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就地宇宙成因核素定年法在地球科学相关研究中有着广泛的应用,主要集中在对晚新生代地质事件的发生年代以及地质活动中相关速率的限定。本文将主要概述就地宇宙成因核素定年原理,并结合国内外相关研究介绍就地宇宙成因核素~(10)Be在地学研究中获取地质事件年代(包括暴露年龄和埋藏年龄)、定量约束地表风化侵蚀、以及河流水系下切侵蚀等相关速率的应用现状。  相似文献   

就地宇宙成因核素定年法在地球科学相关研究中有着广泛的应用,主要集中在对晚新生代地质事件的发生年代以及地质活动中相关速率的限定。本文将主要概述就地宇宙成因核素定年原理,并结合国内外相关研究介绍就地宇宙成因核素~(10)Be在地学研究中获取地质事件年代(包括暴露年龄和埋藏年龄)、定量约束地表风化侵蚀、以及河流水系下切侵蚀等相关速率的应用现状。  相似文献   

宇宙成因核素在地球科学中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
孔屏 《地学前缘》2002,9(3):41-48
随着加速器质谱的出现 ,宇宙成因核素展示了其在地球科学中的生命力。文中介绍了宇宙成因核素的生成、示踪原理及近些年来在地球科学中的应用 ,特别着重地介绍了原地生成宇宙成因核素定年这一新的技术。宇宙成因核素是宇宙射线粒子 (包括原生和次生粒子 )与大气及岩石发生核反应所生成的新的核素 ,其在大气及岩石中的生成量可用已知物理过程定量地描述。大气生成宇宙成因核素在考古、古环境及地球各圈层的相互作用方面得到了广泛的应用 ,原地生成宇宙成因核素则在地貌学研究中扮演着重要的角色 ,成为一门新的实验技术。这门技术可以定量地描述地表的暴露历史和侵蚀速率 ,在解决许多地质问题上成为惟一的手段  相似文献   

黄费新  程杨  李岩  李广伟  董国成  梁霞 《岩石学报》2021,37(5):1611-1618
原地生成宇宙成因核素测年技术计算暴露和埋藏年龄以往分属于不同的计算方法体系,采用的计算等式不同。实际上,无论是暴露过程还是埋藏过程,都涉及了核素的新生和已生成核素的减少,其浓度计算方法原理上有相通之处。考察被研究样品历史上某时点的状态,侵蚀使样品距地表深度不断减小,埋藏使样品距地表深度不断增加,刚好是一种相反的过程,而原地生成宇宙成因核素的生成速率与距地表深度呈指数函数形式相关。本文按照原地生成宇宙成因核素浓度与暴露时间、侵蚀速率间关系的计算原理,推导出在匀速埋藏过程中,计算被测试样品的浓度随时间的变化时,以样品目前生成速率为标准,可将埋藏速率(β)视为负侵蚀速率(-ε),从而将暴露年龄和埋藏年龄的计算等式统一起来。非匀速埋藏情况,通过求导计算,仍可视埋藏为负侵蚀。在埋藏速率和侵蚀速率用同一参数指代,埋藏速率可视为负侵蚀速率的基础上,推导出不同埋藏(侵蚀)模式下样品的核素浓度计算等式。理论上根据不同埋藏(侵蚀)模式,可计算复杂地表演化过程样品的埋藏(暴露)年龄。  相似文献   

张志刚  王建  张梦媛  梅静 《地质论评》2017,63(6):1576-1584
原地生宇宙成因核素(宇生核素)~(10)Be和~(26)Al暴露测年技术已广泛应用于各种地貌年代测定,尤其是在冰川地貌年代测定中备受青睐。多数学者通常选择冰碛垄表面散布的冰川漂砾作为测年对象。然而,冰川漂砾在暴露测年研究中存在暴露后期翻转、不等时暴露等问题,不仅影响冰川地貌测年的精度,而且难以获得较老的冰川地貌年代。冰碛垄表面碎屑物质,一直附着于冰碛垄"表面",可以规避冰川漂砾测年存在的不等时暴露问题,而且可以减少测试样本量、降低测试费用。因此,本文尝试探讨利用冰碛垄表面碎屑物质进行暴露测年研究的可行性,可望为较老冰川地貌暴露测年研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

