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杨明辉  冯超博  赵明华  罗宏 《岩土力学》2018,39(4):1271-1280
由于坡度效应的存在,常规方法并不适用于斜坡上水平受荷桩的计算,首先开展了斜坡上基桩的横向加载破坏试验,以确定斜坡上基桩的破坏模式。在此基础上,沿坡体方向对破坏土楔体进行斜向单元划分,提出了考虑坡度效应的土体应变楔模型,对于其中的关键参数应变楔深度与应变楔土体应变采用迭代求解。迭代过程中,建立基桩横向受荷的桩-土相互作用方程并用有限杆单元法求解,当求解得到的桩身地面处位移与应变楔模型中地面处土体位移之差小于某一允许值时,得到的基桩的水平位移及内力即为最终解答。通过与试验测试数据的对比,验证了该方法的合理性。最后,将土体破坏深度与边坡斜率的比值定义为陡坡效应影响范围,并对其影响因素进行了对比分析。结果表明,陡坡效应的影响范围受土体强度参数及基桩尺寸等多因素影响,其随着桩径的增加而减小,且随土体强度的增强而减小。  相似文献   

考虑桩底沉渣的灌注桩可靠度分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李典庆  鄢丽丽 《岩土力学》2008,29(1):155-160
基桩的完整性检测不一定都能够检测到基桩中的缺陷,这些缺陷将会影响到基桩的安全性。为此,提出了考虑基桩可能出现缺陷时的基桩可靠度分析方法。以单桩桩底可能出现的沉渣缺陷为例,采用全概率理论将完整桩的失效概率和桩底含有沉渣的桩的失效概率有机地结合起来,得到了单桩的失效概率。采用基桩承载力折减系数来定量地考虑沉渣对基桩承载力的影响,并进一步推导了桩底含沉渣的基桩承载力偏差系数和变异系数的计算公式。算例分析表明,所提方法能够定量地反映基桩中可能出现的沉渣对基桩可靠度的影响。桩底沉渣对桩的可靠指标具有明显的不利影响。随着沉渣厚度和桩的直径的增加,桩底含有沉渣的桩的可靠指标逐渐减小;桩的可靠指标随着桩长的增加逐渐增大。如果不考虑桩可能出现沉渣的质量问题,基桩的安全性将明显地被高估。基桩的完整性检测可以有效地提高基桩的安全性。  相似文献   

林智勇  戴自航 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):221-226
群桩中各基桩在地基土中的加筋与遮帘效应是客观存在的,然而,在目前的桩基沉降理论与实践中,相关的研究仍显不足。基于剪切变形法理论,考虑桩的加筋与遮帘效应,求得各基桩在自身桩顶荷载作用下产生的沉降以及其引起相邻桩的附加沉降量,由此提出群桩中任两桩的相互作用系数简化公式,同时,也得到各基桩桩侧及桩端桩-土接触等效弹簧刚度,并基于荷载传递法原理,建立了成层地基条件下各基桩在自身桩顶荷载作用下的桩身位移平衡方程,推导出各土层层顶处桩身沉降、轴力与层底处桩身沉降、轴力之间的递推关系,进而将公式推广到高、低承台群桩基础计算中。工程算例分析表明,用该方法计算有较高的精度,求得的荷载-沉降曲线及两桩相互作用系数与实测值吻合较好;相互作用系数要明显小于弹性理论计算结果。  相似文献   

