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高黎贡山变质岩带中(腾冲大蒿坪地区),原划归古元古代高黎贡山岩群中广泛存在的变质深成岩类,原岩实际为早白垩世(163.5±5.7 Ma)花岗闪长岩和晚白垩世(74.0±2.0Ma)二长花岗岩类,属变质的燕山期深成侵入岩,可划分为扬飞水角闪黑云花岗闪长质片麻岩、芹菜塘花岗片麻岩两个变质地体单元.早白垩世花岗闪长岩形成于造山前期同碰撞火山弧环境;晚白垩世二长花岗岩侵入岩形成于造山前期碰撞造山环境,并沿断裂带强烈侵位.原岩经喜马拉雅早期韧性剪切带动力变质,变质强度达高绿片岩相或低角闪岩相,形成花岗质片麻岩类,喜马拉雅中期叠加脆韧性动力变质作用.  相似文献   

位于东喜马拉雅构造结的南迦巴瓦岩群是研究喜马拉雅构造带基底演化的重要对象之一.在构造样式上,南迦巴瓦岩群为一个背形构造,该背形构造的核部由多雄拉混合岩和花岗片麻岩组成.本文开展了南迦巴瓦岩群多雄拉混合岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年研究.结果表明.多雄拉混合岩深色体的原岩形成年龄为1759±10Ma,浅色体的形成年龄为1594±13Ma,代表发生混合岩化的年龄.另外,一个多雄拉花岗片麻岩的原岩形成年龄为1583±6Ma,该年龄在误差范围内与区域发生混合岩化作用的时代相近,表明在混合岩化过程中存在着一定程度的地壳深熔作用.区域对比表明,低喜马拉雅和高喜马拉雅构造单元内存在着明显不同的构造一岩浆事件,其中低喜马拉雅构造单元广泛存在1.6~1.8Ga的构造-岩浆事件.与之相对比,多雄拉混合岩和花岗片麻岩的锆石U-Pb年代学说明南迦巴瓦岩群核部应属于低喜马拉雅结晶岩系,而明显不同于高喜马拉雅结晶岩系,这与西喜马拉雅构造结相似,表明东喜马拉雅构造结与西喜马拉雅构造结有着相似的地质演化.  相似文献   

位于喜马拉雅造山带东构造结,印度-雅鲁藏布江缝合带以南的南迦巴瓦岩群经历了高压变质作用和强烈的部分熔融与混合岩化作用.本文选择广泛分布的长英质片麻岩进行了岩石学和年代学研究.除个别岩石保存了由石榴石 蓝晶石 三元长石 石英组成的高压泥质麻粒岩相变质矿物组合以外,大多数片麻岩具有角闪岩相变质矿物组合,它们的原岩包括闪长岩和花岗闪长岩,并具有岩浆弧花岗岩的化学成分特征.片麻岩中的锆石普遍具有核-边结构.SARIMP和LA-ICP-MS原位分析表明,锆石的边缘给出了古生代至新生代的多期变质和岩浆事件年龄(500~10Ma),而锆石的核部给出了前寒武纪年龄,但主要集中在~2500Ma,~1800Ma,~1600Ma和~1000Ma.所分析的锆石区域具有明显的岩浆结晶环带和高的Th/U比值,表明它们所指示的是多期岩浆活动事件年代.这些年代峰值与整个高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩及印度陆块所获得的前寒武纪构造热事件年龄及分布特征基本上可以对比.因此,我们认为南迦巴瓦岩群及高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩的原岩是由新太古代至新元古代形成的多期岩浆岩组成,并作为印度陆块的一部分经历了Columbia、Rodinia和Gondwana超大陆的形成与裂解过程,以及喜马拉雅期的区域变质与岩浆作用再造.  相似文献   