原地生成宇宙成因核素测年技术在计算暴露年龄和侵蚀速率时,一直默认样品所在位置不随时间发生高程变化,从而核素生成速率不因高程变化而改变。在构造稳定区,这样的假设是合理的。在构造活动区,往往会因构造运动,地表样品高程发生改变。大冰盖地区(如南极)的冰川消融或加厚也会引起地壳均衡反弹,从而导致样品高程变化,而核素的生成速率将随高程变化而改变。本文对连续抬升情况下,地表样品中宇宙成因核素浓度与生成速率加速率间的计算关系进行了三种方法的数学推导,并提出如何利用单块样品中两种宇宙成因核素(以10Be和26Al为例)浓度计算地表抬升速率,最后指出已往利用宇宙成因核素方法对构造活动区的侵蚀速率的计算存在高估。本文首次提出利用地表在接近稳态侵蚀状态下的单块样品的两种宇宙成因核素直接计算地表持续抬升速率的方法,从而将原地生成宇宙成因核素方法和构造运动学研究直接联系起来。  相似文献   

宇宙成因核素测年方法及其在地球科学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
许刘兵  周尚哲 《冰川冻土》2006,28(4):577-585
宇宙成因核素地表暴露测年方法,是近年来迅速发展起来的一种新的同位素地质年代学方法.宇宙成因核素主要是由来源于银河系的宇宙射线与暴露于地表的物质作用形成的,作用机制主要包括裂变、中子捕获和介子反应.产生宇宙成因核素宇宙射线粒子主要是次生快中子、热中子和负慢介子,由于这些宇宙射线粒子在空间分布上的不同,地球上不同纬度、海拔高度和深度处的宇宙成因核素生成速率也表现出较大的差异.地表物质中宇宙成因核素浓度除了受到核素生成速率和地表物质的暴露时间制约外,还与地表侵蚀速率密切相关,此外,地磁场强度、遮蔽、化学风化及样品的几何位置等也会对核素浓度产生一定影响,在求算样品的地表暴露年代时,应对这些因素进行相应的校正.宇宙成因核素地表暴露测年技术的理论和方法日臻完善,目前它已被广泛到第四纪冰川、撞击坑、火山地貌、断层面等地学问题中来.  相似文献   

<正>自上世纪80年代以来,加速器质谱分析技术的发展推动了宇宙成因核素在地表过程研究中的应用。近几年有关宇宙成因核素的文献和引用频次呈爆发式增长[1]。国内相关研究多集中在河流沉积物、阶地演化、冰川历史、埋藏年龄等,对地表剥蚀速率的报道较少。宇宙成因核素是指来自外层宇宙空间的高能量宇宙射线粒子(包括原生和次生粒子、中子和微介子等)与地表/近地表岩石中元素间发生核反应而形成的稳定核素(3He、21Ne等)和放射性核素(10Be、14C、26Al、36Cl等)。宇宙成因核素生成率随深度呈指数衰  相似文献   

贵州荔波黑洞碎屑沉积物宇宙成因核素26Al/10Be埋藏年龄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河流下切在岩溶区形成的多级层状洞穴,记录了地体隆升和地貌演化历史,但由于测年手段的限制,国内在这方面的研究一直进展不大.近年来,运用宇宙成因核素得到洞穴碎屑沉积物埋藏年龄的方法,已成为反演山地区域构造-地貌演化的新途径.本文尝试运用宇宙成因核素26AL/10Be埋藏测年技术,对属于贵州荔波地区4层洞穴系统的黑洞(第二层)碎屑沉积物进行年龄测定,假设样品进洞前无埋藏史,测年结果显示黑洞年龄至少有1.06±0.23Ma,并且该地区三岔河流域的侵蚀速率为55.1±2.3m/Ma.这是对该地区洞穴测年的一次新探索,体现出洞穴沉积物宇宙成因核素埋藏测年技术在我国晚新生代地质地貌演化研究方面具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

