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为进一步了解冲绳海槽浮岩的物理性质和地球化学特征差异,对冲绳海槽中部岩心沉积物S9中的浮岩进行了微观结构和地球化学组成分析。结果显示,冲绳海槽中部存在白色、灰白色及棕色3种浮岩,其中灰白色浮岩又可以根据构造特征分为气孔构造和流动构造浮岩两个亚类。浮岩的地球化学组成表明白色、灰白色及棕色浮岩都是由玄武质岩浆经过充分的分离结晶作用形成的流纹质或流纹英安质火山岩。玄武质岩浆在演化的过程中发生了斜长石、角闪石、辉石、Fe-Ti氧化物、磷灰石等矿物的结晶分离。结合有孔虫14C年龄,认为浮岩是冲绳海槽中部距今13.1 ka左右的长英质火山活动的产物。演化程度相对较低的棕色浮岩具有比白色浮岩高的TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO含量,且棕色浮岩具有相对低的稀土总量和轻稀土总量。根据浮岩的物理性质及地球化学组成差异推测,岩浆的黏度和压力是影响浮岩构造特征的主要因素。黏度大、连续减压的岩浆易于形成具有流动构造和密集气孔的浮岩,黏度小、阶段性减压的岩浆易于形成气孔大而疏松的浮岩。  相似文献   

研究海底热液系统及其岩浆环境,可为了解西太平洋流固界面跨圈层物质与热交换过程,揭示板块俯冲过程的岩浆活动和资源环境效应提供研究支撑。为此,研究了冲绳海槽热液活动的岩浆环境、马努斯海盆的热液柱以及弧后盆地和洋中脊背景下的硫化物与玄武岩的同位素组成,对冲绳海槽热液区附近玄武岩、安山岩、粗安岩、英安岩、流纹岩及其基性岩浆包体进行了岩相学、矿物学以及主量元素、微量元素和同位素组成分析,对马努斯海盆PACMANUS和Desmos热液区的热液柱及海水进行了测量,在海底热液区岩浆混合过程及时间尺度、透视冲绳海槽深部岩浆房及岩浆演化过程和岩浆对热液系统物质贡献研究方面获新进展,揭示了俯冲蛇纹岩对琉球构造带南部岩浆活动的影响,论证了熔体包裹体对弧后盆地岩浆演化的指示,获得了冲绳海槽玄武质岩浆来源新证据,揭示了弧后盆地与洋中脊硫化物和玄武岩中铁、铜、锌的来源及其同位素在硫化物形成和岩浆活动过程中的分馏情况,明确了热液柱的物理、化学空间结构与物质组成特征,以及热液柱的扩散受深度和底流流速的影响,且热液柱扩散过程中溶解铁浓度异常比溶解锰的维持时间更长。未来,发展非传统稳定同位素和挥发份测试技术,进一步了解西太平洋板块俯冲环境下热液活动与岩浆作用的关系,将有助于海底热液系统及其成矿过程研究获得新进展。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽是因菲律宾海板块俯冲于欧亚板块之下,在陆壳上发育起来的一个初始的弧后盆地,是研究弧后扩张作用早期盆地演化、岩浆作用和壳幔过程的天然实验室。尽管迄今对冲绳海槽已经做了大量的调查研究工作,但仍存在一些颇有争议或亟待解决的科学问题,如:冲绳海槽酸性浮岩与基性玄武岩之间的成因联系,冲绳海槽不同区段构造背景对岩浆作用的控制,冲绳海槽岩浆源区地幔的特征,俯冲板块组分(流体+熔体)对地幔楔部分熔融的贡献等。本文在系统收集和整理(剔除了一些存疑数据)了迄今已有冲绳海槽火山岩主量元素、微量元素(包括稀土元素)与Sr-Nd-Pb同位素数据的基础上,通过对资料的系统分析,进一步确认了酸性浮岩与基性玄武岩的岩浆同源性;认为在冲绳海槽北段与中段主要分布有酸性浮岩和中性安山岩,应该是两段区域目前正处于裂谷阶段的反映,而南段广泛分布的基性玄武岩说明在构造性质上已接近成熟性弧后盆地;冲绳海槽的火山岩岩浆源区具有II型富集地幔(EMII型)Dupal异常特征,岩浆源于流行地幔(PREMA)和EMII型地幔端元混合的源区地幔,其中EMII约占比15%,PREMA贡献率在85%左右;源于俯冲的菲律宾海板块(俯冲洋壳或沉积物)的流/熔体的加入是导致冲绳海槽下伏地幔具有EMII型特征的原因,这一点不同于Dupal异常源于壳幔相互作用的观点。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽沉积物的特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
冲绳海槽为半深海沉积环境。根据粒度、钙质生物壳体和浮岩玻屑的含量进行综合分类,共有24种沉积物类型。调查区西南部具有较多的陆源沉积物,东北部具有较多的玻屑和钙质生物壳体,因而构成了各综合类型。 海槽西北坡角闪石、绿帘石、锆石、磷灰石含量高,东南坡紫苏辉石含量高;调查区西南部Na2O/K2O<1,Fe2O3/FeO>1,可能与浊积物有关,东北坡正好与之相反,是偏酸性浮岩玻屑含量较高的体现。 沉积物的来源主要为陆源,次为火山喷发的浮岩玻屑和浮游有孔虫壳体。以海槽两侧而言,海槽西北坡沉积物中陆源物占优势,东南坡的岛源和海底火山物比较明显。  相似文献   

翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆是全球三大洋底高原, 是大量岩浆喷发到地表的结果, 火山面积分别达1.90×106、1.25×106、0.53×106km2。本文详细分析了该三大洋底高原的地形、剩余地幔布格重力异常(residual mantle Bouguer anomaly, RMBA)与重力反演的相对地壳厚度, 并结合地质与地球化学特征约束进行对比研究。结果显示, 翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆分别高出周围海底约4.3、5、4km, 相应的地幔布格重力异常最大变化值分别为250、330、200mGal, 以及相应的相对地壳厚度变化分别为11、13、9km, 表明形成三大洋底高原的岩浆量远远大于正常洋中脊的岩浆量。此外, 三大洋底高原皆形成于洋中脊附近。Nd、Pb、Hf同位素比值分析表明, 翁通爪哇高原的玄武岩组分为洋岛玄武岩; 凯尔盖朗高原大部分类似于洋岛玄武岩, 并含有洋中脊玄武岩组分; 沙茨基海隆的玄武岩组分主要为东太平洋海隆正常洋中脊玄武岩, 却又存在少量位于全球洋岛玄武岩范围内。这些特征揭示了三大洋底高原可能形成于“地幔柱-洋中脊相互作用”。对此本文提出了两种模式: 一为洋中脊被地幔柱拖拽至其上方; 二为洋中脊之下的软流圈受到地幔柱影响, 从而产生超常熔融与超厚地壳。  相似文献   

叶瑛  陈志飞  黄霞  杨灿军  陈鹰 《海洋学报》2008,30(3):165-169
洋中脊热液流体供养了特殊的生物群落.热液扩散流中的生物群从流体中汲取基本代谢组分(如H2S,CH4,CO2,O2等),将它们供给共生菌,通过共生菌将它们转化成机体能够利用的有机质[1-2].热液中的硫化氢一方面提供营养给化学自养菌,另一方面对许多海底生物又具有毒性[3-4],因此热液中溶解硫化氢的浓度是制约生物群空间分布和组合特征的重要因素[5-8].  相似文献   

冲绳海槽早期扩张作用中岩浆活动的演化   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
不同于其他典型的弧后扩张型盆地,在冲绳海槽内广泛分布着酸性的火山岩──浮岩,本文对具有代表性的柱状岩心进行了系统的矿物学和岩石化学分析,讨论了冲绳海槽在早期扩张作用中岩浆活动的性质及其演化.结果表明,浮岩岩浆来源于地幔,但经历了结晶分异和地壳物质混染两个过程.冲绳海槽的岩浆活动有自酸性向基性演化的趋势,随着海槽的进一步扩张,岩浆活动会加剧,海槽地壳将由过渡型向大洋型发展.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽黑色与白色浮岩特征及其对岩浆演化的指示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了认识黑色与白色浮岩的岩石特征及成因,使用人工重砂、元素地球化学等分析技术,研究冲绳海槽两类浮岩中元素及矿物组成特征。研究显示,冲绳海槽黑色和白色浮岩具有相似全岩化学组成,都落入流纹岩区,稀土配分曲线明显呈右倾,具负Eu异常,富集不相容元素,岩石物理性质差别是导致其颜色差异的主要因素。两类浮岩岩石学特征的不同主要体现在:(1)白色浮岩锆石和辉石都具有两种类型,黑色浮岩仅具有其中一种;(2)黑色浮岩中发育钛铁矿、钛磁铁矿与基质构成的珠状构造,且基质玻璃中密集分布磁铁矿雏晶,而白色浮岩不具备上述岩石学特征。综合分析海槽两类浮岩岩石学特征所蕴含的岩浆演化信息,推测两类浮岩具有相同的玄武质岩浆源区,富挥发组分的玄武质母岩浆上升进入地壳,形成初级岩浆房,房内结晶分异后残留的酸性岩浆,沿海槽构造薄弱带向上运移,岩浆运移过程中有少部分进入分支断裂系统形成次级岩浆房,期间初级岩浆房接受多次基性岩浆注入;初级和次级岩浆房中的酸性岩浆分别独立喷出海底,前者形成白色浮岩,后者形成黑色浮岩。此外,演化过程中岩浆性质逐渐由氧化性向还原性转变。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽断裂、岩浆构造活动和洋壳化进程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
讨论了冲绳海槽断裂、岩浆构造活动特征和它们之间的关系,认为雁行排列的地堑斜交于陆架外缘隆起带,海槽北段断块隆脊、龙王构造带和海槽南段"棉花构造带"可能保留了海槽各幕断陷前的火山岩浆活动特征,而现在活动的吐噶喇火山岛弧可沿海槽南段岛坡追踪到台湾。吕宋岛向台湾的碰撞挤压引起的旋张活动加强了海槽南段的地壳拉张,诱发了地堑内火山岩浆活动,在洋壳化进程中起关键作用,其中最典型的八重山地堑已经形成洋壳。断裂和岩浆活动主要是单向地向岛弧侧迁移,由洋中脊扩张产生的对称条带状磁异常模式难以解释冲绳海槽的洋壳化进程。  相似文献   

