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GT-2M型海洋重力仪是一种新型的重力测量仪器,其工作原理、输出的原始数据格式及质量均与KSS、LR等常用海洋重力仪有所不同,因此其数据预处理方法也需要调整。选择由GT-2M型海洋重力仪采集的得到的两个工区的原始数据,发现在正常场改正及厄特弗斯改正两个步骤区别于其他重力仪,另外不同的数据提取项也会对处理后的数据精度有一定程度的影响,针对这些问题进行分析研究,总结出适用于GT-2M型重力仪的数据处理流程,为相关人员的工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

多型航空重力仪同机测试及其数据分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了运8飞机加装4型5套航空重力仪开展同机测试的整体情况,对5套重力仪所获取的重复线和测网成果数据进行了对比分析。试验结果表明,俄罗斯GT-1A航空重力仪具有最佳的综合性能技术指标,平差前测量精度为±2.45mGal;美国TAGS航空重力仪为其次,平差前测量精度为±3.9mGal;SII型船载海空重力仪可改造升级为航空重力仪,并具有与TAGS同等的综合性能技术指标;国内自主研发的SGA-WZ01捷联航空重力仪具有最佳的重复线测量精度,测网精度接近于GT-1A航空重力仪水平,平差前测量精度为±2.96mGal,另一款自主研制的GDP-1重力仪首次成功实现了航空重力测量功能,平差前测量精度为±4.52mGal。  相似文献   

为了检验俄罗斯、加拿大合作生产的GT-1M海洋重力仪与德国KSS31M海洋重力仪的工作性能,验证GT-1M重力数据的可靠性,将GT-1M采集的3条重力剖面与KSS31M重力仪采集的重力测网进行了对比分析。结果显示:GT01剖面与26条KSS31M重力测线的交点差均值为0.31mGal,交点差均方根为2.51mGal;GT02剖面与11条KSS31M重力测线的,交点差均值为–0.78mGal,交点差均方根为1.97mGal;全部交点差均值为–0.01mGal,均方根(RMS)为2.32mGal。GT01剖面与KSS31M测网网格化切割的剖面的变化趋势一致,重力变化幅值基本吻合,相关系数为0.98;而GT02剖面位于KSS31测网边缘,网格化切割的KSS重力剖面不能反应真实的重力场,虽然GT02剖面变化趋势一致,但相关系数仅为0.94,在相位上也明显有误差。考虑到测网位于海底地形崎岖的深水区,而且两次测量时间间隔达3a,因此GT-1M重力仪测试的结果还是基本与KSS31M重力仪吻合的,数据是可靠的。该分析结果对今后的重力测量工作有参考价值。  相似文献   

通过对GT-2M、KSS-31M和ZLS三种不同型号海洋重力仪开展同船环境下的同步系统测试工作,依据海洋地质调查规范要求对获得的测试结果进行预处理,在分析相同测量环境下各重力仪得到数据的空间变化特征和测线交点差的基础上,探讨其相应的技术性能和工作特点。可认为这三种不同类型重力仪的测试结果总体上差别不大,但在船只变速、转向和恶劣海况等因素影响下所表现出的技术特点有较大差异。  相似文献   

在对国产ZL11-1A型海洋重力仪采集的实测数据进行预处理的过程中,分别采用实测航向、航速数据和航迹拟合后重算的航向、航速数据两组数据计算厄特弗斯改正值,比较两组数据的计算结果,发现由航迹拟合后重算的航向、航速数据计算的结果效果更好,同时对实测航向、航速进行适当滤波后,再按照经典公式计算厄特弗斯改正值也可得到相当的效果,由此为相关技术人员进行ZL11-1A型海洋重力仪数据预处理工作提供一些依据。  相似文献   

A10型绝对重力仪用于测量重力加速度(g),具有高精度、便携式和易操作等优点。介绍了A10的基本原理,并与FG5型重力仪进行了对比分析。基于A10/35绝对重力仪的室内和野外测量数据,分析了该仪器的稳定性和影响测量精度的主要因素。测试结果表明,不同环境下该仪器测量组间离散度均小于10×10-8ms-2,仪器性能稳定可靠。最后提出了实际使用的具体建议。  相似文献   

