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极区海洋锚碇测流系统的设计和布放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国第二次北极科学考察期间,在白令海峡和北冰洋楚科奇海布放了一套潜标和两套明标,这是我国首次在极区布放锚碇观测系统。潜标和明标在本次考察结束前被成功回收,获得了最长为45 d的连续观测资料。文中通过介绍这次布放过程,对极区锚碇系统的相关技术问题进行了讨论,包括观测站位和层次的选择,锚碇系统的设计,布放步骤等,为在海冰存在的低温海域布放锚碇系统提供参考。  相似文献   

通过使用MATLAB仿真计算方法,研究了潜标锚系浮力配置方案对于动态布放过程力学性能的影响。文中列举了4种锚系浮力配置方案,运用集中质量法建立了4种锚系的弹簧-质量节点模型,通过编写MATLAB仿真程序,模拟了4种锚系的布放运动过程。通过对布放运动过程中的锚系姿态轨迹、垂向运动、水平运动、海床基着底过程和缆段张力变化等指标进行对比,得出4种锚系各自布放力学性能指标上的优劣。仿真结果表明:将多个浮球集成为单个大浮力节点的方案缩短了锚系整体长度,有利于锚系在水中维持垂直度,但降低了锚系抗漂移能力;将浮力节点分散布置在各非浮力结构节点上方,可以降低连接缆段上的张力极值,但会使张力变化幅值增大。基于仿真结果,建议潜标锚系浮力配置优化的设计思路为:集中小浮球为紧凑浮力节点,适当加长上部浮力节点与下部非浮力节点之间的距离,浮力节点分散布置和适量减少上部的浮力节点数量。  相似文献   

“蛟龙”号是我国首台载人潜水器,也是全球下潜深度最大的作业型载人潜水器。为使“蛟龙”号具有更大的作业空间,其布放回收系统须满足三级海况下布放和四级海况下回收的作业需求。文章介绍“蛟龙”号布放回收系统的系统组成和关键技术,并对其实际应用情况进行分析和总结。研究结果表明:“蛟龙”号的布放回收系统主要包括A形架、拖曳绞车和升降轨道车;拖曳绞车和A形架主吊缆的恒张力控制系统实现布放回收系统的升沉补偿功能,可满足“蛟龙”号三级海况下布放和四级海况下回收的需求;升降轨道车同时可作为“蛟龙”号日常存放、保养和维修的载体。  相似文献   

南海东沙岛西南大陆坡内潮特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年4月-10月,在南海东沙岛西南大陆坡底部布放了1套全剖面锚系,同时沿大陆坡底部布放了3套近底锚系,应用谱分析和调和分析方法分析温度和海流连续观测资料,进而研究该海域的内潮特征.结果表明,东沙岛西南大陆坡存在强内潮现象,大陆坡底部温度变化受到内潮波的影响,上层海洋存在强日潮周期的内潮波振动;正压潮和斜压潮均以O...  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型舱体式防渔拖海床基,可布放在200m以浅海域进行长期、定点、连续、综合观测。该型海床基由坐底平台、浮体仪器舱和释放器等配件组成,可以搭载多种观测传感器进行多学科综合观测。同时,针对该型海床基设计了安全有效的布放回收方法。通过实际海上应用,结果表明舱体式防渔拖海床基具有长时间自动观测、隐蔽性好及有效防渔拖等优点,可实现对海洋环境的长期综合观测。  相似文献   

