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两汉时期西域戍边遗址驻军的农作物利用策略及生业模式研究对于深入了解中原王朝的屯垦政策以及西域汉代驻军的环境适应策略具有重要意义.目前,已有的西域屯垦戍边研究主要关注于军事屯田的起源、分布及影响等,而对两汉时期戍边遗址驻军的生业状况尤其是农作物组成及利用策略尚缺乏系统研究.本文通过对新疆(古代称为西域)石城子遗址土壤样品的植硅体分析与动物骨骼样品的稳定碳氮同位素研究,揭示了新疆汉代驻军多样的农作物利用策略及生业组成.研究发现黍(Panicum miliaceum)和青稞(Hordeum vulgare L.)应该是石城子遗址驻军主要的粮食作物,而房址地面土样中较高的C4植硅体含量可能表明驻军对植物资源,也许是谷物进行的脱壳处理.草拌泥土壤样品中发现的黍类稃壳遗存,则很好地揭示了农作物副产品在房址墙体建设中的重要作用.此外,羊(Ovis sp./Capra sp.)、牛(Bos sp.)等动物骨骼样品的稳定同位素分析更为我们展示了农作物栽培与家畜饲养之间的可能联系,具体表现为驻军可能利用黍类以及青稞作物秸秆对部分羊、牛等家养食草动物进行饲喂.而以黍与青稞为主的农业,以羊牛为主的畜牧业以及狩猎活动一道构成了石城子遗址驻军多样的生业组成.  相似文献   

杨凡  王青  王芬 《第四纪研究》2020,(2):418-427
中原地区是中国文明起源和国家形成的核心区域,农业的发展在某种程度促成了中华文明在这一地区的最终形成.农业经济的转变对先民食物结构和动物饲养方式都产生了影响,但目前的研究多为某一时间段的研究,需要长时间段的考量.对西金城遗址(35°06′22″N,113°06′53″E)出土的龙山文化、汉代和唐宋时期的人和动物骨骼开展了碳氮稳定同位素分析,分析结果表明:龙山文化时期西金城先民(δ13C=-9.3±3.1‰,δ15N=8.5±1.3‰,n=3)的食物结构以C4类(粟、黍)为主,其生计方式是以粟等旱作农业为主,并辅以少量的稻作农业生产,兼有稳定的家畜饲养和捕捞业.就动物食物结构而言,龙山文化时期以猪、狗为代表的家畜的食物结构和人类相似,先民主要用粟黍类作物副产品喂养家畜;汉代随着小麦、大豆等C3类农作物的推广普及,家畜的δ13C值降低,更多的小麦等作物被用于喂养家畜.唐宋时期虽然小麦的地位进一步上升,形成了"粟麦并重"的农作物格局,但先民却仍然偏向于用C4植物(粟黍)喂养家畜.  相似文献   

The current ecological crisis in the Aral basin is a result of a number of factors, including specific features of the history of economic activity of the local population. Interaction of sedentory farmers of oases and nomads of steppes and deserts was of the most importance. Periods of political centralization coincided with the rise and spread of irrigation-based farming, and vice versa, the reduction of irrigated areas occurred in troubled war and crises time. In modern times the total area of ancient irrigation lands in the lower reaches of Amu Darya and Syr Darya has mounted to 4,5 mln hectares. Complex archaeological study of these areas has made possible the reconstruction of complicated history of the development of irrigation and irrigation-based farming.  相似文献   

