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国际大洋发现计划(International Ocean Discovery Program, IODP)349航次在南海东部次海盆和西南次海盆残留扩张脊附近的U1431和U1433站位首次钻取基底玄武岩,通过对16块基底玄武岩内的碳酸盐岩脉薄片镜下观察以及激光拉曼光谱分析,揭示碳酸盐矿物为方解石和文石,为典型的洋壳低温热液蚀变次生矿物。U1431站位碳酸盐岩脉为独立的方解石脉、文石脉交替出现;而U1433站位则存在方解石脉、文石脉和方解石-文石共生脉三种情况。此外,U1431站位在基底~42.1m处出现了平行的方解石脉和文石脉,揭示U1431存在不同来源热液的多期活动,即可能存在多次或多阶段不同的热液注入。U1431和U1433站位的碳酸岩脉中,文石的矿物集合体形状基本一致,呈块状、纤维状和放射纤维状;而方解石存在差异, U1431的方解石以斑块状、块状、粒状和纤维状出现,而U1433的方解石仅出现块状。U1431站位的碳酸盐岩脉的丰度明显高于U1433站位。这些均揭示U1431站位的低温热液活动强,而U1433站位则相对弱。两个站位的热液活动不同很可能是由于区域地质环境的差异造成——U1431附近的巨大海山为其提供了热液补给,而U1433远离热液的补给/渗漏点。  相似文献   

蚀变大洋地壳通过俯冲带进入地幔,是导致岛弧火山作用的重要物质来源。洋壳蚀变导致的矿物和地球化学组成变化对理解固体地球化学循环具有重要意义。IODP U1365站位位于汤加-克马德克俯冲带前缘的俯冲板片上,对该站位蚀变玄武岩的研究有助于理解汤加-克马德克俯冲带的俯冲过程。对U1365站位的9件玄武岩样品进行了蚀变产物的主量元素电子探针分析,并结合全岩主量元素含量,探讨了低温热液蚀变的影响因素及蚀变产物对化学组成变化的控制。研究表明,该站位的主要蚀变产物为皂石、绿鳞石、贝德石、沸石、绿泥石、橙玄玻璃、黄铁矿、方解石,以及铁的氧化物/氢氧化物,为典型的低温热液蚀变产物组合特征。从岩石单元(熔岩流)边界或裂隙边缘到岩石内部,蚀变矿物呈现铁的氧化物/氢氧化物—绿鳞石—皂石+黄铁矿的带状分布,指示了从氧化环境向还原环境的转变。该站位的蚀变类型包括矿物置换、气孔填充及裂隙填充。根据蚀变产物组合及矿物穿插关系,将U1365站位玄武岩的低温蚀变过程划分为4个阶段:玄武质玻璃橙玄化、氧化蚀变矿物(绿鳞石+铁的氧化物/氢氧化物)的形成、还原蚀变矿物(皂石+黄铁矿)的形成,以及裂隙的封闭。低温热液蚀变过程对该站位玄武岩化学成分的改变主要体现为K_2O、Fe_2O_3含量的升高及FeO、CaO、Na_2O含量的降低,并且在靠近岩石单元(熔岩流)边界的部位,样品的蚀变程度更高,所需的最小水岩比更大,全岩化学组成的改变也更强烈。蚀变产物的电子探针数据分析显示,K_2O主要赋存在绿鳞石和沸石中;Fe_2O_3主要赋存在铁的氧化物/氢氧化物、橙玄玻璃和绿鳞石中;CaO主要赋存于方解石岩脉中,在其他蚀变产物中含量极低。该结果可用于解释U1365站位蚀变玄武岩的化学组成变化,如更容易接触氧化性海水的蚀变样品通常表现为氧化型蚀变产物组合(铁的氧化物/氢氧化物、橙玄玻璃、绿鳞石等),其全岩组成与新鲜样品相比表现出更强烈的K_2O、Fe_2O_3富集,说明蚀变类型对于大洋玄武岩的化学组成变化有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

