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海口湾沿岸风暴潮漫滩风险计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
引用《海港水文规范》(1998)中的方法计算海口湾的极值高水位,计算不同重现期的风暴潮与最高天文潮位的组合高水位;同时应用经检验为可靠的台风风暴潮数值模式,由气候学统计方法得出的可能最强台风的参数,按3种路径类型12条路径分别计算,并对产生可能最大风暴潮的假想台风路径根据移速变化分别计算,由此确定海口湾可能最大风暴潮(PMSS)。计算所得3组数据作为海口湾风暴潮漫滩风险值,1000a一遇的极值高水位、1000a一遇的风暴潮与最高天文潮的组合高水位及可能最大风暴潮与最高天文潮的组合高水位分别为546cm,634cm和977cm。  相似文献   

龙口港极端设计水位的组合估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的单因素极端设计水位计算方法忽略了天文潮位与风暴潮增水的联合作用.已经提出的天文潮与风暴潮增水的组合方法,也未能把二者当作相关的事件来考虑.选取龙口港连续25 a风暴潮增水和天文潮位资料,采用二维Log-normal理论分布进行计算,估计了多年一遇风暴潮增水与天文潮位的联合重现值,所得极端水位可供海岸防灾部门作为设计参考.  相似文献   

采用有限元法建立了一个适用于福建沿岸的天文潮-风暴潮耦合预报模式(FETSCM),模式采用三角网格,在福建沿岸平均网格分辨率为1 km,最高500 m.利用福建沿岸6个潮位站的实测资料对模型进行了验证,天文潮模拟结果与实测吻合良好,5个站位平均绝对误差为22 cm;31场历史台风期间6个站位风暴潮后报模拟误差为24 cm;天文潮-风暴潮耦合总水位的平均极值误差为20 cm,表明该耦合预报模式对福建沿岸的台风灾害预警有较好实用价值.  相似文献   

全球变暖引发的海平面上升将加剧风暴潮增水,进而危及沿海经济发展与社会安全保障。本文基于模型耦合与模型嵌套技术构建北部湾台风风暴潮数值模拟系统,以2012年台风"山神"为天气背景,通过设计7组情景模拟研究未来不同海平面上升背景下北部湾风暴潮增水变化。结果表明:风暴潮期间水位从南向北沿北部湾逐渐涌高,最高水位发生在广西沿岸,达2.4 m以上。天文潮和台风风场拖曳力是形成高水位的主要驱动力,其中天文大潮和最大风场拖曳力对最高水位的贡献率分别约占70%和30%。海平面上升对风暴潮增水的影响具有时空非线性和非均一性特征。其中,潮位波动和波-流耦合效应会改变实际最大增水发生时间,导致钦州湾附近高潮位大致提前1天半,海平面上升1.1 m使得最大风暴潮增水大致提前30 min;未来海平面上升0.66~1.1 m将导致北部湾大部分海域风暴潮增水幅度放大6%~10%,广西沿岸钦州湾和大风江河口出现负增加效应,可能与溺谷海湾地形特征有关。研究结果可为未来北部湾沿岸防御风暴潮灾害提供理论依据。  相似文献   

丁瑞  朱良生 《海洋工程》2018,36(4):147-154
以海口湾为例,通过建立天文潮与风暴潮耦合数值模型,以典型强台风海鸥为基础,对未来台风增强、海平面上升和填海工程对海口湾风暴潮的影响分别进行了诊断分析,并计算了三者的共同作用在未来100年对风暴增水最大值的变化幅度。结果表明:1)台风强度增强大幅度增加海口湾沿岸风暴增水最大值,台风强度增强10%时,海口湾沿岸控制点风暴增水最大值增加12%~18%;2)海口湾地区在海平面上升的影响下风暴增水最大值反而减小,仅有部分岸段风暴增水值最大增加,不同海域风暴增水变化对海平面上升的响应不同;3)不合理的人工岛建设方案会显著增加对岸风暴最大增水值;4)在台风增强、海平面上升和不合理的海湾填海共同影响下,未来100年风暴增水最大值将增加12%~28%。显然这样的风暴增水变化会引起严重的灾害和后果,本研究可为海口湾防灾减灾工作提供依据。  相似文献   