主要研究了在应急条件下 AUV 远距离非常规布放方法。首先,从传统的布放方法入手,分析了传统布放方法存在的缺点。然后,重点介绍了火箭助飞布放、飞机空投布放、水下运载平台布放、母船雷轨布放、无人水面艇布放等几种方法,以及这些方法的主要特点和技术难点。最后,对这几种方法需要注意的几个问题进行了分析,得出这几种非常规布放方式可操作性强、应用前景广阔的结论。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于锚系垂直阵列的对水下移动目标警戒的方法,论述了基于锚系垂直阵列时频瞬态特性探测和空间相关性探测的原理。利用海洋环境与目标噪声在时-频域与空间上的差异,对水下移动目标探测警戒,探测概率高且计算相对简便。垂直阵列悬挂于锚系潜标的系留缆或直接作为潜标的系留缆,布放机动灵活、适应水深范围广,可用于对水下移动目标的长周期、定点、大范围实时监测。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型舱体式防渔拖海床基,可布放在200m以浅海域进行长期、定点、连续、综合观测。该型海床基由坐底平台、浮体仪器舱和释放器等配件组成,可以搭载多种观测传感器进行多学科综合观测。同时,针对该海床基设计了安全有效的布放回收方法。通过实际海上应用,结果表明,舱体式防渔拖海床基具有长时间自动观测、隐蔽性好及有效防渔拖等优点,可实现对海洋环境的长期综合观测。  相似文献   

PROVOR型剖面浮标检测及布放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了ARGO全球海洋观测网建设中常用的一种剖面浮标,即PROVOR型浮标,在布放前的检测过程,以及海上布放的步骤和注意事项等,以便为今后大规模布放ARGO剖面浮标提供借鉴。  相似文献   

深海腐蚀试验技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解各种金属材料与结构在深海环境中的腐蚀行为,对深海腐蚀试验技术进行了介绍,并对不同试验方法之间的特点进行了比较和讨论,得出,采用海底锚定、试样架漂浮悬挂的锚挂式深海腐蚀试验装置是一种较好的方法。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的锚固设施——火箭锚,对其作用机理进行了探讨,同时还介绍了火箭锚的构造和布设方法,阐述了火箭锚在不同工程领域的应用前景.  相似文献   

几种测流设备的比测试验及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李震  冯雷  邱薇  刘念  王长红 《海洋技术学报》2006,25(4):42-45,64
海流是基础的海洋资料,海流计是海流测量的重要仪器。文中介绍了RCM-9型安德拉海流计、中科院声学所150 kH z ADCP、RD I公司75kH z相控阵ADCP以及LADCP四种声学海流计的工作原理以及海上比测试验。通过分析比测试验的结果,验证了各仪器的测流性能,并从层厚、层深、相对流速参考物以及安装位置等方面分析了造成各设备测量差别的原因,为将来的流速测量提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Positioning drag anchors in seabed soils are strongly influenced not only by the properties of the anchor and soil,but also by the characteristics of the installation line.The investigation on the previous prediction methods related to anchor positioning demonstrates that the prediction of the anchor position during dragging has inevitably introduced some key and unsubstantiated hypotheses and the applicability of these methods is limited.In the present study,the interactional system between the drag anchor and installation line is firstly introduced for the analysis of anchor positioning.Based on the two mechanical models for embedded lines and drag anchors,the positioning equations for drag anchors have been derived both for cohesive and noncohesive soils.Since the drag angle at the shackle is the most important parameter in the positioning equations,a novel analytical method that can predict both the variation and the exact value of the drag angle at the shackle is proposed.The analytical method for positioning drag anchors which combines the interactional system between the drag anchor and the installation line has provided a reasonable theoretic approach to investigate the anchor behaviors in soils.By comparing with the model flume experiments,the sensitivity,effectiveness and veracity of the positioning method are well verified.  相似文献   

On the basis of field records, we describe failures of current meter moorings deployed in the Tsushima Strait from 1983 to 1987. In order to avoid future failures of current meter moorings, we should communicate frequently with the fishermen's union and deploy the moorings with reserve flotation and acoustic release.  相似文献   

