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裂隙结构的存在对于工程岩体的强度和稳定性具有重要影响,岩石宏观裂隙的产生源自于微破裂的积累。针对岩体裂隙的粗糙特性,通过Matlab建立考虑粗糙度的节理模型(Roughness Joint Model),采用简化的正弦曲线来表示粗糙节理,并将其导入到颗粒流试验模型中进行单轴压缩试验。对比完整岩体、直线型裂隙岩体、RJM岩体三者破坏的应力-应变曲线,改变裂隙倾角(与水平方向夹角)α,岩桥倾角β,裂隙密度γ,建立不同裂隙分布的断续节理岩体数值试样,开展一系列数值模拟试验。研究结果发现:(1)裂隙的存在明显降低了岩体的抗压强度,RJM模型峰值强度和峰值应变均高于直线型裂隙岩体;(2)岩体抗压强度总体上随裂隙倾角增大而增加,随裂隙密度增加而减小,但随岩桥倾角的改变呈非线性变化,岩桥倾角45°时峰值强度最低,峰值应变最小;(3)裂隙分布会影响岩体的破裂模式,微裂隙的扩展反映了岩体力学性质的各向异性;(4)不同倾角下增加裂隙密度,岩体强度下降程度不同,倾角75°时密度对强度影响最小,30°和60°时影响最大。  相似文献   

针对柱状节理岩体的构造特性,采用水泥砂浆等材料制作出具有不同柱体倾角且含有横向节理分布的柱状节理岩体模型,并通过单轴压缩试验,研究柱体倾角和横向节理对岩体各向异性力学特性及破坏机制的影响。结果表明:试样峰值强度和变形模量随柱体倾角变化曲线均近似为U形,并体现出典型的各向异性特征;随着柱体倾角的变化,试样单轴压缩破坏模式可分为垂直于柱体轴向的劈裂破坏、沿纵向节理面的剪切滑移破坏、滑移破坏与劈裂破坏同时发生的复合破坏和平行于柱体轴向的劈裂破坏4类;横向节理的存在降低了柱状节理岩体沿柱轴方向的完整性,并影响了劈裂破坏裂纹的分布与扩展,因此,横向节理切割柱体是影响柱状节理岩体承载能力的重要因素。  相似文献   

彭守建  岳雨晴  刘义鑫  许江 《岩土力学》2019,40(9):3291-3299
岩体结构面具有明显的各向异性,其直接影响岩体的变形特性、力学特性与渗流特性,因此对结构面的各向异性特征开展量化分析尤为重要。针对不同成因(劈裂、剪切)结构面,利用结构面量化参数(节理粗糙度系数JRC、节理平均倾角θ、分形维数D_B)对其各向异性特征进行了分析,研究了各向异性特征对其剪切力学特性的影响。研究结果表明:(1)在劈裂断裂结构面中,平行劈裂方向的JRC与θ值普遍大于垂直方向,且随角度变化波动较小,D_B在对角线方向变化较大,其值与所取剖面线长度有关;而在剪切断裂结构面中,平行剪切方向的JRC和θ值与垂直方向无明显差别,但D_B同样在对角线方向变化较大;(2)在评价结构面各向异性时,采用θ、D_B等参数评价时,劈裂断裂结构面与剪切断裂结构面各向异性系数无明显差别,采用JRC作为评价参数时,其各向异性系数差异较大,能较好反映不同结构面之间的差异特征;(3)剪切断裂结构面的峰值剪切荷载和法向位移均高于劈裂断裂结构面,两种结构面的剪胀角达到峰值时的剪切位移相近,剪切断裂结构面的开度分布较为集中且普遍较大,劈裂断裂结构面开度分布则较为分散。  相似文献   

