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赤道太平洋近表层上升流的估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1979-2006年间的卫星跟踪漂流浮标资料计算得到多年平均的赤道太平洋近表层流场,并估计赤道中东太平洋上混合层水平流场的散度和上升流流量.主要结论包括:1)赤道中东太平洋上升流区域主要集中在日界线以东以赤道为中心的±2°纬度带内,并且赤道南北约4°处各有一下沉流区域;2)赤道中东太平洋附近(165°E-85°W,2°S-2°N)散度平均约为2.0×10-7s-1,对应30m深处上升流区域整体体积输送约为43Sv,其中大约一半的上升流水体随热带流圈在赤道外4°N/S附近下沉,其余部分向两极输送;3)赤道中东太平洋辐散在春季达到最大值2.1×10-7s-1,而在秋季最弱;4)在El Ni(n)o期间辐散减弱,而在La Ni(n)a期间辐散增强,其中纬向流所致的辐合辐散也起到一定作用.  相似文献   

分析了1979—2018年两类厄尔尼诺事件期间月平均热带太平洋海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)异常、对流降水异常、大气环流异常等特征,发现东部型、中部型厄尔尼诺期间海洋及大气加热场并不是赤道对称,赤道以南热源强度大于赤道以北。大气对热源的响应表现在:1)低层在大气热源西侧出现南、北半球热带相对应的气旋环流异常,但是赤道以南气旋的涡度大于赤道以北,且两类厄尔尼诺事件期间涡度中心的位置不同;到高层赤道中东太平洋呈现赤道对称的反气旋环流控制。2)低层热源的西侧出现西风异常,东侧为东风异常,西风异常的强度与范围明显大于东风异常,且东部型西风异常的强度大于中部型;而到高层,纬向风的风向和低层正好相反。3)低层东部型、中部型厄尔尼诺上升运动异常分别位于赤道中东太平洋和赤道中太平洋,下沉运动出现在热源东西两侧及赤道两侧5°N以北、5°S以南的热带地区;东部型到中层上升运动异常强度达到最大,而中部型到高层上升运动异常强度达到最大。4)低层东部型、中部型厄尔尼诺期间位势高度在中东太平洋为负异常,西太平洋为正异常;到高层,整个赤道中东太平洋地区均为位势高度正异常,并且在赤道两侧分别出现位势高度正异常中心,与反气旋环流涡度中心及下沉运动异常中心相对应。5)除西风异常范围大于东风异常,其他特征与赤道非对称热源GILL响应的理论计算模态基本一致。  相似文献   

为了模拟以南、北赤道流、赤道逆流和赤道潜流为特征的赤道流系,从长时间平均的线性化的海水运动方程出发,考虑海水层化、保留经向摩擦作用,利用赤道太平洋中部海区经向流通量不随纬度变化的量阶估计,得到海水密度跃层对赤道风场的响应,即跃层深度的分布规律,然后应用我们已构建的改进Fourier方法求解(由于地转口效应所引入的)变系数的海水运动方程,得到适用于中部赤道太平洋的级数形式的三维流场解。  相似文献   

赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常是研究ENSO(El Ni?o-South Oscillation)的重要指标。本文利用海洋再分析数据,着眼于西太平洋暖池暖水体三维结构的年际变异特征,分析西太平洋暖池水体变动与赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常的关联性,并从前期西太平洋暖池三维暖水体的结构演变及其在上层海洋质量与热量配置中的作用角度,探究了赤道中东太平洋关键Ni?o分区海表温度异常变化的内在一致性,以期为ENSO的预测预报提供新的思路和依据。分析表明,ENSO尺度上西太平洋暖池三维结构变异主模态表现为暖水体平均约以170oE为轴的纬向时空振荡,其可超前赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化约达6个月,并以在赤道中东太平洋及附近海域形成双舌状异常"暖池"为显著特征。前期暖池暖水体的纬向振荡是赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化的重要前兆信息之一。作为海洋中ENSO暴发的重要源区和驱动因子,西太平洋暖池纬向振荡通过在中东太平洋形成不同强度(泛指暖水量及其深度和范围等的大小)的异常"暖池",进而在上层海洋质量和热量的纬向配置中起关键性作用,并且可能与不同EI Ni?o事件的触发机制密切相关,从这种意义上讲,不同ENSO事件的发生和发展存在一定的同源一致性。  相似文献   

