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扩散边界层对沉积物盐分释放的阻滞影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
扩散边界层是水环境沉积物与上覆水之间物质交换的必经区。通过无风和有风条件下两组沉积物盐分释放实验,研究海湾水库砂质沉积物-水界面扩散边界层的形成情况,并通过水动力扰动下穿过扩散边界层的实测盐分通量与Fick第一定律理论计算通量的比较,以及扰动与无扰动时通量的比较,探讨扩散边界层对沉积物盐分释放的影响。研究结果表明,在稳定风场条件下,沉积物-水界面处存在厚度约3.5 cm的扩散边界层,有风条件下的界面盐分交换通量略大于无风时的通量;分子扩散是边界层内盐分运移的主要机制,扩散边界层对沉积物盐分释放具有阻滞作用,并且边界层越厚,阻滞效应越显著。另外,由于扩散边界层的存在,限制了水动力对沉积物与上覆水之间物质交换的增强作用,所以海湾水库沉积物中蓄积盐分对上覆水的影响将是长期的过程。  相似文献   

为预测海湾水库沉积物盐分释放对库水咸化影响的持续时间,建立了描述沉积物孔隙水盐分剖面分布的非稳态数学模型,并优化选取模型的边界条件与关键参数(沉积物孔隙水盐分的扩散系数)。稳态与非稳态条件下沉积物盐分释放的对比分析表明,在计算污染沉积物对其上覆水水质的影响时间时,按非稳态释放更符合实际情况。非稳态盐分释放的计算结果表明,拟建沐官岛海湾水库沉积物中盐分释放对库水咸化的影响时间将大于600年,该影响时间远长于水库的寿命;表明在水库的整个生命周期内,均需要定期监测海湾水库底层水的盐分浓度,并需采取有效措施预防水体的突然泛咸,而不能仅在建库初期关注咸化问题。  相似文献   

为了探讨海湾水库蓄水初期单次往复水平密度流的产生与效应,进行砂质斜坡沉积物与水体之间盐分交换的水槽实验。通过沉积物孔隙水与其上覆水的多剖面电导率动态监测,分析盐分的时空分布特征,并计算深水区、浅水区和中心区的边界层单位面积含盐总量。实验结果显示,进水在浅水区沉积物表面产生明显的渗入-溢出现象,浅水区沉积物孔隙水盐分浓度显著低于中心区与深水区同一高度的盐分浓度,深水区初始底边界层含盐量与初始边界层下边界盐分浓度均为最高;这表明进水过程在倾斜沉积物表面产生了前进密度流,水流携带的盐分在坡底累积。水槽进满水后深水区边界层含盐总量与边界层下边界盐分浓度快速降低,并且浅水区表层沉积物孔隙水与深水区同一深度水体之间的盐分快速达到平衡;这表明蓄水初期在两者之间形成了返回密度流,从浅水区表层沉积物冲刷出的盐分在密度流作用下再次进入沉积物。为避免再次进入沉积物的盐分在后期继续影响水库泛咸,建议在蓄水结束后尽快实施坡底咸水排除方案。  相似文献   

针对中国北方海湾水库间歇来水、连续取水和沉积物动态释盐的特点,建立水量与盐分耦合的数学模型,以青岛拟建的沐官岛水库为例,探讨水位变化条件下混合型海湾水库库水盐分的影响因素、超标风险与达标条件。模拟结果表明,在水库水位连续降低条件下,毫米量级的日蒸发量对库水盐分的累积效应显著。在不利水文条件下,受沉积物释盐、水分蒸发与人工取水的影响,混合型海湾水库长期存在盐分超标的风险。与水位不变时相反,水位降低时库水盐分浓度随着取水量的增大而升高;因此,当库水盐分存在超标风险时,可以通过减少日取水量实现库水盐分达标。为保障安全供水,在海湾水库设计与运营管理阶段,均需要综合考虑水量-盐分因素进行水库的日取水量调算。  相似文献   