作为早期王权国家诞生的核心区域,洛阳盆地新石器时代晚期至青铜时代早期发生了剧烈的社会变革,对这一过程中该地区生业经济状况的研究主要集中于动植物考古方面,尚需其他证据予以全面评估。为此,本文对仰韶晚期的中沟遗址和龙山晚期至二里头早期的王圪垱遗址出土人骨开展了碳氮稳定同位素分析。研究发现,中沟(δ^13C=-7.5±1.4 ‰,δ^15N=8.5±0.8 ‰,n=28)与王圪垱遗址人群(δ^13C=-9.9±1.9 ‰,δ^15N=8.8±1.1 ‰,n=14)的δ^13C值略有差异,而δ^15N却比较接近。结合植物考古等相关研究结果,我们认为两遗址先民虽然均主要以粟、黍等C4类食物为食,但王圪垱先民食物中水稻的比例有所增加。这种状况可能与龙山晚期之后本地与南方稻作农业人群文化交流更加密切有关。本研究的另一发现是,中沟与王圪垱遗址中墓葬人群(δ^15N=8.9±0.6 ‰,n=17;δ^15N=9.2±1.0 ‰,n=9)的δ^15N值明显高于灰坑人群(δ^15N=7.8±0.7 ‰,n=11;δ^15N=7.9±0.7 ‰,n=5),即前者饮食中肉类比例高于后者。考虑到仰韶中期以来中原地区社会分层越演愈烈,肉食消费的多少一定程度上是人群分化的体现。  相似文献   

Dr. E. Mrohs 《GeoJournal》1982,6(4):327-330
Part-time farming has to be considered important in the Federal Republic of Germany. Only one half of the agricultural holdings are presently farmed as full-time farms, occupying 77 % of the farmed area. The importance of part-time farming is not associated with the production of agricultural commodities, but is connected with the combination of farming and non-farming activities.In the Federal States of Baden-Württemberg and Saarland there exists a traditional interrrelationship between industry and part-time farming. Other regions, predominantly peripheral middle-range mountain areas with small farms and less favored natural conditions, form other concentrations. As local job opportunities are often non-existant, it means that daily long distance travel to reach off-farm places of employment is necessary.The income situation of part-time farmers can be considered satisfactory. Only 14 % are unable to earn their living entirely from non-farm earnings and consequently depend upon agriculture. According to statements made by part-time farmers their motivation to remain in farming is influenced by the compensation of working in a more natural environment. In view of the present (unsatisfactory) income situation of many small full-time farms, part-time farming is likely to increase in the future and to form a stable element in the agricultural structure of the Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

The indigenous soil knowledge among the Fulani subsistence farmers in two villages of northern Burkina Faso is examined, analysed and assessed with the aim of evaluating its adequacy for sustaining soil fertility and for the appropriateness of tapping indigenous knowledge in development programmes. The analytical framework is a multidisciplinary approach combining soil science and anthropology. The results show a high degree of consistency between the science-based western soil classification and the Fulani soil classification although the routes of generation are different. The farmers are aware of and active in management of soil fertility based on their experience, but express no thorough understanding of the mechanisms of plant growth. The soil knowledge is applied in the farming strategies which, as a primary aim, seek to minimize the risk of harvest failure. However, the analysis also suggests that the knowledge is no part of a free-standing knowledge body which can be separated from the actual agricultural performance. The farmers express a general concern about the present state of the environment and degradation processes; however, there is no motivation to take active control of and manage the bush area. This is in contrast with the way millet cultivators actively manage their fields. An explanation of this is suggested by the division between the two Fulani ethnic subgroups, the FulBe who are the former masters and the RimayBe, the former slaves.  相似文献   

Zsuzsanna Varga 《GeoJournal》1998,46(3):215-219
Although agricultural work is declining in Hungary, farming remains an important source of employment. However, the agrarian population should not be regarded as homogenous because many small farms are worked only for subsistence and family income supplement. This is because of prolonged economic crisis which makes for a shortage of job opportunities in other sectors of the economy. Until economic growth accelerates there is a need for transitional solutions to the problem of unemployment. It is argued that the present farming system could be diversified through labour-intensive programmes to provide piped water and drainage in small towns and villages and simultaneously engage many of the long-term unemployed who are no longer entitled to benefit and lack the qualifications for jobs that require special skills. The environment could also be protected by the afforestation of 300–400 000 ha of arable land or its conversion to grassland. Light industry could also generate employment while stimulating the growth of local farm production and the improvement of the infrastructure. Training for unemployed young people should also be a priority if the erosion of rural labour resources is not to become irreversible. A much more proactive approach is needed from government to safeguard rural labour resources and achieve greater integration between forestry, farming and processing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