对含节理面的岩体模型进行数值模拟,研究节理面倾角、间距和条数等对节理岩体的轴向瞬时应变、轴向蠕变应变的影响。结果表明:(1)含单组平行贯通节理时,且节理面等间距均匀分布时,当节理面的倾角β为90°时,轴向瞬时应变和蠕变应变随节理面条数的增加几乎没有变化。当节理面条数保持不变,随着节理面的倾角β由0°增加至90°时,轴向瞬时应变和轴向蠕变应变呈先增加后减小的变化规律。(2)当节理岩体模型中含有2条交叉的贯通节理面时,竖直荷载方向与第1条节理面间的夹角,以及两条节理面间的夹角对节理岩体的轴向瞬时应变和蠕变应变均有所影响。  相似文献   

渗流场与应力场耦合作用下边坡渗流规律对研究边坡稳定性至关重要,应用基于等效连续介质模型和Louis经验公式建立的各向异性岩体渗流应力耦合模型,对顺倾向层状边坡的各向异性渗流规律进行了模拟分析。研究表明:顺倾向层状边坡中水位降深随结构面倾角θ的增大先升高、后降低,呈现两头低、中间高的形态,且越靠近溢出点,结构面倾角对水位降深影响越大;θ约为42°时水位降深最大,潜水面最低,同时渗透各向异性系数达到最大值;顺倾向边坡岩层产状一定时,随着埋深的增加,岩体渗透各向异性系数逐渐减小,裂隙控渗特征由显著到逐渐变弱,表现出向各向同性渗流过渡的趋势。  相似文献   

目前损伤力学已被认为是研究节理岩体力学行为的有效工具,但是在目前的节理岩体损伤变量定义中大多仅考虑节理几何特征而未考虑节理内摩擦角等力学参数,这显然不能很好地反映节理岩体的力学特征。为此,拟推导出一个能够综合考虑节理几何及力学参数的损伤变量(张量),并由此建立单轴压缩荷载下岩体损伤本构模型。首先,基于断裂力学的由于单个节理存在引起的附加应变能增量与损伤力学的损伤应变能释放量相关联的观点,推导出了含非贯通节理岩体的损伤变量计算公式;其次,根据断裂力学理论对单轴压缩荷载下的单个节理尖端应力强度因子计算方法进行了研究,得出了应力强度因子K、K的计算公式;同时考虑多节理间的相互作用给出了单组单排及多排非贯通节理应力强度因子计算公式。最后,利用该模型对含单条非贯通节理的岩体在单轴压缩荷载作用下的峰值强度及损伤变量进行了分析计算。结果表明,当节理倾角小于其内摩擦角时,岩体强度与完整岩石相同,岩体损伤为零,而后随着节理倾角增加,岩体强度、损伤随节理倾角的变化分别呈开口向上及向下的抛物线,当节理倾角约为60°时,岩体损伤最大,强度最低。随着节理长度增加,岩体损伤增加,而随着节理内摩擦角的增加,岩体损伤则减小。   相似文献   

杜时贵 《现代地质》1994,8(2):198-208
简易纵剖面仪和Ry—JRC尺为定量统计研究岩体节理的表面形态和粗糙度系数提供了有效的量测工具.本文根据简易纵剖面仪在某一节理面上野外现场绘制的1023条不同方向、不同取样长度的节理表面轮廓曲线的实测统计资料,系统、定量地分析了节理表面形态的各质异性、各向异性和非均一性;运用JRC—JCS模型讨论了岩体节理力学参数的各质异性效应、各向异性效应、非均一性效应、评定长度效应、几何形状效应和法向应力效应等问题.在此基础上,提出了按岩性定向统计研究节理表面形态、估测节理粗造度系数和估算岩体节理力学参数的科学思路.文末对正确运用JRC—JCS模型估算岩体节理力学参数的有关注意事项作了简要说明.  相似文献   

