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海浪破碎对海洋上混合层中湍能量收支的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
海浪破碎产生一向下输入的湍动能通量,在近海表处形成一湍流生成明显增加的次层,加强了海洋上混合层中的湍流垂向混合。为了研究海浪破碎对混合层中湍能量收支的影响,文中分析了海浪破碎对海洋上混合层中湍流生成的影响机制,采用垂向一维湍封闭混合模式,通过改变湍动能方程的上边界条件,引入了海浪破碎产生的湍动能通量,并分别对不同风速下海浪破碎的影响进行了数值研究,分析了混合层中湍能量收支的变化。当考虑海浪破碎影响时,近海表次层中的垂直扩散项和耗散项都有显著的增加,该次层中被耗散的湍动能占整个混合层中耗散的总的湍能量的92.0%,比无海浪破碎影响的结果增加了近1倍;由于平均流场切变减小,混合层中的湍流剪切生成减小了3.5%,形成一种存在于湍动能的耗散和垂直扩散之间的局部平衡关系。在该次层以下,局部平衡关系与壁层定律的结论一致,即湍动能的剪切生成与耗散相平衡。研究结果表明,海浪破碎在海表产生的湍动能通量影响了海洋上混合层中的各项湍能量收支间的局部平衡关系。  相似文献   

利用2010年4月3日在舟山外海观测的25hLADCP海流数据与CTD连续观测数据,综合利用Thorpe方法、功率谱分析、交叉谱分析等方法对测站所在海域的小尺度湍混合参数进行估计,分析并讨论了其时空分布特征及影响因子。研究结果表明,上混合层湍流所致的垂向翻转尺度普遍大于下混合层,较大尺度翻转均出现在潮位峰值附近,涨潮时段混合明显大于落潮时段且半日周期,1/4周期显著。该站点存在明显的"上强下弱"双密度跃层现象,湍动能耗散率、湍混合率也呈现出"表强底弱"特征。弱跃层中近惯性频率的内波和近半日潮频率的内潮信号最为显著,而强跃层中则是高频内波和近半日潮频率的内潮信号明显,上下跃层及其之间伴有间歇性强湍流发生。上混合层平均的湍混合对风应力的响应要快于对海流的响应,底应力是下混合层水体湍混合的重要因子。  相似文献   

利用2019年7月在长江口科学考察实验研究夏季航段(NORC2019-03-02)中获得的MSS90L湍流剖面仪的直接观测数据,本文计算并分析了该断面的湍动能耗散率ε和垂向湍扩散系数KZ的分布情况。湍动能耗散率的大小为1.72×10?10~2.95×10?5 W/kg;垂向湍扩散系数的大小为3.24×10?7~4.55×10?2 m2/s。湍动能耗散率和垂向湍扩散系数的分布相似,均为上层最强,底层次之,中层最弱。上层由于风应力的作用,使得湍动能耗散率和垂向湍扩散系数较大;温跃层处层化较强,抑制了湍动能的耗散和垂向上的湍混合。盐度锋面的次级环流会促使低盐水团脱离,锋面引起的垂向环流会加强海洋的湍混合。低盐水团与外界的能量交换较少,湍动能耗散率较弱。长江口海区存在明显的上升流和下降流,它们是由锋面的次级环流产生的;上升流和下降流的存在促进湍动能的耗散与湍混合。  相似文献   

本文将波生运动和波湍相互作作用的参数化方案嵌入一维垂向混合模式GOTM中,并与不考虑波浪效应以及仅考虑波浪破碎的试验结果进行对比,发现不考虑波浪效应时,海表温度模拟结果偏高,混合层深度模拟结果偏浅,偏差在夏季尤其明显。波浪破碎对湍流的增强作用仅限于上层几米甚至仅限于表层,对整个混合层的温度分布和混合层深度影响不大。波生运动和波湍相互作用则有效增强海洋上层的湍流强度,改善模式高估海表温度而低估混合层深度的问题,温度分布模拟结果降低了上层温度同时增大了次表层温度,与观测更加相符。波生运动和波湍相互作用增大了海洋上层的湍流剪切生成项、湍动能、耗散率和湍流输运系数,两者对上混合层的温度分布、湍流强度和湍流输运作用的改善结果十分相似。波生运动和波湍相互作用的影响在冬季并不明显,此时可能有其他混合机制占主导地位。  相似文献   

