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用合成孔径雷达图像反演浅海水下地形的一种方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海流与海底地形的相互作用导致了海表面的粗糙起伏,从而引起对海面观测的雷达散射截面的变化。在浅海海流速度垂直分布廓线为均匀的假定下,由流体连续性方程和驰豫时间近似下流体力学弱相互作用的理论,已证明雷达散射截面的空间变化正比于海流方向上海流速度变化的梯度。研究了合成孔径雷达(SAR)对海面的观测图像在无槽道信息和海流方向预知条件下,提出用散射系数的二维相关函数确定海流方向。在海流速度和方向已知条件下,推导了由雷达散射截面的空间变化迭推反演浅海水下地形的公式,并研究了航天飞机SIR-CSAR在我香港特区海域的二维图像反演浅海水下地形的应用。  相似文献   

根据星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)浅海水下地形和水深成像机理,建立了浅海水下地形和水深雷达后向散射截面仿真模型.利用该模型模拟并分析了不同地形条件下,浅海水下地形的雷达后向散射截面.分析结果表明,水下地形高度越高,SAR可测量的水深越深;水下地形坡度越大,越易被SAR所观测.水下地形的星载SAR测量还与水下地形的方向有关,与卫星飞行方向平行的水下地形最易被SAR观测,与卫星飞行方向垂直的水下地形最不易被SAR观测.  相似文献   

潮流是水下地形SAR成像的决定性因素之一,潮流的周期性变化使水下地形SAR成像与潮流场有密切的关系,同一水下地形不同时刻SAR影像不同。以台湾浅滩为例,基于5景不同时相的ERS-2 SAR影像和台湾浅滩实测水深数据,开展了水下地形SAR成像与潮流场的相关性分析。为了排除SAR影像自身成像质量对研究的影响,首先对5景SAR影像的成像质量进行评价,然后通过潮汐潮流数值计算确定SAR成像时刻的潮流场以及基于QuikScat散射计数据确定SAR成像时刻的海面风向。在上述基础上开展了SAR影像后向散射系数与实测水深的相关性分析,总结出水下地形SAR成像与潮流场的关系,结果表明,潮流场与水下地形SAR成像密切相关,当潮流流向与水下地形梯度方向一致或接近时,水下地形SAR成像效果最佳;对于同一水下地形,流向相反的两种潮流对应的SAR影像后向散射系数恰好相反,即SAR影像中的明暗条纹不同。相对于潮流流向的顺流与逆流风向的不同对水下地形SAR成像无影响。  相似文献   

潮流是水下地形SAR成像的决定性因素之一,潮流的周期性变化使水下地形SAR成像与潮流场有密切的关系,同一水下地形不同时刻SAR影像不同。以台湾浅滩为例,基于5景不同时相的ERS-2 SAR影像和台湾浅滩实测水深数据,开展了水下地形SAR成像与潮流场的相关性分析。为了排除SAR影像自身成像质量对研究的影响,首先对5景SAR影像的成像质量进行评价,然后通过潮汐潮流数值计算确定SAR成像时刻的潮流场以及基于QuikScat散射计数据确定SAR成像时刻的海面风向。在上述基础上开展了SAR影像后向散射系数与实测水深的相关性分析,总结出水下地形SAR成像与潮流场的关系,结果表明,潮流场与水下地形SAR成像密切相关,当潮流流向与水下地形梯度方向一致或接近时,水下地形SAR成像效果最佳;对于同一水下地形,流向相反的两种潮流对应的SAR影像后向散射系数恰好相反,即SAR影像中的明暗条纹不同。相对于潮流流向的顺流与逆流风向的不同对水下地形SAR成像无影响。  相似文献   

Compared to single-polarization synthetic aperture radar(SAR) data, fully polarimetric SAR data can provide more detailed information of the sea surface, which is important for applications such as shallow sea topography detection. The Gaofen-3 satellite provides abundant polarimetric SAR data for ocean research. In this paper, a shallow sea topography detection method was proposed based on fully polarimetric Gaofen-3 SAR data. This method considers swell patterns and only requires SAR data and ...  相似文献   

