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石灰土改良试验及其岩溶作用响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据石灰土的特点,采用常规有机肥料进行改良石灰土对比试验研究。试验结果表明: ( 1)有机肥处理,降低了石灰土pH值和钙镁元素含量,增强了土壤的溶蚀能力,大大提高了土壤营养元素有效态含量,改善了土壤物理性状,玉米产量和植株性状也远高于和好于对照地; ( 2)不同改良方案因有机肥搭配类型和施肥方式的不同,对埋藏于其中的灰岩试片溶蚀强度和土壤改良的效果存在显著差异。从施肥方式上看,以积制堆肥半腐熟时挖沟施入土壤效果最好,作物增产率为47. 82% ,灰岩试片的溶蚀速率为3. 43 mg /cm2 . a;直接混合挖沟埋入土壤效果次之,增产率为43. 94% ,溶蚀速率为3. 26 mg /cm2 . a;积制堆肥完全腐熟后挖沟施入土壤效果最差,增产率为30. 99% ,溶蚀速率为3. 17mg /cm2. a。从搭配类型来看,塘泥+ 沼渣(液)+ 鲜绿肥> 秸秆+ 塘泥+ 沼渣(液) > 秸秆+ 人畜粪便+ 塘泥。   相似文献   

滨海湿地不同密度柽柳林土壤调蓄水功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为探求黄河三角洲湿地土壤调蓄水功能的合理柽柳林密度,采用测量土壤入渗过程和水分物理参数相结合的方法,对不同密度柽柳林的土壤蓄水功能和水分调节能力进行研究。结果表明:①柽柳林随密度的增大具有显著提高细砂粒和降低粉黏粒含量的作用;中密度林分降盐抑碱效应明显,各密度林分表层盐碱含量低于20~40 cm土层;②土壤容重随林分密度增大表现为先减小后增大,孔隙度状况则与之相反,中密度、高密度、草地总孔隙度均值分别比低密度林分高12.9%、6.2%、4.4%;对表层的改良效果好于20~40 cm土层;③Horton模型可较好地模拟柽柳林的土壤入渗过程,中密度林分渗透性能最好,高密度次之,低密度最差;④饱和蓄水量、吸持蓄水量、滞留蓄水量及涵蓄降水量均表现为中密度>高密度>草地>低密度,表土层的水分调蓄功能好于下层;中密度、高密度、草地涵蓄降水量分别比低密度林分高28.4%、23.8%、14.1%。中密度柽柳林具有巨大的水分调蓄空间,其次为高密度,而低密度林分较差。  相似文献   

针对废弃离子型稀土矿山中的重金属铅和氨氮复合污染问题,本文采用木醋液、氢氧化钠、木醋液-氢氧化钠对天然沸石进行改性,利用扫描电镜(SEM)、比表面积测定(BET)、X射线衍射(XRD)分析改性前后沸石的微观结构和物相组成变化。开展室内模拟溶液中吸附动力实验;以现场采集的土壤为基质,进行柱淋滤实验及土壤中稳定化实验,分析了天然沸石和氯化钠、氢氧化钠、木醋液-氢氧化钠三种不同改性沸石对铅和氨氮的形态影响。结果表明:碱改性沸石和碱+木醋液改性沸石对200mg/L铅的去除率超过94%,对30mg/L氨氮的去除率大于65%;2%(质量百分比)为碱改性沸石的最佳添加比例,使土壤中铅有效态固化率达52%,氨氮由不稳定态向稳定态转化。现场中试实验证明,添加修复材料6个月后,碱改性沸石吸附稳定土壤中氨氮达94.61%。碱改性沸石不仅制备工艺简单,价格便宜,无二次污染,而且对土壤中铅和氨氮复合污染有很好的稳定化效果,可作为用于废弃稀土矿山土壤修复稳定化材料之一。  相似文献   

石灰土盐基离子迁移对模拟酸雨的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘炜  周运超  张春来 《中国岩溶》2018,37(3):336-342
为揭示酸雨条件下石灰土盐基离子迁移特征及其缓冲性能,对石灰土进行了室内模拟酸雨淋溶试验,探讨酸雨酸度、土层厚度、土表覆被对石灰土酸化/石灰土抗酸性以及盐基离子迁移的影响。结果表明:(1)在pH=3.5、4.5、5.5的酸雨淋溶下,石灰土盐基离子迁移量差异不显著,对酸雨具有极强的缓冲能力。期间,Ca2+与Mg2+释放呈显著线性相关。(2)土壤厚度对石灰土抗酸性有极显著影响,土壤越厚,对酸雨的抗性越大,反之越小。(3)土厚比1∶2.5∶5的石灰土盐基离子淋失状况为K+淋失量1∶1.43∶2.06,Ca2+淋失量为1∶1.63∶3.13,Mg2+淋失量为1∶1.64∶3.15,表明土厚的增加能大大降低酸雨对盐基的淋溶。(4)石灰土土表覆盖不同,其盐基离子迁移淋溶量差异明显,但并不对土壤酸化效应产生显著影响。   相似文献   