利用2017年9月在渤海共享航次中取得的湍流混合直接观测数据,本文研究了渤海海域湍流混合的空间分布特征及有关的影响因素。9月观测海区水体垂向层结较弱,莱州湾受黄河冲淡水影响出现高温低盐结构,位于渤海中央浅滩南北两侧洼地的双中心冷水结构依旧存在。湍流观测结果表明湍动能耗散率在10~(-9)~10~(-5)W/kg之间变化,统计上满足对数正态分布。耗散率强值区出现在辽东湾及渤海湾湾口近岸处,相应的垂向湍扩散系数约为10~(-6)~10~(-2)m~2/s。垂向上,水体表、底层混合较强,进一步研究发现弱层化水体的平均湍动能耗散率〈ε〉与风速和正压潮流速的大小存在正相关关系。另一方面,耗散率ε与浮性频率N近似满足ε=2.0×10~(-8)+3.0×10~(-7)(N~2/N_0~2)~(-5)的拟合函数关系,反映了层化对水体垂向混合的抑制作用。  相似文献   

采用POMgcs(Princeton Ocean Model with generalized coordinate system)和MITgcm(MIT General Circulation Model)两个海洋数值模式,研究了M-Y2.0、基于固壁近似假定的M-Y2.5、基于波浪破碎作用的M-Y2.5和KPP 4种垂向混合参数化方案对模拟黄海夏季上层温度结构的影响。结果表明,M-Y2.0和基于固壁近似假定的M-Y2.5方案低估了黄海上层的湍动能,模拟的黄海夏季温度上混合层的效果与实测相比均偏浅,不能够很好地重构黄海夏季温度的垂直结构。而基于波浪破碎作用的M-Y2.5和KPP方案均可以增加海洋上层湍动能的输入量,模拟的黄海夏季温度上混合层的效果与实测较为一致。故推测黄海夏季的上层结构是受波浪混合和流场剪切等物理机制共同调节的,若通过合理的垂向混合参数化方案将这些物理机制的作用加以体现,将会较真实地模拟和重构出黄海夏季海温上层结构。  相似文献   

本文通过理想化的外部强迫以及海洋站点实测数据驱动普林斯顿海洋模式来研究海洋热力学效应和斯托克斯漂流对上混合层数值模拟的影响。在Mellor-Yamada湍流闭合方案中,经常出现夏季海表面温度偏暖和混合层深度偏浅的模拟误差。实验表明,斯托克斯漂流在冬季和夏季均能增强湍流动能,加深混合层深度。这种效应可以改善夏季的模拟结果,但与观测数据相比,将增大冬季混合层深度的模拟误差。斯托克斯漂流可以通过增强湍动能来加深混合层深度。结果表明,将斯托克斯漂流与冷皮层和暖层对上部混合层的热效应相结合,可以正确地模拟混合层深度。在夏季,海洋冷皮层和暖层通过“阻挡结构”和双温跃层结构模拟出更真实的上混合层变化。在冬季,海洋热力学效应通过增强上层海洋层结平衡了斯托克斯漂流的影响,并且由斯托克斯漂流引起的过度混合被校正。  相似文献   

南海中部上层海洋湍流混合的空间分布特征及参数化模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对2010年5月南海16°N和14.5°N断面的湍流微结构剖面观测资料分析,给出了南海海盆上层湍流混合空间分布特征:在16°N断面上,上层10~400m垂向平均湍动能耗散率ερ在东侧略大于西侧;相反,在14.5°N断面上,西侧ερ均值约是东侧ερ的4倍,其中,西侧110.5°~111°E的ερ的平均值为2.6×10-6 W/m3,东侧118.5°E的ερ仅为5.89×10-7 W/m3。通过分析细结构剪切和湍流混合的相关性,发现剪切是南海中部上层强湍流混合的主要驱动力,揭示了高模态内波破碎可能是湍流混合的主要机制。另外,研究了大洋中的3种参数化模型,发现适用于大洋近海的参数化MacKinnon-Gregg(MG)模型能较好地用浮频和剪切估算南海中部深海区上层湍流耗散率。  相似文献   