深水盆地沉积物的压实作用直接关系到沉积物本身的稳定性,沉积物压实不均衡可能引发严重的深水地质灾害,如海底滑坡、浅层气、浅水流等,同时对钻井工程也会造成严重影响,如出现井漏、井喷,甚至引发平台不稳定至坍塌。选取了南海深水盆地ODP184航次1144、1146、1148站位与IODP349航次U1431、U1432、U1433、U1435站位的测井数据进行分析,获得了南海深水盆地沉积物正常压实系数与沉积物组分、沉积速率、沉积物埋深等多个影响因素的关系,初步建立起南海深水盆地不同深度沉积物正常压实系数与初始孔隙度的变化规律。为今后研究南海深水盆地地质灾害,特别是超压地质灾害提供参考。  相似文献   

构造-岩浆作用对热液活动的控制机理: 马努斯海盆为例   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
综述了马努斯海盆热液区构造特征、基底差异, 结合马努斯海盆热液区热液活动与构造-岩浆特征, 探讨了二者的耦合关系, 以及构造-岩浆作用对热液活动的影响和控制。马努斯海盆位于西南太平洋俾斯麦海的东北部, 是世界上扩张速度最快的海盆之一。马努斯海盆西部(马努斯扩张中心, Manus Spreading Center, MSC)主要由海盆扩张成熟期产生的大洋中脊玄武岩组成, 属于成熟弧后扩张中心,发育Vienna Woods热液区; 海盆东部(东南裂谷, Southeast Rift, SER)则是一个拉张裂谷, 处于扩张的早期阶段, 属于不成熟弧后扩张中心, 发育PACMANUS、DESMOS、SuSu Knolls三大热液区。MSC与大洋中脊的热液活动相似, 而SER因受到火山、俯冲作用影响更为显著, 其热液流体具有岩浆流体和俯冲流体的特征。与Vienna Woods热液压相比, PACMANUS、DESMOS以及SuSu Knolls三个热液区的水深相对较浅(1 150~1 740 m), 是地球内部热物质由内向外迁移的结果, 其下部岩浆作用强烈。此外,岩浆脱气作用和数值模拟结果表明, PACMANUS热液系统中具有岩浆流体的输入。与Vienna Woods热液区相比, PACMANUS、DESMOS、SuSu Knolls热液区的热液活动强度及流体组成主要受控于岩浆作用。  相似文献   

IODP 312和309航次的科学目标一致,将在ODP 1256站位完成一个穿越火山基底以及下伏席状岩脉复合体并进入最上层深成岩的连续断面.该站位的地壳于15 Ma以前以200 mm/a的扩张速度形成于东太平洋海岭(图1;站位见309航次).  相似文献   

基于卫星高度计数据、模式数据和同化资料揭示了东印度沿岸流(East India Coastal Current, EICC)年周期上的时空分布特征, 并探讨了其可能的影响机制及热盐输运。在年周期上EICC呈现3种分布状态, 受季风影响, 在东北季风前期(10—12月)和后期(2—5月)为一致的南向(北向)流动; 而6—8月EICC呈3段式分布, 与另外两个时间段明显不同, 表现为9°N以南、16°N以北区域的南向流动和9°—16°N区域的北向流动。前人研究认为印度东海岸的局地风应力是EICC的主要机制, 本研究发现除局地风应力外, 来自孟加拉湾中部的艾克曼抽吸(Ekman Pumping)在全年也发挥着重要作用, 并在2—5月(10—12月)驱动EICC的北向(南向)流动, 而局地风应力则在10—12月有利于EICC的南向流动。EICC是孟加拉湾低盐水向赤道东印度洋和阿拉伯海输运的一个因素, 在海盆间的热盐交换上发挥着重要作用。EICC的热输运在6—12月(2—5月)有利于(不利于)湾内温度的升高; 盐输运则在全年都有利于孟加拉湾内盐度的增加。此外, EICC的一致南向(北向)流动以及3段式结构促进了湾内热盐的再分配, 对于维持北印度洋的热量和盐度收支平衡具有重要作用。  相似文献   

