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基于离散元法的节理岩体边坡稳定性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贺续文  刘忠  廖彪  王翠翠 《岩土力学》2011,32(7):2199-2204
节理岩体边坡的稳定性在很大程度上取决于节理的强度及其分布形式。由于节理岩体边坡的失稳破坏具有大变形和非连续的特点,因此,离散单元法成为研究节理岩体边坡破坏机制的最有效方法之一。通过采用离散元软件PFC2D进行数值模拟,对完整岩石及节理的力学性能进行研究,并建立含密集节理的岩体边坡模型,讨论了节理连通率对边坡破坏形式的影响。结果表明,节理岩体边坡的失稳破坏是一个渐进的过程;在多组节理密集分布的岩体边坡中,连通率越大,其稳定性越差;随着连通率的减小,边坡的破坏形式由大范围的滑坡转变为局部崩塌的形式  相似文献   

李超  刘红岩  阎锡东 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):655-664
节理岩体是工程中最常见的一类岩体,其在地震、爆炸等动载下的力学响应及破坏过程对相关工程安全性的影响至关重要。采用基于有限元应力分析和统计损伤理论开发的动态版RFPA2D数值模拟软件,对动载下节理岩体的动态破坏过程进行了模拟,重点讨论了节理条数、节理贯通度、节理倾角及应力波峰值对岩体动态破坏过程的影响规律。计算结果表明,断续节理岩体动态破坏过程及破坏强度与节理构造形态、应力波峰值密切相关。相同动载下,随着节理条数的增加,岩体破坏程度以及应力波能量损失增强,但当节理条数数超过一定值后,岩体破坏程度及应力波能量损失逐渐趋于稳定;节理贯通度较小时,岩体破坏程度较低且破坏单元自上而下均匀分布。随着节理贯通度的增加,岩体破坏增强,且破坏主要出现于节理上部岩体;节理倾角较小时,节理上部岩体破坏严重,易形成次生贯通裂纹。随着节理倾角增加,破坏范围逐渐变大,不易形成次生贯通裂纹;倾角为45°~60°时,岩体破坏效果最佳;动载荷的峰值越大,试样的破坏越严重。当峰值达到一定值时,节理附近发育出多条裂隙并向上下方不断发展而导致岩体完全破坏。在不同节理贯通度工况下与岩石霍布金森压杆(SHPB)试验结果进行比较,结论吻合,证明该数值模拟的合可行性和结论的可靠性。  相似文献   

节理岩体爆破的DDA方法模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甯尤军  杨军  陈鹏万 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2259-2263
在非连续变形分析(DDA)方法中,通过跟踪炮孔扩张和炮孔周边裂隙的发展贯通求得爆腔的即时体积,进而根据爆生压力状态方程计算爆腔即时压力,并将爆生压力载荷作用到主炮孔内壁和贯通裂隙面上,实现了爆生产物作用下节理岩体爆破的DDA方法模拟。采用DDA方法模拟了节理岩体中的水平柱状炮孔抛掷爆破问题,得到了爆腔的体积扩张和压力衰减时间曲线,模拟很好的再现了岩石爆破过程中的炮孔扩张、岩体破坏、块体抛掷和爆堆形成过程。  相似文献   

节理岩体卸荷强度特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卸荷状态工程岩体的强度特性与传统的加载岩体有本质的区别。目前对于岩石卸荷强度特性的研究比较多见,但对于含节理的岩体在卸荷应力状态下的强度特性,尤其是节理面对其强度的影响研究实属少见。本文通过岩体三轴模拟试验研究了卸荷应力状态下节理岩体的破坏特征,突出考虑了节理面性质对卸荷强度的影响,在此基础上提出了节理岩体卸荷强度准则的一般表达式并进行了对比验证。  相似文献   

