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保证现场测量离水辐射率精度的关键工作之一是现场测量设备进行严格的实验室定标,本文就1999年9月进行的一次实验室绝对辐射定标试验,简述辐照度,辐亮度定标的主要方法及数据处理方法。  相似文献   

海洋光学考察时需要同步测量大气中的下行太阳辐照度,其测量采样频率比常规大气辐射观测高300倍,可记录到达海面太阳辐射的高频变化。利用2007年在白令海考察的数据,详细研究了辐照度高频变化的特征与原因,得出影响辐照度记录的主要因素有云层、海雾和海浪。结果表明,这3种因素的影响有明显的差别,使作者有可能在不确切知道现场情况的条件下,由数据本身判断辐照度变化的原因,并获取有关的参数。云层引起的辐照度变化具有低频率、大振幅的特征。海雾引起的辐照度变化最为复杂,变化幅度大,变化周期复杂,从几秒到上百秒,与云层效应相区别。晴空条件下,海浪调制的反射信号通过空气中的水汽散射影响辐照度计测量数值,形成周期短、振幅小的稳定振动信号,与云和雾的效应有明显区别。文中提供了云、雾和浪对辐照度影响的定性特征和定量分析结果,对理解海面辐照度记录,并正确处理数据有指导意义。  相似文献   

将普通的小巧型S2000光谱仪组装改造成用于海面测量的高光谱辐射计,安装在船只等移动平台上进行原位测量,可以获得向下辐照度和向上辐亮度的实验数据.阐述了整体设计思路,说明了其光路结构,光学采集单元分为光谱辐照度光学探头和光谱辐亮度光学探头.叙述了通过机械结构的调整来更准确地测量离水辐亮度,并给出了基于计算机进行显示和存储的编程软件.此系统获得的试验测量结果可以为海洋学研究提供充分的现场光学数据,有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

本文对北黄海5次现场调查中获得的水中辐照度资料,应用统计分析方法,建立辐照度随水深变化的关系模式,分析辐照度的垂直衰减特性。结果表明:辐照度随水深按指数函数规律衰减;辐照度垂直衰减系数K有明显的季节变化和区域特征;不同水层的K值各不相同,K的变化存在分层结构。  相似文献   

本文在分析了若干由卫星信息提取地表的太阳辐照度物理模式的基础上,将1995年5月26日的NOAA卫星AVHRR资料经适当变换后,选用Hay和Hanson模式估算并分析了黄渤海35°~40°N、120°~125°E海区的海面太阳辐照度值。文中指出,卫星测量可成为海面太阳辐照度观测的有效手段。建议:1)尽快在国内开展这方面的研究;2)应进行海洋实况测量(最好是卫星过境时同步进行);3)建立从卫星资料提取我国海区海面辐照度的适用算法。  相似文献   

北黄海水中辐照度的分布变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对北黄海5次现场调查中获得的水中辐照度资料,应用统计分析方法,建立辐照度随水深变化的关系模式,分析辐照度的垂直衰减特性。结果表明:辐照度随水深按指数函数规律衰减,辐照度垂直衰减系数K有明显的季节变化和区域特征,不同水层的K值各不相同,K的变化存在分层结构。  相似文献   

SeaWiFS航空模拟器(SAS)是专门为在水面之上测量水体表观光学参数的现场设备。文章在介绍SAS现场测量以及数据处理基本方法的基础上,分析了2002年黄海试验SAS的应用效果,并与剖面法测量数据进行了比对。  相似文献   

由TSRB辐射计数据估算海面离水辐亮度的经验方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立基于经验统计的TSRB辐射计数据估算离水辐亮度的方法,利用SeaBASS数据库中640多个现场测量的辐亮度和辐照度光谱剖面数据,建立向上辐亮度衰减系数K_(lu)的经验算法.此算法为幂指数形式,输入变量为水下0.65 m的向上辐亮度(490 nm)与海面上向下的辐照度(555 nm或665 nm)之比(即为TSRB直接测量的两个参数).当水体较清时,输入为蓝绿波段之比,当水混浊时,采用蓝红波段之比.获得了K_(lu)后,海面以上的辐亮度(离水辐亮度)由z=0.65 m处的辐亮度外推获得.初步的检验结果表明,该方法对一类和二类水域都有很好性能,且算法实现简单,运行速度快.  相似文献   