采用海上实测数据对KSS31M(SN 036)海洋重力仪的阻尼延迟时间和可靠性做了分析,提出采用船只机动转向时重力数据和定位数据、厄特渥斯值的响应时间差来确定在该海况和仪器滤波系数时重力仪的阻尼延迟时间。得到的2级海况滤波系数下的阻尼延迟时间为60 s,比厂方提供的理论值更接近实际。本方法有助于提高海洋重力测量的精度。同时重力读数与厄特渥斯值变化的相位和振幅吻合,表明KSS31M海洋重力仪具有很高的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

在海上复杂的环境下进行重力测量,重力仪及技术人员的操作难免会出现各种各样的问题,导致测量的成果精度降低,甚至不符合规范要求。目前检查海洋重力测量成果质量的主要方法是内符合法,主要采用主测线、检测线交叉点的差值,或重复测线相邻点的差值来评估测量成果的质量。介绍了内符合法存在的弊端,比较了DTU重力数据与重力仪实测数据的精度,叙述了基于DTU重力数据检查海洋重力测量成果较大系统差的可行性,以模型数据为外符合数据源来检查实测成果的质量,作为内符合法的补充,是十分必要的。  相似文献   

正chuanzai haiyang zhongli celiang船载海洋重力测量(shipborne marine gravity survey)海洋重力仪安装在水面舰船或潜艇上,采用走航式连续观测获取海上重力值的技术。是海洋重力测量的主要方法。为远程武器发射和航天技术及研究地球形状和地球内部构造提供海洋重力异常或重力扰动等地球重力场参数。船载海洋重力测量属于相对重力测量,测量开始前和结束后,需与基点进行比对。将船载重力仪测量出测点相对于重力基点的读数差值,加上重力基点的绝对重力值,即得到采样点的绝对重力值。  相似文献   

稳定性指标是海洋重力仪最重要的技术特性之一。针对国内对海洋重力仪稳定性测试与评估重视不够、数据处理过程欠规范、技术指标要求欠细化等现实问题,研究探讨了海洋重力仪稳定性测评的技术流程和数据处理方法,重点分析了环境因素和重力固体潮效应对测试结果的影响,提出了重力仪零点趋势性漂移、有色观测噪声与随机误差的分离方法,建立了比较完善的海洋重力仪稳定性评估指标体系,分析论证并进一步明确了重力仪零点漂移非线性变化的限定指标要求,为修订现行海洋重力测量作业标准提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

港口内靠码头系泊船运动的计算   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文以英国南海岸处Shoreham港内系泊船为例,研究了港口内靠码头系泊船运动的数值计算问题。该船的实船实验和模型实验已经完成,为验证本文计算结果提供了依据。运动方程在时域内求解。在计算船体脉冲响应函数时,引入了船体阻尼系数在频率很低时的渐近表达式和一迭代算法。分析了港内共振波浪和其对船体的作用力。讨论了靠码头系泊船运动的非线性特征。计算结果与实验结果符合很好。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the study of moisture budget of the typhoon No. 7507. The results show that the mass convergence produced by divergent wind has made the maximum contribution to precipitation, especially at the lower level, accounting for about 70% of the total precipitation, and that the advection term of water vapor is very small. The vertical flux term is to transport water vapor from the lower level to the middle and upper levels, resulting in the increase of water vapor accumulation at these levels. Evaporation term also plays an important role in precipitation, accounting for about 13% of the total precipitation and 23% of the horizontal moisture convergence. The moisture of the typhoon comes mainly from its southern boundary and the secondary inflow of moisture is from its western or eastern boundary. All the inflow layers of these three boundaries are very deep, reaching up to 300 hPa, while the strongest inflow occurs below 700 hPa. In the northern boundary of the typhoon, we obtained that  相似文献   

提出一种基于序贯预测误差方法(SPE)的多层神经网络(MNN)的学习算法。经模拟计算,它比传统的基于最陡下降方法的误差反传(SDBEP)算法具有更好的收敛性能。并对这两种算法进行了模拟计算的比较.  相似文献   

