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中国盐湖的基本特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈克造 《第四纪研究》1992,12(3):193-202
盐湖中蕴藏着富饶的非金属和稀土矿产资源,盐湖沉积序列对研究干旱-半干旱区的古气候古环境演变,也占有重要的地位。本文综合现有资料,论述了中国盐湖的分布、水化学特征和盐湖类型、盐类矿物、盐类物质来源以及成盐期的基本特征。  相似文献   

盐湖中蕴藏着富饶的非金属和稀土矿产资源,盐湖沉积序列对研究干旱-半干旱区的古气候古环境演变,也占有重要的地位。本文综合现有资料,论述了中国盐湖的分布、水化学特征和盐湖类型、盐类矿物、盐类物质来源以及成盐期的基本特征。  相似文献   

赵追  陈国锋  程书香 《世界地质》2004,23(4):338-342,353
陆相盐湖盆地层序地层学的研究,是层序地层学研究中的前缘课题。通常应用盐湖发育的环境变化参数、旋回年代学、古地磁反转和生物地层等方法,来研究盐湖沉积形成的条件、盐湖层序成因模式、盐湖演变与全球变化。目前在研究中存在的主要问题是陆相盐湖盆地的层序地层解释至今缺乏一个比较适用的模式或研究方法,其中的关键是如何解释盐岩沉积在层序发育中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

盐湖资源与环境的地球科学系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡东生 《青海地质》1995,4(2):11-19
根据现代科学技术水平的发展,定义了盐湖资源与环境的科学概念,表述了盐湖资源的范畴和内涵,对盐湖的水面位,相环境,成岩作用,变质作用及反馈作用进行了详悉论述;对盐湖系统研究的几个关键性问题及发展方向和应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

盐湖学的研究与展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郑绵平 《地质论评》2006,52(6):737-746
人类对盐湖的认识与开发利用历史悠久,例如开采盐湖食盐,可追溯至距今4600年前,此阶段称为盐湖研发萌芽阶段。以近代科技理论方法对盐湖研究与开发大致可划分为3个阶段:①大约19世纪末至20世纪初,以物理化学为主导的石盐、碱、硼小规模开发阶段;②20世纪中期至60年代,暂称为传统地质学、生物学和化工研究与中小规模无机盐开发阶段;③20世纪70年代以来现代地质学、生物学、化学和化工等多学科研究以及大规模无机盐、盐生物、疗养一旅游综合利用与深加工阶段。但是,不少问题依然存在,如单学科研究而较少相互融合,盐湖资源“单打一”勘查开发现象还较多,已开发的盐湖环境和资源有不少受到不同程度破坏等。盐湖学提出与建立,既是基于盐湖与盐境综合性自然资源特点和盐湖科学自身研究开发的历程,也是有其国内外科技与经济发展需求的背景。盐湖学是一门新的基础性、综合性应用学科,它注重用多学科综合集成研究盐湖,这有利于全面揭示古今盐湖的成因与演化规律,有利于综合评价和充分发掘盐湖多元资源效益,所以它有别于传统的单学科研究模式。它注重盐湖与其盐体系基础研究与应用工程技术相结合,避免时有发生的两者相互脱节现象,从而形成相互衔接的“一条龙”研究模式,这为发展绿色盐湖产业、盐境保护与盐湖区可持续发展提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

论盐湖学   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:17  
郑绵平 《地球学报》1999,20(4):395-401
根据当代盐湖科学研究发展的特点和社会的需求,笔者提出有必要建立符合盐湖资源科学的新研究体系,称之为"盐湖学(Salinology)".它是研究盐湖体系的化学、物理和生物与其环境和资源的性质及特点,并推进其工程化的一门边缘应用基础科学.盐湖学的基本任务是用多学科的原理为指导,系统地研究与勘查盐湖,为人类与盐湖的协调及其科学管理和合理利用提供科学技术依据,为持续发展"盐湖农业"、盐湖矿业和旅游业服务.  相似文献   