冀北太古代花岗质片麻岩的成因   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
冀北是华北克拉通早前寒武纪变质基底的主要出露地区之一。分布于承德-滦平和赤城-张家口地区的新太古代花岗质片麻岩主要由英云闪长岩、奥长花岗岩、花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩(TTGM)组成,构成了低钾、中钾和高钾钙碱性三个岩石化学系列。二长花岗质片麻岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素特征揭示其岩浆结晶年龄为2509±10Ma。全岩岩石化学、Sm-Nd同位素和锆石Lu-Hf同位素研究表明:(1)低钾钙碱性系列的岩石形成于拉班玄武质岩石的低度部分熔融;(2)中钾钙碱性系列岩石主要形成于玄武质岩石和杂砂岩的部分熔融,局部存在英云闪长质片麻岩的部分熔融;(3)高钾钙碱性系列的岩石形成于以高钾中酸性火山岩为主要成分的杂砂岩的部分熔融。结合近年来冀北早前寒武纪地质研究成果,这些太古代花岗质片麻岩全岩Sm-Nd同位素和锆石Lu-Hf同位素特征揭示~2.7Ga是本区太古代地壳的主要生长期。在新太古代发生了大规模的火山喷发,火山物质形成后不久发生部分熔融形成花岗质岩浆,接着发生变质、变形作用。这些花岗质片麻岩的形成与南美洲西海岸的构造-岩浆活动特征有类似之处,可能反映了太古代末期冀北地区从活动大陆边缘地壳增生、加厚到弧后伸展转化的动力学背景。  相似文献   

灰色片麻岩一这种英闪质—奥长花岗质成分的长英质岩石;广泛分布在由早前寒武纪岩石组成的地区。这类岩石占地球最古老岩石地段面积的50—80%;其中某些岩石经测定,年龄为36—38亿年。已知并经过研究的最老花岗岩类和英闪质—奥长花岗质片麻岩的地区,有科拉半岛、卡累利阿、加拿大地盾和拉布拉多半岛;在西格陵兰灰色片麻岩首次获得最老年龄;在明尼苏达、南非、圭亚那地盾和西澳大利亚花岗一绿岩区也发现了类似的岩石。很显然,  相似文献   

花岗质片麻岩是苏鲁超高压变质带中分布最为广泛的岩石单元,其岩石形成于新元古代。苏鲁超高压变质带中段——山东胶—莒南地区的花岗质片麻岩主要由以细粒白云母二长花岗质片麻岩为代表的荣成片麻岩套、以粗粒含角闪二长花岗质片麻岩为代表的月季山片麻岩套和以含霓石碱长花岗质片麻岩为代表的岚山头片麻岩套等组成。花岗片麻岩主体属于高K钙碱性系列。相比而言,荣成片麻岩套碱质较低、贫钠,月季山片麻岩套相对富碱质、富钠、富铁镁、低硅,岚山头片麻岩套则富硅钾、贫铝铁镁。荣成岩套具有S型花岗岩的特点,月季山岩套具有I型花岗岩的特点,岚山头岩套具有A型花岗岩的特点。苏鲁超高压变质带新元古代花岗质片麻岩构成了较完整的碰撞造山型花岗岩系列:陆陆碰撞主造山期,形成同碰撞双花岗岩,其中荣成岩套形成时间略早,深俯冲到地幔中遭受了超高压变质作用,而月季山岩套是在超高压岩片快速折返过程中形成的;碰撞造山后期地壳伸展,形成岚山头片麻岩套。  相似文献   

方占仁  林强 《吉林地质》1991,10(1):50-55,T001
我国冀东地区广泛分布着太古代各种花岗质岩石(英云闪长质—奥长花岗质—花岗质片麻岩,及微斜长石花岗岩)。在这些花岗质岩石中见有各种成因组构:残余岩浆组构、聚集重结晶组构、交代一熔蚀组构、分凝—共结组构及塑变—碎裂组构。运用这些标志性组构不仅可以研究该区花岗质岩石的成因而且可以追溯这些花岗质岩石的形成演化历史。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅造山带是研究板块构造的天然实验室,位于造山带核心部位的大喜马拉雅岩系是揭示碰撞造山过程和造山带演化的关键。本文主要对亚东地区大喜马拉雅岩系中的花岗质片麻岩进行了岩相学、锆石和独居石UTh-Pb年代学以及全岩主微量地球化学研究。野外和显微结构特征观察表明,花岗质片麻岩的矿物组合为斜长石+钾长石+石英+黑云母+石榴石,岩石发生了部分熔融,经历了高角闪岩相至麻粒岩相的变质作用。年代学和全岩地球化学研究表明,花岗质片麻岩的原岩包括新元古代(~800 Ma)的花岗闪长岩和志留纪(~440 Ma)的花岗岩,二者均在中新世(~16 Ma)发生了变质作用。新元古代花岗闪长岩具有负的εHf(t)值(-16. 4~-12. 2),地壳Hf模式年龄为3. 11~2. 79 Ga,说明其起源于古老下地壳物质的部分熔融。新元古代花岗闪长岩和志留纪花岗岩具有相似的弧花岗质岩石地球化学特征,即具有高场强元素Nb、Ta、P和Ti的负异常。本次研究表明大喜马拉雅岩系经历了多期构造热事件,其不仅记录了新生代的碰撞造山作用,还记录了与新元古代与罗迪尼亚超大陆演化相关的岩浆热事件以及古生代冈瓦纳大陆拼合后的周缘安第斯型造山作用。  相似文献   

