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Sediment and hydrodynamics of the Tauranga entrance to Tauranga harbour   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
To relate the textural characteristics of the bottom sediments of a tidal inlet to hydrodynamics, 45 sediment samples from the Tauranga Entrance to Tauranga Harbour were analysed for textural parameters, and tidal currents and waves were monitored. Tidal currents dominate sediment transport processes near the Tauranga Entrance although swell waves are significant on the ebb tidal delta, and wind waves may influence intertidal sediments within the harbour. The bulk of the sediment is probably derived from marine sand from the Bay of Plenty continental shelf, but tidal currents and waves have changed its textural character. In areas of swift tidal currents, particularly in the inlet channel itself, sediment is coarser, more poorly sorted, and more coarsely skewed than that in areas of slower currents.  相似文献   

The Taiwan shoal sediments are well sorted, rounded, medium-coarse sands containing a large amount of shell and beach rock fragments and basalt gravels of deltaic, coastal, and aeolian origin. Underwater sand waves are formed by the combined tidal currents and remolded by storm waves.  相似文献   

The Taiwan shoal sediments are well sorted, rounded, medium-coarse sands containing a large amount of shell and beach rock fragments and basalt gravels of deltaic, coastal, and aeolian origin. Underwater sand waves are formed by the combined tidal currents and remolded by storm waves.  相似文献   

珠江磨刀门河口底质沉积特征及其泥沙运移趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据珠江磨刀门河口的表层沉积物粒度分析结果,运用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析方法(GSTA模型),计算河口的沉积物净输运趋势,并分析河口底质沉积特征。结果表明:河口较粗的沉积物分布在交杯沙浅滩和拦门沙顶部,受波浪作用影响分选较好;磨刀门主槽、龙屎窟和口外海滨的沉积物则较细,以粉砂和粘土为主,分选稍差。沉积物在纵向和横向上都表现出细-粗-细的变化趋势。磨刀门主槽泥沙受强径流影响,具有向南的输运趋势;龙屎窟在涨潮流作用下,泥沙净向北输运;在西向沿岸流和东南向浪作用下,拦门沙东侧浅滩泥沙向西侧搬运,口外海滨的泥沙输运趋势则向北。  相似文献   

杨世伦  李鹏  郜昂  张经 《海洋学报》2006,28(5):56-63
于2004年8月17~24日在胶州湾北部红岛潮滩上用OBS-3A和ADP-XR观测了水深、浊度、水平和垂直流速、回声强度、波浪、盐度、水温等水文泥沙要素,同时采集了悬沙和底沙样品作粒度分析.结果和结论为:(1)潮流动力较弱,表层和近底层最大流速分别只有31和26cm/s;(2)弱潮流动力导致潮周期大部分时间的悬沙浓度小于30mg/dm3,但浅水阶段近底悬沙浓度为100~1000mg/dm3;浅水阶段的短暂高悬浮泥沙浓度和其余长淹没时段的低悬沙浓度共同构成悬沙浓度的“U”形潮周期过程线;(3)悬沙浓度的垂直成层分布主要发生在潮周期的深水阶段和平静天气;(4)由于潮流弱和风浪的干扰,悬沙浓度未呈现大小潮周期的变化规律;(5)水体盐度为23.6~29.5;(6)淹没期的温度(21.4~28.6℃)比出露期的(19.3~30.9℃)稳定,温度极高值出现在午后出露期,而极低值出现在凌晨出露期;(7)“浅水效应”是弱动力潮滩泥沙运动的重要特点.  相似文献   

根据最近几年的实际勘探资料和室内土工试验结果,结合现代黄河水少沙多、尾闾河段不断摆动的特点,分析现代黄河水下三角洲沉积物工程性质在三维空间的变化,阐明沉积物特征与形成时的水动力条件密切相关,指出:在河口沙嘴、沙坝处的沉积物较粗,性质较好,烂泥区的沉积物较细,性质较差。沉积物性质还随环境变化而变化,即潮汐、波浪的作用可使沉积物逐渐粗化、变密,从而使其含水量降低,压缩性变低,强度提高.  相似文献   

杭州湾的沉积结构与沉积环境分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
漏斗状的地形、强劲的潮流和长江入海泥沙的输入是制约杭州湾沉积作用的主要因素。根据沉积结构特征可将杭州湾划分为五种不同的沉积环境:东部湾底、西部湾底、庵东浅滩、近岸深槽和水下沙脊。杭州湾内潮流脊发育不好的原因在于没有足够的粗屑物质。  相似文献   

