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塔河油田奥陶系“断溶体”油藏是塔里木盆地油气勘探开发的重要对象。本文对塔河油田10区西、于奇西、于奇8井三块三维地震资料开展了精细的走滑断裂构造解析,并在此基础上对塔河油田走滑断裂体系的形成演化过程与成因机制有新认识。研究结果表明:(1)除了在塔河油田南部10区西、托普台等区块发育典型的“X”型共轭走滑断裂体系外,首次发现塔河油田北部于奇地区发育非对称式共轭走滑断裂体系,据此划分出塔河油田南、北两大走滑断裂体系,但两者在形成时间、最大主应力方向、动力学来源等方面均存在明显差异;(2)两大走滑断裂体系的形成及演化过程大致分为3个阶段:加里东期中期I幕形成南部NNE、NNW两组走向的“X”型共轭走滑断裂体系,最大主压应力方向为N3°E,主要受到西昆仑洋俯冲消减作用产生的由S向N的挤压应力;加里东期晚期—海西期早期形成北部以近NE走向为主、少量SN走向组成的非对称式共轭走滑断裂体系,最大主压应力方向为N23°E,主要受到南天山洋俯冲消减作用产生的由N向S的挤压应力,海西期晚期继承性活动,主应力方向保持不变;印支期—燕山期两大走滑断裂体系继承性活动,最大主压应力方向为N37°E,主要受到南部古...  相似文献   

塔北地区阿克库勒凸起断裂特征及其与油气成藏的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木盆地北部在盆地的演化发展背景下,经历了基底形成、克拉通边缘坳(裂)陷、挤压隆起、短期坳陷、前陆盆地发展五个阶段.阿克库勒凸起在区域挤压和盐的塑性流动作用下,主要发育加里东期~海西期近EW向、NE向、NW向断裂,这些断裂平面上具有明显的方向性,并成排成带分布,垂向上具有分层性.断层成为油气运移的通道,油气沿断层作垂向运移或穿过断层面作侧向运移,断层也成为阻止油气运移的屏障.阿克库勒凸起局部构造类型主要与断裂有关,断裂构造的性质决定了圈闭类型.受断裂活动影响,研究区油气藏具有多期成藏特点.  相似文献   

古城低凸起是塔里木盆地东部地区的重要勘探领域,古城6、8、9井的相继成功证实了其良好的勘探前景。塔里木盆地多年勘探实践表明,断裂对储层的形成和成藏有着重要的控制作用,对于油气发现具有重要意义。本文立足于本区二、三维地震资料,从分析断裂剖面的几何特征入手,建立了古-中生代的断裂发育样式,结合多窗口倾角扫描技术识别了隐蔽走滑断裂的平面特征,系统剖析了不同演化阶段断裂的变形机制,详细研究了构造演化对油气成藏的影响。研究表明:古城地区主要发育7类不同断层的构造样式,包括张性正断层、张扭性负花状构造、正"Y"字形构造、反"Y"字形构造、压扭性正花状构造、近直立的共轭走滑断层及张扭性走滑正断层;平面上主要发育NW向、NE向和NNE向3个方向的断裂。根据断裂的几何要素和动力特征,将断裂活动期次分为早加里东期、中加里东期、晚加里东-早海西期和印支-燕山期。其中:中加里东期断层奠定了本区堑垒相间的构造格局,是油气和下部流体向上运移重要通道;印支-燕山期形成的"羽状"断裂带是晚加里东-早海西期断裂再次活化形成的,距离其在3.0 km以内的井普遍钻探效果较差,对成藏有着重要的破坏作用。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地莫索湾凸起周缘地区发育大量走滑断裂,变形特征复杂,由于地震资料质量限制,断裂活动时间划分不一,形成机理不明。以莫索湾凸起西缘征沙村地区走滑断裂为研究对象,对征沙村地区走滑断裂的几何学形态及运动学特征展开研究。结果表明:征沙村走滑断裂分层差异变形,主要分为3层。深构造层二叠系发育近SN向和近WE向两组走滑断裂,WE向断裂近SN左行错断,剖面以负花状构造样式为主。中构造层三叠系—侏罗系八道湾组仅发育近WE向断裂,平面上形成马尾状、平形状以及叠接状构造样式,剖面表现正花状构造样式。浅构造层侏罗系三工河组断裂走向为近WE向,平面上呈线性展布,剖面以挠曲变形为主。3构造层断裂叠合发育,形成直立线状、Y形以及花状构造样式,其中近SN向断裂发生右行走滑,近WE向断裂发生左行走滑。将征沙村断裂演化期次分为3期:晚二叠世准噶尔地块逆时针旋转,形成近SN向走滑断裂,表现为负花状构造;早侏罗世天山NE—SW向挤压应力形成近WE向走滑断裂,表现为正花状构造;晚侏罗世极少数近WE向断裂继承发育。  相似文献   

