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中国农业干旱脆弱性分区研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
根据各地水资源的特点、农业受旱成灾的情况及水利设施抗旱能力,确定农业干旱脆弱性分区的原则和指标,构造层次分析模型。应用MapInfo6.0软件绘制了中国农业干旱脆弱性分区图,结果表明:在全国340个农业干旱脆弱性分区中,极严重脆弱区47个,严重脆弱区104个,一般脆弱区175个,轻度脆弱区14个。  相似文献   

周振民 《水科学进展》2004,15(4):479-484
对区域干旱的概念和计算方法进行了研究,认为干旱问题应根据不同的干旱特征分区进行研究并提出针对性的解决措施。干旱研究不仅要考虑到干旱的水文特征,而且要考虑干旱风险所带来的后果。提出了分析干旱问题的理论框架。并将黄河下游引黄灌区划分为6个子区,应用多变量随机模型生成了月降水量资料系列。利用了33年的月降水量资料率定模型参数。应用生成的月降水量系列从理论风险性的观点研究了区域干旱问题。  相似文献   

1951~2005年海河流域汛期降水量的时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据<海河流域汛期10区域旱涝预报物理模型>的分区标准,对1951~2005年海河流域的9个分区和全区的汛期(6~9月)降水量和干旱洪涝的时空变化和年际变化特征做了深入的统计分析和研究.在近55年来.海河流域的9个流域性多雨洪涝和大涝年有2/3集中在1954~1964年的11年中,1965~2005年的41年只有3个洪涝年.在1991~2005年的近15年中,有11年汛期较常年同期偏少,只有1995~1996年发生了洪涝.本文通过图表能够使读者比较清楚地了解和掌握海河流域9个分区和全区性洪涝和干旱的变化规律,更好地合理利用海河流域的宝贵水资源.  相似文献   

三峡库区是地质灾害管理的重点地区,鉴于长江对其沿岸边坡的水力作用不容忽视,因此需进一步研究水系因素对滑坡易发性的影响.以重庆市奉节县为例,考虑区域内水系影响显著,沿水域两岸300 m区域内划分为分区Ⅰ,其余区域为分区Ⅱ.其次,全域、分区Ⅰ、分区Ⅱ以提取的16个影响因子建立易发性评价指标分析模型,基于随机森林模型计算区域滑坡发生概率,并将全域和分区的滑坡易发性评价结果对比分析.结果表明:奉节县高和极高易发区主要分布在水域两岸及耕地范围内,这是由于库水位升降减少了防滑截面的有效应力,由于原有山体平衡在垦荒过程中被破坏,耕地对斜坡的防护作用微弱;基于水系分区后模型的训练精度优于全域模型的训练精度,准确率和F1分数的最大提升幅度分别可达5.1%、5.2%.基于水系分区的方法有利于提高滑坡易发性评价精度,该方法实用性强,可靠性高.  相似文献   

在我国北方干旱-半干旱区,以过去气候变化记录为主线,探讨了地质环境的变化过程及其分析方法;在时间尺度上,通过综合研究分别在青藏高原、黄土高原和华北平原建立了概念化的高分辨率气候指标(温度、降水)演化过程曲线,作为分区的特征演化曲线;在空间尺度上,对研究较深入的现代和全新世最佳期(7500aB.P.前后)、18000aB。P.前后的冷期等时段的地质环境状况进行重建;利用空间分析计算机软件,对典型时段的地质环境状况进行连续空间分析,进而由分区特征演化曲线与典型时段地质环境空间分布模型耦合。这一分析对认识我国北方干旱-半干旱区今后的环境变化是十分有益的。  相似文献   

近50a来新疆降水随海拔变化的区域分异特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
依据降水随高度变化率和分区连片的原则,将新疆102个气象站划为两种类型6个降水分区.海拔〈2 500m的3个区,降水随海拔变化近似呈线性;海拔〉2 500m的3个区,降水随海拔变化呈近似二次曲线类型.线性分布类型最大降水高度带在山顶,二次曲线类型最大降水高度带在"山腰",它随季节和气候干旱程度发生变化:夏季高,冬季低;...  相似文献   

