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大西洋浪蛤繁殖生物学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
于2002年1月至2003年1月 ,在浙江温州对引种养殖的大西洋浪蛤(Spisulasolidissima)的性腺发育、生殖周期、肥满度、胚胎发育、幼虫发育及变态等进行了研究。研究结果表明 ,大西洋浪蛤性腺发育过程分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期、休止期5个阶段。在浙南沿海的大西洋浪蛤繁殖期在4月下旬至6月上旬 (水温19.5~25℃ ) ,可大量产卵二次 ;肥满度最高出现在5月份,为10.37 % ,最低出现在2月份 ,为4.66 %。个体产卵量为14.1×104~111.1×104粒 ,卵沉性 ,卵径50~60μm ;受精卵在水温19.5~23℃ ,经16~20h孵化成D形幼虫 ;初孵D形幼虫平均大小为75μm×62μm ,浮游幼虫经12~13d培养进入壳顶后期 ,15~16d进入附着变态期 ,壳长为260~290μm ,发育变态为稚贝。  相似文献   

大西洋浪蛤(Spisula solidissima) 生态习性的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998年10至1999年8月对大西洋 浪蛤 的生态习性进行详细观察结果表明,大西洋浪蛤 的生存温度为-1℃~30℃,以10℃ ~25℃范围较适,盐度范围为10.0~51.5,pH范围4~9。营埋栖生活,潜居砂质底,洞穴的 深度与贝类长度相当,依靠水交换滤取食物,饵料以各种小型浮游生物及有机碎屑为主,对 种类没有明显的选择性。  相似文献   

采用室内实验生态学方法研究了饥饿对大西洋浪蛤(Spisula solidissima)耗氧率和排氨率的影响.试验浪蛤软体部干质量为0.049g±0.003 g,实验饥饿的时间分别为1,3,5,7,10,13,20,27 d.结果表明:(1)饥饿对浪蛤的耗氧率影响极显著(P<0.01).浪蛤在饥饿1~7 d时其耗氧率随着时间的延长而增大;饥饿7 d以后,其耗氧率随饥饿时间的延长而下降.(2)饥饿对浪蛤的排氨率影响极显著(P<0.01).浪蛤在饥饿1~5 d时其耗氧率随时间的延长而增大;在饥饿5 d以后,其排氨率随饥饿时间的延长而下降.(3)在实验期内浪蛤的O/N(O为呼吸氧原子数,N为排出氨态氮原子教)值为17.05~34.18,平均值为21.1.  相似文献   

2017年9月至2018年1月,在福清东壁岛三联垦区(A、B、C)开展了菲律宾蛤仔垦区人工育苗技术研究,其中A、B垦区用于育苗,C垦区用于饵料培育,并于2017年9月开始分两批次共向A、B垦区投放菲律宾蛤仔亲贝1670 t。结果显示,育苗期间菲律宾蛤仔亲贝共出现4次大规模产卵。亲贝精卵排放率为32.0%~84.0%,孵化率为45.00%~68.54%;浮游幼虫生长速度为4.73~7.14μm/d,变态率为28.37%~59.67%;稚贝壳长生长速度为7.08~25.10μm/d,共培育砂粒苗7580亿粒,育苗成活率为50.23%。因此,采用垦区三联方法可保障菲律宾蛤仔苗种的生物饵料供给,从而提高砂粒苗的生长速度和成活率。  相似文献   

波纹巴非蛤胚胎与浮游幼虫的形态发育和生长特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:在人工繁育条件下,在显微镜下对波纹巴非蛤胚胎与浮游幼虫的形态进行活体观察和拍摄,并用内置目微尺进行壳长和壳高的测量.首次报道了波纹巴非蛤胚胎与浮游幼虫的形态发育和生长特点,利用图版和文字描述了波纹巴非蛤早期生活史的形态并对其发育生长特点进行初步探讨.波纹巴非蛤的早期形态体现了浅海性种类的特点,“D”形幼虫期的壳长为90.37±1.53I,zm,壳高为71.86±1.09μm;壳顶后期壳长为130.17±1,83μm,壳高为110.24±1.39μm,与其他帘蛤科种类相比明显较小.  相似文献   

