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比较了准全球涡分辨率海洋模式(简记为LICOMH)及其海气耦合模式(简记为LICOMHC)中的黑潮入侵南海与观测中黑潮入侵的差异。我们发现在单独海洋模式中黑潮入侵与观测相比过强,而在其海气耦合模式中这一差异得到了改善。冬季的吕宋海峡输送(LST)在LICOMH中为-8.8×106 m3s-1,而在LICOMHC中则下降到-6.0×106 m3s-1 。进一步的研究表明是大尺度风场,局地风应力和吕宋海峡以东中尺度涡旋的共同作用导致了黑潮入侵在两个模式中的不同。LICOMH中吕宋岛东北部相对较强的气旋导致了较弱的黑潮输送及吕宋海峡处较强的黑潮入侵。以上三者共同作用造成的LST差异大约是2.0×106 m3s-1,与两个模式间的LST差异大小基本相当。进一步对LICOMH与LICOMHC中的EKE收支进行分析表明,LICOMH中更强的EKE输送及斜压转换项导致了黑潮以东存在更强的气旋,而海表风场对两个模式中的涡旋差异贡献极小。  相似文献   

利用ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)建立了一套覆盖西北太平洋的涡尺度分辨率环流模型,并对吕宋海峡附近的环流进行了模拟研究。结果表明,吕宋海峡120.75°E断面净流量季节变化显著,全年均为西向输运,6月份达到最小,为0.40×106 m3/s,然后逐渐增大,在12月份达到最大,为6.14×106 m3/s,全年平均流量为3.04×106 m3/s。在500 m以浅,秋、冬季都有明显的黑潮流套存在,并伴有黑潮分支入侵南海,而春、夏季黑潮南海分支减弱或消失,黑潮入侵不明显。在500 m以深,冬、春季,吕宋海峡以东有非常明显的南向流存在,流速约10 cm/s,而到了夏、秋季该南向流出现明显的减弱,黑潮与南海的水交换主要通过吕宋海峡以北的吕宋海沟进行。在垂向结构上,120.75°E断面浅层呈多流核结构,并且流核的位置和强弱受黑潮的季节性变化影响显著,深层流的季节变化不大。在年际尺度方面,吕宋海峡年际体积输运量异常与Niño3.4滞后6个月相关系数达到41.6%,吕宋海峡水交换与ENSO现象有较为显著的正相关关系,并存在2~3 a和准8 a周期的年际变化。  相似文献   

利用全球涡分辨率海洋环流模式OFES的60年(1950—2009)输出资料,用流速资料计算了吕宋岛东侧18°N断面黑潮上游流量(Kuroshio Transport,KT)和120.5°E断面吕宋海峡输运量(Luzon Strait Transport,LST)。研究表明,KT和LST存在四种情况,即:(1)KT大LST小、(2)KT大LST大、(3)KT小LST小和(4)KT小LST大,分别占其总数的34%、11%、13%、42%。合成分析证实:一般情况下,KT大对应黑潮跨越吕宋海峡流态,此时LST较小;KT小时,地转β效应迫使黑潮向西入侵吕宋海峡,此时LST大。然而,吕宋岛东侧和台湾东南沿岸的涡旋常削弱黑潮在吕宋海峡处流量,造成KT大时黑潮亦入侵吕宋海峡,从而出现KT大LST大的情形;太平洋一侧的异常高海表高度诱发吕宋海峡处强地转流,造成KT虽小而黑潮在吕宋海峡处仍是跨越流态,因而LST小。结果表明,LST不仅受KT影响,亦受局地涡旋和海表高度的重要控制。  相似文献   

通过对Argos浮标资料的分析,针对黑潮能否在吕宋海峡入侵南海的问题进行了研究,结果表明:黑潮由吕宋海峡入侵南海主要发生在秋、冬两季,春、夏季基本上不发生。而入侵主要是以流的形式传入,秋季少量的入侵水会有分支沿台湾海峡北上,冬季黑潮自吕宋海峡入侵南海后向西进入南海腹部。并对其季节变化原因作了初步讨论,该区域风应力和黑潮流量的季节性变化可能是重要原因。  相似文献   