拖曳锚由于其承载性能和深水中便于安装被广泛应用于海洋工程系泊系统中,如:适用于悬链式系泊系统的传统拖曳锚和适用于绷紧式系泊系统的法向承力锚。拖曳锚安装过程中涉及诸多运动特性:锚板运动方向、系缆点处拖曳力和拖曳角及运动轨迹。基于大变形有限元分析技术耦合的欧拉-拉格朗日法,并引入缆绳方程,建立起锚-缆绳-海床土耦合作用的有限元分析模型;模拟了拖曳锚在均质和线性强度黏土中的嵌入安装过程,研究了锚板运动方向、系缆点处拖曳力和拖曳角及运动轨迹等运动特性;通过与已有的有限元分析方法及理论方法进行对比,验证了该分析模型的有效性;与已有的有限元分析方法相比,提出的分析模型有效地提高了计算效率。  相似文献   

潮间带水沙多层位同步测量系统应用的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用水压、光电转换原理研制成的多层位水沙同步测量系统(WCT系统)不仅可测量潮间带水位随时间的变化系列、同一层位的浊度及流速,还可以同步观测这些参数在潮间带水流剖面不同层位上的变化。野外对比试验表明,WCT系统获得的流速值与直读式流速仪的测量结果基本一致,平均相对误差为14.52%;悬沙传感器经野外现场率定获得悬沙浓度,平均相对误差为21.96%,精度比室内率定提高—倍以上。悬沙粒径是影响悬沙浓度测量精度的主要因素。此外,自然环境(如海水温盐度)的变化及仪器本身的特性也可能影响到测量结果。因此,WCT系统在潮间带的水位、流速和悬沙浓度的观测和边界层研究方面有相当潜力。  相似文献   

Drag anchor is one of the most commonly used anchorage foundation types. The prediction of embedded trajectory in the process of drag anchor installation is of great importance to the safety design of mooring system. In this paper, the ultimate anchor holding capacity in the seabed soil is calculated through the established finite element model, and then the embedded motion trajectory is predicted applying the incremental calculation method. Firstly, the drag anchor initial embedded depth and inclination angle are assumed, which are regarded as the start embedded point. Secondly, in each incremental step, the incremental displacement of drag anchor is added along the parallel direction of anchor plate, so the displacement increment of drag anchor in the horizontal and vertical directions can be calculated. Thirdly, the finite element model of anchor is established considering the seabed soil and anchor interaction, and the ultimate drag anchor holding capacity at new position can be obtained. Fourthly, the angle between inverse catenary mooring line and horizontal plane at the attachment point at this increment step can be calculated through the inverse catenary equation. Finally, the incremental step is ended until the angle of drag anchor and seabed soil is zero as the ultimate embedded state condition, thus, the whole embedded trajectory of drag anchor is obtained. Meanwhile, the influences of initial parameter changes on the embedded trajectory are considered. Based on the proposed method, the prediction of drag anchor trajectory and the holding capacity of mooring position system can be provided.  相似文献   

The penetration behavior and trajectory of the drag anchor in seabed soils are not only determined by properties of the anchor and soil, but also controlled by the installation line especially the segment embedded in the soil. Correctly understanding and describing reverse catenary properties of the embedded line are crucial for improving the drag embedment performance, precisely predicting the anchor trajectory, and solving the positioning problem in offshore applications. The investigation on reverse catenary problems demonstrates that, the reverse catenary shape of the embedded line has to be solved almost through numerical incremental methods. In the present study, based on the mechanical model for the embedded line, the relationship between the tension and geometry of the embedded line, and the interactional equation between the anchor and embedded line are derived. By introducing the concept of the initial embedment depth of the installation line, the reverse catenary equation and the expression for calculating the length of the embedded line are obtained for soils with a linear strength, and the position of the embedment point can be reasonably solved through the derived reverse catenary equation. The reverse catenary equation is then introduced into the kinematic model for drag anchors, which combines the drag anchor, the installation line and the movement of the anchor handling vessel being an interactional system. More information related to the drag embedment problem can be definitely gained through the present work, including not only the anchor behaviors such as the trajectory, penetration direction and ultimate embedment depth, but also the properties of the installation line for both the embedded and horizontal segments. By comparing with drum centrifuge tests and model flume experiments, the efficiency of the theoretical method for predicting the anchor trajectory is well verified.  相似文献   

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