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岩石风化碳汇是全球碳汇的重要组成部分,通过对赤水河流域水体主要离子组成进行测定,分析赤水河流域河水水化学特征及其岩石风化过程对大气CO_2的消耗。结果表明:赤水河流域离子组成以Ca~(2+),Mg~(2+),HCO_3~-和SO_4~(2-)为主,河水总溶解性固体(TDS)含量均值为317.88 mg/L,高于全球流域均值(65 mg/L)。元素比值分析表明赤水河流域离子组成主要受岩石风化控制,其中碳酸盐岩风化为主导控制因素,碳酸盐岩、硅酸盐岩对河水溶质贡献率分别为70.77%和5.03%。人类活动和大气降水对流域河水溶质的贡献很小。流域岩石化学风化速率为126.716 t/(km~2·a),高于黄河、长江、乌江及世界河流均值。流域岩石化学风化对大气CO_2的消耗量为10.96×10~9mol/a,岩石风化对大气CO_2消耗速率为5.79×10~5mol/(km~2·a),与长江流域接近,高于黄河流域。  相似文献   

在有碳酸盐岩分布的河流流域, 河水地球化学主要反映的是风化速率较高的碳酸盐矿物风化的信息, 而硅酸盐矿物风化的信息往往被掩盖掉.北江流域碳酸盐岩和硅酸岩分布广泛, 为追踪其中的硅酸盐矿物风化的信息, 分析了北江河水中溶解无机碳同位素的时空变化.河水样品按4个季节自北江的上游到下游采集6个样点, 分析结果显示, 除上游武江的采样点同位素值季节变化不大外, 中下游采样点的同位素值有明显季节变化, 主要表现在6月份的δ13CDIC显著变轻(-16‰~-19‰).在详细剖析矿物风化过程对碳同位素的影响后, 指出除了显著的碳酸盐矿物风化过程外, 北江流域在夏季还存在明显的硅酸盐矿物风化过程, 大大提高了流域的碳汇作用.   相似文献   

文章报道了珠江水系桂平、高要和清远3个站河水主要离子及部分微量元素近一年持续观测数据.结果显示,河水中的CI主要通过夏季风降雨从海洋输送而来,CI/Na比值呈现季风雨季较高的特点,K含量则与Rb含量显著相关,指示河水中K主要是由硅酸盐化学风化贡献,而Rb/K比值与水温呈现负相关的关系,暗示植物分解对河水中K的贡献不大....  相似文献   

在地球表生系统中,化学风化作用强烈改变着岩石、水体、土壤和大气成分,是元素地球化学循环的最主要驱动力。河水溶解物质主要来源于流域内岩石化学风化,同时受到降水、人类活动的影响。文中通过对鄱阳湖流域河水样品的采集和化学成分分析,结合流域地质背景,研究了河水化学成分特征及其影响因素。结果显示,与20世纪80年代相比,本区河水Cl-、SO24-所占比例显著增高,有逐渐酸化趋势;与世界上其他主要河流相比较,该区Ca2+/Na+、Mg2+/Na+、HCO3-/Na+等比值偏低,反映了较强的蒸发岩溶解及人类活动影响特征。该区河水离子特征主要由岩石风化所控制,降水对该区河水溶解物质贡献率为10.3%,农业生产活动对鄱阳湖水溶解物质贡献率为4.9%,矿山活动对饶河丰水期、枯水期离子总量贡献率分别为8.9%、14.6%。  相似文献   

贵州乌江水系的水文地球化学研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
乌江水系河流的水化学组成代表了典型碳酸盐岩地区河流的相应化学组成,显示了与世界主要河流不同的水文化学特征: 河水含有较高的溶质浓度,河水水化学组成以Ca2+ 和HCO3- 为主,其次为Mg2+和SO42- , Na+ + K+ 和Cl- + Si分别只占阳离子和阴离子组成的5%~10%。这表明乌江流域河水中水化学组成主要来源于碳酸盐风化,硅酸盐、蒸发盐风化对水中溶质的贡献很小,农业活动、开矿和工业污染对水体化学组成有一定影响。   相似文献   

