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新元古代地球各圈层的耦合过程具有明显的阶段性特征,自老而新分别以广泛的岩浆作用、全球性的冰期事件和早期生命的迅速分化并繁盛为标志,地质年代表据此将这三个地史阶段分别命名为拉伸纪、成冰纪和埃迪卡拉纪。其中,成冰纪Sturtian冰期的启动时代和Marinoan冰期的消融时代,是标定新元古代3个"纪"级单元的直接依据。因而,成冰纪冰期事件的期次、规模、时代和成因问题,始终是地球科学领域近30年来的基础和热点课题。现有资料显示,成冰纪的两次剧烈冰室气候结束之后,地球迅速进入了极度温室环境,这种剧烈的摆动即"极端气候事件"。目前已有数种模型描述了大气CO_2含量的变化对"新元古代极端气候事件"的控制作用;另外,对于杂砾岩、冰碛岩和块状冰碛岩各自蕴含的地质意义,也有学者开始重视并加以区分。地处我国西北地区的塔里木陆块,在东北缘的库鲁克塔格、西北缘的阿克苏-乌什-柯坪、西南缘的叶城一带,均出露了南华-震旦纪的杂砾岩记录。前期研究显示,塔里木陆块不同地区的新元古代冰川作用记录,存在岩性组合(如盖帽碳酸盐岩的发育与否)、沉积相、期次和时代等方面的巨大差异。与其他地区相比,出露于叶城一带的恰克马克力克群波龙组和雨塘组冰碛岩,目前缺少有效的年代学约束,也缺乏系统的块状冰碛岩化学成分研究。本文认为,以波龙组、雨塘组的块状冰碛岩为实例,开展全球同期块状冰碛岩的对比研究和综合分析,可以恢复相应时期地壳表层物质的基本组成特征,为理解新元古代极端气候事件的触发机制,提供直接证据。  相似文献   

新元古代成冰纪地球经历了全球性的Sturtian冰期和Marinoan冰期。两次冰期间存在的成冰纪间冰期,是华南锰矿和多金属黑色页岩等矿产形成的关键期,然而目前对该间冰期的形成机制和海洋-大气-陆地环境变化尚不清晰。本研究对贵州五河剖面成冰纪地层(大塘坡组)开展了元素地球化学研究。结果表明,成冰纪间冰期的形成受到大规模火山作用驱动,除直接向海洋输送大量的火山组分(Hg、Tl等)外,还引起全球变暖,导致大陆化学风化增强并使得陆源物质(如Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf等)向海洋的输送增多。火山作用和陆源风化还可能向海洋输送大量的营养物质,引起海洋生产力增大,表层海水的氧化加速海水中Mn元素的沉淀,从而对该时期大规模锰矿的形成起到重要控制作用。成冰纪间冰期与海底火山(或热液)活动相关的元素(如In、Sn、Ag、Cu、Zn、Ni、Bi等)含量普遍不高,甚至出现异常,表明成冰纪间冰期的产生不受海底火山作用驱动而更可能受陆地大规模火山作用驱动。本研究结果表明成冰纪间冰期海洋-大气-陆地系统的环境变化存在密切耦合关系。  相似文献   

胡军  程猛  陈欣阳  叶琴  安志辉  李超 《地质学报》2023,97(9):3075-3086
新元古代成冰纪(南华纪)(720~635 Ma)以全球性冰期事件而闻名。这次冰期事件对早期生命演化产生了显著影响,被认为是生命演化的“过滤器”和“瓶颈”。冰期前后生物对比表明生物演化并未中断,暗示冰期过程中存在生物避难所。扬子板块北缘神农架地区成冰系南沱组中发现了罕见的宏体藻类生物记录——宋洛生物群。为了探究成冰纪全球性冰期背景下,古环境与生物幸存之间的关系,本文对扬子北缘宋洛剖面和青林口剖面南沱组内含化石页岩层和不含化石泥岩层开展了元素地球化学对比研究。结果显示,不含化石泥岩层沉积于半咸水氧化环境,而含“宋洛生物群”化石的页岩层沉积于冰消期末期,当时海洋为正常盐度、次氧化状态,该地区具有相对温暖的气候条件。这可能为“宋洛生物群”在极端冰期下幸存并保存为化石提供了有利条件。该研究也表明新元古代极端冰期事件中的确存在适合复杂生命生存的避难所。  相似文献   

