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马坑铁矿是福建省一个大型铁钼铅锌多金属矿床,赋存于莒舟-大洋花岗岩外接触带上石炭统经畲组-下二叠统栖霞 组大理岩与下石炭统林地组石英砂岩之间,矿化阶段经历了从无水矽卡岩阶段(钙铁榴石-透辉石) →含水矽卡岩-磁铁矿 阶段(绿帘石-阳起石-绿泥石-钙铁辉石) →硫化物阶段(石英-方解石-萤石-黄铁矿-闪锌矿) →碳酸盐岩阶段(石英-方 解石) 演变,而本文对含水矽卡岩-磁铁矿阶段和硫化物阶段中的钙铁辉石、萤石、石英及方解石中流体包裹体所进行岩 相学观察和显微测温研究表明,早期含水矽卡岩-磁铁矿阶段包裹体类型主要有含NaCl子晶三相包裹体和富液相两相包裹 体,少量富气相两相包裹体;而晚期硫化物阶段包裹体类型主要为富液相两相包裹体。含水矽卡岩-磁铁矿阶段流体出现 流体沸腾作用,流体温度范围为448~596℃,两端员组分流体盐度分别为26.5~48.4 wt % NaCl equiv.和2.4~6.9 wt % NaCl equiv.;硫化物阶段流体呈现出混合趋势,流体温度和盐度分别为182~343℃和1.9~20.1 wt % NaCl equiv.。流体包裹体的均 一温度和盐度的研究结果表明含水矽卡岩-磁铁矿阶段流体主要来自岩浆水,而硫化物阶段流体以岩浆水为主,并有大气 降水加入。由于马坑铁矿化形成于含水矽卡岩阶段,铅锌矿化则形成于硫化物阶段,流体沸腾是导致马坑铁矿床形成的主 要因素,而流体混合则是引起马坑铁矿床铅锌矿化的主要因素。综合地质与地球化学研究,马坑铁矿床应属于与莒舟-大 洋花岗岩有关的矽卡岩型铁矿床。  相似文献   

许强伟  王玭  钟军  王成明  郑义  方京 《地学前缘》2018,25(5):151-166
内蒙古克什克腾旗长岭子铅锌矿床是大兴安岭南段新发现的一个矿床,矿体赋存于下二叠统大石寨组海相火山岩建造中,矿体受夕卡岩控制。根据手标本中脉体穿插关系和岩石薄片中观察的矿物共生组合特征,文中将长岭子铅锌矿的成矿过程划分为4个阶段:干夕卡岩阶段、湿夕卡岩磁铁矿阶段、石英硫化物阶段和石英碳酸盐阶段,分别以石榴子石±透辉石±硅灰石、石英+绿帘石+电气石+磁铁矿、石英+黄铁矿±磁黄铁矿±黄铜矿±方铅矿±闪锌矿和石英±方解石的矿物组合为标志。长岭子矿床主要发育水溶液包裹体(W型)和含子矿物多相包裹体(S型),前者可进一步划分为富液相(WL型)和富气相(WV型)两个亚类。干夕卡岩阶段辉石中主要发育S型和WL型包裹体,湿夕卡岩磁铁矿阶段绿帘石和石英中主要发育WL型、WV型和S型包裹体,石英硫化物阶段石英中可见所有类型的包裹体,石英碳酸盐阶段的石英±方解石脉中仅见WL型包裹体。干夕卡岩阶段辉石中流体包裹体的均一温度和盐度分别为387~524 ℃和10.7%~52%(NaCleqv.);湿夕卡岩磁铁矿阶段包裹体均一温度为312~533 ℃,盐度为11.3%~60%(NaCleqv.);石英硫化物阶段包裹体均一温度介于182~329 ℃,盐度介于4.7%~38%(NaCleqv.);石英碳酸盐阶段包裹体均一温度为124~199 ℃,盐度介于3.1%~22.4%(NaCleqv.)。上述矿床地质和成矿流体特征表明长岭子铅锌矿为夕卡岩型矿床。成矿流体经历了自夕卡岩阶段高温、高盐度岩浆热液向石英碳酸盐阶段低温、低盐度大气降水热液的转变。石英硫化物阶段发育沸腾包裹体组合,表明成矿流体发生了沸腾作用,这可能是成矿物质沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

