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基于高分辨率的单道地震和多波束测深数据,识别并对比了东海陆架中部同一海区相距20余万年的层U14和层U2两期沙脊群,其中层U14期沙脊属于埋藏沙脊,位于东海海底以下90 m深处,推测属于距今320~200 ka的海侵体系域(TST),沙脊顶界面是该期海侵的最大洪泛面(MFS);层U2期沙脊位于东海陆架,属于衰退沙脊,系末次盛冰期(LGM)以来的TST,顶界面是LGM以来的MFS。尽管两期沙脊形成年代相距20余万年,地层层位相距近90 m,但是沙脊群总体走向一致,表明距今2×105 a以来东海陆架潮波基本格局稳定。从层U2期可识别出4个亚期沙脊,通过多波束海底地形图可识别出4组走向的沙脊,多亚期、多走向沙脊是LGM以来海平面阶梯状波动在海底地形演变过程中的响应证据。  相似文献   

到目前,还缺乏关于大型陆架系统对全球海面变化响应的研究,5年来我们对中国东部宽阔的陆架海底进行详细制图研究,结果表明:现代中国东部陆架海底沉积环境分布与末次冰盛期以来的海面变化之间有很好的响应关系;目前的陆架海底被3个沉积体系覆盖,即低海面期的古滨带、冰消期的海侵体系和高海面期的涡漩及近岸带沉积体系;末次冰期后期以来,可区分出3个快速海面上升期和3个慢速上升期。在快速上升期,海底形成了代表海岸快速移动的混杂沉积-海侵边界层,海岸平均移动速度10~22cm/a(最大64cm/a),缓慢上升期,形成了陆架广泛分布的潮流沙脊体系,三期沙脊体系之间有继承性演化关系。  相似文献   

海底沙脊地貌的研究现状及进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了国内外海底沙脊地貌的研究成果、技术方法以及东中国海沙脊研究中存在的问题。弓京港辐射沙脊群成因的研究依然是国内沙脊研究的焦点;东海中北部陆架沙脊地貌形成时期(海进与海退期)、沉积类型(现代、残留及潮流沉积)、沉积动力及沉积模式等研究尚存在较多争议;古潮流场的研究尚未得到足够重视。最新多波束探测数据显示,东海中南部外陆架60 m以深海域广泛分布线状沙脊群,其规模较前人预测的更大、范围更广,与长江口外喇叭状地形区中的沙脊地貌在空间分布特征和发展趋势上均存在差异。未来若能在利用多波束探测数据的基础上,对单道地震剖面、柱状样品以及钻孔等获取的多种资料进行综合分析,将更有利于对沙脊地貌的精细结构、时空展布规律以及成因机制和演化模式的研究。  相似文献   

浅地层剖面探测、侧扫声纳探测、多波束测深等地球物理方法是识别海洋灾害地质因素的主要手段。根据多年来在东海陆架开展的多项海洋调查项目获得的资料,在东海陆架识别出多种海洋灾害地质因素,主要的有海底滑坡、浅层气、沙波、埋藏古河道、沙脊等,并对它们的声反射特征进行分析。各种灾害地质因素因其独特的成因机制,对海洋工程设施的影响也不同。  相似文献   

东海Zk23孔的古沙脊沉积环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据东海陆架Zk23孔岩心分析资料,进行了沉积地层学、生物地层学和年代地层学分析,确定了该钻孔中段细砂层为埋藏古长江河口沙脊沉积,阐明了该孔附近海区冰消期前后和冰后期的沉积历史。约15kaBP以前,海平面上升较快,沉积了下层的河口—水下三角洲相地层;15~12kaBP的冰消期期间,海平面波动并稳定于60~80m等深线附近,发育了沙脊地貌;12kaBP以来海平面再度快速上升,至7kaBP水位稳定,直至今日,沉积了沙脊上覆的浅海相粉砂质黏土和黏土质粉砂地层。  相似文献   

东海Zk23孔的古沙脊沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据东海陆架Zk23孔岩心分析资料,进行了沉积地层学、生物地层学和年代地层学分析,确定了该钻孔中段细砂层为埋藏古长江河口沙脊沉积,阐明了该孔附近海区冰消期前后和冰后期的沉积历史。约在15kaB.P以前,海平面上升较快,沉积了下层的河口-水下三角洲相地层;约在15~12kaB.P.的冰消期期间,海平面波动并稳定于60~80m等深线附近,发育了沙脊地貌:约在12kaB.P.以来海平面再度快速上升,至7kaB.P水位稳定,直至今日,沉积了沙脊上覆的浅海相粉砂质黏土和黏土质粉砂地层。  相似文献   

