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长江总氮和有机氮的分布变化与迁移   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
1997年11-12月(枯水期),1998年8月和10月(丰水期),对长江从金沙江至河口干流和主要支流、湖泊入江口总氮、总溶解氮、总有机氮等进行调查。结果表明,长江水中各种形态氮的浓度,枯水期明显高于丰水期,支流明显高于干流;长江TN和TDN在枯、丰期具有基本类似的迁移变化过程;DIN是长江水的TDN的主要存在形式,丰水期TDN的迁移变化主要取决于DIN;TDN是长江水中TN的主要存在形式,TN的迁移变化主要取决于TDN或者由DIN和TON共同决定;丰水期各种形态的氮中只有有机氮比较容易为悬浮颗粒物质所吸附;长江干流枯水期TDN浓度与长江径流呈较好的线性正相关关系;枯水期TN、丰水期TN和TDN浓度与长江径流的正相关主要发生在上游,这与长江水中氮主要来自于面源有关。  相似文献   

张维林 《台湾海峡》1990,9(4):293-300
本文通过对台湾海峡西部海域7个柱状样计79块样品中的有孔虫分析,阐述了海峡柱样中有孔虫组合及其特征,并由此讨论台湾海峡西部海域晚更新世以来的沉积环境。  相似文献   

厦门海域贝类养殖环境中的大肠菌群和异养细菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年和2006年春季(4月)和秋季(10月)研究了厦门海域贝类养殖环境(海水、底质)和养殖贝类中大肠菌群(TC)和异养细菌(HB)数量分布及其在不同介质中数量之间的相关性,并对贝类养殖环境卫生质量进行了评价。结果表明:潮间带贝类养殖区TC数量较高,虾池和浅海贝类养殖区的较低;虾池贝类养殖区HB数量较高,潮间带和浅海贝类养殖区的较低。总体上,厦门海域贝类养殖环境中TC和HB数量分布呈同安湾湾内和西海域高,同安湾湾口和大嶝海域低的格局。大多数站位海水中TC和HB数量春季稍高于秋季,养殖贝类体中TC和HB数量秋季高于春季,底质中HB数量春、秋季无明显差异,TC数量则秋季稍高于春季。浅海和虾池贝类养殖区海水与贝类、底质与贝类中TC和HB的数量之间均成显著正相关。贝类养殖区底质中HB和TC数量,软泥>粉砂质软泥>粉砂,贝类体内器官组织中HB和TC数量,僧帽牡蛎:外套膜>外套腔液>内脏团;缢蛏和菲律宾蛤仔:外套腔液>外套膜>内脏团。厦门海域贝类养殖环境受到TC和HB不同程度的污染,潮间带贝类养殖区和虾池贝类养殖区分别受到TC和HB的较重污染。  相似文献   

Abstract. Availability of food in the sediment can play an important role in determining the dynamics of deposit feeders. Generally the abundance of deposit feeders during winter and spring is related to an increase in the nutritive value of the sediment due to the concurrent microalgal peaks. This work investigated, in 1998, the seasonal variability patterns in the nutritive value of the sediment and in the abundance of two polychaetes, Desdemona ornata (Sabellidae: Fabriicinae) and Perinereis cultrifera (Nereididae), that probably feed on benthic microalgae. Previously, in 1997, these two species were abundant in winter and spring. During that winter, the amount of chlorophyll a in the sediment was quite variable due to grazing activities. Three manipulative field experiments were carried out in winter and spring (January, March and April 1998) to test the hypothesis that increasing the amount of chlorophyll a increases the nutritional value of the sediment and the abundance of Perinereis cultrifera and Desdemona ornata . The results indicated that the patterns of variability for these species and for chlorophyll a were similar to those observed in 1997. In plots where microalgal growth was stimulated experimentally, Perinereis cultrifera increased in January and Desdemona ornata increased in January and March. The role of food in regulating the abundances of Perinereis cultrifera and Desdemona ornata is discussed.  相似文献   