地下咸水与水库水体交换过程中沉积物胶体释放规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李海明  马斌  李子琛  赵雪 《岩矿测试》2012,31(5):849-854
以天津滨海地区北大港水库为研究对象,采用室内柱试验,研究地下咸水与水库水体交换过程中不同位置沉积物胶体释放以及盐分释放/截留的动态特征,同时对沉积物胶体释放、盐分释放/截留机理进行了探讨。研究结果表明:水库不同位置地下咸水与水库水体交换过程中,盐分的归宿不同:接近水库入口处的沉积物能将盐分截留下来,而出水口沉积物却将盐分释放转移到水体。随孔隙体积数的增加,沉积物胶体累计释放量逐渐增加,入库口、库中心、出库口最大累计释放量分别为3.275 mg/g、0.386 mg/g和1.382 mg/g;胶体累计释放量随孔隙体积数的变化曲线符合直线型,胶体释放速率变化很小。盐分的释放或截留是沉积物颗粒的粒径、胶体含量、含盐量等多种因素作用的结果,水库水体与沉积物中的盐分处于动态平衡状态,当沉积物中含盐量高于平衡浓度时,其盐分会向水体中释放,同时吸附在胶体上的盐分也会随着胶体的释放而释放;反之,水体中的盐分会向沉积物中迁移被截留下来,沉积物粒径越小,越易吸附水中的盐分。胶体的释放规律可以用双电层理论得到很好的解释。  相似文献   

波浪扰动对太湖底泥磷释放影响模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
为揭示波浪扰动对湖泊底泥磷释放的影响,在波浪水槽中模拟了不同波高情况下扰动对水体、水土界面、底泥间隙水的磷、溶解氧等的影响.结果显示,在大波扰动下,沉积物大量悬浮,水体总磷随之增加,溶解性磷增加却不显著;波浪扰动显著增加了水体和沉积物界面的溶解氧浓度,并增加了溶解氧在沉积物的侵蚀深度;波浪扰动降低了沉积物表层10 cm内间隙水中的磷浓度,而10 cm以下沉积物中间隙水中磷浓度基本保持不变.研究表明,波浪扰动可迅速增加水体中颗粒态的营养盐,但是对于溶解态营养盐,尤其是水体中活性磷浓度的影响,则受沉积物性质、水-沉积物间隙水磷浓度差,以及水-沉积物中氧含量等多方面因素的影响.  相似文献   

沐官岛水库是一个拟建的河口海湾水库,库底为富含咸水的潮滩沉积物。这一特殊的地质及水环境条件直接关系到水库未来的水质安全和正常的调度运行,所以必须准确地确定水库水体中盐分空间分布这一关键问题。本文依据现场调查、钻探及室内实验资料,通过垂直方向线性插值技术,建立了沐官岛水库蓄水初期盐分运移准三维模型,模拟了水库蓄水初期在内源盐分释放影响下,库水盐分的演化过程。结果表明:若遇平水年开始蓄水,当蓄水至1.5m时,该层含盐量在平面上的变化范围主要在0.30~1.30g/L之间;当蓄水至4.5m时,该层含盐量在平面上的变化范围主要在0.30~1.55g/L。  相似文献   

广东大亚湾海洋地质环境与潜在地质灾害   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
大亚湾是国家重点开发的海湾,通过对其大量实测资料的综合分析和研究表明,大亚湾有9种底质类型,除沿岸及岛屿周围颗粒较粗外,湾内浅海区主要为粘土质粉砂和粉砂质粘土,工程地质条件较好。大亚湾目前底质总体污染较小,以轻微污染为主,但湾内水体交换能力差,污染易而治理难,应倍加保护。大亚湾潜在地质灾害包括活动性地质灾害因素和限制性地质条件,主要有海岸侵蚀、沙波、断层、不规则埋藏基岩、埋藏脊、航道沟、异常堆积区和陡坎等。  相似文献   