The Nuri Cu‐W‐Mo deposit is located in the southern subzone of the Cenozoic Gangdese Cu‐Mo metallogenic belt. The intrusive rocks exposed in the Nuri ore district consist of quartz diorite, granodiorite, monzogranite, granite porphyry, quartz diorite porphyrite and granodiorite porphyry, all of which intrude in the Cretaceous strata of the Bima Group. Owing to the intense metasomatism and hydrothermal alteration, carbonate rocks of the Bima Group form stratiform skarn and hornfels. The mineralization at the Nuri deposit is dominated by skarn, quartz vein and porphyry type. Ore minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite, scheelite, bornite and tetrahedrite, etc. The oxidized orebodies contain malachite and covellite on the surface. The mineralization of the Nuri deposit is divided into skarn stage, retrograde stage, oxide stage, quartz‐polymetallic sulfide stage and quartz‐carbonate stage. Detailed petrographic observation on the fluid inclusions in garnet, scheelite and quartz from the different stages shows that there are four types of primary fluid inclusions: two‐phase aqueous inclusions, daughter mineral‐bearing multiphase inclusions, CO2‐rich inclusions and single‐phase inclusions. The homogenization temperature of the fluid inclusions are 280°C–386°C (skarn stage), 200°C–340°C (oxide stage), 140°C–375°C (quartz‐polymetallic sulfide stage) and 160°C–280°C (quartz‐carbonate stage), showing a temperature decreasing trend from the skarn stage to the quartz‐carbonate stage. The salinity of the corresponding stages are 2.9%–49.7 wt% (NaCl) equiv., 2.1%–7.2 wt% (NaCl) equiv., 2.6%–55.8 wt% (NaCl) equiv. and 1.2%–15.3 wt% (NaCl) equiv., respectively. The analyses of CO2‐rich inclusions suggest that the ore‐forming pressures are 22.1 M Pa–50.4 M Pa, corresponding to the depth of 0.9 km–2.2 km. The Laser Raman spectrum of the inclusions shows the fluid compositions are dominated in H2O, with some CO2 and very little CH4, N2, etc. δD values of garnet are between ?114.4‰ and ?108.7‰ and δ18OH2O between 5.9‰ and 6.7‰; δD of scheelite range from ?103.2‰ to ?101.29‰ and δ18OH2O values between 2.17‰ and 4.09‰; δD of quartz between ?110.2‰ and ?92.5‰ and δ18OH2O between ?3.5‰ and 4.3‰. The results indicate that the fluid came from a deep magmatic hydrothermal system, and the proportion of meteoric water increased during the migration of original fluid. The δ34S values of sulfides, concentrated in a rage between ?0.32‰ to 2.5‰, show that the sulfur has a homogeneous source with characteristics of magmatic sulfur. The characters of fluid inclusions, combined with hydrogen‐oxygen and sulfur isotopes data, show that the ore‐forming fluids of the Nuri deposit formed by a relatively high temperature, high salinity fluid originated from magma, which mixed with low temperature, low salinity meteoric water during the evolution. The fluid flow through wall carbonate rocks resulted in the formation of layered skarn and generated CO2 or other gases. During the reaction, the ore‐forming fluid boiled and produced fractures when the pressure exceeded the overburden pressure. Themeteoric water mixed with the ore‐forming fluid along the fractures. The boiling changed the pressure and temperature, oxygen fugacity, physical and chemical conditions of the whole mineralization system. The escape of CO2 from the fluid by boiling resulted in scheelite precipitation. The fluid mixing and boiling reduced the solubility of metal sulfides and led the precipitation of chalcopyrite, molybdenite, pyrite and other sulfide.  相似文献   

青海省兴海县赛什塘铜矿床矽卡岩矿物学特征及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赛什塘铜矿位于东昆仑造山带东端的鄂拉山地区,是中国西部重要的矽卡岩型铜矿之一。矽卡岩形成于印支期石英闪长岩与中—下三叠统地层Tb2 1-2岩性段的接触带,矿体主要呈似层状、透镜状产于外接触带矽卡岩中。Tb2 1-2岩性段由中性火山岩、大理岩及变质粉砂岩构成,其中变安山质凝灰岩及安山岩与铜矿化有着密切的空间关系。岩相学研究表明,含铜矽卡岩的形成经历了矽卡岩阶段、退化蚀变阶段、石英-硫化物阶段及石英-碳酸盐阶段。矽卡岩阶段形成石榴子石、辉石及硅灰石,退化蚀变阶段则形成绿帘石、角闪石及磁铁矿,石英-硫化物阶段大量金属硫化物发生沉淀。电子探针分析表明,石榴子石与辉石矿物组分分别为Gro0.00~91.00And7.02~100.00(Pyr+Alm+Spe)0.00~4.27与Di12.80~98.08Hd2.41~79.80(Jo+Jd+Opx)0.00~13.47,表明其属于典型的钙矽卡岩类。空间上,靠近石英闪长岩与安山岩接触带处,钙铝榴石和绿帘石更富集,而向大理岩的一侧以钙铁榴石为主,并常见硅灰石及含Mn的钙铁辉石。矿物学特征及矿物成分的变化显示:从矽卡岩阶段到石英-硫化物阶段,流体性质呈幕式的变化,成矿流体至少经历了2次氧化还原性质的转变,这种变化可能与成矿流体中大气降水的不断加入有关。赛什塘铜矿属于矽卡岩型矿床,以石英闪长岩为主的岩浆活动携带了大量的热量及流体,侵入到中—下三叠统地层中,与围岩地层发生物质交换的同时,引起了大理岩、变质粉砂岩与中性火山岩之间的双交代作用,是导致矽卡岩和矿体形成的重要机制。  相似文献   

