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顽火辉石球粒陨石中的大量金属硫化物形成于早期极还原的太阳星云条件。GRV13100是一块发现于南极格罗夫山的顽火辉石球粒陨石,不透明矿物包括陨硫铁、陨硫铬铁矿、陨硫镁矿、陨硫钙矿、含硅铁纹石、陨磷铁矿、硅磷镍矿等金属硫化物和磷化物,总丰度达21%,经历了一定程度的热变质。通过对其岩石学和矿物化学特征研究,并和其它顽火辉球粒陨石进行对比分析,结果表明:(1)陨硫镁矿中FeS含量可以反映母体变质温度,GRV 13100中大部分陨硫镁矿变质温度为200℃~300℃,个别经历了400℃~800℃的高温,可能为外来吸入成因,或者代表了原始星云的凝聚或结晶温度;(2)陨硫镁矿形成于太阳星云的直接凝聚,并在橄榄石和顽火辉石冷凝结晶之后形成;(3)陨硫铁的成因分为原生和次生两种,原生的陨硫铁由太阳星云直接凝聚而成,次生的陨硫铁是在后期热变质过程中由铁镍金属经过硫化作用或者由陨硫镁矿分解而形成;(4)硅磷镍矿可能来自含硅铁纹石的出溶。本论文的研究工作为太阳系早期高度还原星云演化及其后期热变质提供了约束。  相似文献   

清镇顽火辉石球粒陨石的矿物学特征及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清镇陨石以具有高度还原的矿物组合为特征。普通球粒陨石和碳质球粒陨石中的亲石元素在顽火辉石球粒陨石内显示亲铜或亲铁的性质。在该陨石中发现的矿物有陨硫钙石。硫镁矿、钾的硫化物——硫铜钾矿,含Si的铁纹石及Ni的硅化物——硅磷镍矿等。顽火辉石和斜顽火辉石具有低的FeO含量,其FeO/(FeO+MgO)比值范围为0.004—0.01。在未完全熔融的球粒中发现具尘粒状贫Ni金届包裹体的残余橄榄石颗粒。本文首次报道陨石中含Ga的闪锌矿和发现陨石中稀少的碱硅镁柱石。金属-硫化物组合显示再加热和熔融的结构特征,金属发生硫化作用并被硫化物所取代。清镇陨石(EH_3)的化学成分与EH_(4,5)球粒陨石很相似,其La/Sm比值比平均EL高,Co/Ni则比EL低。清镇陨石的形成部位比任何其他球粒陨石群更靠近太阳,可能形成于水星-金星区。  相似文献   

林杨挺 Gore.  AE 《地球化学》1995,24(1):76-88,T001
通过对最新鲜、最原始的EH3型损石-清镇员石不透明矿物的岩石学、矿物学研究,揭示了不透明矿物化学组成与产状的成因关系,提出了星云冷凝,金属与星去气相组分的硫化反应,矿物出熔及矿物分解等四种形成机制。对不透明物的各种环带结构及闪锌矿、矿镁矿等矿物温度计的研究,揭示了该陨石在星云阶段和母体中的热历史,与Yamato-691(EH3)的对比表明,清镇陨石不透明矿物形成于更加还原的星云条件。  相似文献   

在一般石陨石中,球粒陨石硅酸盐相约占其化学组成的三分之二,而橄榄石(Mg、Fe),SiO4和斜方辉石(Mg、Fe)SiO3又是组成硅酸盐相的主要矿物。较详细地研究橄榄石和辉石的化学组成对石陨石各化学群的划分及球粒陨石岩石类型的划分都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

1997年降落在山东省鄄城县的陨石雨,是橄榄石-古铜辉石球粒陨石。该陨石中的金属矿物主要为铁纹石和陨硫铁,其次为镍纹石,金属矿物呈填隙状分布于以橄榄石和古铜辉石为主的硅酸盐矿物粒间及球粒周围。陨石中可见由铁纹石和镍纹石组成的显微蠕虫状连晶,是陨石中金属矿物在降温冷却过程中发生固溶体分离作用而成。陨石中金属矿物的分布特征表明,金属Fe-Ni和硫化物(FeS)应该是星云凝聚不同阶段的产物。陨石中金属矿物的成分和组构特征及陨石中出现的球粒结构、橄榄石的炉条结构等特征表明,该球粒陨石是星云物质快速冷却的产物。  相似文献   

结构矿物学的新成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五、无水碳酸盐矿物结构中阳离子有序—无序问题本文讨论与CaCO_3的各种同质多相变体(方解石、文石、球方解石)结构相关的无水碳酸盐矿物.近年来,在我国找到了几乎所有的已知的这类矿物,并且发现了几种新矿物(黄河矿、氟碳钸钡矿、中华镁矿、大青山矿)和新变种(富锶的文石、富锶的本斯顿石、富镍的菱镁矿(河西矿).对这些矿物都作过X射线研究,测定了钡解石、大青山矿、黄河矿、氟碳钸钡矿、碳钸钠石、Doverite的晶  相似文献   