潮白河受水区再生水入渗盐污染模拟柱试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据工程地质勘察及采样测试分析,选取北京市顺义潮白河再生水受水区3种典型代表性土壤介质(砾石含砂、细砂、粉质粘土)装柱,并采用受水区再生水进行淋溶模拟土柱试验。测试结果分析表明,在3种典型土壤介质中,阳离子交换吸附作用主要体现为K+与Ca2+之间的交换,且粉质粘土柱中阳离子的离子交换作用较砾石含砂柱和细砂柱更为显著。另外,试验结果还表明,随着土壤介质中粘粒含量、总有机碳含量、阳离子交换容量和粘土矿物总量的增加,典型介质淋溶模拟土柱试验中阳离子交换作用达到平衡时所需要的时间也就越长,分别为砾石含砂72 d、细砂80 d和粉质粘土86 d。定量结果计算也证明:粉质粘土介质的各阴、阳离子本底含量最高,单位质量粉质粘土介质硬度及溶解性总固体(TDS)的贡献量最大,分别为5 767 mg/g和6 952 mg/g。  相似文献   

长江上源布曲盆地古湖相沉积的发现及其U系年龄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
20 0 2年 2月 ,笔者在青藏铁路格尔木 -拉萨段活动断裂的野外调查中 ,在长江上源通天河沿的南西西方向 2 0km处 ,青藏公路东南侧的通天河支流布曲北岸拔河 2 1 .5m的第 3级阶地的冲积砂砾层之下 ,图 1 布曲第三级阶地及其下伏湖相沉积剖面1.粘土质粉砂  2 .粉砂  3 .细砂  4 .含小砾细砂5.粘土质细砂  6.粉砂质粘土  7.砾石8.样品位置和U系年龄 (kaB .P.)Fig.1 Buquprofileshowingthethirdterraceanditsunderlyinglucastrinedeposits发现了一套由灰…  相似文献   

Experimental chambers were used in a Virginia salt marsh to partition the tidal flux of dissolved nutrients occurring at the marsh surface and in the water column. On five dates from June to October 1989, six replicate chambers in the short Spartina alterniflora zone were monitored over complete tidal cycles. When reservoir water, used to simulate tidal flooding in the chambers, was initially low in dissolved nutrients, the marsh surface was a source of both ammonium and phosphate to the water column. Calculations of the physical processes of diffusion and advection could not account for total nutrient release from the marsh surface. We hypothesize the primary source of nutrients was organic matter mineralization in surface sediments, which released nutrients into the flooding water column. Assimilation (uptake) of phosphate measured in water-column incubation experiments was nearly equal to phosphate released from the marsh surface. Surface release of ammonium, however, was somewhat greater than water-column uptake. In this salt marsh, benthic production and release of ammonium and phosphate is comparable in magnitude to pelagic consumption, thereby yielding only a small “net” transfer of these nutrients to the estuary.  相似文献   

Oceanic upwelling results in the intermittent intrusion of cold ocean water enriched in nitrate, and to a lesser extent soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), into the Kariega Estuary (South Africa). Laboratory measocosm experiments were conducted to determine the effects of such changes on fluxes of dissolved nutrients across the surface of a salt marsh within the estuary. When replicate mesocosms of the tidal creek and salt marsh were inundated with nonupwelled water (at 25°C and nitrate concentrations of 4.5 μmoll?1), nitrate fluxes in both regions were small, and the tidal creek exhibited net uptake (negative value) of nitrate from the water column (?85 μmol m?2 tide?1), and the marsh, net release (positive values; 113 μmol m?2 tide?1). When the mesocosms were inundated with upwelled water, at 16°C and with nitrate concentrations of 24.2 μmol l?1, both regions exhibited large net uptakes of nitrate (?514 μmol m?2 tide?1 and ?226 μmol m?2 tide?1 for the tidal creek and salt marsh, respectively). In contrast to nitrate, the fluxes of nitrite, ammonium, and SRP were not significantly different under upwelling and nonupwelling conditions, probably because initial concentrations in the two water types were similar. To determine the extent to which the nitrate uptakes were caused by decreased water temperatures or increased concentrations of nitrate, experiments were conducted in which mesocosms were inundated with water with a range of nitrate concentrations (1.8–25 μmol l?1), at two temperatures representative of summer upwelling (16°C) and nonupwelling conditions (25°C). In both regions, the net fluxes of nitrate were positively correlated with initial concentrations of nitrate in the water column. For any given concentration, the fluxes at 16°C fell within the range of values at 25°C, indicating that the shifts in fluxes caused by upwelling occurred in response to increased concentrations in the water column and not reduced temperatures.  相似文献   