冯君  张俊云  朱明  江南 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):94-104
高承台群桩基础是高速铁路桥梁基础的一种常用形式,受到风、地震等荷载作用影响,常常需要承受较大的横向荷载。采用室内物理模型试验和三维有限元程序ABAQUS对软土地层中单桩、群桩的横向承载特性进行了研究,软土采用修正剑桥黏土本构模型,试验结果与有限元计算结果吻合较好。群桩研究方案包括了桩数的变化以及桩间距的变化。结果表明,群桩基础的基桩平均横向承载力(总承载力/桩数)较单桩基础显著增加,且水平荷载方向桩间距越大,其横向承载力越大;群桩基础基桩受力存在三维空间效应,不同位置基桩受力大小排序为角桩最大,其次为边桩,最小为中间桩,弯矩极值差异可达20%,群桩基础桩周土影响范围距外围基桩边缘净距离约为16D (D为桩径)。桩与桩相互影响效应对群桩水平承载不利,承台约束效应对水平承载有利。探讨了考虑上述两种效应的群桩效应系数计算方法,通过计算验证了该方法在软土地区高承台群桩基础横向承载力计算中的适用性。  相似文献   

冯君  张俊云  朱明  江南 《岩土力学》2016,(S2):94-104
高承台群桩基础是高速铁路桥梁基础的一种常用形式,受到风、地震等荷载作用影响,常常需要承受较大的横向荷载。采用室内物理模型试验和三维有限元程序ABAQUS对软土地层中单桩、群桩的横向承载特性进行了研究,软土采用修正剑桥黏土本构模型,试验结果与有限元计算结果吻合较好。群桩研究方案包括了桩数的变化以及桩间距的变化。结果表明,群桩基础的基桩平均横向承载力(总承载力/桩数)较单桩基础显著增加,且水平荷载方向桩间距越大,其横向承载力越大;群桩基础基桩受力存在三维空间效应,不同位置基桩受力大小排序为角桩最大,其次为边桩,最小为中间桩,弯矩极值差异可达20%,群桩基础桩周土影响范围距外围基桩边缘净距离约为16D(D为桩径)。桩与桩相互影响效应对群桩水平承载不利,承台约束效应对水平承载有利。探讨了考虑上述两种效应的群桩效应系数计算方法,通过计算验证了该方法在软土地区高承台群桩基础横向承载力计算中的适用性。  相似文献   

考虑加筋与遮帘效应的层状地基群桩沉降计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桩群在土中的加筋与遮帘效应是客观存在的,但目前的理论与实践均未能或有效地考虑该效应.基于剪切变形法原理,在计算某一根桩沉降时,考虑了其他各相邻基桩的存在对该桩沉降的折减,即加筋与遮帘效应,得到了桩侧桩-土接触等效剪切弹簧刚度,建立了桩身位移微分方程,分别求得桩顶沉降-桩端沉降、桩顶荷载-桩端压力的递推关系,从而得到了各桩在自身荷载作用下引起自身沉降的柔度系数; 同理,也求得了各邻桩在其桩顶荷载下引起它桩沉降的柔度系数,最终建立了群桩沉降计算的柔度矩阵方程.推导过程中,考虑了地基土的成层性及桩端沉降的相互影响,并提出了基于一定深度内的Mindlin位移解且考虑桩径影响的桩端压力-桩端位移关系新模式.算例结果表明,本文方法与实测值较为接近,且按本文方法求得的群桩中基桩相互作用系数明显小于弹性理论计算结果,且与实测值吻合较好.  相似文献   

以某实际工程桩为原型,根据相似理论设计并完成了斜坡基桩竖向承载室内模型试验,分析了不同坡度及桩长条件下斜坡基桩屈曲临界荷载,获得了基桩屈曲临界荷载理论计算公式及拟合公式。研究表明:竖向荷载作用下,基桩荷载-位移曲线均无明显拐点,且桩顶沉降、水平位移均随坡度或桩长的增加而增大,斜坡基桩的屈曲失稳破坏模型非常显著。斜坡基桩的屈曲临界荷载值由桩顶沉降和水平变形共同控制,斜坡坡度越大或基桩自由段越长,其屈曲临界荷载及竖向承载折减系数越小,斜坡效应越明显。对比分析表明,由理论公式和拟合公式计算得到的结果与模型试验结果均吻合较好,最大误差尚不足10%,验证了模型试验、计算理论及拟合公式的合理性,其成果可以为实际工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