采用等效岩体(ERM)技术,将节理和岩块分别用光滑节理模型及颗粒体模型表征,构建含不同节理倾角、连通率的等效岩体模型。结合试验结果,从细观力学角度开展单轴压缩条件下节理连通率对岩体强度、破裂机制、能量演化等力学特征影响的定量研究。研究发现,当节理方向与加载轴向呈一定夹角时,岩体表现出沿岩桥连线方向的贯通破坏趋势,尤其当节理倾角? = 30°,连通率L = 0.8时,岩体破坏表现出岩桥复合贯通破坏模式。在该类节理倾角(? = 30°)条件下,随节理连通率增大,岩体表现出的主要力学特征为:(1)峰值抗压强度呈不断降低趋势;(2)微破裂总数不断下降,但张拉型微破裂所占比例逐渐提高。微裂纹进一步集中在不同层间节理尖端岩桥连线上产生;(3)声发射(AE)事件产生时间在整个加载阶段逐渐分散,声发射事件总数及破裂强度分布范围、均值、标准差等均不断减小;(4)峰值应变能及峰后应变能、动能变化率降低,峰后摩擦能增速放缓,试样破坏所需的外界做功逐渐降低。  相似文献   

通过预制平行非贯穿节理试件进行单轴压缩试验,系统研究在节理倾角和节理间距组合形式下,对岩石试件的应力-应变曲线、峰值强度、变形参数、能量特征等的影响。试验研究发现:(1)平行节理岩体强度和变形曲线随节理倾角都呈现U型,当节理倾角为60°时,岩石单轴抗压强度取得最小值,表现出强烈的各向异性,随着节理间距的增大,岩石的单轴抗压强度逐渐增大;(2)试件破坏模式主要与节理倾角有关,在倾角为30°、45°时为张拉破坏或者张剪破坏特征,在倾角为60°时表现出剪切破坏特征,倾角为75°时为张剪破坏;(3)岩石在变形各阶段中吸收能量与耗散能成非线性增长,弹性应变能呈现先增加后减小,能量曲线随节理间距成指数增加关系。 更多还原  相似文献   

为了研究节理化程度和节理倾角对岩体破碎特征影响,对不同节理化试件在单轴压缩后的破碎体进行了筛分实验。按照单轴压缩后的碎屑粒径分布大小不同,将其分为粗粒、中粒、细粒、微粒4个级别,通过计算碎屑的粒度质量分数、粒度频数、比表面积和分形维数,分析了相同节理层间距不同节理化条件下,随节理倾角的变化,试件的块度分布特征变化规律。结果显示:随着节理倾角的增大,试件的破碎程度均是先减小后增大,β为45°时破碎程度最低,β为0°、30°、90°的破碎程度较高。节理中心距为30 mm时,节理连通率越小,破碎越严重。节理连通率为0.8时,节理中心距越大,破碎越严重。   相似文献   

In this paper, an anisotropic strength criterion is established for jointed rock masses. An orientation distribution function (ODF) of joint connectivity, is introduced to characterize the anisotropic strength of jointed rock masses related to directional distributed joint sets. Coulomb failure condition is formulated for each plane of jointed rock masses by joint connectivity, where the friction coefficient and cohesion of the jointed rock mass are related to those of the intact rock and joint and become orientation dependent. When approximating joint connectivity by its second‐order fabric tensor, an anisotropic strength criterion is derived through an approximate analytical solution to the critical plane problem. To demonstrate the effects of joint distribution on the anisotropic strength of jointed rock masses, the failure envelopes are worked out for different relative orientations of material anisotropy and principal stress axes. The anisotropic strength criterion is also applied to wellbore stability analyses. It is shown that a borehole drilled in the direction of the maximum principal in situ stress is not always the safest due to the anisotropic strength of the jointed rock mass. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Strength and dilatancy of jointed rocks with granular fill   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
It is well recognised that the strength of rock masses depends upon the strain history, extent of discontinuities, orientation of plane of weakness, condition of joints, fill material in closely packed joints and extent of confinement. Several solutions are available for strength of jointed rock mass with a set of discontinuities. There is a great multiplicity in the proposed relationships for the strength of jointed rocks. In the present study, the author conceives the effect of increasing stresses to induce permanent strains. This permanent strain appears as micro crack, macro crack and fracture. A fully developed network of permanent deformations forms joint. The joint may contain deposits of hydraulic and hydrothermal origin commonly known as gouge. The joint factor numerically captures varied engineering possibilities of joints in a rock mass. The joints grow as an effect of loading. The growth of the joints is progressive in nature. It increases the joint factor, which modifies the failure stresses. The dilatancy explains the progressive failure of granular media. Hence, a mutual relationship conjoins effectively the strength of jointed rock and a dilatancy-dependent parameter known as relative dilatancy. This study provides a simple and integral solution for strength of jointed rocks, interpreted in relation to the commonly used soil, and rock parameters, used for a realistic design of structure on rock masses. It has scope for prediction of an equivalent strength for tri-axial and plane strain conditions for unconfined and confined rock masses using a simple technique.  相似文献   