贻贝(Mytilus edulis)发育早期酸性和碱性磷酸酶活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用组织化学和分光光度技术对贻贝卵、胚胎和早期幼虫酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性进行了定位和定量研究,以探讨贝类早期发育过程中的免疫防御机制。组织化学显示,从卵细胞到D型面盘幼虫各个时期都呈ACP和AKP阳性,卵细胞中阳性颗粒较大且分布比较均匀,受精卵中央着色较深,卵裂期核区呈强阳性且大分裂球内阳性颗粒较多,原肠胚和担轮幼虫外层细胞阳性较强,面盘幼虫外套膜边缘膜、内脏团和面盘基部呈强阳性。生化测定ACP和AKP活力,均是卵细胞最低,随着发育酶活力逐步提高,其中ACP活力在受精后和囊胚期明显提高,囊胚期达到最高峰,其后又略有下降;AKP活力在卵裂期、担轮幼虫和面盘幼虫提高较大,面盘幼虫期酶活力最高。ACP和AKP可能在贻贝的发育早期抵抗病原生物侵染方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

长江无机氮的分布变化和迁移   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
于1997年11—12月(枯水期)、1998年8月和10月(丰水期),对长江从金沙江至河口干流和主要支流、湖泊入江口各种形式的无机氮进行调查。结果表明,长江枯、丰期,干、支流NO3—N平均浓度变化很小,NO2—N、NH4—N浓度枯水期显著高于丰水期,支流高于干流;长江NO3—N、NH4—N和DIN在枯、丰期具有基本相似的迁移过程;长江水中无机N的迁移变化主要取决于NO3—N,NO3—N始终是三态无机N的主要存在形式,三态无机N处于较稳定的热力学平衡状态中;长江干流无机N与径流量呈正相关表明长江水中无机N主要来自于面源。  相似文献   

南海叶绿素浓度季节变化及空间分布特征研究   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17  
以南海海域1997年10月至2002年9月SeaWiFS卫星遥感叶绿素浓度的资料为基础,分析了多年平均的南海叶绿素浓度的时空分布,初步分析结果表明,冬季南海大部分海域叶绿素浓度普遍较高,春季大部分海域较低;南海各个海区的叶绿素月平均最低浓度基本出现在春季的4月或5月,而最高浓度出现的月份却有不同的特征,在中央海盆区出现在12月,在广东沿岸海区出现在7月,在越南东南部近岸海域在8月和12月有两个最高值;在吕宋海峡的西部区域,尽管叶绿素浓度的最高值也出现在12月,但是叶绿素浓度的最低值却出现在夏季的7月.在空间上近岸区域的叶绿素浓度明显高于中央海盆区,西部海域普遍高于东部海域.南海叶绿素浓度的这一时空分布特征与流场(如上升流等)、海面温度场和风场等的变化有关,也与陆源物质的输入等关系密切.  相似文献   

胶州湾水域有机农药六六六分布及迁移   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
根据1979年的胶州湾水域调查资料,分析有机农药六六六(HCH)在胶州湾水域的分布、迁移和季节变化。分析结果表明,在一年中,胶州湾水域夏季HCH的污染严重,而春、秋季污染较轻。在时空分布上,春、夏、秋季整个胶州湾水域的HCH水平分布比较均匀,属于面污染源。HCH的表、底层含量都相近,水体的垂直分布均匀。整个胶州湾水域,春季HCH含量增加,夏季迭到高峰5.393~12.480μg/L,秋季降低到低值0.073~0.685μg/L,这与胶州湾的入湾河流的流量变化相一致。因此认为,农药HCH的使用导致胶州湾水域HCH含量的变化。  相似文献   

以西安刘家坡和甘肃会宁西雁山末次间冰期以来黄土剖面为例,通过剖面土壤结构特征、骨架颗粒矿物成分、主要碎屑颗粒形态、骨架颗粒接触关系以及孔隙特征的分析对比,研究了黄土高原东西部黄土显微特征,进而探讨了其古气候意义。研究进一步证明,古土壤形成期气候比黄土形成期气候湿热,黄土剖面中黄土与古土壤交替反映了干与湿、热与冷的古气候变换;在古土壤形成期气候较湿热的总趋势下,黄土高原东南部比西北部更为湿热,在黄土形成期气候较干冷的总趋势下,黄土高原西北部比东南部更为干冷,这与现今黄土高原的区域性气候差异一致。  相似文献   