The Tongcun Mo(Cu) deposit in Kaihua city of Zhejiang Province,eastern China,occurs in and adjacent to the Songjiazhuang granodiorite porphyry and is a medium-sized and important porphyry type ore deposit.Two irregular Mo(Cu) orebodies consist of various types of hydrothermal veinlets.Intensive hydrothermal alteration contains skarnization,chloritization,carbonatization,silicification and sericitization.Based on mineral assemblages and crosscutting relationships,the oreforming processes are divided into five stages,i.e.,the early stage of garnet + epidote ± chlorite associated with skarnization and K-feldspar + quartz ± molybdenite veins associated with potassicsilicic alteration,the quartz-sulfides stage of quartz + molybdenite ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite veins,the carbonatization stage of calcite veinlets or stockworks,the sericite + chalcopyrite ± pyrite stage,and the late calcite + quartz stage.Only the quartz-bearing samples in the early stage and in the quartzsulfides stage are suitable for fluid inclusions(FIs) study.Four types of FIs were observed,including1) CO_2-CH_4 single phase FIs,2) CO_2-bearing two- or three-phase FIs,3) Aqueous two-phase FIs,and4) Aqueous single phase FIs.FIs of the early stages are predominantly CO_2- and CH_4-rich FIs of the CO_2-CH4-H_2O-NaCl system,whereas minerals in the quartz-sulfides stage contain CO_2-rich FIs of the CO_2-H_2O-NaCl system and liquid-rich FIs of the H_2O-NaCl system.For the CO_2-CH_4 single phase FIs of the early mineralization stage,the homogenization temperatures of the CO_2 phase range from 15.4 ℃ to 25.3 ℃(to liquid),and the fluid density varies from 0.7 g/cm~3 to 0.8 g/cm~3;for two- or three-phase FIs of the CO_2-CH_4-H_2O-NaCl system,the homogenization temperatures,salinities and densities range from 312℃ to 412℃,7.7 wt%NaCl eqv.to 10.9 wt%NaCl eqv.,and 0.9 g/cm~3 to 1.0 g/cm~3,respectively.For CO_2-H_2O-NaCI two- or threephase FIs of the quartz-sulfides stage,the homogenization temperatures and salinities range from255℃ to 418℃,4.8 wt%NaCl eqv.to 12.4 wt%NaCl eqv.,respectively;for H_2O-NaCl two-phase FIs,the homogenization temperatures range from 230 ℃ to 368 ℃,salinities from 11.7 wt%NaCl eqv.to16.9 wt%NaCl eqv.,and densities from 0.7 g/cm~3 to 1.0 g/cm~3.Microthermometric measurements and Laser Raman spectroscopy analyses indicate that CO_2 and CH_4 contents and reducibility(indicated by the presence of CH_4) of the fluid inclusions trapped in quartz-sulfides stage minerals are lower than those in the early stage.Twelve molybdenite separates yield a Re-Os isochron age of 163 ± 2.4 Ma,which is consistent with the emplacement age of the Tongcun,Songjiazhuang,Dayutang and Huangbaikeng granodiorite porphyries.The S18OSMow values of fluids calculated from quartz of the quartz-sulfides stage range from 5.6‰ to 8.6‰,and the JDSMOw values of fluid inclusions in quartz of this stage range from-71.8‰ to-88.9‰,indicating a primary magmatic fluid source.534SV-cdt values of sulfides range from+1.6‰ to +3.8‰,which indicate that the sulfur in the ores was sourced from magmatic origins.Phase separation is inferred to have occurred from the early stage to the quartz-sulfides stage and resulted in ore mineral precipitation.The characteristics of alteration and mineralization,fluid inclusion,sulfur and hydrogen-oxygen isotope data,and molybdenite Re-Os ages all suggest that the Tongcun Mo(Cu) deposit is likely to be a reduced porphyry Mo(Cu) deposit associated with the granodiorite porphyry in the Tongcun area.  相似文献   

列廷冈-勒青拉矿床位于西藏冈底斯北缘多金属成矿带东侧,是该成矿带内一个独特的同时发育Pb、Zn、Fe、Cu、Mo五种元素矿化的典型矽卡岩型矿床.对该矿床成矿流体性质研究有助于解决这种具有不同来源属性的多金属共生矿床的成矿机制等科学问题.基于此,选取与Fe-Cu-Mo矿化和Pb-Zn-Cu矿化密切相关的矽卡岩矿物和脉石矿物,系统开展了流体包裹体和碳氢氧同位素研究,结果显示二者的成矿流体来源相同并经历了相似的演化过程.矽卡岩阶段主要发育富液相包裹体,成矿流体具有高温中高盐度特征.成矿期石英硫化物阶段和成矿后期碳酸盐阶段主要发育富液相包裹体和含子晶的多相包裹体,前者成矿流体温度属于中高温范畴,而盐度分为高盐度和低盐度两类;后者成矿流体温度属于中低温范畴,而盐度同样分为高盐度和低盐度两类,研究表明出现两种盐度截然不同的流体是由于沸腾作用造成的.稳定同位素研究结果显示矽卡岩阶段成矿流体主要源于发生过脱水去气作用的残余岩浆水,石英硫化物阶段和碳酸盐阶段均有大气降水的参与.灰岩地层与正常海相碳酸盐岩相比δ18O明显亏损,表明成矿流体在矿区灰岩地层中大规模运移并发生水岩反应,从而在远端矽卡岩带形成铅锌铜矿化.结合前人及本次研究结果,列廷冈-勒青拉矿床Fe-Cu矿化与Pb-Zn矿化为同一时期岩浆活动的产物,但分别与不同属性的岩浆有关.降温冷却、流体混合作用以及pH值的变化是控制列廷冈-勒青拉矿床金属沉淀的重要因素,而成矿温度和岩浆属性的差异是造成成矿元素在空间上分带的主要原因.  相似文献   