西藏高原盐湖的构造地球化学和生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
郑绵平  刘喜方  赵文 《地质学报》2007,81(12):1698-1708
按盐湖的盐类组分和地质构造背景差别,将其概分为普通盐湖和特种盐湖。前者产于克拉通、地台等稳定构造区;后者分布于活动构造区,包括大陆边缘火山弧后盆地或陆-陆碰撞带,板块转换带后盆地。西藏高原盐湖产于陆-陆碰撞带;盐湖硼和稀碱元素主要来自高原深部壳层重熔岩浆,热水成为输入盐湖中的重要载体;盐湖水化学类型和组分特征控制了不同的成矿专属性。笔者等对藏北高原作了大范围盐湖生物概查,在调查的125个湖泊中,确定30个盐湖有卤虫繁衍。在羌塘北部21个湖泊中,已鉴定出浮游植物95种,主要种类有Gloeothece linearis,Doctylococcopsis rhaphichoidesHansg,Chroococcus minor,Naviculasp.,Cymbella pusilla,Dunaliellasalina,Chlorella rulgaris,Diatoma elongatum。浮游动物共鉴定出原生动物16种,主要种类有Voriticellaspp.,Epistylisspp.,Keratella quadrata,Daphniopsis tibetana,Artemiasp.等。  相似文献   

乜贞  卜令忠  郑绵平 《地球学报》2010,31(1):95-101
锂对国民经济和国家安全具有重要意义, 是21世纪的能源金属。近10年, 中国主要从国外进口碳酸锂产品。中国是一个多盐湖的国家, 盐湖锂占锂资源工业总储量的85%。现代第四纪盐湖主要分布在我国西北的青海、西藏、新疆和内蒙古四省区, 具有很好的开发前景。经过多年科研后, 目前国内已经在西台吉乃尔和扎布耶两个盐湖建立了卤水提锂产业。本文对比研究了这两个盐湖资源状况和地理气候条件, 以及由此而决定的盐湖资源开发工艺流程, 探讨了其工艺优化方向。并指出这两个盐湖具有锂资源储量大, 品位高的优势, 但是受盐湖类型或地理气候条件限制, 工艺上有待改善。建议继续加强对盐湖开发技术优化和对盐湖提锂产业的扶持。  相似文献   

青藏高原盐湖资源研究的新进展   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:20  
郑绵平 《地球学报》2001,22(2):97-102
本文着重就盐湖中心“九五”研究工作进展作一简要报道,该研究以“盐湖学”(Salinology)为指导,开展基础理论研究与开发实验相结合的探索,将盐湖资源综合性调查与典型盐湖开发研究密切结合。首次揭示了环昂拉陵区为锂硼铯(钾铷)盐湖巨大成矿域;指出扎布耶超大型锂硼盐湖矿床为一陆-陆碰撞区多级浅盆成矿模式,不同于南美弧后裂谷的高深盆锂硼成矿域;指出扎布耶超大型锂硼盐湖矿床为一陆-陆碰撞区多级浅盆成矿模式,不同于南美弧后裂谷的高深盆锂硼成矿模式;首次通过大范围盐湖综合调查,从而确认青藏高原是我国重要产卤虫盐湖远景区;以“因地制宜、就地取材、扬长避短”的原则,通过实验盐湖学研究,找到了一条适高原特殊环境的锂盐湖开发路线。  相似文献   

内蒙古盐湖的主要沉积特征及其古气候意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内蒙古盐湖的沉积地层主要由碎屑、粘土 淤泥类和盐类化学沉积组成,构成完整连续的地层剖面。碎屑层的沉积代表干旱气候条件,植被稀疏;风化作用强烈;粘土 淤泥类属较深湖沉积物,反映沉积时的暖湿气候条件;有盐类沉积时气候干旱程度增加,厚层的芒硝和泡碱的沉积,代表有突然的降温过程。根据盐湖沉积演化过程分析,近20kaB.P.以来内蒙古地区的古气候变化以暖湿-冷干交替变化为主要特征。在15~12kaB.P.、11~10kaB.P.和5kaB.P.以后,有几次较大的降温过程。  相似文献   

TheZhalingandElinglakes,whichplayanimportantroleinadjustmentandstorageofwaterfortheupstreamareaoftheYel lowRiver,aretwoofthelargestnaturalfreshwaterlakesintheYellowRiverdrainagearea .Thewaterenvironmentofthetwolakesandtheiradjacentregionsisquiteunique.S…  相似文献   

