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高睿  胡念  曾亚武  王艳强 《岩土力学》2011,32(3):804-810
采用包含一个内变量的连续化St Venant模型,即连续的Masing-Iwan模型,模拟桩-土界面扰动区土体的非线性行为。基于两种分析单桩的荷载传递模型,假设桩-土-桩相互作用为弹性且服从叠加原理,推导出了适用于群桩中基桩的两种荷载传递新模型。采用荷载传递法建立了单桩和群桩的非线性控制方程,提出了近似求解该控制方程的摄动分析法,得出了单桩和群桩的荷载沉降和轴力分布方程。所得结果表明,在低荷载水平下严格趋近于弹性解;而在高荷载水平下,能够反映直到破坏阶段的桩的荷载-沉降特性。通过一个现场试验的理论预测结果与实测数据的对比分析,验证了方法的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

群桩荷载位移特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石名磊  战高峰 《岩土力学》2005,26(10):1607-1611
将杆系结构有限单元法与荷载传递迭代法相耦合,形成一桩基沉降分析计算的混合法。采用近似解析解中Randolph and Wroth’Model与双曲线模型相结合,模拟桩身与桩周介质边界上剪切滑移的非线性。桩间相互作用在采用弹性理论Mindlin方程解答计算,并考虑了桩间“加筋与遮帘”作用。桩周土介质非均质性特征,采用指数函数模拟。分析了刚性承台下群桩桩数、桩长、桩间距和桩土模量比等群桩工作特性的影响。尤其是桩台基础沉降对群桩相互作用影响机制的研究,对桥梁拼接等对桩基础沉降要求严格的工程有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

水平荷载下导管架平台桩基础的非线性有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
导管架平台桩基础的控制荷载主要为风荷载、波浪荷载、地震荷载等水平荷载,为研究水平荷载下导管架平台桩基础的承载特性,采用非线性有限元分析方法对水平荷载下桩-土之间的相互作用进行研究,提出了有效模拟桩基水平承载特性的有限元模型,分析了模型桩的刚度、直径、土质参数中水平土压力系数、剪胀角对桩基承载特性的影响及水平荷载下群桩承载特性,并将有限元计算结果与API规范及模型试验结果进行对比。研究结果表明,非线性有限元分析方法分析水平荷载下桩-土相互作用是可行的,计算结果可为导管架平台的桩基设计提供参考。  相似文献   

非均质地基中群桩竖向荷载沉降关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江杰  黄茂松  顾倩燕 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2092-2096
运用剪切位移法计算了桩轴向荷载传递因子。对于桩端采用线性的荷载传递函数,推导了基于弹塑性模型的单桩竖向荷载沉降的解析解。分析过程中考虑了土体强度沿深度线性变化的特性和桩土间的滑移现象,因此更符合大部分土体的实际性状。在此基础上,建立了考虑桩土滑移的桩-桩相互作用系数的计算公式,并将上述方法应用于群桩的分析,获得了群桩的荷载沉降特性。该分析方法克服了目前应用较多的弹性理论方法夸大桩土相互作用的缺点,单桩和群桩的荷载沉降曲线的分析结果和实测数据吻合,证明了该方法的合理性。  相似文献   

费康  朱志慧  石雨恒  周莹 《岩土力学》2020,41(12):3889-3898
采用双曲线模型模拟桩土界面上的力学行为,利用剪切位移法反映剪应力在土层中的传递,考虑群桩之间的相互作用,建立了热?力耦合作用下能量桩群桩基础工作特性的简化分析方法。该方法能反映桩土界面上的非线性、桩顶的约束条件和能量桩位置的影响,可直接计算所有桩的位移和轴力。与现有方法相比,计算得到的双桩相互作用因子更加合理。通过与文献中试验数据的对比表明,若只有局部桩经历温度变化,能量桩运行过程中各桩之间存在差异变形,基础出现倾斜,桩顶荷载发生重分布。所建立方法计算方便,能合理模拟能量桩群桩基础的主要工作特性,可用于大规模能量桩群桩基础的设计计算。  相似文献   

汪宏伟  纠永志  木林隆 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):205-210
提出一种多向荷载同时作用下的刚性桩筏基础简化计算方法,基于Mindlin解,分析桩顶面-桩顶面、桩顶面-土表面、土表面-土表面的相互作用关系。推导多向荷载下桩土体系柔度矩阵,得到刚性桩筏基础的受力和变形的关系,通过与有限元对比证明了文中方法的正确性,在此基础上对耦合荷载作用下的风机基础的受力和变形特性进行分析。研究表明,耦合荷载作用下风机基础将会产生竖向不均匀沉降,并会引起桩顶轴力的的巨大的差异。  相似文献   