扬子浅滩东南海域海底潮流沙脊、沙波特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用seabat8101多波束系统对扬子浅滩东南海底地形进行了高精度探测。发现海底呈明显近乎平行排列的条带状起伏,脊谷相间,沙脊大部分呈NW-SE向排列,发育在45~50 m水深范围之内,沙脊横剖面不对称,大部分沙脊西南侧坡度大、东北坡缓。沙脊规模略有差异,沙脊宽度约0.6~9.8 km,沙脊之间间距可达8.9~22.4 km,高度约1.8~13.3 m,研究区内最长可达53 km。部分脊槽过渡区域发育成片链状海底沙波,沙波大致呈NE-SW走向,波高约0.3~1 m,波长1 km左右。研究区中西部有海底礁石孤立地突兀于相对平坦的海底之上,暂定名为扬礁,最浅水深35.9 m,位于30°59'7.4'~31°N,124°36'48.7'~124°37'40'E。扬子浅滩东南海域沙脊是介于活动沙脊和衰亡沙脊之间的准活动沙脊。该研究将为我国海洋开发和海洋经济发展、海洋行政管理以及海洋安全保障提供服务。  相似文献   

利用SM2000多波束探测系统对扬子浅滩东南边缘进行高精度探测,对研究区海底底形特征进行分析并对其成因进行探讨,结果表明:研究区-50 m水深附近分布3条东西向伸展的潮流沙脊,脊高在10 m左右,宽约10 km,属于冰消期11~9 kaBP残留的滨岸砂体,沙脊表面普遍分布冲蚀沟、坎、坑等次一级冲蚀底形,沟深1 m左右,似乎平行排列,NNW—SSE向伸展,系现代潮、浪流冲刷侵蚀的微地貌,说明3条残留潮流沙脊目前正处于侵蚀状态。  相似文献   

自南黄海辐射状沙脊被发现,尤其是江苏省海岸带和海涂资源综合调查揭示了其全貌,并同时测得辐射状沙脊区存在辐射状潮流场(任美愕,1986)以来,对南黄海辐射状沙脊的成因,主要包括其形成的水动力条件、物质来源、形成机理与形成过程等,本领域学术界一直存在争论1)(李从先等,1979;任美锷,1986;李成治等,1981;周长振等,1981;万延森,1982;刘振夏,1983;刘振夏等,1983,1995;耿秀山等,1983;夏东兴等,1984;夏综万等,1984;杨长恕,1985;黄易畅等,1987;张光威,1991;赵松龄,1991;朱大奎等,1993;杨治家等,1995;朱玉荣等,1995,1997;张东生等,1996;李从先等,1997)。 南黄海辐射状沙脊的形成机理及形成过程是与其形成的水动力条件、物质来源紧密联系在一起的。持该区的辐射状潮流场是受海底地形与(或)局部弶港海湾形态控制而形成观点的学者,多认为辐射状潮流场形成的同时或之后会反作用于海底地形,逐渐将海底地形改造成辐射状沙脊1)(任美锷,1986;李成治等,1981;万延森,1982;张光威,1991),并且认为辐射状沙脊的形成需要几千年的时间1),或是一个历史过程(李成治等,1981),或经过最近一百多年的改造而形成(万延森,1982),或形成于距今4000年前以来(张光威,1991)。这种观点的本质在于认为辐射状沙脊的辐射状形态是由海底地形的初始辐射状形态决定的,辐射状潮流场的作用在于使具初始辐射状形态的海底地形的辐射状形式更好,即认为辐射状潮流场对辐射状沙脊辐射状形态的形成不起决定作用。认为辐射状潮流场是由东海传入黄海的前进潮波与山东半岛南部的旋转潮波相交汇而形成,并且认为辐射状潮流场有可能自全新世海侵影响本区,或自7000年前以来就一直存在(对古海岸时辐射状潮流场存在的认识只是推测,尚缺乏证据)的学者,多认为辐射状沙脊的辐射状形态是由该区潮流场的辐射状形态决定的(周长振等,1981;刘振夏,1983;夏综万等,1984;杨长恕,1985;黄易畅等,1987;朱大奎等,1993;朱玉荣等,1995,1997),即认为辐射状潮流场对辐射状沙脊的辐射状形态起决定作用。这两种观点根本对立。  相似文献   

东海陆架西北部地貌分类及沉积环境演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多次海洋调查的多波束、表层沉积物资料及中法合作海洋地质调查的浅地层剖面资料,对东海陆架西北部的地貌进行详细分类,探讨该区环境演化规律。分析结果表明,该区存在潮流沙脊,潮流冲刷槽、暗礁等多种地貌形态;该区发育多期潮流沙脊,反映了本区晚更新世以来经历了多次海进和海退过程。  相似文献   