中原地区庙底沟时期(6000~5500 a B.P.)是中国北方旱作农业发展,农业社会建立的关键阶段,这一时期中原地区出现了文化面貌大范围统一的庙底沟文化,长期以来对于该文化农业生产模式缺乏较为系统的研究.本文通过系统的植物考古浮选法(以植物种子、果壳、木炭等为研究对象的大植物考古研究方法),在中原地区庙底沟时期杨官寨遗址和西坡遗址获取了丰富的炭化植物遗存.两处遗址共采集、分析了160份浮选样品,共获得3403粒炭化植物种子,包括1597粒粟(Setaria italica),414粒黍(Panicum miliaceum),少量大豆(Glycine max)和稻米(Oryza sativa),以及1460粒包括狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、豆科(Leguminosae)、藜(Chenopodium album)等在内的非农作物遗存.通过两处遗址出土炭化植物遗存,结合其他庙底沟时期中原地区遗址植物考古研究显示,中原地区庙底沟时期的农业生产模式为较为典型的旱作农业传统,粟、黍类小米为最重要的农作物资源;稻米发现数量虽然很少,但是不论各聚落等级规模,几乎都有发现;大豆仅在个别遗址有发现,并不普及.杂草方面以狗尾草、豆科种子和藜为主,其他杂草数量很少.中原地区庙底沟时期农业发展具有明显的一致性,这一特点与庙底沟文化各遗址较为统一的文化面貌相契合.而通过与周边区域农业特点的比较,又可以观察到该区域的独特性,比如粟在中原地区的重要性要高于周边其他旱作农业传统区域,也许从一方面也反映了庙底沟文化核心区域的古代人群对更为高产粟的需求程度要更高,与其较高的遗址数量、规模和人口密度相符合;而稻米在庙底沟文化遗址中也普遍存在,尽管出土数量都比较有限.通过遗址出土农作物遗存与可食用非农作物遗存比例分析,以及相关动物考古研究,庙底沟时期的诸遗址已经明显以农耕生产为主要经济模式,家养动物和农作物资源远较之狩猎采集获得资源重要,推测已经完成了由狩猎采集向农业生产的转变.因此认为在庙底沟时期的中原地区,庙底沟文化的诸遗址已经形成了较为成熟的农业社会.  相似文献   

采用植硅体分析方法,对湖北荆门屈家岭遗址南部2015~2017年度主发掘区TN14W35探方内油子岭至石家河文化时期(5800~4200 a B.P.)的地层土样进行了系统取样分析,并重点对水稻扇型植硅体形态特征进行了研究.结果显示,遗址各文化时期土样中均含有丰富的水稻(Oryza sativa)特征型植硅体,表明稻作农业在屈家岭遗址各阶段先民植物资源的开发利用中始终占据着主导地位.同时,实验还在油子岭和屈家岭文化地层发现粟(Setaria italica)、黍(Panicum miliaceum)植硅体,但从发现数量看,粟类作物在屈家岭遗址先民农作物利用结构中只占据极小的比重.论文通过对水稻扇型植硅体形态参数测量和鱼鳞状纹饰统计发现,屈家岭遗址的水稻遗存主要属于粳稻类型,且驯化程度在油子岭文化早期时期就已经达到现代栽培稻水平.本文研究揭示了屈家岭遗址先民的农业结构、水稻类型及驯化水平,为了解江汉平原汉水东部地区新石器时代晚期人类生业形式与水稻驯化水平等提供了重要科学依据.  相似文献   