早期贫氧地球如何演化至现今富氧地球是理解地球宜居性形成与演化的关键,但重建地质历史时期地球大气与海洋氧含量仍是地球科学领域的重大挑战.金属稳定同位素的高精度测试分析为示踪地球大气与海洋氧化历史提供了新的研究手段.以Mo、U、Tl、Cr四种氧化还原敏感金属稳定同位素体系为例,详细介绍了氧化还原敏感金属稳定同位素地球化学行为及分馏机理.在此基础上,系统回顾了金属稳定同位素在研究产氧光合作用的起源、大氧化事件(Great Oxidation Event,GOE)、中元古代大气和海洋氧化还原状态、新元古代氧化事件(NOE)等重大科学问题中的研究进展.金属稳定同位素在重建地球表层圈层氧化过程具有广阔的应用前景,对认识地球宜居性的演化历史以及探索其未来发展趋势具有深远意义.   相似文献   

中国北方从东到西绵延3000 km范围上的华北克拉通、塔里木克拉通及其中间微地块上都保存有埃迪卡拉纪冰川沉积记录,但有关它的年代学、冰川规模、古地理重建和大地构造背景等存有争论。本文基于中国北方埃迪卡拉纪冰碛岩空间分布、地层与沉积层序,沉积环境与沉积相等,结合以往国内外文献,系统分析了埃迪卡拉纪冰川上述有关问题。研究揭示,埃迪卡拉纪时期,国内外应存在年轻于(Gaskiers)580 Ma的冰期;中国北方埃迪卡拉纪冰川时限约562.5~551 Ma,堆积了冰下、冰缘和冰前沉积相(物),构成垂向上(由下至上)从冰下至冰前与海相冰碛物沉积层序,符合大陆冰川(盖)沉积响应样式;此外,国内外埃迪卡拉纪冰碛岩及冰川剥蚀地貌均十分发育;部分冰碛岩之上还可见盖帽白云岩,并呈现与成冰纪盖帽白云岩类似的沉积构造,但彼此碳同位素剖面却不尽相同;本研究推测,埃迪卡拉纪时期,原特提斯洋及周缘大陆(群)可能普遍存在至少是洲际性大陆冰盖,甚至是全球性的冰期。研究认为,埃迪卡拉纪时期的亚洲陆块群应与冈瓦纳大陆缺乏构造亲缘性的若干重要证据。本文研究结果在埃迪卡拉纪大陆及其古地理重建和大地构造背景恢复方面具有重要科学意义...  相似文献   

新元古代晚期地球经历了两次“雪球地球”事件,对冰期后埃迪卡拉纪的海洋氧化和多细胞生物的多样化产生了重大影响。然而由于冰期化学沉积岩的缺乏,迄今为止对南沱冰期海洋氧化还原条件了解不多。碳酸盐岩稀土元素地球化学特征能有效地反映其形成时的环境条件,已广泛用于恢复地质历史时期古环境条件。在贵州省松桃地区发现了一套南沱组自生沉积的碳酸盐岩,为探讨华南地区南沱冰期海洋古环境提供了理想的地质材料。该白云岩产于南沱组下部,厚约1.6 m,夹于两套冰碛砾岩中间。采用微钻技术钻取白云岩粉末,稀醋酸溶样,利用等离子体质谱仪(ICP?MS)进行稀土和其他微量元素分析。分析结果显示稀土元素含量较高,ΣREE为(23.0~46.6)×10-6,PAAS标准化后稀土元素显示Ce的弱负异常或无异常(平均值0.90),可变的Eu和La异常,中稀土富集,Y/Ho比值平均为34.6。白云岩稀土配分特征与现代氧化的海水明显不同,结合样品中高的Fe、Mn含量特征,反映了南沱冰期华南地区表层海水整体处于缺氧富铁的环境,可能制约了冰期后的海洋氧化和多细胞真核生物的演化。  相似文献   

前寒武纪(4.6 Ga~541 Ma)占据约90%的地球发展历史.该时期大气成分、海洋氧化还原条件、全球气候和生命演化历程等均发生极大程度的改变,为现在的地球系统奠定了基础.地球轨道参数是描述地球系统演化过程的重要指标,对于研究日地系统、地月系统及地球本身演化具有重要意义.近年来一些学者在全球范围内2650~550 M...  相似文献   

张丕远  葛全胜 《地学前缘》1997,4(1):122-126
地球系统的历史信息是评估全球变化的一项重要因素。前些年,过去气候研究中发现了气候的突然变化的现象,突变语气大多出现在冰期,或由冰期向间冰期的过渡时期、并认为这是冰盖的成冰与溶解过程造成海水铅直运动的结果。近些年,过去气候研究还发现在间冰期中也出现突变。我国的历史文献,冰芯和沉积的高分辨率的古气候恢复工作发现近2000年中国气候明显存在着突变事件。  相似文献   