Based on the output data from 1997 to 2000 obtained by the MITgcm's (general circulation model) adjoint assimilation method, volume, heat and salt transports through the Luzon Strait are calculated. The results indicate that there are obvious different characteristics between 1997 and 1998~2000 on the transports through the Luzon Strait. During 1997, theLuzon Strait had a mean net westward transport of 3.93×106 m3/s with a maximum transport of 7.34×106 m3/s in October. During 1998~2000, the Luzon Strait possessed an annual mean eastward transport of 0.93×106, 1.80×106 and 1.00×106 m3/s respectively with a maximum eastward transport of 4.10×106/3.31×106 m3/s in July 1998/1999 and 2.06×106 m3/s in April 2000, respectively. Moreover, the transports in 1997 indicated a difference from the other years, i.e.,that the ranges of westward inflows expanded more obviously to north of the Luzon Strait and downwards exceedingthose of the other years. The westward inflows expanded horizontally to the north part of the Luzon Strait until 21°N.  相似文献   

1985年9月的吕宋海峡黑潮及其输送   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
吕宋海峡黑潮的主流轴大致在121°E附近,其西边界可达120°E,东边界在123°E之东。由于受吕宋冷涡之影响,在巴林搪海峡西口,黑潮流速达最高值(超过2kn)。在吕宋海峡的南部和北部,黑潮的体积输送分别为43×10~6m~3/s和32×10~6m~3/s。黑潮有一个向西的11—12×10~6m~3/s的净体积输送,它贡献给进入南海的“黑潮南海分支”。黑潮的一个分支在21°N与黑潮主流脱离,通过120°E向西进入南海,流速达1.6kn,体积输送为11—12×10~6m~3/s。吕宋海峡右侧的暖涡较往常靠东北,其影响深度可达1200m以深。  相似文献   

基于海洋模式HYCOM(Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model),利用大小区嵌套技术,分别对全球海洋和西北太平洋进行了网格嵌套数值模拟,研究了吕宋海峡海域环流场的季节性变化。考虑全球海洋环流影响的西北太平洋模式,成功地刻画了黑潮的流结构及季节变化。吕宋海峡海洋环流流场在不同深度处差异较大,存在着明显的季节变化。黑潮入侵南海主要发生在500m深度以上,冬季最明显,夏秋两季不明显。在500m层常年存在一支南海暖流流入西北太平洋,在800m层南海暖流消失。一年四季黑潮主要通过吕宋海峡的南部和中部进入南海。1 000m层流场表明,黑潮主要通过吕宋海峡的中部入侵南海。在800~1 000m处主要是黑潮水流入南海。  相似文献   

透明胞外聚合颗粒物(Transparent exopolymer particles,TEPs)在海洋中分布广泛,其沉降被认为是海洋中生物碳沉降的途径之一。本研究于2011年春季和夏季调查了长江口邻近海域TEPs的浓度和沉降速率,并且估算了其碳沉降通量。研究发现,TEPs浓度春季介于40.00~1040.00 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为209.70±240.93 μg Xeq L-1;夏季介于56.67~1423.33 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为433.33±393.02 μg Xeq L-1。两个季节,TEPs在水华站位的浓度明显高于非水华站位。相关性分析表明,TEPs与水体叶绿素a浓度呈显著正相关性,表明在调查区浮游植物是TEPs的主要生产者。TEPs沉降速率在春季介于0.08~0.57 m d-1,平均值为0.28±0.14 m d-1;夏季介于0.10~1.08 m d-1,平均值为0.34±0.31 m d-1。经估算,TEPs碳沉降通量春季介于4.95~29.40 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为14.66±8.83 mg C m-2 d-1;夏季介于6.80~30.45 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为15.71±8.73 mg C m-2 d-1。TEPs的碳沉降通量可以占到浮游植物碳沉降通量的17.81%~138.27%。水华站位TEPs的碳沉降通量明显高于非水华站位,这是由于水华站位较高的TEPs浓度及沉降速率所致。本研究表明,TEPs的沉降在长江口邻近海域是碳沉降的有效途径,在相应的碳沉降相关研究中应该被考虑进来。  相似文献   