峨眉山大火成岩省太和花岗岩的成因及构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
攀西地区的太和花岗质岩体和赋存超大型钒钛磁铁矿矿床的辉长岩体在空间上共生,成因上均与峨眉山地幔柱头的上升密切相关.太和花岗质岩体主要由超碱质花岗岩和石英正长岩及少量正长岩组成;富含高场强元素并具高Ga/Al值(3.74~5.63),显示典型A型花岗岩的特征.花岗岩、正长岩和辉长岩的Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf值与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)的相应比值近似.花岗质岩石具较低的87Sr/86Sr初始值(0.7025~0.7049)和正的εNd(t)值(1.9~3.5),与辉长岩的值相近[(87Sr/86Sr)i =0.7049~0.7052; εNd(t) =2.4~3.3].太和花岗质岩体的εNd(t)为正值,显示地幔柱来源的底侵玄武质岩浆对其形成起主要作用.辉长质和花岗质岩石具相似的钕同位素组成,表明其母岩浆来自于同一源区.我们认为太和花岗质侵入体主要由底侵于下地壳的玄武质岩浆分异出的花岗质熔体侵位及随后经结晶分异而形成.因此,晚古生代时幔源岩浆底侵造成的地壳增生在峨眉山大火成岩省中表现极为显著.  相似文献   

蛇绿岩中的花岗质岩石成因类型与构造意义   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
花岗质岩石在蛇绿岩的岩石组合中只占很小部分(通常<10%),但是对于蛇绿岩的成因研究,特别是对蛇绿岩形成和演化过程的精确年龄测定,具有重要的意义。简要回顾了蛇绿岩中花岗质岩石的研究历史。近年来的研究表明,蛇绿岩中的花岗质岩石不仅包括直接由大洋玄武质岩浆结晶分异形成的花岗质岩石,即传统意义上的大洋斜长花岗岩,还包括蛇绿岩在形成、演化过程中本身形成的和侵入的花岗质岩石。根据成因,可以将这些花岗质岩石分为 4类:结晶分异型花岗岩、剪切型花岗岩、俯冲型花岗岩和仰冲型花岗岩。系统地综述了它们的地球化学特征以及形成的构造背景。  相似文献   