以疏勒河源区为研究区,自2018年12月至2019年11月分别采集河水、泉水和雪样样品44个、4个和7个,综合运用Piper三线图、Gibbs图、离子比值法定性分析不同水体水化学特征及控制因素,利用质量平衡法(正向地球化学模型)量化不同来源对不同季节河水水化学成分的贡献率。结果表明:疏勒河源区不同水体水化学特征存在差异,TDS含量为泉水>河水>冰川融水>雪水,河水水化学类型冬季为HCO3--Mg2+?Ca2+型,春季为HCO3--Ca2+?Mg2+?Na+型,夏、秋季均为HCO3--Ca2+?Mg2+型,泉水和雪水分别为HCO3--Ca2+?Mg2+型、HCO3--Ca2+型;受多种因素共同影响,不同季节河水主离子时空变化均存在差异;河水和泉水水化学组成受岩石风化作用控制,主离子来源于以白云石为主的碳酸盐岩风化、硅酸盐岩风化和盐岩、石膏、硫酸盐矿物等蒸发岩溶解;正向地球化学模型计算结果表明冬春季河水阳离子主要来源于硅酸盐岩风化溶解,夏秋季碳酸盐岩对河水阳离子贡献率大于硅酸盐岩,总体河水阳离子主要来源于碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩风化。  相似文献   

为了掌握亚热带季风气候岩溶地区流域水化学变化特征及量化流域内岩石化学风化过程对吸收大气CO2的贡献,文章选取湘西峒河流域作为研究对象,于2016年7—8月对研究区干流和7个子流域进行了水样采集与分析。结果表明:河水pH平均值为8.31,总体呈偏碱性。EC与TDS的变化范围较大,这主要与流域内岩性的分布有关。水中离子以Ca2+、HCO-3为主,水化学类型为HCO3—Ca型,岩性控制水化学的组成。HCO-3、Ca2+和Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐岩的风化,其余离子来源多受人为活动影响。峒河流域干流的主要离子中,HCO-3、Ca2+和Mg2+浓度从上游至下游总体下降,反映了河流从碳酸盐岩区流向碎屑岩为主地层的过程。NO-3、K+、Na+、F-、Cl-和SO2-4呈增长趋势,说明峒河受人为污染影响较大,反映出人为活动的密集程度。通过子流域的划分可知流域上游主要受灰岩以及白云岩控制,中游以灰岩控制为主,下游受砂岩、泥岩及碎屑岩控制为主。收集流域最终出口吉首观测站一个水文年的数据并运用水化学—径流法估算出峒河流域无机碳通量为60 477.33 tCO2/a,碳汇强度为71.15 tCO2/(km2·a)。  相似文献   

长江水系水文地球化学特征及主要离子的化学成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在分析长江流域76个位点的水化学数据的基础上,运用吉布斯(Gibbs)图、三角图、主成分分析方法研究岩性对长江水表河水中离子化学特征的影响和流域的主要风化过程.结果表明,长江水系的主要离子化学特征受岩石风化作用的影响,其中碳酸盐和蒸发岩矿物对干流水系溶质的贡献率分别为43.6%和37.9%,而对支流水系溶质的贡献率分别为33.1%和39.1%.干流流域内主要的风化反应以白云石和方解石的溶解为主,而支流流域内C1~-/(Na~++K~+)接近1:1,体现出蒸发岩风化的显著特性.Si/K比值较低,表明长江流域内的风化反应是在表生环境中进行的,且产物是富含阳离子的次生矿物.  相似文献   

桂江流域河流水化学特征及影响因素   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
2012年4月9-16日在桂江流域采集河流水样15个进行分析测试。研究结果表明:(1)桂江河水样品pH值介于6.36~8.46,平均值为7.58;EC范围为18~316μs/cm,平均值为175μs/cm;流域河水SIc平均值为-0.7,其变化受流域碳酸盐岩的分布控制。(2)桂江的水为HCO3-Ca型水,HCO3-和Ca2+平均分别占阴、阳离子的76%和77%,主要来自岩石风化。(3)中游部分河水NO3-和SO42-较高,可能是受工农业等人类活动的影响引起,此外硫酸参与了碳酸盐矿物的溶解。(4)Ca2+、Mg2+和HCO3-总体呈现中游高,上游和下游较低;SO42-和NO3-仅在中游部分受到人类活动影响较多的支流偏高,上下游相对较低且相差不大;Cl-、Na+和K+则呈现出中下游较高,上游较低的特征。   相似文献   