桩基础双折减系数有限元强度折减法极限分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董天文  郑颖人 《岩土力学》2011,32(10):3148-3154
现行桩基础安全系数是对桩-土系统安全的总体性评价,尚不能明确桩侧剪移摩阻力、桩端阻力的发挥程度,模糊了基桩的力学特性。为此,基于不同的端阻力、桩侧阻力的发生机制以及占总承载力的比例不同,建立了桩端、桩侧地基两种安全储备系数( 、 ),通过强度折减法非线性有限元极限分析实现了客观评价桩端、桩侧阻力的安全性问题。建议了桩端安全储备系数-位移曲线( - 曲线)和桩侧安全储备系数-位移曲线( - 曲线)的拐点、桩端安全储备系数-桩端阻力曲线( - )和桩侧安全储备系数-桩侧阻力曲线( - 曲线)的拐点V型尖点的前一折减系数分别为当前桩顶荷载条件下基桩的桩端阻力安全储备系数 和桩侧阻力安全储备系数 。分析表明,地基材料的强度参数(c、 )接近于实际情况时,双折减系数强度折减法计算结果接近于静载荷试验、荷载增量法和单折减系数法的计算结果,且 - 曲线拐点、 - 曲线拐点、 - 曲线V型尖点、 - 曲线V型尖点等物理意义较明确,计算的桩-土系统安全储备系数F接近于单一折减系数法确定的安全储备系数,双安全储备系数 、 具有一定实用性。  相似文献   

基于相互作用系数探讨的群桩简化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
相互作用系数法是群桩分析的一种有效的数值计算方法,该方法关键在于确定群桩的相互作用系数。传统的弹性分析方法所得的相互作用系数值偏大,计算结果与实测值差距不小;采用考虑土体弹塑性特征和桩土界面接触的三维有限元方法计算相互作用系数可以有效减少弹性方法的计算偏差,在此基础上推导了高承台群桩的简化分析方法。根据ABAQUS平台进行了大量三维有限元计算,分析了荷载水平、桩土模量比、桩距径比和桩长桩径比对相互作用系数的影响;比较了不同方法下相互作用系数的变化规律。通过有限元方法确定的相互作用系数对两群桩工程实例进行分析,计算结果表明该方法最接近于实测结果。  相似文献   

竺明星  戴国亮  龚维明  万志辉  卢红前 《岩土力学》2019,(7):2593-2607,2662
为探讨摩阻力增强效应影响下的水平受荷桩承载机制,建立了水平荷载作用下考虑增强效应影响的桩侧摩阻力τ-s曲线模型,并在此基础上推导了桩身单位长度侧阻抗力矩数值解。随后开展了桩径、临界位移、极限侧摩阻力等因素影响下Ms,ini/Msu,ini-θ/θref,ini无量纲化曲线规律分析。结合摩阻力增强效应理论进而分别建立了线弹性-塑性、双曲线、API规范砂土与黏土τ-s曲线模型作用下的桩身侧阻抗力矩简化理论解,并基于传递矩阵法原理,解得了考虑桩侧摩阻力作用时基桩水平承载力半解析解。通过多组验证工况和工程实例分析验证了所建立的侧阻抗力矩简化解以及考虑侧阻抗力矩影响的基桩水平承载力方法的正确性,同时也证明了摩阻力增强效应对基桩水平承载力的影响不能忽略,并得出如下结论:无试验数据参考时,砂土、黏土与桩接触面的刚度指数可分别取0.725和0.600;桩身侧阻抗力矩随着桩径、极限摩阻力的增加以及临界位移的减小而增加,其中桩径对侧阻抗力矩影响更为明显。  相似文献   