拉剪应力状态极易导致岩体破坏乃至失稳,为研究节理岩体拉剪破坏规律,开展了拉剪荷载下共面非贯通节理岩体变形破坏的理论与数值计算研究。通过自定义考虑岩石统计损伤演化的Mohr-Coulomb和最大拉应力准则模型,编写力学参数服从Weibull分布的fish函数,研究了拉剪条件下非均质节理岩体的破坏模式及破坏规律,讨论了岩石均质度、法向拉应力及剪切速率对岩体破坏模式及其力学性质的影响。结果表明,(1) 拉剪应力状态下节理岩体的破坏模式以张拉破坏为主,加载初期破坏位置分布散乱,随着加载和损伤演化逐渐形成带状破裂面,岩体宏观力学性质明显降低;(2) 非均质性对岩体破坏影响显著,主要表现为均质度的增加,岩体由弥散型破坏向集中型破坏转变,破裂面起伏度增大,同时岩体的宏观力学性质增强并最终趋向于均质岩体;(3) 低应力水平下拉应力增大不改变节理岩体以拉张破坏为主的破裂模式,但剪切破坏比例明显减少,同时岩体抗剪强度降低,破裂面的粗糙度增大;(4) 剪切速率对岩体力学性质的影响显著,静态加载范围内岩体抗剪强度随剪切速率的增大而增大,且增幅越来越小。  相似文献   

陈亚雄  张振南 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):443-447
节理岩体中富含结构面等不连续体,其中很多结构面之间具有一定黏结强度,在冲击荷载作用下会发生脱结(debond)行为,从而消耗岩体应变能。在该结构面之间的黏结性质在很大程度上决定着岩体的破坏行为,发生脱结后,结构面之间不再具有黏结强度,岩体的力学性能发生弱化。为了对该类结构面进行模拟,在改进的Xu-Needleman势函数基础上推导出结构面单元,并将其嵌入到单元劈裂法中,模拟结构面的开裂过程,当结构面完全脱结后结构面单元就转化为一般节理单元。相应地,在数值实现过程中只是将结构面单元替换为一般节理单元即可。该结构面单元与单元劈裂法相结合,能够有效地模拟节理岩体的破坏过程。  相似文献   

节理岩体爆破数值模型及模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用多刚体系统动力学及接触冲击理论建立了节理岩体弹塑性动态本构模型。基于DYNA-2D程序原理及其框架,利用所建模型,模拟了节理岩体的爆破过程,量化了节理岩体在爆炸载荷作用下不同时刻的应力场。  相似文献   

贾超  王志鹏  朱维申 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2867-2872
随着岩体工程的日益发展,人们愈发认识到岩体裂隙发育情况对工程影响的重要性,而岩体节理裂隙网络模拟是研究该类问题的重要手段。基于节理网络模拟结果,建立岩体力学分析模型,然后开展进一步的数值计算分析,在岩体工程中具有良好的发展前景。在岩体结构统计理论的基础上,自行编制了节理岩体裂隙网络模拟分析程序,直观再现了岩体内部的节理分布情况;将程序生成的可执行数据文件与离散元软件相融合;以含节理岩体的地下洞室为例,分别计算了静力和地震荷载作用下地下洞室围岩在不同时段的应力及位移变化情况。计算方法与结果对含节理岩体地下洞室围岩变形和破坏机制以及抗震工程设计具有指导意义  相似文献   

分形节理岩体强度与变形尺度效应的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王谦源  李晔 《岩土力学》2008,29(5):1325-1328
根据强度与变形尺度效应的研究需要,试验研究了脆性岩石相似模拟材料的配比,提出了预置材料产生模拟节理的方法,解决了随机分布节理试件的制作问题。采用分形分布节理模拟材料试件,研究了脆性岩体轴向抗压强度与变形的尺度效应,获得的规律与实际岩体尺度效应规律一致,并发现岩体变形的尺度效应并非完全由节理闭合和剪切破坏引起,在节理剪切破坏之前,主要是由节理的剪切变形增大引起的。  相似文献   

