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一种基于DEM的洪水有源淹没算法的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪水淹没范围的确定是洪灾损失评估和防洪决策的核心环节,现已成为GIS在水利应用领域的研究前沿,洪水淹没模拟分为有源淹没和无源淹没两种情形,针对有源淹没的递归算法占用计算机资源较多,容易造成系统堆栈溢出,导致程序崩溃等缺陷,丈中提出了一种计算洪水有源淹没范围算法:堆栈节点遍历算法:其以.NET为编程基础平台,在GIS技术的基础上应用数字高程模型(DEM)的格网模型进行洪水淹没分析一通过与原有的递归算法对比,该算法在一定程度上提高了计算效率和稳定性,最后成功应用在“南昌洪水淹没分析系统”中,对促进防洪减灾的信息化建设有一定意义。  相似文献   

GIS支持下的洪水淹没范围模拟   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
洪水淹没范围的确定是洪灾损失评估的核心环节。采用地理信息系统 (GIS)与水力演进模型,结合三维模拟技术和对象关系模型数据库,对浙江奉化江流域洪水淹没范围进行模拟。该方法能够准确地模拟洪水淹没范围,为快速评估洪灾损失和防洪决策服务提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

基于DEM的三峡区间洪水淹没范围模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于栅格型数字高程模型,采用VC 6.0和MapObjects进行三峡区间的洪水淹没模拟,包括数字高程模型数据的预处理、矢量与栅格数据的一体化管理、无源淹没和有源淹没分析模拟。应用结果表明:洪水淹没区范围可以准确计算,洪水淹没过程的动态可以清楚地图示,这为灾情评估和防洪决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

以滇东典型小流域——罗平县板桥小流域为例,进行滇东山区小流域山洪风险评估的实证研究,提出滇东小流域山洪灾害风险评估方法,得到结论如下:(1)首先采用曼宁公式推求设计洪水位;再次基于DEM利用地理信息技术进行洪水的淹没范围分析;最后根据淹没范围,统计不同危险区内的人口和建筑等的分布情况,从而进行洪灾损失评估。(2)根据对小流域暴雨洪水的计算,采用水文比拟法推算出板桥小流域范围内10个重要河段控制断面的设计洪峰流量,然后再采用曼宁公式进行洪峰水位推求,其中有8个现状防洪能力不能抵抗10a一遇的洪水,现状防洪能力较低。因此板桥小流域范围内重点沿河村落的防洪能力亟待提高。  相似文献   

基于GIS城市洪水淹没模拟分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
向素玉  陈军 《地球科学》1995,20(5):575-580
城市洪水淹没范围动态模拟分析是城市防洪规划与防治决策的一个重要基础工作。本文主要研究洪水从翻堤口出发在地理空间蔓延、扩散、动态行进及确定淹没范围的数字模拟方法。为此,根据数学形态学及测地圆概念,研究设计了洪水扩散范围的“膨胀”模拟算法和淹没范围搜索算法,用于查询淹没通块中从翻堤处到任一点之间的淹没路径和t时刻洪水扩散范围。  相似文献   

中国防洪若干重大问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为配合中国水利部组织编制全国主要江河防洪规划工作,对与编制防洪规划有关的若干重大问题进行了研究。提出用20世纪发生过的大洪水淹没范围作为界定防洪区的基础;风险管理最重要的是规避风险和应对风险,而规避风险的核心是约束人类不合理的经济社会活动,降低洪水灾害造成的风险;当防洪区受到两种洪水风险威胁时,应当采用二维概率分布核查防洪区的标准;合理提高城市防洪标准,是城市防洪的首要任务;要协调城市防洪与城市建设的关系,充分发挥城市拦蓄雨洪的作用(如保留必要的水面率、雨水利用等),蓄排兼顾,而不宜过分强调城市排水;建议根据淹没水深、淹没历时和洪水频率组成的洪水风险度因子划分蓄滞洪区风险区,并结合蓄滞洪区自然地理条件比选安全建设模式。  相似文献   