对采自太平洋洋中脊(277组)、印度洋洋中脊(159组)、马里亚纳海槽(53组)、马里亚纳岛弧(39组)、中南劳海盆(72组)共600组玄武岩数据进行了独立成分分析,从Sr-Nd-Pb五维同位素比值空间提取出占样本方差99%的3个独立成分(IC1,IC2,IC3),并利用这3个独立成分(ICs)与微量元素比值之间的相关性来讨论独立成分的起源。分析结果表明:IC1可以将马里亚纳海槽玄武岩与太平洋洋中脊及马里亚纳岛弧玄武岩区分,并且IC1值与(La/Sm)N比值呈正相关。IC2可以将马里亚纳海槽和马里亚纳岛弧玄武岩区分,而且IC2值与Ba/Th比值呈正相关;IC3可以将弧后盆地和洋中脊玄武岩区分,同时IC3值与Th/Nb呈负相关。分析独立成分的统计特征和微量元素比值特征可知,IC1与印度洋型MORB地幔的富集组分相关,IC2与太平洋板块俯冲产生的含水流体相关,IC3与再循环俯冲沉积物熔体相关。根据ICs地理分布特点,我们认为:1)马里亚纳海槽北部比南部受到更多印度洋型MORB地幔富集组分的影响,表明印度洋型MORB地幔可能从北部置换太平洋型MORB地幔;2)海槽北部地幔源区则是受到再循环沉积物熔体的影响较大,而中部和南部地幔源区可能受到更多俯冲流体的影响。  相似文献   

白垩纪以来太平洋上地幔组成和温度变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The geological evolution of the Earth during the mid-Cretaceous were shown to be anomalous, e.g., the pause of the geomagnetic field, the global sea level rise, and increased intra-plate volcanic activities, which could be attributed to deep mantle processes. As the anomalous volcanic activities occurred mainly in the Cretaceous Pacific, here we use basalt chemical compositions from the oceanic drilling(DSDP/ODP/IODP) sites to investigate their mantle sources and melting conditions. Based on locations relative to the Pacific plateaus, we classified these sites as oceanic plateau basalts, normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, and near-plateau seafloor basalts. This study shows that those normal mid-ocean ridge basalts formed during mid-Cretaceous are broadly similar in average Na8, La/Sm and Sm/Yb ratios and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions to modern Pacific spreading ridge(the East Pacific Rise). The Ontong Java plateau(125–90 Ma) basalts have distinctly lower Na8 and143Nd/144 Nd, and higher La/Sm and 87Sr/86 Sr than normal seafloor basalts, whereas those for the near-plateau seafloor basalts are similar to the plateau basalts, indicating influences from the Ontong Java mantle source. The super mantle plume activity that might have formed the Ontong Java plateau influenced the mantle source of the simultaneously formed large areas of seafloor basalts. Based on the chemical data from normal seafloor basalts, I propose that the mantle compositions and melting conditions of the normal mid-ocean ridges during the Cretaceous are similar to the fast spreading East Pacific Rise. Slight variations of mid-Cretaceous normal seafloor basalts in melting conditions could be related to the local mantle source and spreading rate.  相似文献   