韩智铭  乔春生  朱举 《岩土力学》2018,39(7):2451-2460
天然岩体中常含有多组相互交叉的贯通节理,它们的存在极大地削弱了岩体的力学性质。为了研究含两组交叉贯通节理岩体的强度及破坏特征,基于弹塑性数值流形方法,对不同应力状态下,节理倾角和节理间距不同的岩体压缩试验进行数值模拟。结果表明:岩体强度随节理倾角的变化曲线呈现出多波峰、多波谷特点,岩体强度随节理间距变化曲线符合负指数函数形式。根据节理状态,两组节理岩体的破坏模式可以分为3种:岩块破坏、沿一组节理滑移和沿两组节理滑移。两组节理均会影响岩体强度,一组起主要作用,另一组起次要作用,并且节理组之间存在相互影响。通过对数值计算结果进行回归分析,基于一组节理岩体强度预测模型,量化节理组之间的相互影响,提出适用于含两组交叉贯通节理岩体的强度预测模型。模型形式简单,使用方便,可为实际工程中正确评估岩体强度提供指导性意见。  相似文献   

An anisotropic geomechanical model for jointed rock mass is presented. Simultaneously with deriving the orthotropic anisotropy elastic parameters along the positive axis, the equivalent compliance matrix for the deflection axis orthotropic anisotropy was derived through a three-dimensional coordinate transformation. In addition, Singh’s analysis of the stress concentration effects of intermittent joints was adopted, based on two groups of intermittent joints and a set of cross-cutting joints in the jointed rock mass. The stress concentration effects caused by intermittent joints and the coupling effect of cross-cutting joints along the deflection-axis are also considered. The proposed anisotropic mechanics parameters method is applied to determine the deformation parameters of jointed granite at the Taishan Nuclear Power Station. Combined with the deterministic mechanical parameters of rock blocks and joints, the deformation parameters and their variability in jointed rock masses are estimated quantitatively. The computed results show that jointed granite at the Taishan Nuclear Power Station exhibits typical anisotropic mechanical characteristics; the elastic moduli in the two horizontal directions were similar, but the elastic modulus in the vertical direction was much greater. Jointed rock elastic moduli in the two horizontal and vertical directions were respectively about 24% and 37% of the core of rock, showing weakly orthotropic anisotropy; the ratio of elastic moduli in the vertical and horizontal directions was 1.53, clearly indicating the transversely isotropic rock mass mechanical characteristics. The method can be popularized to solve other rock mechanics problems in nuclear power engineering.  相似文献   

The key question regarding steep rock slopes along rock quarries is their stability because a rock slope failure can have critical results. In this study, the aim is to investigate the areas with potential risk for jointed karstic limestones in a rock quarry. First, to determine rock mass properties, scan-line surveys were performed, and the major orientations of discontinuities were analyzed using stereographic projection. Then, the physicomechanical properties of the slope-forming rock were determined in the laboratory, and geomechanical properties of the rock mass were determined using an empirical failure criterion. Finally, the quarry slope stability was assessed in accordance with numerical modelling. According to the results obtained, the numerical modelling of steep rock slopes can be efficiently evaluated by using finite element method. Beside this, the presence of joints intersecting the main discontinuity sets, the filling materials of discontinuities resulting from weathering of limestone and surface deposits, surcharge load due to mine waste dumped on the slopes and excavation blasting during construction of quarry area play a key role when modelling the steep rock slopes by using finite element method.  相似文献   

节理对爆炸波传播影响的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用加入无反射边界条件的DDA程序,研究了节理面对应力波传播的影响。结果表明,节理面能阻碍波的传播,有利于波的衰减,节理面越多,波的反射越强,而波的透射越弱。模拟了一个现场爆炸试验,研究爆炸产生的应力波在节理岩体中传播、衰减的规律,模拟结果与现场试验结果比较吻合。研究表明,DDA方法可以模拟节理面对应力波传播的阻碍作用,用它来模拟爆炸波在节理岩体中的传播是适用的。  相似文献   