文章通过对东安锑矿区的共轭节理进行统计分析,结合矿区地质特征和区域构造演化历史,确定了矿区构造应力场演化和构造控矿特征。矿区构造应力场可以划分为五期。第一期为加里东期近SN向挤压,形成牛头寨NE向基底褶皱和同期NE-NNE向断裂,以及近SN向F_1断裂的雏形。第二期为印支期近EW向水平挤压,共轭节理为NE和NNW向,形成了以近SN向的牛头寨复式背斜和区域性F_1断裂为主体的构造格架,以及小牛头寨NW向断裂和继承早期NNE向断裂发育的断裂构造。第三期为燕山早期近SN向水平挤压,共轭节理为NE和NW向;F_1、NNE向断裂整体处于挤压状态。前述三期构造形成了矿区近SN向构造骨架,以及配套的断裂、节理等成矿前构造。第四期为燕山晚期NW-SE向伸展,共轭节理为NE和NWW向;NE向组继承前期节理;F_1、NNE、NNW、NW向断裂此时成为矿液运移通道和容矿场所。第五期构造变形发生在第四纪,为NW-SE向水平挤压,共轭剪节理为NWW和NNW向;此期断裂为成矿后断裂,它们错断矿脉、矿脉被抬升剥蚀后出露地表。  相似文献   

柏道远  李彬  江灿  段爱军 《矿床地质》2023,42(2):229-252
湘中古台山金锑矿位于雪峰构造带西南段东北部,发育SN向金矿脉和NW向金锑矿脉2类矿脉。前人提出SN向和NW向断裂为容矿构造,并获得了印支期成矿的40Ar-39Ar同位素年龄,但对容矿断裂的性质、形成时代以及2类矿脉的时代关系缺乏研究和认识。鉴于此,文章通过地表和井下露头构造以及矿化蚀变的观测、解析,结合区域构造特征、区域构造演化和测年资料等,厘定了古台山金锑矿区构造变形序列及其时代、不同类型矿脉的成矿时代和构造背景,探讨了构造控矿规律及动力机制。主要认识如下:(1)研究区自早至晚经历了5期主要变形事件:志留纪晚期受到NWW向挤压,形成NNE向板劈理、NNE向褶皱(水车背斜)、SN向顺层断裂、逆冲剪切破裂和断裂;中三叠世晚期受到NNW向挤压,局部形成NEE向轴面劈理;晚三叠世受到SN向挤压,形成EW向褶皱、NW向—NNW向右行走滑断裂和剪切破裂、NNE向左行走滑断裂和剪切破裂、EW向逆冲剪切破裂等;中侏罗世晚期受到NWW向挤压,形成EW向右行剪切破裂和断裂;古近纪中晚期受到NE向—NNE向挤压,形成SN向—NNE向右行剪切破裂和断裂、EW向—N...  相似文献   

云金表  周波 《世界地质》2014,33(1):137-144
笔者探讨了断裂在油气聚集中的作用,它是制约塔中隆起及北围斜区油气分布规律的关键因素。基于地震资料断裂解析,塔中隆起及北围斜区断裂体系主要由北西—南东延伸的压扭性断裂带与北东—南西延伸的走滑断裂构成。断裂体系主要形成于中晚加里东中期,此后经历了晚加里东、晚海西和喜山期的继承性活动与改造。中加里东中期构造是该区构造的主要定型期,断裂不仅控制了构造带发育,也是风化壳岩溶储层、礁滩相储层、热液溶蚀碳酸盐岩储层形成关键因素。断裂带后期活动为油气运聚提供了通道,北北东断裂是油气由北部坳陷向隆起长距离运聚的主要通道。断裂带的复杂性造就了研究区油气具有沿断裂带分布,成藏模式多样,差异富集特征。  相似文献   