新元古代重大地质事件及其与生物演化的耦合关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新元古代的地球表层系统经历了超大陆裂解与重组、大规模冰期、古海洋氧化、埃迪卡拉生物群辐射与灭绝、后生动物兴起等一系列重大变革,这些地质事件与生物演化在时空上的耦合关系长期受多学科交叉研究领域的广泛关注。Rodinia超大陆的裂解伴随有超级地幔柱活动、古地磁真极移等复杂响应,裂解过程影响了大气圈和水圈中氧气和二氧化碳的循环,并可能直接导致了新元古代极端的气候条件。构造格局的变动对生物的影响主要体现在物质来源和生存环境的改变上,强上升洋流和强地表径流区域的富营养化促使生物大量繁盛。“雪球地球”期间巨大的选择压力为生物的多样化演变提供了可能,而其后冰川的快速消融则促进了生产力的爆发式增长及多种沉积矿产的形成。与此同时,大气-海洋氧气含量的增加和海水化学结构的改变使得多项元素及同位素指标发生了地质历史上最大幅度的波动,这种特殊的地质背景可能最终对生物演化产生了极为深刻的影响。  相似文献   

闫斌  朱祥坤  张飞飞  唐索寒 《地质学报》2014,88(8):1603-1615
通过分析宜昌峡东地区九龙湾剖面埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组黑色页岩的微量元素和Fe同位素组成,对埃迪卡拉纪海洋的氧化还原状态进行了制约。黑色页岩氧化还原敏感元素的富集系数以及U/Th、V/(V+Ni)、V/Cr值等在陡山沱期存在着明显的演化趋势。这些趋势显示陡山沱组二段下部水体处于氧化的状态,陡山沱组二段上部水体处于还原状态,陡山沱组四段黑色页岩发育在氧化环境中。同时,陡山沱组二段下部黑色页岩富集重的Fe同位素,表明黑色页岩来自于海水的铁主要是以Fe3+的氧化物或氢氧化物形式沉淀的,进一步说明这个时期的水体处于氧化状态。综合黑色页岩微量元素和Fe同位素信息,显示在埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱早期海水经历了先氧化后还原的过程,陡山沱晚期海水变得氧化了。这种特征与埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱期生物群的出现和演化相对应,说明海洋的氧化为埃迪卡拉纪生物的出现和演化提供了前提条件。  相似文献   

Sedimentological observations and palaeomagnetic data for Cryogenian glacial deposits present the climatic paradox of grounded glaciers and in situ cold climate near sea-level, glaciomarine deposition, and accompanying large (up to 40 °C) seasonal changes of temperature, all in low to near-equatorial (< 10°) palaeolatitudes (equated with geographic latitudes). Neither the “snowball Earth” nor the “slushball Earth” hypothesis can account for such strong seasonality near the palaeoequator, which together with findings from sedimentology, chemostratigraphy, biogeochemistry, micropalaeontology, geochronology and climate modelling argue against those scenarios. An alternative explanation of glaciation and strong seasonality in low palaeolatitudes is offered by a high (> 54°) obliquity of the ecliptic, which would render the equator cooler than the poles, on average, and amplify global seasonality. A high obliquity per se would not have been a primary trigger for glaciation, but would have strongly influenced the latitudinal distribution of glaciers. The principle of low-latitude glaciation on a terrestrial planet with high obliquity is validated by theoretical studies and observations of Mars. A high obliquity for the early Earth is a likely outcome of a single giant impact at 4.5 Ga, the widely favoured mechanism for lunar origin. This implies that a high obliquity could have prevailed during most of the Precambrian, controlling the low palaeolatitude of glaciations in the early and late Palaeoproterozoic and Cryogenian. It is postulated that the obliquity changed to < 54° between the termination of the last Cryogenian low-palaeolatitude glaciation at ≤ 635 Ma and the initiation of Late Ordovician–Early Silurian circum-polar glaciation at 445 Ma.The High Obliquity, Low-latitude Ice, STrong seasonality (HOLIST) hypothesis for pre-Ediacaran glaciation emerges favourably from numerous glacial and non-glacial tests. The hypothesis is in accord with such established or implied features of Cryogenian glaciogenic successions as extensive and long-lived open seas, an active hydrological cycle, aridity and palaeowesterly (reversed zonal) winds in low palaeolatitudes, and the apparent diachronism or non-correlation of some low-palaeolatitude glaciations. A pre-Ediacaran high obliquity also offers a viable solution of the faint young Sun paradox of a warm Archaean Earth. Furthermore, reduction of obliquity during the Ediacaran–early Palaeozoic would have yielded a more habitable globe with much reduced seasonal stresses and may have been an important factor influencing the unique evolutionary events of the Ediacaran and Cambrian. The palaeolatitudinal distribution of evaporites cannot discriminate unambiguously between high- and low-obliquity states for the pre-Ediacaran Earth. Intervals of true polar wander such as postulated by others for the Ediacaran and Early Cambrian imply major mass-redistributions within the Earth at those times, which may provide a potential mechanism for reducing the obliquity during the Ediacaran–early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