IODP 309和312航次(图1)将在ODP1256站位完成一个穿越火山基底和下伏席状岩脉复合体的连续断面,并进入最上层深成岩的钻探任务。该站位的地壳形成于15Ma以前东太平洋海岭的超速扩张期(〉200mm/a)。为深钻做准备,ODP206航次时就已在1256D孔安装复位锥和胶固在基底上的16英寸套管,并完成了在火山层段内的500m超基底的取样。  相似文献   

西太平洋典型弧后盆地的地质构造、岩浆作用与热液活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了西太平洋典型弧后盆地冲绳海槽和马努斯海盆的区域地质背景、岩浆岩、喷口流体、热液柱、沉积物以及多金属硫化物。结果表明,冲绳海槽在构造和地球物理特征上南北分异,从北向南地壳厚度减薄,南部重力异常变化大,发育条带状磁异常,中部则具有最高的热流值。马努斯海盆的重力异常变化较小,磁力异常呈东西向展布,海底扩张中心附近出现磁异常条带。马努斯海盆已出现洋壳,冲绳海槽的地壳属于过渡性地壳,在中南部的地堑中可能已出现洋壳。 冲绳海槽与马努斯海盆玄武岩的岩浆是由地幔源区部分熔融产生的原始岩浆与板块俯冲组分混合构成。中酸性岩与基性岩具有相同的岩浆物质来源,是玄武质岩浆结晶分异的产物。与马努斯海盆火山岩相比,冲绳海槽火山岩存在不同程度的地壳混染。 冲绳海槽的喷口流体为富含金属元素(Mn、Fe、Zn、Pb)的酸性高温(高达320 °C)流体,其热液柱中的Zn2 、Cd2 、Pb2 、Cu2 离子浓度明显高于正常海水。马努斯海盆的热液柱呈现出CH4、Mn、Al、δ3He正异常及pH负异常的特征。与马努斯海盆PACMANUS热液区的喷口流体(220–276 °C、pH = 2.5–3.5)相比,DESMOS热液区的喷口流体温度(≥88–120 °C)相对较低,酸性更强(pH ≤ 2.1),二者较低的δ34SH2S和δD值表明岩浆演化过程中有酸性挥发分进入岩浆流体。冲绳海槽与马努斯海盆含金属沉积物的分布及其元素含量特征具有差异,相应地,两个弧后盆地含金属沉积物中的微生物群落也不同。冲绳海槽和马努斯海盆热液区均具富Zn型、Ba-Pb-Zn型、Si-硫化物型和Si-硫化物-硫酸盐型热液产物。与冲绳海槽的多金属硫化物相比,马努斯海盆中多金属硫化物的Pb和Au含量较低。  相似文献   

俄罗斯科考船“尼古拉.斯特拉霍夫院士”号和“依奥非院士”号在若干航次中,于大西洋中脊裂谷马尔科夫海盆西坡和东坡(5°30.6′—5°32.4′N,塞拉里昂海台)上,采集到海洋岩石圈具有完整剖面特征的岩石:地幔厚地超基性岩、各种辉长岩类、粗玄岩、斜长花岗岩(更长花岗岩)、花岗闪长岩、玄武岩和热液蚀变岩石。这里还在裂谷东翼底部蚀变辉长岩类中见到硫化物矿化———细脉浸染和微密块状含铜黄铁矿型矿石。采用放射性同位素铀—铅法研究了这个地区的闪石化Fe—Ti辉长岩,其结果是结晶年龄为(9740±15)万a。多年来在大西洋岩石的研究中,除了8…  相似文献   