节理岩体蠕变特性研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
杨松林  张建民  黄启平 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1225-1228
在已知岩石和节理蠕变规律的前提下,推导了节理岩体蠕变模型的一般表达式。假定岩石体积变形和节理法向压缩变形为弹性变形,忽略节理的剪胀现象,认为只有岩石畸变和节理剪切滑移与时间有关,从而推导了含三组相交节理的岩体蠕变模型及其参数。根据反演出的岩石和节理蠕变模型,计算了含三组相交节理的岩体在单轴应力作用下一些节理参数对岩体单轴蠕变的影响。分析表明,节理间距、剪胀系数以及节理夹角都对岩体的单轴蠕变变形有明显影响。节理间距越大,剪胀系数越大,节理夹角越小,节理岩体的单轴蠕变柔量也就越小,岩体的蠕变变形也越小。  相似文献   

王瑞红  李建林  蒋昱州  王宇 《岩土力学》2012,33(11):3257-3262
节理对卸荷条件下岩体的力学性质有重要影响。通过含2条不同间距预制断续节理岩体的三轴卸荷破坏试验,研究了节理岩体在卸荷应力条件下的应力-应变特征、强度、变形特征、破坏规律及节理间距对岩体力学性质的影响。研究表明:相比于完整岩体,节理岩体卸荷破坏时从峰值强度跌落至残余强度过程中轴向应变较大,为完整岩体的3~4倍,岩体破坏时极限强度明显低于完整岩体,脆性特征不如完整岩体明显;节理岩体卸荷破坏时,变形模量有较大幅度的降低,其降低程度是同条件下完整岩体的6~7倍,节理间距越大,变形模量降低程度越大;与含预制节理岩样三轴加载试验结果相比,节理岩体卸荷条件下破坏程度更为强烈,除剪切破裂面外,沿最大主应力方向分布的不同级别的张性裂隙非常发育,预制节理的间距对岩体破坏形态影响不大。  相似文献   

Fracture data available for one of the rock masses (limestone) in the dam site of Yujian River Reservoir were used to build and validate a stochastic 3-D fracture network model, and to perform a REV and equivalent continuum study in 3-D. A number of relations are developed in the paper between the rock mass mechanical parameters and fracture tensor components in 3-D. Based on the mechanical parameter values obtained in every 45° direction in 3-D, the principal parameter values, principal directions and tensors are developed for rock mass mechanical parameters to represent the REV block size properties. An incrementally linear elastic, orthotropic constitutive model is suggested to represent the equivalent continuum pre-failure mechanical behavior of the jointed rock mass by incorporating the effect of joint geometry network by the fracture tensor components.  相似文献   

褚卫江  徐卫亚  苏静波  任强  石崇 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):156-160
采用非饱和的渗流应力耦合模型分析了糯扎渡水电站2#导流洞的开挖过程,导流洞部分洞身穿过节理带,洞顶水头较高。详细地讨论了高水头和节理带对施工过程的影响。节理带采用描述高密度平行节理组的各向异性节理本构来逼近;考虑开挖引起的介质变形对渗透系数的影响;考虑排水引起的饱和度变化对渗透系数的影响。所用的非饱和瞬态耦合模型可以模拟出开挖引起的EDZ区域孔隙水压力急剧升高、有效应力减小、渗透系数动态的变化以及排水对洞室稳定性的提高。数值模拟的计算结果与国外类似试验的一般性观测结论相吻合,因此,可以用来评价水位以下隧洞施工方法和施工速度的合理性和经济性。  相似文献   