进行土地整治分区是编制土地整治规划的重要内容之一。以往的土地整理复垦开发分区已不能适应当前土地整治工作管理的需要。该文以山东省肥城市为例,提出了土地整治分区的原则和方法,从宏观尺度上,运用聚类分析法进行土地整治综合分区,从中观尺度上,运用叠图法进行土地整治功能分区,并指出了不同区域土地整治的方向和重点。  相似文献   

本项研究对青藏高原代表性第四纪湖泊沉积区作了大范围调查,北自柴达木昆特依湖和昆仑山口、南抵江布-林芝,西起甜水海、东至迪庆.据青藏高原地质构造、沉积建造和地貌特点,将高原第四纪地层区划分为6个地层分区:藏南湖盆分区(Ⅰ)、羌塘高原湖盆分区(Ⅱ)(羌南湖盆亚区(Ⅱ-1)和羌北湖盆亚区(Ⅱ-2))、三江高山河谷分区(Ⅲ)、昆仑高山分区(Ⅳ)、柴达木、青海湖盆分区(Ⅴ)和阿尔金-祁连山高山区(Ⅵ).并对上述Ⅰ-Ⅴ分区第四纪湖相地层层序作了较详细划分和对比.从而指出青藏高原第四纪湖相沉积具有如下特点:①除了柴达木-青海湖盆分区外,其余各分区的湖滨剖面湖相碎屑沉积相对较粗,而同青藏高原属于全球第四纪最新隆起区相一致;②在湖盆区的湖相沉积常叠加或伴生冲洪积、风积相和冰碛或冰水沉积以及部分泥石流沉积、化学沉积与热水沉积.它们既反映青藏高原在第四纪隆升进入冰冻圈后湖盆沉积环境时有冷期发生,又反映高原隆升背景下,洪水期诱发山崩和泥石流堵塞成湖,或由于洪水泛滥,导致高原边缘内流湖决溃、湖泊消失(如Ⅲ、Ⅳ分区),还反映高原湖泊成盐过程与深部作用、强烈的新构造运动密切相关;③除了柴达木-青海湖分区(Ⅴ)和羌塘高原湖盆分区部分大型湖盆自第四纪以来有连续湖相沉积外,其他分区第四纪湖相沉积多不连续;④由于全新世青藏高原口趋干旱,除了一些现代积水湖盆外,有相当多湖泊干化,而缺失顶部湖相沉积.综上所述,为了获取青藏高原第四纪沉积连续环境记录,需选择高原内部或周边为数较少的新生代连续沉积盆地.本文论证了柴达木盆地是一个较理想的研究高原晚新生代湖相沉积区,建议在柴达木盆地实施晚新生代资源环境科学钻探工程.  相似文献   

扎西央宗  陈军  李林  叶帮苹 《冰川冻土》2014,36(5):1245-1250
干旱是一种危害较大的自然灾害, 影响范围大、持续时间长. 随着经济发展和人口的增加, 水资源短缺现象日益严重, 这也导致了干旱范围的扩大和干旱化程度加重. 为降低业务人员负担, 提高业务工作效率, 探讨了基于MODIS遥感数据的西藏干旱监测系统实现的关键技术. 首先, 阐述了MODIS 轨道数据快速投影处理的正向投影处理技术原理, 然后分析了温度植被干旱指数算法(TVDI)及其实现, 最后, 将干旱监测方法集成到业务系统软件, 最终实现西藏全区的干旱遥感监测业务工作. 通过与传统手工干旱监测方法进行对比, 发现干旱自动监测系统具有速度快、自动化等优点, 具有十分重要的实践意义.  相似文献   