An experimental chamber is described which is closed to the water column but encompasses a selected section of the marsh surface. The microcosm is connected to a subsurface collapsible reservoir which functions as a flood water source. Head differences due to tidal fluctuations force reservoir water into and out of the microcosm, so that over complete tidal cycles the net exchanges of materials can be quantified. For this study, seasonal patterns of ammonium and phosphate dynamics in a tidal freshwater marsh were determined using four experimental chambers. On average, phosphate was removed from the water column during the spring, and released to the water column during summer and early fall. Seasonal patterns of ammonium dynamics were less clear, but the marsh removed ammonium from the water column on two of three summer sampling dates. Ammonium and phosphate removal from replicated chambers in vegetated sections of the marsh complex was greater than from unvegetated sections, indicating spatial heterogeneity of nutrient processing. The use of chambers in tidal marshes creates the opportunity to run controlled experiments in situ without imposing artificial hydrologic regimes.  相似文献   

包气带中温度变化对水分分布影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在高180cm、宽50cm的砂槽中,做了温度对水分运移影响的模拟试验。试验结果表明,在包气带一定深度以下,孔隙相对封闭,孔隙内液态水与气态水处于动态平衡,相对湿度接近或达到饱和状态。在此条件下,砂柱内温度场的任何微小变化都会导致孔隙系统内的水分发生蒸发或凝结。当包气带内温度场发生变化时,气态水在温度梯度作用下,向最低温度界面运移,蒸发或是凝结取决于最低温度界面的性质。在不发生聚集的开放性界面上出现蒸散,消耗包气带内水分。在聚集性封闭界面上则出现凝结,使包气带内水分增加。在温度场控制下,包气带中气态水凝结或蒸发是水分运移的另一重要形式,它在一定程度上决定着水分的分布状态,尤其在温差巨大的地区,这种作用显得十分重要。  相似文献   

层状土层之间孔隙结构和水力学性质的不连续性对土体水盐运移有显著影响。基于现场调查,设计了两种不同粒径土层二元结构组合(黄土-砂质粉土和黄土-粉质黏土)的室内土柱试验,通过模型试验讨论了不同地下水补给条件下土层结构对毛细水分布和盐分累积的影响。试验结果表明:在毛细水补给条件下,黄土-砂质粉土构成的上细下粗型土层结构有利于毛细水盐运移,经过60 d蒸发后,其表层SO_4~(2-)含量是上粗下细型土柱的两倍。在无毛细水补给条件下,砂质粉土层中水盐向上迁移总量和迁移速率大于粉质黏土层,最终上细下粗型土柱中上覆土层各层位离子含量均大于上粗下细型土柱。研究结果为层状土区盐渍土病害的防治提供了试验参考。  相似文献   