研究非岩溶水和硫酸参与溶蚀对地下河流域岩溶碳汇通量的影响,有助于提高岩石风化碳汇通量估算精度,对于推进地质作用与全球气候变化研究意义重大。选取湘南北江上游武水河流域内4条典型地下河为对象,通过水化学对比分析,揭示硅酸盐岩风化对流域地下水化学的重要影响。运用Galy方法计算流域非岩溶地层中的硅酸盐岩风化消耗大气/土壤CO_2对岩石风化碳汇的重要贡献,并评价了H_2SO_4参与下碳汇通量的扣除比例。结果显示:(1)流域内有非岩溶地层的L01,L02地下河,Na~+,K~+和SiO_2浓度明显高于纯碳酸盐L03和L04地下河,非岩溶地层中的硅酸盐的风化对地下河水中K~+,Na~+,SiO_2浓度有一定贡献;(2)4条地下河的[Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)]/[HCO_3~-]当量比值为1.05~1.15,[Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)]/[HCO_3~-+SO_4~(2-)]的当量比值为0.99~1.08,Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)相对于HCO_3~-过量,过量的Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)与SO_4~(2-)相平衡,证实硫酸参与流域碳酸盐岩的溶蚀;(3)L01和L02地下河岩石风化消耗的CO_2通量中非岩溶地层中的硅酸盐风化消耗所占比例分别为3.36%和2.22%,而L03和L04地下河中硅酸盐风化消耗比例小于0.50%,表明有非岩溶地层存在的地下河流域,其岩石风化消耗的CO_2通量中硅酸盐风化消耗占有一定比例;(4)在考虑硫酸参与碳酸盐岩溶蚀时,4条地下河的碳汇通量分别扣除4.84%,4.52%,6.20%和9.36%。  相似文献   

Police, politics, and the right to the city   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mustafa Dikeç 《GeoJournal》2002,58(2-3):91-98
Space and spatiality have recently been at the core of debates concerning the political possibilities of the city. The arguments advanced in this paper might be seen as an attempt to contribute to these debates through a reflection on the spatiality of (in) justice, politics, and the right to the city. The case of French urban policy, with its focus on distressed urban areas, and the `suburban problem' in France are used as examples to make arguments more concrete.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of a study of 11 isotope systems (3He/4He, 40Ar/36Ar, 34S/32S, 65Cu/63Cu, 62Ni/60Ni, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206–208Pb/204Pb, Hf–Nd, U–Pb, and Re–Os) in the rocks and ores of the Cu–Ni–PGE deposits of the Norilsk ore district. Almost all the results were obtained at the Center of Isotopic Research of the Karpinskii All-Russia Research Institute of Geology. The use of a number of independent genetic isotopic signatures and comprehensive isotopic knowledge provided a methodic basis for the interpretation of approximately 5000 isotopic analyses of various elements. The presence of materials from two sources, crust and mantle, was detected in the composition of the rocks and ores. The contribution of the crustal source is especially significant in the paleofluids (gas–liquid microinclusions) of the ore-forming medium. Crustal solutions were probably a transport medium during ore formation. Air argon is dominant in the ores, which indicates a connection between the paleofluids and the atmosphere. This suggests intense groundwater circulation during the crystallization of ore minerals. The age of the rocks and ores of the Norilsk deposits was determined. The stage of orebody formation is restricted to a narrow age interval of 250 ± 10 Ma. An isotopic criterion was proposed for the ore-bearing potential of mafic intrusions in the Norilsk–Taimyr region. It includes several interrelated isotopic ratios of various elements: He, Ar, S, and others.  相似文献   