The recently discovered Xiaobeigou fluorite deposit is situated in the southern part of the Southern Great Xing'an Range metallogenic belt. Fluorite‐bearing veins are rather common over the whole area. So far, 11 mineralized veins have been delineated at the Xiaobeigou deposit. Orebodies of the deposit are mainly hosted in Permian and Jurassic volcano‐sedimentary rocks. The orebodies in this mining district exhibit a well‐developed vertical zonation: from top to bottom, the orebodies can be divided into upper, central, and lower zones. The central zone is the most important part for mining operations, and it shows lateral zonation of fluorite mineralization. Rare earth element (REE) contents of the investigated samples are relatively low (less than 30.2 ppm). Furthermore, the REE contents of the fluorite grains from early to late ore stages exhibit a decreasing trend. All the fluorite samples show no or slightly positive Eu anomalies. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) are distinguished in the quartz and fluorite samples, including pure‐liquid single‐phase (PL‐type), liquid‐rich two‐phase (L‐Type), and vapor‐rich two‐phase (V‐type) FIs. The FIs hosted in early‐stage quartz were homogenized at 159.5–260.7°C (mainly 160–240°C); their salinities range from 0.18 to 1.22 wt.% NaCl eqv. The FIs hosted in early‐stage fluorite yield slightly lower homogenization temperatures of 144.4–266.8°C (peaking at 140–220°C), which correspond to salinities of 0.18–0.88 wt.% NaCl eqv. Homogenization temperatures and salinities for the late stage are 132.5–245.8°C (mainly 160–180°C) and 0.18–1.40 wt.% NaCl eqv., respectively. Laser Raman spectroscopy of FIs shows that both the vapor and liquid compositions of the inclusions are dominated by H2O. The H–O isotopic compositions at Xiaobeigou suggest that the ore‐forming fluids are predominantly of meteoric water origin. The Xiaobeigou deposit can be classified as a typical low‐temperature hydrothermal vein‐type fluorite deposit. Combined with regional data, we infer that the fluorite mineralization occurred during the Late Mesozoic in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

The Dahutang tungsten polymetallic ore field is located north of the Nanling W-Sn polymetallic metallogenic belt and south of the Middle—Lower Yangtze River Valley Cu-Mo-Au-Fe porphyry-skarn belt.It is a newly discovered ore field,and probably represents the largest tungsten mineralization district in the world.The Shimensi deposit is one of the mineral deposits in the Dahutang ore field,and is associated with Yanshanian granites intruding into a Neoproterozoic granodiorite batholith.On the basis of geologic studies,this paper presents new petrographic,microthermometric,laser Raman spectroscopic and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic studies of fluid inclusions from the Shimensi deposit.The results show that there are three types of fluid inclusions in quartz from various mineralization stages:liquid-rich two-phase fluid inclusions,vapor-rich two-phase fluid inclusions,and three-phase fluid inclusions containing a solid crystal,with the vast majority being liquid-rich two-phase fluid inclusions.In addition,melt and melt-fluid inclusions were also found in quartz from pegmatoid bodies in the margin of the Yanshanian intrusion.The homogenization temperatures of liquid-rich two-phase fluid inclusions in quartz range from 162 to 363℃ and salinities are 0.5wt%-9.5wt%NaCI equivalent.From the early to late mineralization stages,with the decreasing of the homogenization temperature,the salinity also shows a decreasing trend.The ore-forming fluids can be approximated by a NaCl-H_2O fluid system,with small amounts of volatile components including CO_2,CH_4 and N_2,as suggested by Laser Raman spectroscopic analyses.The hydrogen and oxygen isotope data show that δ5D_(V-smow) values of bulk fluid inclusions in quartz from various mineralization stages vary from-63.8‰ to-108.4‰,and the δ~(18)O_(H2O) values calculated from the δ~(18)O_(V-)smow values of quartz vary from-2.28‰ to 7.21‰.These H-O isotopic data are interpreted to indicate that the ore-forming fluids are mainly composed of magmatic water in the early stage,and meteoric water was added and participated in mineralization in the late stage.Integrating the geological characteristics and analytical data,we propose that the ore-forming fluids of the Shimensi deposit were mainly derived from Yanshanian granitic magma,the evolution of which resulted in highly differentiated melt,as recorded by melt and melt-fluid inclusions in pegmatoid quartz,and high concentrations of metals in the fluids.Cooling of the ore-forming fluids and mixing with meteoric water may be the key factors that led to mineralization in the Dahutang tungsten polymetallic ore field.  相似文献   

