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水体悬浮物对溶解在水中的油及乳化油有吸附作用,这种作用会叠加在颗粒物上,对水体的后向散射系数产生影响,而水体后向散射系数是水色遥感的重要参数之一,对建立遥感反演石油类污染浓度半分析模型起着关键性的作用。根据2008年5月在辽宁省盘锦市辽河油田境内双台子河和绕阳河现场测定的水样,对水体组分进行浓度分析,并分别利用分光光度计及后向散射系数测量仪测定水色三要素的吸收系数和水体后向散射系数。根据获取的数据,对石油类污染水体后向散射特性进行分析,分别建立了(1)石油类污染水体后向散射系数光谱模型;(2)石油类污染水体和非石油类污染水体后向散射系数与无机悬浮物浓度的关系模型。研究结果表明:(1)在建立的后向散射系数光谱模型中,幂函数指数平均值为0.87;(2)从相关系数分析来看,对后向散射系数起主要作用的是无机悬浮物浓度,其次是石油类物质浓度,而有机悬浮物浓度几乎没有影响;(3)对于无石油类污染水体,后向散射系数与无机悬浮物浓度为对数关系模型,而与有石油类污染水体更接近线性关系模型。  相似文献   

后向散射系数是固有光学量中散射系数的重要组成部分,在海洋水色遥感反演中具有重要的作用。本文对比分析了北部湾2017年冬季和2018年夏季41个站位点所测得的数据,得到后向散射系数的空间分布以及后向散射系数与悬浮泥沙之间的关系,主要获得如下结论:(1)后向散射系数光谱曲线呈现平缓减少趋势,各个波段的后向散射系数的光谱模型呈乘幂形式;(2)北部湾后向散射系数空间分布特征受潮汐洋流的控制,表现为近岸高值、离岸低值的特征,与黄海、东海等海域后向散射系数空间分布相类似,而且冬季高值区域分布比夏季大;(3)后向散射系数与悬浮泥沙质量浓度相关性较好,其判定系数R~2=0.69,可建立与悬浮泥沙质量浓度的关系模型。  相似文献   

颗粒后向散射系数是水体最重要的固有光学参量之一,也是海洋水色卫星遥感的核心参数。现场准确测量水体颗粒后向散射数据,对于水色遥感模型构建以及水色遥感产品真实性检验至关重要。本文针对常用的3种水体颗粒后向散射系数原位测量仪(HydroScat6,VSF3和BB9),通过比测实验,对三者测量结果的一致性进行了比较分析。结果表明,在清洁水体中3种仪器对颗粒后向散射系数测量具有较好的一致性;但在浑浊水体中,HydroScat6和BB9测量值会比VSF3高,三者偏差显著增大。同时,数值模拟和实验结果均表明,颗粒形状会对测量结果产生影响,3种仪器对球形颗粒的后向散射系数测量结果的一致性显著好于野外颗粒结果。  相似文献   

水体后向散射系数校正方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后向散射系数是水色反演半分析模型的重要参数,后向散射系数的测量与分析是固有光学测量与分析的重要组成部分。为了更准确的获得后向散射系数数据,根据不同的实际测量情况提出了两种后向散射系数数据的校正方法,即利用散射与后向散射系数模型计算的散射系数替代法和实测数据替代法。结果表明这两种方法在比传统的数据校正方法有明显的优势,是一种符合水体剖面固有光学特性规律的数据校正方法。  相似文献   

水体后向散射系数(bb)是水色遥感的重要参数之一,其现场准确测量的关键是测试仪器的严格定标。文章将针对我们从美国Hobilabs公司引进的HS-6后向散射测量仪的实验室定标和定标中的注意事项、数据结果分析以及自然光对实验室定标的影响进行阐述。  相似文献   

水体后向散射系数的测量方法是固有光学量中的一个难点和待完善部分.以2010年9月蓬莱航次获得的实验数据为例,比较分析了分光光度计测量水体后向散射系数与水体后向散射系数测量仪HvdroScat-6测量法的实测结果,结果表明两者所测结果在蓝绿光波段有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

黄东海海区总悬浮物散射特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国黄东海水体散射特性非常复杂,这是造成该海域水色区划特点显著的原因之一。文中利用2003年4月黄东海试验数据(HD200304)对总悬浮物(TSM,Total Suspended Matter)的后向散射概率~bbs和单位散射系数bs*进行研究。基于对现场数据的统计分析,我们开发了总悬浮物后向散射概率模型,通过相对偏差分析表明,有近90%的样品反演相对偏差控制在±30%之内。对总悬浮物单位散射系数研究时,选择555 nm为参考波段,开发了不同波段间总悬浮物单位散射系数关系模型,通过相对偏差分析表明,有近94%的样品反演相对偏差在±10%之内,反演效果非常好。  相似文献   

