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本工作研究了36.5米和50米氮氧饱和暴露对人体二氧化碳通气反应的影响。用重复呼吸法测定了两组共13名健康男性受试者的二氧化碳通气反应。氮氧饱和条件下的氧分压维持在0.30绝对压左右,而测定通气反应时的吸入气中的氧分压是0.98绝对压,二氧化碳分压是0.07绝对压,其余为氮气。此外,还测定了受试者的终末潮气二氧化碳分压。实验结果表明:1.二氧化碳通气反应随压力升高而下降。2.二氧化碳通气反应曲线的截距在不同深度均未见有明显的变化。3.在高压条件下,静息状态的终末潮气二氧化碳分压比常压对照值有明显的增加。高压下的二氧化碳通气反应的下降和终末潮气二氧化碳分压的升高,在减压返回海平面后均能恢复到常压水平。高压下的这些变化,可能是呼吸中枢对二氧化碳敏感性的改变所致,也可能是由于呼吸阻力增加引起的呼吸功增加所致,或是两个因素叠加的结果。  相似文献   

以松树皮(枝)分别与硫酸盐、金属元素等无机流体成分配制样品,置于恒温箱内,采用室内常压、恒温80℃的条件下长时间反应的模拟实验的方法模拟有机质在沉积后和成岩早期的腐变过程。对模拟实验中的样品进行持续观察,观察无机流体成分对油气生成所产生的影响;并对样品分别进行了族组分分离、分析。结果表明:无机流体成分不同,样品的出油情况也不尽相同,而且会对可溶抽提物产生影响。  相似文献   

以乙二胺和氯乙酸为原料,在低温常压下合成乙二胺二乙酸(EDDA),再以EDDA与癸酰氯反应制得N,N’-双癸酰基乙二胺二乙酸钠。采用核磁共振波谱确证了其结构;对产品的临界表面张力、起泡及稳泡能力、乳化能力及润湿渗透性能进行表征。在25℃时,N,N’-双癸酰基乙二胺二乙酸钠溶液的临界表面张力为28.1mN/m,临界胶束浓度为1.6×10-3mol/L。显示出该产品有优良的起泡稳泡性能、乳化性能及润湿渗透性能,是1种优良的表面活性剂。  相似文献   

以乙二胺和氯乙酸为原料,在低温常压下合成乙二胺二乙酸(EDDA),再以EDDA与癸酰氯反应制得N,N'-双癸酰基乙二胺二乙酸钠.采用核磁共振波谱确证了其结构;对产品的临界表面张力、起泡及稳泡能力、乳化能力及润湿渗透性能进行表征.在25℃时,N,N'-双癸酰基乙二胺二乙酸钠溶液的临界表面张力为28.1mN/m,临界胶束浓度为1.6×10-3 mol/L.显示出该产品有优良的起泡稳泡性能、乳化性能及润湿渗透性能,是1种优良的表面活性剂.  相似文献   

带缆单人常压潜水服是潜水装备中的一种,它是具有人体形状的带缆常压潜水系统。操作人员穿着后,能够在海底弯腰、行走、倒退、攀爬阶梯、控制前、后倾姿态和利用简单机械手进行各种作业。由于它是带缆单人,结构比较紧凑,体积小,重量轻,便于运输,在水面母船或钻井平台上占用的甲板面积小,吊放回收设施也较简单,它又是常压,毋需设置庞大的甲板加压舱,后勤支持系统简单,对操作人员的要求不高,成本低,潜水作业效率高,经济效益显著。它是带缆单人间接潜水与无人遥控潜水器两种技术的结合,也是载人自航式潜水器与带缆海底爬行器两种技术的结合,是目前世界上潜水装备中的最新成就之一。本文介绍我国第一代带缆单人常压潜水服本身运动时阻力试验的研究,包括上浮、下沉、前进、后退和侧向阻力的测定。  相似文献   