This study documents the results of a multi-sensor satellite investigation aimed at comparing the seasonality and interannual variability of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity (PP) in the western and eastern gyres of the subarctic Pacific. Satellite data helped discern several features, most importantly the existence of significant east-west gradients in the supply of nitrate in winter, in the consumption of nitrate by phytoplankton and in phytoplankton production and biomass accumulation over the growth season. In the western subarctic gyre many of these features appear to be regulated by the strength of sea surface winds through increased iron and nitrate inputs. Multiple regression analysis of data extracted from 12 boxes spanning different hydrographic regimes in the subarctic Pacific, showed that over 65% of the variations in PP in the subarctic Pacific could be explained solely on the basis of changes in the strength of sea surface winds and the intensity of incident irradiance (PAR). The dependence of PP on sea surface wind stress was far greater in the western subarctic Pacific Gyre (WSG), than in the Alaskan Gyre (ALG) due to diminishing impact of surface winds towards the east. Spring accumulation of phytoplankton biomass was greater in the WSG than in the ALG despite the higher rates of PP in the latter. This study assumes particular significance because it helps ascertain the existence of several sub-regions within the two broader domains of the WSG and the ALG. In addition, large interannual variations in phytoplankton biomass and PP were observed in the subarctic Pacific following the onset of the El-Niño event of 1997 and the transition to La-Niña conditions in 1999. These variations were largely the result of differences in meteorological and oceanographic conditions across the subarctic Pacific following the development of the El-Niño.  相似文献   

东海黑潮区硝酸盐含量及其高值区的季节分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用2010年NOAA发布的全球海域营养盐数据, 对东海黑潮区硝酸盐含量及其高值区的季节分布进行分析。结果表明: (1) 东海黑潮区NO3?-N平均浓度夏季最高、冬季最低, 陆架高、外海低, 硝酸盐浓度随深度而增高, 增高趋势秋季最强, 春季最弱。(2) 在东海黑潮区100—300m水层之间存在着硝酸盐跃层和深层水的涌升; 深层水涌升强度越大, 跃层位置深度越浅。(3) 在东海黑潮区, 从表层至深层的NO3?-N高值区主要分布在台湾东北海域、黑潮中段海域和九州西南海域, NO3?-N高值区和高值中心呈明显的季节性变化; 上述区域是今后东海黑潮区需要密切关注的海洋渔业资源丰富的海域。  相似文献   

Pleuroncodes monodon is an important fishery resource and key species from the Southeastern Pacific. During its prolonged reproductive period (from February to December), ovigerous females are exposed to seasonal variation in environmental factors (e.g. temperature and food availability), with higher levels of these environmental parameters during summer and lower in winter, and must adjust their biochemistry to ensure their own survival and that of their embryos. The aim of this study was to analyse seasonal changes in the biochemical composition of ovigerous females and their eggs. The data show that the content of lipids, proteins and organic matter in the hepatopancreases of females was significantly higher in winter than in summer. Similarly, the lipid content of the eggs was significantly higher in winter than in summer, yet the protein content of the eggs had the opposite pattern with greater values found in summer. Consistent with the ‘reproductive energetic model’, the initial and final energy produced by the hepatopancreas showed significant seasonal variations, whereas female investment in egg production (in absolute values) did not show significant seasonal differences. The seasonal differences observed in the biochemistry, organic matter and energy content of the female hepatopancreases may be related to the storage of energy for growth and reproduction. Furthermore, the seasonal variation in the content of lipids, proteins and energy in eggs is likely related to embryogenesis and larval hatching in function with environmental conditions. Seasonal variation in the biochemical composition of P. monodon has direct effects on the marine food web and also upon fisheries.  相似文献   

山东近海底层鱼类资源空间异质性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据2016?2017年山东近海渔业资源底拖网季度调查数据,应用多项空间自相关指标和变异函数,分析了山东近海底层鱼类资源的空间自相关性与空间异质性.结果表明,山东近海底层鱼类资源呈现出显著的空间聚集格局,存在着空间自相关性,其中在春季、夏季和冬季的空间自相关性较强,在秋季的空间自相关性较弱.从空间分布上来看,底层鱼...  相似文献   