用赤道太平洋长达21a的温度资料以及经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法,讨论了在5°S-5°N平均纬向垂直剖面上赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平的时空变化,得到了一些有意义的结果。赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平EOF分析第1模态的正/负位相反映了El Nino/La Nina发生前赤道太平洋温跃层的分布,第2模态的正/负位相反映了El Nino/La Nina鼎盛以及开始衰减时赤道太平洋温跃层的分布。根据我们对赤道太平洋温跃层核心位置的定义,在El Nino向LaNina转换的过程中,赤道东太平洋温跃层上升了30-40m,而赤道中太平洋温跃层先是上升了40-50m,然后又下降了40-50m,赤道西太平洋温跃层下降了90m;随着赤道西太平洋暖水的堆积以及东移,温跃层首先在赤道西太平洋加深,El Nino发生前赤道中东太平洋温跃层开始加深,El Nino达到鼎盛时赤道西太平洋温跃层抬升,而赤道中东太平洋温跃层加深;赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平EOF分析第1特征向量的时间系数与Nino3区的SST距平有非常好的相关,并且超前于Nino3区的SST距平,超前3个月的相关系数高达0.7017,超前6个月的相关系数高达0.6467,因此可以用该量来预测Nino3区的SST距平。  相似文献   

本文基于实测温盐数据等资料,利用水团的浓度混合分析等方法,揭示了热带中东太平洋海域10°N断面的水团构成自上而下分别为东部赤道–热带水团、北太平洋中央水团、加利福尼亚流系水团、南太平洋中央水团、太平洋亚北极水团和太平洋深层水团。分析发现,受热带辐合带影响,9°~10°N海域常年持续的正风应力旋度诱发上升流出现,北太平洋中央水团、加利福尼亚流系水团、南太平洋中央水团和太平洋亚北极水团4个通风潜沉水团经向运动至该纬度带时被抽吸至次表层和中层,并散布在不同深度。以往研究仅指出上述4个水团在海表通风形成后将潜沉并向赤道方向运动,本研究进一步阐明了4个水团潜沉后向热带海域运动的动力机制及其在热带中东太平洋10°N断面的散布深度。研究成果揭示了热带中东太平洋水团与北太平洋副热带、亚极地和南太平洋副热带海区中上层水团间的循环过程,对认识北太平洋高–中–低纬度间物质和能量的交换和再分配具有重要科学价值。  相似文献   

用赤道太平洋长达21a的温度资料以及经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法,讨论了在5°S-5°N平均纬向垂直剖面上赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平的时空变化,得到了一些有意义的结果.赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平EOF分析第1模态的正/负位相反映了Ei(n)o/La Nia发生前赤道太平洋温跃层的分布,第2模态的正/负位相反映了Ei(n)o/La Nia鼎盛以及开始衰减时赤道太平洋温跃层的分布.根据我们对赤道太平洋温跃层核心位置的定义,在Ei(n)o向La Nia转换的过程中,赤道东太平洋温跃层上升了30-40m,而赤道中太平洋温跃层先是上升了40-50m,然后又下降了40-50m,赤道西太平洋温跃层下降了90m;随着赤道西太平洋暖水的堆积以及东移,温跃层首先在赤道西太平洋加深,Ei(n)o发生前赤道中东太平洋温跃层开始加深,Ei(n)o达到鼎盛时赤道西太平洋温跃层抬升,而赤道中东太平洋温跃层加深;赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平EOF分析第1特征向量的时间系数与Nio3区的SST距平有非常好的相关,并且超前于Nio3区的SST距平,超前3个月的相关系数高达0.7017,超前6个月的相关系数高达0.6467,因此可以用该量来预测Nio3区的SST距平.  相似文献   

