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海底管道路由选择与海底管道建设、运营以及后期管理等工作存在密切联系,对管道工程经济性、安全性和合理性有着重要意义。考虑影响海底管道路由选择的自然与社会环境因素,构建了量化的评价体系,以AHP层次分析方法作为数学依据确定评价权重,建立了标准化的路由选择评判模型。进一步,将该模型与GIS空间分析技术相结合,生成以地图可视化方式表现的海底管道最佳路由选择方案。最后,通过工程案例演算,验证了方法的可行性。分析表明AHP方法与GIS技术相结合,实现了评价依据的定量化和评价结果的可视化,可以为海底管道路由选择研究提供参考。  相似文献   

GIS和SDSS在高速公路选线中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王义  广红  贾永刚 《海岸工程》2001,20(1):31-38
以地理信息系统 (GIS)和空间决策支持系统 (SDSS)技术为基础 ,以地理信息系统工具 CITYSTAR为平台 ,以 VB为开发工具 ,在高速公路选线理论的指导下并考虑选线工作中的实际问题 ,对如何把 GIS和 SDSS应用到高速公路选线中进行了探讨 ,并以青岛、黄岛、灵山卫和南岭等环胶州湾地区为研究对象 ,初步设计出了高速公路选线决策支持系统  相似文献   

为增强对海上风电海缆路由廊道的认识以及促进海上风电项目集约节约用海,文章梳理广东省海上风电路由选划的基本情况,分析统一划定海上风电海缆路由廊道的困境及其原因。研究结果表明:虽然自然资源部门在审批过程中不断呼吁建立海缆路由廊道,并与企业和地方政府等利益相关者基于集约节约用海等原则选划部分海缆路由的登陆点,但海缆路由廊道仍面临选划工作严重滞后于产业发展、利益相关者复杂且众多以及技术工艺存在不确定性等难题,亟须加强与相关部门的协调,将路由廊道规划统一纳入国土空间规划体系,及时总结海上风电和海缆的相关技术并借鉴先进经验,科学合理地划定海上风电海缆路由,进而发挥路由廊道对海上风电产业发展的政策促进和引导作用。  相似文献   

海底管道出露悬空环境风险的定量评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底管道是海洋油气输送的主要方式,其运行状况直接关系到海上油气田的安全和海洋生态环境的质量。本文先以海底管道出露悬空作为故障树的顶事件,分析出海洋环境中各项基本事件,构建针对海洋环境的海底管道故障树模型;再以灰色模糊识别为理论基础,量化对海底管道安全有影响的海洋环境因素,并以层次分析法对每个风险因素进行分级赋权,确定评价指标范围和权重,进而构建海洋环境条件的海底管道风险评价体系。利用该体系对平湖油气田海底管道4个区段进行环境风险评价,避免了将整段管道一同评价导致的信息均等化,评价结果不能真实反映风险等级高的区段的情况;评价结果与管道2014~2016年现场检测数据对比,两者均显示P2分区中海底管道的风险等级较高,说明了该模型具有一定的合理性和实用性。  相似文献   

Conventional weather routing is defined as determining the optimum route for a merchant ship such that distance or duration of the voyage and fuel consumption are minimized. If the purpose of a voyage is offshore transfer, the term “optimum” includes aspects of operational safety such as towing tension and six-degree motion response of tow. This paper presents the development of a weather routing method for determining the optimal route, which is defined here as the route with minimum average towing tension with a restricted time of arrival and significant motion response. A genetic algorithm is applied to solve optimization problems. Optimized routes of this research have an advantage in towing tension and satisfy motion constraints. The result of this study can contribute to safe and effective planning for offshore transport.  相似文献   