The Riogrande II reservoir in Colombia has a total storage capacity of 240 million m3 and lies 2,270 m above sea level. The reservoir is used for power generation, water supply and environmental improvement. Dissolved manganese (Mn) is removed from reservoir water dedicated to domestic use by purification processes. Removal of Mn, however, poses a major challenge to purification processes and warrants the study of ways to naturally reduce dissolved Mn levels in the reservoir. The source of Mn within the reservoir is not well understood, however, presumably arises from sediment mobilization initiated by variation in pH, redox potential (ORP or Eh), dissolved oxygen (O2) and ionic strength conditions. This study investigated conditions within the reservoir to further understand Mn transfer from the sediment into the water column. O2, pH, oxidation–reduction potential (ORP or Eh), organic matter content and electric conductivity were measured in water samples and sediment from the reservoir. Sequential extraction (SE) procedures were used to test the specific effects exerted by each of these conditions on Mn mobilization from the sediments. The European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction procedure was used to quantify metals in sediment (referred to as the BCR extraction below). Statistical analysis of geochemical data from water samples (both water column and sediment pore water) and sediments demonstrated the conditions under which Mn can be released from sediments into the water column. The results indicated a primarily oxic water column and anoxic reducing conditions in the sediment (ORP or Eh ≤ ?80 mV). The pH of water in contact with bottom sediments varied from 7.6 to 6.8. The pH of sedimentary pore water varied from 6.8 to 4.7. The sediments contained significant amounts of organic matter (20 %). Chemical extractions showed that the exchangeable fraction contained over 50 % of the total Mn within sediments. Microscopic analysis using scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM–EDS) indicated that Mn does not occur within well-crystallized mineral phases in the Riogrande II sediments. A large proportion of Mn exists instead as material adsorbed onto the surfaces of recently deposited sediment particles. Bacterial oxidation of organic matter may cause the observed anoxic conditions at the bottom of the reservoir. Mineralization of organic matter therefore contributes to reducing conditions within the sediments. Mobilization of Mn from the sediment into the water column may result from reductive dissolution of this fraction. Manganese release by this mechanism diminishes the water quality of the Riogrande II reservoir and warrants further study.  相似文献   

孙莉  杨桂林  孙义春 《探矿工程》2014,41(8):33-35,39
AD205H井是伊拉克艾哈代布油田的首口简化三开水平井,上部水敏泥岩易分散造浆、缩径,中部存在高压盐水层、燧石结核地层,储层灰岩含量高,从而增加了施工周期,制约了该区水平井发展步伐。针对上述钻井难点,开展了钻井液抑制性、抗温性、抗盐性、抗污染评价试验,研制了混油聚磺钻井液体系。现场应用表明,聚磺钻井液体系抗污染能力强,施工过程中性能稳定。对于上部水敏性泥浆有很强的抑制作用,对于下部易渗漏的灰岩地层有很好的封堵作用,减少了井下复杂事故的出现。此井为该地区简化井身结构第一口井,低密度优质钻井液保证了该井的顺利施工,创造了该油田钻井施工的多项纪录。  相似文献   

Strong benthic–pelagic coupling is an important characteristic of shallow coastal marine ecosystems. Building upon a rich history of benthic metabolism data, we measured oxygen uptake and nutrient fluxes across the sediment–water interface along a gradient of water column primary production in Narragansett Bay, RI (USA). Despite the strong gradients seen in water column production, sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and benthic nutrient fluxes did not exhibit a clear spatial pattern. Some of our sites had been studied in the 1970s and 1980s and thus allowed historical comparison. At these sites, we found that SOD and benthic fluxes have not changed uniformly throughout Narragansett Bay. In the uppermost portion of the bay, the Providence River Estuary, we observed a significant decrease in dissolved inorganic phosphorus fluxes which we attribute to management interventions. At another upper bay site, we observed significant declines in SOD and dissolved inorganic nitrogen fluxes which may be linked to climate-induced decreases in water column primary production and shifts in bloom phenology. In the 1970s, benthic nutrient regeneration supplied 50% to over 200% of the N and P needed to support primary production by phytoplankton. Summer nutrient regeneration in the Providence River Estuary and Upper bay now may only supply some 5–30% of the N and 3–20% of the P phytoplankton demand.  相似文献   

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