辽东湾北部浅海区现代冲淤动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对辽东湾北部浅海区现代动力分析,本文对该区岸线变化、潮滩冲淤以及水下动态进行了初步分析。用细粒级沉积物堆积的沉积延迟效应理论论来解释该区西部岸线向海推移和潮滩淤积。水下部分-1—-3m处为波浪破碎区和潮流强烈作用区,受到侵蚀和冲刷,并且悬浮的泥沙几岸和深水区运移,形成两个稳定堆积区。  相似文献   

The Nanhui tidal flat is located in the area of slow current where the ebb currents from the Changjiang Estuaryand the Hangzhou Bay converge and the flood current from the sea diverges into the estuary and the bay. The flat extends seaward in tongue shape and has a wide and gentle surface with a marked difference of tidal levels on its two sides, which results in the sediment longitudinal transport on the flat. The water-sediment conditions are diverse at different locations. The velocity and sediment concentration in intertidal zone are higher during the flood tide than those during the ebb tide. The net sediment transport is landward, resulting in a large amount of deposition of sediments on the shoal. However, the ebb current is the dominant one in deep-water area where the net sediment transport is seaward. There exist two circulation systems in plane view on the shoal and in its adjacent deep-water area, which results in the sediment exchanges between the flat and channel and between the estuary an  相似文献   

渤海底质沉积物粒度特征及输运趋势探讨   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
基于对渤海171个表层沉积物样品的粒度分析测试结果,使用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析方法,研究了渤海底质沉积物的分布特征和输运趋势,结果表明:渤海粗粒级沉积物主要分布于辽东和渤中浅滩附近,在滦河口和黄河口也有零星分布;细粒级沉积物主要分布于渤海湾中部和南部,并呈条带状向辽东湾方向延伸;细粒级沉积物分选较粗粒级沉积物好,偏态系数较低;渤海细粒级沉积区为渤海的现代沉积中心,周边沉积物有向这个沉积中心汇聚的输运趋势。这种沉积物分布格局和输运趋势主要受潮流和渤海环流的控制。  相似文献   

臧启运 《海岸工程》1998,17(3):18-23
首先介绍了在潮间浅滩观测泥沙远移的两种新工具──标志桩和沉沙盘的基本结构、工作原理和使用方法。然后通过实例阐明了利用标志桩、沉沙盘观测资料研究潮间浅滩冲淤变化及冲淤量估算的途径及方法。  相似文献   

陆架沙丘(波)活动量级和稳定性标志研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆架底流包含定时变向的潮流、定时定向的洋流和偶发性的暴风浪流,水下沙丘的塑造和运动是潮、浪动力共同作用的结果.用水文计算法计算沙丘迁移速率时应充分考虑陆架各动力要素的作用,并与定位观测速率相对照.按陆架水下沙丘的运动量级和发育过程可划分为强运动、弱运动、不运动(残留)和消亡(或埋藏)沙丘等4种类型,它们的稳定性标志,表现于海底状况、外部形态、粒度结构、水动力和迁移速率等方面.  相似文献   

An artificial sand wave on the Dutch shoreface of the North Sea has been studied in conditions with relatively strong tidal currents in the range of 0.5 to 1 m/s and sediments in the medium sand size range of 0.2 to 0.5 mm. The sand wave is perpendicular to the tidal current and has a maximum height and length of the order of 5 m and 1 km, respectively. The sand wave is dynamically active and shows migration rates of the order of a few metres per year. A numerical morphodynamic model (DELFT3D model) has been used to simulate the morphological behaviour of the sand wave in the North Sea. This model approach is based on the numerical solution of the three-dimensional shallow water equations in combination with a surface wave propagation model (wind waves) and the advection–diffusion equation for the sediment particles with online bed updating after each time step. The model results show that the sand wave grows in the case of dominant bed-load transport (weak tidal currents; relatively coarse sediment; small roughness height; low waves) and that the sand wave decays in the case of dominant suspended transport (strong currents, relatively fine sediment, large roughness height; storm waves).  相似文献   

基于遥感反演的莱州湾悬沙分布及其沉积动力分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
选用1986-2004年不同时期的LandsatTM/ETM+影像,利用2004年黄河口附近实测数据推导的表层悬浮泥沙浓度反演模型,结合水文气象资料、多年水深数据和极端天气数模结果,研究了莱州湾西南近岸海域表层悬浮泥沙分布特征,结果表明,受黄河丰枯水期的影响,莱州湾西南部海域悬浮泥沙高浓度区主要分布于黄河口附近海域和西南沿岸,其枯水期的覆盖范围一般大于丰水期的。受潮流高流速场控制,黄河口外悬沙浓度高值区与海底泥沙堆积区对应较好,泥沙主要来源于陆源输沙和泥沙再悬浮;在西南近岸浅海区悬沙浓度高值区主要形成于泥沙的再悬浮,在近岸出现轻微冲刷。风等其他海洋动力因素,一般情况下对悬浮泥沙扩散的程度和范围具有一定的影响作用,但悬沙受潮流场影响而形成的总体扩散趋势未发生改变;极端条件下,风暴潮流使莱州湾西南部近岸浅海区的悬浮泥沙浓度显著增加。  相似文献   