河西走廊春末夏初降水的空间异常分布及年代际变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用河西走廊19个气象代表站建站至2002年5~6月降水量资料, 分析了河西走廊春末夏初干旱的基本气候特征; 在利用EOF和REOF方法进行降水空间异常变化分析和气候分区的基础上,讨论了第一时间系数(PC1)及各区代表站降水量的年代际变化规律. 结果表明, 河西走廊春末夏初降水量在第一空间尺度上为全区一致; 在第二空间尺度上可分为3个气候区; 在第三空间尺度上可分为5个自然气候区. 1980年代为近50 a来降水最多的10 a, 1990年代有所减少, 20世纪末至21世纪初有明显增加. 前期冬季欧亚径向环流加强, 亚洲区极涡面积扩大、强度加强, 冷空气活动频繁, 将有利于次年春末夏初河西走廊降水偏多. 欧洲青藏高原华北西太平洋的波列, 特别是东亚大槽的填塞和青藏高原低值系统频繁活动, 造成了500 hPa高空场上"东高西低"的典型多雨流型.  相似文献   

Palaeomanicapsocus margoae gen. et sp. nov. and Palaeomanicapsocus fouadi gen. et sp. nov. are characterized, described, illustrated, from the Cretaceous Burmese amber. Their phylogenetic position is discussed. These fossil taxa are the first manicapsocid barklice to be described from the Burmese amber.  相似文献   

Biolithogenesis of Microcodium: elucidation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Petrographic studies of Tertiary and Pleistocene caliche from the western Mediterranean show some unusual calcite structures. These structures were designated Microcodium elegans Glück 1912. New data are presented which question earlier interpretations with regard to the origin of this structure. The new discovery of Microcodium in Recent soils extends its stratigraphic range into the Holocene. Retention of fine detail in Recent samples, revealed by light microscopy and SEM, has suggested an origin hitherto unconsidered, calcification of mycorrhizal associations. Ancient and Recent Microcodium fabrics are compared; sufficient preservation of ultrastructure in the Ancient indicates a homologous origin. Environmental, stratigraphic and palaeoecological significance of Microcodium is discussed: correct recognition indicates existence of a palaeosol, and hence is a valuable criterion for recognition of continental conditions, cessation of sedimentation, subaerial exposure, and time-equivalent horizons. In particular. Microcodium is a characteristic component of caliche in the western Mediterranean. A review of the literature suggests that its presence may have been overlooked or misinterpreted in other parts of the world and, thus, may be more widespread than hitherto suspected. This study, in its embryonic stage of development. illumines the potential importance of biolithogenesis within terrestial carbonates.  相似文献   

《Geology Today》1994,10(5):168-169

《Ore Geology Reviews》2006,28(1-4):203-237
VMS deposits of the South Urals developed within the evolving Urals palaeo-ocean between Silurian and Late Devonian times. Arc-continent collision between Baltica and the Magnitogorsk Zone (arc) in the south-western Urals effectively terminated submarine volcanism in the Magnitogorsk Zone with which the bulk of the VMS deposits are associated. The majority of the Urals VMS deposits formed within volcanic-dominated sequences in deep seawater settings. Preservation of macro and micro vent fauna in the sulphide bodies is both testament to the seafloor setting for much of the sulphides but also the exceptional degree of preservation and lack of metamorphic overprint of the deposits and host rocks. The deposits in the Urals have previously been classified in terms of tectonic setting, host rock associations and metal ratios in line with recent tectono-stratigraphic classifications. In addition to these broad classes, it is clear that in a number of the Urals settings, an evolution of the host volcanic stratigraphy is accompanied by an associated change in the metal ratios of the VMS deposits, a situation previously discussed, for example, in the Noranda district of Canada.Two key structural settings are implicated in the South Urals. The first is seen in a preserved marginal allochthon west of the Main Urals Fault where early arc tholeiites host Cu–Zn mineralization in deposits including Yaman Kasy, which is host to the oldest macro vent fauna assembly known to science. The second tectonic setting for the South Urals VMS is the Magnitogorsk arc where study has highlighted the presence of a preserved early forearc assemblage, arc tholeiite to calc-alkaline sequences and rifted arc bimodal tholeiite sequences. The boninitc rocks of the forearc host Cu–(Zn) and Cu–Co VMS deposits, the latter hosted in fragments within the Main Urals Fault Zone (MUFZ) which marks the line of arc-continent collision in Late Devonian times. The arc tholeiites host Cu–Zn deposits with an evolution to more calc-alkaline felsic volcanic sequences matched with a change to Zn–Pb–Cu polymetallic deposits, often gold-rich. Large rifts in the arc sequence are filled by thick bimodal tholeiite sequences, themselves often showing an evolution to a more calc-alkaline nature. These thick bimodal sequences are host to the largest of the Cu–Zn VMS deposits.The exceptional degree of preservation in the Urals has permitted the identification of early seafloor clastic and hydrolytic modification (here termed halmyrolysis sensu lato) to the sulphide assemblages prior to diagenesis and this results in large-scale modification to the primary VMS body, resulting in distinctive morphological and mineralogical sub-types of sulphide body superimposed upon the tectonic association classification.It is proposed that a better classification of seafloor VMS systems is thus achievable using a three stage classification based on (a) tectonic (hence bulk volcanic chemistry) association, (b) local volcanic chemical evolution within a single edifice and (c) seafloor reworking and halmyrolysis.  相似文献   