对北冰洋海域11个站位的沉积物进行了四醚脂类(GDGTs)生物标志化合物的浓度及分布特征分析,结合沉积物的TOC及TN含量及同位素组成对GDGTs的来源进行了探讨。对比TEX86-SST与WOA数据库资料,研究区内美亚海盆73°N以南站位以及欧亚海盆ARC5-BB06站的TEX86-SST与SST具有很好的符合性。楚科奇海域68~73°N站位样品和全球海洋TEX86-SST模式一致,与年平均SST具有较好的符合性。白令海区及ARC5-BB06站TEX86-SST与夏季平均SST符合性更好,可能与提供GDGT的古菌夏季的生产力更高,在全年生产力中所占比例大有关。  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of available data on the saturation state of seawater with respect to calcium carbonate and its possible significance for scale formation on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) heat exchangers. Pertinent oceanographic data is lacking at or near potential OTEC sites for the calculation of the degree of saturation of seawater with respect to calcium carbonate. Consequently, only “extrapolated” saturation values can be used. These indicate that near surface seawater is probably supersaturated, with respect to the calcium carbonate phases calcite and aragonite, at all potential OTEC sites. The deep seawater that would be brought to the surface at the potential Atlantic Ocean sites is also likely to be supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate. The deep seawater at the potential Pacific Ocean sites may be slightly undersaturated.The fact that OTEC heat exchangers will be operating in seawater, which is supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate, means that if nucleation of calcite or aragonite occurs on the heat exchanger surfaces, significant growth rates of calcium carbonate scale may be expected. The potential for calcium carbonate nucleation is highest at cathodic metal surface locations, which are produced as the result of aluminum corrosion in seawater. Consequently, corrosion and scale formation may be closely related. What the possible effects of biofouling may be on this process are not known.  相似文献   

C.Prasada Rao 《Marine Geology》1981,40(3-4):M23-M33
Cold-water (<3–11°C) carbonate is the predominant sediment on the Tasmanian shelf. Calcitic skeletal grains (bryozoa, foraminifera, echinoderms, etc.) predominate over aragonitic (gastropods, etc.) ones. Non-skeletal grains are mostly micritic intraclasts with some pellets.

Fibrous spherulitic and rhombohedral calcite submarine cements range up to 90% in the bryozoan sand. X-ray analyses show that the bryozoan sand is characterized by a spectrum of calcites (low to high magnesian) and some aragonite.

A uniform spread of Mg concentrations from 0.06 to 2.48 wt.% indicates <3–10°C ambient water temperatures. The Mn (10–360 ppm) and Fe (176–2499 ppm) concentrations increase with increasing Mg values due to the formation of impure CaCO3 phases. The Sr content in bryozoan sand (bryozoa = 3200 ppm Sr) decreases with increasing rhombohedral calcite cement, as low Mg-calcite precipitating from 3° C sea water would have 1350 ppm Sr. The bryozoan sand grains with fibrous spherulitic calcite cements have high Sr concentrations (4470–7000 ppm), in the same range as in aragonitic (detected only by X-ray analyses) bryozoan sand grains. The spherulitic calcite cements are either pseudomorphs after original aragonite cements or these calcite cements and aragonite were inverted from fibrous spherulitic vaterite, a predominant CaCO3 polymorph at temperatures <10°C.  相似文献   