利用2007年7~8月吕宋海峡120°E断面(18.5°N--21.5°N)CTD观测数据,分析了该断面的温度、盐度和密度分布特征。并用动力计算方法计算了断面的流速,得到了通过该断面的海水体积通量。计算结果显示,通过断面的海水主要由南海向太平洋输送,总的交换量为3.15Sv。19°30’N-20。30’N之间,南海水通过吕宋海峡进入太平洋,而19°30’N以南和20°30’N以北至21°30’N之间,海水由太平洋进入南海。此外,流出吕宋海峡的表层流速最大可达1.3m/s,流入南海,的表层流速最大可达60cm/s,位于19°30’N以南。  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of the dominant dinoflagellate, Ceratium fusus, was investigated from January 2000 to December 2003 in a coastal region of Sagami Bay, Japan. The growth of this species was also examined under laboratory conditions. In Sagami Bay, C. fusus increased significantly from April to September, and decreased from November to February, though it was found at all times through out the observation period. C. fusus increased markedly in September 2001 and August 2003 after heavy rainfalls that produced pycnoclines. Rapid growth was observed over a salinity range of 24 to 30, with the highest specific rate of 0.59 d−1 measured under the following conditions: salinity 27, temperature 24°C, photon irradiance 600 μmol m−2s−1. The growth rate of C. fusus increased with increasing irradiance from 58 to 216 μmol m−2s−1, plateauing between 216 and 796 μmol m−2s−1 under all temperature and salinity treatments (except at a temperature of 12°C). Both field and laboratory experiments indicated that C. fusus has the ability to grow under wide ranges of water temperatures (14–28°C), salinities (20–34), and photon irradiance (50–800 μmol m−2s−1); it is also able to grow at low nutrient concentrations. This physiological flexibility ensures that populations persist when bloom conditions come to an end.  相似文献   

根据2001年3月份南海东北部航次调查温、盐资料,分析了2001年冬末春初南海东北部温、盐结构和环流的特征.分析结果表明:观测期间南海东北部环流主要受一次海盆尺度气旋型冷环流支配,冷环流呈现双核结构,垂向尺度接近1000 m.吕宋海峡内侧断面的水交换在600 m以浅海水流入南海,在断面南部(20°N以南)中层和深层有流出,断面法向地转流向西净输运量为6.9×106m3/s;直接的黑潮入侵不超过120.5°E,但有部分的黑潮水沿陆坡达到台湾岛西南部海域,并更有一部分逸入东沙岛以西海域,与南海水混合变性.  相似文献   

Intrusion of the Kuroshio into the South China Sea,in September 2008   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Using widespread conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) data in the Philippine Sea and northern South China Sea near the Luzon Strait together with altimeter data, we identified an intrusion of water from the Kuroshio into the South China Sea (SCS) through the Luzon Strait in September 2008. The Kuroshio water obviously intruded into the SCS from 20 to 21°N, and existed mainly in the upper 300 m. The intrusion water extended as far west as 117°E, then looped around in an anticyclonic eddy and returned to the Philippine Sea further north. The dynamics of the Kuroshio intrusion are discussed using a 1.5-layer nonlinear shallow-water reduced-gravity model. The analysis suggests that the strong cyclonic eddy to the east of the Kuroshio in September 2008 was of benefit to the intrusion event.  相似文献   

南海表层流场的卫星跟踪浮标观测结果分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
运用卫星跟踪漂移浮标资料分析南海表层海流 ,研究了有关海域的表层海流特征。结果表明 ,秋、冬季入侵南海的黑潮水有一小部分沿台湾南岸折回黑潮主干 ,并有时在台湾西南外海形成反气旋涡旋 ,其余大部分黑潮水西行进入南海内部。吕宋岛西部沿岸流始于 1 3°N以南 ,沿菲律宾西海岸北上抵达吕宋岛西北角 ,与黑潮水混合后西行  相似文献   

Model output from a Pacific basin-wide three-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model during the period of 1991 to 2008 was used to investigate the impact of Kuroshio water on the source water of the southeastern Taiwan Strait. Based on the characteristic salinities of both Kuroshio water and the South China Sea water, a Kuroshio impact index (KII) was designed to measure the degree of impact. The KII correlates significantly with the northeast-southwest component of wind stress, but the former lags the latter by approximately two months. The correlation coefficient between them increases from 0.267 4 to 0.852 9, with a lag time increasing from 0 to 63 days. The impact of Kuroshio Water is greater in winter and spring than in summer and autumn. At the interannual time scale, El Niño and La Niña events play an important role in impacting the KII. During El Niño events, more Kuroshio water contributes to the source water of the southeastern Taiwan Strait. Conversely, during La Niña events, less Kuroshio water contributes to the source water.  相似文献   

