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本文提出了一种结合实地考察海岸类型的岸线遥感提取方法来对象山港区域岸线进行提取,根据研究区内实地考察获取的不同海岸类型特征,对Landsat卫星数据采用不同的处理方法进行岸线提取:基岩海岸和人工海岸采取OTSU变换;砂质海岸和淤泥质海岸采取MNDWI,处理后采取改进的Canny边缘检测算子进行水边线提取。研究结果表明:...  相似文献   

海岛岸线标志海岛的位置与大小,是海岛重要的自然要素。文章收集了1973—2015年间共5期遥感数据,结合现场调查典型岸段的影像与位置信息,提取福建海坛岛岸线并分析其近40余年的演变特征。结果表明,海坛岛岸线类型包括人工岸线、基岩岸线、砂质岸线与红土岸线等4类,岸线的变迁主要体现在垂直于海岸方向的进退与岸线长度的变化,人类活动对岸线变迁产生显著影响。从维护海岸安全和合理开发利用海岸的角度出发,结合海坛岛不同类型岸线的演变特征,提出海岸保护及开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

港湾淤泥质海岸的岸线变化数值模拟和平衡岸弧分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
邱建立 《海洋与湖沼》1991,22(4):369-376
本文对岸线变化模拟和岸弧分析的现有方法,作了沿岸输沙方程和海岸剖面厚度等特征要素取值方面的修正,使其适用于港湾淤泥质海岸的岸线形态与动态研究;并以舟山岛野鸭山岸段和北仑地区岸段的研究为例,证明了用修正方法预测岸线变化和对比岸弧轮廓的有效性;解释了淤泥质海岸平衡岸弧的成因;还为当地海岸规划与工程设计提供了有价值的岸线动态数据。  相似文献   

水边线的精确提取对于沿海地区的经济开发和海域的使用管理具有重要意义。以雷州半岛东北部为研究区域,利用2017年资源三号(ZY-3)卫星数据为数据源,基于不同海岸地貌特征为划分依据,运用阈值分割法、神经元网络分类法和面向对象法对多光谱数据的人工海岸、砂质海岸、淤泥质海岸和红树林海岸进行水边线提取。通过目视解译提取融合图像的海岸线为基线,将提取的水边线与基线进行定性、定量分析。研究结果表明,对于人工岸线,神经元网络分类法最优,均方根误差为6.4m;对于砂质岸线,阈值分割法最优,均方根误差为5.4m;对于淤泥质及红树林岸线,面向对象法最优,均方根误差分别为23.3m和15.2m。该研究对于不同岸线的提取具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

基于2013-2021年间海州湾18期Lansat 8遥感影像,利用海岸线类型多样性指数、岸线变化率(EPR)和净海岸移动量(NSM)对海州湾各类型岸线蚀淤演变情况进行分析,并基于Prophet时间序列预测模型对2025年岸线进行定量预测。结果表明,9年间基岩岸线整体较稳定;琴岛栈桥到临洪河口淤泥质岸线不稳定,岸线明显向海淤积;砂质岸线整体较稳定,无明显蚀淤倾向。预测2025年海州湾淤泥质岸线呈向海延伸趋势,临洪河口附近岸线呈向海延伸趋势,其余岸线均无明显淤蚀变化,较为稳定。  相似文献   

对堆积海岸平衡岸线轮廓的三个表达式进行了分析和对比,其中平衡岸线轮廓表达式在一定程度上包含了潮流作用对岸线塑造的影响,适用于对凹岸和沙质海岸岸线轮廓的分析,同时也适用于对凸岸和淤泥质海岸岸线轮廓的分析,因而较基本平衡岸线形态方程和B.A.保保夫堆积岸弧方程适用范围更广。利用平衡岸线轮廓表达式,对舟山群岛金塘山和册子山附近水道的两段岸线轮廓进行了分析,结果表明:两岸段均为堆积岸弧,且理论弧长与实测弧长、理论半径与实测半径的值接近,说明理论岸线与实际岸线形态吻合得较好,同时,金塘山西部岸段较册子山西部岸段岸线形态更趋稳定,但两岸线均未达到稳定状态,目前仍处于演变过程中。  相似文献   