文章研究了采用酸、碱、盐改性红辉沸石和加热活化红辉沸石对改性红辉沸石去除水溶液中氨氮的影响效果。实验结果表明:(1)用红辉沸石去除溶液中氨氮的实验条件选择如下:1搅拌时间为30min;2沸石粒度为40~60目;3沸石用量为2g;4氯化氨溶液浓度为40mg/L;5氯化氨溶液用量为80ml。(2)采用高温活化对提高红辉沸石去除氨氮效率的作用不明显。(3)酸和碱改性对提高红辉沸石去除氨氮的效率有一定的作用,其中盐酸改性的红辉沸石去除氨氮效率为16.2%,硫酸改性的红辉沸石去除氨氮效率为13.1%,碱改性的红辉沸石去除氨氮效率为25.6%。(4)盐改性对红辉沸石去除水溶液中氨氮的影响效果巨大:经盐改性后,去除率由9.6%升高至72.6%。  相似文献   

农田水盐调控现实与面临问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
农田土壤盐碱化是农业可持续发展的主要威胁之一,为创建适应现代生态农业发展的农田水盐调控方法,在总结农田盐分来源及其累积动力特征的基础上,从土壤盐分影响土壤供养能力和作物生产能力两大方面,分析土壤盐分对土壤-作物系统功能的影响途径,明确农田水盐高效调控方向。根据不同时代的治盐理念,将水盐调控发展历程分成4个阶段,以抑制盐碱胁迫对土壤和作物的危害为切入点,解析水利措施、化学措施、生物措施和农艺措施的作用特点和调控目标及适用范围。根据现代农业绿色发展与提质增效需求,凝练盐碱胁迫农田控害增效水盐调控理念,提出水盐调控策略,即调控根际水盐传输动力特征,重构农田水盐分布空间格局,提升农业改土促生措施功效;指出农田控害增效水盐调控急需解决的关键技术,总结了创新水盐调控理论有待深入研究的基础科学问题,以期为盐碱胁迫农田绿色、高效和可持续利用提供指导。  相似文献   

在模拟人体温度37℃条件下,进行多孔纤维矿物粉尘与氨基酸作用的实验研究。在72h内溶解过程中pH值和电导率的变化结果表明,多孔纤维矿物在氨基酸中发生的溶解作用与到的性质有关,酸性氨基酸对矿物的溶解能力最强,中性次之,碱性最弱。其溶解过程在前8h以内较强,以后趋于平缓,纤维矿物在氨基酸中的溶解程度从小到大为:斜发沸石-坡缕石、海泡石-蛇纹石,说明斜发沸石有较强的耐蚀能力,其生物持久性较高,而蛇纹石石  相似文献   

王焰新 《地学前缘》2001,8(2):301-307
经济、有效、易获得的生物质和地质材料 (及二者的废弃物 )可用来取代传统的活性炭或离子交换树脂用于去除废水中的重金属。已经公开发表的低成本吸附剂主要可分为两类 :(1)生物质 (包括林业和农业的废弃物 ) :树皮 /富含丹宁酸的物质 ,木质素 ,几丁质 /甲壳质 ,死的生物体 ,苔藓 ,海草 /海藻 /褐藻酸 ,废弃的茶叶 ,稻壳 ,羊毛 ,棉花等 ;(2 )地质材料 (包括矿物利用后的工业废弃物 ) :沸石 ,粘土 ,泥炭 ,有铁氧化物包壳的砂 ,粉煤灰等。其中 ,对于重金属具有强吸附能力的吸附剂有甲壳质、沸石和木质素 ,例如 ,它们对一些重金属的最大吸附能力分别为 :甲壳质对Cd ,Hg ,Pb分别为 5 5 8,112 3 ,796mg/g ,沸石对Pb为 15 5 4mg/g ,木质素对Pb为 15 87mg/g。地质材料的环境利用值得引起地学界和环境工程界更广泛的重视。基于地质材料和水岩相互作用机理的环境污染控制技术有望成为 2 1世纪重要的环保替代技术。由于缺少连续的可比性强的成本信息 ,要比较不同的生物质和地质材料的成本和吸附性能仍较困难。尽管已对低成本吸附剂领域进行了很多研究 ,但要更好地了解低成本吸附剂的作用机理及其实用性 ,仍需要做大量的室内和现场工作。  相似文献   

