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河南卢氏发现黄土旧石器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
文章报道了在河南卢氏发现的3个旧石器地点:石制品出自S1的Ly15地点;在S3,S2和S1中均有旧石器发现的Ly13地点;出自S2的Ly14地点。3个地点的石制品均以石英岩砾石为原料,锤击法打片,石器数量较少,有手镐、刮削器,这些发现为探索中国南北旧石器文化的关系及其与环境变化的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,在东秦岭南洛河流域发现了大批旧石器地点,该区域被认为是中国南北方旧石器工业的交汇和过渡地带。但是,早期人类在这一带的活动时间和环境背景尚不清楚。由于第四纪黄土的定年方法相对成熟,旧石器遗址的黄土堆积可为解决这些问题提供重要证据。对洛南盆地上白川和刘湾两个遗址的黄土剖面进行土壤地层和磁性地层研究以及光释光年龄和磁化率测定结果显示,该地区的黄土堆积可能从110万年前就已经开始,地层有明显的黄土-古土壤旋回,指示了气候和环境在冰期-间冰期时间尺度的变化。黄土地层下部出土的石制品表明,至少在约80万年前后人类就在这一带活动并制作工具。石制品两面加工技术被广泛采用,大量制作精美的手斧和薄刃斧等Acheulian工业类型工具的发现,显示洛南盆地的旧石器工业可能已经突破了"莫氏线(Movius Line)"的框架。  相似文献   

陕西洛南龙牙洞遗址的特征和环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
要本文第一作者曾在陕西洛南龙牙南洞中获得洛南直立人的上臼齿及少量哺乳类化石。近年作者等又在龙牙北洞中采集到大量石制品及哺乳动物化石。龙牙洞是黄河流域最南的一个旧石器遗址。由30多种哺乳类化石组成的龙牙洞动物群是一个兼具古北界和东洋界动物的过渡型动物群,可与蓝田公王岭动物群对比,时代为早更新世晚期,是温暖、湿润的森林、草原、多水体环境条件下的动物组合。石制品非常丰富,属华北旧石器文化系统,但又可见南方文化的影响。龙牙北洞遗址很可能是洛南直立人制作石器的场地。  相似文献   

王永  王军  纪占胜  翟庆国  肖序常 《地质通报》2009,28(9):1330-1334
藏北羌塘盆地腹地戈木错周围发现大量石制品,主要为细石核、细石叶、石片和石器,未发现大型打制石器和磨制石器。通过对石制品表面特征的观察,没有发现流水磨损的痕迹,认为这些石制品未经过后期搬运,为原地堆积。对石制品的初步研究表明,戈木错遗址的石制品主要为细小石器,使用的原料主要有硅质岩、玛瑙和燧石。将戈木错的细石器与藏北其他地点的细石器进行对比分析,发现其文化特征与藏北双湖、申扎等地具有一定的相似性,这说明藏北细石器基本属于相同的文化背景,有相同的起源,属于中国北方细石器文化的一部分。此外,从石制品的组合、加工技术特征及对环境的适应过程来看,其时代可能属于新石器时代早期。  相似文献   

湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类石器技术与生存行为探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类遗址自2004年发现以来已进行过3次系统发掘,出土了距今约10万年的晚期智人牙齿化石、哺乳动物化石和38件石制品。文章从类型、原料、剥片技术、加工技术等方法对石制品进行综合分析。结果表明,黄龙洞古人类选择围岩内部的石英质岩脉和洞外河流形成的河卵石进行剥片和加工石器,类型包括石锤、石核、石片、石器、断块和碎屑等,个体以中小型居多;锤击法为剥片基本方法,砸击法被少量使用;石器多为片状毛坯制作而成,刮削器是石器的主要类型,此外还有手镐、砍砸器、石锥和雕刻器等,石器为锤击法单向简单加工而成。另外,结合洞穴自然环境、动物化石埋藏及考古分析等证据,探讨了古人类于更新世晚期对黄龙洞的利用方式和生存行为。  相似文献   