史前时代东西方交流及其对人类生产方式变化的影响是备受关注的前沿科学问题。甘青地区是东西方文化交流的关键区域,考古研究显示该地区的跨大陆文化互动始于齐家文化时期(4300~3500 a B.P.)。作为铜石并用时代的重要文化类型,齐家文化早期(4300~4000 a B.P.)至晚期(4000~3500 a B.P.)先民生产方式发生了显著改变。然而,已开展的植物考古研究主要集中在甘肃西部和青海东部,甘肃中、东部的研究相对薄弱,齐家文化时期农业结构的时空变化过程及其影响因素尚不清晰。针对上述问题,文章对甘肃中、东部7处齐家文化时期遗址的植物大遗存进行研究,将其与已有研究结果对比,分析了甘青地区齐家文化时期农业结构的时空差异及其影响因素。结果显示,齐家文化早期,甘青地区东、西部的农业结构均以粟(Setaria italica)为主、黍(Panicum miliaceum)为辅,这可能与粟的高产性和水分利用的高效性等有关;齐家文化晚期,西亚起源的小麦(Triticum aestivum)、大麦(Hordeum vulgare)传入甘青地区,西部的农业结构转变为粟黍农业为主、麦类农业为辅,但甘肃东部依然延续前期以粟黍为主的单一农业结构,这可能源于不同地区对气候趋于冷干的响应程度不同。本研究显示甘青地区齐家文化时期农作物种植结构的时空变化受到史前东西方交流和气候变化与局地环境等因素的共同影响,有助于理解史前东西方交流关键时期和区域人地关系演变的过程与机制。  相似文献   

Social responses to climate change over human history have been widely discussed in academia over the last two decades. However, the transformation of the human–environment nexus crossing prehistoric and historic periods and the processes associated with it are not yet clearly understood. In this study, based on published works on radiocarbon dating, archaeobotany, zooarchaeology, and archaeological sites, together with a synthesis of historical documents and highresolution paleoclimatic records, we trace the extent to which human settlement patterns in the Hexi Corridor in northwestern China evolved in conjunction with climate change over the last 5,000 years. A total of 129 Neolithic, 126 Bronze Age, and 1,378 historical sites in the Hexi Corridor(n=1,633) were surveyed. Our results show that, in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age periods(~2800–100 BC), climate change contributed to the transformation of subsistence strategies and the subsequent changes in human settlement patterns in the Hexi Corridor. The warm-humid climate in ~2800–2000 BC promoted millet agriculture and helped the Majiayao, Banshan, and Machang Cultures to flourish. The cold-dry climate in ~2000–100 BC resulted in the divergence and transformation of subsistence strategies in the Xichengyi–Qijia–Siba and Shajing–Shanma Cultures and in a shift in their settlement patterns. However, in the historical period(121 BC–AD 1911), human settlement patterns were primarily determined by geopolitics related to the alternating rule of regimes and frequent wars, especially in the Sui–Tang dynasties. We also find that trans-Eurasian cultural exchange since ~2000 BC improved social resilience to climate change in the Hexi Corridor, mediating the human–environment nexus there. Our findings may provide insights into how human societies reacted to climate change in arid and semi-arid environments over the long term.  相似文献   

山东滕州西公桥遗址人骨的稳定同位素分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
文章应用稳定同位素C和N分析的方法,研究了山东滕州大汶口文化时期西公桥遗址先民的食谱,试图揭示该遗址先民生活方式、社会经济结构的变化。总体而言,该遗址样品保存较差,骨中骨胶原的含量较低,以C/N摩尔比作为标准,仅有8个样品属于未污染样品,可用作食谱分析。对样品进行稳定同位素C和N分析,结果表明:该遗址先民均为稻、粟混食,但在肉食资源获取上有所不同。以C3为主的先民,具有较低的δ15N;而以C4类为主的先民,δ15N值较高。在该遗址的发展过程中,人们的食物结构发生了一定的变化。  相似文献   