Periplatform surface sediments were studied for carbonate mineralogy in conjunction with analyses of the water column for carbonate chemistry on the eastern Northern Nicaragua Rise (NNR) in the Caribbean Sea. The results show a strong correspondence between variations and disappearance, with increasing water depth, of metastable carbonate minerals (fine aragonite and magnesian calcite) and their respective saturation levels in the overlying waters. Similar correspondence between variations in sediment proportions of fine aragonite and magnesian calcite and their respective saturation levels has previously been established in the Bahamas. There are, however, significant differences between the two areas. The sharp decrease in aragonite content and the measured aragonite saturation level occur at 4000 m in the Bahamas, compared to 1800 m on the eastern NNR. In both areas, magnesian calcite minima correspond to the in situ PCO2 maxima in the water column. The magnesian calcite minimum, however, is at 950 m in the Bahamas and 750 m on the eastern NNR. Magnesian calcite disappears in the Bahamas at 3800 m and at 2000 m on the eastern NNR. These results demonstrate the importance of the influence of overlying water chemistry on the preservation of metastable carbonate minerals in off-bank periplatform sediments, and they clearly demonstrate the difference in terms of carbonate preservation between the poorly ventilated waters of the Caribbean Sea and the well-oxygenated waters of the adjacent Atlantic Ocean. They also open the possibility of obtaining paleoceanographic information on the depth of the CO2 maximum (O2 minimum) and its separation from the aragonite saturation depth in at least some areas.  相似文献   

Consolidated to friable carbonate rocks found in the Lee Stocking Island area in the Exuma Cays include: (1) reef rock, (2) channel stromatolites, (3) shallow-water hardgrounds, (4) beachrock rimming the islands and (5) Pleistocene bedrock.

The most common cement fabrics observed are: aragonitic fibers, which include acicular fan-druse and square-tipped coarse fibers cementing beachrock and stromatolites; and an isopachous needle-fiber rim cementing hardgrounds and stromatolites.

Less common are high-Mg calcite bladed textures of the reef rock and stromatolites. Two types of blades are present: the more common stubby variety of either high-Mg or low-Mg calcite, and an elongated variety of high-Mg calcite which was found in only three beachrock samples.

Aragonitic micrite envelopes usually surround grains in beachrock, hardgrounds and stromatolites, but only in association with fibrous cement. An aragonitic crust cements the surfaces of lime mud beds of the tidal channel, while a high-Mg calcite cryptocrystalline cement occurs in all the rock types. Calcified algal filaments of high-Mg calcite, from the abundant green and blue-green algae in the area, are a primary cement in stromatolites and a secondary cement in hardgrounds and beachrock. A low-Mg calcite equant spar cements the Pleistocene samples and is associated with meteoric diagenesis and cementation of the Pleistocene surface.

Cement precipitation coincides with the path of the cool oceanic water from Exuma Sound as it warms and loses CO2 and moves up onto the bank near Lee Stocking with the incoming tide. Cryptocrystalline cement is the first and commonest cement forming to the seaward while platformward, fibrous cements become predominant. As suggested by their crystal size and location on the shelf margin, we think that the reef rock cryptocrystalline material are the fastest forming of the cements, where the incoming oceanic water is more saturated with respect to calcium carbonate and undergoes the most significant warming. The rate of the warming and degassing process is thought to increase in the tidal channel though the cementation rate is thought to fall slightly in response to a reduced availability of calcium carbonate. On the platform interior further warming and degassing are believed to cause cement precipitation and the development of hardgrounds, but these may form at a slower rate than that of the margin, though this rate is still quite high. Cementation gradients occur from the tidal channel to the intertidal zones of: (1) west Norman's Pond Cay, where cement fabric suggests a reduced calcium carbonate availability, and (2) west Lee Stocking Island, where a change in mineralogy suggests a change in water chemistry.

Thus, a sequence of cement fabrics and mineralogies can be traced. Micritic textures occur in a more seaward position; fine, fibrous aragonite fibers in a more lagoonal and levee position; and coarser aragonite fibers and Mg-calcite cements in the intertidal and supratidal position. This sequence is thought to track the evolution of the water mass.  相似文献   