考虑沉桩效应对桩周土体力学特性的影响,采用指数函数型荷载传递曲线分别建立了静压桩的桩侧和桩端荷载传递模型。在此基础上,根据群桩加载过程中桩周土体的变形模式,基于荷载传递法描述桩-土界面的非线性行为,采用剪切位移法考虑群桩之间的相互作用,提出了考虑沉桩效应的群桩非线性荷载-沉降混合计算方法。通过开展离心模型试验对该计算方法解答进行了验证,研究了沉桩效应和桩-土界面非线性特征对群桩承载特性的影响。研究结果表明,沉桩效应对桩周土体起到挤密作用,使得桩周土体的强度和刚度增大,从而提高了群桩的承载特性。群桩加载过程中桩-土界面刚度随沉降变形而逐渐减小,使得群桩荷载-沉降曲线呈现出明显的非线性特征。  相似文献   

对于承受轴向荷载的水平受荷桩,以往研究大多基于线弹性或弹塑性水平荷载传递模型。为提升轴横受荷桩的计算设计水平,采用轴向荷载传递法计算桩身轴力,考虑桩身轴力引起的P-Δ效应,基于双曲线型水平荷载传递模型考虑桩-土体系变形的非线性特征,对成层土中轴横受荷桩的水平响应进行分析求解,得到了轴横荷载作用下桩身变形和内力的非线性有限差分解,并采用MATLAB语言编制了计算程序。使用模型试验算例与基于现场试验的有限元算例对非线性解的准确性进行对比验证,结果表明:计算结果与算例数据吻合良好,可靠性较高;采用不同荷载传递模型的计算结果在不同荷载水平下有所差异,在较大荷载水平下桩-土变形的非线性特点不容忽视。  相似文献   

一种确定导管架平台群桩p-y数据的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导管架海洋平台群桩基础的桩头约束是一种弹性约束。针对具有弹性约束桩头的群桩,提出了一种利用非线性地基梁群桩模型,通过迭代计算确定导管架平台群桩p-y数据的方法。该方法首先依据单桩p-y曲线,利用具有弹性约束桩头的群桩模型,计算桩头在总荷载作用下的水平位移;再利用Poulos相互作用系数确定由于群桩相互作用引起的桩头附加水平位移,将总荷载作用下的桩头水平位移与桩头附加水平位移叠加后的结果作为迭代计算的初始桩头水平位移。然后,依据桩头荷载与初始桩头水平位移,通过对单桩p-y数据的标定,确定其修正系数Ym,进而得到与第1次计算对应的群桩p-y数据。在接下来的迭代计算中,利用每次更新后的Ym确定该次计算使用的群桩p-y数据,并据此由群桩计算模型计算桩头位移,通过对单桩p-y数据标定确定相应的Ym,直到第i次与第i-1次计算出的Ym(i)和Ym(i-1)之间相对误差小于允许误差为止。由于该方法考虑群桩效应的p-y数据,且借助具有弹性约束桩头的群桩模型进行分析,从而使计算结果能客观反映具有弹性约束桩头群桩之间的相互作用与变形特性。  相似文献   

熊辉  尚守平 《岩土力学》2006,27(12):2163-2168
以动力文克尔地基梁模型为基本理论,在改进了Gazetas均质土中的桩-土-桩相互作用三步法计算模式的基础上,运用分层传递技术,导出了层状地基中群桩在轴、横多向受力条件下的力与位移动力相互关系的显示表达,提出了桩顶谐振作用条件下计算层状介质中动力相互作用因子的新方法,以相对简明的方式阐述了桩顶轴力对群桩水平动力效应的影响,并以此来寻求频域动载下的基桩变位及其内力规律,较为全面地揭示群桩振动特性。  相似文献   