Exploration for oil at Northstar has been long and costly. Northstar leases were first acquired in 1979 at a joint state and federal sale by Shell Oil, Amerada Hess, and Texas Eastern. The Northstar Unit is 6 mi offshore and about 4 mi northeast of the Point McIntyre Field. Oil was first discovered in Shell's Seal Island 1 in 1983. Five additional appraisal wells were drilled (1983-1986) from two man-made gravel islands in 40 ft of water. Early engineering estimates put the cost of development at $ 1.6 billion. In February 1995, BP Exploration (Alaska) acquired a 98 % interest in the Northstar Unit from Amerada Hess and Shell Oil. When developed by BP, Northstar will be the first oil produced from federal leases in Alaska. To date, the oil industry has invested in excess of $ 140 million in exploration and appraisal operations. An additional $ 90 million was spent on lease bonus bids. The giant Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk Fields lie along the Barrow Arch. This arch is bounded to the north by a rift margin that deepens into the present-day offshore region. Northstar is located among a series of down-stepping faults off this northern rift margin of the Prudhoe Kuparuk high. The structure is a gently south-dipping northwest-trending faulted anticline. The crest of the structure is located near 10,850 ft subsea. The primary reservoir is the Ivishak Formation (325 ft thick) of the Sadlerochit Group. This is the same primary reservoir at Prudhoe Bay, approximately 12 mi to the south. At Northstar the Ivishak is a high-energy, coarse-grained conglomeratic facies of the Ivishak Formation. The primary lithology is a pebbly chert to quartz conglomerate with occasional sandstone. This very high net to gross reservoir appears to contain no regionally continuous permeability barriers. Cementation has reduced primary porosity to less than 15 %. Accurate porosity estimates are difficult to make due to the coarse-grained nature of the lithology and the presence of kaolinite and microporous chert. Permeability is highly variable, but averages 10 to 100 mDarcies. Oil is a very light and volatile 42 API crude with approximately 2,100 ft3 of gas per stock tank barrel of oil. This oil is very different from the heavier oils (26) found to the south in Prudhoe Bay. Estimated recoverable oil reserves range from 100 to 160 million barrels. A free-standing drilling rig is required at Northstar because the reserves are beyond extended-reach drilling techniques from shore-based facilities. The current development plan is to expand the existing Seal Island to about 5 acres. This is significantly less than Endicott's 40-acre island. The proposed drilling and produc tion island will be accessed by summer barges and winter ice roads. Oil, gas, and water will be processed at a stand-alone facility and then sent to shore via a subsurface pipeline. Northstar will have the first Arctic subsea pipeline in Alaska to transport oil to shore facilities (TAPS). Preliminary tests in Spring 1996 were very successful in demonstrating the technology to successfully bury a subsea pipeline safely in the Arctic.  相似文献   

随着海洋科学技术的发展和人类对于海洋油气资源认识的不断增加,海洋油气资源的开发从近海走向远海。作为海洋油气运输主要方式的海洋管道,其铺设问题成为焦点。常见海洋管道工程铺设方法为:拖曳铺设、卷筒铺设、J型铺设、S型铺设。通过引入先进的国际海洋工程软件OrcaFlex并结合国内外关于海洋管道铺设的工程手册及相关规范、标准,如DNV、API、AWS等,实时模拟研究S型海洋管道铺设过程。结合作者工作经历及实际海洋铺管工程背景算例分析,研究铺管上弓段接触点、悬垂段及触底段在铺设过程中的各自静力、动力特性。对海洋管道S型铺设过程中应该注意的一些有关设计、工艺和HSE低成本安全高效铺设等方面提出几点有用的意见。  相似文献   

埕岛油田海底管道安装应力计算方法的研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底管道的施工质量直接关系到海底管道能否长久地安全运行。对施工期间各种环境荷载、施工荷载作用下的海底管道在力和变形进行计算,分析和监控、是确保底管道施工质量的不可缺少的重要手段。本文通过计算实例对浮拖法敷设海底管道安装计算分析的方法作了研究,并对胜利海洋石油开发公司与天津大学合作研究开发的涨底管道安装分析软件在胜利岛油田海底管道工程建设中的应用作了介绍。  相似文献   

非黏结柔性管道作为深水油气开发领域的关键设备,是连接海底井口和海洋平台的主要纽带。海洋油气开发水深已经超过了3 000 m,高静水压力是深水软管设计和安全评价的主要挑战,明确深水柔性管道压溃失效机理,并准确地预测柔性管道的压溃压力可以为柔性管道结构设计和安全评价提供依据,柔性管道的压溃压力与骨架层的几何形状以及骨架层之间复杂的相互作用有关,准确高效地预测压溃压力变得极具挑战性。针对柔性管道失效机理研究和压溃压力预测方法进行了总结,指出当前柔性管道压溃失效分析中薄弱的环节,为我国非黏结柔性管道的结构设计和安全评价提供参考。  相似文献   

海底管道对海上油气田安全生产有着非常重要的作用,对东方1-1海管进行了连续6年的无人有缆遥控水下机器人(remote operatedvehicle,ROV)调查,根据调查数据,分析了海管悬跨的分布特征以及变化情况,按海管悬跨严重程度进行了风险等级分区。结果表明在受水动力影响最大的深水平坦区海管悬跨分布密集,并有逐年加剧趋势,安全风险较大。并对悬跨形成机理和极限悬跨长度进行了分析和阐述。介绍了沙袋支撑和局部抛石填埋悬跨治理方法的原理和优缺点,对比分析了治理效果情况,认为局部抛石治理方法效果优于沙袋治理。  相似文献   