由河海大学与美国佛罗里达大学合作开展的淤泥质海岸研究,历时五个寒暑,取得大量宝贵的第一手资料,初步了解到淤泥质岸滩在海岸动力因素作用下的岸线演变、泥沙运动规律等。这对于开发我国海岸带及滩涂资源,开展河口整治、港口建设,促进沿海地区经济发展,具有重要意义。 由于我国大陆特有的西高东低的自然地理特点,大大小小的江河汇入大海,每年约有20亿吨泥沙随之进入沿海,首先淤积在河口,形成淤积型海岸。因淤泥质海岸的泥沙颗粒  相似文献   

小丁港海岸演变及整治工程试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言本文所研究的海岸位于云台山以南、埒子口以北约22公里长的一段粉沙淤泥质的侵蚀海岸。这段海岸自1855年黄河北归山东入海以来,岸滩一直处于侵蚀的过程。由于岸线的不断后退,现今的海堤基本上已成为岸线(见图1)。  相似文献   

河北省自然状态沙质海岸的侵蚀及预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在系统分析河北省自然状态沙质海岸长期演变的基础上,运用"一线理论"及我国《海港水文规范》中的规范公式,建立海岸侵蚀数学模型,经2000、2006年实测数据验证,表明所建立模型的各参数确定合理,较真实地复演岸线侵蚀特征,可用于自然状态沙质海岸在较长时期内侵蚀预测。根据岸线的预测数据得出如下结论:2006—2026年,岸线整体后退速率不断减小,各岸段侵蚀速率有所不同。至2006年,戴河—洋河段侵蚀状态已基本停止,并逐渐趋于平衡;洋河—大蒲河段仍为侵蚀最严重地区,且侵蚀中心不断向南移动;大蒲河—塔子沟段受蚀速率明显减小,但随着侵蚀进一步进行以及沙源的减少,冲刷范围逐渐南移,将成为新的侵蚀中心地区。  相似文献   

提出并实现了基于遥感技术和多站点潮位插值的淤泥质海岸线推算方案。利用多时相遥感影像提取出人工岸线和瞬时水边线,在控制站点潮汐调和分析的基础上,利用潮汐线性分带插值校正处理,赋予水边线离散点在影像成像时刻的实际潮位,进而根据三角函数相似性原理推算出岸滩的平均坡度和平均大潮高潮点位置,连接形成自然岸线,最终根据自然岸线与人工岸线合成得到海岸线的空间分布。实践应用证明,该方案得到的海岸线与现场测定的平均大潮高潮痕迹点相吻合,可为快速确定淤泥质海岸岸线,监测岸滩资源的空间变化提供方法与数据支撑。  相似文献   

人工岛建设在缓解滨海人地矛盾的同时带来新的环境问题。本研究聚焦人工岛建设引起的岸滩侵蚀与泥沙分配失衡问题,以海口西海岸为例,建立GENESIS岸线演变模型,探讨人工岛影响下的海滩地貌演化机制,并在此基础上提出“循环养护”的海滩修复对策。主要研究结论为:①海口湾南海明珠人工岛对邻近海滩的影响以“岛后方淤积、两侧侵蚀”为显著特征,且两侧侵蚀热点区的响应幅度存在明显差异。五源河口至新国宾馆岸段侵蚀更为强烈的主导因素为物源匮乏与岸线形态外凸。②通过人工补沙与循环养护相结合的生态修复措施,可实现岸滩泥沙的合理分配与地貌的动态平衡,有效缓解人工岛引起的海岸侵蚀问题。本研究成果可为国内相似类型海岸的岸滩修复提供良好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Understanding how and why the world’s coastlines are changing is a pressing international concern in a context of rising sea levels, increased climatic variability and intensifying coastal development. Medium to long-term records of coastal change are rare worldwide and often limited to individual beach compartments. This study presents a 70-year (1940–2010) aerial imagery record to compare decadal changes in shoreline position across four high-energy west coast beaches near Auckland, New Zealand/Aotearoa: Whatipu, Karekare, Piha and Te Henga (Bethells). The common exposure of these adjacent mesotidal beaches to changing wind and wave conditions might, if they present the dominant controls on shoreline position, be expected to produce synchronous change. Whatipu (935?m), Piha (32?m) and Te Henga (52?m) showed net overall progradation for the study period, while Karekare retreated slightly (?4.1?m). All except Whatipu underwent periods of beachwide erosion. Shoreline change was not coherent between beaches, despite similar exposure to variations in wind, wave and sea level. Variable sediment supply from northward littoral drift is implicated as the primary control on decadal-scale shoreline change for these beaches, highlighting the importance of local context in influencing shoreline response to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