饵料密度、温度和体质量对大西洋浪蛤滤水率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年4月~7月采用实验生态学方法对浙江引种养殖的大西洋浪蛤(Spisula solidissima)繁殖培育的一龄蛤进行滤水率的研究。结果表明:(1)以新月菱形藻为饵料,在适宜的饵料密度范围内大西洋浪蛤的滤水率随着饵料密度的增加而增大,它们之间呈函数关系;(2)体质量对滤水率的影响呈幂函数关系y=0.1622W^0.848(R^2=0.9988);(3)在一定温度范围内,随温度升高滤水率增加;超过一定温度范围,随温度升高滤水率下降。当温度为21℃时滤水率达到最大值0.77L/h。  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜观察,太平洋牡蛎精子由头部、中段和尾段组成.精子全长约21.6μm,尾段长约18.2μm,末端观察到"针眼"样结构;头部最大处的直径约2.6μm;中段直径约1.1μm;未成熟精子尾段中部出现膨大,该处直径约0.3μm.卵呈梨形;卵的直径约为41.9μm.卵表面有微绒毛组成的皱折结构,可见卵黄膜孔.卵质收回时,在卵表面卵柄处可见明显的树枝状结构.受精后,受精卵表面的卵黄膜剥离处可见较多数量的皮质小泡.在水温21.2~23.5℃,精卵混合34min时,释时出第1极体;1h22min时,放出第2极体;21h55min时,胚胎发育至初期D形幼虫.  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜观察 ,太平洋牡蛎精子由头部、中段和尾段组成。精子全长约 2 1 .6μm ,尾段长约 1 8.2 μm ,末端观察到“针眼”样结构 ;头部最大处的直径约 2 .6μm ;中段直径约 1 .1 μm ;未成熟精子尾段中部出现膨大 ,该处直径约 0 .3μm。卵呈梨形 ;卵的直径约为 41 .9μm。卵表面有微绒毛组成的皱折结构 ,可见卵黄膜孔。卵质收回时 ,在卵表面卵柄处可见明显的树枝状结构。受精后 ,受精卵表面的卵黄膜剥离处可见较多数量的皮质小泡。在水温2 1 .2~ 2 3.5℃ ,精卵混合 34min时 ,释时出第 1极体 ;1h2 2min时 ,放出第 2极体 ;2 1h55min时 ,胚胎发育至初期D形幼虫。  相似文献   

天津沿海菲律宾蛤仔人工育苗技术的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自然海水和天然饵料,采用无泥砂采苗方法,在天津沿海首次成功开展了菲律宾蛤仔工厂化育苗。幼虫初始壳长93.8μm,壳长平均日增长8.3μm,成活率41.0%;第15-23 d为变态期,壳长平均日增长12.9μm,变态率47.8%;变态后至第55 d,壳长平均日增长33.2μm,成活率76.0%。本次育苗试验充分利用天津沿海水质条件与环境特点,改进育苗方法,降低生产成本,建立了适于天津海区的菲律宾蛤仔人工育苗工艺,共得到双水管稚贝约1 800万枚。  相似文献   

用KCl、肾上腺素(EPI)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、L—DOPA和GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)进行了不同浓度不同处理时间对硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria L )幼虫变态诱导实验。结果表明,KCl、肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素和DDOPA对硬壳蛤幼虫的变态均有诱导作用,而GABA的诱导作用不显著。KCl的最佳诱导浓度随处理时间不同而有所不同。处理时间为1~24,48,72h时KCl的最佳诱导浓度分别为33.56,20.13~26.85,13.42mmol/L。肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的诱导作用与浓度和处理时间均有关。肾上腺素的最佳处理浓度为100μmol/L,最佳处理时间均为8h,此时幼虫变态率提高最大,为36.97个百分点。当去甲肾上腺素的诱导浓度为100μmol/L,处理时间为8~16h时,幼虫变态率提高也较大,均大于18个百分点,死亡率增加,但均低于30个百分点,当去甲肾上腺素诱导浓度为500μmol/L时,虽然在8~16h的处理时间范围内,幼虫变态提高率也较大,均大于18个百分点,但当处理时间超过8h,在16~48h范围内,幼虫死亡率提高明显增大,均大于50个百分点。L-DOPA的适宜诱导浓度为10~50μmol/L,适宜处理时间为8~24h,此时幼虫变态率均提高30个百分点以上,最高可提高79.43个百分点。GABA的诱导作用较弱,最佳诱导浓度随处理时间的不同而有所不同,处理时间为24h和48h时,最佳诱导浓度为0.1μmol/L;处理时间为0.5~16h时,最佳诱导浓度为100μmol/L。  相似文献   

