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南中国海海水中多环芳烃的分布特征及源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术,对2012年10月采自南中国34个站位的表层、500 m层、底层海水中的16种多环芳烃(16PAHs)进行了检测分析。结果显示:南中国海海水中16PAHs的含量相对于其他类似广阔水域较低,分布特征大致呈现500 m层表层底层。经特征PAHs组分分析判定南中国海海水中PAHs主要来源于石油及其产品。  相似文献   

本文根据近30a来青岛和烟台逐月气温及滨海水温资料,分析了青岛和烟台海、气温差的时间变化,发现秋、冬季节南岸青岛海、气温差大于北岸烟台;春、夏季则相反.通常当年平均或季平均气温为负距平时,年平均或冬季平均海、气温差为正距平,而夏季平均海、气温差为负距平,对于ElNino及反ElNino年结论与之相反.  相似文献   

本文根据近30a来青岛和烟台逐月气温及滨海水温资料,分析了青岛和烟台海,气温差的时间变化,发现秋,冬季节南岸青岛海,气温差大于北岸烟台,春,夏季则相反,通常当年平均或季平均气温为负距平时,年平均或冬季平均海,气温差为正距平,而夏季平均海,气温差为负距平,对于ElNino及反ElNino年结论与之相反。  相似文献   

青岛滨海旅游工程建设规划构想及可持续发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青岛是举世闻名的滨海旅游城市,具有丰富的滨海旅游资源,目前的滨海旅游主要依赖于自然风光,多功能的滨海旅游工程设施还不足。本文在分析青岛滨海旅游资源的基础上,对滨海旅游工程的建设规划作了构想,提出了有利于滨海旅游业发展四种方案及可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

近几年海洋溢油事件频发,对滨海地区旅游环境造成了严重的污染。针对滨海旅游区的溢油现象进行定量评价,寻求合理的评价方案是当前相关领域专家学者普遍关注的问题。本文根据滨海旅游区生态系统的特性,以滨海旅游区的海水水质、岸滩环境和溢油危害为评价内容,构建滨海旅游区溢油污染评价指标体系和滨海旅游区溢油污染综合评价模型,并且基于GIS技术进行了系统架构设计与实现。通过模拟海洋溢油事件,对该系统进行了测试。测试结果表明:该系统能够对溢油区的污染等级做出快速评价。本研究为滨海旅游区的溢油污染评价提供了新的方法,该系统能够辅助相关部门管理溢油相关的综合信息,在溢油发生时快速反应,采取应急措施。  相似文献   

青岛滨海旅游工程建设规划构想及要持续发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴碧君 《海岸工程》1999,18(2):28-33
青岛是举世闻名的滨海旅游城市,具有丰富的滨海旅游资源,目前的滨海旅游主要依赖于自然风光,多功能的滨海旅游工程设施还不足。本文在分析青岛滨海旅游资源的基础上,对滨海旅游工程的建设规划作了构想,提出了有利于滨海旅游业四种方案及可持续的对策。  相似文献   

滨海游憩资源是一种无价格或低价格的公共物品,在其开发利用中存在服务功能的竞争性和开发决策的不可逆性特征.利用现有环境资源的价值评估方法,对滨海游憩资源的经济价值进行评估是实现该资源可持续利用的重要途径.采用目前在发达国家比较成熟的价值评估技术--旅行费用法(TCM),对青岛滨海游憩资源价值进行货币化评估.通过对青岛滨海各主要景点的问卷调查,建立旅游率与旅行费用等因子的相关关系方程,运用E-views软件处理相关数据,回归拟合旅游需求曲线,进而通过对消费者剩余和实际旅行费用的加总,得出青岛滨海游憩资源的经济价值,为今后相关部门的开发管理决策提供科学的依据,从而有助于实现滨海游憩资源的合理利用.  相似文献   

主要研究了青岛大气污染物质SO2对雾水酸度的控制作用,用实测结果统计得到雾得水PH值与Cso2的经验关系式,青岛、烟台等地雾水pH值与计算值吻合一致,表明统计关系的合理性。通过对青岛雾水中SO2清除率的估算,说明在青岛雾期,人为污染物质所占比值越高,其污染物质沉降百分率也越高,存留在大气雾中百分率就愈低。  相似文献   