Summary The Haiyangsuo Complex in the NE Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane has discontinuous, coastal exposures of Late Archean gneiss with amphibolitized granulite, amphibolite, Paleoproterozoic metagabbroic intrusives, and Cretaceous granitic dikes over an area of about 15 km2. The U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons indicates that theprotolith age of a garnet-biotite gneiss is >2500 Ma, whereas the granulite-facie metamorphism occurred at around 1800 Ma. A gabbroic intrusion was dated at ∼1730 Ma, and the formation of amphibolite-facies assemblages in both metagabbro and granulite occurred at ∼340–460 Ma. Petrologic and geochronological data indicate that these various rocks show no evidence of Triassic eclogite-facies metamorphism and Neoproterozoic protolith ages that are characteristics of Sulu-Dabie HP-UHP rocks, except Neoproterozoic inherited ages from post-collisional Jurassic granitic dikes. Haiyangsuo retrograde granulites with amphibolite-facies assemblages within the gneiss preserve relict garnet formed during granulite-facies metamorphism at ∼1.85 Ga. The Paleoproterozoic metamorphic events are almost coeval with gabbroic intrusions. The granulite-bearing gneiss unit and gabbro-dominated unit of the Haiyangsuo Complex were intruded by thin granitic dikes at about 160 Ma, which is coeval with post-collisional granitic intrusions in the Sulu terrane. We suggest that the Haiyangsuo Complex may represent a fragment of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Paleoproterozoic terrane developed at the eastern margin of the Sino-Korean basement, which was juxtaposed with the Sulu terrane prior to Jurassic granitic activity and regional deformation.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅地体的泛非-早古生代造山事件年龄记录   总被引:35,自引:24,他引:35  
喜马拉雅地体是55±10Ma以来印度陆块与欧亚大陆碰撞而形成的增生地体,位于其中的高喜马拉雅与特提斯-喜马拉雅构造单元的变质基底主要由角闪岩相的富铝变质沉积岩和花岗质片麻岩组成。对两类岩石中锆石的SHRIMPU-Pb测年结果表明,除了记录了20Ma以来的构造事件年龄外,主要保存了529-457Ma的变形和变质事件记录,另外还保存了更早期(>835Ma)的年龄信息。根据20Ma以来崛起的喜马拉雅挤出岩片中包含早期强烈褶皱和向南的斜向逆冲构造以及伴随的角闪岩相变质作用记录,结合岩石测年所获得的大量泛非-早古生代年龄和奥陶纪底砾岩的发现,说明曾位于南半球印度陆块北部的变质基底岩石经历过泛非-早古生代造山事件,同位素年代学数据表明:(1)原始喜马拉雅山是泛非-早古生代造山事件的产物;(2)印度陆块早-中元古代变质基底的再活化在原始喜马拉雅山形成中起重要的作用;(3)现在的喜马拉雅山是在泛非-早古生代造山事件基础上再造山的结果。  相似文献   

Two stages of granitic magmatism occurred during the Pan-African evolution of the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) in southern India. Granitic gneisses were derived from porphyritic granites, which intruded prior to the main stage of deformation and peak-metamorphism. Subsequently, leucogranites and leucotonalites formed during fluid-absent melting and intruded the gneiss sequences. Monazites from granitic gneisses, leucogranites and a leucotonalite were investigated by conventional U-Pb and electron microprobe dating in order to distinguish the different stages of magma emplacement. U-Pb monazite dating yielded a wide range of ages between 590–520 Ma which are interpreted to date high-grade metamorphism rather than magma emplacement. The results of this study indicate that the KKB experienced protracted heating (>50 Ma) at temperatures above 750–800 °C during the Pan-African orogeny. The tectonometamorphic evolution of the study area is comparable to southern Madagascar which underwent a similar sequence of events earlier than the KKB. The results of this study further substantiate previous assertions that the timing of high-grade metamorphism in East Gondwana shifted from west to east during the Late Proterozoic.  相似文献   

邸英龙  曾令森  张立飞  高利娥 《岩石学报》2020,36(10):3081-3096
喜马拉雅造山带东部错那县麻玛沟地区发育多种类型的花岗片麻岩和淡色花岗岩。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb地质年代学研究结果表明:花岗片麻岩(MM15)原岩结晶年龄为500.7±4.5Ma,含石榴子石淡色花岗岩中携带的继承性核部锆石年龄为498.6±3.4Ma,表明该地区经历了早古生代的岩浆作用事件。淡色花岗岩的结晶年龄区间为15.7~25.1Ma之间,为白云母脱水熔融的产物,可能是晚元古代-早古生代花岗质岩石发生低程度部分熔融的结果。锆石形态学表明该区的花岗片麻岩和淡色花岗岩均为过铝质花岗岩,并相对富集Cs、Rb、U、Pb,亏损Zr、Hf和低Nb/Ta比值,属于造山型花岗岩,支持该区域古生代岩浆作用事件与俯冲-碰撞造山作用相关,不是被动大陆边缘构造背景。结合前人数据推断:(1)从晚元古代末期开始,原特提斯洋向印度大陆的初始俯冲为自东向西的俯冲扩展模式;和(2)喜马拉雅造山带中新世淡色花岗岩为白云母脱水熔融和水致白云母熔融共同作用的结果,岩浆活动至少存在五个相。  相似文献   