沉积地球科学的历史回顾与展望   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
何起祥 《沉积学报》2003,21(1):10-18
沉积地球科学自上世纪初从地层学中分出 ,成为独立的地球科学分支 ,经历了沉积岩石学、沉积学和沉积地质学三个发展阶段。沉积岩石学以沉积岩的特征、分类、产状和成因为主要研究对象 ;沉积学以沉积作用及沉积岩的形成为主要研究任务 ;沉积地质学探讨四维空间里沉积物运动的规律性 ,是沉积地球科学的新的拓展和升华。本文回顾了沉积岩石学、沉积学、沉积地质学的发展历史及其中蕴含的科学思维与方法学的重要变革 ,从认识论和方法学方面总结和讨论了本学科的发展轨迹。并在此基础上讨论了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

陆松年 《地质论评》1996,42(4):311-316
前寒武纪地质学是地球科学的主要研究领域之一。在前寒武纪岩层中蕴藏着丰富的矿藏,为人类的生存和发展提供了大量的有用资源。前寒武纪还是大陆地壳生长的主要时期,大陆地壳的形成、成因、演化过程及其模式是地球科学家最关心的问题之一。现在出露地表的前寒武纪中、深变质岩已成为研究深部地壳的窗口,为岩石圈研究开辟了新途径,提供了新信息。而生命起源及其早期演化则必须依赖前寒武纪地层中的生命化石记录进行研究。纵观地球科学的发展历史,前寒武纪地质学是地球科学中其它分支学科无法替代的研究领域。  相似文献   

The Chinese salt lake mega-region is controlled by an arid and semi-arid climate, and modern salt lakes are mainly distributed within areas with mean annual precipitation <500 mm. According to their geomorphological features, structural conditions, and material composition, salt lakes in China can be broadly divided into four regions. The degrees of exploitation and utilization of these salt lakes differ because these four regions have experienced different climatic changes and structural activities and have had their own characteristics of salt lake evolution since the beginning of the Quaternary. The salt lakes in these regions have different scales, economic value, and technical conditions for traffic. Among others, Jarantai (Jartai) Salt Lake and Yuncheng Salt Lake are better in terms of comprehensive utilization and environmental protection, and the potash salt lakes represented by Qarhan are most important in terms of exploitation. At present, there exist many environmental problems in the salt lake regions of China, especially in remote, small and medium-sized basins, where abusive or wasteful mining, low recovery, and mining of a single saline mineral have caused impoverishment and large quantities of byproducts. Furthermore, climatic environmental factors can also cause significant changes of salt lake environment. Since 1987, against the background of global warming, the climate in the northwest salt lake region has turned warm and wet, and lakes have exhibited a tendency for expansion and rise, whereas in the east of the region, the climate has remained in a warm dry stage, lake levels have dropped, and salt lakes have become desertified. With the implementation of the strategy of building an environmentally friendly society in China, increasing attention is being paid to eco-environmental protection. It is suggested that experience and advanced techniques in terms of comprehensive utilization, overall development, and environmental protection of salt lakes at home and abroad be further developed to strengthen observation and monitoring of environmental changes of salt lakes and build an environmentally friendly, great salt lake industry.  相似文献   

盐湖硼、锂、锶、氯同位素地球化学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
吕苑苑  郑绵平 《矿床地质》2014,33(5):930-944
盐湖作为盐矿资源的重要载体和富集区,探讨其矿物质来源及富集规律,不仅为盐湖的形成、演化及成盐成矿规律研究奠定了基础,也为盐湖资源评价及合理的开发利用提供了科学依据,具有重要的理论和现实意义。近年来,随着同位素地球化学的发展,同位素在盐湖领域的研究成果也日益丰富,使盐湖研究的深度和广度也得到快速发展。文章简要概述了硼、锂、锶、氯同位素的分馏机理及其在盐湖研究领域的发展历程,重点介绍了国内外取得的主要成果和最新进展,探讨了存在的问题,以促进硼、锂、锶、氯同位素地球化学研究在中国盐湖领域的进一步发展。  相似文献   