This study performed a detailed geochemical analyses of the components, stable carbon isotopes of alkane gas and CO2, stable hydrogen isotopes of alkane gas and helium isotopes of reproducing gas from the largest tight gas field (Sulige) and shale gas (Fuling) field in China. The comparative study shows that tight gas from the Sulige gas field in the Ordos Basin is of coal-derived origin, which is characterized by a positive carbon and hydrogen isotopic distribution pattern (δ13C1 > δ13C2 > δ13C3 > δ13C4; δ2H1 > δ2H2 > δ2H3), i.e., the carbon and hydrogen isotopes increase with increasing carbon numbers. Carbon dioxide from this field are of biogenic origin and the helium is crust-derived. Shale gas from the Fuling shale gas field belongs to oil-derived gas which has complete carbon and hydrogen isotopic reversal of secondary alteration origin (δ13C1 < δ13C2 < δ13C3; δ2H1 < δ2H2 < δ2H3), i.e., the carbon and hydrogen isotopes decrease with increasing carbon numbers. Such complete isotopic reversal distribution pattern is due to the secondary alteration like oil or gas cracking, diffusion and so on under high temperature. In that case, positive carbon or hydrogen isotopic distribution pattern will change into complete isotopic reversal as the temperature increases. Carbon dioxide is of abiogenic origin resulting from the thermal metamorphism of carbonates and helium is crust-derived.  相似文献   

印度洋Carlsberg洋脊玄武岩岩石地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对采自印度洋Carlsberg脊14个站位的新鲜玄武岩样品进行了常量和微量元素组成分析,旨在研究岩浆源区地幔的性质以及岩浆作用过程。研究结果表明:该区玄武岩为典型的源于亏损型地幔的大洋中脊玄武岩,不同样品经历了不同程度的结晶分异作用,演化过程主要受控于橄榄石的结晶分异作用,部分样品中有单斜辉石结晶分异作用的影响,斜长石的结晶分异作用不显著;玄武岩岩浆来源于亏损型尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔的熔融,主微量元素组成中尚未见到富集型组分混入的证据;源区地幔不同比例的熔融作用及其后岩浆演化过程的差异是造成不同样品间地球化学性质差异的主要原因,彼此独立的局部岩浆作用过程是岩浆作用差异的主控制因素。Carlsberg脊玄武岩整体与全球标准大洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)平均组分相近,不同脊段间岩浆源区地幔的组成、熔融程度(比例)和熔融深度等无明显差异,这种特征向南直到CIR的北段。  相似文献   

Significant offshore asphaltic deposits with active seepage occur in the Santa Barbara Channel offshore southern California. The composition and isotopic signatures of gases sampled from the oil and gas seeps reveal that the coexisting oil in the shallow subsurface is anaerobically biodegraded, generating CO2 with secondary CH4 production. Biomineralization can result in the consumption of as much as 60% by weight of the original oil, with 13C enrichment of CO2. Analyses of gas emitted from asphaltic accumulations or seeps on the seafloor indicate up to 11% CO2 with 13C enrichment reaching +24.8‰. Methane concentrations range from less than 30% up to 98% with isotopic compositions of –34.9 to –66.1‰. Higher molecular weight hydrocarbon gases are present in strongly varying concentrations reflecting both oil-associated gas and biodegradation; propane is preferentially biodegraded, resulting in an enriched 13C isotopic composition as enriched as –19.5‰. Assuming the 132 million barrels of asphaltic residues on the seafloor represent ~40% of the original oil volume and mass, the estimated gas generated is 5.0×1010 kg (~76×109 m3) CH4 and/or 1.4×1011 kg CO2 over the lifetime of seepage needed to produce the volume of these deposits. Geologic relationships and oil weathering inferences suggest the deposits are of early Holocene age or even younger. Assuming an age of ~1,000 years, annual fluxes are on the order of 5.0×107 kg (~76×106 m3) and/or 1.4×108 kg for CH4 and CO2, respectively. The daily volumetric emission rate (2.1×105 m3) is comparable to current CH4 emission from Coal Oil Point seeps (1.5×105 m3/day), and may be a significant source of both CH4 and CO2 to the atmosphere provided that the gas can be transported through the water column.  相似文献   