Based on multi-beam echo soundings and high-resolution single-channel seismic profiles, linear sand ridges in U14 and U2 on the East China Sea (ECS) shelf are identified and compared in detail. Linear sand ridges in U14 are buried sand ridges, which are 90 m below the seafloor. It is presumed that these buried sand ridges belong to the transgressive systems tract (TST) formed 320–200 ka ago and that their top interface is the maximal flooding surface (MFS). Linear sand ridges in U2 are regressive sand ridges. It is presumed that these buried sand ridges belong to the TST of the last glacial maximum (LGM) and that their top interface is the MFS of the LGM. Four sub-stage sand ridges of U2 are discerned from the high-resolution single-channel seismic profile and four strikes of regressive sand ridges are distinguished from the submarine topographic map based on the multi-beam echo soundings. These multi-stage and multi-strike linear sand ridges are the response of, and evidence for, the evolution of submarine topography with respect to sea-level fluctuations since the LGM. Although the difference in the age of formation between U14 and U2 is 200 ka and their sequences are 90 m apart, the general strikes of the sand ridges are similar. This indicates that the basic configuration of tidal waves on the ECS shelf has been stable for the last 200 ka. A basic evolutionary model of the strata of the ECS shelf is proposed, in which sea-level change is the controlling factor. During the sea-level change of about 100 ka, five to six strata are developed and the sand ridges develop in the TST. A similar story of the evolution of paleo-topography on the ECS shelf has been repeated during the last 300 ka.  相似文献   

美国东岸,自纽约长岛经马里兰、新泽西直至弗罗里达基本属于沙坝渴湖岸,岸外的内、外陆架上分布一系列水下沙脊及脊间沙带、沙丘和沙波等次一级底形。按新泽西岸外20-80m水深处35个沙脊的统计,脊长约2~11km,宽约1~4km,长宽比界于2:1~3:1之间,与世界典型沙脊长宽比40:1比较,本区沙脊属于短轴浪控型,脊高约1~3m,或者更高。向NE10°~30°伸展,两坡不对称,上游坡平缓,下游坡较陡,约2.5°~7.0°。按34-48m水深处的“黄金沙脊”上的20余钻孔岩心分析和HC年龄测试,划分沙脊自下而上3层地层:9~11kaBP以前的平原陆相层;9—5kaBP的下部沙脊沙层;5kaBP以来的上部沙脊沙层。上部沙脊层不断向下游SE侧超越迁移,局部定位观测的沙脊迁移率为1~2m/a。  相似文献   

胶州湾内外的涨、落潮三角洲上发育有一定规模的潮流沙脊体系,通过多波束调查采集数据和浅剖、沉积物资料的分析,对沙脊特征进行了研究。湾内涨潮三角洲上分别分布有冒岛沙脊、中央沙脊和岛耳河沙脊;湾外落潮三角洲上分别发育了潮流沙脊大竹、南沙、北沙和位于主潮流通道末端的弧状沙脊。潮流沙脊体系的演变具有较为明显的继承性。沙脊以海侵时期发育的沙体为内核,沉积物组成以粒度较粗的砂质沉积物为主,物源基础为低海平面时期胶州湾盆地内堆积的河流三角洲相沉积物。据分析,沙脊现代物源较为匮乏,整体目前处于冲刷不淤的状态。在现代潮流水动力条件下,研究区潮流沙脊处于活动状态。  相似文献   

在南黄海太阳沙西侧潮流脊槽海域进行了密集网格的高分辨率浅地震勘探,测线间距主要为120 m和200 m。沉积物穿透厚度最大约80~90 m,划分为2个地震层序(SQ1和SQ2),细分为5个亚层(U1~U5)。位于下部的层序1(U1)为晚更新世陆相沉积,上部的层序2(U2~U5)以全新世海相沉积为主。根据地震相特征研究了各亚层的沉积环境,从晚更新世晚期以来,研究区经历了三角洲辫状河流—河流刻蚀—古河道充填—河口滨海—三角洲滨浅海—现代潮流脊槽的沉积环境演变过程。在早全新世中期,研究区发育了一条窄河口型潮流沙脊,并随海平面的快速上升而被掩埋。现代潮流沙脊形成于末次高海面后,与古潮流沙脊没有继承关系,与晚更新世古地形也没有关系,受控于潮流系统。  相似文献   