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models,i.e.,the pmblem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal watels at at high radar frequency bands(X-band and C-band),the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat-ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed.In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing seme observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient,the dispersion coefficient,the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately.Through simulations of internal tide transfor-mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of intereal wave field are obtained.The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m,but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea(about 20°30'N,114°E)in August.It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation.The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of inter-nal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models, i. e. , the problem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal waters at high radar frequency bands ( X-band and C-band), the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat- ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed. In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing some observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient, the dispersion coefficient, the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately. Through simulations of internal tide transfor- mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of internal wave field are obtained. The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m, but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea (about 20°30'N, 114°E) in August. It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation. The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of internal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   

underwater topography is one of oceanic features detected by Synthetic Aperture Radar. Underwater topography SAR imaging mechanism shows that tidal current is the important factor for underwater topography SAR imaging. Thus under the same wind field condition, SAR images for the same area acquired at different time include different information of the underwater topography. To utilize synchronously SAR images acquired at different time for the underwater topography SAR detection and improve the precision of detection, based on the detection model of underwater topography with single SAR image and the periodicity of tidal current, a detection model of underwater topography with a series of SAR images acquired at different time is developed by combing with tide and tidal current numerical simulation. To testify the feasibility of the presented model, Taiwan Shoal located at the south outlet of Taiwan Strait is selected as study area and three SAR images are used in the underwater topography detection. The detection results are compared with the field observation data of water depth carried out by R/V Dongfanghong 2, and the errors of the detection are compared with those of the single SAR image. All comparisons show that the detection model presented in the paper improves the precision of underwater topography SAR detection, and the presented model is feasible.  相似文献   

船用X波段导航雷达凹波形成的海杂波图像中包含丰富的海浪、海表层流信息.借鉴合成孔径雷达(SAR)估计有效波高的方法,假设有效波高与雷达回波强度信噪比的平方根成线性关系,可由X波段雷达图像估计得到海浪的有效波高.用此方法主要分析小麦岛海域实验数据,结果显示,直流滤波后计算的信噪比估计的有效波高比不进行直流滤波结果符合得好;而按波浪浮标测得有效波高数据的高低,分两段分别进行线性拟合获取校准系数,估测的有效波高更加准确.  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达(SAR)海面场景原始数据仿真是研究海洋动力参数(表面波浪、风矢量和洋流)的有效工具。目前海面场景原始数据仿真方法已经基于逆Omega-K算法实现了海洋运动参数的空间变化。但是目前仅仅讨论了正侧视情况下的海面场景仿真,应用范围有限,同时没有考虑Stokes漂流以及Bragg相速度的影响,而这两者都是存在于真实海面的。通常情况下为了反演得到海面流场的二维速度矢量,雷达需要从两个不同的方位方向观察海面的同一个区域,因此这就需要考虑大斜视的雷达波束,同时Stokes漂流和Bragg相速度是SAR海表面流场观测不容忽视的两种运动。本文在不改变原有正侧视逆Omega-K算法的情况下,通过增加重新计算零方位时刻的斜视波束中心位置坐标,并据此确定SAR原始数据在多普勒域的位置来将其扩展到大斜侧视逆Omega-K算法,并通过时域Stokes漂流公式到频域内离散化Stokes漂流公式的推导来加入Stokes漂流,以及根据Bragg散射机制加入了Bragg相速度。仿真结果表明,经过聚焦成像后的SAR图像很好的体现了真实海面波浪场的形状,同时能够很好地反演出设定的雷达径向流场速度,且流速精度误差控制在6%以内。最后也证明了Bragg相速度以及Stokes漂流对于海面流场的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