李志伟  肖洋  唐洪武 《海洋工程》2015,29(1):91-104
An elliptic jet and a square jet flowing into a counterflow with different jet-to-current velocity ratios are investigated by using realizable k–ε model. Some computed mean velocity and scalar features agree reasonably well with experimental measurements, and more features are obtained by analyzing the computed results. After fluid issues from a nozzle, it entrains ambient fluid, and its velocity and concentration on the centerline decay with the distance downstream from the potential core (l0). The decay ratio increases with the decreasing jet-to-current velocity ratio α. For an elliptic jet, the evolution of the excess velocity half-width b and the concentration half-width bc merely remains constant near the jet exit on major-axis plane while they increase linearly on the minor-axis plane. However, the half-widths on the major-axis and minor-axis plane become proportional to the axial distance downstream after equaling each other. For a square jet, b and bc increase linearly with the distance downstream from the jet exit, but the spread ratio is larger on the middle plane than that on the diagonal plane before they equal each other. The radial extent of the dividing streamline rs or the mixing boundary rsc increases linearly downstream, and decreases exponentially after reaching a peak at xb. The ratio on the minor-axis plane is larger than that on the major-axis plane for an elliptic jet. The characteristics are the same for the square jet. b, bc, rs, and rsc on two corresponding planes become equal to each other more rapidly for the square jet than for the elliptic jet, because the sharp corner of the square nozzle induces secondary structures that are more intense. The distributions of the excess axial velocity and scalar concentration exhibit self-similarity for either the elliptic jet or square jet in the region of l0 < x < xb. On the cross section, four counter-rotating pairs of vortices, which enhance the entrainment between the jet and counterflow, form at the four corners of the square jet or at the two ends of the major-axis plane of the elliptic jet. The recirculation pattern formed by these axial vortices is more complex for the square jet than that for the elliptic jet. The turbulent kinetic energy k have large value in the region near the jet exit and stagnation point. The maximum value of k for the square jet is larger than that of the elliptic jet near the jet exit. This results in the square jet mixing more strongly than the elliptic jet.  相似文献   

中国隆头鱼之一新属新种——尖尾新丝隆头鱼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去几年的西沙群岛鱼类区系调查中,我们曾在西沙群岛的东岛和永兴岛附近水域,先后三次采到5尾前所未曾见过的隆头鱼类标本,经过比较研究后,认为是一新属、新种,定名为“尖尾新丝隆头鱼”,(Neocirrhilabrus oxyurus gen. et sp. nov.)现描述如下:  相似文献   

A 2-D time-domain numerical coupled model is developed to obtain an efficient method for nonlinear wave forces on a fixed box-shaped ship in a harbor.The domain is divided into an inner domain and an outer domain.The inner domain is the area beneath the ship and the flow is described by the simplified Euler equations.The other area is the outer domain and the flow is defined by the higher-order Boussinesq equations in order to consider the nonlinearity of the wave motions.Along the interface boundaries between the inner domain and the outer domain,the volume flux is assumed to be continuous and the wave pressures are equal.Relevant physical experiment is conducted to validate the present model.It is shown that the numerical results agree with the experimental data.Compared with the coupled model with the flow in the inner domain governed by the Laplace equation,the present coupled model is more efficient and its solution procedure is more simple,which is particularly useful for the study on the effect of the nonlinear wave forces on a fixed box-shaped ship in a large harbor.  相似文献   

本文对J.Maynard Smith提出的物种竞争模式: x=x(a-bx-cy-kxy) y=y(e-fx-gy-lxy)作了定性分析,并给出两物种共存或其中任一物种死亡,而另一物种趋于确定值的条件。  相似文献   

This is a numerical study on the time development of surface waves generated by a submerged body moving steadily in a two-layer fluid system, in which a layer of water is underlain by a layer of viscous mud. The fully nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations are solved on FLUENT with the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) multiphase scheme in order to simulate the free surface waves as well as the water-mud interface waves as functions of time. The numerical model is validated by mimicking a reported experiment in a one-layer ...  相似文献   

An edge wave is a kind of surface gravity wave basically travelling along a shoaling beach. Based on the periodic assumption in the longshore direction, a second order ordinary differential equation is obtained for numerical simulation of the cross-shore surface elevation. Given parameters at the shoreline, a cross-shore elevation profile is obtained through integration with fourth-order Runge-Kutta technique. For a compound slope, a longshore wavenumber is obtained by following a geometrical approach and solving a transcendental equation with an asymptotic method. Numerical results on uniform and compound sloping beaches with different wave periods, slope angles, modes and turning point positions are presented. Some special scenarios, which cannot be predicted by analytical models are also discussed.  相似文献   

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