Erosional shelf ridges in the mid-eastern Yellow Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mid-eastern Yellow Sea, closely spaced high-resolution seismic profiles and a 44-m-long sediment core (YSDP-104) were analyzed to reveal the internal structures and stratigraphy of the shelf ridges currently shaped by tidal currents. Three depositional sequences (sequences I, II and III in descending order) can be recognized. Sequence III, the substratum of the ridges, consists of coarse-grained sediments in the lower part (non-marine deposits) and tide-influenced muddy sediments in the upper part (probable transgressive to highstand systems tract). Sequence II represents internal ridge sediments, similar in character to sequence III, but is demarcated by an undulatory ridge topography. According to radiocarbon dating of marine muds, these sequences range in age from 47,000 to 28,000 years B.P., representing two cycles of short-term sea-level fluctuations during oxygen isotope stage 3. Sequence I consists mostly of late-Holocene transgressive sand veneer on the ridge surface. It also includes minor amounts of early-Holocene muddy sediments occasionally underlying the sand. Most of the ridges are presently undergoing erosion by tidal currents, forming widespread sand dunes on the entire surface.  相似文献   

东海和凯尔特海潮流沙脊的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东海潮流沙脊与凯尔特海沙脊均为开阔陆架上的大型深水沙脊,它们都形成在冰后期海面上升时期。目前仍然经受现代潮流和风暴浪的作用,具有一定的活动性,处于活动沙脊和衰亡沙脊之间的发育过程,属于准活动沙脊。与东海比较,凯尔特海的动力作用更强。东海沙脊横剖面大多呈向西南方向倾斜的前积层理,偶见波浪侵蚀面,反映以潮流作用为主形成的沙脊内部结构的特点;凯尔特海沙脊剖面呈现复杂的交错层理,内部有较多的波浪侵蚀面,这是潮流和波浪共同作用形成的沙脊内部结构的特点。  相似文献   

In the mid-eastern Yellow Sea, closely spaced high-resolution seismic profiles and a 44-m-long sediment core (YSDP-104) were analyzed to reveal the internal structures and stratigraphy of the shelf ridges currently shaped by tidal currents. Three depositional sequences (sequences I, II and III in descending order) can be recognized. Sequence III, the substratum of the ridges, consists of coarse-grained sediments in the lower part (non-marine deposits) and tide-influenced muddy sediments in the upper part (probable transgressive to highstand systems tract). Sequence II represents internal ridge sediments, similar in character to sequence III, but is demarcated by an undulatory ridge topography. According to radiocarbon dating of marine muds, these sequences range in age from 47,000 to 28,000 years B.P., representing two cycles of short-term sea-level fluctuations during oxygen isotope stage 3. Sequence I consists mostly of late-Holocene transgressive sand veneer on the ridge surface. It also includes minor amounts of early-Holocene muddy sediments occasionally underlying the sand. Most of the ridges are presently undergoing erosion by tidal currents, forming widespread sand dunes on the entire surface.  相似文献   

Tidal sand bars and tidal sand ridges are extensively developed in the macrotidal Gulf of Khambhat, offshore western India. The inner and outer regions of the gulf are characterised by the development distinct tidal sand bodies with discrete geometries and dimensions. The outer gulf ridges are long, narrow, curvilinear and several metres high (∼20 m). They are asymmetric in cross-section and migratory in nature, forming ‘ribbon’ like sand bodies separated by tidal channels. Active dunes on these ridges indicate the presence of sand and their orientation parallel to palaeo-shorelines supports a tidal origin. In contrast to the outer gulf tidal sand ridges, sand bars associated with macrotidal estuaries flanking the Gulf of Khambhat typically have an elongate to diamond shape and are only hundreds of metres in width and a few kilometres length. These tidal sand bars occur in the estuary mouths and within the tidally influenced fluvial reaches of the rivers flowing into the gulf. The height of these sand bars is in the range ∼1–3 m. Due to high tidal ranges and bi-directional flow the sand bars do not develop significant height and are formed between the mutually evasive ebb and flow channels. Their bi-directional foresets and the presence of abundant mud drapes associated with the dunes within in-channel sand bars indicate a tidal origin.The Gulf of Khambhat acquired the present configuration in the last few thousand years since the Pleistocene sea-level lowstand (last glacial maximum, ∼18 ka) when the entire continental shelf was subaerially exposed and rivers down-cut into the coastal plain. With increasing sea-level rise, the exposed shelf was drowned, flooding parts of the Modern western Indian peninsula, and large tidal sand ridges formed in the outer gulf. After the fall of sea-level at 2 ka the gulf acquired the Modern configuration with multiple estuaries on both coastlines, rivers supplied the embayment with sandy sediment, and tidal sand bars formed in the Modern estuaries.Quantitative data gathered from the Modern Gulf of Khambhat indicates that for the P50 case, a vertical drill hole will encounter tidal sand bodies (ridges and bars combined) of approximate dimensions 1700 m long, 470 m wide and 1.5 m high, with a spacing of 400 m. In subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs, where data is sparse and only limited amount of core is available, this quantitative dataset can be useful to constrain subsurface geocellular models. Also, the overall geometry, distribution and aspect ratio of the tidal sand ridges and tidal sand bars can be used to identify ancient counterparts through seismic geomorphology or in core.  相似文献   

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