The Baizhangyan skarn‐porphyry type W–Mo deposit is located in a newly defined Mo–W–Pb–Zn metallogenic belt, which is in the south of Middle‐Lower Yangtze Valley Cu–Fe–Au polymetallic metallogenic belt in SE China. The W–Mo orebodies occur mainly within the contact zone between fine‐grained granite and Sinian limestone strata. There are two types of W–Mo mineralization: major skarn W–Mo mineralization and minor granite‐hosted disseminated Mo mineralization which was traced by drilling at depth. Eight molybdenite samples from Mo‐bearing ores yield Re–Os dates that overlap within analytical error, with a weighted average age of 134.1 ± 2.2 Ma. These dates are in close agreement with SIMS U–Pb concordant zircon age for fine‐grained granite at 133.3 ± 1.3 Ma, indicating that crystallization of the granite and hydrothermal molybdenite formation were coeval and likely cogenetic. The Baizhangyan W–Mo deposit formed in the Early Cretaceous extensional tectonic setting at the Middle‐Lower Yangtze Valley metallogenic belt and the Jaingnan Ancient Continent. Based on mineral compositions and crosscutting relationships of veinlets, hydrothermal alteration and mineralization, the ore mineral paragenesis of the Baizhangyan deposit is divided into four stages: skarn stage (I), oxide stage (II), sulfide stage (III), and carbonate stage (IV). Fluid inclusions in garnet, scheelite, quartz and calcite from W–Mo ores are mainly aqueous‐rich (L + V) type inclusions. Following garnet deposition at stage I, the high‐temperature fluids gave way to progressively cooler, more dilute fluids associated with tungsten–molybdenite–base metal sulfide deposition (stage II and stage III) (162–360°C, 2.7–13.2 wt % NaCl equivalent) and carbonate deposition (stage IV) (137–190°C, 0.9–5 wt % NaCl equiv.). Hydrogen‐oxygen isotope data from minerals of different stages suggest that the ore‐forming fluids consisted of magmatic water, mixed in various proportions with meteoric water. From stage I to stage IV, there is a systematic decrease in the homogenization temperature of the fluid‐inclusion fluids and calculated δ18O values of the fluids. These suggest that increasing involvement of formation water or meteoric water during the fluid ascent resulted in successive deposition of scheelite and molybdenite at Baizhangyan.  相似文献   

The Datuanshan deposit is one of the largest and most representative stratabound copper deposits in the Tongling area,the largest ore district in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt.The location of the orebodies is controlled by the interlayer-slipping faults between the Triassic and Permian strata,and all the orebodies are distributed in stratiform shape around the Mesozoic quartz monzodiorite dikes.Based on field evidence and petrographic observations,four mineralization stages in the Datuanshan deposit have been identified:the skarn,early quartz-sulfide,late quartzsulfide and carbonate stages.Chalcopytite is the main copper mineral and mainly formed at the late quartz-sulfide stage.Fluid inclusions at different stages were studied for petrography,microthermometry,laser Raman spectrometry and stable isotopes.Four types of fluid inclusions,including three-phase fluid inclusions(type 1),liquid-rich fluid inclusions(type 2),vapour-rich fluid inclusions(type 3) and pure vapour fluid inclusions(type 4),were observed.The minerals from the skarn,early and late quartz-sulfide stages contain all fluid inclusion types,but only type 2 fluid inclusions were observed at the carbonate stage.Petrographic observations suggest that most of the inclusions studied in this paper are likely primary.The coexistence of different types of fluid inclusions with contrasting homogenization characteristics(to the liquid and vapour phase,respectively) and similar homogenization temperatures(the modes are 440-480℃,380-400℃ and 280-320℃ for the skarn,early and late quartz-sulfide stages,respectively) in the first three stages,strongly suggests that three episodes of fluid boiling occurred during these stages,which is supported by the hydrogen isotope data.Laser Raman spectra identified CH_4 at the skarn and early quartz-sulfide stages.Combined with other geological features,the early ore-forming fluids were inferred to be under a relatively reduced environment.The CO_2 component has been identified at the late quartz-sulfide and carbonate stages,indicating that the late ore-forming fluids were under a relatively oxidized environment,probably as a result of inflow of and mixing with meteoric water.In addition,microthermometric results of fluid inclusions and H-O isotope data mdicate that the ore forming fluids were dominated by magmatic water in the early stages(skarn and early quartz-sulfide stages) and mixed with meteoric water in the late stages(late quartz-sulfide and carbonate stages).The evidence listed above suggests that the chalcopyrite deposition in the Datuanshan deposit probably resulted from the combination of multiepisode fluid boiling and mixing of magmatic and meteoric water.  相似文献   

大张铁矿是鲁西地区近年来新发现的一个重要的矽卡岩型矿床.矿体主要赋存于石英二长闪长岩与奥陶系马家沟组灰岩接触带及其附近.根据脉体穿插关系和交代蚀变特征,将大张矽卡岩型铁矿床成矿过程划分为矽卡岩阶段、氧化物阶段、硫化物阶段和碳酸盐阶段.通过对透辉石、绿帘石、石英和方解石等透明矿物显微观察发现,大张铁矿中流体包裹体类型主要...  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):258-274
The Dabaoshan deposit in Northern Guangdong Province, South China, is a Cu–Mo–W–Pb–Zn polymetallic deposit, located in the southern part of the Qin–Hang porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo ore belt. The deposit mainly comprises porphyry Mo and stratiform skarn Cu ore deposits. The genesis of the Cu ore deposit has been ascribed to a typical skarn ore deposit formed by the metasomatism of Devonian carbonate rock layers or to a volcanic rock‐hosted massive sulfide deposit formed by marine exhalation. In this paper, we report on the homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions and C, H, O, S, and Pb isotopic compositions of fluids and minerals in this deposit. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in garnet, diopside, quartz, and calcite provide information on the skarnification, mineralization, and postmineralization stages. The data show that ore‐forming fluids experienced a continuous transition from high temperatures and salinities to low temperatures and salinities over the entire period of mineralization. C, H, and O isotopic compositions indicate that ore‐forming fluids were derived mainly from magmatic water. O isotopic compositions indicate that ore‐forming fluids mingled with atmospheric water during the last stage of mineralization. Sulfur in the ore came mainly from deep magmatic sources. Pb isotopic compositions in the orebody show that almost all the lead in the ore was derived from magma with a crustal source. Combined geological, geophysical, and geochemical data were achieved before we proposed that the Dabaoshan porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo–W–Pb–Zn deposit, as one member of the Qin–Hang porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo ore belt, formed during the Jurassic subduction of the paleo‐Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian continent at quite low angle. NE‐ and EW‐trending structures controlled the emplacement of magmatic rocks in the South China region. In the mining area, the Xiangguanping Fault and its branches were the main conduits for magmatic crystallization and mineralization. The many subfaults, folds, and interlayer fracture zones on both sides of the main fault provided the requisite space for the ore and, together, were the controlling structures of the orebody.  相似文献   