A large scale model test of a 1 × 2 pile group was conducted in silts to investigate its behavior under eccentric lateral loading. The model pile group consisted of two well instrumented steel piles and was installed in a large soil tank with a close spacing of three-pile diameters on centers. The test results revealed that the eccentricity of lateral loads had limited effect on the overall performances of the 1 × 2 pile group, but significantly contributed to the unevenness of internal forces of the individual piles. The coupling effect between the lateral deflection and torque gave rise to the substantial increase in the torsional resistance of individual piles within the group, comparing to that of a torsionally loaded single pile. The contribution provided by the torsional resistances of individual piles in resisting the external torque continually decreased when the applied lateral load increased. In addition, a three-dimensional finite-element analysis for the pile group was performed and the simulated response was found to be in good agreement with the measured test results. Based on the same model, more cases with different loading conditions were further analyzed. It could be concluded from the analyses that the layout of individual piles within the group obviously affected the behavior of the 1 × 2 pile group under eccentric lateral loads.  相似文献   

Vertical loads effect on the lateral response of a 3×5 pile group embedded in sand is studied through a two-dimensional finite element analysis. The soil-pile interaction in three-dimensional type is idealized in the two-dimensional analysis using soil-pile interaction springs with a hysteretic nonlinear load displacement relationship. Vertical loads inducing a vertical pile head displacement of 0.1-pile diameter increase the lateral resistance of the single pile at a 60 mm lateral deflection by 8%. Vertical loads inducing the same vertical displacement applied to a pile group spaced at 3.92-pile diameter increase the overall lateral resistance by 9%. The effect on individual piles, however, depends on the pile position. The vertical load decreases the lateral resistance of the leading pile (pile 1) by 10% and increases the lateral resistances of piles 2, 3, 4, and 5 by 9%, 14%, 17%, and 35%, respectively. Vertical loads applied to the pile group increase the confining pressures in the sand deposit confined by the piles but the rate of increase in those outside the group is relatively small, resulting in the difference in a balance of lateral soil pressures acting at the back of and in front of the individual pile.  相似文献   

In order to gain a better understanding of pile-soil interaction under lateral loading, this paper presents a numerical analysis which combines the infinite and finite element method. Interest is focused on the group effect on ultimate lateral soil resistance. Firstly, a single isolated pile is analysed and reasonably good agreement is found between existing analytical solutions and results obtained by the present method. A limited parametric study is also presented and some parameters influencing the ultimate lateral soil resistance are identified. The analysis of pile groups is then considered and it is shown that the group effect tends to reduce pile capacity when the spacings between piles are within the practical ranges. The extent of the reduction depends on the arrangement of piles within the group.  相似文献   

《Computers and Geotechnics》2006,33(6-7):355-370
A numerical method that takes into account the coupling between the rigidities of the piles, the cap, and the column has been developed for analyzing the response of pile group supported columns. Special attention is given to consideration of pile cap flexibility. A load transfer approach using tz/qz and py curves is used for the analysis of single piles. The finite element technique is used to combine the pile stiffness with the stiffness of the cap and column. The numerical method developed has been verified by comparing the results with other numerical methods for pile groups. Through comparative studies, it has been found that the maximum load on the individual piles in a group is highly influenced by pile cap flexibility. The prediction of the lateral loads and bending moments in the pile cap is much more conservative in the present analysis than in FBPier 3.0 and shows a definitely larger lateral load and bending moment for various cap thicknesses.  相似文献   

桑伟锋 《世界地质》2020,39(1):127-134
通过机场—西华高速大直径超长钻孔灌注桩大吨位竖向单桩静载试验,分析了该地区大直径超长钻孔灌注桩的承载性状以及荷载传递机理。试验结果表明:试桩的Q-S曲线呈缓变型,桩端承载力占总荷载的比例均<10%,即均表现为摩擦桩特性;试桩的侧摩阻力自上而下逐步发挥,侧摩阻力和桩端阻力异步发挥且互相耦合;大直径超长钻孔灌注桩桩侧摩阻力的发挥与土层性质、土层埋深及桩顶荷载水平有关;在高荷载作用下桩侧上部土层摩阻力具有不同程度的软化现象,而中下部土层侧摩阻力具有不同程度的强化现象,甚至即使在最大加载情况下,桩身下部土层的侧摩阻力也并未完全发挥,因此在根据规范计算超长桩承载力时,不同深度土层的侧摩阻力应乘以相应不同的修正系数。  相似文献   