氨基膨润土对铜镍镉污染土壤的钝化修复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集土壤,加入铜、镍和镉制成重金属污染土壤。以四乙烯五胺改性膨润土和膨润土原土作为修复剂,通过模拟酸雨和混合提取剂提取有效态重金属,评价膨润土和氨基膨润土对土壤中铜、镍、镉的钝化效果。结果表明:p H=3. 5的模拟酸雨对各污染土壤中重金属离子的提取率均在0. 1%以下。混合提取剂对污染土壤中有效态金属的提取能力比模拟酸雨强很多。添加膨润土原土和氨基膨润土均能钝化土壤中的铜、镍和镉,氨基膨润土上嫁接的氨基对金属有络合作用,因而比膨润土原土对铜、镍和镉具有更强的钝化能力。综合评价表明氨基膨润土是一种对铜、镍和镉污染土壤具有应用前景的钝化修复材料。  相似文献   

对兵团222团灌区西部为弃耕地和未开发耕地,通过对该区域进行土地盐碱化勘察,得出项目区土壤类型为亚粘土,主要积盐方式为洪积积盐;土壤盐渍化的等级为强盐渍土和盐土;项目区盐碱类型为钠盐型,属碱化-硫酸盐型和碱化-氯化物、硫酸盐混合盐渍化类型存在,针对项目区土壤盐渍化化学性质及其分布特点,提出对项目区土壤盐渍化的改良和治理措施。  相似文献   

总结了近几十年来包括活性炭、沸石、蒙脱石、海泡石、麦饭石、凹凸棒石、氧化铝、氢氧化钠、明矾、纳米材料等矿物材料作为卷烟滤嘴添加剂以去除烟气中有毒有害物质的研究和实验应用及效果。实验结果和市场调查表明,活性炭是减少卷烟危害最快、香烟市场应用增长最快的过滤嘴添加剂。从降低卷烟有害成分的比例和成本等综合因素来看,铝硅酸盐类滤嘴和多材料复合滤嘴亦有很好的应用前景和市场需求,应积极进行研制。  相似文献   

长期定量施肥对土壤有机碳储量和土壤呼吸影响   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
利用1989年在河南省封丘县潮土上建立的用于研究有机肥(用小麦秸秆和饼肥沤制)和化学肥料对土壤有机碳和土壤生产力影响的长期定位试验,于2002年6月至2003年6月在玉米—小麦轮作期内对土壤呼吸进行了研究。试验包括化肥氮磷钾(NKP)、氮磷(NP)、氮钾(NK)、磷钾(PK)、有机肥(OM)、一半化学氮肥和一半有机氮(1/2OM)以及不施肥(CK)7个处理。试验结果表明:以有机肥或以化肥形式配合施用NPK不但可以极大提高土壤生产力,而且有益于增加土壤有机碳储量。有机肥对土壤有机碳含量的提高作用显著高于化肥。玉米生长期的土壤呼吸占全年呼吸量的56%~59%,小麦生长期只占32%~37%。土壤有机碳储量和土壤呼吸量与有机物质的投入有关。综合考虑经济效益(籽粒产量)和环境效益(全球变化),最佳的肥料配比是有机肥料和无机肥料配合施用,寻求合理可行的有机肥和化肥配合比率是实现农业土壤生产功能和环境功能协调统一的关键。  相似文献   