The Haobugao deposit, located in the southern segment of the Great Xing'an Range, is a famous skarn‐related Pb‐Zn‐(Cu)‐(Fe) deposit in northern China. The results of our fluid inclusion research indicate that garnets of the early stage (I skarn stage) contain three types of fluid inclusions (consistent with the Mesozoic granites): vapor‐rich inclusions (type LV, with VH2O/(VH2O + LH2O) < 50 vol %, and the majority are 5–25 vol %), liquid‐rich two‐phase aqueous inclusions (type VL, with VH2O/(VH2O + LH2O) > 50 vol %, the majority are 60–80 vol %), and halite‐bearing multiphase inclusions (type SL). These different types of fluid inclusions are totally homogenized at similar temperatures (around 320–420°C), indicating that the ore‐forming fluids of the early mineralization stage may belong to a boiling fluid system. The hydrothermal fluids of the middle mineralization stage (II, magnetite‐quartz) are characterized by liquid‐rich two‐phase aqueous inclusions (type VL, homogenization temperatures of 309–439°C and salinities of 9.5–14.9 wt % NaCl eqv.) that coexist with vapor‐rich inclusions (type LV, homogenization temperatures of 284–365°C and salinities of 5.2–10.4 wt % NaCl eqv.). Minerals of the late mineralization stage (III sulfide‐quartz stage and IV sulfide‐calcite stage) only contain liquid‐rich aqueous inclusions (type VL). These inclusions are totally homogenized at temperatures of 145–240°C, and the calculated salinities range from 2.0 to 12.6 wt % NaCl eqv. Therefore, the ore‐forming fluids of the late stage are NaCl‐H2O‐type hydrothermal solutions of low to medium temperature and low salinity. The δD values and calculated δ18OSMOW values of ore‐forming fluids of the deposit are in the range of ?4.8 to 2.65‰ and ?127.3‰ to ?144.1‰, respectively, indicating that ore‐forming fluids of the Haobugao deposit originated from the mixing of magmatic fluid and meteoric water. The S‐Pb isotopic compositions of sulfides indicate that the ore‐forming materials are mainly derived from underlying magma. Zircon grains from the mineralization‐related granite in the mining area yield a weighted 206Pb/238U mean age of 144.8 ±0.8 Ma, which is consistent with a molybdenite Re‐Os model age (140.3 ±3.4 Ma). Therefore, the Haobugao deposit formed in the Early Cretaceous, and it is the product of a magmatic hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

冬瓜山铜矿床是铜陵矿集区狮子山矿田中的主要矿床,对于该矿床中斑岩型成矿作用的研究缺乏。本文对冬瓜山矿床深部是否存在斑岩型矿体、斑岩型矿化特征及其与层状矽卡岩型矿化的关系等问题开展研究。冬瓜山矿床深部具有斑岩型矿化的蚀变类型和蚀变分带特征,矿化可分为钾硅酸盐阶段和石英硫化物阶段两个成矿阶段,斑岩型蚀变分带在空间上向外与矽卡岩化带过渡。斑岩型矿化的石英闪长岩形成年龄为140 Ma,与上部层状矽卡岩型矿化相关的石英/辉石二长闪长岩应为同期闪长质岩浆形成。深部斑岩型矿化的成矿流体具有由高温向中温演化的特点,与浅部层状矽卡岩型矿化的成矿流体具有相似的演化趋势,二者的成矿流体应该为一个热液系统,深部岩体内部流体演化形成斑岩型矿化,而接触带部位流体演化形成矽卡岩型矿化。  相似文献   

红岭铅锌矿是内蒙古东南部的大型代表性矿床之一.目前,对该矿床成矿流体地球化学特征、性质及演化问题尚缺乏系统研究.对其展开了系统的流体包裹体研究.结果表明,矿区矽卡岩期Ⅰ阶段石榴石中发育含NaCl子矿物三相(SL)、气相-富气相(LV)及气液两相(VL)3种类型的原生流体包裹体,Ⅱ阶段中石英颗粒主要发育LV和VL两种类型原生流体包裹体,测温结果表明矽卡岩期成矿流体属中-高温、高盐度的不均匀NaCl-H2O体系热液,在成矿过程中发生过沸腾作用而导致铅、锌、铜等有用元素沉淀富集.石英-硫化物期Ⅲ→Ⅵ阶段中矿物均主要发育较单一的VL型包裹体,其中Ⅲ阶段热液均一温度较矽卡岩期明显降低,而盐度没有明显变化;Ⅳ阶段成矿流体均一温度明显增高、盐度明显降低,反映了有新的高温、低盐度体系热液的加入;而Ⅴ→Ⅵ阶段成矿流体均一温度及盐度逐渐降低,体现了一种不断与外来天水混合的演变趋势;整体上看,石英-硫化物期流体为简单的中-低温、低盐度NaCl-H2O体系热液.流体包裹体C、H、O同位素研究表明,红岭矿床矽卡岩期Ⅱ阶段成矿流体以岩浆水为主;石英-硫化物期成矿流体源自大气降水与岩浆水的混合流体,晚阶段逐渐演化为以大气降水为主.矿床S、Pb同位素研究表明,区内成矿物质具深源特点.   相似文献   