The sandstone escarpment of the Dhar Tichitt in South-Central Mauritania was inhabited by Neolithic agropastoral communities for approximately one and half millennium during the Late Holocene, from ca. 4000 to 2300 BP. The absence of prior evidence of human settlement points to the influx of mobile herders moving away from the “drying” Sahara towards more humid lower latitudes. These herders took advantage of the peculiarities of the local geology and environment and succeeded in domesticating bulrush millet – Pennisetum sp. The emerging agropastoral subsistence complex had conflicting and/or complementary requirements depending on circumstances. In the long run, the social adjustment to the new subsistence complex, shifting site location strategies, nested settlement patterns and the rise of more encompassing polities appear to have been used to cope with climatic hazards in this relatively circumscribed area. An intense arid spell in the middle of the first millennium BC triggered the collapse of the whole Neolithic agropastoral system and the abandonment of the areas. These regions, resettled by sparse oasis-dwellers populations and iron-using communities starting from the first half of the first millennium AD, became part of the famous Ghana “empire”, the earliest state in West African history.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲退耕还林工程绩效评价研究——以张掖市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉文  徐中民 《冰川冻土》2009,31(3):546-552
退耕还林,重建生态环境,是当前实施西部大开发的根本切人点.退耕还林工程是通过把原本是林地或草地的耕地恢复成原来的土地利用类型,使受损或退化生态系统最终成为健康的生态系统,从而使当地生态环境更适合人类生存发展.从此目标出发,抛开经济利益而从自然生态系统恢复和社会心理影响等方面建立指标体系,利用主成分分析法综合评价了干旱区内张掖市的退耕还林绩效.结果表明:2002-2004年张掖市退耕还林工程执行效果较好,其中生态系统在数量上恢复较好的乡镇有明花乡;生态系统在质量上恢复较好的有明花乡和平川镇;工程执行过程中居民保护环境意识有较大提高的有民联乡和霍城镇;人们满意程度最高的是明花乡.总体上看,张掖市退耕还林工程执行绩效最好的是明花乡,其次是平川镇,最差的是永固镇,其余处于中间水平.最后,在分析张掖市退耕还林绩效差异基础上,针对提高退耕还林工程绩效提出一些建议.  相似文献   

R. Kada 《GeoJournal》1982,6(4):367-371
Part-time farming is a wide-spread phenomenon in contemporary rural Japan. Characterized by an extremely small-scale rice farming and by a unimodal equitable rural development, most Japanese farm households have combined farming with off-farm employment. In this article, after an examination of the definition of part-time farming (farm household as the unit), the trend of and factors for part-time farming are described and analyzed. Growth and expansion of off-farm employment opportunities, continued small-sized farming, rapid increase in farmland prices and development and diffusion of labor-saving technology are among the major forces which encouraged part-time farming in Japan. Although the overall performance of part-time farms appears less efficient in the use of non-labor resources (e.g., land and machinery), part-time farms still occupy a significant share in the aggregate agricultural production and in the total farmland cropped. Various on-farm and off-farm adjustments are pointed out which have enabled dual employment patterns to be adopted by these people. In essence, due to the limited opportunities for farm-size expansion, part-time farming is considered a necessity, rather than a choise, for most Japanese farm families. But this has also caused some serious agricultural problems, especially with respect to its impact on farmsize structure and inefficient land use. At least for the purpose of maintaining a high income level and for equitable access to opportunities, part-time farming has seemingly contributed beneficially to the farming population of Japan.  相似文献   

疏勒河流域是河西走廊开发利用程度最低的地区,也是甘肃省农业开发和移民的重点地区。随着移民范围和开发程度的迅速增大,水资源利用程度随之提高,水资源分布格局及地下水流场发生了重大改变,从而可能引发一系列生态环境问题。本文针对疏勒河流域移民及农业开发集中的昌马、双塔、花海灌区水资源配置问题,通过优化比较提出了最佳配置方案。  相似文献   