连云港至杭州湾北岸,海岸线长达千余公里;其海岸为一低地堆积平原岸,由于古黄河及长江的固体径流等的影响,曾经历了一个复杂的演变过程。海岸与河口面临开阔的浅海海域,经受着潮流强风浪与径流的作用,其岸滩与河口沙岛的动态具有独特之处。 对于苏北及长江口海岸的一些基本问题,不少学者先后从不同角度进行过研究,本文仅就海岸演变及其动态论述如下。  相似文献   

渤海波浪和潮汐风暴潮相互作用对波浪影响的数值研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
基于依赖波浪成长状态波令的表面风应力,提出了一个波浪和风暴潮潮汐运动相互作用的联合数值模式,实现了第三代波浪模式和三维风暴潮潮汐模式联合作用的数值研究,并结合渤海典型天气个例的研究,给出了渤海波浪和风暴潮潮汐相互作用对波浪影响的机制和大小量级的定量估计。研究表明,对不同天气过程,波浪和风暴潮潮汐相互作用对波浪影响的性质和大小不同;对强寒潮过程,对波浪影响主要由风暴潮所支配波高调制可达1m,在黄河口区一般达0.5m;对弱天气过程,对波浪影响主要由潮所控制,波高调制约在0.2m,联合作用模式给出的结果与实测更吻合。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the refraction of water waves is affected by the higher-order bottom effect terms proportional to the square of bottom slope and to the bottom curvature in the extended mild-slope equations. Numerical analyses are performed on two cases of waves propagating over a circular shoal and over a circular hollow. Numerical results are analyzed using the eikonal equation derived from the wave equations and the wave ray tracing technique. It is found that the higher-order bottom effect terms change the wavelength and, in turn, change the refraction of waves over a variable depth. In the case of waves over a circular shoal, the higher-order bottom effects increase the wavelength along the rim of shoal more than near the center of shoal, and intensify the degree of wave refraction. However, the discontinuity of higher-order bottom effects along the rim of shoal disperses the foci of wave rays. As a result, the amplification of wave energy behind the shoal is reduced. Conversely, in the case of waves over a circular hollow, the higher-order bottom effects decrease the wavelength near the center of the hollow in comparison with the case of neglecting higher-order bottom effects. Consequently, the degree of wave refraction is decreased, and the spreading of wave energy behind the hollow is reduced.  相似文献   

Distributions of the parameters of sedimentary grain sizes and their correlations were studied to trace the sources of silts and their movement trends in the Zhujiang River Estuary based on the analyses of grain sizes from more than 1080 sedimentary samples. The distributions of the median diameter, public value, quartile deviation, and skewness of sediments were complex in the Zhuiiang River Estuary mainly because of the impact of the matter source regions, distances from the source regions, and hydrodynamic conditions, such as waves, tidal currents, and coastal currents. Analyses of the parameters of the grain sizes for the various types of sediments showed that the distributions of the surface sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were controlled by many factors. Their matter sources were mainly the sediments discharged from the runoffs and ebb tidal currents, and from the open sea. The sediments mainly moved by suspension movement. The silts formed a large area of sediments with suspended fine silts in the Zhujiang River Estuary by internal adjustment transportation in the area, and moved toward the western coast of the Zhujiang River Estuary under the effect of Coriolis forces and coastal currents.  相似文献   

黄海、渤海铅-210沉积速率的分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对黄海、渤海17个箱式柱样进行了210Pb放射性活度测定,计算了近百年来210Pb沉积速率,并结合前人资料对黄海、渤海区210Pb沉积速率的空间分布特征及其影响因素进行探讨,结果表明,黄河口附近站位沉积速率最高(>2 cm/a),而在渤海中部、渤海湾以及山东半岛沿岸的站位沉积速率较小(≈0.5 cm/a),部分站位沉积...  相似文献   

黄虎 《中国海洋工程》2006,20(1):165-172
1 .IntroductionAveraging has beenconsidered as anactive ,effective and precise methodinthe studyof fluid dy-namics ,andthe governing macroscopic variables like velocity are the averagingresults inthemselves .Consequently,for a special purpose ,the fluid m…  相似文献   

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