海洋微波散射模型相比于以经验统计建立的地球物理模式函数具有不受特定微波频率限制的优势。组合布拉格散射模型和几何光学模型形成了复合雷达后向散射模型。利用南海北部气象浮标2014年海面风速风向实测值作为散射模型输入,分别比较了复合雷达后向散射模型与RADARSAT-2卫星C波段SAR、HY-2A卫星Ku波段微波散射计的海面后向散射系数,偏差分别为(?0.22±1.88) dB (SAR)、(0.33±2.71) dB (散射计VV极化)和(?1.35±2.88) dB (散射计HH极化);以美国浮标数据中心(NDBC)浮标2011年10月1日至2014年9月30日共3年的海面风速、风向实测值作为散射模型输入,分别比较了复合雷达后向散射模型与Jason-2、HY-2A卫星Ku波段高度计海面后向散射系数,偏差分别为(1.01±1.15) dB和(1.12±1.29) dB。中等入射角和垂直入射下的卫星传感器后向散射系数观测值与复合雷达后向散射模型模拟值比较,具有不同的偏差,但具有相同的海面风速检验精度,均方根误差小于1.71 m/s。结果表明,复合雷达后向散射模型可模拟计算星载SAR、散射计和高度计观测条件下的海面雷达后向散射系数,且与CMOD5、NSCAT-2、高度计业务化海面风速反演的地球物理模式函数的计算结果具有一致性;复合雷达后向散射模型可用于微波遥感器的定标与检验、海面雷达后向散射的模拟。  相似文献   

海冰监视监测的关键是提取海冰类型,准确提取海冰类型对于评估海冰冰情、保证航海及海洋作业安全具有重要的意义。利全极化合成孔径雷达影像(SAR)的优势,提取海冰的极化散射特征;在此基础上结合二叉树分类思想,开展极化SAR海冰类型的分类算法研究,提高SAR海冰分类精度;与传统的海冰分类方法相比较,验证了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Determination of sea ice motion using digital SAR imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using digital SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery, high-precision densely sampled maps of ice motion have been derived by tracking ice features to determine the small-scale spatial variability of ice deformation. The digital SAR imagery was processed to remove geometric distortions and located on the Earth to an accuracy of about 100 m utilizing an algorithm based on the spacecraft orbital data and the characteristics of the SAR data collection system, independent of attitude information or ground reference points. Radiometric enhancement of the imagery using a variable linear stretch algorithm was performed to remove a system-related gradient and improve the identification of sea ice features. Using ice features common to an overlapping pair of images, vector plots of ice motion were then produced. Examples of ice motion are shown in the marginal ice zone and in the central ice pack where mean displacements of 15.3 km/day and 5.0 km/day were measured, respectively. Considering errors in Earth location with those in feature identification an overall error of 150-200 m in displacement measurements was estimated. The ice motion vector plots indicate a high degree of spatial deformation, demonstrating the potential value of spaceborne SAR data for production of precision large-scale maps of ice displacement with a spatial resolution of ice deformation on scales much less than 100 km.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSynthetic aperture radar (SAR) is one of theadvanced microwave remote sensors of environmentand resource. It can observe targets in all weathersand all day and night in a multi-band, multi-polari-zation and multi-look angle mode. SAR has bee…  相似文献   

近海海流受多种动力过程及岸线岛屿的作用呈现空间和时间尺度上的复杂变化,而地波雷达由于其探测面积广、时间分辨率高的特点成为研究这些变化的有效手段。本文利用舟山海域多年高频地波雷达资料,通过潮流调和分析、低通滤波和相关性分析对该海域海流潮周期、极端事件、季节、年际尺度的动力过程进行了解译。研究表明,舟山海域属于正规半日潮,潮流运动形式以顺时针旋转流为主,流速大小在空间上为东北方向较大,往西南方向逐渐减小,并在近岸处得到增强。余流的年际变化并不显著,但存在着明显的季节变化,例如冬季为南向流,流速减小,空间分布上近岸较外海大,而夏季与之反向,为北向流,流速较大,空间分布较为均匀。进一步分析了风与余流之间的相关性,在大风期间,风与余流的速度相关系数在0.48~0.90之间,方向相关系数在0.55~0.68之间。极端事件发生时,速度、方向的相关系数分别高达0.92与0.91。总体而言,通过分析高频地波雷达数据能够较好地反映舟山海域海流的时空特征,为海洋灾害监测和污染物、藻华的输运研究提供依据。  相似文献   