The Trinity River (Texas, USA) contains in its watershed 23 different reservoir lakes, the largest one being Lake Livingston situated in the lower Trinity River watershed and two potentially polluting metroplexes, Dallas and Houston. In order to determine fluxes of nutrients and trace metals to Galveston Bay, a survey that included 24 discreet samples collected over a year and at various stages of discharge was carried out during 2000–2001. Geochemical (i.e., sorption by Fe oxyhydroxides), biological (i.e., seasonal uptake by sinking algae in Lake Livingston), and hydrological (i.e., dilution effects by increasing flow rates) controls were found to be mainly responsible for variations in dissolved trace metal concentrations rather than pollution sources. The Trinity River loads of suspended sediments and pollutant trace metals entering Galveston Bay at Anahuac were <20% of those reaching Lake Livingston, and only a few percent of the total upstream trace metal load is entering the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, during the transit through the 23 man-made lakes and an estuary, >96% of the pollutant trace metal load is lost to sediments.  相似文献   

The mineral composition of the Talatui gold deposit has been studied with modern methods. Previously unknown minerals (ilmenite, siegenite, glaucodot, wittichenite, matildite, hessite, pilsenite, zircon, tremolite, cummingtonite, hercynite, and goethite) have been identified in the ore. A high Re content has been detected in molybdenite. The spatiotemporal separation of Au and Ag is caused by different mineral species of these elements and their diachronous precipitation during the ore-forming process. Gold crystallized along with early mineral assemblages, beginning from virtually pure gold (the fineness is 996). Silver precipitated largely at the end of the process as hessite (Ag2Te) and matildite (AgBiS2). The temperature of ore deposition varied from 610 to 145°C, the pressure was 3370–110 bar, and the salt concentration ranged from 56.3 to 0.4 wt % NaCl equiv. The heterogeneous state (boiling) of fluid at the early stages has been documented. The chemical and isotopic compositions of the fluid testify to its magmatic nature and the participation of meteoric water at late stages in the ore-forming process. Thermodynamic modeling reproduces the main specific features of ore formation, including separation of Au and Ag. A physicochemical model of the gold mineralization in the Darasun ore district has been proposed. On the basis of several attributes, the Talatui deposit has been referred to the prophyry gold-copper economic type.  相似文献   

Clay subfractions (SFs) of <0.1, 0.1–0.2, 0.2–0.3, 0.3–0.6, 0.6–2 and 2–5 μm separated from Middle Riphean shales of the Debengda Formation are studied using the TEM, XRD, K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic methods. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions in the SFs are studied as well. The low-temperature illite-smectite is dominant mineral in all the SFs except for the coarsest ones. The XRD, chemical and isotopic data imply that two generations of authigenic illite-smectite different in age are mixed in the SFs. The illite crystallinity index decreases in parallel with size diminishing of clay particles. As compared to coarser SFs, illite of fine-grained subfractions is enriched in Al relative to Fe and Mg, contains more K, and reveals higher K/Rb and Rb/Sr ratios. The Rb-Sr age calculated by means of the leachochron (“inner isochron”) method declines gradually from 1254-1272 Ma in the coarsest SFs to 1038-1044 Ma in finest ones, while the K-Ar age decreases simultaneously from 1225–1240 to 1080 Ma. The established positive correlation of δ18O and δD values with dimensions of clay particles in the SFs seems to be also consistent with the mixing systematics. The isotopic systematics along with data on mineral composition and morphology lead to the conclusion that mixedlayer illite-smectite was formed in the Debengda shales during two periods 1211–1272 and 1038–1080 Ma ago. The first period is likely close to the deposition time of sediments and corresponds to events of burial catagenesis, whereas the second one is correlative with the regional uplift and changes in hydrological regime during the pre-Khaipakh break in sedimentation.  相似文献   

Transport and transformation of nitrate was evaluated along a 1-km groundwater transect from an almond orchard to the Merced River, California, USA, within an irrigated agricultural setting. As indicated by measurements of pore-water nitrate and modeling using the root zone water quality model, about 63% of the applied nitrogen was transported through a 6.5-m unsaturated zone. Transport times from recharge locations to the edge of a riparian zone ranged from approximately 6 months to greater than 100 years. This allowed for partial denitrification in horizons having mildly reducing conditions, and essentially no denitrification in horizons with oxidizing conditions. Transport times across a 50–100-m-wide riparian zone of less than a year to over 6 years and more strongly reducing conditions resulted in greater rates of denitrification. Isotopic measurements and concentrations of excess N2 in water were indicative of denitrification with the highest rates below the Merced River. Discharge of water and nitrate into the river was dependent on gradients driven by irrigation or river stage. The results suggest that the assimilative capacity for nitrate of the groundwater system, and particularly the riverbed, is limiting the nitrate load to the Merced River in the study area.  相似文献   