王桂琴  缪秉魁  林杨挺 《岩石学报》2015,31(9):2724-2736
荷叶塘为一块我国降落的原始3型普通球粒陨石,因此具有重要研究意义。本文对荷叶塘陨石光薄片及粉末样品的岩石学、矿物学和全岩组成地球化学特征进行研究,为这块陨石的深入研究提供重要基础数据。研究表明荷叶塘陨石具L3型陨石岩石学特征,具典型的球粒陨石结构,球粒清晰,球粒结构类型多,基质重结晶程度低,组成模式为:球粒80vol%,金属和硫化物含量为5vol%,基质15vol%。矿物化学成分表明,该陨石球粒以Ⅰ型(贫铁型)球粒为主,橄榄石Fa0.41-34.1(PMD=51),低钙辉石Fs1.82-27.2(PMD=88),Wo0.18-3.13(PMD=103),铁纹石中Co含量平均0.62%(PMD=20),矿物成份不均一程度高,橄榄石矿物结晶颗粒内部化学成分变化大,呈正环带分布,与岩浆型结晶顺序一致,球粒与基质及间隙物成分明显不同,表现为不同物质来源。化学成分全岩分析结果显示,荷叶塘陨石亲石、亲铁元素含量均为L型陨石特征。依据以上岩石矿物学和化学组成特征,依照陨石亚分类参数,将其类型划分为L3.4型普通球粒陨石。冲击变质程度S2,风化程度W1。研究结果表明荷叶塘陨石为一块受后期水、热蚀变和风化影响较少的原始类型陨石。组成矿物成分极不均一,在矿物晶体内部,球粒内部及球粒与基质间均有明显变化。  相似文献   

应用近代微束矿物学分析测试技术,对在中国陨落的随州、寺巷口和岩庄等三块球粒陨石中矿物的冲击熔融和分离结晶作用进行了较系统的研究。查明存在有硅酸盐单矿物熔体、硅酸盐矿物混合熔体和全岩熔体三种组成不同的冲击熔体。研究结果显示:(1)三种熔融相与未熔相之间在主成分和微量元素组成上没有明显差别,说明它们是原地熔融的产物,但在较大的冲击熔块中,也发现冲击熔融作用引发了一部分元素,如亲铁元素、硒元素和轻重稀土元素的分异现象;(2)查明Al2O3、Cr2O3、Na2O和CaO等优先进入从冲击熔体结晶的辉石常压相或辉石的高压相——镁铁榴石(属地幔过渡带矿物)中;(3)Al元素能进入阿基莫石(即辉石的钛铁矿结构相,属下地幔矿物)中,以固熔体形式稳定下来。ELNES的测定查明,其氧化铁组分中Fe3+/∑Fe的比值高达0.67(3);(4)陨石全岩熔体中硅酸盐相与金属-硫化物相之间为完全不混熔,后者以孤立的共结体团块产于硅酸盐熔体之中,除Zn、Na、Cr、Co和Cu在硫化物相中和Na在金属相中有明显富集外,其他元素的浓度则无明显变化;(5)在寺巷口陨石熔脉的金属-硫化物共结团块内发现了FeNi金属-硫化铁-磁铁矿组合,进一步证实了S和O等轻元素可以加入到以Fe-Ni金属为主要组成的地核成分中去;(6)在岩庄陨石的FeNi金属-硫化铁共结体团块的硫化铁内发现了Na、Mn和Fe的磷酸盐矿物小球体,说明P和Na、Mn等元素也能成为地核的组成元素。以上研究在行星演化、地幔矿物学和地球化学,以及陨石学研究上均有着重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

本文以表格的形式列出了经国际矿物学协会(IMA)新矿物与矿物命名委员会(CNMMN)批准、并于2001年度在各国刊物上正式发表的35种新矿物,其中硅酸盐包括水硅钡石、羟氟碳硅钛铁钡钠石、氯碳硅铁钡石、硅铁锶镧钠石、氯碳硅钡石、钾菱沸石、水硅锆钠石、斜方硅钠钡钛镧石、铈鲍利雅科夫矿、硅锆钛锶石、锶杆沸石、钒电气石;砷酸盐包括砷钠铜石、羟砷铅钴石、羟硅砷铁石、羟砷铁铜钙石、羟砷钙镍石、赛羟砷铜石;碳酸盐包括单斜羟碳汞石、羟碳铀石;硫酸盐包括羟硼钙矾石、铊明矾、斜方钒矾;硼酸盐包括氯硼锶钙石、硼铯铝铍石;钒酸盐包括水镁钒石;草酸盐包括水氯草酸钙石;磷酸盐包括羟碳磷铝钙石;硝酸盐包括单斜铜硝石;硫化物包括密硫铑矿、硫钙水铬矿;硫盐包括硫铋铜铅矿;氢氧化物包括羟铁镁锑锌矿、羟氯铬镁石;单质互化物包括副斜方砷。文中表格依次列出了矿物的中外文名称及化学式、晶系及晶胞参数、主要粉晶数据、物理性质、光学性质、产状及共生(伴生)组合等。  相似文献   