A modulus‐multiplier approach, which applies a reduction factor to the modulus of single pile py curves to account for the group effect, is presented for analysing the response of each individual pile in a laterally loaded pile group with any geometric arrangement based on non‐linear pile–soil–pile interaction. The pile–soil–pile interaction is conducted using a 3D non‐linear finite element approach. The interaction effect between piles under various loading directions is investigated in this paper. Group effects can be neglected at a pile spacing of 9 times the pile diameter for piles along the direction of the lateral load and at a pile spacing of 6 times the pile diameter for piles normal to the direction of loading. The modulus multipliers for a pair of piles are developed as a function of pile spacing for departure angle of 0, 90, and 180sup>/sup> with respect to the loading direction. The procedure proposed for computing the response of any individual pile within a pile group is verified using two well‐documented full‐scale pile load tests. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large scale model test of a 1 × 2 pile group was conducted in silts to investigate its behavior under eccentric lateral loading. The model pile group consisted of two well instrumented steel piles and was installed in a large soil tank with a close spacing of three-pile diameters on centers. The test results revealed that the eccentricity of lateral loads had limited effect on the overall performances of the 1 × 2 pile group, but significantly contributed to the unevenness of internal forces of the individual piles. The coupling effect between the lateral deflection and torque gave rise to the substantial increase in the torsional resistance of individual piles within the group, comparing to that of a torsionally loaded single pile. The contribution provided by the torsional resistances of individual piles in resisting the external torque continually decreased when the applied lateral load increased. In addition, a three-dimensional finite-element analysis for the pile group was performed and the simulated response was found to be in good agreement with the measured test results. Based on the same model, more cases with different loading conditions were further analyzed. It could be concluded from the analyses that the layout of individual piles within the group obviously affected the behavior of the 1 × 2 pile group under eccentric lateral loads.  相似文献   

孔令刚  张利民 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2231-2236
建立了一个非线性数学模型来分析群桩扭转问题。该模型利用非线性荷载传递曲线来模拟桩的非线性响应,采用Mindlin解计算各桩水平力间的相互作用,用Randolph解析解分析得到各桩间扭矩对水平力的影响。在各单桩中引入经验性的耦合系数,分析桩身水平变形引起的土体反力对该桩扭转承载力的影响。对比计算结果与离心机模型试验数据,表明该模型能够模拟群桩扭转中主要的桩-土-桩相互作用和荷载耦合作用,较好地反映了实际情况。  相似文献   

熊辉  江雅丰  禹荣霞 《岩土力学》2018,39(5):1901-1907
基于Laplace变换,对层状地基中桩土横向振动阻抗计算问题进行了研究。考虑土层天然分层的特性及桩顶轴向力的参与作用,结合频域内桩-土动力文克尔理论,采用传递矩阵法并通过拉普拉斯变换,将振动微分方程变成代数方程以求解桩的横向振动响应参数,并导出了单桩横向振动阻抗。基于所得解,进一步计算出桩-土-桩水平动力相互作用因子。通过实例分析对比,验证其有效性和可行性。该方法计算工作量小,易于理解,计算结果与已有结果具有良好的一致性,并能保证解的连续性,对桩-土动力相互作用的研究具有一定的实用意义。  相似文献   

Luan  Lubao  Zheng  Changjie  Kouretzis  George  Ding  Xuanming  Poulos  Harry 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(12):3545-3558

Τhis paper presents an analytical method for calculating the steady-state impedance factors of pile groups of arbitrary configuration subjected to harmonic vertical loads. The derived solution allows considering the effect of the actual pile geometry on the contribution of pile-soil-pile interaction to the response of the group, via the introduction of a new dynamic interaction factor, defined on the basis of soil resistance instead of pile displacements. The solution is first validated against a published solution for single piles that accounts for the effect of pile geometry on the generated ground vibrations. Accordingly, we show that the derived soil attenuation factor agrees well with existing solutions for pile groups in the high frequency range, but considerable differences are observed in both the stiffness and damping components of the computed impedance when the relative spacing between piles decreases. Numerical results obtained for typical problem parameters suggest that ignoring pile geometry effects while estimating the contribution of pile-soil-pile interaction in the response may lead to inaccurate results, even for relative large pile group spacings.


