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新华社北京5月15日电中华人民共和国政府今天就中华人民共和国大陆领海的部分基线和西沙群岛的领海基线发表声明。声明全文如下:中华人民共和国政府关于中华人民共和国领海基线的声明1996年5月15日中华人民共和国政府根据1992年2月25日《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》,宣布中华人民共和国大陆领海的部分基线和西沙群岛的领海基线。  相似文献   

钱迈 《海洋学研究》2010,28(2):36-44
我国的《领海及毗连区法》第2条规定:"领海基线向陆地一侧的水域为中华人民共和国的内水"。我国的《海域使用管理法》第2条规定:"本法所称内水,是指中华人民共和国领海基线向陆地一侧至海岸线的海域"。"两法"对"内水"的定义有水域和海域之分,因此容易引起解读上的分歧或执法上的模糊。分歧之一是,根据《海域使用管理法》,从领海基线向陆地一侧至海岸线部分,是否包括河口、海湾、滩涂等"内水";分歧之二是,根据《领海及毗连区法》,是否认定一部分"内水"即内海是由直线基线法所致。为什么"两法"对"内水"有水域和海域两种不同的定义?其一,"两法"针对的客体不同,《领海及毗连区法》针对的客体是国际或国外,该法的主体是国家主权;《海域使用管理法》针对的客体是国内海域,该法的主体是国内海域的使用管理。《联合国海洋法公约》(以下称《公约》)规定"领海基线向陆一面的水域构成国家‘内水’的一部分",那么另一部分"内水"就是正常基线向陆一侧的水域,包括江、河、海湾等,它完全置于国家领土主权之下。其二,用专业术语上的海岸线替代《海域使用管理法》中的海岸线会出现矛盾。专业术语上同指水陆分界线的有海岸线和"干出线"两种。前者是涨潮时离岸最近的线,后者是退潮时离岸最远的线,依据《公约》规定:"测算领海宽度的正常基线是沿海国官方承认的大比例尺海图所标明的沿岸低潮线,即退潮时海水离岸最远的那条线",所以低潮线更加符合《公约》和《海域使用管理法》中海岸线的定义,怎样理解海岸线才不会出现矛盾呢?本文认为,完全意义上的海岸线是大潮高潮线与低潮线之间的一条带状面,这个面有时被水淹没,有时出露,且宽窄不等,陡缓不一。当解读了《公约》的有关条款后,就不难理解领海基线向陆地一侧至海岸线的水域中有盐度为0.05~30和30~36范围的"内水"存在,盐度范围为0.05~30的"内水"是指按正常基线法划定领海基线而出现的"内水",包括水域和海域;盐度范围为30~36的"内水"是指按正常基线与按直线基线法划定的领海基线之间出现的"内水",即内海。它们在法律层面上有主从之分,不能混淆。  相似文献   

为加强我国领海基点保护,维护国家海洋权益,9月11日,国家海洋局印发了《领海基点保护范围选划与保护办法》(以下简称《办法》)。领海是国家领土在海中的延续,属于国家领土的一部分,一个国家对领海拥有和领土同样的主权,此项主权及于领海的上空及其海床和底土。依据《联合国海洋法公约》和《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》的规定,我国领海的宽度从领海基线量起为十二海里,领海基线由各相邻领海基点之间的直线连线组成。  相似文献   

第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议于1992年2月25日通过了《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》(以下简称《领海及毗连区法》)。该法以较大的篇幅对外国船舶在我国领海的航行制度作了详尽的规定,这些规定是有关的国际法制度在我国国内法中的具体体现,对于维护我国的海洋权益具有及其重要的意义。 1 外国非军用船舶在我国领海的航行制度根据国际法,外国非军用船舶享有无害通过领海的权利。这一原则为世界各国所一  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》已由中华人民共和国第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议于1992年2月25日通过。同日,中华人民共和国主席杨尚昆发布第五十五号主席令,宣布自公布之日起施行。《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》公布施行是以国家立法形式确定我国的领海及毗连区制度,对于维护我国国家安全和海洋权益是十分必要的。在国际海洋法的立法历史上,领海和毗连区是最早确立的海洋管辖区制度。在几次重大  相似文献   