马元铅锌矿床是近年扬子陆块北缘铅锌找矿的新突破。矿体呈层状、似层状产于碑坝隆起翼部震旦系灯影组角砾状白云岩层间构造带中,围岩蚀变很弱。矿石中硫化物以闪锌矿、方铅矿为主,中粗粒晶质结构,充填于白云岩角砾间。闪锌矿富集Cd、Ge、Ag,贫In、Tl、Se,Ga/In为6~132,Ge/In多1000,成矿温度以中-低温为主。金属硫化物ε~(34)S值相对集中,为12.9‰~19.4‰,平均为17.4‰,来自于海相硫酸盐的还原。铅同位素组成稳定,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb为17.858~17.918:~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb为15.603~15.694;~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb为37.756~38.046,具有造山带和上地壳铅的特征,震旦系可能提供了金属成矿物质。闪锌矿中流体包裹体的~3He/~4He为0.03Ra~1.05Ra,~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar为326.1~765.1,~(38)Ar/~(36)Ar为0.183~0.204,表明成矿流体主要为地壳流体和饱和大气水(大气降水或海水)的混合。闪锌矿内流体包裹体挥发分δ~(13)C_(CH_4)值为-36.01‰~-28.80‰,δ~(13)C_(C_2H_6)值为-27.72‰~-22.44‰,δ~(13)C_(CO_2)值为-23.24‰~-9.68‰,表明有机流体参与了成矿作用。石英、方解石的H-O同位素结果表明具有海水和有机水混合的特征。可见,成矿流体具有两种流体混合的特征,一为蒸发海水与围岩反应所形成的盆地卤水,二为有机流体。推测矿区可能存在一个古油气藏,由于TSR生成一高硫气藏,为区内还原性有机流体的主要来源。当富含Pb、Zn等成矿物质的成矿流体运移至富含CH_4和H_2S的还原性流体的矿区角砾岩带时,两种流体混合,Pb、Zn等遇到H_2S发生反应而沉淀成矿,并伴生热液白云石等,形成了马元铅锌矿床。综上所述,我们认为马元矿床属MVT型铅锌矿床。  相似文献   

Study of the cross-stratification and other sedimentary structures in the Lower Greensand of the Weald, England, and Bas-Boulonnais, France, indicates that the sediments were deposited by the lateral migration of sand waves in a neritic sea. Comparison of the Lower Greensand sea with the modern North Sea was attempted. If those sediments were deposited as a result of tidal current similar to the present-day North Sea then the Lower Greensand shoreline could be deduced as running northwest-southeast, indication that the western part of the London Platform was submerged.  相似文献   

在野外地质调查的基础上,选取滹沱群豆村亚群底部四集庄组玄武岩、顶部青石村组玄武岩和东冶亚群中下部河边村组玄武岩,进行岩石学和地球化学研究。分析结果表明:玄武岩主量元素高TiO2、TFeO,低MgO,具有演化的基性岩浆的特征。稀土元素含量相对较高,具有弱—中等程度的轻稀土元素富集,中等程度的轻重稀土元素分异,轻微的Eu异常;玄武岩中Cr、Ni含量变化较大,但与Mg#具有很好的正相关性。微量元素配分图解中具有明显的Sr负异常,部分样品具有Nb、Ta和Ti负异常,无Zr、Hf负异常,与岛弧火山岩不同;同时Nb、Ta无分异,Zr/Hf值较高,具有板内玄武岩浆的特征。综合分析认为,滹沱群玄武岩可能形成于板内裂谷环境。在岩浆上升过程中发生橄榄石与尖晶石的分离结晶作用,同时不同程度地受到地壳的混染。  相似文献   

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