溃坝洪水特征及计算方法探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溃坝的发生和溃坝洪水的形成属于非正常和难于预测的事件,计算溃坝洪水的大小可以大致确定水库下游影响范围和到达下游的时间,为溃坝洪水的防范提供依据。本文以甘肃某水库为研究对象,对溃坝洪水进行计算,可计算出下游各断面溃坝洪峰与溃坝水位,确定溃坝洪水淹没范围,并根据下游淹没的重要城镇的社会经济状况,估算下游溃坝淹没损失,最终发现溃坝后果比较严重,而水库实际抗洪能力略低于国家现行规范要求,需采取坝顶加高处理措施,使坝顶高程与溢洪道顶高程齐平,使水库防洪标准达到500 a,保证水库安全运行,为下游重点城市和人民群众提供安全保障。  相似文献   

张静  倪金  马诗敏  逯兰 《地质与资源》2021,30(5):590-594
采用25 m分辨率的DEM并收集多年洪水位、潮位数据,以保证源数据的精度和可靠性.结合研究区地貌特征和水系分布,基于ArcGIS的空间分析工具采用种子蔓延法进行了有源淹没分析计算,得到淹没区范围和水深分布图.结果表明:淹没区主要分布在水库和河流下游的冲洪积平原和海积平原,淹没面积共318.08 km2,占全区陆域面积的18.6%.洪水淹没深度为0~7.6 m.以水库为种子点的淹没区域较大,淹没水深自种子点到海岸线逐渐增大;以河流为种子点的淹没区域呈带状分布,淹没水深自河流中线向两侧逐渐减小.  相似文献   

水库汛限水位调整与运用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
基于对水库汛限水位主要影响因素的系统分析,从洪水资源安全利用的角度出发,阐明了水库汛限水位调整综合分析论证所应遵循的原则,提出了风险设计分析论证的框架、定量分析方法和汛限水位合理调整的论证。最后以海河流域潘家口水库为分析实例,从设计洪水、预报预泄、洪水预报调度方式、上下游防洪设计标准、上游移民淹没及土地退赔线、水库长期运行的风险和效益等多个方面分析论证了水库汛限水位的合理调整方案。  相似文献   

为了定量获取防洪保护区在多洪源和复杂边界条件下的溃堤洪水风险信息,以非恒定流控制方程为理论基础,建立了多洪源一维河网水动力学模型和防洪保护区二维洪水演进模型,利用溃坝模型实现河道与保护区的耦联,并采用局部网格加密和相似建筑物模拟等方法处理保护区内道路等复杂边界的导阻水作用。利用所建模型模拟了长江、汉江和东荆河3种不同洪水来源, 在4种不同位置溃堤情况下汉南至白庙长江干堤防洪保护区的洪水淹没情景,采用基于淹没水深的损失率关系法对比分析了4种计算方案的淹没面积、经济损失和受灾人口。结果表明:模型构建合理、稳定性和适应性好,复杂边界对洪水演进过程影响明显,不同洪源溃堤情形的风险信息差异较大;在计算条件下,以长江发生1954年型300年一遇洪水向新溃口情形下的淹没损失最严重,其淹没面积达3 790 km2,受灾人口为196.8万人,经济损失约802亿元。研究成果可为洪水风险管理与避洪转移决策提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The study proposes an original methodology for producing probability-weighted hazard maps based on an ensemble of numerical simulations. These maps enable one to compare different strategies for flood risk management. The methodology was applied over a 270-km2 flood-prone area close to the left levee system of a 28-km reach of the river Reno (Northern Central Italy). This reach is characterised by the presence of a weir that allows controlled flooding of a large flood-prone area during major events. The proposed probability-weighted hazard maps can be used to evaluate how a structural measure such as the mentioned weir alters the spatial variability of flood hazard in the study area. This article shows an application by constructing two different flood hazard maps: a first one which neglects the presence of the weir using a regular levee system instead, and a second one that reflects the actual geometry with the weir. Flood hazard maps were generated by combining the results of several inundation scenarios, simulated by coupling 1D- and 2D-hydrodynamic models.  相似文献   

Floods have been the most severe natural disasters in the West Black Sea Region of Turkey for many years; therefore Ulus Basin is selected as a study area for a thorough hydrologic flood analysis. The lack of embankments around the Ulus River and careless changes to the riverbed made by villagers, resulted in major flood events in the basin, causing significant damage in the area. In this study, the hydrodynamic characteristics of the basin and the riverbed are determined by calibrating the hydraulic module of the MIKE 11 modeling system with the observed 1991 flood. Then, for the 25-, 50- and 100-year floods the highest water levels in the river are forecasted by integration of the MIKE 11 hydrologic and hydraulic modules. Afterwards, inundation maps are obtained by using together the hydraulic and GIS modules of the MIKE 11 system.  相似文献   