海洋环境地质条件的调查研究是污水排海管道路线优选过程中一个十分重要的环节,因此进行科学的调查研究是十分必要的。本文通过介绍薛家岛污水排海工程中水下管道路线优选过程,以及所做的海洋工程地质调查研究,试阐述污水排海管线廊道位置优选的调查研究方法。其过程可分为:(1)大范围普查和稳定性研究;(2)小范围详查和稳定性研究;(3)管线位置的确定。  相似文献   

介绍了海洋石油钻井设备水下连接器,以H-4型水下连接器在现场使用中出现的故障现象为例,通过对H-4型水下连接器的结构原理的分析,分析在现场使用连接器发生脱不开故障的原因,并根据原因介绍了其预防的措施;旨在为海洋浮式钻井平台现场使用水下连接器作业提供借鉴和指导作用.  相似文献   

侯海平  赵楠  夏璟  严然 《海洋测绘》2020,40(4):68-71
利用成像声纳对油气管线进行探测,是重要的声学测量技术手段之一。侧扫声纳和环扫声纳是两种典型的实孔径成像声纳,介绍了这两种声纳的成像特点,分别从搭载平台、扫测特点、参数显示和声图特征等4个方面进行了比较,结合工程实例给出了两种声纳对海底油气管线探测的应用效果,分析比较了二者的优缺点。所得结论对于了解和掌握侧扫声纳和环扫声纳设备性能,进行海底油气管线检测和状态评估具有重要的工程实用意义。  相似文献   

王雷  韩清国 《海岸工程》2000,19(1):12-19
在滩海油田首次进行海底注水管道的铺设、受其结构等因素的影响,其施工工艺及技术性远比海底输出管道更复杂,难度更大。本文介绍了滩海油田海底注水管道的施工工艺,并对接口内防腐技术,底拖法海管拖运技术、海上接口技术及立管吊装技术做了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

为分析南海北部海域油气勘探保障建设选址的适宜性,在广泛研究备选区特征资料的基础上,基于层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)原理,以自然环境因素、开发环境因素、基础设施与投资情况以及其他因素作为一级评判准则,建立了包括12项二级评判准则的递进层次结构模型,并以永兴岛、赵述岛和晋卿岛作为3个假定备选区,来验证分析评价模型的有效性和可靠性。AHP评判结果显示,3个备选区的整体优劣指数依次为0.587 1, 0.212 1, 0.200 8;AHP模型的一致性比例CR值为0.020 3。通过分析和筛选影响远海油气勘探保障建设的选址因子,构建基于AHP原理的选址评价模型,可用于分析评价南海北部岛礁油气勘探保障建设选址的适宜性。  相似文献   

磁法勘察在海洋工程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了当前海洋调查中普遍使用的海洋磁力仪的类型,分别简要说明了各类磁力仪的工作原理,较详细地介绍了磁法勘察在海底光缆路由调查、井场及海底油气管线调查、找寻海底磁性物体、海湾大桥、隧道工程、电厂选址工程的可行性研究以及海洋污染防治等方面的应用,指出了勘察中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

A new study investigates an unburied offshore “snaked” pipeline behavior under various types of seismic faults. The snaking of the pipeline is caused by the thermal/pressure expansion and soil friction. The snaking takes place at a certain distance from the pipeline's unrestrained end and gradually increases towards the restraint. It is shown that longitudinal seismic faults have less effect on a straight pipeline than a snaked pipeline. The new seismic analysis demonstrates that an increase of ground displacement causes a very small change in bending and longitudinal stresses. The new approach results in a safe, subsea pipeline construction and operation with a significant cost reduction.  相似文献   

This paper develops a fuzzy pattern recognition model for group decision making to solve the problem of lectotype optimization of offshore platforms. The lack of data and the inexact or incomplete information for criteria are the main cause of uncertainty in the evaluation process, therefore it is necessary to integrate the judgments from different decision makers with different experience, knowledge and preference. This paper first uses a complementary principle-based pairwise comparison method to obtain the subjective weight of the criteria from each decision maker. A fuzzy pattern recognition model is then developed to integrate the judgments from all the decision makers and the information from the criteria, under the supervision of the subjective weights. Finally a case study is given to show the efficiency and robustness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionLectotypeoptimizationofoffshoreplatformsisofparticularimportanceintheconceptdesignstagebecausenotonlyitdeterminestheoverallqualityoftheoffshoreplatformsystem ,andatthesametime ,themajoropportunitiesforcostsavingsoccurinthisoptimizationpro…  相似文献   

以胜利埕岛油田海底长输天然气管道为例,较系统介绍了海底管道勘测方法,根据调查资料成果,划分了调查地区地貌特征类型,给出了天然气埋设探测状况,总结了水深变化规律和区域水深差异特点,分析了水深变化、海底冲蚀和地质作用等因素对海底管道可能造成的影响,为管道安全生产、灾害预报评估和今后海上工程调查研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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