350m模拟氦氧饱和—370m巡回潜水实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
4名海军潜水员,呼吸氦氧混合气,在饱和居住舱内,经过2.5d,加压到350m饱和深度。在此深度实施了370m的巡回潜水,有效地完成了规定的援潸作业内容。在高气压下,潜水员未出现明显高压神经综合征症状。在350m深度连续生活工作三昼夜后,经14.5d减压,顺利回到常压,潸水员无任何减压病症状,确保了安全。在全过程22d的不同阶段.分别测定了多项医学指标,潸水员反应感觉良好,有较好的适应和作业能力.一系列医学保障措施是有效的、切实可行的。加、减压方案都是安全的。此研究的完成,表明我国已具备了实施350m大深度饱和潜水医学保障的能力。对国防和经济建设将会有一定的军事、社会和经济效益。  相似文献   

平端深海偏顶蛤(Gigantidasplatifrons)是南海台西南冷泉区的典型优势物种,鳃丝上皮细胞内共生大量甲烷氧化菌,通过甲烷有氧氧化合成有机物为共生体系提供物质能量,是平端深海偏顶蛤赖以生存的重要能量来源器官,溶酶体在共生体系的营养互作和稳态维持中可能发挥重要作用,本研究使用电镜技术观测了常压培养过程中(0d,30d,90d)平端深海偏顶蛤共生体系中共生菌和溶酶体的动态变化,通过鳃上皮含菌细胞超显微结构的变化研究常压培养对深海共生体系的影响,并探讨溶酶体在宿主—共生菌营养传递和共生菌群稳态维持中的关键作用。研究发现,在原位状态样品中(0d)共生菌和溶酶体呈极化分布,细胞结构完整清晰;蓄养30d后,含菌细胞出现明显破碎,共生菌数量大幅降低,溶酶体数量、范围和消化程度大幅增加,对细胞顶端的甲烷氧化菌进行分解;而90d后,共生菌在溶酶体的作用下消失殆尽,鳃部有明显细胞脱落后留下的坑洞,细胞呈现空泡状,无法明确区分各种细胞组分。上述结果展示了长期常压蓄养过程中鳃上皮含菌细胞中溶酶体与甲烷氧化菌的动态变化,推测当共生菌丢失后溶酶体也同步降低活跃度,平端深海偏顶蛤在共生互作中通过溶酶体主导消化和调控共生菌。  相似文献   

样品于1992年采自山东广饶盐场,用气相色谱和气质联用等方法对样品进行有机分析。结果表明,盐田表层上(包括藻席)中存在大量的烷烃和芳烃类生物标志物,低Pr/Ph比值(<0.25)反映植烷存在于姥鲛烷之前,大量不饱和化合物的存在显示了有机质演化的初始状态,也反映了表层土的氧化还原性质。不同层位样品中烷烃和芳烃的含量变化很大,同一剖面烷烃含量最大变幅为:1.73×10-5(表层藻垫)至4.10×10-5(表层下3.5-8.5cm土样),说明有机质在常温常压下即开始了演化过程。大量常见生物标志物的存在,说明生物有机质的最初演化是比较容易的。研究生物有机质在常压常温条件下的演化,也许对生物标志物的研究和油气的地质成因有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:考察枸杞西洋参配伍的急性毒性及其增强免疫、降血脂、常压耐缺氧和抗疲劳的作用。方法:采用最大耐受实验考察枸杞西洋参配伍的急性毒性作用;通过碳粒廓清指数法、免疫器官重量法、血脂测定法、常压耐缺氧法和负重游泳法分别检测大鼠的免疫功能,碳粒廓清指数,脾、胸腺指数,血脂[三酰甘油(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、总胆固醇(TC)]以及常压耐缺氧与抗疲劳的相关指标。结果:枸杞西洋参配伍,在最大给药量为54 g/kg(生药量)时,未见小鼠死亡。转移因子组,枸杞西洋参高、中、低剂量组廓清指数、脾指数、胸腺指数与0.9%氯化钠注射液组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。0.9%氯化钠注射液组、辛代他汀组及枸杞西洋参高剂量组的TC、TG、LDL-C、HDL-C,中剂量组的TG、HDL-C,低剂量组的HDL-C,与高脂模型组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。西洋参组,枸杞西洋参高、中、低剂量组存活时间、负重游泳时间,与0.9%氯化钠注射液组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:枸杞西洋参配伍使用的急性毒性较小,具有增强免疫、降血脂、耐缺氧及抗疲劳的作用。  相似文献   