陕西省洛川凤栖镇离石黄土下部层位渗透性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过对洛川凤栖镇L12~S15土层8个层位16个实验点的入渗实验,研究了离石黄土下部层位的入渗特征。结果表明,洛川凤栖镇离石黄土下部层位黄土层的渗透系数较大,L12,L13,L14和L15这4个层位的平均值为0.90mm/分;  古土壤层的渗透系数较小,S12,S13,S14和S15的4个层位的平均值为0.35mm/分。L12,L13和L15黄土层含水空间发育较好,利于构成含水层;  S12,S13,S14和S15古土壤层含水空间发育弱,利于构成隔水层。上覆总厚70余米的土层重力作用没有改变洛川离石黄土下部黄土层作为含水层和红色古土壤作为隔水层的基本特性,它们的水理性质仍是受沉积时的气候条件和成壤作用的强弱控制。古土壤层也具有一定的渗透性,这是黄土地下水常常具有多层性的原因,也是造成黄土地下水分散、含水层富水量少的主要原因。离石黄土下部黄土层含水空间发育好和利于构成含水层主要是当时冷干的气候决定的,红色古土壤含水空间发育弱和利于构成隔水层主要是当时温湿的气候决定的。将洛川黄土渗水实验数据用3种入渗公式分别进行拟合得出,常用的通用经验公式和考斯加科夫公式基本适用于描述洛川凤栖镇离石黄土下部层位的入渗规律,通过计算获得的2个经验公式各参数的均值和标准差为水文和农业部门应用黄土入渗经验公式提供了重要参考值。研究还揭示,第四纪环境变化理论研究在黄土水资源开发利用方面有重要应用价值。可以根据黄土与古土壤的成壤强弱判别地下水富集规律和富集层位。成壤强、隔水性好的古土壤层和其上的成壤作用很弱、含水空间发育好的黄土层是很好的地下水含水组合,最利于地下水的富集;  成壤作用弱、隔水性差的古土壤和其上厚度小、受风化成壤作用相对较强的黄土层是较差的含水组合,不利于地下水的富集。  相似文献   

近20年来,一大批重要遗址的发现、发掘和研究,使三峡地区成为目前我国旧石器考古研究的重要地区之一。该地区在更新世总体上是以亚热带湿热森林环境为主。长江的发育和两岸丰富的动植物为古人类适应、生存和迁徙提供了资源。广泛流行的砾石石器工业是当地古人类在背山面河的自然环境下从事狩猎-采集活动所必需的。早更新世至晚更新世早期,古人类从洞穴居住逐渐转为旷野游动生活,石器保留砾石石器的面貌;晚更新世末期,石片石器取代砾石石器而居主要地位,石器组合中出现了小型的刮削器和磨制石器,部分遗址伴生陶片,这说明人类生存行为由狩猎-采集向农业耕作-家畜驯养的过渡,生存方式也转为以定居为主。古人类在三峡地区的生存方式是长期适应当地自然环境的结果。  相似文献   

黄土研究与旧石器考古   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
第四纪科学与旧石器考古学关系非常密切。在中国北方,旧石器文化的很多遗迹都出现在黄土分布区。中国旧石器考古的开始阶段,黄土研究与旧石器考古研究联系紧密,共同发展。半个多世纪以来,中国的黄土研究在原有基础上取得了新的突破。怎样将已有的黄土研究成果为旧石器考古所用?文章通过对河南织机洞和内蒙古大窑两个旧石器考古地点的案例分析,讨论怎样利用黄土研究的最新成果确定旧石器考古遗址地层层位及年代问题;建议旧石器考古学家应该密切关注第四纪科学的发展,并提倡旧石器考古与地学学科更高层次的交流与合作。  相似文献   

近些年来较多旧石器遗址逐渐在秦岭南麓汉江流域被发现和研究,其中少数遗址开展了测年研究工作,研究揭示出这些遗址年代横跨了早、中和晚更新世,但总体而言年代序列仍显薄弱。基于磁性地层学、黄土-古土壤序列和释光定年法在第四纪黄土堆积中的成功应用,我们采用这3种方法组合的综合定年策略对汉江流域郧县盆地内的柳陂酒厂和吴家沟旧石器遗址进行了测年研究。柳陂酒厂遗址剖面深度为18.0 m,其0.6 m、 0.8 m和1.1 m处的释光年代分别为126±8 ka、 145±15 ka和154±11 ka,因此该遗址上层石器文化层的年代为0.15~0.13 Ma;在剖面13.5 m处发现了B/M地磁极性倒转,同时结合磁化率曲线和野外地层,以及与黄土高原洛川剖面黄土-古土壤序列对比情况,我们推断下层石器文化层处于S7古土壤层,年代约为0.78~0.71 Ma。吴家沟遗址剖面深度为9.0 m,在6.2 m处也出现了B/M地磁极性倒转,同样与黄土高原洛川剖面黄土-古土壤序列对比,我们推断其石器文化层也处于S7古土壤层,年代与柳陂酒厂遗址下层石器文化层同期,约为0.78~...  相似文献   