为了解瓯江口海域鱼卵和仔稚鱼的生态分布现状,分别于2015年4月和10月在该海域开展生态调查。春、秋两季共采集到鱼卵42粒,仔稚鱼295尾;共鉴定出鱼卵和仔稚鱼16种,分别隶属于8目14科15属,其中鲈形目种类最多。春季鱼卵、仔稚鱼物种数和丰度均远高于秋季。春季鱼卵优势种为斑鰶Konosirus punctatus,秋季为舌鳎属未定种Cynoglossus sp.;春季仔稚鱼优势种为鮻Liza haematocheila、花鲈Lateolabrax japonicus和矛尾鰕虎鱼Chaeturichthys stigmatias,秋季为侧带小公鱼属未定种Stolephorus sp.。瓯江口海域春季鱼卵和仔稚鱼的丰度高值区均位于大门岛周围,该海域应在海洋生态红线划定时予以考虑,秋季则相对分散在较外侧海域。春季仔稚鱼数量分布与盐度和营养盐有极显著相关性。与20世纪90年代初相比,该海域的鱼卵、仔稚鱼物种及数量均在发生变化,数量略呈下降趋势。与浙江近岸其他海域相比,瓯江口海域的鱼卵、仔稚鱼数量偏低。  相似文献   

We collected fishes and environmental variables in three zones (upper, middle and lower) of a small open tropical estuary during flood tide. The aim was to test for differences in fish assemblages along a gradient from freshwater to marine waters and to detect any seasonal variation in fishes and environmental variables across these zones. A total of 111 species (18 in the upper, 50 in the middle and 66 in the lower estuary) were recorded, forming three distinct fish assemblages, with the family Eleotridae dominating in the upper, Gerreidae in the middle, and Sciaenidae in the lower estuary. Only two species (Geophagus brasiliensis in the upper and the middle zones, and Eucinostomus argenteus in the middle and the lower zones) composed more than 1% of the total number of individuals in more than a single zone. Short‐term (tidal) changes in salinity in the middle estuary were associated with different assemblages in the three estuarine zones, even in winter, when the differences in salinity are lowest between the middle and the lower zones. Seasonal variation in salinity was irrelevant, except in a protected sidewater lagoon in the middle estuary. Low salinity seasonal change may be related to the lack of seasonal variation in the structure of fish assemblages in all estuarine zones.  相似文献   

长江口海域表层水温的季节、年际变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究长江口与黄东海SST变化的异同,根据长江口区引水船海洋站1959~2001年、大戢山海洋站1977~2000年月平均表层水温资料,安徽大通水文站1968~1999年月平均径流量资料,利用功率谱分析、Mann—Kendall突变检验及相关分析方法,分析长江口区表层水温的季节、年际变化特征。结果表明:长江口区表层水温最高值出现在8月份,最低值出现在2月份。长江口区表层水温的年际变化存在准2年和3~5年的显著振荡周期,东亚季风和长江径流对其变化有影响。长江口区表层水温突变出现在1989年。  相似文献   

盐度的数值模拟结果表明: 一年四季长江口及其邻近海区的盐度分布均为近岸低, 外海高,近岸与外海盐差大。冬季近岸和外海的上层盐度呈垂直均匀分布, 陡坡及外海的底层出现层化; 近岸特别是长江口及其以南近岸盐度的水平变化显著, 外海变化缓慢。春季在长江口以北, 近岸至外海的表层至近底层盐度呈垂直均匀分布, 近岸至外海的底层存在一个向北延伸的盐舌; 长江口及其以南近岸和外海的表层至次表层盐度呈垂直均匀分布, 在近岸稍远的表层至次表层形成盐跃层, 其强度自近岸至外海和自表层至底层逐渐减弱; 在陡坡区的底层盐度几乎呈均匀分布, 并保持高盐特征。夏季除长江口及其以南近岸浅水区盐度呈垂直均匀分布外, 其它区域盐度均出现剧烈分层, 在长江冲淡水区形成强盐跃层, 其强度自表层至底层迅速减弱, 陡坡至外海的底层盐度大致呈均匀分布且保持高盐特征。秋季长江口以北近岸浅水区表层盐度低且出现层化, 表层以下盐度高且呈垂直均匀分布; 近岸以远自表层至底层呈垂直均匀分布, 在外海上层盐度低且呈垂直均匀分布, 而底层盐度高并出现分层;长江口及其以南近岸浅水区盐度呈垂直均匀分布, 陡坡区出现层化, 其盐度为表层低, 底层高; 层化自表层至底层逐渐增强, 并随陡坡至外海的减弱, 上层又逐渐变为垂直均匀分布。  相似文献   