By use of a shoreline-change numerical model (GENESIS) based on one-line theory, a preliminary modeling study on shoreline changes caused by a beach nourishment project in Beidaihe, China, is presented in this paper. Firstly, the GENESIS model is verified and model sensitivity to the major parameter changes is discussed by simulating a hydraulic model test. The beach nourishment project, after that the shoreline change is kept being monitored, is a small-scale emergency one carried out to use two bathing places on the west beach in the summer, 2008. In this paper the shoreline changes caused by the beach nourishment project are modeled by the GENESIS model, and the computed results fit well with the measured shorelines. With the same model and parameters, a long-term performance of the project is predicted, and the result shows that the bathing places only can be suitable for bathing in 2 to 3 years without subsequence nourishment project. Therefore, it is proposed to nourish the beaches in time to keep the service life of the beach in recent years and carry out the beach nourishment project for the whole west beach as soon as possible.  相似文献   

The coast at Caesarea, Israel, has been inhabited almost continuously for the last 2,400 years, and the archeological sites are today a major international tourist attraction. Because the sites straddle the shoreline, they are subject to constant damage by wave action, and must therefore be frequently restored. In this paper, local shoreline migrations over the last 200 years are investigated with the aim of distinguishing between natural and man-made coastal changes. In order to assess these changes accurately, geomorphological and sedimentological data were examined based on detailed beach profile measurements, bathymetric surveys, and grain-size analyses. In addition, series of old aerial photographs, as well as historical topographic maps and nautical charts were consulted. The results show that shoreline changes can be grouped into two main time periods. During the first period from 1862 to 1949 before the expansion of modern settlements, the position of the shoreline changed irregularly by up to 30 m. In the second period from 1949 onward, numerous coastal structures have been erected, and various coastal modifications have been carried out. The evaluation of the data suggests that human interventions have had relatively little effect on the overall position of the shoreline, as displacements ranged only from 5 to 18 m. Thus, coastal changes at Caesarea are predominantly due to natural wave action reflected in the heterogeneous geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics of the shore. This contradicts the common assumption that human activities are always mainly responsible for large-scale shoreline modifications in the region. It is concluded that, in order to implement meaningful mitigating countermeasures, coastal archeological sites need to be individually assessed with respect to the dominant factors causing local coastal change.  相似文献   

在0307号台风“伊布都”(Imbudo)袭击华南沿海前后,对相距约300km的高栏岛飞沙湾(位于气旋前进方向右侧)和水东港下大海(位于气旋前进方向左侧)的固定海滩剖面地形及滩面沉积物进行了对比调查。调查结果表明,右侧海滩地形受台风暴浪冲击发生剧烈变化:后滨陆侧堆积,后滨向海侧及前滨滩面侵蚀(单宽侵蚀量达55m^3/m,平均海面(MSL)位置蚀退13m,岸线位置蚀退5m),以致剖面类型由滩肩式断面向沙坝式断面转变,表现出了海滩对台风做出快速响应;而左侧海滩剖面地形基本保持原状,虽也略呈侵蚀,但冲淤变化不大,表现为对台风做出迟缓响应。同时,从动力、滨海输沙、滩面沉积物变化和海岸地貌等方面对两侧海滩明显差异的风暴效应的机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近三十年来曹妃甸岸线岛体时空演变特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在对1979年、1987年、1991年、1997年、2002年-2005年、2008年、2012年十个时期曹妃甸遥感影像图解译的基础上,从自然地理学角度对岸线和岛体历史演变趋势进行系统分析,得到曹妃甸岸线和岛体动态变化。研究结果显示,曹妃甸岛体面积在近半个世纪发生了较大的变化,由0.34 km2增加为227.34 km2;岸线整体表现为向海推进,1979年曹妃甸陆域岸线25.21%为自然岸线,之后自然岸线比例逐渐减少,自2002年起人工岸线占据了曹妃甸陆域岸线的全部,2012年岛体整体人工岸线长度较1989年自然岸线增长10倍之多;岛体在自然演变时期呈现中部侵蚀、两端淤积、端点延长、西向漂移且中心点逐步向大陆靠拢的变化特征,自2005年起自然状态岛体已不复存在。  相似文献   