近些年来较多旧石器遗址逐渐在秦岭南麓汉江流域被发现和研究,其中少数遗址开展了测年研究工作,研究揭示出这些遗址年代横跨了早、中和晚更新世,但总体而言年代序列仍显薄弱。基于磁性地层学、黄土-古土壤序列和释光定年法在第四纪黄土堆积中的成功应用,我们采用这3种方法组合的综合定年策略对汉江流域郧县盆地内的柳陂酒厂和吴家沟旧石器遗址进行了测年研究。柳陂酒厂遗址剖面深度为18.0 m,其0.6 m、 0.8 m和1.1 m处的释光年代分别为126±8 ka、 145±15 ka和154±11 ka,因此该遗址上层石器文化层的年代为0.15~0.13 Ma;在剖面13.5 m处发现了B/M地磁极性倒转,同时结合磁化率曲线和野外地层,以及与黄土高原洛川剖面黄土-古土壤序列对比情况,我们推断下层石器文化层处于S7古土壤层,年代约为0.78~0.71 Ma。吴家沟遗址剖面深度为9.0 m,在6.2 m处也出现了B/M地磁极性倒转,同样与黄土高原洛川剖面黄土-古土壤序列对比,我们推断其石器文化层也处于S7古土壤层,年代与柳陂酒厂遗址下层石器文化层同期,约为0.78~...  相似文献   

Thousands of Paleolithic artifacts have been recovered from Paleolithic sites in the Luonan Basin, in the upper South Luohe River of central China. Their discovery suggests that the basin was an important area for hominin settlement during the Pleistocene. However, the initial timing of this occupation and the environmental conditions for this period are still largely unknown. In addition, the sediments are not well dated and most of the artifacts lie on the surface. In an attempt to resolve these issues, a new systemic paleomagnetic analysis was carried out on the loess deposits that contain in situ stone tools. Our detailed loess-paleosol analyses of the stratigraphy of different sites in the basin and Chinese Loess Plateau shows the accumulation of the loess since at least 1.1 million years (Ma) ago. Moreover, recently discovered in situ cores, flakes and retouched stone tools in these deposits show that hominins used this region repeatedly from 0.8-0.7 Ma to 0.4-0.3 and 0.2-0.1 Ma. Pedostratigraphic analyses, magnetic susceptibility and carbon isotope analyses also indicate that these hominins lived in a subtropical to warm-temperate climate with broad-needle-leaf forest vegetation mixed with grasses.  相似文献   

The Xining Basin,located on northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,is adjacent to the Qaidam Bsim and Gobi-desert.Therefore,thick,integrated deposits of loess or paleo-sol sequence were well developed.As is well known,there is much paleo-environmental information recorded in loess and plaeo-sol.So if we deal with paleo-environmental index from different an gles ,especially from loess geochemistry,some important and detailed paleo-environmental evolutional information will be acquired.Based on this,the authors determined the contents of Sr and Ca contained in acid-soluble fraction from the bottom to the top of the Panzishan section.This section was obtained through making a well about 17 m in depth,including S1 paleo-sol that was developed during the last interglacial period.According to the results,it is found that variations in contents of Sr and Ca are well correlated with conversion of loess and paleo-sol.In loess deposits,the contents of Sr and Ca are higher than those in paleo-sol deposits.It is known that loess was deposited under cold-dry climate conditions and paleo-sol was developed during warm-humid climate episodes.It is concluded that due to their mobile behaviors,under cold-dry climate conditions,Sr and Ca are stagnant during weak weathering,but under warm-humid climate conditions,Sr and Ca are easily leached and transported in aqueous solution.Therefore,they can be utilized as indicatiors of climate changes.Moreover,variations in contents of Sr and Ca are more sensitive than susceptibility.The mobile behaviors of Sr and Ca contained in acid-soluble fraction can serve as a new quantitative index to evaluate paleo-environmental changes on the plateau.  相似文献   

The Jingshuiwan Paleolithic site lies in the second terrace of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and has a complete geomorphological section. Archaeological materials from early Late Pleistocene fluvial deposits of silt and sand are dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to ca. 70 ka. The stone assemblage from layer 7 includes retouched tools (118), cores (304), flakes (281), flake fragments (101), stone hammers (four) and chunks (102). Artifacts were made from lithic sources locally available from the former riverbed. The main type used was silicarenite; quartzite, hypabyssal intrusive rock, extrusive rock and volcanic breccia were also used. The principal flaking technique was direct hammer percussion without prepared striking platforms. Major blanks for tool fabrication were complete flakes (67.0%), followed by cores and incomplete flakes. Most tools were large. Chopper-chopping tools and scrapers were the dominant tool types, followed by points and notches. Modified tools were mostly retouched unifacially on the surface of blanks by direct hammer percussion. Jingshuiwan provides evidence that South China was occupied during MIS 4. Because of the similarity of the stone tool assemblage with earlier ones associated with Homo erectus, it may also provide indirect evidence that H. erectus persisted into the early Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

