶喇海峡潮能丰富,其在约半个月内的平均输入的净正压潮能通量为13.92GW,其中约有3.73GW转化为内潮能量。生成的内潮能量有77.2%在当地耗散,传出的内潮能通量为0.84GW,主要通过西北和东南两个边界传出。该区域潮能通量有显著的大小潮变化,大潮期间输入的正压潮净能通量和产生的内潮能通量均约为小潮期间的2倍,但其主要产生区域基本不变,且内潮能量耗散比率均在产生的内潮通量的76%—79%。另外,内潮能通量的传播方向也没有发生变化,仍主要通过西北和东南两个边界传出。因此,大小潮的变化仅影响吐噶喇海峡处产生的内潮能量的大小,不影响其产生区域、传播方向和耗散比率。  相似文献   

南海东沙岛西南大陆坡内潮特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年4月-10月,在南海东沙岛西南大陆坡底部布放了1套全剖面锚系,同时沿大陆坡底部布放了3套近底锚系,应用谱分析和调和分析方法分析温度和海流连续观测资料,进而研究该海域的内潮特征.结果表明,东沙岛西南大陆坡存在强内潮现象,大陆坡底部温度变化受到内潮波的影响,上层海洋存在强日潮周期的内潮波振动;正压潮和斜压潮均以O...  相似文献   

为了研究非临界纬度上参量次谐频不稳定(parametric subharmonic instability,PSI)过程生成的近惯性波(near-inertial wave,NIW),本文基于国家重点研发项目的 准实时传输深海潜标资料,对内波速度谱、近惯性流速和动能、D2-f(半日频减惯性频)流速和动能、半日内潮流速和...  相似文献   

南海北部东沙岛附近的内潮和余流特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用东沙岛附近的一个长达9个月的锚定潜标的观测资料对南海北部的正压潮、内潮和余流情况进行了分析,得到了当地正压潮和内潮的特征。此处正压潮流以全日潮为主,秋、冬季相对较大,春季相对较小;正压余流受海盆尺度环流和地形的限制,在潜标观测期间的秋、冬、春三季基本以偏西向的正压流为主。内潮同正压潮一样,也以全日分潮为主,潮流椭圆随水深发生旋转,在110—120m附近存在内潮非常弱的一层。斜压余流在2009年2—3月比较异常,这是由于在此其间有一个中尺度涡经过。对此潜标数据采用经验正交函数分解的方法进行分析,发现海流的各个主要EOF模态与内波的垂向模态结构有一定的关联。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡內潮的季节变化特征及其对背景流的响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2008年秋季至2009年夏季共9个月的锚定潜标流速资料,分析了吕宋海峡西南內潮的时空特征.谱分析结果显示,该观测点全日內潮和半日內潮较为显著,尤其体现在顺时针旋转部分.除春季第二模态占优外,全日內潮主在其余三个季节均以第一模态为主,而半日內潮呈现变化的多模态结构.此外,全日內潮的动能具有明显的季节差异,冬季能量最强,夏季紧随其后,而在春、秋两季能量最小.通过分析发现,非相干运动对此季节性特征起主要作用,它反映了內潮与背景场的相互作用.然而,半日內潮却没有显著的季节性差异,而且能量较全日內潮更小,尤其在冬季,只有全日內潮动能的三分之一.同时,半日內潮的不规则变化也是与多变的背景场相关的.半日內潮的非相干部分占到了半日內潮总能量的37%左右,而全日內潮更小一些,只有22.2%.  相似文献   

The effects of tidal currents (i.e., barotropic and internal tides) are important in the biogeochemistry of a coastal shelf sea. The high-frequency of currents and near-bottom temperatures collected in three consecutive southwest monsoon seasons (May, June, July and August of 2013 until 2015) is presented to reveal the role of the tidal currents to the temperature variability in the coastal shelf sea of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia (ECPM), south of the South China Sea (SCS). The results of a spectral density and harmonic analysis demonstrate that the near-bottom temperature variability and the tidal currents are influenced by diurnal (O1 and K1) and semidiurnal (M2) tidal currents. The spectral density of residual currents (detided data) at 5, 10 and 16 m depth also shows significant peaks at the diurnal tidal frequency (K1) and small peaks at the semidiurnal tidal frequency (M2) indicating the existence of internal tides. The result of the horizontal kinetic energy (HKE) shows a strong intermittent energy of internal tides in the ECPM with the strongest energy is found at 16 m depth during a sporadic cooling event in June and July. A high horizontal cross-shore heat flux (16 m) also indicates strong intrusions of cooler water into the ECPM in June and July. During the short duration of cold pulse water observed in June and July, a cross-wavelet analysis also reveals the strong relationship between the near-bottom temperatures and the internal tidal currents at the diurnal tidal frequency. The intrusion of this cooler water is probably related to the monsoon-induced upwelling in June. It is loosely interpreted that the interaction between the strong barotropic tides and the steep slope in the central basin of the SCS under the stratified condition in southwest monsoon has generated these internal tides. The dissipation of internal tides from the slope area probably has driven the cold-upwelled water into the ECPM coastal shelf sea when the upwelling intensity is the highest in June and July.  相似文献   