A simplified method of numerical analysis has been developed to estimate the deformation and load distribution of piled raft foundations subjected to vertical, lateral, and moment loads, using a hybrid model in which the flexible raft is modelled as thin plates and the piles as elastic beams and the soil is treated as springs. Both the vertical and lateral resistances of the piles as well as the raft base are incorporated into the model. Pile–soil–pile, pile–soil–raft and raft–soil–raft interactions are taken into account based on Mindlin's solutions for both vertical and lateral forces. The validity of the proposed method is verified through comparisons with several existing methods for single piles, pile groups and piled rafts. Workable design charts are given for the estimation of the lateral displacement and the load distribution of piled rafts from the stiffnesses of the raft alone and the pile group alone. Additionally, parametric studies were carried out concerning batter pile foundations. It was found that the use of batter piles can efficiently improve the deformation characteristics of pile foundations subjected to lateral loads. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孔令刚  肖方初  樊继营  陈云敏 《岩土力学》2019,40(12):4659-4667
水平偏心受荷群桩同时发生水平移动和绕承台中心的转动,使基桩的运动方向各不相同,因此基桩的运动方向成为影响群桩效应的一个关键因素。研究发现:水平偏心受荷的两根桩,前桩运动方向与两桩连线夹角0o≤η≤90o,后桩夹角?90o≤θ≤90o;量化两桩间桩?土?桩相互作用的折减系数与η和θ密切相关,η和θ组合存在一个范围,在该范围内两桩不存在相互作用;当两桩存在相互作用时,相互作用对后桩的影响往往大于对前桩的影响。通过将定量描述水平受荷群桩群桩效应的p乘子概念拓展到水平偏心受荷群桩,综合运用理论分析、试验和数值计算成果,提出了折减系数计算公式,进而给出了广义p乘子经验计算公式。通过试验案例验证了该计算公式的合理性。  相似文献   

轴向荷载对斜桩水平承载特性影响试验及理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斜群桩受水平荷载作用时,群桩中的基桩受到径向荷载、轴向荷载和弯矩的共同作用。为研究轴向荷载对斜桩水平承载特性的影响,完成了3根单桩以及1组1×2斜桩的大尺寸模型试验。试验结果表明:轴向拉力作用会降低斜桩的水平刚度和极限承载力;而轴向压力作用则会使其水平刚度和极限承载力提高。基于桩侧浅层土体楔形破坏假定,推导了考虑轴向荷载影响的斜桩水平极限土抗力计算公式,提出了桩侧土抗力的p-y曲线方法,并通过模型试验及现场试验验证其合理性。  相似文献   

The influence of vertical loads on the lateral response of group piles installed in sandy soil and connected together by a concrete cap is studied through finite elements analyses. The analyses focus on the five piles in the middle row of 3 × 5 pile groups. The vertical load is applied by enforcing a vertical displacement equivalent to 2% of the pile diameter through the pile cap prior to the application of the lateral loads. The results have shown that the lateral resistance of the leading pile (pile 1) does not appear to vary considerably with the vertical load. However, the vertical load leads to 23%, 36%, 64%, and 82% increase in the lateral resistance of piles 2–5, respectively. The increase in the lateral pressures in the sand deposit is the major driving factor to contribute the change in the lateral resistance of piles, depending on the position of the pile in the group. The distribution of lateral loads among piles in the group tends to be more uniform when vertical loads were considered leading to a more economical pile foundation design.  相似文献   

Torsional piles in non-homogeneous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The torsional response of a pile exhibits features which are a mixture of those for axial and lateral response. At low load levels, the response is dominated by interaction with the upper soil layers and by the pile rigidity itself, similar to laterally loaded piles. However, failure will generally occur by the whole pile twisting, and so the latter part of the response incorporates the integrated effect of all soil penetrated by the pile, as is the case for axial loading.

In view of the above, solutions for the torsional response of pile must endeavour to incorporate accurate modelling of the soil stiffness profile, and also pay appropriate attention to the gradual development of slip (relative twist) between pile and soil. The paper presents analytical and numerical solutions for the torsional response of piles embedded in non-homogeneous soil, where the stiffness profile follows a simple power law with depth. The solutions encompass: (1) vertical non-homogeneity of soil expressed as a power law; (2) non-linear soil response, modelled using a hyperbolic stressstrain law; (3) effect of relative slip between pile and soil for non-homogeneous stiffness and limiting shaft friction; (4) expressions for the critical pile slenderness ratio (or length) beyond which the pile head response becomes independent of the pile length.

The solutions are developed using a load transfer approach, with each soil layer acting independently from neighbouring layers, and are expressed in terms of Bessel functions of non-integer order, and as simple non-dimensionalised charts. The solutions are applied to two well-documented case histories in the latter part of the paper.  相似文献   

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