黄海西部海洋湍流的季节变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2006—2007年开展的"中国近海海洋综合调查与评价"项目中,作者利用自由下降湍流剖面仪MSS60在南黄海海区分别进行了夏、冬、秋季三个航次的微尺度湍流观测,并计算分析了该海区的湍动能耗散系数ε,湍扩散系数κ等。通过与温度、流速分布图对比,结果表明三个季节的湍流混合趋势大体一致。在沿岸浅水区,混合作用比较强烈。而深水区湍流混合的垂直分布明显地表现出三层结构,混合较强的上混合层和底混合层,及相对较弱的中层。风混合和潮混合是黄海湍流混合的主要形式。风的影响主要表现在海洋上层,潮流的影响则表现于底层。  相似文献   

湍流扩散过程导致的硝酸盐垂向输运对海水表层的浮游植物生长和初级生产力的大小有着重要影响。本文基于2018年夏季黄、东海水文环境、硝酸盐浓度和湍动能耗散率的同步、原位数据,分析了海域温度、盐度和硝酸盐的空间分布特征,结果表明营养盐含量丰富的黄海冷水团、长江冲淡水、东海北部底层混合水与黑潮次表层水是影响研究海域硝酸盐分布的主要水团。利用垂向湍扩散硝酸盐通量公式,计算了三个选定断面上的硝酸盐垂向扩散通量,其高值区与湍流扩散系数的高值区的位置基本一致。针对存在明显硝酸盐跃层的站位,计算得到跨硝酸盐跃层的垂向通量FND的范围在-9.78—36.60mmol/(m2·d)之间,在黄海冷水团区,夏季温跃层限制了该区营养盐向近表层的湍流垂向扩散;东海北部底层混合水区,湍流垂向扩散向上层补充了大量硝酸盐,促进了跃层之上浮游植物的生长;黑潮次表层水影响海区,夏季中层水体混合较弱,跨跃层的垂向通量也普遍偏低。开展硝酸盐垂向扩散通量的计算与分析,对进一步明确营养盐的输运机制有着重要研究意义。  相似文献   

Microstructure observations in the upper layer of the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A general pattern for turbulent mixing in the upper layer of the South China Sea (SCS) is presented based on TurboMAP measurements in April and May 2010. The turbulence level decreased significantly overall from north to south, and weakened from east to west in the northern SCS. The average dissipation rate north of 18°N reaches 1.69 × 10?8 W/kg, approximately six times larger than that south of 18°N. The mean mixing efficiency in the SCS is 0.2, with a maximum of 0.31 near the Luzon Strait. At one repeatedly occupied station located in the central deep basin, the dissipation rate varies diurnally in the mixed layer and pycnocline due to diurnal heating and cooling by solar radiation and local barotropic tide, respectively.  相似文献   

南海是存在强湍流混合的边缘海之一, 但前人对南海湍流混合的研究更多关注的是中上层, 对底层则鲜有关注。本文基于高分辨率温度传感器于2019年5月在南海东北部22个站位海底上方0.5m处持续观测4.4d的温度数据, 分析了2216~3200m深度范围内底层海水温度的时间变化特征, 并探讨了地形粗糙度和内潮对底层湍流混合的影响。分析结果表明, 南海东北部各站位底层海水的温度变化量级约为10-4~10-3℃; 温度变化趋势与正压潮变化趋势不同, 温度能谱显示多数站位在全日和半日频带区间出现谱峰, 温度变化更多地受斜压潮影响, 全日、半日内潮起主要调制作用。陆坡-深海盆过渡区及深海盆底层的湍动能耗散率量级为10-10~10-9m2∙s-3, 涡扩散系数量级为10-4~10-3m2∙s-1。观测数据未能显示底层湍流混合与地形粗糙度存在明显的相关性。底层湍流混合的空间分布与过去观测到的南海北部深海盆内潮的南北不对称性分布一致。  相似文献   

