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星载GPS对低轨卫星定轨受多种误差源的影响。对CHAMP卫星星载GPS数据的误差源进行了分析,并将定轨结果与德国地球科学中心提供的精密卫星轨道数据相比较,对定轨精度进行了详细分析,为CHAMP卫星精密定轨提供了误差分析基础。  相似文献   

测高卫星径向轨道误差是影响测高数据精度的重要因素之一。通过在空域内分析径向误差的特性,可以更好地了解径向轨道误差的空间分布模式,鉴别各种平差方法的有效性,对径向轨道误差在交叉点平差时的可观测性有一个较为清晰而明确的认识。本文根据测高卫星轨道不同于一般卫星轨道的特点,导出了对于一般卫星轨道无法得出的保留至e~2的径向误差的空域表示公式,并分析了径向误差在交叉点平差中的可观测性,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

测高卫星径向轨道误差是影响测高数据精度的最主要因紊之一。为了充分利用测高数据中所含的地球物理信息,分析径向轨道误差对卫星测高数据处理结果的影响,更好地了解径向误差的空域分布模式,鉴别各种平差方法的有效性,对径向轨道误差在交叉点平差时的可观测性有一个较为清晰而明确的认识,本文据文献[1]、[2]中的理论推导,对测高卫星径向误差的频域及空域特征作了进一步的分析,并附以实例计算,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

提出了一种快速的卫星过顶预报方法,该方法采用MSGP对卫星轨道递推,相对于高精度的轨道递推方法,在精度上不仅可以满足预报的要求,而且速度比较快。在卫星俯仰角和方位角的计算模型中,针对岁差、章动和极移的影响相对于卫星位置是二阶小量,因此在坐标系转换过程中忽略岁差、章动和极移的影响。还进一步论述了两种不同方式的轨道递推方法之间的结果差异,并就轨道递推精度对预报时间和卫星俯仰角、方位角的影响进行了讨论。最后,我们根据对比STK软件的仿真结果,验证该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

针对应用高度计数据建立的海潮模型在浅海海域精度较低的现状,提出采用移去-恢复技术联合利用19a T/P、Jason-1卫星原始轨道、变轨轨道高度计数据建立南海浅海海域高精度潮汐模型的方法。处理卫星高度计数据时以平均海平面为基准面,按纬差0.1°间隔采用沿迹分析提取南海海域原始轨道2 184个正常点和变轨轨道1 626个正常点;分别对原始轨道、变轨轨道正常点进行调和分析以及响应分析,得到潮汐主要分潮调和常数;进一步建立网格潮汐模型,讨论了不同分辨率潮汐模型的精度差异。基于验潮站数据集结果运用移去-恢复技术对所建潮汐模型进行改进,改进后潮汐模型4个最主要分潮O_1,K_1,M_2和S_2的RMS分别提高至7.76,9.40,13.86和8.51cm,RSS达到20.32cm,表明移去-恢复技术能够明显改善潮汐模型在浅海海域的精度。  相似文献   

对顾及系统误差的地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星几何法定轨做了初步探讨,给出顾及系统误差的GEO卫星几何法定轨数学模型,推导了参数解算公式,提出PDOP值加权的几何法定轨方法,并讨论了权函数的选取。最后以卫星钟差为例进行模拟计算。结果表明:顾及系统误差的GEO卫星几何法定轨,可大大减弱系统误差对定轨结果的影响;基于PDOP值加权的几何法定轨,可进一步提高系统参数解算精度和定轨精度。  相似文献   

轨道数据是卫星资料处理过程涉及的重要参数,高质量HY-1 C卫星产品离不开准确的轨道计算.本文从两行报(Two-Line Orbital Element,TLE)中提取数据,使用STK(Satellite Tool Kit)软件准确模拟出卫星轨道并输出星历表,通过比较两种计算HY-1 C卫星轨道算法的精度,评估摄动因素...  相似文献   

通过引入拉格朗日方程,重构了定点坐标系下的对地静止(GEO)卫星摄动运动方程。继而把地球引力位在GEO卫星的定点邻域内泰勒展开,并采用拉普拉斯变换,得到了一类改进的中间轨道。5天的外推结果表明,改进的中间轨道精度相对于同类型的中间轨道精度提高了4个量级,且形式简单,可以很好地用于GEO卫星的定轨协方差分析中。同时,也可为GEO卫星轨道设计、地面观测站配置等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

随着空间技术的发展 ,卫星测高精度不断提高 ,目前根据卫星测高数据得到的卫星重力异常在海区具有很高的异常分辨率 ,与船测重力资料相比其精度可达到5mGal,这将十分有助于海洋沉积盆地、板块构造及地球动力学的研究。  相似文献   