运用模糊综合评价模型,采用海洋功能区划理论对海水淡化用海适宜性评价方法进行了探索和尝试.借鉴国内外相关用海适宜性的评价方法,结合海水淡化用海的特点,建立海水淡化用海适宜性评价指标体系和模型;并以天津市滨海新区滨海旅游区、海港物流区、临港工业区、南港工业区等附近海域作为评价单元,开展海水淡化适宜性评价研究.评价结果表明:南港工业区附近海域用海适宜性为非常适宜,临港工业区和海港物流区为较适宜,滨海旅游区为不适宜.提出的评价方法以及推荐的海水淡化用海适宜性区域可为天津市海水淡化用海决策提供参考.  相似文献   

调查了三种东风螺的性畸变现象和关联海域的有机锡污染现状,确定分布广泛、性畸变特征明显和畸变变化幅度较大的波部东风螺(Babylonia formosae habei)为指示种,探讨了以其性畸变现象监测我国海洋有机锡污染的可能性。  相似文献   

O-phthaldialdehyde is used for the determination of free amino acid in seawater by measuring the fluorescence produced by its reaction with the a-amino group of amino acids. This method is so sensitive that as little as 1-10 nM of amino acids and less than 1 ml of seawater may be sufficient for one test.This method is simple, rapid and accurate and a-amino acids contained in seawater can directly be determined without concentration and extraction. It is free from the interference of large content of inorganic salts and other nitrogenous compounds in seawater.A hundred and fifty-two samples collected at 24 stations in offshore of Zhejiang have been analyzed. The results obtained show that the range of concentration of the total free amino acid is 0.37-4.70 μM. The values are high near shore and low offshore.  相似文献   

海水密度对条斑紫菜单孢子的放散和附着的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李世英  许璞  王敏 《海洋科学》1986,10(6):38-40
海水密度同紫菜单孢子的放散和附着密切相关。在沿岸河流较多的海区,经常由于淡水流入过多而引起沿岸带海水密度的很大变化。因此对于不同密度的海水同单孢子的放散以及附着关系的了解,直接同单孢子的利用紧密相关。本文阐述了海水密度对单孢子的放散和附着的影响。  相似文献   

海水溶解有机物(dissolvedorganicmatter,DOM)中含有的生物活性物质在海洋生态系统中作用巨大,但因缺乏适合的分离提取方法而严重阻碍了对其不同组分在生态系统中作用的探索。固相萃取法对富集提取海水DOM十分有效,在用其提取海水DOM时,海水pH对活性物质提取效果的影响很大,但目前针对海水的这种影响尚存在很大争议。本文以天然近海海水作为基质,探究不同pH条件下用亲水-疏水平衡(hydrophilic-lipophilicbalanced,HLB)固相萃取小柱萃取海水中活性分子的提取效率,并使用高效液相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱(HPLC-Q-TOF-MS)在负离子(ESI-)模式下检测解析提取物的组成。研究结果表明,当海水样品pH为中性和强酸性时都能获得较好的提取效率,随着pH的降低,提取物质谱的整体响应值降低,但可识别的谱峰数目增加,提取出有机物的分子量和性质差异都更广泛。分析提取物分子在范克雷维伦(van Krevelen)图和质荷比-氢碳比(m/z-H/C)图上的分布发现,中性条件适合提取饱和度较高的小分子化合物,而具有生物活性的带有不饱和基团的化合物及蛋白质、糖类等生物大分子在强酸性提取条件时提取效果和分辨率更好。综合提取效率、有效峰数目和分子组成特征考虑,用HLB固相萃取小柱提取近海海水中的小分子活性物质时,将海水样品pH调节为2较为适宜。  相似文献   

Organic compounds which are chloroform extractible from seawater affect gypsum precipitation by inhibiting the nucleation of crystals. The effect is selective towards calcium-populated crystal habit faces and results in the growth of more tabular, equidimensional crystals. Studies using model organic compounds suggest that the inhibition takes place through an adsorption mechanism and show that longer-chained n-fatty acids are more actively adsorbed. The specific adsorption mechanism (at Ca2+ habit faces) is also supported by the fact that the free-acid (base-soluble) fraction of the chloroform extractibles from seawater is more active than the neutral fraction. The calcium ion complexing ability of model organic compounds is not correlatable with their inhibitory effects on gypsum crystal nucleation.  相似文献   