Semarang is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia and is nowadays suffering from coastal flooding. Land subsidences, high water tide, and inadequate structural measures play important roles in the coastal inundations. Structural and non-structural methods for controlling coastal flooding including dykes, drainage systems, pump stations, polder systems, coastal-land reclamations, coastal planning and management, public education, as well as the establishment of an institutional framework for disaster management have been implemented in the Semarang coastal area. Although some improvements have been made, the current flood management system has generally failed to address a wide range of coastal inundation problems. Some improvement actions have been proposed including stakeholders involvement on the disaster mitigation. For a long period coastal management, accelerated sea level rises due to global warming should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

Geomorphological zoning for flood inundation using satellite data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors investigated geomorphological features on the central plain of Thailand utilizing satellite remote sensing data and made geomorphological land classification map showing flood-stricken area. Land classification maps showing flood-striken area tell us former flood inundation area, such as inundation depth, inundation width, flood flow course and flood direction, as well as estimating of the features of flooding. Thus map is useful for planning of flood control works.We classified land form units in the central plain of Thailand as following; delta, tidal flat, lagoon, mud spit, back marsh, natural levee, fan and former river course and so on. After that, the principal component analysis is applied to Landsat TM data and gives good results for photo interpretation of land form units and we transfer geomorphological land classification map to make zoning map of flood risk for the purpose of evaluating the flood damages.  相似文献   

当前洪水风险分析按照典型设计标准洪水进行计算的模式难以满足实际防洪管理需要,为了提高洪水风险分析的实时性以及适应洪水演进的动态性,设计了动态实时洪水风险分析框架。在本框架中,先采用一维和二维动态耦合水动力学数值方法耦合溃堤模型,然后在樵桑联围防洪保护区建立洪水演进模拟模型,通过灵活处理模型计算边界条件以及动态设置溃堤功能,计算不同设计标准洪水发生时,堤防出现单一溃口或者组合溃口后保护区内洪水演进过程。按照上述框架开发了樵桑联围动态实时洪水风险图编制与管理应用系统,并利用历史洪水资料开展模型验证,验证结果表明,2008-06洪水马口站、三水站、大熬站、甘竹(一)站的实测最高水位和模型计算最高水位的绝对误差分别为-0.10、0.10、0.09、0.04 m,均满足洪水模拟精度要求。利用模型计算了西江发生200年一遇的洪水情况下,江根堤防出现溃口后的洪水流量及溃口内外洪水水位变化过程,模拟溃口宽度168 m,最大溃口洪水流量达到5 190 m3,分析了堤防溃决后3、6和24 h洪水漫延导致村落淹没情况,结果表明其满足合理性分析。  相似文献   

Remote sensing is the most practical method available to managers of flood-prone areas for quantifying and mapping flood impacts. This study explored large inundation areas in the Maghna River Basin, around the northeastern Bangladesh, as determined from passive sensor LANDSAT data and the cloud-penetrating capabilities of the active sensors of the remote imaging microwave RADARSAT. This study also used passive sensor LANDSAT wet and dry images for the year 2000. Spatial resolution was 30 m by 30 m for comparisons of the inundation area with RADARSAT images. RADARSAT images with spatial resolution of 50 m by 50 m were used for frequency analysis of floods from 2000 to 2004. Time series images for 2004 were also used. RADARSAT remote sensing data, GIS data, and ground data were used for the purpose of flood monitoring, mapping and assessing. A supervised classification technique was used for this processing. They were processed for creating a maximum water extent map and for estimating inundation areas. The results of this study indicated that the maximum extent of the inundation area as estimated using RADARSAT satellite imaging was about 29, 900.72 km2 in 2004, which corresponded well with the heavy rainfall around northeast region, as seen at the Bhairab Bazar station and with the highest water level of the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna (GBM) Rivers. A composite of 5 years of RADARSAT inundation maps from 2000 to 2004, GIS data, and damage data, was used to create unique flood hazard maps. Using the damage data for 2004 and the GIS data, a set of damage maps was also created. These maps are expected to be useful for future planning and flood disaster management. Thus, it has been demonstrated that RADARSAT imaging data acquired over the Bangladesh have the ability to precisely assess and clarify inundation areas allowing for successful flood monitoring, mapping and disaster management.  相似文献   