The granitic gneisses from the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrain of the southeastern Dabie Mountains encompass two types: monzonitic granitic gneiss and alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, which are characterized by rich alkalis, poor CaO, high FeO/MgO, particularly high Ba, Rb, Th, Ta, REE (except Eu), Ga, Nb and Zn, and low Sr, Eu, Cr, Co and Ni. The gneisses, particularly the alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, have typical chemical characteristics of A-type granites. They resulted from partial melting of crustal materials existing in the rift zone along the northern margin of the South China block during the Neoproterozoic. These gneisses might not have undergone UHP metamorphism during the late Triassic, but were involved into UHP rocks by the tectonic mixing process and kept the exhumation message of the UHP rocks from the middle and upper crust.  相似文献   

从榴辉岩与围岩的关系论苏鲁榴辉岩的形成与折返   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
位于华北和扬子两板块碰撞带中的苏鲁榴辉岩形成的温压条件不但是超高压,而且是高温。榴辉岩的PTt轨迹表明其为陆-陆磁撞俯冲带的产物。榴辉岩的区域性围岩花岗质片麻岩为新元古代同碰撞期花岗岩,榴辉岩及其他直接围岩皆呈包体存在于其中,并见新元古代花岗岩呈脉状侵入榴辉岩包体中。区域性围岩新元古代花岗岩的锆石中发现有柯石英、绿辉石等包裹体,表明新元古代花岗岩的组成物质也经受过超高压变质作用,且榴辉岩与围岩新元古代花岗岩的锆石U-Pb体系同位素年龄基本相同。但新元古代花岗岩所记录的变质作用和变形作用期次(或阶段)却少于榴辉岩。椐上述可得如下推断:超高压榴辉岩与新元古代花岗岩岩浆是同时在碰撞带底部(俯冲板块前部)形成的;榴辉岩的第一折返阶段是由新元古代花岗岩岩浆携带上升的,其第二折返阶段是和新元古代花岗岩一起由逆冲及区域性隆起而上升,遭受剥蚀。  相似文献   

华南是我国重要的花岗岩型铀成矿区,印支期-燕山期花岗岩是最主要的产铀花岗岩。广西北部形成于新元古代的摩天岭岩体是我国目前已知的最古老的产铀花岗岩体之一。前人对华南印支-燕山期花岗岩的铀成矿作用研究较深入,但对以摩天岭岩体为代表的新元古代古老花岗岩的铀成矿作用研究程度较低。本文以摩天岭花岗岩体为对象,进行了岩石学、地球化学、年代学及其铀矿成矿特征和规律的深入研究,取得以下认识:1)摩天岭岩体规模巨大,相带分布明显,内部相带和过渡相带发育,岩性主要为黑云母花岗岩、二云母花岗岩和含电气石二云母花岗岩,花岗岩体具有富硅富碱、铝过饱和、钾大于钠的特点,属S型花岗岩; 2)摩天岭岩体形成于850~760Ma之间的新元古代; 3)摩天岭岩体铀成矿潜力巨大,铀矿化以铀-绿泥石型和铀-硅化带型为主,铀-绿泥石型的代表矿床——达亮矿床形成于360~401Ma,是加里东期区域变质及构造活动共同作用的结果;铀-硅化带型铀矿的代表——新村铀矿形成于47Ma,是喜马拉雅期伸展构造作用下构造-热液活动共同作用的结果; 4)摩天岭岩体中铀矿床的铀源来自于元古界四堡群、丹州群和摩天岭岩体本身;成矿流体主要来源于大气降水,同时有深部流体的参与;热源主要与加里东期区域变质作用和喜马拉雅期伸展背景下的构造作用关系密切; 5)摩天岭岩体铀成矿经过了新元古代铀预富集、加里东晚期到海西早期的区域变质-构造热液成矿作用、喜马拉雅期的构造热液成矿作用等几个阶段,形成了类型丰富、规模较大的铀矿床,铀找矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   