A review of Australian salt lakes and associated mineral systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study reviews the available information for over 1200 Australian salt lakes including in areas that have little or unreliable data. Publicly available groundwater hydrogeochemical datasets for the Australian arid zone are particularly sparse, inconsistent and of variable quality. Many datasets in the vicinity of salt lakes only report salinity or total dissolved solids, with no data for constituent cations and anions, and no appreciation of the hydrological and geomorphic evolution of the lakes. To overcome these limitations and to provide a broad-scale context, we developed mineral systems models to assess the potential of Australian salt lakes for potash, lithium and boron deposits. These models show that an important control on the potential of salt lake systems to form economic deposits of potash, lithium or boron is hydrogeological connectivity between leachable source rocks and the lakes. The assessment of the mineral potential was carried out in two stages. The first stage selection was based on the presence of favourable source rocks in the salt lakes’ catchments. The mean values of concentration in each catchment were derived from whole rock, sediment and groundwater geochemical datasets by averaging the values in samples (separately for each of the three datasets) located in the catchment and assigning this value to the catchment's salt lakes. The second stage selection was carried out by analysing available chemical data of groundwater in proximity to the salt lake systems delineated in the first stage. As a result, six regions were identified as having the highest potential, for potash in particular, but also for lithium and/or boron deposits. These are: the Lake Frome/Central Gawler Region of South Australia; two regions in the Northern Territory: the central western region extending into Western Australia, and the Lake Woods region; and, in Western Australia, the Lake Disappointment region, the north east Yilgarn and south east Yilgarn regions.  相似文献   

杨力行 《地球科学》2007,32(1):71-74
从文化视角来审视地球科学, 或将地球科学作为一种文化现象来研究, 地球科学至少包含三方面的内容: 一是地学研究方法或思维逻辑, 即“真”的问题; 二是人地关系或地学的价值理念, 即“善”的问题; 三是地球演化的平衡或人与地球的和谐, 即“美”的问题.文化视角下的地球科学是由“真”、“善”、“美”三者构成的统一体系.   相似文献   

《China Geology》2022,5(4):637-648
Based on the 16 scenes GF-1 satellite multi-spectral remote sensing images, through the adoption of data processing methods including orthorectification, geometric rectification, data fusion and image mosaic, integrated with field surveys, the remote sensing interpretation signs for the inland wetland types have been built, and the remote sensing survey of inland wetlands in Yadong region has been initiated, with six types of inland wetlands recognized in Yadong region, namely permanent rivers, seasonal rivers, lakes, salt lakes, alpine meadows, and inundated land. The spatial distribution characteristics and the spreading rules of these wetlands have also been revealed. Based on full understanding of the overall characteristics of the inland wetlands in the Yadong region, using the three phases of TM images acquired in 1989, 2003 and 2008 as well as the PMS2 data gathered by GF-1 in 2014, and the wide-range data (WFV3) gathered by GF-1 in 2020. As to the typical salt lakes, a long- time salt lakes transition study was carried out. The results show that the typical salt lakes in Yadong have been shrinking in the past three decades. The average annual shrinkage of Duoqing Co (Co means lake in Tibetan) was stronger than that of Gala Co, which are respective 87.30 hectares (usually short as ha; 1 ha equals to 0.01 km2) /a and 24.20 ha/a; the shrinkage degree of Gala Co was higher than that of Duoqing Co, shrank by 59.27% and 35.73% respectively. Based on the remote sensing survey results and an integrated analysis of the predecessors’ researchers, the reason for the shrinkage of the salt lakes is more inclined to geological factors. Geological process is manifested by a series of extensional faults at the bottom of the lake basin generated from tectonic activities, providing fluid infiltration channels, and inducing the eventual leakage of lake water to the lower strata. The result provides an important instance for understanding the evolution characteristics of wetlands and salt lakes in specific environment of the Tibetan Plateau.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is an area where a large number of salt lakes are distributed. We have collected several hundred samples of natural waters over the Plateau since 1976 and carried out researches on their hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. The results indicate that theδD and δ18O values of the salt lake waters over the Plateau range from −64.1 to +12.4‰ and from −11.19 to +8.62‰, respectively. From the different types of surfaces, ground and lake waters of various salinities it is inferred that the compositions of H and O isotopes in the initial water of Qinghai Lake areδD=−55.0‰ and {ie336-1}; and those in the original water from the lakes in northern Xizang, areδD=−116.0‰ and {ie336-2}. Brines in the salt lakes are derived from rain water through prolonged circulation. Oilfield water also makes some contribution to the salt lakes in the Qaidam Basin. Similar slopes of evaporation lines of water isotopes are noticed for the Qinghai Lake area and northern Xizang. This is attributed to the evolution of the isotopes in these water bodies in an environment of middle latitude and high elevation.  相似文献   

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