以不同天的广播星历拟合初值结果作为北斗星导航系统(BDS)卫星轨道解算参数初值,分析了状态参数不同初始值对BDS双向卡尔曼滤波定轨结果的影响。针对卡尔曼滤波系统不稳定时或弧段长度未能使卡尔曼滤波达到稳定时,初始值的误差对BDS卫星滤波结果影响较大的情况,提出了将双向卡尔曼滤波定轨解算得到的卫星初始历元状态参数估计值作为初值,其他参数初值重新解算,初始方差保持不变,进行迭代计算的迭代双向卡尔曼滤波定轨算法。实验结果表明,在相同初始先验方差的情况下,迭代双向卡尔曼滤波定轨方法整体提高了BDS卫星轨道精度。  相似文献   

We have used GPS carrier phase integer ambiguity resolution to investigate improvements in the orbit determination for the Jason-1 satellite altimeter mission. The technique has been implemented in the GIPSY orbit determination software developed by JPL. The radial accuracy of the Jason-1 orbits is already near 1 cm, and thus it is difficult to detect the improvements gained when the carrier phase ambiguities are resolved. Nevertheless, each of the metrics we use to evaluate the orbit accuracy (orbit overlaps, orbit comparisons, satellite laser ranging residuals, altimeter crossover residuals, orbit centering) show modest improvement when the ambiguities are resolved. We conservatively estimate the improvement in the radial orbit accuracy is at the 10–20% level.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):399-421
The Jason-1 radar altimeter satellite, launched on December 7, 2001 is the follow on to the highly successful TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) mission and will continue the time series of centimeter level ocean topography measurements. Orbit error is a major component in the overall error budget of all altimeter satellite missions. Jason-1 is no exception and has set a 1-cm radial orbit accuracy goal, which represents a factor of two improvement over what is currently being achieved for T/P. The challenge to precision orbit determination (POD) is both achieving the 1-cm radial orbit accuracy and evaluating the performance of the 1-cm orbit. There is reason to hope such an improvement is possible. The early years of T/P showed that GPS tracking data collected by an on-board receiver holds great promise for precise orbit determination. In the years following the T/P launch there have been several enhancements to GPS, improving its POD capability. In addition, Jason-1 carries aboard an enhanced GPS receiver and significantly improved SLR and DORIS tracking systems along with the altimeter itself. In this article we demonstrate the 1-cm radial orbit accuracy goal has been achieved using GPS data alone in a reduced dynamic solution. It is also shown that adding SLR data to the GPS-based solutions improves the orbits even further. In order to assess the performance of these orbits it is necessary to process all of the available tracking data (GPS, SLR, DORIS, and altimeter crossover differences) as either dependent or independent of the orbit solutions. It was also necessary to compute orbit solutions using various combinations of the four available tracking data in order to independently assess the orbit performance. Towards this end, we have greatly improved orbits determined solely from SLR+DORIS data by applying the reduced dynamic solution strategy. In addition, we have computed reduced dynamic orbits based on SLR, DORIS, and crossover data that are a significant improvement over the SLR- and DORIS-based dynamic solutions. These solutions provide the best performing orbits for independent validation of the GPS-based reduced dynamic orbits. The application of the 1-cm orbit will significantly improve the resolution of the altimeter measurement, making possible further strides in radar altimeter remote sensing.  相似文献   

The Jason-1 radar altimeter satellite, launched on December 7, 2001 is the follow on to the highly successful TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) mission and will continue the time series of centimeter level ocean topography measurements. Orbit error is a major component in the overall error budget of all altimeter satellite missions. Jason-1 is no exception and has set a 1-cm radial orbit accuracy goal, which represents a factor of two improvement over what is currently being achieved for T/P. The challenge to precision orbit determination (POD) is both achieving the 1-cm radial orbit accuracy and evaluating the performance of the 1-cm orbit. There is reason to hope such an improvement is possible. The early years of T/P showed that GPS tracking data collected by an on-board receiver holds great promise for precise orbit determination. In the years following the T/P launch there have been several enhancements to GPS, improving its POD capability. In addition, Jason-1 carries aboard an enhanced GPS receiver and significantly improved SLR and DORIS tracking systems along with the altimeter itself. In this article we demonstrate the 1-cm radial orbit accuracy goal has been achieved using GPS data alone in a reduced dynamic solution. It is also shown that adding SLR data to the GPS-based solutions improves the orbits even further. In order to assess the performance of these orbits it is necessary to process all of the available tracking data (GPS, SLR, DORIS, and altimeter crossover differences) as either dependent or independent of the orbit solutions. It was also necessary to compute orbit solutions using various combinations of the four available tracking data in order to independently assess the orbit performance. Towards this end, we have greatly improved orbits determined solely from SLR+DORIS data by applying the reduced dynamic solution strategy. In addition, we have computed reduced dynamic orbits based on SLR, DORIS, and crossover data that are a significant improvement over the SLR- and DORIS-based dynamic solutions. These solutions provide the best performing orbits for independent validation of the GPS-based reduced dynamic orbits. The application of the 1-cm orbit will significantly improve the resolution of the altimeter measurement, making possible further strides in radar altimeter remote sensing.  相似文献   