X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery of the Goto Islands of Japan was digitally analyzed to extract air-sea interaction parameters and to assess the potential of texture measures in analysis of SAR ocean imagery. Wind direction is extracted from wind rows, wind streaks, and random turbulence patterns observed in the SAR imagery. Sea-state parameters are either extracted directly from the imagery or estimated using the extracted information in previously established empirical formulas. A convenient method of digitally presenting imagery, local power spectra, and the extracted/estimated parameters is presented. Texture analysis based on gray-level co-occurrence (GLC) matrices is applied to SAR ocean imagery. The inertia measure is shown to extract similar information to the power spectrum. The cluster-shade measure is shown to be sensitive to image phase.  相似文献   

全极化合成孔径雷达近岸风场反演研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Coastal winds are strongly influenced by topology and discontinuity between land and sea surfaces. Wind assessment from remote sensing in such a complex area remains a challenge. Space-borne scatterometer does not provide any information about the coastal wind field, as the coarse spatial resolution hampers the radar backscattering. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with a high spatial resolution and all-weather observation abilities has become one of the most important tools for ocean wind retrieval, especially in the coastal area. Conventional methods of wind field retrieval from SAR, however, require wind direction as initial information, such as the wind direction from numerical weather prediction models (NWP), which may not match the time of SAR image acquiring. Fortunately, the polarimetric observations of SAR enable independent wind retrieval from SAR images alone. In order to accurately measure coastal wind fields, this paper proposes a new method of using co-polarization backscattering coefficients from polarimetric SAR observations up to polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients, which are acquired from the conjugate product of co-polarization backscatter and cross-polarization backscatter. Co-polarization backscattering coefficients and polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients are obtained form Radarsat-2 single-look complex (SLC) data.The maximum likelihood estimation is used to gain the initial results followed by the coarse spatial filtering and fine spatial filtering. Wind direction accuracy of the final inversion results is 10.67 with a wind speed accuracy of 0.32 m/s. Unlike previous methods, the methods described in this article utilize the SAR data itself to obtain the wind vectors and do not need external wind directional information. High spatial resolution and high accuracy are the most important features of the method described herein since the use of full polarimetric observations contains more information about the space measured.This article is a useful addition to the work of independent SAR wind retrieval. The experimental results herein show that it is feasible to employ the co-polarimetric backscattering coefficients and the polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients for coastal wind field retrieval.  相似文献   

过杰  孟俊敏  何宜军 《海洋科学》2016,40(2):159-164
合成孔径雷达(SAR)以其高分辨率、能不受雨云影响实施全天时全天候全方位监测,在海面溢油灾害应急监测过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。溢油是因为海面油膜抑制了毛细波和重力波,在SAR图像上呈暗斑而被识别。然而,海面溢油的乳化过程直接影响SAR对海面溢油后向散射截面的观测精度。本研究以物理海洋学和激光原理以及海面电磁散射理论为基础,通过实验利用激光扫描仪观测海面溢油粗糙度,分别与溢油特征参数、后向散射系数建立对应关系;耦合海面溢油参数与后向散射截面的关系,利用电磁散射数值建模方法,建立海面溢油散射模型,研究海面溢油乳化过程对微波后向散射截面的影响。本项目的研究将为SAR监测海面溢油量、溢油厚度及油品分布格局提供了可能;将进一步揭示海面溢油的散射机制,提高SAR海面监测溢油的精度和能力。  相似文献   

GPS反射信号的海洋应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了全球定位导航系统(GPS)的在海面的反射信号在海洋领域的应用,同时建立了利用GPS前向散射信号测量海面粗糙度和海面地形(Topography)的反演算法;海面粗糙度与风速和风向有直接的关系,回波功率的前缘形状及时延与海面地形相关;利用卫星主动雷达和国外机载数据的结果分析比较表明,GPS反射计作为遥感工具有两个优点:即比传统微波主动雷达高的空间分辨率和快速的时间分辨率。  相似文献   

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