新元古代冰期及其年代   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新元古代在全球范围内出现了几期冰期事件,称之为“雪球地球”事件。这种剧烈的环境变化带来此后地球上生命演化的一次飞跃。“雪球地球”事件的核心是全球冰期的同时性,需要同位素地质年代学的证据。新元古代末期两次主要的冰期事件是Marinoan冰期和Sturtian冰期,其中Marinoan冰期结束于635Ma;Sturtian冰期可能发生在710~720Ma,已发表的年龄数据限定它在670Ma之前结束。Marinoan冰期后的Gaskiers冰期发生在580~590Ma。对华南的古城、铁丝坳、长安组、江口组等进行进一步精确定年,将对限定Sturtian冰期持续时间和Cryogenian、南华系的下限年龄具有重要意义。  相似文献   

华南南华系对应于国际上的成冰系,关于其沉积时限长期存在争议。近十余年来,通过高精度锆石U-Pb定年,已经基本敲定南华系的重要时间节点。长安组底界年龄被限定在ca. 717 Ma,莲沱组顶部沉积时间被限定在ca. 714 Ma。长安冰期中期暂时冰退的时间被限定在ca. 690 Ma,冰期终止时间限定在ca. 659 Ma。小行星撞击地球可能导致了长安冰期中期的暂时冰退,这期间形成的风暴沉积构造和丘状交错层理可以提供最直接的沉积学证据。结合世界其它地区报道的年龄,斯图特(长安)冰期的起止时间限定在了717~659 Ma。马力诺(南沱)冰期的启动时间被大致限定为649 Ma,终止时间被限定在ca. 635 Ma。结合世界其它地区年龄数据,马力诺冰期的启动时间可限定在649~639 Ma。随着后续工作的深入,马力诺冰期的启动时间范围应会被进一步缩小。华南南华系沉积时限的准确厘定对于理解全球成冰纪地质-生物-环境事件具有重要意义。马力诺冰期持续时间约14 Myr,远远小于长安冰期的持续时间(约58 Myr)。冰期末期大规模岩浆作用是导致这两次冰期持续时间不同的直接原因。通过模拟计算发现,扬子北缘...  相似文献   

