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边界面模型在MARC中的开发实现及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王刚  张建民 《岩土力学》2006,27(9):1535-1540
介绍了一个简化的边界面动本构模型及其在通用有限元软件MARC中开发实现的技术。通过对循环单剪试验的模拟验证了程序的可靠性和模型的表现。基于所添加的边界面模型,对一均质场地进行了非线性动力反应分析,并和等效线性动力反应分析的结果进行了对比,表明了模型和分析方法的有效性。最后以一理想土坝为例说明了用所添加的本构模型进行土石坝非线性动力反应分析的方法,并给出了相应的结果。  相似文献   

基坑降水开挖的环境影响常采用顺序耦合法和全耦合法两种方法进行数值分析,其计算结果的可靠性主要受土本构模型和计算参数选取的影响,对于全耦合分析尤其突出。针对该问题,在系统地比较分析几类常用土体本构模型优缺点的基础上,对某基坑实例在降水开挖作用下引起的基坑周边地面沉降等规律进行分析;通过对比数值计算结果和实测结果,评价了不同本构模型在基坑降水开挖耦合分析中的全耦合数值模拟,分析降水开挖引起的地面沉降、围护结构水平位移适用性。分析结果表明:降水开挖耦合分析中,在重点关注地表沉降值时,应根据关注位置与开挖区边缘的相对距离而选用不同本构模型;关注地面沉降时采用修正剑桥模型较合适,而关注围护结构侧移时采用摩尔—库伦模型更合理。  相似文献   

陈国兴  李磊  丁杰发  赵凯 《岩土力学》2020,41(9):3056-3065
地震基岩深度和土体动力本构模型的选取对核岛场地地震效应评价结果的合理性具有重要影响。以拟建某沿海核电厂深度470 m沉积土夹火山岩层场地的3个钻孔剖面为研究对象,采用一维等效线性波传分析(ELA)法、基于Matasovic本构模型和Davidenkov-Chen-Zhao(DCZ)本构模型的一维非线性分析(NLA)法,选取不同剪切波速的5个岩土层作为地震基岩,研究了输入地震动特性、地震基岩深度和土体动力本构模型的选取对巨厚沉积土夹火山岩层场地非线性地震反应特性的影响。结果表明:(1)以浅层硬岩夹层或深部土层作为地震基岩,NLA法计算的5%阻尼比的地表谱加速度SA的短周期部分较之ELA法的计算值大,但两者计算的地表SA谱的长周期部分几乎一致;(2)基于Matasovic模型和DCZ模型的NLA法计算的地表SA谱谱形和峰值加速度随深度的变化趋势基本一致;(3)从NLA法计算的地表峰值加速度和累积绝对速度而言,以剪切波速约2 500 m/s的浅层硬岩夹层作为地震基岩是适宜的。  相似文献   

陈龙伟  袁晓铭  孙锐 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3823-3828
水平液化场地地表往返位移的求解是基础和地下工程抗震设计的迫切需求。利用双层模型模拟实际水平场地,提出了可考虑液化层存在下的土表位移简化计算方法并给出频域理论解答,同时采用逐循环累计方法给出水平场地任意荷载下土表位移时域解答。采用适于水平场地孔压增量模型,并逐循环修正土层模量,模拟液化引起的土层的非线性过程。振动台试验结果和提出棋型的计算结果吻合,验证了所提方法能够反映土体液化对土表位移影响的基本过程。提出的方法和解答物理意义明确,可代表土体液化对土表位移影响的基本形态,并可用于频域及时域的无量纲分析。  相似文献   

土体动非线性黏弹性模型及其ABAQUS软件的实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于土的动应力-应变关系--Davidenkov骨架曲线,采用破坏剪应变幅上限值作为分界点,对Davidenkov骨架曲线进行了修正,即当剪应力值大于破坏剪应力值时,土体产生破坏,土体的动剪切模量采用破坏后的动剪切模量;参考Mashing法则,构造了修正后的Davidenkov骨架曲线土体加卸载对应的应力-应变滞回圈曲线。基于ABAQUS软件的操作平台,开发了土体动弹塑性本构模型的子程序。选择南京某个典型软弱场地为研究对象,首先输入余弦加速度时程曲线,然后选取一条强震加速度记录作为基岩输入地震动,对不同峰值加速度水平下该场地的地震反应进行了二维有限元非线性分析,计算结果验证了所建模型的准确性和可用性。  相似文献   