水下辐照度分布的三参数模型——异常尖峰的理论解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据海水光学参数的关系及水下总辐射的指数衰减方程,导出了下行和上行辐照度垂直分布三参数模型,分析并讨论了异常尖峰的产生机制.该模型包括三个光学参数:吸收系数a(z)、后向散射系数bb(z)、平均余弦的初始边界值μ(0).在此基础上对几种典型水体的辐照度分布进行模拟,模拟结果表明,在光学参数存在极大值分布的水层,水下辐照度可能产生异常尖峰分布.模拟结果与海上实测结果很一致.  相似文献   

为了实现现场测量地表水中矿物油含量的全光纤荧光计的研制。采用荧光光谱测量分析方法 ,于 1 999年 1 0月— 2 0 0 0年 5月 ,采集了国内外不同的地区原油和成品油共 2 3种 ,用1 4种不同波长的激发光激励 ,进行荧光光谱特性测量实验研究。同时 ,对不同浓度的矿物油、水混合液也进行了测量实验 ,得出其最低检测浓度为 0 .0 0 5mg/L ;测量了青岛近岸海域表层受油污染海水的含油量为 0 .0 1~ 0 .2 2mg/L ;此外对水中矿物油受激荧光发射原理也作了简述。并对水中矿物油荧光光谱特性、浓度与荧光强度的关系 ,以及为研制现场测量水中矿物油浓度的全光纤荧光计的可能性作出了结论性的意见  相似文献   

众多海洋观测数据表明,在真光层深度范围内,海水固有光学特性和光学有效组分的剖面分层分布是广泛存在的,而很多遥感反演模型的建立基于均一分布假设,尤其是在经验模型的建立中,往往只利用某一深度或各深度平均的光学有效组分浓度与水体光谱的统计关系。文章通过模拟平静水面水下光的辐射传输,分别研究了叶绿素、无机悬浮物浓度垂直分布结构对水下辐照度比的影响,并对比了两类分层水体权重函数等效浓度计算式及相应水下辐照度比,结果表明,对于分层水体,透射深度和层化强度是影响等效浓度值计算误差的主要因素,透射越深,表层层化越强,水体层化对水下辐照度比的影响就越大,但其计算误差也越大。Gondon等效浓度计算结果比较接近实际值,而Zaneveld计算式则高估了分层水体的等效浓度值。  相似文献   

海水营养盐现场监测   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
海水营养盐现场监测技术是90年代初发展起来的新技术。海洋技术研究所对这一技术进行了研究和探索,开发研制了营养盐现场自动分析仪,本文从该仪器的性能指标、工作原理、分析工艺流程、组成及工作方式做了较全面的介绍。  相似文献   

Calcareous sand, widely spread on coral reefs in Nansha Islands, South China Sea, will be used as backfill material in oceanic engineering, but its engineering property is still elusive. It's difficult and extremely costly to conduct in-situ plate load tests to investigate the bearing capacities of calcareous soils foundation because the coral reefs are too far from the mainland and located in tidal zone. In order to study the bearing capacity and deformation behavior of calcareous soils, the authors designed an apparatus to carry out laboratory tests. The apparatus has the advantages as listed: (1) estimating the bearing capacity and deformation of soil foundation; (2) measuring the soil pressures and settlements at diffirent depths; (3) investigating the load transmission depth. Test results of calcareous sand indicate that the apparatus is suitable to test the engineering behavior of soil in laboratory.  相似文献   

Measurements of underwater irradiance revealed that the vertical attenuance in upward irradiance for wavelengths above 520 nm decreased with increasing depth, while the attenuance in the remaining wavelength region and also the attenuance in the downward irradiance in the whole wavelength range kept almost constant values. In this paper, it is suggested that the decrease in the attenuance for the upward irradiance above 520 nm can be ascribed to the Raman scattering of water molecules excited by the intense blue-green light in the downward irradiance. The pure water Raman scattering function at a scattering angle of 90° is measured and the results are used for the theoretical computation of upward irradiance generated by Raman scattering. Then, the difference between observed upward irradiance and the upward irradiance obtained by extrapolation from that in the shallow layers is computed under the assumption of constant irradiance attenuance. Since this difference is expected to represent the upward irradiance generated by Raman scattering, its value is compared with the upward irradiance due to Raman scattering obtained by theoretical computation. The similarity between the two upward irradiances so evaluated supports the view that Raman scattering makes a significant contribution to upward irradiance in the longer wavelength region.  相似文献   