In nature, there exist several forms of anisotropy in rock masses due to the presence of bedding planes, joints, and weak layers. It is well understood that the anisotropic properties of jointed rock masses significantly affect the stability of surface and underground excavations. However, these critical anisotropic characteristics are often ignored in existing uniaxial dynamic failure criteria. This study investigates the effect of a pre-existing persistent joint on the rate-dependent mechanical behaviours of a rock mass using a particle mechanics approach, namely, bonded particle model (BPM), to realistically replicate the mechanical response of the rock mass. Firstly, in order to capture the rate-dependent response of the jointed rock mass, the BPM model is validated using published experimental data. Then, a dynamic strength model is proposed based on the Jaeger criterion and simulation results. To further investigate the dynamic behaviours, the dynamic uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for anisotropic rock masses with various joint orientations is investigated by subjecting the BPM models to uniaxial compression numerical tests with various strain rate. The proposed dynamic strength model is validated based on numerical simulation results. Finally, the fragmentation characteristics of the jointed rock masses are analysed, which demonstrate that the failure mode affects the dynamic UCS. This is further confirmed by the analysis of the orientations of microscopic cracks generated by the compression loading.  相似文献   

An anisotropic geomechanical model for jointed rock mass is presented. Simultaneously with deriving the orthotropic anisotropy elastic parameters along the positive axis, the equivalent compliance matrix for the deflection axis orthotropic anisotropy was derived through a three-dimensional coordinate transformation. In addition, Singh’s analysis of the stress concentration effects of intermittent joints was adopted, based on two groups of intermittent joints and a set of cross-cutting joints in the jointed rock mass. The stress concentration effects caused by intermittent joints and the coupling effect of cross-cutting joints along the deflection-axis are also considered. The proposed anisotropic mechanics parameters method is applied to determine the deformation parameters of jointed granite at the Taishan Nuclear Power Station. Combined with the deterministic mechanical parameters of rock blocks and joints, the deformation parameters and their variability in jointed rock masses are estimated quantitatively. The computed results show that jointed granite at the Taishan Nuclear Power Station exhibits typical anisotropic mechanical characteristics; the elastic moduli in the two horizontal directions were similar, but the elastic modulus in the vertical direction was much greater. Jointed rock elastic moduli in the two horizontal and vertical directions were respectively about 24% and 37% of the core of rock, showing weakly orthotropic anisotropy; the ratio of elastic moduli in the vertical and horizontal directions was 1.53, clearly indicating the transversely isotropic rock mass mechanical characteristics. The method can be popularized to solve other rock mechanics problems in nuclear power engineering.  相似文献   

岩石节理面形态与水力特性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过节理面粗糙度测量、张开度模拟、节理渗流试验及有限元数值分析,探讨了岩石节理复杂的水力特性。研究表明,节理渗流具有明显的不均匀性、各向异性及与变形耦合等性质,节理的渗透系数与法向应力之间呈负指数关系。  相似文献   

Based on a simulation of three-dimensional fracture networks and a superposition principle of liquid dissipation energy for fractured rock masses, a model of the fracture permeability tensor is proposed. An elastic constitutive model of rock fractures, considering fracture closure and dilation during shearing, is also proposed, based on the dilation angle of the fracture. Algorithms of flow-path searching and calculation of the effective flow coefficients for fracture networks are presented, together with a discussion on the influence of geometric parameters of the fractures (trace length, spacing, aperture, orientation and the number of fracture sets) on magnitude, anisotropy of hydraulic permeability and the size of a representative elementary volume (REV). The anisotropy of hydraulic permeability of fractured rock masses is mainly affected by orientation and the number of fracture sets, and the REV size is mainly influenced by trace length, spacing and the number of fracture sets. The results of studies on REV size and the influence of in-situ stress on hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass on the slope of Jinping-I hydropower station, China, are presented using the developed models and methods. The simulation results agreed well with the results obtained from field water-pressure measurements, with an error of less than 10 %.  相似文献   

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