在黑潮入侵南海强弱的问题上,到底是太平洋年代际变化(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)还是厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Nio-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)现象在起关键作用,目前还存在着较大争议。本文先以高盐水作为黑潮入侵强弱的示踪物,用120°E断面的高盐水数据和北赤道流分叉点(North Equator Current Bifurcation,NEC-Y)的南北变动进行相关分析,接着,进一步用学者所用的黑潮入侵指数(KI指数,Kuroshio intrusion index和NEC指数,North Equatorial Current index)与北赤道流分叉点南北变动进行相关分析。最后,用EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition)方法和相关关系分析法分别分析了PDO指数、Nio3.4指数与北赤道流分叉点南北变动的关系并用NECP风场数据探讨其影响机制。结果表明:(1)通过对120°E断面的高盐水的KI指数、NEC指数与NEC-Y的相关分析,表明了北赤道流分叉点的南北变动能够很好地指代黑潮入侵南海的强弱;(2)通过PDO指数和Nio3.4指数与北赤道流分叉点的南北变动的相关性分析,发现PDO指数、Nio3.4指数与北赤道流分叉点的南北变动都具有较好的相关性,都在0.5水平。这些良好的相关性表明了PDO和ENSO对黑潮入侵南海的强弱都具有重要的影响;(3)当处于厄尔尼诺年(拉尼娜)时,赤道太平洋发生西(东)风异常,使得北赤道流分叉点偏北(南),使吕宋岛东侧的黑潮流速减弱(加强),黑潮入侵南海增强(减弱);当PDO处于暖(冷)阶段时,会加强热带太平洋的西(东)风异常,使得黑潮入侵南海增强(减弱)。  相似文献   

The Luzon Strait is the main impact pathway of the Kuroshio on the circulation in South China Sea (SCS). Based on the analysis of the 1997–2007 altimeter data and 2005–2006 output data from a high resolution global HYCOM model, the total Luzon Strait Transport (LST) has remarkable subseasonal oscillations with a typical period of 90 to 120 days, and an average value of 1.9 Sv into SCS. Further spectrum analysis shows that the temporal variability of the LST at different depth is remarkable different. In the upper layer (0–300 m), westward inflow has significant seasonal and subseasonal variability. In the bottom layer (below 1 200 m), eastward outflow exhibits remarkable seasonal variability, while subseasonal variability is also clear. In the intermediate layer, the westward inflow is slightly bigger than the eastward outflow, and both of them have obvious seasonal and subseasonal variability. Because the seasonal variation of westward inflow and eastward outflow is opposite, the total transport of intermediate layer exhibits significant 50–150 days variation, without obvious seasonal signals. The westward Rossby waves with a period of 90 to 120 days in the Western Pacific have very clear correlationship with the Luzon Strait Transport, this indicates that the interaction between these westward Rossby waves and Kuroshio might be the possible mechanism of the subseasonal variation of the LST.  相似文献   

Researches on the currents in the South China Sea (SCS) and the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas are reviewed. Overall seasonal circulation in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer with a few stable eddies. The seasonal circulation is mostly driven by monsoon winds, and is related to water exchange between the SCS and the East China Sea through the Taiwan Strait, and between the SCS and the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea Warm Current in the northern SCS and the Kuroshio intrusion to the SCS are summarized in terms of the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas.  相似文献   

南海中尺度涡的时空变化规律Ⅰ.统计特征分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用TOPEX/Poseidon混合ERS1/2高度计资料对1993~2002年间南海中尺度涡进行辨认和动态追踪,并对其时空变化规律进行统计分析,结果表明:南海平均每年出现18个涡旋,出现数量的年际变化与El Niño/La Niña有一定关系.多数涡旋的生命周期在180 d以内,近半数为30~60 d;半径大致在100 km到250 km间,其经向变化与斜压罗斯贝变形半径的经向变化趋势一致;80%的涡旋向西移动,纬向移速大致为在-8 cm/s到3 cm/s间,随纬度变化呈“∑”型分布.涡旋发生的区域主要位于越南南部以东至台湾西南一线海域,呈东北-西南向分布,其中,吕宋海峡以西海域和越南南部以东海域涡旋的出现概率相对较大,约为23%和25%,是涡旋的高发区.涡旋的存在对水深大于200 m海域的海面高度变化的平均贡献约为36%,在涡旋高发区的贡献高达80%.从涡旋出现地点、传播路径和速度、出现概率及对海面高度变化的贡献综合来看,涡旋大体可以沿17°N分成南北两个相对独立系统,一般不会有涡旋跨系统传播.  相似文献   

Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   

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