大亚湾浮游植物光合作用特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用Phyto-PAM测量大亚湾浮游植物的光合作用能力、非化学淬灭并建立快速光曲线,同时研究浮游植物群落结构、组成、丰度和相应的环境因素,分析光合作用特征与浮游植物生长和分布的耦合关系。本次调查期间大亚湾浮游植物以集群化硅藻为优势物种,各站位最大光量子收益达到0.72。大亚湾浮游植物适应高光强,当光照达到1000μE/(m2.s)时电子传递速率逐渐达到饱和;光照达到1500μE/(m2.s)浮游植物依然可进行光合作用,叶黄素循环保护光合器官使其免受高光强损伤;当光照达到1700μE/(m2.s)时,光合器官可能受到损伤,此时电子传递速率下降,实际光量子收益接近于0。集群化硅藻能够耐受较广的光照范围及其活跃的光合特征有利于它们在全球海区的广泛分布。  相似文献   

Statistical characteristics of the irradiance of an electromagnetic wave propagating in a dissipative random medium are studied. For the propagation regime of strong irradiance fluctuations, asymptotic expressions are obtained for the second statistical moment of the irradiance. The behavior of the relative variance of irradiance fluctuations is analyzed for different propagation conditions. It is shown that, if the outer scale of turbulence exceeds the maximum correlation length of irradiance fluctuations because of random attenuation, no saturation of the relative variance of irradiance fluctuations to unity occurs. Depending on the ratio between the structure characteristics of the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity and on the degree of their correlation, the relative variance of irradiance fluctuations in this case may be either an increasing, or a decreasing, or a nonmonotonic function of the path length, deviating from the level corresponding to a transparent turbulent medium. It is found that the saturation of the relative variance of irradiance fluctuations to unity in a randomly absorbing medium occurs in the region of strong fluctuations if the correlation length of irradiance fluctuations is greater than the outer scale of turbulence.  相似文献   

Modeling of the wave-induced underwater light fluctuations at near-surface depths in coastal oceanic waters is challenging because of the surface roughness and strong anisotropic effects of the light field. In the present work, a simple and computationally efficient radiative transfer model is used for the wind-driven sea surface for simulating underwater light fields such as downwelling irradiance (Ed), upwelling irradiance (Eu), and upwelling radiance (Lu) in a spatial domain. It is an extension of our previous work that essentially combines the air–sea interface of the wind-driven sea surface with transmittance and reflectance along with the diffuse and direct components of the homogenous and inhomogeneous water column. The present model simulates underwater light fields for any possible values of absorption and backscattering coefficients. To assess the performance of the model, the Ed, Eu, and Lu profiles predicted by the model are compared with experimental data from relatively clear and turbid coastal waters. Statistical results show significantly low mean relative differences regardless of the wavelength. Comparison of the simulated and in-situ time series data measured over rough sea surfaces demonstrates that model-observation agreement is good for the present model. The Hydrolight model when implemented with the modified bottom reflectance and phase function provides significantly better results than the original Hydrolight model without consideration of the bottom slope and vertically varying phase function. However, these results are non-spatial and have errors fluctuating at different wavelengths. To further demonstrate the efficiency of the present model, spatial distribution patterns of the underwater light fields are simulated based on the measured data from a coastal station for different solar zenith angles (under sunny condition). Simulated wave-induced fluctuations of the underwater lights fields show a good consistency with in-situ data for a few near-surface depths. The present model also provides a reasonable approximation for simulating wave-induced effects on the downward irradiance field and its anisotropic conditions caused by the surface roughness, wavelength and angle of incidence.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet(UV) radiation has a significant influence on marine biological processes and primary productivity;however, the existing ocean color satellite sensors seldom contain UV bands. A look-up table of wavelengthintegrated UV irradiance(280–400 nm) on the sea surface is established using the coupled ocean atmosphere radiative transfer(COART) model. On the basis of the look-up table, the distributions of the UV irradiance at middle and low latitudes are inversed by using the satellite-derived atmospheric products from the Aqua satellite,including aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm, ozone content, liquid water path, and the total precipitable water.The validation results show that the mean relative difference of the 10 d rolling averaged UV irradiance between the satellite retrieval and field observations is 8.20% at the time of satellite passing and 13.95% for the daily dose of UV. The monthly-averaged UV irradiance and daily dose of UV retrieved by satellite data show a good correlation with the in situ data, with mean relative differences of 6.87% and 8.43%, respectively. The sensitivity analysis of satellite inputs is conducted. The liquid water path representing the condition of cloud has the highest effect on the retrieval of the UV irradiance, while ozone and aerosol have relatively lesser effect. The influence of the total precipitable water is not significant. On the basis of the satellite-derived UV irradiance on the sea surface, a preliminary simple estimation of ultraviolet radiation's effects on the global marine primary productivity is presented, and the results reveal that ultraviolet radiation has a non-negligible effect on the estimation of the marine primary productivity.  相似文献   

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