Abstract: The Beni Bou Ifrour deposit of northeastern Morocco is a skarn type magnetite deposit. K-Ar age determination suggests that the mineralization occurred at 7.040.47 Ma. The spatial relationship between skarn and dikes of microgran-odiorite derived from the batholith of Wiksane Granodiorite, and the similarity of age (8.020.22 Ma), confirms that the Wiksane Granodiorite is the igneous rock most probably related to mineralization. The skarn is distributed asymmetrically in the limestone, and magnetite ore was developed just below the calc-silicate skarn as two parallel beds separated by 100 m of barren limestone and schist.
The mineralization can be divided into three stages. The early stage is characterized by the formation of calc-silicate minerals, mainly clinopyroxene (80–70 % diopside) and garnet (early almost pure andradite to the late 60 % andradite). The main stage is characterized by the formation of a large amount of magnetite. Epidote and quartz formed simultaneously with magnetite. Fluid temperatures exceeded 500 C during the early to main stages. Fluid with very high salinity (50–75 wt% NaCl equiv.) was responsible for the formation of the magnetite ore. The oxygen isotope composition, together with the fluid inclusion data, suggests that magmatic fluid was significant for the formation of calc-silicate skarn minerals and magnetite. Low temperature (-230C) and low salinity (-10 % NaCl equiv.) hydrothermal fluids dominated by meteoric water were responsible for the late stage quartz and calcite formation.  相似文献   

The Kay Tanda epithermal Au deposit in Lobo, Batangas is one of the Au deposits situated in the Batangas Mineral District in southern Luzon, Philippines. This study aims to document the geological, alteration, and mineralization characteristics and to determine the age of the mineralization, the mechanism of ore deposition, and the hydrothermal fluid characteristics of the Kay Tanda deposit. The geology of Kay Tanda consists of (i) the Talahib Volcanic Sequence, a Middle Miocene dacitic to andesitic volcaniclastic sequence that served as the host rock of the mineralization; (ii) the Balibago Diorite Complex, a cogenetic intrusive complex intruding the Talahib Volcanic Sequence; (iii) the Calatagan Formation, a Late Miocene to Early Pliocene volcanosedimentary formation unconformably overlying the Talahib Volcanic Sequence; (iv) the Dacite Porphyry Intrusives, which intruded the older lithological units; and (v) the Balibago Andesite, a Pliocene postmineralization volcaniclastic unit. K‐Ar dating on illite collected from the alteration haloes around quartz veins demonstrated that the age of mineralization is around 5.9 ± 0.2 to 5.5 ± 0.2 Ma (Late Miocene). Two main styles of mineralization are identified in Kay Tanda. The first style is an early‐stage extensive epithermal mineralization characterized by stratabound Au‐Ag‐bearing quartz stockworks hosted at the shallower levels of the Talahib Volcanic Sequence. The second style is a late‐stage base metal (Zn, Pb, and Cu) epithermal mineralization with local bonanza‐grade Au mineralization hosted in veins and hydrothermal breccias that are intersected at deeper levels of the Talahib Volcanic Sequence and at the shallower levels of the Balibago Intrusive Complex. Paragenetic studies on the mineralization in Kay Tanda defined six stages of mineralization; the first two belong to the first mineralization style, while the last four belong to the second mineralization style. Stage 1 is composed of quartz ± pyrophyllite ± dickite/kaolinite ± diaspore alteration, which is cut by quartz veins. Stage 2 is composed of Au‐Ag‐bearing quartz stockworks associated with pervasive illite ± quartz ± smectite ± kaolinite alteration. Stage 3 is composed of carbonate veins with minor base metal sulfides. Stage 4 is composed of quartz ± adularia ± calcite veins and hydrothermal breccias, hosting the main base metal and bonanza‐grade Au mineralization, and is associated with chlorite‐illite‐quartz alteration. Stage 5 is composed of epidote‐carbonate veins associated with epidote‐calcite‐chlorite alteration. Stage 6 is composed of anhydrite‐gypsum veins with minor base metal mineralization. The alteration assemblage of the deposit evolved from an acidic mineral assemblage caused by the condensation of magmatic volatiles from the Balibago Intrusive Complex into the groundwater to a slightly acidic mineral assemblage caused by the interaction of the host rocks and the circulating hydrothermal waters being heated up by the Dacite Porphyry Intrusives to a near‐neutral pH toward the later parts of the mineralization. Fluid inclusion microthermometry indicates that the temperature of the system started to increase during Stage 1 (T = 220–250°C) and remained at high temperatures (T = 250–290°C) toward Stage 6 due to the continuous intrusion of Dacite Porphyry Intrusives at depth. Salinity slightly decreased toward the later stages due to the contribution of more meteoric waters into the hydrothermal system. Boiling is considered the main mechanism of ore deposition based on the occurrence of rhombic adularia, the heterogeneous trapping of fluid inclusions of variable liquid–vapor ratios, the distribution of homogenization temperatures, and the gas ratios obtained from the quantitative fluid inclusion gas analysis of quartz. Ore mineral assemblage and sulfur fugacity determined from the FeS content of sphalerite at temperatures estimated by fluid inclusion microthermometry indicate that the base metal mineralization at Kay Tanda evolved from a high sulfidation to an intermediate sulfidation condition.  相似文献   