用赤道太平洋长达21a的温度资料以及经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法,讨论了在5°S-5°N平均纬向垂直剖面上赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平的时空变化,得到了一些有意义的结果.赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平EOF分析第1模态的正/负位相反映了Ei(n)o/La Nia发生前赤道太平洋温跃层的分布,第2模态的正/负位相反映了Ei(n)o/La Nia鼎盛以及开始衰减时赤道太平洋温跃层的分布.根据我们对赤道太平洋温跃层核心位置的定义,在Ei(n)o向La Nia转换的过程中,赤道东太平洋温跃层上升了30-40m,而赤道中太平洋温跃层先是上升了40-50m,然后又下降了40-50m,赤道西太平洋温跃层下降了90m;随着赤道西太平洋暖水的堆积以及东移,温跃层首先在赤道西太平洋加深,Ei(n)o发生前赤道中东太平洋温跃层开始加深,Ei(n)o达到鼎盛时赤道西太平洋温跃层抬升,而赤道中东太平洋温跃层加深;赤道太平洋垂向温度梯度距平EOF分析第1特征向量的时间系数与Nio3区的SST距平有非常好的相关,并且超前于Nio3区的SST距平,超前3个月的相关系数高达0.7017,超前6个月的相关系数高达0.6467,因此可以用该量来预测Nio3区的SST距平.  相似文献   

本文以Argo轨迹资料计算的赤道太平洋中层流(1 000 m深度流场)作为实测数据,从空间结构特征和时间变化特征两方面对5套常用海洋模式产品(OFES、LICOM、HYCOM、ECCO2和SODA)进行了评估。Argo流场显示赤道太平洋中层流呈条带状结构,且存在明显的西强东弱和南强北弱特征。此外,赤道太平洋中层流存在明显的季节变化且其相位关于赤道对称。5套模式产品的评估结果表明,SODA流场与实测流场最接近,其时空变化特征都与实测流场基本一致;其次是ECCO2流场,除流场动能偏小以外,其他各方面都与实测流场一致;OFES、LICOM和HYCOM流场的模拟效果较差,但都能再现条带状结构特征。  相似文献   

本文利用GFDL CM2.1模拟的1%CO_2增长理想试验结果,分析了在全球变暖背景下赤道太平洋温跃层深度的快慢两个时间尺度的变化特征。研究表明:在CO_2浓度快速增加的阶段,赤道太平洋上层海洋层结增强,温跃层深度快速变浅(该阶段称为"快速变化阶段")且存在空间上的不均匀:在赤道中西太平洋(160°E~160°W之间)变浅最明显(约20 m),在赤道东太平洋(160°W向东)其变浅程度越来越小;在CO_2浓度达到稳定的阶段,赤道太平洋温跃层深度呈现缓慢变化阶段。研究发现,温跃层快速变化的空间不均匀是因为在赤道中太平洋和东太平洋温跃层快速变化的机制不同:在赤道中太平洋背景东风加强,上层层结与上升流的都加强有利于抬升温跃层,而在赤道东太平洋背景东风减弱,导致上升流减弱不利于温跃层变浅;上升流变化的作用部分抵消了上层层结加强对温跃层变浅的作用,故温跃层变浅要小于160°W以西。在赤道以外海区(南北纬3°~7°),海洋层结减弱和垂直流速变化分别加深和抬升温跃层,导致此处温跃层变浅不明显。而在CO_2浓度达到稳定后的140年,即温跃层缓慢变化阶段,海洋层结缓慢加强,温跃层变化幅度远小于快过程。  相似文献   