Effect of addition of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) on two metals viz. copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) contents of submerged rice paddies were studied. Experiments were conducted during the three consecutive wet seasons from 1997 to 1999 on rice grown under submergence, at the Experimental Farm of Calcutta University, India. A sequential extraction method was used to determine the metal (Cu and Zn) fractions in MSWC and cow dung manure (CDM). Both metals were significantly bound to the organic matter and Fe and Mn oxides in MSWC and CDM. Metal content in rice straw was higher than in rice grain. Metal bound with Fe and Mn oxides in MSWC and CDM best correlated with straw and grain metal followed by exchangeable and water soluble fractions. Carbonate, organic matter bound and residual fractions in MSWC and CDM did not significantly correlate with rice straw and grain metal. The MSWC would be a valuable resource for agriculture if it can be used safely, but long-term field experiments with MSWC are needed to assess by regular monitoring of the metal loads and accumulation in soil and plants.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩的H2CO3溶蚀产生岩溶碳汇,占整个岩石风化碳汇的 94%。西南岩溶区硫酸型酸雨严重,硫酸型酸雨广泛参与碳酸盐岩的溶蚀。H2SO4参与的碳酸盐岩风化是一个大气CO2净释放过程,具有减汇作用巨大。另一方面,岩溶区石灰土壤和地下水具有较高的pH值及盐基饱和度,对H+有巨大的缓冲作用,大气酸沉降在碳酸盐岩地区可能并不会造成地下水的HCO3-和pH降低;相反,较高浓度的SO42-所产生的盐效应和SO2-4与各种阳离子形成的离子对会增大方解石、白云石溶解度,可增强H2CO3对碳酸盐的溶蚀,这可能会使岩溶作用产生更大的碳汇效应。因此,硫酸型酸雨参与碳酸盐岩风化的减汇效应不仅可能被高估,硫酸型酸雨还可能增强碳酸盐岩的H2CO3溶蚀,具有增加岩溶碳汇效应的作用。应结合石灰土壤对大气酸沉降的缓冲容量和阈值及大气酸沉降的H+与土壤中盐基离子的交换量,并综合考虑盐效应、离子对作用、同离子效应,客观评价硫酸型酸雨流经石灰土壤层后对碳酸盐岩溶蚀吸收大气/土壤CO2的影响   相似文献   

地聚物胶凝材料能够替代水泥基胶凝材料作为固化剂应用于狭窄肥槽回填等工程问题中,有效降低水泥生产过程中的污染及能耗,但目前对于流态地聚物固化土胶凝材料的研究较少。采用3种新型绿色胶凝材料联合碱激发剂固化工程渣土形成流态地聚物固化土,通过对比其无侧限抗压强度,探究每种胶凝材料对于固化土强度特性的影响,同时建立强度预测模型,分析不同因素对于强度的影响程度。研究结果表明:固化土的强度随着碱激发剂模数的增加先提高后降低;固化土强度随着高炉矿渣(GGBS)、粉煤灰、稻壳灰掺量的增加均呈上升趋势,随着稻壳灰粒径的增长呈下降趋势;碱激发剂模数增至1.2、GGBS掺量增至10%、粉煤灰掺量增至8%和稻壳灰掺量增至11%时,固化土强度提升最为显著;强度预测模型预测结果的平均相对误差仅为5.57%,预测结果较为精准;预测模型中各层权值的计算结果表明养护龄期对于固化土强度影响最大,稻壳灰粒径影响程度最小。研究结果可以为固化土在实际工程的应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Fertilization and aglime (agricultural lime) application, as important agricultural activities in acid soil, exert an influence on the fluxes of carbon both between and within ecosystems. Animal manure added to soil can elevate the soil CO2 and release organic acid due to microbial decomposition of the high organic matter content of animal manure. Additionally, the elevated CO2 can accelerate carbonate weathering in alkaline soil, such as lime soil. However, in acidic soil, it is unclear whether the chemical weathering of additive aglime can be quickened by the elevated CO2 due to animal manure addition. Thus, to ascertain the impact of animal manure addition on aglime weathering in acidic soil and to understand the weathering agent of aglime or underlying carbonate in the acidic soil profile, we established two contrasting profiles (control profile and manurial profile) in a cabbage-corn or capsicum-corn rotation in a field experiment site located in the HuaXi district of Guiyang, China, and buried carbonate rock tablets at different depths of soil profiles to calculate the dissolution rate of carbonate rock by monitoring the weights of the tablets. The results indicated that soil CO2 increased due to animal manure addition, but the rate of dissolution of the carbonate rock tablets was reduced, which was attributed to the increase in the pH in acidic soil after animal manure addition because the relationship between the dissolution rate of carbonate rock and soil pH indicated that the weathering rate of carbonate rock was controlled by pH and not by CO2 in acidic soil. Thus, the contribution of H+ ions (mainly exchangeable acid) in acid soil as a weathering agent to the weathering of underlying carbonate (and/or aglime) may lead to the overestimation of the CO2 consumption through chemical weathering at the regional/global scale using hydro-chemical methods.  相似文献   