The Cambrian explosion, c. 530–515 Ma heralded the arrival of a diverse assembly of multicellular life including the first hard-shelled organisms. Fossils found in Cambrian strata represent the ancestors of most modern animal phyla. In contrast to the apparent explosiveness seen in the Cambrian fossil record, studies of molecular biology hint that the diversification observed in Cambrian strata was rooted in ancestry extending back into the Ediacaran (635–542 Ma). Fossil evidence for this mostly cryptic phase of evolution is derived from the soft-bodied fossils of the Ediacaran biota found throughout the world and bilaterian embryos found in the Doushantuo lagerstätte in South China. The first appearance of Ediacara fauna is thought to have followed the last of the ~ 750–635 Ma Neoproterozoic glacial episodes by 20–30 million years. In this paper, we present evidence for the oldest discovery of the ‘Ediacara’ discoidal fossils Nimbia occlusa and Aspidella terranovica (?) that predate the early Cryogenian glaciations by more than fifty million years. There is considerable disagreement over the significance of discoidal Ediacaran fossils, but our findings may support earlier suggestions that metazoan life has roots extending deeper into the Proterozoic Eon. We also confirm the presence of a Late Cryogenian (e.g. “Marinoan”) glaciation on the Lesser Karatau microcontinent including dropstones and striated clasts within the glacial strata.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of the northern Paraguay Belt, Brazil, is critical in two current controversies: (i) the number, timing and significance of Ediacaran glaciations; and (ii) the timing of amalgamation of South American Gondwana. The Neoproterozoic Alto Paraguay Group forms much of the northern Paraguay Belt. The Serra Azul Formation, within this Group, contains unequivocal evidence for a glacial influence on sedimentation, including multi‐directional striations on sandstone clasts and striated, polished and bullet‐shaped mudstone clasts. However, the age of the Serra Azul Formation is not well‐constrained. The northern Paraguay Belt also formed after the traditionally accepted time for amalgamation of South American Gondwana. If the orogen represents closure of an ocean, then this traditional view is incorrect. A significant number of single grain 40Ar/39Ar detrital muscovite cooling ages (ca 120) from the Alto Paraguay Group are presented. The three youngest grains from the Serra Azul Formation yield a weighted mean age of 640 ± 15 Myr, providing a robust maximum depositional age for this formation. This age, when considered with other data, suggests that the Serra Azul Formation developed in a mid‐Ediacaran glaciation consistent with that expressed in the Gaskiers Formation of Newfoundland, Canada. Cryogenian 40Ar/39Ar detrital muscovite ages from the Alto Paraguay Group are hard to reconcile with the known geology of Amazonia and are interpreted as being sourced from the evolving orogen to the east – from an arc terrane, possibly the Goiás–Paranapanema Massif. Detrital muscovites in the upper part of the Alto Paraguay Group are as young as 544 ± 7 Myr, consistent with mounting evidence that indicates a Cambrian age for orogenesis within the Paraguay Belt during the final amalgamation of Gondwana. This article suggests that the data best support a model where ocean closure in the region continued until Ediacaran/Cambrian times, with final ocean closure represented by orogenesis in the Paraguay–Araguaia orogen.  相似文献   

At least six glaciations are purported to have affected North Africa and the Middle East region over the last one billion years, including two in the Cryogenian (Neoproterozoic), Hirnantian (Late Ordovician), Silurian, Carboniferous and Early Permian events. The sedimentary record associated with these glaciations, together with the intensity to which each has been investigated, is highly variable. As hydrocarbon exploration proceeds aggressively across the North Africa and Middle East regions, we review the relationship between glaciation and hydrocarbon accumulations.With the exception of Oman, and locally Egypt, which were tectonically active both during the Neoproterozoic and Early Palaeozoic all glaciations took place along an essentially stable passive continental margin. During the Neoproterozoic, two glaciations are recognised, referred to as older and younger Cryogenian glaciations respectively. Both of these Cryogenian events are preserved in Oman; only the younger Cryogenian has been reported in North Africa in Mauritania and Mali at the flanks of the Taoudenni Basin. The process of initial deglaciation in younger Cryogenian glaciations resulted in incision, at least locally producing large-bedrock palaeovalleys in Oman, and the deposition of glacial diamictites, gravels, sandstones and mudstones. As deglaciation progressed “cap carbonates” were deposited, passing vertically into shale with evidence for deposition in an anoxic environment. Hence, younger Cryogenian deglaciation may be associated with hydrocarbon source rock deposits.Hirnantian (Late Ordovician) glaciation was short lived (< 0.5 Myr) and affected intracratonic basins of Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The organisation of the glacial sedimentary record is considered to be controlled at the basin-scale by the location of fast-flowing ice streams active during glacial maxima, and by the processes of meltwater release during glacial recession. In these latter phases, subglacial tunnel valley networks were cut at or near the ice margin. These tunnel valleys were filled in two main phases. The initial phase was characterised by debris flow release, whereas during later phases of ice retreat a range of glaciofluvial, shallow glaciomarine to shelf deposits were laid down, depending on the water depth at the ice front. Production of linear accumulations of sediment, parallel to the ice front, also occurred between tunnel valleys at the grounding line. In Arabia, the geometry of these features may have been influenced by local tectonic uplift. As glaciogenic reservoirs, Hirnantian deposits are already of great economic significance across central North Africa. Therefore, an appreciation of the processes of ice sheet growth and decay provides significant insights into the controls on large-scale heterogeneities within these sediments, and in analogue deposits produced by glaciations of different ages.Deglacial, Early Silurian black shale represents the most important Palaeozoic source rock across the region. Existing models do not adequately explain the temporal and spatial development of anoxia, and hence of black shale/deglacial source rocks. The origins of a palaeotopography previously invoked as the primary driver for this anoxia is allied to a complex configuration of palaeo-ice stream pathways, “underfilled” tunnel valley incisions, glaciotectonic deformation structures and re-activation of older crustal structures during rebound. A putative link with the development of Silurian glaciation in northern Chad is suggested. Silurian glaciation appears to have been restricted to the southern Al Kufrah Basin in the eastern part of North Africa, and was associated with the deposition of boulder beds. Equivalent deposits are lacking in shallow marine deposits in neighbouring outcrop belts.Evidence for Carboniferous–Permian glaciation is tentative in the eastern Sahara (SW Egypt) but well established on the Arabian Peninsula in Oman and more recently in Saudi Arabia. Pennsylvanian–Sakmarian times saw repeated glaciation–deglaciation cycles affecting the region, over a timeframe of about 20 Myr. Repeated phases of deglaciation produced a complex stratigraphy consisting, in part, of structureless sandstone intervals up to 50 m thick. Some of these sandstone intervals are major hydrocarbon intervals in the Omani salt basins. Whilst studies of the Hirnantian glaciation can provide lessons on the causes of large-scale variability within Carboniferous–Permian glaciogenic reservoirs, additional factors also influenced their geometry. These include the effects of topography produced during Hercynian orogenesis and the mobilisation and dissolution of the Precambrian Ara Salt. Deglacial or interglacial lacustrine shale, with abundant palynomorphs, is also important. Whilst both Cryogenian intervals and the Hirnantian–Rhuddanian deglaciation resulted in the deposition of glaciomarine deposits, Carboniferous–Permian deglaciation likely occurred within a lacustrine setting. Hence, compared to shales of other glacial epochs, the source rock potential of Carboniferous–Permian deglacial deposits is minimal.  相似文献   