Ichthyoplankton and microzooplankton were collected twice monthly for one year at a single station in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Based on approximate 10-m3, 333-μm mesh bongo net samples, the mean annual densities were 17·7 m?3 and 1·8 m?3 for fish eggs and larvae, respectively. Ichthyoplankton was most abundant in spring-summer. The most common fish larvae were bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), spotted dragonet (Callionymus pauciradiatus), thread herring (Opisthonema oglinum) and gobies (Gobiidae), which comprised 50% of all larvae collected. A comparison of 35-μm and 333-μm mesh, bongo net collections revealed that mean densities of fish larvae were 8·5 times higher in the smaller mesh. The most abundant microzooplankton, based on 35-μm bongo net collections, were copepod nauplii, <100 μm in width, which averaged 90·41?1 and tintinnids which averaged 168·51?1. The mean density of microzooplankton <100 μm wide, potentially suitable food for first-feeding fish larvae, was 104·91?1, exclusive of tintinnids, and 273·41?1 including tintinninds. Excepting tintinnids, seasonal variability in microzooplankton abundance was low relative to that for ichthyoplankton. High microzooplankton densities, combined with low seasonal variability, indicated that feeding conditions for fish larvae were usually good in Biscayne Bay. Copepods, especially nauplii, were the predominant food of fish larvae (71% of all food items). Only mollusc veliger larvae (18% of all food items) were highly preferred prey but they were a small component of most larval fish diets. Average width of prey eaten by first-feeding larvae was 74 μm. Prey size increased in relation to larval length.  相似文献   

香港巨牡蛎♀×太平洋牡蛎♂异源三倍体的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以香港巨牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)和太平洋牡蛎(C.gigas)为研究对象,进行牡蛎异源三倍体研究试验。在水温25℃条件下,香港巨牡蛎剥离卵子于海水中浸泡促熟1.5h后,与太平洋牡蛎精子受精,获得最高卵裂率为(24.40±3.79)%。受精后20min,采用盐度为10的低渗海水处理杂交受精卵25min,可获得68.65%的异源三倍体幼虫,孵化率为12.71%。异源三倍体幼虫的存活率和生长率均未表现出优势。受精后第9天,异源三倍体幼虫的存活率仅为(0.116±0.023)%,平均壳长为(103.50±0.85)(m;对照组的存活率和壳长分别为(42.17±2.74)%和(123.25±8.60)μm。幼虫在附着变态前死亡。  相似文献   

福建海水养殖鱼类寄生贝尼登虫病原学研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文对寄生于厦门内海域网箱养殖鱼类-大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)和高体师(Seriola dumerili)等名贵经济鱼类体表的单殖类吸虫-梅氏新贝尼登虫(Neobenedenia melleni)的形态进行观察描述,并附筒图。就福建沿海当前流行感染情况及国内外研究概况亦进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

大竹蛏的繁殖生物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2005年1月至2007年12月,采用组织学和实验生态学方法对大竹蛏(Solen grandis Dunker)的性腺发育、生殖周期、肥满度、胚胎发育、幼虫发育及变态等进行了研究.结果表明,大竹蛏性腺发育过程分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期、休止期5个阶段;在浙南沿海大竹蛏繁殖期为4月下旬至5月中旬(水温21~24℃);肥满度最高出现在5月份,为31.2%;最低出现在2月份,为21.2%.大竹蛏卵径为85~95 μm;受精卵在水温22℃,经20~24 h孵化成D形幼虫;初孵D形幼虫平均大小为125 μm,浮游幼虫经5~6 d培养进入附着变态期,壳长为250 μm,发育变态为稚贝.  相似文献   

Cape hake in Namibian waters are demersal and mesopelagic spawners, spawning peaking offshore between 100 and 400 m deep, depending on local environmental conditions. The cross-shelf circulation, low-oxygen layers and mesoscale gyres are three important environmental factors influencing hake spawning behaviour and subsequent transport of the spawning products. Normally, hake spawn offshore near the bottom at depths of 150–400 m. However, during one cruise, spawning was concentrated below several subsurface mesoscale gyres, resulting in reduced dispersion of the eggs and larvae. When the low-oxygen layer above the bottom is pronounced, hake spawning has been observed close to the top of the layer at oxygen concentrations as low as 0.2–0.3 m? ??1. The relatively small size of the eggs and their high specific gravity make them ascend quite slowly from the spawning depths, 10–40 m per day. Consequently, hake eggs spawned deeper than 200 m hatch before they reach the upper mixed layer. The newly hatched larvae are relatively undeveloped, without functional eyes or mouth, and display little swimming activity during their first hours, but laboratory observations have revealed subsequent periods of downward swimming activity. Based on current field observations, on buoyancy measurements of eggs and larvae and on observed larval behaviour, it is concluded that hake eggs and larvae are transported onshore by features of the upwelling subsurface circulation that compensate for offshore movement of surface water. This may be the basic mechanism concentrating early juvenile hake nearshore. Spawning activity near the low-oxygen layer might be a behavioural adaptation to minimize egg predation, because few other species are expected to survive such low concentrations of oxygen.  相似文献   