While extensive Pleistocene loess deposits have been identified across Eurasia, Holocene age loess (typically nonglaciogenic) is rarely recognized. We explore possible loess deposits in the Mureş River Valley of western Romania, providing a regional signal of increased aridity during the mid‐late Holocene. This proposed aridity may be responsible for the abandonment of Middle Bronze Age tell settlements along the major drainages of the eastern Carpathian Basin (Pannonian plain). This hypothesis centers on a proposed aeolian deposit (the “Pecica deposit”), a ca. 50–80 cm thick, relatively homogeneous, gray layer blanketing the top of the Bronze Age tell of Pecica—Şanţul Mare. Comparing the morphological, geochemical, and physical characteristics of this specific tell deposit with two representative profiles near the site containing glaciogenic calcareous loess and potential Holocene loess deposits developed in Chernozems, we find significant similarities to support this hypothesis. We then review various forms of proxy data published from elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe suggesting a warming trend during this period. The temporal placement of the Pecica deposit is bracketed using diagnostic artifacts, radiocarbon dates, and the degree of soil development, suggesting a period of increased aridity likely occurring soon after the 17th century B.C.  相似文献   

中更新世中晚期以来汾河流域地貌阶段性发育及成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汾河流域中系列断陷盆地在第四纪期间的阶段性演化历史一直不甚清楚。最近作者在野外调查中发现:在流域中的太原、临汾等几个构造盆地的周边地带,普遍发育了三级冲湖积台地。根据三级台地的沉积结构特征和利用黄土古土壤序列定年法、古地磁定年法及TL测年法对三级台地的年代研究结果,发现自中更新世中晚期以来,汾河流域系列盆地中都曾同时发生过三次大幅度的湖退和三次湖进过程;其中三次湖退开始的时间分别为0.76MaB.P.、0.55MaB.P.、0.13MaB.P.;由湖退而产生的三个低湖面阶段分别对应着S8、S5、S1古土壤发育时期。从引起湖盆大幅度收缩的原因看,构造运动是根本因素,三级冲湖积台地的形成是对区域三次构造抬升的地貌响应。   相似文献   

黄河中游水系的阶地发育时代   总被引:62,自引:2,他引:62  
岳乐平  雷祥义 《地质论评》1997,43(2):186-192
本文通过磁性地层学方法研究了兰州段黄河阶地,宝鸡段渭河阶地,洛川段洛河阶地,结果表明:兰州段黄河最高阶为六级阶地,发育于1.40MaB.P.,兰州地区黄河最早出现在1.60MaB.P.。一级支流宝鸡段渭河最高阶地为五级阶地,发育于1.20MaB.P.洛川地区洛阳最早出现在1.20MaB.P.。黄河中游水系的阶地形成,主要是由于青藏高原的隆起以及地壳不断震抬升作用造成的。  相似文献   

Over 2000 handaxes located in museum collections point to the archaeological importance of Warren Hill, a Lower Palaeolithic site in the path of the pre-Anglian Bytham River in East Anglia that was worked for gravel until about 1950. Yet apart from the initial report by Solomon (1933), detailed archaeological study was not undertaken until 2002. This report describes the surface fieldwalking carried out from 1964 to the time of the 2002 excavations, during which over 400 Palaeolithic artefacts have been recovered. Over 92% of these are flakes, some retouched, thus redressing the bias towards handaxes in the museum collections, and suggesting that flake tools played a major role in Lower Palaeolithic daily life. Also represented are notched pieces, scrapers, cores and a few Neolithic flakes. The surface comprises a lag deposit in which artefacts are concentrated in two main zones, contrasting with the subsurface material which is sparse and well-spread through the lithostratigraphy. The Palaeolithic artefacts are mostly rolled and edge-damaged, and patination is variable, suggesting a complex history. The two types of handaxe noted by Solomon – crude and fine – are confirmed. The preservation of typological integrity amongst surface finds that appear to lie in the path of a major fluvial feature is either a relic of humanly assembled, pre-Anglian bankside clusters eroded into the stream, or it may signal the arrival of post-Anglian humans who discovered a lag deposit rich in artefacts and flint clasts and proceeded to use, resharpen and re-arrange them. The dense clustering noted at Warren Hill is placed in a world context. Amongst the surface gravels an assemblage of flakes together with early 20th century rubbish was discovered; it is interpreted as a collector's dump of unsaleable artefacts.  相似文献   

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