根据地表暴露岩石或埋藏物中宇宙成因核素浓度可计算样品的暴露年龄或埋藏年龄,从而估算出研究区域的侵蚀速率和抬升速率等重要地质信息,该方法现已成为晚新生代地质和地貌变化研究的重要手段。概述了近5年来国内外宇宙成因核素在地质年代学研究中的最新进展,主要包括以下几个方面:①10Be研究进展,26Al/10Be双核素测年计算模型的改进和完善,以及21Ne的加入对26Al-10Be测年方法的拓展;②宇宙成因36Cl在碳酸盐岩中的研究和应用进展;③53Mn、41Ca等新核素的研究和应用;④宇宙成因核素测年技术在国内的应用进展。最后,分析了宇宙成因核素测年存在的主要问题及下一步重点研究方向。  相似文献   

宇生核素暴露测年技术是目前第四纪地貌年代测定最常用的方法之一,由于难以定量化继承性核素以及侵蚀对样品暴露年代的影响(通常假设继承性和侵蚀的影响为0),其测年结果难以反映地貌的真实暴露年代。通过测定地貌剖面不同深度样品的宇生核素浓度,建立“宇生核素浓度—深度”剖面曲线,可同时定量化研究地貌体的暴露年龄、继承性宇生核素浓度以及侵蚀速率,有效地弥补了宇生核素暴露测年中继承性核素以及侵蚀速率不确定性的缺陷。基于蒙特卡洛方法的宇生核素深度剖面暴露测年模型(简称蒙特卡洛深度剖面模型)是最常用的计算模式之一,然而,国内关于该方法的原理及其应用研究相对较少,大大限制了该方法的广泛使用。笔者等详细阐述了蒙特卡洛深度剖面模型的原理及其在冰川地貌、河流阶地、冲洪积扇等地貌测年中的应用。此外,介绍了深度剖面模型的复现、非稳态模型、线性反演模型等其他几种计算模式并进一步探讨了蒙特卡洛深度剖面模型暴露测年技术的野外采样方法,以使其能够广泛应用于第四纪地貌学和年代学研究中。  相似文献   

郑佳宏  张志刚  崔海涛  袁雪  杜宇瑄  赵丹  王建 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010024-2023010024
宇生核素暴露测年技术是目前第四纪地貌年代测定最常用的方法之一,由于难以定量化继承性核素以及侵蚀对样品暴露年代的影响(通常假设继承性和侵蚀的影响为0),其测年结果难以反映地貌的真实暴露年代。通过测定地貌剖面不同深度样品的宇生核素浓度,建立"宇生核素浓度-深度"剖面曲线,可同时定量化研究地貌体的暴露年龄、继承性宇生核素浓度以及侵蚀速率,有效地弥补了宇生核素暴露测年中继承性核素以及侵蚀速率不确定性的缺陷。基于蒙特卡洛方法的宇生核素深度剖面暴露测年模型(简称蒙特卡洛深度剖面模型)是最常用的计算模式之一,然而,国内关于该方法的原理及其应用研究相对较少,大大限制了该方法的广泛使用。本文详细阐述了蒙特卡洛深度剖面模型的原理及其在冰川地貌、河流阶地、冲洪积扇等地貌测年中的应用。此外,介绍了深度剖面模型的复现、非稳态模型、线性反演模型等其他几种计算模式并进一步探讨了蒙特卡洛深度剖面模型暴露测年技术的野外采样方法,以使其能够广泛应用于第四纪地貌学和年代学研究中。  相似文献   

Multiple earthquakes produced by thrusting deformation have been recorded over the last century in the Tianshan area. Paleoseismic studies are very important in the exploration of the active quaternary tectonics and the risk assessment of great earthquakes in the Tianshan orogenic region. However, in this area, paleoseismic research is still lacking because of the lack of samples dated by 14C or optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods. We determined the ages of the alluvial fans by 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating, measured the surface deformation of the fault scarp in a GPS survey, and evaluated the vertical displacements of the events in trenches in the east Kalpintage fault in the southwest Tianshan region. We estimated the displacement and recurrence intervals of the paleoseismic events and constrained the errors of the 10Be ages and slip rates using a Monte Carlo simulation method. Our study suggests that each paleoseismic event shows a similar displacement of ~1.5 m with a recurrence interval of ~5 kyr in the east Kalpintage fault. The calculated slip rate is 0.31(+0.21/?0.18) mm/yr. In such arid regions with large areas of coarse gravel that lack 14C or OSL samples, the integration of TCN dating, geomorphic deformation survey, and trenching methods is a reliable alternative for studying the active regional tectonics.  相似文献   

In situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure dating using 10Be is one of the most successful techniques used to determine the ages of Quaternary deposits and yields data that enable the reconstruction of the Quaternary glacial history of the Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding mountain ranges. Statistical analysis of TCN 10Be exposure ages, helps to reconstruct the history of glacial fluctuations and past climate changes on the Tibetan Plateau, differences in the timing of glacier advances among different regions. However, different versions of the Cosmic‐Ray‐prOduced NUclide Systematics on Earth (CRONUS‐Earth) online calculator, which calculates and corrects the TCN ages of Quaternary glacial landforms, yield different results. For convenience in establishing contrasts among regions, in this paper, we recalculate 1848 10Be exposure ages from the Tibetan Plateau that were published from 1999 to 2017 using version 2.3 of the CRONUS‐Earth calculator. We also compare the results obtained for 1594 10Be exposure ages using different versions (2.2, 2.3 and 3.0) of the CRONUS‐Earth calculator. The results are as follows. (1) Approximately 97% of the exposure ages are less than 200 ka. A probability density curve of the exposure ages suggests that greater numbers of oscillations emerge during the Holocene, and the peaks correspond to the Little Ice Age, the 8.2 ka and 9.3 ka cold events; the main peak covers the period between 12 and 18 ka. (2) In most areas, the newer versions of the calculator produce older 10Be exposure ages. When different versions of the CRONUS‐Earth calculator are used, approximately 29% of the 10Be exposure ages display maximum differences greater than 10 ka, and the maximum age difference for a single sample is 181.1 ka.  相似文献   

Dortch, J. M., Owen, L. A., Caffee, M. W. & Brease, P. 2009: Late Quaternary glaciation and equilibrium line altitude variations of the McKinley River region, central Alaska Range. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00121.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Glacial deposits and landforms produced by the Muldrow and Peters glaciers in the McKinley River region of Alaska were examined using geomorphic and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) surface exposure dating (SED) methods to assess the timing and nature of late Quaternary glaciation and moraine stabilization. In addition to the oldest glacial deposits (McLeod Creek Drift), a group of four late Pleistocene moraines (MP‐I, II, III and IV) and three late Holocene till deposits (‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ drifts) are present in the region, representing at least eight glacial advances. The 10Be TCN ages for the MP‐I moraine ranged from 2.5 kyr to 146 kyr, which highlights the problems of defining the ages of late Quaternary moraines using SED methods in central Alaska. The Muldrow ‘X’ drift has a 10Be TCN age of ~0.54 kyr, which is ~1.3 kyr younger than the independent minimum lichen age of ~1.8 kyr. This age difference probably represents the minimum time between formation and early stabilization of the moraine. Contemporary and former equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) were determined. The ELA depressions for the Muldrow glacial system were 560, 400, 350 and 190 m and for the Peters glacial system 560, 360, 150 and 10 m, based on MP‐I through MP‐IV moraines, respectively. The difference between ELA depressions for the Muldrow and Peters glaciers likely reflects differences in supraglacial debris‐cover, glacier hypsometry and topographic controls on glacier mass balance.  相似文献   

准确地重建滑坡发生年代和复活期次是滑坡灾害风险评估与管理的关键步骤之一。近年来,随着AMS技术的发展,宇宙成因核素测年逐渐成为滑坡年代测定的有效手段之一。以甘肃省东南部白龙江中游的凤安山滑坡作为研究对象,在该滑坡后壁和其下方的大石块上各采集了1个宇生核素暴露年代样品,在综合考虑了遮蔽因子以及对该区域的侵蚀速率估算的基础上,研究了该滑坡的宇生核素26Al暴露年代。结果显示:该滑坡分别大约在0.72~0.75 ka和2.26~2.65 ka左右发生过,后者发生时间与该区公元前186年的地震型滑坡发生时间一致;对于年代越老的样品,侵蚀速率对宇生核素测年的年代结果影响越大。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山珠穆朗玛峰-希夏邦马峰地区是青藏高原南部现代冰川集中发育区之一,古冰川遗迹亦十分丰富,是研究第四纪青藏高原冰川形成和演化的关键区,一直备受地貌和第四纪环境研究者的关注.应用原地宇宙核素10Be暴露年龄测试技术,对采自希夏邦马峰西北佩枯岗日拉曲谷地冰碛垄上的冰川漂砾进行年代学研究;结合冰川地貌分析方法,对古冰川...  相似文献   