 Changing shoreline positions along the Sinai coast of Egypt were determined by comparing aerial photographs and historical charts with present-day conditions. The analyses identify longshore patterns wherein erosion along a protruding stretch of the coast gives way to accretion in an adjacent major embayment. This pattern defines two coastal subcells consisting of source/sink couplets. There is a general correspondence between the mineral variation, grain sizes of beach sand, and the patterns of shoreline changes. Associated with erosion/ accretion shoreline change is a selective transport of different minerals according to their densities and grain sizes. Two heavy-mineral groups were obtained by applying Q-mode factor analysis on the heavy-mineral data. These two groups are influenced by transport processes, including sediment provenance from different sources: eroded Nile delta west of Sinai, relict sediments from the former Nile distributaries, and sediment supply by land valleys and from wind-blown sand. Received: 2 June 1995 / Revision received: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2007,54(6-7):493-505
This contribution evaluates the application of coastal video systems to monitoring and management of coastal stability problems on sandy coastlines. Specifically, video-derived parameters (coastal state indicators or CSIs) are developed which facilitate the measurement of the shoreline evolution (erosion/accretion) and response to storms, seasonal cycles and anthropogenic interventions like beach/shoreface nourishment and dredging. The primary variable which forms the basis for all the CSIs discussed in this contribution is the shoreline position derived from time-averaged video images. These waterlines are used to generate secondary products including shoreline contours at a constant pre-defined level, (intertidal) beach volumes, and momentary shoreline positions which reflect the sand volume in a meter wide section of the intertidal coast. Video-derived coastal state indicators were verified via comparisons with traditional topographical/bathymetric surveying techniques and a good agreement was found in all cases. CSIs were computed for three contrasting sandy coastal environments including an unprotected natural beach, a protected beach and a spit. Firstly, results are presented which demonstrate the advantages of coastal video systems over and above infrequent traditional topographic/bathymetric surveying methods. Namely, the ability of video-derived CSIs to quantify the magnitude, accurate location, precise timing and rates of change associated with individual extreme events and seasonal variability in the wave climate. Secondly, video-derived coastal state indicators were used to monitor two different types of human intervention, including beach nourishments and a dredged pit in a navigation channel. The video-derived datasets of coastal state indicators offered significant improvement to current CZM practices, facilitating better timing of management interventions as well as more effective monitoring of the spatial impact and longevity of these actions.  相似文献   

科学评估围填海对海洋中物质输运的影响,对海洋环境保护和管理具有重要的意义。本文采用非结构网格有限体积海洋模型 (FVCOM) 模拟渤海湾 2004 年和 2018 年岸线变化前后水动力场,通过拉格朗日拟序结构的方法,评估岸线变化 对物质输运的影响。结果表明:岸线变化后,物质自近岸向湾内的扩散加强,且物质的输运通道和聚集区发生改变。曹妃甸附近原有清晰输运和聚集区域消失,物质向湾内输运;黄骅港阻碍了西部水体沿岸的南下路径,并在防沙堤顶部形成新的聚集区;渤海湾东南区域的物质输运通道向东延伸,输运能力加强,且聚集面积减小。  相似文献   

海滩对风暴的响应是一个复杂的过程,尤其在连续风暴发生时。本研究利用Argus视频监测系统拍摄的连续图像,从海滩地貌、剖面、海滩滨线、海滩宽度等方面,定量分析了舟山东沙海滩对连续风暴"马勒卡"和"暹芭"的响应特征,并初步探讨了影响海滩地形地貌变化对连续风暴响应的因素。结果表明:(1)风暴"马勒卡"发生后海滩单宽体积变化量平均值为?73.75m3/m,风暴"暹芭"发生后海滩单宽体积变化量的平均值为?54.56m3/m,风暴"马勒卡"使整个海滩滨线平均后退14.75m,风暴"暹芭"使得海滩滨线相对于两次风暴前后退10.91m;(2)在海滩自身因素、外部动力因素以及人类活动等共同作用下海滩对连续风暴产生了复杂的响应。  相似文献   

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