运用实验模拟的手段,对铀(U)、钍(Th)在碳酸钙-海水界面的附着行为进行了初步研究,通过测定相关的分异系数(D)定量评估了文石和方解石两种碳酸钙矿物对U和Th的捕集作用。实验结果显示,不仅U和Th之间存在显著差异,而且两种碳酸钙矿物之间也存在明显不同。U介于碳酸钙和海水之间的分异系数(DU)分别在1.5~3.5(文石)和0.04~0.19(方解石)区间内变化,分异行为非常微弱但其分异系数随着碳酸钙沉淀速率的增加而逐渐上升。这表明U元素主要是以共沉淀的方式进入到文石或方解石沉淀中,但由于其在海水溶液中主要以2 22 3UO(CO)nn的形式存在,因而只能以占据晶格缺陷的方式进入碳酸钙。与之相反的是,文石和方解石都对Th表现出极强的捕集能力,所测定的分异系数(DTh)分别在240~6 330(文石)和430~6 160(方解石)范围内变化,但DTh与碳酸钙沉淀速率之间无明显关联。Th在碳酸钙表面的附着行为可界定为单纯的吸附作用,这一行为应与Th主要以Th(OH)4的形式赋存于溶液中有关。  相似文献   

Two genetically different types of authigenic carbonate mounds are studied: those within an active hydrothermal field related to serpentinite protrusions in the zone of intersection of a transform fracture zone and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and those in an active field of methane seepings in the Dnieper canyon of the Black sea. The general geochemical conditions under which authigenic carbonate formation occurs in the two fields considered were found. They include the presence of reduced H2S, H2, and CH4 gases at the absence of free oxygen; the high alkalinity of the waters participating in the carbonate formation; the similarity of the textural and structural features of authigenic aragonite, which represents the initial mineral of the carbonate matter of the mounds; the paragenesis of aragonite with sulfide minerals; and the close relation of carbonate mounds with communities of sulfate-reducing and methane-oxidizing microorganisms. A new mechanism of formation of hydrothermal authigenic carbonates is suggested; it implies their microbial sulfate reduction over the hydrogen of the fluid in the subsurface zone (biosphere) of mixing between the hydrothermal solution and the adjacent seawater.  相似文献   

F.I Khalaf  M Ala 《Marine Geology》1980,38(4):331-348
The coast of the State of Kuwait is characterized by a relatively wide intertidal flat area. At the north, where it is close to Shatt-al-Arab estuary, the intertidal sediments are mainly fluviomarine, while open marine sediments dominate the southern intertidal flat area. Samples were examined from the intertidal zone of deposition from the fluviomarine and open marine environments.The sediments consist mainly of carbonate minerals (low-Mg calcite, high-Mg calcite, aragonite and dolomite), quartz, feldspars, clay minerals and heavy minerals. The mineralogy of the clay fractions of the sediments is dominated by illite, mixed-layer illite—montmorillonite, montmorillonite, chlorite, kaolinite and palygorskite with only minor amounts of quartz. Heavy minerals are concentrated in the very fine sand fraction and are dominated by opaque minerals, amphiboles, pyroxenes, epidotes, garnet, kyanite and sillimanite. Zircon, tourmaline, andalusite, staurolite and rutile are present in subordinate amounts.Three main sources are suggested for the intertidal sediments of Kuwait: (a) Shatt-al-Arab fluviatile deposits, (b) aeolian dust fallout, and (c) direct chemical and biogenic precipitation from the Gulf water.  相似文献   