罗先启  郑安兴 《岩土力学》2018,39(2):728-734
岩体中普遍存在着断层﹑节理和裂隙等结构面,这些结构面的存在和发展对岩体的整体强度﹑变形及稳定性有极大的影响。因此,研究岩体中原生结构面的萌生﹑发展以及贯通演化过程对评估岩体工程安全性和可靠性具有非常重要的理论与现实意义。扩展有限元法(XFEM)作为一种求解不连续问题的有效数值方法,模拟裂隙时独立于网格,因此,在模拟岩体裂隙扩展﹑水力劈裂等方面具有独特优势。针对扩展有限元法的基本理论及其在岩体裂隙扩展模拟中的应用展开了研究,建立了扩展有限元法求解岩体裂隙摩擦接触、岩体裂隙破坏等问题的数值模型,并将计算模型应用于岩质边坡稳定性分析和重力坝坝基断裂破坏等工程问题。  相似文献   

含节理岩块单轴受压试验三维离散元数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李世海  董大鹏  燕琳 《岩土力学》2003,24(4):648-652
采用三维离散元方法,模拟含节理岩块的单轴受压试验。并针对节理空间分布,给出了解析解与数值计算比较的结果,验证了数值模拟的正确性。当节理正交时,离散元与有限元的计算结果一致。计算结果定量地说明了岩体的各向异性和尺寸效应。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a numerical model for jointed rock masses within the 3‐D numerical manifold method (NMM) framework equipped with a customized contact algorithm. The strength of rock sample containing a few sets of discontinuities is first investigated. The results of models with simple geometries are compared with the available analytical solutions to verify the developed computer code, whereas models with complex geometries are simulated to better understand the fundamental behavior and failure mechanism of jointed rock mass. Furthermore, the stability of jointed rock mass in an underground excavation is studied, where rock failure process is determined by the 3‐D NMM simulation. The simulation results provide valuable guidance on excavation process design and stabilization design in rock engineering practice. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The existence of joint fissures makes explosive actions between rock masses more complex. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out experiments studying blasting stress waves propagating in jointed rock masses. Based on the Froude Similarity principle, the geological mechanical models of intact rock masses and jointed rocks have been proposed. A blasting vibration experiment was carried out and demonstrated that the propagation of the blasting stress waves and changing structures have an important relationship. A numerical simulation of the blasting stress wave propagation law in a layered jointed rock mass was carried out. This study found that with an increase in the joint angle, the peak velocity of blasting stress wave, transmission coefficient and reflection coefficient all gradually increased, while the attenuation coefficient gradually decreased. With an increase in joint spacing, the attenuation rate of the blasting stress waves increased.  相似文献   

Due to the difficulty of the classical fracture mechanics in dealing with multicrack coalescence, the simulation of jointed rock failure has remained a worldwide problem since the middle of the last century. Through a nearly 10-year effort, we have developed a novel but simple discontinuum-based approach, namely DDARF (discontinuous deformation analysis for rock failure), to simulate the progressive failure process of jointed rock mass. In the proposed method, by adopting the FE adaptive mesh generation technique—the advanced front method, the computational model of triangular DDA block system is automatically established. Also, the randomly distributed mechanical parameters statistically satisfying Weibull’s law are assigned to the blocks to simulate the heterogeneity of rock mass. In the generating process of the block system, numerous artificial joints come into being. These artificial joints provide the potential paths along which the cracks generate and propagate. The two blocks beside an artificial joint are glued together through adhesive algorithm, and if the glue is invalid, the artificial joint will break and turn into a real crack. In this way, the rock fragmentation process can be simulated. The results of several verification examples indicate that the DDARF method can simulate the whole process of rock fragmentation, and is suitable for cases of intact rock, rock mass with non-penetrative joints, and even blocky rock.  相似文献   

爆破荷载作用下岩体振动特征的数值模拟   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:39  
根据福建牛头山水电站地基岩体爆破开挖监测,运用离散元方法模拟了节理岩体距爆源不同距离处质点的振动速度和频率的变化特征,由此确定岩体质点最大振动速度和振动主频随爆源距离的衰减规律,并得到了距爆源一定距离处质点最大振动速度和振动主频与爆破药量的关系。数值模拟与现场实测的结果表明,用离散元软件UDEC计算得到的岩体振动特征和衰减规律与现场监测结果是基本符合的,误差在工程应用的允许范围之内,因此UDEC用于对岩体动态响应的数值模拟是适合的。  相似文献   

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