胶州湾高分辨率三维风暴潮漫滩数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于海表气压项改进的FVCOM(Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)海洋模式,研发胶州湾高分辨率三维风暴潮漫滩数值模式(JS-FVCOM).利用 JS-FVCOM 模式通过对天文潮、台风强度和径流3要素的不同组合,共设计了5个试验,分别进行风暴潮漫滩模拟实验.分析各试验结果得到如下结论:(1)随着台风最大风速的增加,风暴潮增水迅速增加,当综合水位超过防潮堤高程后增水速度明显减慢.海水淹没范围和淹没深度受综合水位超防潮堤高程时间影响明显.(2)在入海河流的河口区,当洪水位与高潮位相遇时,由于高潮位的顶托作用,洪水下泄不畅,造成综合水位上升明显,极易发生海水漫溢现象.JS-FVCOM 的模拟结果清楚地再现了海水漫堤的淹没过程,可为紧急情况下的人员疏散提供科学的基础数据.  相似文献   

作为半封闭狭长海湾,铁山湾受风暴潮灾害的影响较为严重。根据多年观测资料和数值模型对铁山湾内的风暴潮水位特征进行了研究。观测资料表明海湾内风暴潮峰值水位受天文潮相位影响较为显著,然后基于ADCIRC风暴潮模型和1409号“威马逊”台风参数,定量评估了天文潮对风暴潮水位的影响。模拟结果表明当考虑天文潮作用时,会显著提高模拟结果精度,然后通过数值实验研究了风暴潮与不同相位天文潮相互作用时的水位变化特征。数值实验结果表明天文潮-风暴潮相互作用引起的非线性水位在涨潮阶段不明显,在高潮位时非线性水位达到负值最大;在落潮时达到正值最大。风暴潮增水峰值由于受到这种非线性效应的影响,在高潮位时数值最小。海湾内非线性作用要远大于外部,非线性效应越强,总水位峰值相对于天文潮高潮位的延迟时间也就越长。  相似文献   

基于ADCIRC建立了三门湾风暴潮模型,模型模拟结果与实测数据吻合较好。以可能最大热带气旋参数为基础构建了多种假想台风路径来计算三门核电厂址处的可能最大风暴潮增水。结果表明,NW向登陆且距离核电厂址左侧为R(最大风速半径)时的假想台风使得三门核电厂址处的增水达到最大,风暴潮增水最大值为4.58 m。将可能最大风暴潮增水叠加天文高潮位进行计算,厂址前沿处水位达到了7.75 m,而三门湾顶附近的最高水位已经达到9 m,超出了三门湾沿岸海堤高程。将三门湾沿岸陆地依照高程概化为计算区域进行漫堤计算,当天文高潮位叠加可能最大风暴潮水位时,三门湾沿岸会发生漫堤溢流现象,淹没范围最严重的区域出现在湾顶处,最大淹没面积达到了120 km2。此时厂址前沿最高潮位为7.25 m,与不溢流相比下降了0.50 m。本研究可为三门核电厂址的安全防护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于SWAN模式和MATLAB GUI软件建立了福建沿岸天文潮-风暴潮-台风浪耦合漫堤预警系统。该系统包含天文潮-风暴潮-台风浪耦合计算模式和海堤预警显示两部分:天文潮-风暴潮-海浪耦合水位计算采用自主研发的FETSWCM模式(Finite Element Tide-Storm Surge-Wave Coupled Model),台风浪计算采用SWAN模式(Simulation WAve Nearshore),耦合计算时FETSWCM为SWAN提供风场、水位场及流场,SWAN为FETSWCM提供波浪辐射应力;海堤预警显示基于MATLAB GUI软件交互界面,根据模式计算波浪爬高所及高程结果(天文潮-风暴潮耦合水位与波浪爬高的和)对福建沿岸海堤进行可视化预警报。使用该系统进行两场台风过程福建省沿岸的漫堤后报检验,结果表明:1312号台风过程7条海堤及1319号台风过程东山县8条海堤漫堤预警准确率为87%。  相似文献   