CO2是引起全球气候变暖的最重要温室气体。大气中过量CO2被海水吸收后将改变海水中碳酸盐体系的组成,造成海水酸化,危害海洋生态环境。本文采用局部近似回归法对2013年12月—2014年11月期间西沙海洋大气CO2浓度连续监测数据进行筛分,得到西沙大气CO2区域本底浓度。结果表明,西沙大气CO2区域浓度具有明显的日变化和季节变化特征。4个季节西沙大气CO2区域本底浓度日变化均表现为白天低、夜晚高,最高值405.39×10-6(体积比),最低值399.12×10-6(体积比)。西沙大气CO2区域本底浓度季节变化特征表现为春季和冬季高,夏季和秋季低。CO2月平均浓度最高值出现在2013年12月,为406.22×10-6(体积比),最低值出现在2014年9月,为398.68×10-6(体积比)。西沙大气CO2区域本底浓度日变化主要受本区域日照和温度控制。季节变化主要控制因素是南海季风和大气环流,南海尤其是北部海域初级生产力变化和海洋对大气CO2的源/汇调节作用。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTherehavebeenmanystudiesandcomputationsonVToftheKuroshiointheEastChinaThisprojectwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49476278.Asanditsvacation.Forexample,(1)basedonhydrographicobservationsatactionG(PN)f...  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):1-14
We succeeded in determining the Ce isotopic composition (138Ce/142Ce) in seawater with an error of 2σm = 0.3–0.7 of ε unit. In this study, 1000–3000 L of seawater samples were passed through MnO2 fibers to concentrate Ce and Nd for precise measurement of their isotope ratios. Four surface seawater samples of the northwestern Pacific and a coastal sample in Tokyo Bay were analyzed. Most Ce isotope ratios in the surface water showed positive εCe values (+ 0.8 to + 1.4) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. These values indicate that Ce in the surface water originates from the continental crust preferentially over mantle-derived materials. We examined binary mixing model between the continental crust and mid-ocean ridge basalt. However the model could not explain both isotopic compositions and concentrations, which implies that the atmospheric input was a possible pathway for Ce into the ocean. A negative εCe value was observed in Tokyo Bay, suggesting mantle-derived sources.  相似文献   

王晓杰  肖潇  李超  岳娜 《海洋学报》2015,37(12):116-122
本文在实验室模拟近期海洋酸化水平,对海洋酸化对海水青鳉鱼(Oryzia melastigma)胚胎骨骼发育的影响进行了初步研究。实验中,通过往实验水体中充入一定浓度CO2气体酸化海水。对照组CO2分压为450×10-6,两个处理组CO2浓度分别为1 160×10-6和1 783×10-6,对应的水体pH值分别为8.14,7.85和7.67。将海水青鳉鱼受精卵放入实验水体中至仔鱼孵化出膜,对初孵仔鱼经骨骼染色、显微拍照,挑取了仔鱼头部、躯干及尾部骨骼染色清晰的28个骨骼参数的长度进行了显微软件测量及数据统计分析。结果发现,酸化处理对实验鱼所测量的骨骼长度影响均不显著。因此推测,未来100~200年间海洋酸化对海水青鳉鱼的胚胎及初孵仔鱼的骨骼发育没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Gas occurrences consisting of carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and hydrocarbon (HC) gases and oil within the Dodan Field in southeastern Turkey are located in Cretaceous carbonate reservoir rocks in the Garzan and Mardin Formations. The aim of this study was to determine gas composition and to define the origin of gases in Dodan Field. For this purpose, gas samples were analyzed for their molecular and isotopic composition. The isotopic composition of CO2, with values of −1.5‰ and −2.8‰, suggested abiogenic origin from limestone. δ34S values of H2S ranged from +11.9 to +13.4‰. H2S is most likely formed from thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) and bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) within the Bakuk Formation. The Bakuk Formation is composed of a dolomite dominated carbonate succession also containing anhydrite. TSR may occur within an evaporitic environment at temperatures of approximately 120–145 °C. Basin modeling revealed that these temperatures were reached within the Bakuk Formation at 10 Ma. Furthermore, sulfate reducing bacteria were found in oil–water phase samples from Dodan Field. As a result, the H2S in Dodan Field can be considered to have formed by BSR and TSR.As indicated by their isotopic composition, HC gases are of thermogenic origin and were generated within the Upper Permian Kas and Gomaniibrik Formations. As indicated by the heavier isotopic composition of methane and ethane, HC gases were later altered by TSR. Based on our results, the Dodan gas field may have formed as a result of the interaction of the following processes during the last 7–8 Ma: 1) thermogenic gas generation in Permian source rocks, 2) the formation of thrust faults, 3) the lateral-up dip migration of HC-gases due to thrust faults from the Kas Formation into the Bakuk Formation, 4) the formation of H2S and CO2 by TSR within the Bakuk Formation, 5) the vertical migration of gases into reservoirs through the thrust fault, and 6) lateral-up dip migration within reservoir rocks toward the Dodan structure.  相似文献   

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