空气潜水,尤其是较大深度的空气潜水应用水面吸氧减压法减压过程中,分别于潜水前、从快速上升开始至回到高压环境下的间隔时间内、潜水后回到常压环境中用多普勒测定血流气泡。测定结果表明对评价和选择所采用的减压方案具有重要的作用。在1986年,我们对11名潜水员取静坐状态下将多普勒超声议探头放在前心区最佳部位测定血流气泡并录音。气泡等级按Spencer方法分级。结果共测定55人次,其分级如下: 从快速上升开始至回到高压环境下的间隔时间内测得Ⅲ级13人次;Ⅱ级19人次;Ⅰ级19人次;0级4人次。存在血流气泡音者51人次,占总人次的97.73%。潜水前和回到常压下均无血流气泡音,无减压病发生。  相似文献   

文中提出合成Thiodicarb的研究结果。拟定了合成Thiodicarb的合理步骤,对影响反应的各种因素进行了系统研究,找到了反应的优宜条件。首次对反应产物作出波谱鉴定。  相似文献   

Otoliths are calcified structures in the head of fish that record environmental information about fish's life history. Gathering the elemental information from the core of an otolith corresponding to the juvenile period of fish's life is critical to discriminate the adult fish to their natal habitats reliably. A high resolution micromill has been used to isolate the otolith core from a whole otolith for elemental analysis. The effects of micromilling procedures (e.g., sectioning, embedding and drilling) on contamination to otolith trace element levels were examined using paired blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) otoliths. Otoliths were decontaminated by dilute hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid throughout to remove surface contamination. A preconcentration procedure was used to determine the trace elements from the small core material by ICP-MS. It was found that micromilling procedures introduce significant contamination to otoliths, especially for Al, Cu, Pb and Zn. The sectioning procedure caused significant contamination for Co and Cu, while the embedding procedure resulted in contamination for nearly all trace elements (Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn). The combined sectioning, embedding and drilling procedure also resulted in contamination for most trace elements. Despite the contamination across all procedural steps, the decontamination procedure effectively removed the surface contamination with the exception of Pb and Zn. Bias (e.g., residual contamination) on Pb was small in comparison to overall concentration of Pb expected to occur in fish otoliths, therefore, its effect may be minor in discriminating individuals. Bias on Zn was larger that could limit its application in discriminating individuals.  相似文献   

A procedure for the four-dimensional (4D) analysis of the hydrophysical fields in the Black Sea with an assimilation of the temperature and salinity (T, S) data was realized on the basis of a numerical model which involves the primitive equations of motion, and the heat and salt advection equations. Two experiments were carried out which differed by the observation data assimilation procedure. Analysis has shown that the observation data assimilation procedure realized using the energy-balanced model allows the reproduction of some synoptic features of the circulation in the Black Sea. A comparison of two computations demonstrates the efficiency of assimilating the measurement data on the basis of the 4D analysis as compared with the sequential objective analysis.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

对黄河三角洲东北部地区的高分辨率水声学资料进行了综合研究。根据所记录的破坏土体变形程度、运动产生的平面形状和地貌特征形态,对土体失稳过程进行分类:浅表土体变形、塌陷凹坑、滑坡和沉积物重力流。结果表明:(1)浅表土体形变的变形程度最低,出现在研究区斜坡上部平滑海底,主要为绳网状泄水构造和表层拉张裂隙。(2)塌陷凹坑在研究区内广泛出现,是局部土体液化后发生了垂直沉降的结果。(3)滑坡多发生在水下斜坡的中上部,由弧形塌陷区、狭窄的冲沟通道和负地形沉积物堆积区组成。滑坡陡坎后缘发现拉张裂隙。(4)沉积物重力流是土体发生变形程度最大,搬运距离最长的土体破坏变形形式。局部区域多次受到沉积物重力流切割和充填作用。  相似文献   