The interpretation of the spatial and temporal patterns of variation in organochlorine concentrations in marine mammal populations is complex because of the lack of wide-scale, long-term surveys. Therefore the results from several surveys must be combined and this causes undesired heterogeneity due to differences in the sampling and analytical techniques used and in the biological characteristics of the individuals sampled. Moreover, information is not homogeneously distributed in either space or in time. Most research is concentrated in western Europe, northern America and certain areas of Asia, while it is extremely limited or non-existent in Africa and most regions of the southern hemisphere. Marine mammals from the temperate fringe of the northern hemisphere, particularly fish-eating species which inhabit the mid-latitudes of Europe and North America, show the greatest organochlorine loads; noteworthy are the extremely high levels found in the Mediterranean Sea and certain locations on the western coasts of the United States. Concentrations in the tropical and equatorial fringe of the northern hemisphere and throughout the southern hemisphere are low or extremely low. The polar regions of both hemispheres showed the lowest concentrations of DDTs and PCBs, although levels of HCHs, chlordanes and HCB were moderate to high in the cold waters of the North Pacific. During recent decades, concentrations have tended to decrease in the regions where pollution was initially high but they have increased in regions located far from the pollution source as a consequence of atmospheric transport and redistribution. It is expected that the Arctic and, to a lesser extent, the Antarctic, will become major sinks for organochlorines in the future; this process may already be significant for some compounds such as HCB and HCHs. Effort should be devoted to both assessment of organochlorine trends in the now highly polluted populations of the temperate fringe of the northern hemisphere and to the implementation of long-term monitoring of marine mammal populations inhabiting polar regions.  相似文献   

The consistency of habitat-related differences in coastal lagoon fish assemblages was assessed across different spatial and temporal scales. Multimesh gillnets were used to sample assemblages of fish on a monthly basis for 1-year in three habitats (shallow seagrass, shallow bare and deep substrata) at two locations (>1 km apart), in each of two coastal lagoons (approximately 500 km apart), in southeastern Australia. A total of 48 species was sampled with 34 species occurring in both lagoons and in all three habitats; species caught in only one lagoon or habitat occurred in low numbers. Ten species dominated assemblages and accounted for more than 83% of all individuals sampled. In both lagoons, assemblages in the deep habitat consistently differed to those in the shallow strata (regardless of habitat). Several species were caught more frequently or in larger numbers in the deep habitat. Assemblages in the two shallow habitats did not differ consistently and were dominated by the same species and sizes of fish, possibly due to habitat heterogeneity and the scale and method of sampling. Within each lagoon, very few between location differences in assemblages within each habitat were observed. Consistent differences in assemblages were detected between lagoons for the shallow bare and deep habitats, indicating there were some intrinsic differences in ichthyofauna between lagoons. Assemblages in spring differed to those in summer, which differed to those in winter for the shallow bare habitat in both lagoons, and the deep habitat in only one lagoon. Fish-habitat relationships are complex and differences in the fish fauna between habitats were often temporally inconsistent. This study highlights the need for greater testing of habitat relationships in space and time to assess the generality of observations and to identify the processes responsible for structuring assemblages.  相似文献   

本文分析了大亚湾潮间带生物数量与分布特点,结查表明,其平均生物量为732.859/m~2,平均栖息密度为 1239个/m~2,生物量以藻类居第一位,栖息密度以软体动物居首位。岩石、沙滩和红树林泥滩生态相数量比较,生物量以岩石相最高,栖息密度以沙滩最高。数量垂直分布,生物量和栖息密度均为低潮区>中潮区>高潮区。  相似文献   

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