An analysis of the data of measurements of the fine structure and microstructure fluctuations of hydrophysical fields in the upper 200-m layer of the Black Sea carried out using CTD profilers and a Baklan free falling microstructure and turbulence profiler revealed the existence of a positive correlation between the intensity of the fine structure and microstructure fluctuations and the dynamics of the currents. On the other hand, the level of the fine structure and microstructure fluctuations reflects the rate of the vertical turbulent exchange. It was shown that, in the case of the absence of the Black Sea Rim Current (BSRC) jet or clearly manifested mesoscale eddy structures, the vertical turbulent exchange in the pycnocline is weak, while, in the opposite case, it is stronger. The results obtained support the supposition that the interbasin dynamics play an important role in the maintenance of the rate of small-scale mixing in the pycnocline and halocline and provide the vertical transport of dissolved oxygen from the cold intermediate layer into the deeper layers of the sea.  相似文献   

垂直分辨率对长江口海域M2分潮模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于EFDC(Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code)模式建立了长江口及其邻近海域的三维水动力学模型, 研究模型的垂直分辨率对该海域M2分潮模拟的影响。结果表明:垂直分辨率的变化对M2分潮传播方向的模拟结果影响较小, 但其可通过底摩擦和湍流耗散两个计算过程来影响潮能通量的模拟结果, 最终对长江口和杭州湾内的M2分潮振幅产生显著的影响。最底层厚度较大时, 上层自由水体的高流速特征在最底层过于明显, 进而导致计算的底摩擦应力偏高, 此时提高底层的垂直分辨率会降低底摩擦对能量的耗散。另一方面, 垂直湍流混合作用会随垂直分辨率的增加而增强, 所以垂直分辨率增加到一定程度后, 上层自由水体的高流速会经由增强的湍流混合而更多的传入底层, 使计算的底摩擦应力随垂直分辨率的提高而有重新增加的趋势, 进而又增强底摩擦对潮能的耗散。  相似文献   