The annual mean volume and heat transport sketches through the inter-basin passages and transoceanic sections have been constructed based on 1 400-year spin up results of the MOM4p1. The spin up starts from a state of rest, driven by the monthly climatological mean force from the NOAA World Ocean Atlas(1994). The volume transport sketch reveals the northward transport throughout the Pacific and southward transport at all latitudes in the Atlantic. The annual mean strength of the Pacific-Arctic-Atlantic through flow is 0.63×106 m3/s in the Bering Strait. The majority of the northward volume transport in the southern Pacific turns into the Indonesian through flow(ITF) and joins the Indian Ocean equatorial current, which subsequently flows out southward from the Mozambique Channel, with its majority superimposed on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC). This anti-cyclonic circulation around Australia has a strength of 11×106 m3/s according to the model-produced result. The atmospheric fresh water transport, known as P-E+R(precipitation minus evaporation plus runoff), constructs a complement to the horizontal volume transport of the ocean. The annual mean heat transport sketch exhibits a northward heat transport in the Atlantic and poleward heat transport in the global ocean. The surface heat flux acts as a complement to the horizontal heat transport of the ocean. The climatological volume transports describe the most important features through the inter-basin passages and in the associated basins, including: the positive P-E+R in the Arctic substantially strengthening the East Greenland Current in summer; semiannual variability of the volume transport in the Drake Passage and the southern Atlantic-Indian Ocean passage; and annual transport variability of the ITF intensifying in the boreal summer. The climatological heat transports show heat storage in July and heat deficit in January in the Arctic; heat storage in January and heat deficit in July in the Antarctic circumpolar current regime(ACCR); and intensified heat transport of the ITF in July. The volume transport of the ITF is synchronous with the volume transport through the southern Indo-Pacific sections, but the year-long southward heat transport of the ITF is out of phase with the heat transport through the equatorial Pacific, which is northward before May and southward after May. This clarifies the majority of the ITF originating from the southern Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

姜正  张荣华  宫勋 《海洋与湖沼》2023,3(3):689-702
为研究赤道太平洋海表二氧化碳分压(pCO2sw)年际变化的机制,基于中科院海洋所宋金明研究团队于2021年发布的中国首套全球海表二氧化碳分压数据产品,使用相关性分析、经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal function, EOF)分析和奇异值分解(singular value decomposition, SVD)等方法,研究了2005~2019年赤道太平洋pCO2sw气候态分布及其去趋势后的年际异常的时空演变特征;结合pCO2sw与多种参数的相关性和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation, ENSO)过程探讨了赤道中西太平洋pCO2sw年际异常中心形成的原因。研究结果显示,热带太平洋pCO2sw季节变化、年际异常及其EOF第一模态特征向量沿赤道均出现两个中心,其中一个在赤道中西太平洋日界线附近,另一个在赤道中东...  相似文献   

TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data are analyzed for the 8.5-year period November 1992 to May 2001 to investigate the sea surface height (SSH) and geostrophic velocity signatures of quasi-annual equatorially trapped Rossby waves in the Pacific. The latitudinal structures of SSH and both components of geostrophic velocity are found to be asymmetric about the equator across the entire Pacific with larger amplitude north of the equator. The westward phase speeds are estimated by several different methods to be in the range 0.5-0.6 m s−1. These observed characteristics are inconsistent with the classical theory for first vertical, first meridional mode equatorially trapped Rossby waves, which predicts a phase speed of about 0.9 m s−1 with latitudinally symmetric structures of SSH and zonal velocity and antisymmetric structure of meridional velocity. The observations are even less consistent with the latitudinal structures of SSH and geostrophic velocity components for other modes of the classical theory.The latitudinal asymmetries deduced here have also been consistently observed in past analyses of subsurface thermal data and altimeter data and have been variously attributed to sampling errors in the observational data, a superposition of multiple meridional Rossby wave modes, asymmetric forcing by the wind, and forcing by cross-equatorial southerly winds in the eastern Pacific. We propose a different mechanism to account for the observed asymmetric latitudinal structure of low-frequency equatorial Rossby waves. From the free-wave solutions of a simple 1.5-layer model, it is shown that meridional shears in the mean equatorial current system significantly alter the potential vorticity gradient in the central and eastern tropical Pacific. The observed asymmetric structures of sea surface height and geostrophic velocity components are found to be a natural consequence of the shear modification of the potential vorticity gradient. The mean currents also reduce the predicted westward phase speed of first meridional mode Rossby waves, improving consistency with the observations.  相似文献   