黄东海春季水体后向散射系数的经验模型研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
水体后向散射系数的反演模型研究是 II类水体生物 -光学算法开发的重要组成部分。通过对 2 0 0 3年 4月黄东海试验获得的水面之下遥感反射率 rrs (λ)和后向散射系数 bb (λ)的分析 ,以 bb (4 1 2 )为中间变量 ,根据水体后向散射系数的光谱特点 ,统计获得了 rrs (λ)反演的统计模型。从整体反演的效果可见 ,该模型在试验水域可使 73%的样品反演相对偏差控制在± 30 %之内 ,且多集中于± 1 0 %之内  相似文献   

以珠江口东岸香港海域为研究对象,准同步获取实测悬浮物浓度和Radarsat-2影像数据.对影像进行滤波处理和掩模处理后,利用Radarsat-2四种极化下的后向散射系数建立悬浮物浓度单极化回归模型;通过多极化后向散射系数构造多个遥感参数,运用相关性分析得到4个敏感因子,建立悬浮物浓度多极化回归模型.最终得到研究区域悬浮物浓度的反演模型为:SSC=11.08+0.06(HH+VV)-0.002(HH+VV)2,R2=0.84,其中SSC为悬浮物浓度,HH和W为该极化下的后向散射系数,R2为决定系数.研究表明:HH和W极化的后向散射系数之和对研究区域悬浮物反演最为敏感,得到的反演模型能较好预测海洋悬浮物的分布情况.  相似文献   

后向散射系数bb是水体固有光学参数之一,在水色遥感模型建立中起着重要的作用。目前主要利用美国Hobilabs公司的Hydro Scat-6(HS-6)或美国Wetlabs公司的BB-9两种后向散射测量仪器在现场进行测量。石油类污染水体中石油类物质与悬浮泥沙共同影响着水体后向散射系数bb,这两种仪器的测量值都是基于单一角度而获取的,难以实现利用其来进一步区分石油类和悬浮物的后向散射系数贡献。通过对纯水、石英砂微粒、油污水进行各种配比试验,获取不同组合样本,利用美国Sequoia Scientific公司的LISST-100X粒径仪和美国Wyatt公司的Dawn Heleos II(DAWN)十八角度静动态激光散射仪,结合Mie散射算法,探索出两种多角度获取bb的方法。一种是利用LISST-100X粒径仪测量值,再基于Mie散射算法计算得到;另一种方法是对Dawn Heleos II十八角度静动态激光散射仪进行定标以后,利用其测量值计算出bb。对比分析了两种方法所获取的结果,并对产生误差的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文基于卫星遥感的叶绿素a浓度与颗粒物后向散射系数月平均数据以及其他海洋与气象参数,详细分析了两个生物光学参量在季节尺度上的相关性及其与物理参数的耦合关系,并运用光驯化模型分析了南海表层水体浮游植物的生理学季节变化特征。结果表明,受南海地形和风场等物理参量的变化,南海叶绿素a浓度与颗粒物后向散射系数存在显著的季节和空间分布特征,具有一定的共变性和差异性。在南海近岸及浅水区,叶绿素a浓度与颗粒物后向散射系数有很好的耦合关系;而在南海深水海盆区,叶绿素a浓度冬高夏低,其季节循环过程与颗粒物后向散射系数相反,这主要是受浮游植物生理学过程的影响。"生物量控制区"与"光驯化控制区"的分界在南海与陆架-海盆分界线一致,体现了水深条件对浮游植物生理状态的影响。此外本文还发现,在吕宋海峡西部海区,叶绿素a与颗粒物后向散射系数的关系表现出"生物量-光驯化共同控制"的特点。  相似文献   

基于遥感手段准确估算浮游植物吸收系数aph(l), 可为长时间、大尺度范围识别浮游植物功能种群提供有力的数据和方法支撑。利用2003至2012年获取自南海、琼东、广东近岸和珠江口各典型海区的实测aph(l)数据, 对比分析表层光谱特征, 初步判断浮游植物种群结构差异; 基于MODIS-Aqua二级遥感反射率产品, 分别采用经验算法PL和半分析算法QAA对aph(l)遥感产品进行精度评估。结果表明, 以南海、琼东为代表的清洁海域和以广东沿岸、珠江口为代表的浑浊海域表层aph(l)光谱差异明显; aph(l)在清洁海域量值较小但在颗粒物吸收中居于主导, 而在浑浊海域并不占优; 浮游植物单位吸收系数aph*(l)存在明显的空间差异, 色素打包效应以及色素组成是造成差异的可能原因。经验算法PL较之于半分析算法QAA反演得到的aph(l)(l=412, 443, 490)遥感产品精度更高, 平均相对误差APD小于22%; 采用区域优化算法NOCI获得的Chl-a产品作为输入参数, 算法PL所得的aph(l)遥感产品APD不超过14%。结果表明, 基于水色遥感产品进行aph(l)遥感产品精度评估和探讨不同海区浮游植物功能种群具有较强应用前景。  相似文献   