孙康  曹毅  张伟  赵洋 《现代地质》2021,35(5):1371-1379
安徽青阳铜矿里钼多金属矿床是长江中下游成矿带内近年来新发现的一个夕卡岩型钼多金属矿床。对该矿床的地质特征和流体包裹体特征进行了详细研究,探讨了流体来源与演化过程。基于脉体穿插和矿物交代关系将铜矿里矿床的成矿过程划分为早期夕卡岩、晚期夕卡岩、石英辉钼矿、石英多金属硫化物和碳酸盐矿物5个阶段。显微观察表明铜矿里矿床的流体包裹体类型主要为富液相包裹体、富气相包裹体和含子晶三相包裹体。显微测温结果显示,早期成矿流体具有高温、中高盐度的特征,而晚期成矿流体具有低温、低盐度的特征。结合已有的氢、氧同位素数据,表明铜矿里矿床早期热液为岩浆热液,晚期有大气水加入。石英辉钼矿阶段石英中出现富液相、含子晶三相和富气相包裹体共存的现象,且这些包裹体均一温度相近,但均一方式截然不同,表明流体沸腾作用可能是导致铜矿里钼多金属矿床中钼元素沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Daejang mine is located within the Cretaceous Gyeongsang basin. Mineral paragenesis can be divided into four stages (stages I, II, III and IV) by major tectonic fracturing. Stages I, III and IV are economically barren. Stage II, at which the precipitation of major ore minerals occurred, is further divided into three substages with paragenetic time based on minor fractures and discernible mineral assemblages: substage IIa, marked by deposition of quartz and Fe–sulfides; substage IIb, by introduction of base-metal sulfides within carbonates and some quartz; substage IIc, by quartz and carbonates with various sulfosalts. Fluid inclusion data indicate a complex geochemical evolution of hydrothermal fluids. Both CO2–rich and H2O–rich fluids were trapped in fluid inclusions at stage I and substage IIa. It is suggested that a compositionally heterogeneous fluid was formed by fluid boiling and CO2 immiscibility at temperatures of about 400° to 300°C. Composite lodes of base-metal sul–fides, carbonates and quartz at substage IIb were deposited in open spaces created by fracturing. The fracturing event prompted rapid decreases in pressure and temperature of residual fluids and resulted in retrograde fluid boiling at about 200 bars and 300°–250°C during substage IIb. The progressive loss of CO2 by CO2 effervescence and retrograde boiling from substage IIa and IIb fluids resulted in pH increase and related increase in carbonate activity, causing deposition of abundant carbonates. The change in pH also caused the decrease of stability of hydrogen sulfide with Cu, Zn and Pb chloride complexes (as main transporting agents at Daejang) and resulted in the pricipitation of base-metal minerals. Deposition of Ag– and Sb-bearing sul–fides and sulfosalts of substage IIc occurred at temperatures of about 250° to 150°C from a dominantly aqueous fluid with low salinity (down to 3. 0 equiv. wt % NaCl). At this substage, aqueous fluid formed by mixing with cooler and less saline meteoric groundwater. There is a systematic decrease in caculated δ18Owater values with the mineralization stage (and decreasing temperature) in the Daejang hydrothermal system, from values of about 11% for stage I, through about 4% for stages II and III, to about –3 per mil for stage IV. The result of stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies are interpreted to indicate progressive less evolved and/or unexchanged meteoric water influx of an early hydrothermal system formed by highly evolved meteoric waters.  相似文献   

榛子沟铅锌矿矿床是青城子矿田代表性矿床之一,矿体赋存于高家峪组和大石桥组之中,呈层状、似层状和脉状产出,受地层、岩浆和构造联合控制。矿床的形成经历了海底喷流、变质变形和热液叠加三期成矿作用,其中热液叠加成矿作用对脉状矿体的形成与层状矿体的局部热液改造起到了重要作用,可划分为Ⅰ黄铁矿-方铅矿-闪锌矿-石英和Ⅱ黄铁矿-方铅矿-石英-方解石两个阶段。流体包裹体和碳、氢、氧同位素研究表明:I阶段石英中发育气液两相和少量的富气相、CO2三相流体包裹体,成矿流体属中高温、低盐度、低密度的CO2-H2O-NaCl体系热液,含H2O、CO2、CH4和N2,流体包裹体的δDH2O-SMOW为-96.5‰和-95.4‰、δ18OH2O-SMOW为-0.62‰和0.04‰、δ13C为-4.8‰和-4.4‰,具有大气降水与岩浆水混合流体的特点;Ⅱ阶段石英中主要发育气液两相包裹体,成矿流体属低温、低盐度和低密度的H2O-NaCl体系热液,流体包裹体δDH2O-SMOW为-88.4‰~-80.0‰、δ18OH2O-SMOW为-7.93‰~-5.57‰,具有大气降水的特点,δ13C为-12.6‰~-7.9‰,具有岩浆水特点。综合分析表明,热液叠加成矿期成矿流体来源于岩浆水与大气降水的混合热液,且成矿后期大气降水的混入比例增加。  相似文献   

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