铁山港海湾是一个遭受风暴潮灾害影响较为严重的半封闭型海湾,基于有限元海洋数学模型ADCIRC (Advanced Circulation Model)研究了1409号"威马逊"台风期间铁山港海湾的风暴潮特征及非线性作用。结果表明:当考虑天文潮与风暴潮之间的相互作用时,风暴潮水位的计算结果更加准确,只考虑纯台风影响时,计算结果会低估风暴潮增水值,高估减水值,对预报结果造成较大的误差。海湾内部的增水要远大于湾外,但是减水值则相差不大。通过对天文潮和风暴潮非线性作用的影响因子进行分析,风应力的浅水效应可以忽略,但底摩擦项和对流项影响较大。在海湾内部对流项占主导地位,与天文潮的耦合作用也较强;而在湾外,底摩擦项占优势,耦合作用在海湾内外都较强。天文潮与风暴潮相互作用产生的非线性水位在湾顶处最大可达0.94 m,出现在风暴潮最大减水时刻,风暴潮增水发生后有所减弱,非线性水位表现出从湾外向湾内递增的规律。  相似文献   

基于1980—2017年实测潮位等资料,运用统计分析和数值模拟方法研究了海口市风暴潮分布特征与影响因子。结果表明:海口市受风暴潮影响较频繁,年均2.79次,通常发生在7—10月,且风暴潮引发的潮灾概率较大;风暴增水平面分布表现为:东寨港风暴增水强度位居第一,其次是秀英港,第三是海甸岛,南港增水相对较弱。影响因子体现为:地形的权重通常比热带气旋移动路径更大;热带气旋移动速度对海口市风暴增水有明显影响,移动速度为14~19 km/h时,风暴增水往往达到最大。  相似文献   

A storm surge is an abnormal sharp rise or fall in the seawater level produced by the strong wind and low pressure field of an approaching storm system.A storm tide is a water level rise or fall caused by the combined effect of the storm surge and an astronomical tide.The storm surge depends on many factors,such as the tracks of typhoon movement,the intensity of typhoon,the topography of sea area,the amplitude of tidal wave,the period during which the storm surge couples with the tidal wave.When coupling with different parts of a tidal wave,the storm surges caused by a typhoon vary widely.The variation of the storm surges is studied.An once-in-a-century storm surge was caused by Typhoon 7203 at Huludao Port in the north of the Liaodong Bay from July 26th to 27th,1972.The maximum storm surge is about 1.90 m.The wind field and pressure field used in numerical simulations in the research were derived from the historical data of the Typhoon 7203 from July 23rd to 28th,1972.DHI Mike21 is used as the software tools.The whole Bohai Sea is defined as the computational domain.The numerical simulation models are forced with sea levels at water boundaries,that is the tide along the Bohai Straits from July 18th to 29th(2012).The tide wave and the storm tides caused by the wind field and pressure field mentioned above are calculated in the numerical simulations.The coupling processes of storm surges and tidal waves are simulated in the following way.The first simulation start date and time are 00:00 July 18th,2012; the second simulation start date and time are 03:00 July 18th,2012.There is a three-hour lag between the start date and time of the simulation and that of the former one,the last simulation start date and time are 00:00 July 25th,2012.All the simulations have a same duration of 5 days,which is same as the time length of typhoon data.With the first day and the second day simulation output,which is affected by the initial field,being ignored,only the 3rd to 5th day simulation results are used to study the rules of the storm surges in the north of the Liaodong Bay.In total,57 cases are calculated and analyzed,including the coupling effects between the storm surge and a tidal wave during different tidal durations and on different tidal levels.Based on the results of the 57 numerical examples,the following conclusions are obtained:For the same location,the maximum storm surges are determined by the primary vibration(the storm tide keeps rising quickly) duration and tidal duration.If the primary vibration duration is a part of the flood tidal duration,the maximum storm surge is lower(1.01,1.05 and 1.37 m at the Huludao Port,the Daling Estuary and the Liaohe Estuary respectively).If the primary vibration duration is a part of the ebb tidal duration,the maximum storm surge is higher(1.92,2.05 and 2.80 m at the Huludao Port,the Daling Estuary and the Liaohe Estuary respectively).In the mean time,the sea level restrains the growth of storm surges.The hour of the highest storm tide has a margin of error of plus or minus 80 min,comparing the high water hour of the astronomical tide,in the north of the Liaodong Bay.  相似文献   