矿物材料与环境污染治理—以粘土矿物和沸石为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
矿物的性能,矿区地质测试和吸附能力实验表明,粘土矿物和沸石等矿物材料对于Cr,Cd,Pb,Hg,As等有害元素具有很强的吸附能力,是理想的低成本吸附剂,在废水处理中可用来取代活性炭或离子交换树脂来去除重金属等有害元素。  相似文献   

A detailed experimental investigation has been carried out to study the use of ferric chloride salt to control the undesirable volume changes induced by high concentrated alkali contamination on kaolinitic red earth. X-Ray diffraction studies have revealed that soil alkali interactions produce mineralogical changes and formation of new mineral such as zeolite, which are responsible for observed swelling in non-swelling kaolinitic soil. Loss of ferric oxide, which are known cementing agents has been attributed as one of the reasons for swelling in alkali contaminated soils. The consolidation behaviour of soil compacted with 5% ferric chloride solution by weight of solutions and inundated with alkali solutions as well as soil compacted with alkali and inundated with 5% ferric chloride by weight of solutions has been studied. To study the effect of amount of ferric chloride, the volume change behaviour of soil compacted with different weight percentages of ferric salts by weight of soil (1%, 3%, and 5%) and inundated with alkali solutions has also been studied. The swelling of soil compacted with alkali has been checked by inundating with 5% ferric chloride solutions due to neutralization of alkali and is not controlled when soil compacted with 5% ferric chloride solutions is inundated continuously with alkali solutions. Further, even when the soil is treated with higher amounts of ferric chloride, in the range of 1–5% by weight of soil, the swelling is not controlled. X-ray diffraction studies have shown that the formation of zeolite is not inhibited in the presence of ferric salts.This study clearly shows that ferric chloride treatment can overcome the effects of small concentrations of alkali; it is ineffective to overcome the large and continued exposure of soils with alkali contamination.  相似文献   

Acid rain has long been a great concern because of environmental and ecological problems; however, the effect of acid rain on soil acidification, loss of rare earth elements (REEs) via the leaching process, and transformation are rarely reported in rare earth mining areas. Through a simulated acid rain leaching experience, the effect of acid rain was studied on soil acidification and REEs leaching loss. The results showed that the tested soil had certain buffering capacity against nearly neutral rainwater. However, simulated acid rain of low and very low pH (pH ≤ 3.5) had a greater impact on soil acidification. After eluviating by simulated acid rain of pH 3.5 for 36 h, the pH of tailings, garden soil, paddy soil, and alluvial soil decreased by 20.41, 32.03, 13.60, 16.88, and 15.83 %, respectively, from the original values. For simulated acid rain of pH 2.5, it was 31.89, 44.76, 31.26, 29.87, and 29.15 %, respectively. After simulated acid rain eluviations of low and very low pH (pH ≤ 3.5), the order of the leaching rate of REEs in the tested soil was as follows: garden soil > tailings > paddy soil > alluvial soil. For nearly neutral rainwater (pH 4.5 simulated acid rain and pH 5.6 deionized water), the order was tailings > garden soil > paddy soil > alluvial soil. For simulated acid rain of the same pH, the leaching amounts of REEs in tailings and garden soil were higher than those in paddy soil and alluvial soil. After leaching by low and very low pH-simulated acid rain (pH ≤ 3.5), the peak value of the leaching amount of REEs in all tested soil appeared at 2 h, and then gradually reduced and reached a stable leaching state 20 h after leaching. On leaching by simulated acid rain of pH 2.5, the maximum REEs contents of leachate in tailings, garden soil, paddy soil, and alluvial soil were 156.35, 145.82, 99.88, and 85.97 mg/L, respectively. For pH 3.5 of simulated acid rain, it was 130.49, 110.49, 80.57, and 62.73 mg/L, respectively. On leaching by simulated acid rain of pH 4.5, the maximum contents of REEs in the leachate were 53.46 and 29.82 mg/L, respectively, which were observed after leaching for 6 h in tailings and garden soil that became stable 12 h after leaching. The contents of leached REEs in paddy soil and alluvial soil were always in a lower and stable state. After eluviations with deionized water of pH 5.6, the contents of leached REEs in other soils were lower, except for the slight fluctuations in tailings. The maximum content in the leachate of REEs was in the water-soluble and exchangeable fraction. When bound to carbonate fractions, REEs were not detected in the leachate. REEs bound to iron-manganese (Fe–Mn) oxides fraction and to organic matter fraction in the leachate possibly came from the tested soil or from the REEs transformation during the migration process. The content of residual fraction REEs in the leachate was very low.  相似文献   

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