湖南大义山断裂属邵阳—郴州NW向断裂的南东段,该断裂南、北两侧发育水口山—香花岭南北向构造带。根据构造变形特征并结合区域构造背景和构造演化分析,确定大义山断裂中新生代至少经历了3次构造活动,从早至晚依次为印支期左旋走滑、燕山期右旋走滑和喜山期(?)左旋走滑。对SN向构造与区域NNE向构造的时代与相互作用关系进行了深入分析,并提出SN向构造成因新认识:由于大义山NW向断裂和香花岭—阳明山NW向断裂在印支运动中产生基底左旋走滑,走滑所派生的近EW向挤压应力场以及走滑所产生的牵引作用,使区域NNE向构造线产生逆时针旋转而形成SN向构造。进一步分析认为,印支期可能为湘东主要NW向断裂在中生代活动最强烈的时期,多条NW向断裂的左旋走滑,可能是雪峰山弧形构造和祁阳“山”字型构造的形成机制之一。  相似文献   

通过对塔里木盆地巴楚隆起东段地震资料的精细解释,发现研究区发育一系列NE、NEE走向的走滑断裂及逆冲滑脱断裂。主要构造样式有花状构造、平行高陡断裂带、滑脱逆冲叠加走滑断裂等。主要有4期构造活动:加里东中期压扭走滑、海西早期张扭走滑、海西晚期继承压扭走滑、喜山期继承活动。其中,加里东中期Ⅰ幕,开始形成NE走向的撕裂断层-调节断层。加里东中期Ⅲ幕,NE向走滑断裂大规模的沿先存NE向基底薄弱带和NE走向的撕裂断层-调节断层基础上开始发育,同时形成了几组NEE向压扭断裂带。加里东晚期海西早期,沿先存走滑断裂继承发育了一系列负花状走滑断裂。海西晚期、喜山期,部分NE向断裂再次开启继承发育。走滑断裂对碳酸盐岩储集层具强烈的改造作用,具备发育多种圈闭类型的潜力,是油气藏保存和再调整的关键因素。  相似文献   

在四平市叶赫镇发现一系列走滑-逆冲断层,断层面平直、陡倾,走向集中在NNE15°~35°范围内,组成了佳木斯—伊通两条主干边界断裂之间的分支断裂带,分支断裂呈雁列式排布,与走向NE45°的主干边界断裂呈锐角相交,指示边界断裂具有右旋走滑特征。叶赫镇走滑-逆冲断裂带的发现为佳木斯—伊通断裂存在晚白垩世晚期—末期的走滑-逆冲事件提供了新证据。叶赫镇分支断裂带是石岭镇分支断裂带向南部的延伸,两者切割了相同的地层,具有相同的构造特征和构造属性,属于同一走滑-逆冲断裂系统,它们是晚白垩世晚期—末期同一地球动力学背景下的产物。  相似文献   

龙门山地区关口断裂形成与演化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据大量野外露头剖面资料与钻井数据,系统分析了关口断裂形成过程与演化特征。认为关口断裂在印支早、中期为张性大力构造背景下形成的同沉积正断层,在晚三叠世卡尼克期为生长性正断层;印支晚期构造事件中该断裂改变为逆冲断层。关口断裂活动性较强,其中在燕山晚期活动性最强。关口断裂在喜马拉雅期有多期次的、长时期的强烈活动;并且目前仍是一条活动性的断层。  相似文献   