1 《领海与毗连区法》中有关紧追权的规定 1.1 《领海与毗连区法》第14条第1款规定“中华人民共和国有关主管部门有充分理由认为外国船舶违反中华人民共和国法律,法规时,可以对该外国船舶行使紧追权。”这条规定的含义在于,只要外国船舶已经违反,或者正在违反我国适用于领海或毗连区的国内法,或者涉嫌违反此类法律,比如企图向中国进行走私活动等,中国的有关主管部门即面可对其进行紧追。这里所说的主  相似文献   

领海基点是计算领海、毗连区和专属经济区的起始点,在国际海洋法和海洋管理实践中,具有相当重要的地位。根据笔者所在单位开展的福建大柑山管理监督检查情况,对有关领海基点岛进行了调查、并提出保护与管理建议。  相似文献   

1992年2月25日,我国人大常委会审议通过了《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》。这是我国海洋领域一项重要的基本法律制度。该法的颁布施行,对于我国在领海行使主权和在毗连区内行使一定的管制权,维护国家的安全和海洋权益,具有十分重要的意义。同时也有助于我国现行的一些海洋方面的法律、法规的实施。  相似文献   

关于领海的划法,目前世界上公认的有两种,一种是正常基线法,一种是直基线法。正常基线法,又叫低潮基线法,就是以落潮时海水退到离岸边最远的哪一条线为基线起点,再向外延伸到国家规定的领海宽度即为  相似文献   

英挪渔业案与领海基线的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李令华 《海洋信息》2005,(1):26-27,25
国际法院对英国挪威渔业案例的判决对世界各沿海国领海基线的确定有着重大影响。本文简单介绍了海洋法公约中的领海基线条文和目前基线的状况。文章指出,由于国际海洋划界工作的进行,世界各沿海国的领海基线标准应当统一。  相似文献   

于金星  庞云 《海洋测绘》2013,33(5):78-81
孟加拉湾划界案是国际海洋法法庭审理的第一起海洋划界案。法庭对盂加拉国与缅甸的领海、专属经济区及大陆架的划界纠纷进行了裁决。分析研究了该案中法庭对这种大陆架案件的管辖权、当事国双方对这一区域的权利主张以及法庭划界采用的法律与划界的方法(等距离/相关情况方法)。  相似文献   

Pursuant to statement issued by the Government of Vietnam on 12 May 1977, on the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and the continental shelf of Vietnam, and according to the provisions of the LOS Convention, the EEZ of Vietnam extends principally up to 200 NM from the baseline, and the area of EEZ amounts to about one million square km including the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands [The declaration of the Government of Vietnam on the territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, Hanoi, 1977]. The establishment of EEZ has significantly changed circumstances for the fisheries sector in Vietnam.Recently, even though the adaptation of new techniques and technologies to the fisheries sector has been somewhat successful and resulted in the limitation of effective exploitation opportunities, sea fishing is still very important to the economy of Vietnam. In fact, fisheries development in Vietnam has the following important objectives, whether pursued in marine or fresh water: foreign exchange earnings; protein for local diets and feeds for live stock; provision of employment. However, a matter of concern is that the outdate fishing methods and uncontrolled fishing are damaging the marine environment and living resources. These problems have been recognized and courses of action have been formulated. A prerequisite condition for resolving this issue is to have a mechanism for synchronized policies which are guaranteed by appropriate macro management. The main purposes of this paper are a review of some aspects of fisheries sector development and management in Vietnam in the light of the new regime of the EEZ, represented in the LOS Convention. An important objective of the paper is the emphasis on the problem of policy-relevant research for fisheries sector management in the future.  相似文献   