基于Hardin曲线的土体边界面本构模型在ADINA软件中的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提出一种适合于岩土地震数值模拟的土体本构模型,基于土体动应力-应变关系的Hardin曲线及其在非等幅往返荷载下的Pyke修正,采用von Mises准则在偏应力平面上构造边界面,以反向加载点和当前应力点的连线在边界面上投影的比例作为硬化参数,推导了塑性硬化模量并给出该边界面本构的具体增量表述。在有限元软件ADINA中通过自定义材料的二次开发实现了该本构模型,并利用动三轴试验对该本构模型进行了验证。数值模拟与试验结果的对比表明,本构模型能如实反映土体的应力-应变关系。针对实际工程场地的地震反应,应用边界面本构模型在ADINA中进行了二维数值模拟,与SHAKE91的计算结果进行了对比,说明了该本构模型应用于岩土地震工程问题的合理性。  相似文献   

考虑温度影响的重塑非饱和膨胀土非线性本构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢云  陈正汉  李刚 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1937-1942
以非饱和土的非线性模型为基础,通过对土性参数的修正和考虑温度本身引起的土的变形,建立了考虑温度效应的重塑非饱和膨胀土的本构模型。该模型包括土骨架的本构关系和水量变化的本构关系两个方面,涉及18个参数,都可用非饱和土三轴试验确定。共做了13个重塑非饱和膨胀土温控三轴试验,分析了温度对土的强度和变形的影响,研究了模型参数的变化规律。  相似文献   

杨骁  何光辉 《岩土力学》2012,33(7):2189-2195
将地震液化场地分为地表的上覆未液化土层、底部的未液化基层以及夹在两者之间的液化土层,基于桩-土相互作用的非线性Winkler模型,考虑桩弯曲的非线性弯矩-曲率本构关系和桩的几何非线性变形,建立了液化土层横向扩展下桩非线性大挠度变形的基本控制方程,并利用打靶法进行了数值求解。同时,给出了桩线弹性小变形情形下的解析解。通过与非线性有限元解和线弹性小变形解析解的比较,验证了文中打靶法的有效性和可靠性。用数值方法分析了液化土层横向扩展对桩力学性能的影响,结果表明:非线性桩-土相互作用和桩材料非线性效应强于桩的几何非线性效应,随着液化土层横向扩展位移的增加,几何非线性效应逐渐增大,此时,应采用完全非线性模型进行桩力学行为的分析。  相似文献   

杨晓峰  张陈蓉  黄茂松  袁聚云 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2877-2885
提出了砂土中水平受荷单桩的修正应变楔方法。从3个方面对应变楔模型进行了修正,首先假设三维被动土楔后桩身的水平位移呈非线性变化,从而使得楔形体内的水平应变不再是一常量,而是沿深度变化。其次引入了两个双曲线型的模型分别用以模拟楔形体中土体的水平应力增量-应变关系和桩-土界面处桩侧剪应力-位移关系。然后通过算例验证了修正方法的有效性,模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好。最后分析了各个修正因素对计算结果影响,结果显示,非线性位移假设的引入对原应变楔模型计算的水平承载力偏高有明显地改善,新的水平应力增量-应变关系和桩侧剪应力-位移关系的引入使得应变楔方法更加简便有效。  相似文献   

一种土的非线性弹性本构模型参数的反演方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
旨在提出一种土的非线性弹性本构模型参数反演的方法。以现今普遍实行的地基载荷试验为基础,依据遗传算法的组合优化理论,采用正演计算和遗传算法优化相结合的方式,建立了土层非线性弹性本构模型参数反演的方法;并依据某黄土场地地基载荷试验数据,实施了黄土土层非线性弹性本构模型参数反演的全过程。计算结果表明,所建立的方法可以实现土层非线性弹性本构模型中相互关联的多个参数的组合优化,并在对初始值要求较低的情况下,可以获得良好的参数反演精度。从而为土的变形特性分析和土与其中及相邻结构的共同作用分析,提供了较好的土体本构模型参数的确定方法。  相似文献   