A coupled physical–biological model was developed to simulate the low-silicate, high-nitrate, and low-chlorophyll (LSHNLC) conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and used to compute a detailed budget in the Wyrtki box (5°N–5°S, 180–90°W) for the major sources and cycling of nitrogen and silicon in the equatorial Pacific. With the incorporation of biogenic silicon dissolution, NH4 regeneration from organic nitrogen and nitrification of ammonia in the model, we show that silicon recycling in the upper ocean is less efficient than nitrogen. As the major source of nutrients to the equatorial Pacific, the Equatorial Undercurrent provides slightly less Si(OH)4 than NO3 to the upwelling zone, which is defined as 2.5°N–2.5°S. As a result, the equatorial upwelling supplies less Si(OH)4 than NO3 into the euphotic zone in the Wyrtki box, having a Si/N supply ratio of about 0.85 (2.5 vs. 2.96 mmolm−2 day−1). More Si(OH)4 than NO3 is taken up with a Si/N ratio of 1.17 (2.72 vs. 2.33 mmolm−2 day−1) within the euphotic zone. The difference between upwelling supply and biological uptake is balanced by nutrient regeneration and horizontal advection. Excluding regeneration, the net silicate and nitrate uptakes are nearly equal (1.76 vs. 1.84 mmolm−2 day−1). However, biogenic silica export production is slightly higher than organic nitrogen (1.74 vs. 1.59 mmolm−2 day−1) following a 1.1 Si/N ratio. In the central equatorial Pacific, low silicate concentrations limit diatom growth; therefore non-diatom new production accounts for most of the new production. Higher silicate supply in the east maintains elevated diatom growth rates and new production associated with diatoms dominate upwelling zone. In contrast, the new production associated with small phytoplankton is nearly constant or decreases eastward along the equator. The total new production has a higher rate in the east than in the west, following the pattern of surface silicate. This suggests that silicate regulates the diatom production, total new production, and thereby carbon cycle in this area. The modeled mean primary production is 48.4 mmolCm−2 day−1, representing the lower end of direct field measurements, while new production is 15.0 mmolCm−2 day−1, which compares well with previous estimates.  相似文献   

The depth of penetration of anthropogenic CO2 in the North Pacific Ocean based on carbonate data in the literature is discussed. The results indicate that the deepest penetration (over 2000 m) is found in the northwest North Pacific. The shallowest penetration (to less than 400 m) is found in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Depth of penetration of anthropogenic CO2 appears to have been controlled by such factors as deep water formation in the Northwest Pacific; upwelling in the equatorial Pacific and; vertical mixing in the western boundary areas. These results compare well with results implied from tritium, C-14, and freons distributions. The total inventory of excess carbon in the North Pacific was 14.7±4×1015 g around 1980.  相似文献   

A new method deriving surface air temperature from specific humidity is proposed. Surface atmospheric pressure and relative humidity in addition to specific humidity are necessary in order to derive surface air temperature. Assuming effects of variation of atmospheric pressure and relative humidity are small, climatological values are used for those values. Derived surface air temperature is compared with in situ surface air temperature. A cross-correlation coefficient is high and the rms error is small. However, the agreement between them varies spatially. The errors are largest in the eastern equatorial region and high-latitudes. The former may be caused by a large sampling error and remarkable internannual variation related to ENSO phenomena. On the other hand, the latter may be related to sensitivity of saturated vapor curve to air temperature. Sensible heat fluxes are estimated by using derived surface air temperature and compared with that by in situ data. For the whole North Pacific, a cross-correlation coefficient, a mean error and an rms difference are 0.89 W m–2, 0.58 W m–2 and 8.03 W m–2, respectively.  相似文献   