Based on high-resolution remote sensing image interpretation, digital elevation model 3-D analysis, field geologic field investigation, trenching engineering, and ground-penetrating radar, synthetic research on the evolution of the Yuguang Basin South Margin Fault (YBSMF) in northwest Beijing was carried out. We found that the propagation and growth of faults most often occurred often at two locations: the fault overlapping zone and the uneven or rough fault segment. Through detailed observation and analysis of all cropouts of faults along the YBSMF from zone a to zone i, we identified three major factors that dominate or affect fault propagation and growth. First, the irregularity of fault geometry determine the propagation and growth of the fault, and therefore, the faults always propagate and grow at such irregular fault segments. The fault finally cuts off and eliminates its irregularity, making the fault geometry and fault plane smoother than before, which contributes to the slipping movement of the half-graben block in the basin. Second, the scale of the irregularity of the fault geometry affects the result of fault propagation and growth, that is, the degree of the cutting off of fault irregularity. The degree of cutting off decreases as irregularity scale increases. Third, the maximum possible slip displacement of the fault segment influences the duration of fault propagation and growth. The duration at the central segments with a large slip displacement is longer than that at the end segments with a smaller slippage value.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂南段研究进展与断裂性质讨论   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
据1:5万区域地质调查和专题研究资料,就郯庐断裂带是否南延与消失的原因,其与大别—苏鲁造山带交截形成的假位错效应,以及与中新生代沉积盆地形成演化的关系等作了新的阐述。在此基础上,讨论了郯庐断裂带是否为巨大的左行平移断层或转换断层。认为郯庐断裂带可能是在“古郯庐带”的基础上于早侏罗世重新活动、白垩纪强烈活动的地堑型枢纽断裂带。  相似文献   

The Salado River fault (SRF) is a prominent structure in southern Mexico that shows evidence of reactivation at two times under different tectonic conditions. It coincides with the geological contact between a structural high characterized by Palaeozoic basement rocks to the north, and an ~2000 m thick sequence of marine and continental rocks that accumulated in a Middle Jurassic–Cretaceous basin to the south. Rocks along the fault within a zone up to 150 m across record crystal-plastic deformation affecting the metamorphic basement of the Palaeozoic Acatlán Complex. Later brittle deformation is recorded by both the basement and the overlying Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. Regional features and structural textures at both outcrop and microscopic scale indicate two episodes of left-lateral displacement. The first took place under low-to medium-grade P-T conditions in the late Early Jurassic (180 Ma) based on the interpretation of 40Ar/39Ar ratios from muscovite within the fault zone; the second occurred under shallow conditions, when the fault served as a transfer zone between areas with differing magnitudes of shortening north and south of the fault. In the southern block, fold hinges were dragged westward during Laramide tectonic transport to the east, culminating in brittle deformation characterized by strike–slip faulting in the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. North of the fault, folds are not well defined, and it is clear that the fold hinges observed in the southern block do not continue north of the fault. Although the orientation and kinematics of the SRF are similar to major Cainozoic shear zones in southern Mexico, our new data indicate that the fault had become inactive by the time of Oligocene volcanism.  相似文献   

Linked fault systems identified in the northern portion of the onshore Perth basin comprise north‐striking normal faults, the dominant structures in the basin, and hard linkages—east‐striking transfer faults. The former are either divided into segments of distinctive character by, or terminate at, the transfer faults. The fault systems were initiated by west‐southwest‐east‐northeast extension in the Early Permian but were reactivated by subsequent rifting with approximately east‐west extension in the Jurassic. They were also reactivated by the oblique extension of northwest‐southeast orientation associated with Gondwana continental breakup in the Late Jurassic ‐ earliest Cretaceous. In addition to reactivation, older structures of the linked fault families controlled the development of younger fractures and folds. During the oblique extension, the linked fault systems define releasing bends, characterised by a rollover anticline in the hangingwall of the Mountain Bridge Fault, and restraining bends where contractional folds are sites of major commercial hydrocarbon fields in the basin.  相似文献   

Deep-large faults in the central continental margin of eastern China are well developed. Based on the regularity of spatial and temporal distribution of the faults, four fault systems were divided: the Yanshan orogenic belt fault system, the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt fault system, the Tanlu fault system and the East China Sea shelf basin-Okinawa trough fault system. The four fault systems exhibit different migration behaviors. The Yanshan orogenic belt fault system deflected from an EW to a NE direction, then to a NNE direction during the Indo-Chinese epoch-Yanshanian epoch. The thrust-nappe strength of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt fault system showed the tendency that the strength was greater in the south and east, but weaker in the north and west. This fault system faulted in the east and folded in the west from the Indo-Chinese epoch to the early Yanshanian epoch. At the same time, the faults also had a diachronous migration from east to west from the Indo-Chinese epoch to the early Yanshanian epoch. On the contrary, the thrust-nappe strength was greater in the north and west, weaker in the south and east during the late Yanshanian epoch-early Himalayan epoch. The Tanlu fault system caused the basin to migrate from west to east and south to north. The migration regularity of the East China Sea shelf basin-Okinawa trough fault system shows that the formation age became younger in the west. The four fault systems and their migration regularities were respectively the results of four different geodynamic backgrounds. The Yanshan orogenic belt fault system derived from the intracontinental orogeny. The Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt fault system derived from the collision of plates and intracontinental subduction. The Tanlu fault system derived from the strike-slip movement and the East China Sea shelf basin-Okinawa trough fault system derived from plate subduction and retreat of the subduction belt. Translated from Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 2005, 35(5): 554–563 [译自: 吉林大学学报 (地球科学版)]  相似文献   