This study provides the first attempt to combine terrestrial (in situ) cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) surface exposure dating with Schmidt hammer relative-age dating for the age estimation of Holocene moraines at Strauchon Glacier, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Numerous Schmidt hammer tests enable a multi-ridged lateral moraine system to be related to three late-Holocene ‘Little Ice Age’-type events. On the basis of cosmogenic 10Be ages, those events are dated to c. 2400, 1700, and 1100 years ago. Linear age-calibration curves are constructed in order to relate Schmidt hammer R-values to cosmogenic 10Be ages. The high explanation yielded reveals the causal link between both data sets. The potential of combining both methods in a ‘’multiproxy approach’ is discussed alongside possible future improvements. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating delivers absolute ages needed as fixed points for Schmidt hammer age-calibration curves. The Schmidt hammer technique can be used to crosscheck the boulder surfaces chosen for surface exposure dating by terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides. It should, therefore, reduce the number of samples necessary and costs.  相似文献   

原地宇宙成因核素(TCN)测年靶标制备   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自20世纪80年代以来,得益于高能加速器质谱的发展及其分析精度的提高,TCN测年技术得到了快速发展,并被成功应用于解决诸多领域关键性的年代学问题研究中,对地学的发展也起到了革命性的推动作用。TCN测年由测年靶标制备、AMS测量及数据分析等步骤组成。其中测年靶标制备直接影响AMS的测量结果,进而影响可靠年代学框架的建立与古气候环境的重建。测年靶标制备首先是代表性样品的采集,继而是所用靶标矿物的提纯,再者是所测元素的分离提取,最后是靶标压制。此处以第四纪冰川研究中应用较为广泛的TCN放射性核素10Be与26Al为例,结合冰川侵蚀与沉积地貌的分布及其特征,从样品采集、石英提纯、10Be与26Al核素的分离提取及最后的靶标压制等方面展开论述,以期为初涉第四纪冰川研究的学者提供TCN测年靶标制备的理论指导,同时也为地学其他研究领域该测年技术的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Our knowledge about the glaciation history in the Russian Arctic has to a large extent been based on geomorphological mapping supplemented by studies of short stratigraphical sequences found in exposed sections. Here we present new geochronological data from the Polar Ural Mountains along with a high‐resolution sediment record from Bolshoye Shchuchye, the largest and deepest lake in the mountain range. Seismic profiles show that the lake contains a 160‐m‐thick sequence of unconsolidated lacustrine sediments. A well‐dated 24‐m‐long core from the southern end of the lake spans the last 24 cal. ka. From downward extrapolation of sedimentation rates we estimate that sedimentation started about 50–60 ka ago, most likely just after a large glacier had eroded older sediments from the basin. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure dating (10Be) of boulders and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments indicate that this part of the Ural Mountains was last covered by a coherent ice‐field complex during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4. A regrowth of the glaciers took place during a late stage of MIS 3, but the central valleys remained ice free until the present. The presence of small‐ and medium‐sized glaciers during MIS 2 is reflected by a sequence of glacial varves and a high sedimentation rate in the lake basin and likewise from 10Be dating of glacial boulders. The maximum extent of the mountain glaciers during MIS 2 was attained prior to 24 cal. ka BP. Some small present‐day glaciers, which are now disappearing completely due to climate warming, were only slightly larger during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as compared to AD 1953. A marked decrease in sedimentation rate around 18–17 cal. ka BP indicates that the glaciers then became smaller and probably disappeared altogether around 15–14 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   

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