239, 240Pu,137Cs and90Sr concentrations were determined in sea waters from the central and western North Pacific in 1980 and 1982. The results are consistent with those reported earlier for North Pacific waters. The profiles of90Sr and137Cs show a monotonic decrease with depth, whilst239, 240Pu shows a distinct subsurface maximum at a depth between 400 and 1,000 m. The calculated inventories of these nuclides significantly exceed the global mean fallout inputs for these latitudes. This may be due to local fallout input to the ocean at times of large-scale nuclear weapon tests in the equatorial North Pacific. The existence of measurable amounts of137Cs and239, 240Pu in deep waters suggests that these nuclides are transported by sinking particulate matter from the surface to the deep ocean.  相似文献   

We investigated the phase difference and the cross correlation coefficient between the band-pass filtered biennial variations of sea surface temperature (SST) and air-sea heat flux estimated by the monthly mean 2°×2° satellite data of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) from July 1987 to June 1991. Judging from the phase difference, it can be determined whether the biennial variation of SST is controlled by local thermal air-sea interaction or oceanic processes of horizontal transport. When the local air-sea heat flux controls the biennial variation of SST, the phase of SST advances /2 (6 months) against that of the air-sea heat flux. In contrast, when the biennial variation of SST is controlled by the oceanic process, the phase difference between the SST and the air-sea heat flux becomes 0 or (12 months). In this case, two types of the phase differences are determined, depending on which variability of SST and air-sea heat flux is larger. The close thermal air-sea interaction is noticeable in the tropics and in the western boundary current region. The phase difference of /2 appears mainly in the north Pacific, the southeast Indian Ocean, and the western tropical Pacific; zero in the eastern tropical Pacific and the northeast and equatorial Atlantic; and that of in the central equatorial Pacific and north of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) of the Atlantic. Phase differences of 0, , or /2 are possible in the western boundary current regions. This fact indicates that each current plays a different role to the biennial variation of SST. It is inferred that SST anomalies in the tropics are mutually correlated, and the process in which marked SST anomalies in the tropics are transferred to the remote area was probed. In the equatorial Pacific, the SST anomaly is transferred by the long planetary wave. On the other hand, it is found from the phase relationship and the horizontal correlation of SST that the SST anomaly in the central and western equatorial Pacific is connected through atmospheric mediation. It is suggested that the biennial variation of SST in the eastern Indian Ocean is affected by heat transport due to the Indonesian throughflow from the western tropical Pacific. It is found that the mentioned pattern of the interannual variation of SST in the tropical Atlantic as a dipole is not tenable.  相似文献   

A current meter mooring was deployed for one year in December 1995 in Ombai Strait, one of the deep connections between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Depending on the horizontal extrapolation, the mean transport was estimated to be between 4 and 6 Sv towards the Savu Sea. Succession of intense events of one or two months duration nearly hides the expected annual variability with maximum in August–September. Although the mean currents in the upper 200 m were five times higher than that below, the deep and wide strait section leads to a significant deep transport. Analysis of the hydrological characteristics of the concerned water masses corroborates the circulation given by the current measurements. The east-north-east current in December in the upper layer is thought to be related to the arrival of a Kelvin wave originating in the equatorial Indian Ocean and trapped along the coasts of the Sunda Islands before entering the Savu Sea between Sumba and Flores Islands.  相似文献   

The influence of horizontal mixing on the thermal structure of the equatorial Pacific Ocean is examined based on a sigma coordinate model.In general,the distributions of the temperature and currents si...  相似文献   

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