The Pan-African NE–SW elongated Bandja granitic pluton, located at the western part of the Pan-African belt in Cameroon, is a K-feldspar megacryst granite. It is emplaced in banded gneiss and its NW border underwent mylonitization. The magmatic foliation shows NE–SW and NNE–SSW strike directions with moderate to strong dip respectively in its northern and central parts. This mostly, ferromagnetic granite displays magnetic fabrics carried by magnetite and characterized by (i) magnetic foliation with best poles at 295/34, 283/33 and 35/59 respectively in its northern, central and southern parts and (ii) a subhorizontal magnetic lineation with best line at 37/8, 191/9 and 267/22 respectively in the northern, central and southern parts. Magnetic lineation shows an ‘S’ shape trend that allows to (1) consider the complete emplacement and deformation of the pluton during the Pan-African D 2 and D 3 events which occurred in the Pan-African belt in Cameroon and (2) reorganize Pan-African ages from Nguiessi Tchakam et al. (1997) compared with those of the other granitic plutons in the belt as: 686 ±17 Ma (Rb/Sr) for D 1 age of metamorphism recorded in gneiss; and the period between 604–557 Ma for D 2–D 3 emplacement and deformation age of the granitic pluton in a dextral ENE–WSW shear movement.  相似文献   

The age of a basement gneiss of the Dom Feliciano Belt along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul has been determined by zircon U–Pb SHRIMP to be about 2.08 Ga for the K-granitic magmatism and 800–590 Ma for the associated low-angle and sub-vertical shear zone deformations. The gneiss is the G3 granitic phase of the Arroio dos Ratos Complex of previous authors, and it now defines a geotectonic environment of juvenile accretion of island arcs in the Paleoproterozoic. The superposition of deformation events during the Neoproterozoic precludes the precise determination of the age of each event in this investigation, but we suggest that the collisional low-angle shear zones occurred at ca. 800 Ma and the sub-vertical shear zones at ca. 600 Ma. Th/U ratios are typically magmatic (about 0.4) in the homogeneous cores of zircons (about 2000 Ma), but are metamorphic (0.01) in the zoned euhedral rims (about 590 Ma).All the Paleoproterozoic gneisses in the region are part of the Encantadas Complex. Archean units, such as the Santa Maria Chico granulites, were all deformed in this major event of the Transamazonian Cycle. The dated gneiss may be correlative with the Epupa Complex north and south of the Kaoko Belt of SW Africa. Ages of the Neoproterozoic deformation are younger in the Kaoko Belt of Namibia than in its Brazilian counterpart.  相似文献   

At least seven different groups of felsic magmatic rocks have been observed in the Lesser and Higher Himalayan units of Nepal. Six of them are pre-Himalayan. The Ulleri Lower Proterozoic augen gneiss extends along most of the length of the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal and represents a Precambrian felsic volcanism or plutono-volcanism, mainly recycling continental crustal material; this volcanism has contributed sediment to the lower group of formations of the Lesser Himalaya. The Ampipal alkaline gneiss is a small elongated body appearing as a window at the base of the Lesser Himalayan formations of central Nepal; it originated as a Precambrian nepheline syenite pluton, contaminated by lower continental crust. The “Lesser Himalayan” granitic belt is well represented in Nepal by nine large granitic plutons; these Cambro-Ordovician peraluminous, generally porphyritic, granites, only occur in the crystaline nappes; they were probably produced by large-scale melting of the continental crust at the northern tip of the Indian craton, during a general episode of thinning of Gondwana continent with heating and mantle injection of the crust. The Formation III augen gneisses of the Higher Himalaya, such as the augen gneiss of the Higher Himalayan crystalline nappes (Gosainkund) are coeval to the “Lesser Himalayan” granites, and their more metamorphic (lower amphibolite grade) equivalents. Limited outcrops of Cretaceous trachytic volcanism lie along the southern limb of the Lesser Himalaya and are coeval with spilitic volcanism in the Higher Himalayan sedimentary series. This volcanism foreshadows the general uplift of the Indian margin before the Himalayan collision. The predominance of felsic over basic magmatism in the 2.5 Ga-long evolution of the Himalayan domain constitutes an unique example of recycling of continental material with very limited addition of juvenile mantle products.  相似文献   

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