VMS deposits of the South Urals developed within the evolving Urals palaeo-ocean between Silurian and Late Devonian times. Arc-continent collision between Baltica and the Magnitogorsk Zone (arc) in the south-western Urals effectively terminated submarine volcanism in the Magnitogorsk Zone with which the bulk of the VMS deposits are associated. The majority of the Urals VMS deposits formed within volcanic-dominated sequences in deep seawater settings. Preservation of macro and micro vent fauna in the sulphide bodies is both testament to the seafloor setting for much of the sulphides but also the exceptional degree of preservation and lack of metamorphic overprint of the deposits and host rocks. The deposits in the Urals have previously been classified in terms of tectonic setting, host rock associations and metal ratios in line with recent tectono-stratigraphic classifications. In addition to these broad classes, it is clear that in a number of the Urals settings, an evolution of the host volcanic stratigraphy is accompanied by an associated change in the metal ratios of the VMS deposits, a situation previously discussed, for example, in the Noranda district of Canada.Two key structural settings are implicated in the South Urals. The first is seen in a preserved marginal allochthon west of the Main Urals Fault where early arc tholeiites host Cu–Zn mineralization in deposits including Yaman Kasy, which is host to the oldest macro vent fauna assembly known to science. The second tectonic setting for the South Urals VMS is the Magnitogorsk arc where study has highlighted the presence of a preserved early forearc assemblage, arc tholeiite to calc-alkaline sequences and rifted arc bimodal tholeiite sequences. The boninitc rocks of the forearc host Cu–(Zn) and Cu–Co VMS deposits, the latter hosted in fragments within the Main Urals Fault Zone (MUFZ) which marks the line of arc-continent collision in Late Devonian times. The arc tholeiites host Cu–Zn deposits with an evolution to more calc-alkaline felsic volcanic sequences matched with a change to Zn–Pb–Cu polymetallic deposits, often gold-rich. Large rifts in the arc sequence are filled by thick bimodal tholeiite sequences, themselves often showing an evolution to a more calc-alkaline nature. These thick bimodal sequences are host to the largest of the Cu–Zn VMS deposits.The exceptional degree of preservation in the Urals has permitted the identification of early seafloor clastic and hydrolytic modification (here termed halmyrolysis sensu lato) to the sulphide assemblages prior to diagenesis and this results in large-scale modification to the primary VMS body, resulting in distinctive morphological and mineralogical sub-types of sulphide body superimposed upon the tectonic association classification.It is proposed that a better classification of seafloor VMS systems is thus achievable using a three stage classification based on (a) tectonic (hence bulk volcanic chemistry) association, (b) local volcanic chemical evolution within a single edifice and (c) seafloor reworking and halmyrolysis.  相似文献   

Paraelectrentomopsis chenyangcaii gen. et sp. nov. from the Cretaceous Burmese amber is characterized, described, illustrated and its position is discussed. This fossil taxon is the second compsocid barklouce to be described from the Burmese amber and constitute one of the earliest records of the family. A checklist of known Compsocidae is given. Identification keys of all known Compsocidae are provided. A palaeobiogeography scenario is proposed.  相似文献   

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