The authors focus on demonstrating a simple design procedure for the Odyssey III autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) flight control system. This procedure can be carried out quickly and routinely to maximize vehicle effectiveness. A hydrodynamic model of the vehicle was first developed from theory and bench-top laboratory tests. Using this initial model, a controller was developed from basic principles. Then, using this initial controller to reach a desired typical operating condition, a very compact set of open-loop maneuvers was performed in the field. The vehicle model was optimized using the Nelder-Mead simplex method, and a revised controller was then implemented and tested successfully.  相似文献   

Abstract. Survival and behaviour of the hermatypic coral Diploria strigosa was studied during 6–24 h doses with water-accomodated fractions of chemically dispersed crude oil, and for a subsequent recovery period of 1 month. Experiments utilized a flow-through laboratory dosing procedure and incorporated petroleum hydrocarbon measurements in order to simulate a major but short-term oil spill in shallow subtidal benthic reef environments. Chemically dispersed oil treatments consisted of Arabian Light Crude oil with Corexit 9527 or BP1100WD at 1–20 ppm concentrations of oil.
In general, effects observed were sub-lethal, temporary, and associated with the highest concentrations tested. Responses to the presence of dispersed oil at 20ppm for 24 h included mesenterial filament extrusion, extreme tissue contraction, tentacle retraction and localized tissue rupture. The nature and severity of reactions during the dosing phase varied between colonies and treatments, but colonies typically resumed normal behaviour within 2 h to 4 d of the recovery period. It therefore seems unlikely that observed biological effects would impair long-term viability.  相似文献   

报道一种以环已烷为溶剂由异丁醛经环化三聚合成2,4,6-三异丙基-1,3,5三氧杂环已烷的方法。与苯作溶剂的方法相比,其优点是产物的收率高、毒性低。同时提出一种异丁醛环化三聚的反应机理。  相似文献   

A modified procedure has been proposed for the colorimetric determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater to improve its precision and accuracy. When a pickled sample is acidified, iodine liberated in the iodometric reaction is measured by direct spectrophotometry at 456 nm. Loss of molecular iodine by volatilization is eliminated by transferring the sample to a flow cuvette without contact with air. The method was calibrated for oxygen by spiking known amounts of potassium iodate. Precision was found at better than 0.2% r.s.d. (full scale). Evaluation of accuracy was made by comparison with calculated oxygen solubilities, which shows a relative bias of no more than 0.5% for oxic waters. The analytical throughput was much faster than that of the standard titration procedure.  相似文献   

More and more littoral surveys are conducted with aerial platform sensor suites that include a hyperspectral pushbroom sensor and a frame camera. However, in some cases, data from auxiliary sensors may contain errors or are not available. For many research groups, a high-accuracy registration of the multi-sensor data relative to each other is essential, while absolute geo-location of each individual measurement is not. A co-registration procedure was developed for pseudo ortho-rectification of the hyperspectral imagery and to remove spatial distortions caused by the aircraft's trajectory during the survey based on a flat-earth assumption. This image-processing approach utilizes the aerial frame imagery as a reference. Each hyperspectral scan line is co-registered into the frame imagery coordinate system. The performance of the procedure was evaluated using hyperspectral imagery collected over northern New Hampshire and southern Maine. The evaluation results showed that the procedure is robust enough to pseudo ortho-rectify hyperspectral imagery over coastal areas and to remove significant spatial distortions.  相似文献   

A procedure is suggested in which a relative calibration for the intensity output of a multibeam echo sounder (MBES) can be performed. This procedure identifies a common survey line (i.e., a standard line), over which acoustic backscatter from the seafloor is collected with multiple MBES systems or by the same system multiple times. A location on the standard line which exhibits temporal stability in its seafloor backscatter response is used to bring the intensity output of the multiple MBES systems to a common reference. This relative calibration procedure has utility for MBES users wishing to generate an aggregate seafloor backscatter mosaic using multiple systems, revisiting an area to detect changes in substrate type, and comparing substrate types in the same general area but with different systems or different system settings. The calibration procedure is demonstrated using three different MBES systems over 3 different years in New Castle, NH, USA.  相似文献   

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