The performances of three semi-analytical retrieval models for water inherent optical properties were validated in the coastal Yellow Sea and East China Sea, including the Quasi-Analytical Algorithm (QAA), the Garver-Siegel-Maritorena model (GSM) and the Over Constrained Linear Matrix (LM). The model-retrieved parameters, namely absorption coefficients of phytoplankton (a ph), colored dissolved and detrital particulate matter (a dg), total absorption coefficients (a t), and backscattering coefficient of particles (b bp), were compared. The bio-optical datasets collected from a Yellow Sea and East China Sea cruise in April and September 2003 were used in the study. The QAA model performed the best in retrieval for all the coefficients, showing log-transformed root mean square errors of 0.306 for a ph, 0.268 for a dg, 0.144 for a t, and 0.273 for b bp at 443 nm. The LM model showed a slightly larger deviation than the QAA model with a similar error trend for absorption coefficients, but it returned the largest uncertainties for b bp, with log-transformed root mean square error up to 0.646. The GSM model, however, yielded the largest and fluctuating errors along with wavelength for absorption coefficient retrievals. Substituting the fitting parameters from measured data for the empirical spectral parameters, all three models returned better results. These improvements demonstrated that semi-analytical algorithms designed for ocean water need regional modifications before applying to coastal areas. The QAA algorithm may be the most suitable model for retrieval for the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, and future model refinements should concentrate on regional modeling of inherent optical properties.  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight survey cruises in different seasons have been conducted in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) during the period from 2000 to 2008. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and hydrological data were collected during each cruise. Data analysis showed that total suspended sediment mass was approximately 0.18 × 109 tons in the surveyed area during spring and autumn seasons. Highly turbid waters were found in the shallow waters between the Subei coast, the Changjiang estuary and the Zhejiang coast with seasonal variations.  相似文献   

The data of the color satellite ocean scanners SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua provide evidence that a sharp increase in the backscattering coefficient of the suspended particles occurred within a considerable part of the Barents Sea during the last decade in July–September. Judging from all the indications, this increase can be attributed to the coccolithophorid bloom. In 2004, we were able to directly substantiate this attribution. Water samples for determining the phytoplankton concentration were collected in the course of observations from onboard the R/V Professor Stokman in the western Barents Sea during the fast growth of the backscattering coefficient of the suspended particles according to the satellite data. They revealed the high concentration of the coccolithophorids and coccoliths. The satellite data indicate the strong variability of the areas of the bloom in time and space. We were able to show the interrelation of the backscattering coefficient of the suspended particles and the sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

We compute model spectra of the beam attenuation coefficient in surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea. These spectra are used to determine the contribution of the components of seawater (suspended matter, yellow substance, pigments of phytoplankton, and pure water) to the beam attenuation coefficient in different types of seawater. For the surface waters, we establish the relationship between the light scattering coefficient and the attenuation coefficient at a wavelength of 547 nm and determine the background (limiting minimum) value of the coefficient of absorption by the yellow substance in waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It is compared with the values of the same parameter for some other basins (Black Sea, Lake Baikal, Baltic Sea, and oceanic waters).  相似文献   

Secchi depth(SD, m) is a direct and intuitive measure of water's transparency, which is also an indicator of water quality. In 2015, a semi-analytical model was developed to derive SD from remote sensing reflectance, thus able to provide maps of water's transparency in satellite images. Here an in-situ dataset(338 stations) is used to evaluate its potential ability to monitor water quality in the coastal and estuarine waters, with measurements covering the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea where measured SD values span a range of 0.2–21.0 m. As a preliminary validation result, according to the whole dataset, the unbiased percent difference(UPD) between estimated and measured SD is 23.3%(N=338, R~2=0.89), with about 60% of stations in the dataset having relative difference(RD)≤20%, over 80% of stations having RD≤40%. Furthermore, by excluding the field data which with relatively larger uncertainties, the semi-analytical model yielded the UPD of 17.7%(N=132,R~2=0.92) with SD range of 0.2–11.0 m. In addition, the semi-analytical model was applied to Landsat-8 images in the Zhujiang River Estuary, and retrieved high-quality mapping and reliable spatial-temporal patterns of water clarity. Taking into account the uncertainties associated with both field measurements and satellite data processing, and that there were no tuning of the semi-analytical model for these regions, these findings indicate highly robust retrieval of SD from spectral techniques for such turbid coastal and estuarine waters. The results suggest it is now possible to routinely monitor coastal water transparency or visibility at high-spatial resolutions from measurements, like Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 and newly launched Gaofen-5.  相似文献   

The distribution of the suspended particulate matter concentration in the Kara Sea is analyzed based on ship and satellite data. The statistical relationships between the suspended matter concentration and the optical characteristics were revealed. Charts of the distribution of the suspended matter concentration in the Kara Sea were plotted, which confirmed that the application of optical methods for analyzing the spatial distribution of the suspended matter is effective. The most turbid waters were observed in the Ob Gulf, Yenisei Bay, the Baidaratskaya Gulf, and the adjacent regions. The smallest concentrations of suspended matter were observed in the central and western parts of the Kara Sea.  相似文献   

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