Surveys were conducted in four seasons in the eastern Beibu Gulf from July 2006 to November 2007,to determine the ichthyoplankton composition,abundance,as well as environmental factors impacted on their spatiotemporal distributions.The fish eggs and larvae were sorted from 303 zooplankton quantitative samples,in which at least 1 order,60 families,31 genera and 61 species of fish eggs and larvae were identified.The species number was highest in summer whereas lowest in winter.With the most abundant fish egg (the average density was 2.41 ind./m 3),spring was the main spawning season,while the greatest mean density of fish larva was 1.35 ind./m 3 in summer.In the whole year around,fish eggs had the trends to aggregate in the nearshore of Guangxi coast,fish larvae were more abundant in the northern water.Relationships between fish eggs and larvae abundance and environmental factors were analyzed by using the Yield-Density model.The spatiotemporal distribution of ichthyoplankton in eastern Beibu Gulf was closely related to the Chl a concentration,and the optimal temperature,salinity and Chl a were 19.4-21.7 C,31.8-33.1 and 1.5-4.8 mg/m 3,respectively.Additionally,the distribution of fish larvae could be effected by ocean currents in summer and autumn.  相似文献   

为研究褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)发育早期氨基酸和脂肪酸的组成及变化规律,采用GC/MS法等方法分析了褐菖鲉的受精卵、初产仔鱼、前仔鱼期和后仔鱼期四个阶段的氨基酸和脂肪酸组成特点及其含量变化。结果表明:(1)总氨基酸含量从受精卵至初产仔鱼显著下降、前仔鱼期又显著回升、至后仔鱼期再次呈显著下降(P0.05);(2)总游离氨基酸量以初产仔鱼最高,是受精卵的10倍,各期的游离氨基酸占总氨基酸比值为1.4%—20.0%;(3)受精卵中以DHA、C16:0两者实际含量最高,分别为104.88 mg/g和68.74 mg/g,C18:1n-9和EPA次之,分别为41.23 mg/g和27.23 mg/g;(4)褐菖鲉内源性营养阶段被选择性消耗的主要脂肪酸依次为C16:0C18:1EPADHAARA,就脂肪酸的利用率而言MUFASFAPUFA;(5)褐菖鲉仔鱼在开口后的外源营养阶段对脂肪酸的利用率为PUFASFAMUFA,其中DHA相对EPA和ARA被选择性消耗。研究表明,褐菖鲉受精卵的游离氨基酸/总氨基酸比值符合海水鱼类沉性卵的特征,褐菖鲉在早期发育不同阶段对脂肪酸消耗具有不同的选择性,C16:1、C16:0、C18:0和C18:1是褐菖鲉早期发育的主要能源物质,在褐菖鲉开口饵料中添加一定水平的异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、酪氨酸等氨基酸及高度不饱和脂肪酸DHA等是十分必要的。  相似文献   

中国对虾的核型研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者以中国对虾的受精卵、卵裂细胞、胚胎、幼体和成体的肝胰脏、鳃、精巢和卵巢等组织为材料,用火焰干法和压片法,研究了染色体和核型,结果表明,染色体计数以受精卵、胚胎细胞和精巢较好,核型分析用卵裂和胚胎细胞为好。中国对虾的核型为2n=88=54m 20(m_sm) 10sm 4(sm_sc)。未观察到异形对性别染色体。  相似文献   

In recent years, sardine Sardinops sagax spawning has been recorded inshore off central Namibia. Field observations on eggs and laboratory measurements show that spawning, demonstrated by the distribution of newly spawned eggs, takes place just below the upper mixed layer. The high positive buoyancy of the eggs causes them to ascend rapidly to the surface layer, where they are moved offshore by upwelling-induced offshore transport. However, increased wind-induced mixing also influences the vertical distribution of eggs, causing them to be partly mixed down below the layer moving offshore and into the layer moving inshore. This mechanism acts to retard the transport and offshore loss of eggs from the spawning areas. The vertical distribution of sardine larvae, with highest concentrations deeper than 20 m, indicates active movement out of the layer moving offshore, and this tendency seems to be more pronounced for older larvae. Hence, vertical migration of larvae is an additional factor mitigating their loss from nearshore. Taken together, these features seem to minimize the offshore loss of offspring, particularly in periods of low stock biomass when spawning close to the shore seems to be common.  相似文献   

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