盾构隧道抗震分析的静力推覆方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨智勇  黄宏伟  张冬梅  张洁 《岩土力学》2012,33(5):1381-1388
利用动力时程法对盾构隧道进行抗震分析时,计算时间长,工作量大,土体本构以及阻尼的选择困难,不利于工程设计广泛应用。为了解决这些困难,借鉴地上结构静力推覆分析方法的思想,并结合盾构隧道的地震响应主要由周围土体的地震响应所控制的这一特点,改进了静力推覆方法中的水平加载模式,提出了适用于盾构隧道抗震分析的静力推覆分析方法,并引入了隧道倾斜度的概念来衡量隧道的抗震性能。此法通过对计算模型施加沿地层深度方向分布的倒三角侧向水平位移,来模拟地震对盾构隧道的作用,概念清楚,考虑了隧道与周围土体的相互作用,避免了在动力时程分析中所涉及的土体本构和阻尼的选择、计算模型边界条件等复杂问题,大大降低了盾构隧道抗震分析的难度,同时,可以得到隧道的抗震能力曲线。与动力时程分析的对比结果表明,在弹性阶段,此法的计算结果合理,具有较高的精度,适用于盾构隧道抗震设计。  相似文献   

The quaternary deposits in Shanghai are horizontal soil layers of thickness up to about 280 m in the urban area with an annual groundwater table between 0.5 and 0.7 m from the surface. The characteristics of deep saturated deposits may have important influences upon seismic response of the ground in Shanghai. Based on the Biot theory for porous media, the water-saturated soil deposits are modeled as a two-phase porous system consisting of solid and fluid phases, in this paper. A nonlinear constitutive model for predicting the seismic response of the ground is developed to describe the dynamic characters of the deep-saturated soil deposits in Shanghai. Subsequently, the seismic response of a typical site with 280 m deep soil layers, which is subjected to four base excitations (El Centro, Taft, Sunan, and Tangshan earthquakes), is analyzed in terms of an effective stress-based finite element method with the proposed constitutive model. Special emphasis is given to the computed results of accelerations, excess pore-water pressures, and settlements during the seismic excitations. It has been found that the analysis can capture fundamental aspects of the ground response and produce preliminary results for seismic assessment.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading in gently sloped sandy layers requires fully coupled dynamic hydro-mechanical analysis of saturated sandy soil subjected to seismic loading. In this study, a fully coupled finite element model utilizing a critical-state two-surface-plasticity constitutive model has been applied to numerically investigate the effects of surface/subsurface geometry on lateral spreading. Using a variable permeability function with respect to excess pore pressure ratio is another distinctive feature of the current study. The developed code has been verified against the results of the well-known VELACS project. Lateral spreading phenomenon has been the focus of an extensive parametric study using the developed code. Numerical modeling of three different geometrical forms of surface and subsurface of liquefiable layer indicates that the amount and direction of lateral spreading are noticeably affected by the geometrical conditions. Also, parametric studies by the developed numerical model show that the effects of layer height, maximum ground acceleration, and loading frequency on the level of lateral spreading are significantly different for the examined geometrical condition.  相似文献   

赵剑明  常亚屏  陈宁 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):388-392
基于土石料三维粘弹塑性动力本构模型,并采用新型三维各向异性有厚度薄单元来模拟面板和堆石的接触面特性,建立了高面板堆石坝地震反应分析的三维真非线性动力分析方法.利用坝料动力特性的大型三轴试验成果,分析计算了龙首二级(西流水)面板堆石坝的地震反应,主要包括加速度反应、堆石体应力反应及坝体单元抗震安全系数、面板应力反应和变形及接缝位移、高趾墙动力反应等.为大坝的抗震设计提供了有力的技术依据.  相似文献   

土的量化记忆模型及其参数确定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
土的真非线性分析要求追踪应力-应变历史,寻求滞回圈上应力-应变的瞬时切线模量。由于地震荷载的随机性,实际土体的应力-应变历史轨迹非常复杂。基于传统模型的骨架曲线和滞回圈表达式进行这类分析的难度很大。作者介绍的量化记忆模型是为土的动力真非线性分析提出的,它是将单调加载情况下呈非线性变化的切线模量量化,记忆为一种分段线性分布的几何结构,并通过对这种结构加以变换,以描述循环加载情况下具有滞回特性土料的动应力-应变关系。在试验的基础上,运用非线性最小二乘法,确定了量化记忆模型中的 , , , , , 6个参数,并将量化记忆模型生成的应力-应变关系曲线与试验曲线进行了比较。结果表明,量化记忆模型是有效可行的。  相似文献   