海南岛风暴潮灾害承灾体初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁海燕 《海洋预报》2007,24(1):9-15
本文分析海南岛沿岸易受风暴潮灾害侵袭的区域,归纳了8类承灾体及承灾体所处高程与所淹水深的关系,以0518号台风引发的风暴潮灾害调查结果进行统计和比较,得出承灾能力最弱的系统因素是海水养殖业的结论。  相似文献   

海口湾东部是南渡江西北新三角洲受水受沙盆地,一直以来是典型的淤积海域。通过历史卫星影像分析海口湾东部浅滩的沉积过程,研究不同时间的湾内表层沉积物分布规律,采用遥感和实测悬浮颗粒物数据认知悬移质泥沙运动规律,借助沉积物粒径趋势分析推移质泥沙运动规律,对海口湾东部海域淤积趋势以及机制进行宏观分析。结果表明:海口湾东部浅滩的多个沙坝生成于不同的围海填地阶段;人类活动建造的向湾内伸突的人工构筑物,减弱了海口湾东部浅滩的潮流和波浪作用,进而导致泥沙在“葫芦岛项目”东部和南部海域沉积。了解海口湾东部海域泥沙运动规律以及海域淤积机制,是解决该海域淤积问题的基础。  相似文献   

东南沿海台风风暴潮特点及其变化规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文收集了1949-1990年的台风及相应验潮站的实测潮位资料,计算分析了连云港至汕头之间沿海港口的热带气旋增水,得出了东南沿海各港口的增水特征。该海域风暴潮强度较大,易形成特大潮灾,各港口最大增水出现时间不一,有的在热带气旋登陆前,有的在热带气旋登陆后,多数在热带气旋登陆前后0-6h。台风及风暴潮易造成舰船、码头等损坪,形成非战斗力减员。  相似文献   

一次典型寒潮风暴潮过程的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了渤海及邻近海域天文潮与风暴潮的耦合模型。在验证的基础上,以2003年10月寒潮为例,分析了寒潮作用下渤海沿岸的增、减水及潮流场的时空分布变化特征。结果表明,寒潮作用下渤海湾沿岸增水幅度较大,水位振荡明显;潮流运动发生较大改变,局部海域的往复流转化为单向流,可能会影响渤海湾沿岸泥沙的运动。  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):131-143
The eastern Atlantic barotropic dynamics (in a region spanning from 20° N to 48° N and 34° W to 0°) are studied through numerical modelling and in situ measurements. The main source of data is the tidal gauge network REDMAR, managed by Clima Marítimo (Puertos del Estado). The numerical model employed is the HAMSOM, developed both by the Institut für Meereskunde (Hamburg University) and Clima Marítimo.In this paper, tidal and storm surge dynamics are studied for the region, focusing particularly on the nonlinear transfer of energy between the different forcings.The results of tidal simulations show good agreement between semidiurnal harmonic components and the values obtained from the tidal gauges (both coastal and pelagic) and current metres. The nonlinear transfers of energy from semidiurnal to higher order harmonics, such as M4 and M6, were mapped. Those transfers were found to be important in only two areas: The French continental shelf in the Bay of Biscay and the widest part of the African shelf, south of Cabo Bojador. The modelled diurnal constituents show larger relative differences with measurements than semidiurnal harmonics, especially in data concerning the phase.A method to isolate the nonlinear transfers of energy between tidal and atmospheric forcing during a storm surge was developed. These transfers were found to be significant in the same areas where tidal nonlinear activity was present. The effect of short period wind generated waves on sea surface elevation was also investigated. The magnitude of the spatial derivatives of radiation stress was compared with wind-induced stress. As a result of this comparison, we found the inclusion of a forcing term that depends on radiation stress in ocean model simulations at this scale and resolution to be not essential. The effect of computing wind-induced stresses, with a formulation that explicitly depends on sea state, was also explored by means of a coupled run of the HAMSOM and the spectral wave model WAM for a storm surge event in the Spanish coast. This formulation was not found to be an improvement over a classical parameterisation which only depends on wind fields.  相似文献   

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