Results from laboratory studies indicated that low molecular weight (LMW) carbonyl compounds, especially formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone and glyoxal, can be formed in seawater by photochemical processes. Once formed, these compounds appear to be readily consumed by biota. These results suggest that concentrations of LMW carbonyl compounds should undergo diurnal variations in the illuminated layer of the sea. In support of this, diurnal fluctuations of LMW carbonyl concentrations were observed in humic-rich surface waters off the west coast of Florida over a three day sampling period using a shipboard HPLC system. Fluctuations in acetaldehyde were particularly strong and reproducible, with steady night-time concentrations of 2–3 nM and day-time concentrations reaching a maximum of 20–30 nM in the early afternoon. In contrast, diurnal fluctuations in formaldehyde were less distinct, ranging from 15 to 50 nM.The laboratory and field results are discussed in terms of biotic/abiotic sources and sinks of LMW carbonyl compounds in surface seawater. It is speculated that photooxidative cleavage of biologically refractory dissolved organic matter (DOM) in seawater to yield LMW organic fragments, such as carbonyl compounds, may be important in the breakdown and geochemical cycling of DOM in the ocean.  相似文献   

The degree of chemical instability of xanthopterin and related pteridines in seawater was studied with a view to assessing its role in the ecological turnover of these compounds in the marine environment. Solutions of these compounds in natural and synthetic seawater, brines containing one or more component salts of seawater, and buffers covering a wide pH range were incubated aseptically at 22–25°C in complete darkness and the chemical changes were spectrophotometrically monitored.Pterin, lumazine, and isoxanthopterin were completely stable in seawater, while the other pteridines degraded in the order dioxylumazine < leucopterin < xanthopterin <<< oxylumazine (the trivial names oxylumazine and dioxylumazine are used to denote 2, 4, 6-trihydroxy- and 2, 4, 6, 7-tetrahydroxy-pteridine, respectively). Apart from oxylumazine, the chemical instability of the other pteridines was correlated with pH corresponding to that of seawater. The high instability of oxylumazine was shown to be due to the salt content of seawater and not its pH; this pteridine required minimal concentrations of salt and traces of heavy-metal ions (such as Cu2+) to show significant chemical change. When the salt present was NaCl or KCl only, oxylumazine showed 1:1 oxidative conversion to dioxylumazine, but with the total salts of seawater the conversion was 2:1 with half of the oxylumazine being degraded, apparently by ring-cleavage, to unidentified non-pteridine products; this latter degradation is attributed to the total complex of ions present in seawater. In contrast to oxylumazine, xanthopterin gave evidence of 1:1 oxidative degradation via leucopterin in seawater, and this degradation appeared to be independent of trace metal ions. Chemical mechanisms are suggested for the observed degradations, and the ecological implications of the latter are discussed.  相似文献   

An integrated biological-chemical survey of organotin compounds was carried out in Guanabara Bay, the second most important Brazilian harbor complex. The biological survey revealed high levels of imposex in Stramonita haemastoma populations. Inside the bay values of relative penis length index from 42.7 to 107.6 and vas deferens sequence index from III to VI were found, while organisms collected outside the bay had values ranging from <0.1 to 35.2 and from 0 to II. None of the females sampled inside the bay were normal and imposex was found in all stations. Surface sediments in the bay are contaminated by tributyltin (10-522 ng/g d.w.) and triphenyltin (<3.9-39.4 ng/g d.w.) with greater concentrations close to shipyards and marinas. The observed predominance of parent compounds (TBT and TPT) is commonly found when recent inputs occur, but may also indicate slow degradation processes in the anoxic conditions of these sediments. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a combined imposex-sediment approach to evaluate organotin contamination in marine environments of South America, and also the first report of TPT detection in environmental matrices in this region.  相似文献   

首次用新研制的高精密磁力浮沉子密度计测定NaHCO3,KBr,KNO3和Ca(NO3)2在盐度为30.0和34.7温度为298、10K时的偏摩尔体积(即pmv)。重新测定了NaCl,KCl.Na2SO4和MgSO4在海水中的pmv,并用实验精密验证了海水中主要电解质的pmv的加和性关系。  相似文献   

孙国清 《海洋科学》1986,10(2):24-28
海水氧化镁(烧结后亦称海水镁砂)具有纯度高、成份稳定,既可制得高质量产品,生产中又易于配料等优点,因而是炼钢炉碱性耐火材料的优良原料。 当用石灰乳以海水沉淀镁时,因Mg(OH)_2胶体带正电荷,海水中硼呈B(OH)_4-负离子,由于静电吸引,将硼一起吸附下来;若海水中硼全部被Mg(OH)_2胶体吸附,可使MgO中的硼含量达到0.7%(以B_2O_3计)。Byrne和Kestor指出,海水中B(OH)_4-负离子有部分与Na~+,Mg~(2+),Ca~(2+)等形成络合物NaB(OH)_4,MgB(OH)_4~+,CaB(OH)~+,它们不带电荷或  相似文献   

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