It has been known that ground motion amplitude will be amplified at mountaintops; however, such topographic effects are not included in conventional landslide hazard models. In this study, a modified procedure that considers the topographic effects is proposed to analyze the seismic landslide hazard. The topographic effect is estimated by back analysis. First, a 3D dynamic numerical model with irregular topography is constructed. The theoretical topographic amplification factors are derived from the dynamic numerical model. The ground motion record is regarded as the reference motion in the plane area. By combining the topographic amplification factors with the reference motions, the amplified acceleration time history and amplified seismic intensity parameters are obtained. Newmark’s displacement model is chosen to perform the seismic landslide hazard analysis. By combining the regression equation and the seismic parameter of peak ground acceleration and Arias intensity, the Newmark’s displacement distribution is generated. Subsequently, the calculated Newmark’s displacement maps are transformed to the hazard maps. The landslide hazard maps of the 99 Peaks region, Central Taiwan are evaluated. The actual landslide inventory maps triggered by the 21 September 1999, Chi-Chi earthquake are compared with the calculated hazard maps. Relative to the conventional procedure, the results show that the proposed procedures, which include the topographic effect can obtain a better result for seismic landslide hazard analysis. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Seismic microzonation is one of the most important measures to mitigate earthquake hazards in urban areas. Because the ground motion varies significantly with the subsurface geology, it is needed for microzonation to account as much as possible for the local soil conditions. Noteworthy is that nonlinear deformation properties of soil play essential roles in amplification of strong ground motion. It is desired furthermore to focus on the expected damage extent in addition to the calculated maximum acceleration and/or velocity. The present study first developed a computer code for one-dimensional response analysis of ground that reasonably takes into account nonlinear dynamic soil properties. Second, correlations between the calculated ground motion and damage extent were obtained by examining seismic damages during the past earthquakes. By combining these two issues, seismic microzonation was carried out, and detailed damage distribution was assessed. The product of this study covers not only the damage caused by ground shaking but also liquefaction problem and lifeline damage.  相似文献   

地震滑坡的致灾范围是判断滑坡能否会对已有建构筑物造成损失、确定预警疏散范围的重要依据,因此对地震土坡破坏后的滑坡体大小和致灾范围进行研究具有重要的意义.本研究基于SPH动力分析方法,结合弹塑性本构模型和固体力学控制方程建立了地震土坡破坏的动力分析模型;通过设置振动边界粒子和自由场边界粒子,实现了地震动加速度的施加以及自...  相似文献   

Olteanu  Paul  Vacareanu  Radu 《Natural Hazards》2021,109(3):2509-2534

Evaluating inelastic displacement demand of structures exposed to seismic hazard is required for the design of new buildings as well as for seismic risk assessment of existing structures. Most of the buildings are designed to withstand strong earthquakes by responding in the nonlinear range. Having special parts of the structure designed to develop a stable hysteretic behaviour allows the structure to deform in order to accommodate the displacement demand imposed by strong ground motions. This paper is centred on finding a correspondence between the maximum elastic and inelastic displacement responses of the single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems subjected to earthquakes generated by Vrancea seismic source. Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes are responsible for the seismic hazard throughout Romanian territory. They have distinctive features, such as large displacement demand and large predominant periods, which makes Romania a special seismic environment. Using a database of Romanian and Japanese strong ground motions generated by intermediate-depth earthquakes and performing nonlinear dynamic analysis on the SDOF oscillators following the Takeda model, this study estimates the inelastic to elastic displacement ratio of reinforced concrete systems. Soil conditions, epicentral distance and magnitude influence on inelastic response is analysed using constant ductility response spectra. The main findings of the study are: the local increase of the inelastic to elastic displacement ratio for type C soil (Eurocode 8 classification) for large magnitude earthquakes and the significant effect of soil conditions on the inelastic response of the SDOF systems. The inelastic amplification was evaluated using a functional form depending on system ductility, soil conditions and earthquake magnitude.


岩体弹粘塑性显式波动有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
真实反映地震动传播特性的分析方法是准确描述岩体地震反应的基础。基于显式波动有限元,采用能够考虑应变率影响的弹粘塑性本构模型,提出了一种用于分析岩体地震反应的新方法,编制了相应的计算程序。以均质岩石边坡为例,计算了EL-CENTRO波输入下边坡的位移和应力反应,并将计算结果与采用粘弹性本构模型的结果进行了比较,初步验证了程序的可靠性。计算结果表明,所提出的新方法能够较合理地计算出地震作用下边坡的永久位移和残余应力。   相似文献   

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