2014年10—12月期间,云南景谷接连发生了Ms6.6、Ms5.8、Ms5.9三次中-强地震。为确定地震的地质构造成因,在地表调查的基础上,综合该区的地质构造情况、烈度与余震分布、震源机制解等资料,确定此次震群活动的宏观震中位于永平盆地东南侧山地,发震断层为地质与地貌表现不显著的NW向右旋走滑断层。此次震群活动及余震迁移过程指示,由于断层斜接部位岩桥的临时阻碍,Ms6.6地震破裂在向南东扩展过程中发生短暂停滞,突破障碍后进一步引发了Ms5.8和Ms5.9地震,这符合震源破裂沿NW向发震断裂分段破裂的行为。区域活动断裂的遥感解译结果发现,发震断层位置恰好处于NW向右旋走滑的茶房断裂与普文断裂之间,区域上属于该断裂带的不连贯部位,指示此次中-强震群活动应该是茶房-普文断裂带贯通过程的构造活动表现。结合思茅地块的历史地震资料发现,思茅地块地震活动多以小于等于6.8级为主,发震构造多为NW向断裂。指示在现今构造应力场作用下,该区NW向断裂的活动性相对NE向断裂更加显著,属于该区主要控震构造,应在今后的地震地质工作中给予更多关注。  相似文献   

东濮凹陷伸展连锁断层系统及其演化作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东濮凹陷NNE向的主干基底断层向深部延伸与深层的拆离滑脱断层衔接在一起,与诱导出的调节断层以不同的方式连接,构成东濮凹陷的伸展连锁断层系统。东濮凹陷不同区段的连锁断层形态表现出不同的几何学和运动学特征。北区兰聊主断层面表现为相对较缓的平面式形态,伸展连锁断层系统总体上为多米诺式半地堑系。中区伸展连锁断层系统总体上表现为大型铲式正断层上盘的一个不对称的地堑。南区兰聊主断层面表现为坡坪式形态,断陷结构相对复杂。东濮凹陷伸展连锁断层系统的演化大体分为4期,不同区带伸展连锁断层系统演化模式不同,对古近系沉积和石油地质条件有较大的影响。  相似文献   

Little attention had been paid to the intracontinental strike-slip faults of the Tibetan Plateau. Since the discovery of the Longriba fault using re-measured GPS data in 2003, an increasing amount of attention has been paid to this neglected fault. The local relief and transverse swath profile show that the Longriba fault is the boundary line that separates the high and flat tomography of the Tibet plateau from the high and precipitous tomography of Orogen. In addition, GPS data shows that the Longriba fault is the boundary line where the migratory direction of the Bayan Har block changed from eastward to southeastward. The GPS data shows that the Longriba fault is the boundary fault of the sub-blocks of the eastern Bayan Har block. We built three-dimensional models containing the Longriba fault and the middle segment of the Longmenshan fault, across the Bayan Har block and the Sichuan Basin. A nonlinear finite element method was used to simulate the fault behavior and the block deformation of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. The results show that the low resistivity and low velocity layer acts as a detachment layer, which causes the overlying blocks to move southeastward. The detachment layer also controls the vertical and horizontal deformation of the rigid Bayan Har block and leads to accumulation strain on the edge of the layer where the Longmenshan thrust is located. After a sufficient amount of strain has been accumulated on the Longmenshan fault, a large earthquake occurs, such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The strike slip activity of the Longriba fault, which is above the low resistivity and low velocity layer, partitions the lateral displacements of the Bayan Har block and adjusts the direction of motion of the Bayan Har block, from the eastward moving Ahba sub-block in the west to southeastward moving Longmenshan sub-block in the east.  相似文献   

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