短基线相位干涉测量是一种被动测角卫星定轨跟踪方法,测量精度高。利用该方法采用单组正交双基线对静地卫星的定轨精度进行了仿真计算,并分别采用物理延长东西基线和东西基线阵列两种方法来考察对卫星定轨精度的改进情况。仿真结果表明,物理延长东西基线可以显著提高定轨精度;若星下点与跟踪网相距较远,则东西向基线阵列可显著提高定轨精度,且该方法对我国北斗卫星群的整体定轨效果很好,能进行几十米级的定轨。  相似文献   

With the implementation of the Jason-1 satellite altimeter mission, the goal of reaching the 1-cm level in orbit accuracy was set. To support the Precision Orbit Determination (POD) requirements, the Jason-1 spacecraft carries receivers for DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) and GPS (Global Positioning System), as well as a retroreflector for SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging). The overall orbit accuracy for Jason will depend on the quality and the relative weighting of the available tracking data. In this study, the relative importance of the SLR, DORIS, and GPS tracking data is assessed along with the most effective parameterization for accounting for the unmodeled accelerations through the application of empirical accelerations. The optimal relative weighting for each type of tracking data was examined. It is demonstrated that GPS tracking alone is capable of supporting a radial orbit accuracy for Jason-1 at the 1-cm level, and that including SLR tracking provides additional benefits. It is also shown that the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) gravity model GGM01S provides a significant improvement in the orbit accuracy and reduction in the level of geographically correlated orbit errors.  相似文献   

With the implementation of the Jason-1 satellite altimeter mission, the goal of reaching the 1-cm level in orbit accuracy was set. To support the Precision Orbit Determination (POD) requirements, the Jason-1 spacecraft carries receivers for DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) and GPS (Global Positioning System), as well as a retroreflector for SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging). The overall orbit accuracy for Jason will depend on the quality and the relative weighting of the available tracking data. In this study, the relative importance of the SLR, DORIS, and GPS tracking data is assessed along with the most effective parameterization for accounting for the unmodeled accelerations through the application of empirical accelerations. The optimal relative weighting for each type of tracking data was examined. It is demonstrated that GPS tracking alone is capable of supporting a radial orbit accuracy for Jason-1 at the 1-cm level, and that including SLR tracking provides additional benefits. It is also shown that the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) gravity model GGM01S provides a significant improvement in the orbit accuracy and reduction in the level of geographically correlated orbit errors.  相似文献   

配置积分方法在GPS卫星轨道确定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点介绍了配置(Collocation)积分方法的原理和步骤。比较了其他轨道积分方法和Collocation积分方法在积分卫星轨道时的区别,阐明了Collocation方法在计算卫星速度、加速度等高阶导数方面的优越性,并通过采用固定步长、变化多项式阶数和固定多项式阶数、变化步长的方法,定性和定量地分析了不同参数的选择对GPS卫星轨道积分的影响。  相似文献   

One amazing heritage of the current altimetry missions, Jason-2, CryoSat-2 (without mentioning their predecessors TOPEX-Poseidon, ERS, Jason-1, and EnviSat) is that DORIS using DIODE On-Board Orbit Determination software calculate orbits in real-time with accuracy. For example, accuracy has been improved to 2.7 cm RMS on board DORIS/Jason-2 compared with the final Precise Orbit Ephemerides (POE) orbit, generally known to have less than 1 cm accuracy on the radial component. Simultaneously, an efficient integrity team on-ground continually monitors the health of the DORIS system.

In February 2013, SARAL/AltiKa was launched hosting a DORIS DGXX receiver with the latest LV11 software as previously used in Jason-2 and CryoSat-2. DORIS on-board SARAL has since been permanently producing results efficiently every ten seconds without exception, including during manoeuvring phases. Spacecraft, ground-system, and users are provided with real-time information on the satellite position: the accuracy is approximately 3.0 cm RMS on the radial component, which is a major break-through for Near Real-Time (NRT) processing. These results are detailed in the paper. Future DORIS/DIODE versions will be used on-board Jason-3 and Sentinel-3.  相似文献   

DIODE (Doris Immediate On-board orbit DEtermination) is a series of real-time orbit determination software, which process one-way up-link Doppler measurements performed by a DORIS receiver on a satellite. The DIODE software are embedded within the DORIS receivers, and they provide orbit and time determination to the user as well as technical parameters to adjust the tracking loop within the instrument. After a first successful flight on-board SPOT4, the second generation of the family operates on-board Jason-1, with more efficient and more accurate algorithms. Similar versions have been embarked onboard SPOT5 and ENVISAT. The accuracy is between 10 and 30 centimeters RMS for the radial component, and about 50 centimeters RMS in 3D. With several Failure Detection and Incident Recovery (FDIR) enhancements implemented in the software, DIODE/Jason-1 has experienced only one anomaly in July 2004; its availability is 99.7%, after two years and a half in-orbit. This article describes the DORIS/DIODE element of the Jason-1 system. It summarizes the main results obtained from the various verification activities that concerned all parts of this navigation and time-tagging Jason-1 subsystem.  相似文献   

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