Tidal inundation by high tide under enhanced land subsidence is a damaging phenomenon and a major threat to the Semarang urban area in Indonesia. It impacts on economic activities, as well as the cost of an emergency program and causes interruption of pubic services, danger of infectious diseases and injury to human lives. This study examines a spatial analysis tool on the GIS-raster system for the tidal inundation mapping based on the subsidence-benchmark data and modified detail digital elevation model. Neighborhood operation and iteration model as a spatial analysis tool have been applied in order to calculate the encroachment of the tidal inundation on the coastal area. The resulting map shows that the tidal flood spreads to the lowland area and causes the inundation of coastal settlement, infrastructure, as well as productive agricultural land, i.e., the fish-pond area. The monitoring of the vulnerable area due to the tidal inundation under the scenario of extended land subsidence plays an important role in long-term coastal zone management in Semarang.  相似文献   

Applied flood risk analyses, especially in urban areas, very often pose the question how detailed the analysis needs to be in order to give a realistic figure of the expected risk. The methods used in research and practical applications range from very basic approaches with numerous simplifying assumptions up to very sophisticated, data and calculation time demanding applications both on the hazard and on the vulnerability part of the risk. In order to shed some light on the question of required model complexity in flood risk analyses and outputs sufficiently fulfilling the task at hand, a number of combinations of models of different complexity both on the hazard and on the vulnerability side were tested in a case study. The different models can be organized in a model matrix of different complexity levels: On the hazard side, the approaches/models selected were (A) linear interpolation of gauge water levels and intersection with a digital elevation model (DEM), (B) a mixed 1D/2D hydraulic model with simplifying assumptions (LISFLOOD-FP) and (C) a Saint-Venant 2D zero-inertia hyperbolic hydraulic model considering the built environment and infrastructure. On the vulnerability side, the models used for the estimation of direct damage to residential buildings are in order of increasing complexity: (I) meso-scale stage-damage functions applied to CORINE land cover data, (II) the rule-based meso-scale model FLEMOps+ using census data on the municipal building stock and CORINE land cover data and (III) a rule-based micro-scale model applied to a detailed building inventory. Besides the inundation depths, the latter two models consider different building types and qualities as well as the level of private precaution and contamination of the floodwater. The models were applied in a municipality in east Germany, Eilenburg. It suffered extraordinary damage during the flood of August 2002, which was well documented as were the inundation extent and depths. These data provide an almost unique data set for the validation of flood risk analyses. The analysis shows that the combination of the 1D/2D model and the meso-scale damage model FLEMOps+ performed best and provide the best compromise between data requirements, simulation effort, and an acceptable accuracy of the results. The more detailed approaches suffered from complex model set-up, high data requirements, and long computation times.  相似文献   

The recurrent flooding during monsoon and subsequent waterlogging in the northern Bihar plains and the magnitude of losses due to these hazards indicate the continuing vulnerability of the region to flood and waterlogging. Management of floods and waterlogging hazards in highly flood-prone regions of India, including Bihar state has been largely response oriented with little or no attention to mitigation and preparedness. This paper presents a method for spatial, Geographic Information Systems-based assessment of flood and waterlogging vulnerability and risk in northern Bihar plains. Multitemporal satellite data was used to evaluate the area statistics and dynamics of waterlogging over the period from 1975 to 2008. The flood proneness is evaluated at district level with reference to flood inundation during a period from 1998 to 2008. Census data were used to examine the socio-economic characteristics of the region through computation of population density, cultivators, agricultural labourers, sex ratio, children in age group 0–6 years and literates. The geohazard map derived by combining area prone to waterlogging and flood inundation was multiplied with socio-economic vulnerability map to derive the flood-waterlogging risk map of the region. The result shows that flood and water-logging pose highest risk to the central districts in the northern Bihar plains with 50.95% of the total area under high and very high risk.  相似文献   

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