Radiometric constraints on mid-Ediacaran Period glaciation (Gaskiers) in Newfoundland narrowed the known temporal gap between widespread ice ages and the evolution of complex metazoans to several million years. To further evaluate this claim we studied an Ediacaran glacial diamictite at the base of the Fauquier Formation of northern Virginia, and discovered a conformable relationship between the post-glacial cap carbonate and overlying volcanic rocks of the Catoctin Formation. U/Pb zircon age constraints for the rift-related volcanic flows suggest initial emplacement around 571 million years ago. Application of the Catoctin age to the Fauquier succession indicates the occurrence of an ice age about 10 million years younger than the 582 Ma Gaskiers event, supporting the view of multiple Ediacaran Period glaciations. Furthermore, the age constraint from eastern Laurentia falls within radiometric uncertainty of fossiliferous strata in Avalonia, indicating that the Fauquier glaciation was coincident with early metazoan evolution.  相似文献   

Postulated extreme sea-level rise of up to 1-1.5 km with the late Cryogenian Ghaub deglaciation in Namibia is contentious,as is the great rapidity(<104 yr)of the sea-level rise.Such extreme glacioeustatic events,if real,would have been global and affected all continents.In South Australia,up to six glacial advances and retreats during the late Cryogenian Elatina glaciation indicate a fluctuating ice margin.The latter stage of the Elatina glaciation and the immediate post-glacial environment are examined here for evidence of extreme and rapid sea-level rise.In the central Adelaide Rift Complex,diamictite with faceted and striated clasts occurs at the top of the Elatina Formation<1-2 m beneath the early Ediacaran Nuccaleena Formation’cap carbonate’.One hundred kilometres to the south,~30 m of siltstone and sandstone followed by^6 m of clast-poor diamictite with clasts 10+cm long occur between tidal rhythmites and the cap carbonate.Three hundred kilo metres further south,~70 m of siltsto ne,dolo mitic siltstone and minor dolomite separate tidal rhythmites and early Ediacaran strata.Hence the rhythmites were deposited during a high stand(interstadial or interglacial),not during post-glacial sea-level rise.Storm-generated erosional surfaces within tidal rhythmites at Warren Gorge indicate intermittent rhythmite deposition,and water depth and other palaeoenvironmental factors are uncertain,casting doubt on a published estimate of rapid sea-level rise during rhythmite deposition.The lack of late Cryogenian deeply incised valleys and thick valley-fill deposits in South Australia and central Australia argues against extreme sea-level variations.A hiatus occurred between Elatina deglaciation and deposition of the Nuccaleena cap carbonate,and three palaeomagnetic polarity chrons identified in the cap carbonate imply slow deposition spanning 10^5-10^6 yr.This is supported by independent evidence from magnetic chronostratigraphy for Ediacaran strata in South Australia and California,and by stratigraphic and sedimentological arguments for condensed deposition of cap carbonates.It is concluded that neither extreme nor rapid sea-level rise was associated with late Cryogenian deglaciation in South Australia.  相似文献   

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