Waves and winds can induce lateral loads on piles, which are often multidirectional. The objective of this study is to investigate the response of a single pile subjected to unidirectional and multidirectional lateral loadings using the finite element analysis program ABAQUS. A simplified version of the state-dependent dilatancy model was implemented and embedded into the program to simulate the behavior of the soil around the pile. The results of the analyses indicate that the lateral resistance of the pile along one horizontal direction under multidirectional loading is lower than that under unidirectional loading. The degree of reduction of the resistance increases with the aspect ratio of the displacement path at the pile head. The directions of the force increment vector and the displacement increment vector are generally non-coaxial under multidirectional loading. The soil-pile interaction and soil responses under multidirectional loading are also significantly different than those under unidirectional loading.  相似文献   

In order to gain a better understanding of pile-soil interaction under lateral loading, this paper presents a numerical analysis which combines the infinite and finite element method. Interest is focused on the group effect on ultimate lateral soil resistance. Firstly, a single isolated pile is analysed and reasonably good agreement is found between existing analytical solutions and results obtained by the present method. A limited parametric study is also presented and some parameters influencing the ultimate lateral soil resistance are identified. The analysis of pile groups is then considered and it is shown that the group effect tends to reduce pile capacity when the spacings between piles are within the practical ranges. The extent of the reduction depends on the arrangement of piles within the group.  相似文献   

王伟  李兴照 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3441-3446
根据群桩中桩侧摩阻力分布规律,在桩筏基础中基于弹性理论中的变形协调关系、桩体物理方程和力的平衡关系,推导了竖向荷载作用下桩筏基础的荷载和位移之间的刚度矩阵,从而提出了一种刚性板下桩筏基础的分析方法。刚性板桩筏基础分析中考虑了4种相互作用,分别为桩-土-桩、桩-土-板、板-土-桩和板-土-板相互作用。基础中各桩可具有不同的桩长、桩半径和刚度等特性。应用该方法不需要划分桩-土体单元,分析中的计算矩阵仅与基础中桩数和筏板下土节点数量相关而与其他变量无关,分析过程简洁通用。通过与各种分析方法的比较验证,证明该方法是合理可行的。  相似文献   

A hybrid analytical-numerical method is proposed for the dynamic analysis of single piles and pile groups embedded in semi-infinite transversely isotropic media. In the method proposed, the soil-pile system is modeled using finite elements combined with massless rigid radiation discs representing pile-soil-pile interaction. The elasto-dynamic response of the radiation discs buried at different depths in a transversely isotropic half-space is analytically derived in a transform domain using a set of complete potential functions. A Boussinesq-type loading distribution is introduced to act on the disc region to achieve the proper mode of deformation at the cross sections of piles. Numerical results and comparisons with known analytical/numerical solutions are presented, demonstrating the application of the method.  相似文献   

Recent study indicates that the response of rigid passive piles is dominated by elastic pile–soil interaction and may be estimated using theory for lateral piles. The difference lies in that passive piles normally are associated with a large scatter of the ratio of maximum bending moment over maximum shear force and induce a limiting pressure that is ~1/3 that on laterally loaded piles. This disparity prompts this study. This paper proposes pressure‐based pile–soil models and develops their associated solutions to capture response of rigid piles subjected to soil movement. The impact of soil movement was encapsulated into a power‐law distributed loading over a sliding depth, and load transfer model was adopted to mimic the pile–soil interaction. The solutions are presented in explicit expressions and can be readily obtained. They are capable of capturing responses of model piles in a sliding soil owing to the impact of sliding depth and relative strength between sliding and stable layer on limiting force prior to ultimate state. In comparison with available solutions for ultimate state, this study reveals the 1/3 limiting pressure (of the active piles) on passive piles was induced by elastic interaction. The current models employing distributed pressure for moving soil are more pertinent to passive piles (rather than plastic soil flow). An example calculation against instrumented model piles is provided, which demonstrates the accuracy of the current solutions for design slope stabilising piles. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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