The Basque–Cantabrian Basin (NE Spain) has been considered one of the most interesting areas for hydrocarbon exploration in the Iberian Peninsula since the 60th to 70th of last century. This basin is characterized by the presence of numerous outcrops of tar sands closely associated with fractures and Triassic diapirs. The aims of this work is to establish the diagenetic evolution of the Upper Cretaceous reservoir rocks with special emphasis in the emplacement of oil and their impact on reservoir quality. The studied rocks are constituted of carbonates and sandstones that contain massive quantities of bitumen filling vugs and fractures.Petrographic results indicate that the carbonate rocks from Maestu outcrops are bioclastic grainstones and wackestones, whereas the tar sandstones from Atauri and Loza outcrops are dominated by quartzarenites and subordinated subarkoses. The paragenetic sequence of the main diagenetic phases and processes include, pyrite, bladed and drusy calcite cement, calcite overgrowths, silicification of bioclasts and microcrystalline rhombic dolomite cement, and first stage of oil emplacement, blocky calcite cement, coarse crystalline calcite cement, calcitized dolomite, calcite veins, saddle dolomite and stylolites filled by the second phase of oil entrance. Together with the above mentioned diagenetic alterations, the arenites are affected by early kaolinitization of feldspars and the scarce formation of clay rim and epimatrix of illite. All sandstones and dolomitized carbonate rocks show high intercrystalline and intergranular porosity which is full by biodegraded hydrocarbons (solid bitumen). The biodegradation affects alkanes, isoprenoids and partially hopanes and steranes saturated hydrocarbons. Aromatics hydrocarbons, like naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, dibenzothiophenes and triaromatics are also affected by biodegradation. Results indicate that the first HC emplacement corresponds to early stage of calcite and dolomite cementation, and the second and more important emplacement is related to fracturation processes resulting in the formation of excellent reservoirs.  相似文献   

Closed system equilibration experiments between natural seawater and shallow water calcium carbonate-rich sediments from the Bahamas yielded steady-state calcium carbonate ion activity products (CCIAP). Results obtained from initially supersaturated and undersaturated solutions were in good agreement. Experiments conducted with the addition of a biocide and/or the destruction of sediment organic matter gave results similar to those obtained in systems where these treatments were not used. Excellent agreement was also found between CCIAP values for 8 day and more than 50 day equilibration times. Our results, therefore, meet the major criteria for at least metastable equilibrium between the solution and carbonate sediment.Fine-grained samples produced a CCIAP close to the value predicted for aragonite, which is the major carbonate phase in all samples. Coarse-grained sediments produced larger CCIAP values of up to 2.8 times that predicted for aragonite equilibrium. The CCIAP for the coarse-grained sediments is probably produced by high-Mg calcite which is a significant component of these sediments. Oolite samples were among the coarse-grained sediment samples studied. They also produced results much greater than expected for aragonite equilibrium. This brings into question their use as material for measuring aragonite solubility as has been done in the past.The CCIAP measured in the laboratory experiments are in good agreement with field observations of pore-water CCIAP values from the fine-grained sediments. Coarse-grained sediments showed greater variability, with higher CCIAP values generally occurring in the pore waters than in the laboratory experiments. Since the overlying waters were always at a higher CCIAP than the pore waters, the major factor causing this difference is believed to be the short residence time of pore waters in the coarse-grained sediments, which is the result of the high-energy hydrodynamic environments in which they reside.  相似文献   

综合大洋钻探计划(IODP) 334和344航次在U1381站位处的两个钻孔(A孔和C孔)获得了中美洲西海岸外科科斯脊基底拉斑玄武岩,对其岩浆过程开展研究可为理解其岩石成因提供重要依据。本文对科科斯脊玄武岩中斜长石斑晶和微晶进行了详细的原位主微量元素分析,结果表明,斜长石种属为培长石、拉长石及少量中长石。部分斜长石斑晶具有正环带结构;但多数斜长石斑晶不具有明显环带,仅从核部到边部存在微弱的成分变化。斜长石斑晶与微晶的微量元素差别较大:斜长石斑晶富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素、亏损高场强元素,且具有明显的Eu正异常;斜长石微晶不相容元素含量通常高于斜长石斑晶。根据斜长石温度计计算获得斜长石斑晶结晶温度为1 050~1 253℃,斜长石微晶结晶温度为866~1 033℃。基于以上特征,推测斜长石斑晶核部是相对原始岩浆的产物,而斑晶边部以及微晶是演化岩浆的结晶产物。斜长石斑晶的成分变化及熔蚀麻点结构是由于岩浆补给及岩浆减压上升造成的。最后,本研究推测科科斯脊基底玄武岩来自于开放的岩浆房,且岩浆房内可能存在原始岩浆的不断注入及岩浆对流。  相似文献   

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