Observations of turbulence, stratification, and mean current were made using a microstructure profiler and an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) during four cruises at a central location in the Ariake Sea, under weakly and strongly stratified conditions. Continuous measurements of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), ε, were made. These revealed that frictional bed turbulence with quarterdiurnal variation in the bottom boundary layer (BBL) was one of the most energetic sources of vertical mixing in the sea. Thickness of the BBL was strongly confined by the stable stratification. We investigate a relationship between the BBL height h and the Ozmidov scale. We present a systematic argument that describes the vertical structure and characteristic scales of velocity and turbulence inside the frictional BBL, where the stratification persisted. Considerable deviation of observed vertical shear from the law of the wall indicated a modification of turbulent scales by the stratification. Shear stress calculated from the velocity data using vertical integration of the equation of motion was found to decrease approximately linearly with height. The TKE production rate P, estimated using the shear stress, was highly correlated with the dissipation rate. The buoyancy contribution to TKE balance in the BBL was quantified in terms of the flux Richardson number R f as R f?=?0.12.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes of abundance of the main phytoplankton groups of species (diatoms, dinoflagellates, chrysophytes, small flagellates and cryptophytes) and a set of environmental parameters were investigated in coastal and preestuarine waters of Peter the Great Bay (East/Japan Sea) in May-October of 1998 and 1999. Three periods of mass development were revealed: spring, summer and autumn blooms, with successive change of species. The conditions favourable for each group of species were determined. Driving mechanisms of the succession include nutrients transport through seasonal pycnocline by turbulent mixing, terrestrial nutrients supply by monsoon floods, nutrients supply by upwellings, and light control by the thickness of upper mixed layer. Summer succession could be explained by a simple SST-MLD diagram similar to Pingree S-kh diagram with sea surface temperature as indicator of stratification (S) and mixed layer depth as indicator of light availability (kh).  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of copecod nauplii and water properties were sampled at well-mixed and stratified sites on Georges Bank using a pumping system, CTD and in vivo fluorometer during a four day period in late May 1992. At each stratified station at least one sample was taken within the thermocline and the fluorescence maximum, which usually co-occurred. Well-mixed sites had low average concentrations of nauplii, ca 41−1, and showed little variation of abundance with depth. Stratified sites had from 4 to 16 times the integrated (0–50 m) abundance of nauplii compared to well-mixed sites and showed strong vertical patterns of distribution. Maximum concentrations of nauplii, up to 1601−1, were associated with the thermocline at 7 of the 9 stratified stations. At the two remaining stratified sites the naupliar maximum was in the upper mixed layer, sampled at 5 m depth. The encounter rate between early feeding cod (Gadus morhua) larvae and their naupliar prey was calculated with and without turbulence. Turbulence was estimated from two sources: wind stress in the upper layer (calculated from wind observations during our cruise) and tidal shear in the lower layer (estimated initially from a tidal mixing equation). We ultimately replaced the lower layer estimates with turbulence data from a series of measurements made in 1995. The latter are more robust and had the advantage of providing dissipation rates for the pycnocline as well as the lower layer. Theory predicts an increase in encounters between a predator and its prey with the addition of turbulence parameters into standard models of encounter. We combined turbulence profiles with the vertical distribution of nauplii to examine the potential contribution of turbulent kinetic energy to predator-prey encounter rates at various depths in stratified and mixed water columns. Our calculations suggest the following increases due to turbulence at stratified sites on Georges Bank during our cruise: from 34 to 219% in the upper mixed layer, depending on wind speed and depth; approximately 8% in the pycnocline; and approximately 110% below the pycnocline. Mixed sites experience increases of at least 110% (tide only), but greater increases (118–192% in this study) occur when the wind blows because of the combined (spatially overlapped) effects of wind and tidal mixing at these sites. The absolute values for encounter rates and their modification by turbulence are sensitive to a number of assumptions in the models. We used a series of stated assumptions to generate estimates that range from 0.6 to 26.5 prey h−1, depending on geographical location, physical forcing and depth.  相似文献   

The relative impacts of tidal (neap, spring) and river discharge (including a flood event) forcing upon water and sediment circulation have been examined at the rock-bound Guadiana estuary. Near-bed and vertical profiles of current, salinity, turbidity, plus surface suspended sediment concentrations (SSC, at some stations only), were collected at the lower and central/upper estuary during tidal and fortnightly cycles. In addition, vertical salinity and turbidity profiles were collected around high and low water along the estuary. Tidal asymmetry produced faster currents on the ebb than on the flood, especially at the mouth. This pattern of seaward current dominance was enhanced with increasing river flow, due to horizontal advection that was confined within the narrow estuarine channel. The freshwater inputs and, at a degree less, the tidal range controlled the vertical mixing and stratification importance. Well-mixed (spring) and partially stratified (neap) conditions alternated during periods of low river flows, with significant intratidal variations induced by tidal straining (especially at the partially stratified estuary). Highly stratified conditions developed with increasing river discharge. Intratidal variability in the pycnocline depth and thickness resulted from current shear during the ebb. A salt wedge with tidal motion was observed at the lower estuary during the flood event. Depending on the intensity of turbulent mixing, the residual water circulation was dominantly controlled either by tidal asymmetry or gravitational circulation. The SSC was governed by cyclical local processes (resuspension, deposition, mixing, advection) driven by the neap-spring fluctuations in tidal current velocities. More, intratidal variability in stratification indicated the significance of tidal pumping at the partially and highly stratified estuary. The estuary turbidity maximum (ETM) was enhanced with increasing current velocities, and displaced downstream during periods of high river discharge. During the flood event, the ETM was expelled out of the estuary, and the SSC along the estuary was controlled by the sediment load from the drainage basin. Under these highly variable river flow conditions, our observations suggest that sand is exported to the nearshore over the long-term (>years).  相似文献   

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