Treaties, establishing boundaries to exclusive economic or exclusive fisheries zones, are generally based on environmental and economic circumstances. They delimit maritime entitlements, which are dependent upon coastal geography and they must, as a matter of law, represent equitable solutions. All perpetual treaties are based on the assumption that the circumstances leading to the conclusion of a treaty remain current as long as the treaty is enforceable. However, climate-related changes - such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, extreme weather events, ocean warming and ocean acidification - are altering the environmental circumstances that are essential to many maritime boundary agreements.An unforeseen fundamental change of circumstances can be invoked as grounds for terminating a treaty when the change relates to an essential basis of the treaty and radically transforms the obligations still to be performed. However, a fundamental change cannot justify termination of a treaty if it is caused by the party invoking it or if the treaty establishes a boundary. This rule is codified in Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.Treaties delimiting sovereign rights to fisheries are not actual boundary treaties because the travaux préparatoires suggest that the boundary exclusion covers only boundaries delimiting territorial sovereignty. Furthermore, the reason for excluding boundary treaties - the need for permanence and stability - is less pertinent for maritime frontiers that fluctuate until settled through treaties or adjudication. Therefore, maritime boundaries can be subject to termination when their essential basis is affected by fundamental environmental changes.  相似文献   

根据2003—2007年秘鲁外海茎柔鱼渔获数据以及海洋环境数据 ,利用主成分分析法确定各环境因子的权重,分别采用权重求和法和几何平均法进行栖息地适宜指数(HSI)建模分析,选择最优模型进行实证分析,结果表明,权重最高的环境因子为SST,最小的为Chl-a浓度。HSI值较高的海区一般位于200海里专属经济区外附近海域。经统计比较,用权重求和法计算所得HSI值好于几何平均法。利用2008年茎柔鱼生产数据进行实证分析,产量和作业次数随HSI值升高而增加,权重求和法的HSI模型可用于茎柔鱼渔场的实时动态预报。分析还显示, HSI分布情况与研究海域的的海洋环境密切相关,HSI不小于0.8的海区一般处在水团交汇处。  相似文献   

利用栖息地适宜指数分析秘鲁外海茎柔鱼渔场分布   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
根据2003—2007年秘鲁外海茎柔鱼渔获数据以及海洋环境数据[表温(SST),表温水平梯度、表层盐度(SSS)、海面高度(SSH)、叶绿素(Chl-a)浓度],利用主成分分析法确定各环境因子的权重,分别采用权重求和法和几何平均法进行栖息地适宜指数(HSI)建模分析,选择最优模型进行实证分析,结果表明,权重最高的环境因子为SST,最小的为Chl-a浓度。HSI值较高的海区一般位于200海里专属经济区外附近海域。经统计比较,用权重求和法计算所得HSI值好于几何平均法。利用2008年茎柔鱼生产数据进行实证分析,产量和作业次数随HSI值升高而增加,权重求和法的HSI模型可用于茎柔鱼渔场的实时动态预报。分析还显示,HSI分布情况与研究海域的的海洋环境密切相关,HSI不小于0.8的海区一般处在水团交汇处。  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

海洋主体功能区划方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了海洋主体功能区划的分类、分区、分级、评价单元等基本问题,构建了海洋主体功能区划的评价指标体系,并分别依据我国内水和领海海域、海岛、专属经济区和大陆架等3个区域的特点提出了海洋主体功能区划的方法和路径,以期为海洋主体功能区划工作提供理论和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in attaching miniaturized electronic devices to marine animals for the purpose of learning more about their behavior and interaction with the marine environment, known as bio-logging, raise important and unsettled questions under the international law of the sea. Part XIII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) provides coastal states with the right to regulate and authorize marine scientific research in offshore areas under their sovereignty and jurisdiction. In their recent article published in this journal, James Kraska, Guillermo Ortuño, and David W. Johnston, assert that although bio-logging is a form of marine scientific research, Part XIII of UNCLOS does not apply to tagged animals that collect scientific information within a coastal state’s 200 mile exclusive economic zone, territorial sea, or internal waters. This commentary rejects Kraska et al.'s interpretation and provides evidence to support the claim that coastal state consent under Part XIII of UNCLOS may, under some circumstances, apply to bio-logging. In light of the immense scientific contributions that bio-logging research provide to global marine conservation efforts and the possible burdens that may be imposed on researchers if coastal states begin to assert their rights under UNCLOS, it is important that the international community engage in a robust and candid discussion of the issue and develop a consensus-based approach on how best to move forward.  相似文献   

阐述了我国“数字领海(含专属经济区)”建设的重要性与迫切性;介绍了“数字领海”系统的功能、基本特征、技术支撑体系、信息采集方法、信息管理方法及信息更新方法;指出了“数字领海”系统建设中应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

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