甘肃省是我国泥石流地质灾害最为严重的4大省份之一。据统计,全省发育有泥石流沟6 260条,这些泥石流沟大部分集中在东部地区,河西地区较少。泥石流强烈发育的陇南、甘南山区,地势高差多在1 000m以上,山坡坡度≥30°。区内地质构造复杂,地震活动频繁,广泛分布黄土、泥岩、千枚岩、页岩等软弱易滑岩土体,为泥石流发育提供了必要的地形条件和岩土条件,降雨和地震及人类活动是诱发因素。长期以来,频繁发生的泥石流地质灾害已给甘肃人民的生命财产和工农业生产建设带来了严重威胁和危害,造成约3 715人死亡,直接经济损失几十亿。其中,2010年8月8日,舟曲发生的特大泥石流地质灾害震惊世界,泥石流地质灾害已严重困扰和和制约着甘肃省的国民经济发展和广大人民群众的正常生活。因此,应通过科学规划人类活动,采取必要的工程措施制约泥石流地质灾害的发生,减轻泥石流地质灾害造成的损失。  相似文献   

The issue of food security has received increasing emphasis in developing countries, particularly in the cities. The emphasis on food security has engendered agricultural expansion and encroachment on the coastal and inland wetlands in these nations. To facilitate and sustain the security of food in the developing countries local and international policies have been designed and employed; they have specifically targeted abounding food production towards ensuring human survival in the cities. However, the various ecological and socio-economic benefits derivable from the preservation of wetlands and inland valleys in these urban environments may be lost, with the transformation in the land use and cover. This study is therefore concerned with how wetland degradation and loss can be checked and mitigated, focusing on the developing countries and their cities. In this respect, the farmer’s awareness of the impacts of wetland cultivation and the role of accessibility, socio-economic and biophysical factors influencing the choice of wetland farming are examined. To this end, structured questionnaire on choice of wetland agriculture in the urban and periurban wetland areas of Lagos city was administered to the farmers. Simple frequency analysis is used to explain and interpret the data generated. The data reveals a generally low level of farmers’ awareness of the implication of wetland cultivation; it shows different categories of factors influencing the choice of wetland farming. Provision of irrigation infrastructure and improvement in living standard of the people through poverty eradication can discourage disadvantageous encroachment on wetlands in cities.  相似文献   

以甘肃省秦安县和礼县考古遗址中发现的粟和黍为研究对象,对其进行了碳同位素的测定,并开展了碳同位素和形态学鉴定方法的检验。结果表明,粟和黍的碳同位素值是不同的,即使是炭化的考古样品,粟和黍的碳同位素值仍然是有差别的,粟较黍的碳同位素值总体偏正。这一方法可以比较简便地检验形态学鉴定的结果是否正确。如果能够建立不同地区不同时段粟和黍的碳同位素值数据库,将会为粟和黍的鉴别提供依据。  相似文献   

基于模糊物元的城市化生态预警模型及应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据模糊物元理论建立了城市化的生态预警模型,将警报级别分为无警、轻警、中警、重警和巨警5级,并从资源预警、生态预警和环境预警3个方面构建河西走廊城市化进程中的生态环境预警指标体系,设立了预警参照标准与预警界限、警灯、警度,对河西走廊进行了实证分析。结果发现,河西走廊及五大地市按照预警指数从大到小的顺序依次为:张掖市、武威市、金昌市、河西走廊、嘉峪关市和酒泉市。其中,河西走廊的生态用水比重、植被覆盖率、人均环境保护费用和万元产值工业SO2排放量的景气指数最高,处于重警状态;城市工业用地定额、城市居住用地定额、万元产值工业废水排放量和万元产值工业粉尘排放量的景气指数最低,均处于轻警状态;其它指标均处于中警状态。可见,相对于土地资源和环境污染因素而言,水资源和生态条件已经对河西走廊的城市化产生了较强的束缚作用。  相似文献   

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