The evolution of energy, energy flux and modal structure of the internal tides(ITs) in the northeastern South China Sea is examined using the measurements at two moorings along a cross-slope section from the deep continental slope to the shallow continental shelf. The energy of both diurnal and semidiurnal ITs clearly shows a~14-day spring-neap cycle, but their phases lag that of barotropic tides, indicating that ITs are not generated on the continental slope. Observations of internal tidal energy flux suggest that they may be generated at the Luzon Strait and propagate west-northwest to the continental slope in the northwestern SCS. Because the continental slope is critical-supercritical with respect to diurnal ITs, about 4.6 kJ/m~2 of the incident energy and 8.7 kW/m of energy flux of diurnal ITs are reduced from the continental slope to the continental shelf. In contrast, the semidiurnal internal tides enter the shelf because of the sub-critical topography with respect to semidiurnal ITs.From the continental slope to the shelf, the vertical structure of diurnal ITs shows significant variation, with dominant Mode 1 on the deep slope and dominant higher modes on the shelf. On the contrary, the vertical structure of the semidiurnal ITs is stable, with dominant Mode 1.  相似文献   

Based on the moored current and temperature observations during the summer of 2005, the vertical structure of the internal tides on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) is studied. The vertical structure of the internal tides was found to differ greatly between semidiurnal and diurnal constituents. Generally, the diurnal constituents are dominated by the first-mode motions, which are consistent with the overwhelming first-mode signals in the northeastern SCS. In contrast, the semidiurnal internal tides, unlike the predomination of the first-mode variations in the northeastern area, exhibit a higher modal structure with dominate second-mode signals in the observational region. Moreover, although the diurnal internal tides are much stronger than the semidiurnal component, the shear caused by the latter over various scales was found to be significant compared to that induced by the diurnal tides, probably due to the superposition of the first-mode and higher-mode (smaller scale) semidiurnal variations. Further analysis demonstrates that the shear induced by the diurnal internal tides is larger than that induced by the semidiurnal variations around 45 m depth, where the first-mode current reversal in the vertical happens, while below 45 m depth higher-mode semidiurnal internal tides generally produce larger shear than that by the diurnal component. The northwest-propagating semidiurnal internal tides of higher-mode with small vertical scale, probably do not originate from a distant source like Luzon Strait, but were likely generated near the experiment site.  相似文献   

Numerical study of baroclinic tides in Luzon Strait   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The spatial and temporal variations of baroclinic tides in the Luzon Strait (LS) are investigated using a three-dimensional tide model driven by four principal constituents, O1, K1, M2 and S2, individually or together with seasonal mean summer or winter stratifications as the initial field. Barotropic tides propagate predominantly westward from the Pacific Ocean, impinge on two prominent north-south running submarine ridges in LS, and generate strong baroclinic tides propagating into both the South China Sea (SCS) and the Pacific Ocean. Strong baroclinic tides, ∼19 GW for diurnal tides and ∼11 GW for semidiurnal tides, are excited on both the east ridge (70%) and the west ridge (30%). The barotropic to baroclinic energy conversion rate reaches 30% for diurnal tides and ∼20% for semidiurnal tides. Diurnal (O1 and K1) and semidiurnal (M2) baroclinic tides have a comparable depth-integrated energy flux 10–20 kW m−1 emanating from the LS into the SCS and the Pacific basin. The spring-neap averaged, meridionally integrated baroclinic tidal energy flux is ∼7 GW into the SCS and ∼6 GW into the Pacific Ocean, representing one of the strongest baroclinic tidal energy flux regimes in the World Ocean. About 18 GW of baroclinic tidal energy, ∼50% of that generated in the LS, is lost locally, which is more than five times that estimated in the vicinity of the Hawaiian ridge. The strong westward-propagating semidiurnal baroclinic tidal energy flux is likely the energy source for the large-amplitude nonlinear internal waves found in the SCS. The baroclinic tidal energy generation, energy fluxes, and energy dissipation rates in the spring tide are about five times those in the neap tide; while there is no significant seasonal variation of energetics, but the propagation speed of baroclinic tide is about 10% faster in summer than in winter. Within the LS, the average turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate is O(10−7) W kg− 1 and the turbulence diffusivity is O(10−3) m2s−1, a factor of 100 greater than those in the typical open ocean. This strong turbulence mixing induced by the baroclinic tidal energy dissipation exists in the main path of the Kuroshio and is important in mixing the Pacific Ocean, Kuroshio, and the SCS waters.  相似文献   

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