辽宁赛马碱性岩体早年因产铀矿而闻名,该岩体主要由响岩、霞石正长岩和异霞正长岩组成,其中铀、锆和稀土等元素矿化主要集中于异霞正长岩岩浆阶段。异性石是异霞正长岩中特征的锆-稀土矿物,主要分为两期,晚期异性石表现出更加富集Nb、REE等高场强元素的特点。早期异性石经历了一系列的热液蚀变,根据蚀变强弱程度,蚀变矿物组合可分为:(1)异性石+钠锆石+霓石±钠沸石;(2)异性石+钠锆石+锆石+钠沸石±霓石;(3)异性石假晶,假晶主要由残余异性石+钠锆石+锆石+钠沸石+霓石+钾长石+铈硅磷灰石组成。相比于岩浆锆石,蚀变组合中次生锆石具有富Ca、Al、Fe的特点,与异性石本身化学成分和流体性质密切相关。通过对异性石及其蚀变组合的精细矿物学研究,我们得知假晶的形成可能是异性石"溶解-再沉淀"的结果,致使假晶形成的流体至少包括:(1)占主导的富Na(±K)、Al、F的自交代流体;(2)少量晚期富Ca流体。假晶中次生锆石和铈硅磷灰石的结晶说明了Zr和REE等高场强元素的热液活动性,自交代碱性流体和富Ca流体在此过程中起到"搬运"和"提纯"的作用,这对认识碱性岩稀有、稀土成矿机制具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

Keilite (Fe>0.5,Mg<0.5)S, the iron-dominant cubic analog of niningerite, (Mg>0.5,Fe<0.5)S, occurs in enstatite chondrites [Shimizu, M., Yoshida, H., Mandarino, J.A., 2002. The new mineral species keilite, (Fe,Mg)S, the iron-dominant analog of niningerite. Can. Mineral. 40, 1687–1692]. I find that keilite occurs only in enstatite chondrite impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias. Based on the phase relations in the system MgS–MnS–CaS–FeS [Skinner, B.J., Luce, F.D., 1971. Solid solutions of the type (Ca,Mg,Mn,Fe)S and their use as geothermometers for the enstatite chondrites. Am. Mineral. 56, 1269–1296], I conclude that keilite formed from niningerite or alabandite (Mn>0.5,Fe<0.5)S by reaction with troilite (FeS) at elevated temperatures of well above 500 °C (the lowest equilibration temperature of keilite), but it is likely that the maximum temperatures during melting experienced by keilite-bearing impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias were considerably higher, perhaps >1500 °C, as indicted by the occurrence of euhedral enstatite that formed from a melt [McCoy, T.J., Dickinson, T.L., Lofgren, G.E., 1999. Partial melting of the Indarch (EH4) meteorite: a textural, chemical, and phase relations view of melting and melt migration. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 34, 735–746]. Based on the classifications of the keilite-bearing meteorites as impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias and my own textural observations, I conclude that this elevated temperature was reached as a result of impact and not internal heating and melting, followed by fast cooling, thus, quenching in keilite. Enstatite chondrite impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias that do not contain keilite may have been more deeply buried after impact and, hence, cooled slowly and were annealed so that FeS exsolved from keilite, concomitant with the formation of niningerite, alabandite or various (Mn,Mg,Fe) mixed sulfides.  相似文献   

The enstatite chondrites formed under highly reducing (and/or sulfidizing) conditions as indicated by their mineral assemblages and compositions, which are sharply different from those of other chondrite groups. Enstatite is the major silicate mineral. Kamacite is Si-bearing and the enstatite chondrites contain a wide variety of monosulfide minerals that are not present in other chondrite groups. The unequilibrated enstatite chondrites are comprised of two groups (EH3 and EL3) and one anomalous member (LEW 87223), which can be distinguished by differences in their mineral assemblages and compositions. EH3 chondrites have >1.8 wt.% Si in their kamacite and contain the monosulfide niningerite (MgS), whereas EL3 chondrites have less than 1.4 wt.% Si in their kamacite and contain the monosulfide alabandite (MnS). The distinct mineralogies, compositions and textures of E3 chondrites make comparisons with ordinary chondrites (OCs) and carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) difficult, however, a range of recrystallization features in the E3s are observed, and some may be as primitive as type 3.1 OCs and CCs. Others, especially the EL3 chondrites, may have been considerably modified by impact processes and their primary textures disturbed. The chondrules in E3 chondrites, although texturally similar to type I pyroxene-rich chondrules, are sharply different from chondrules in other chondrite groups in containing Si-bearing metal, Ca- and Mg–Mn-rich sulfides and silica. This indicates formation in a reduced nebular environment separate from chondrules in other chondrites and possibly different precursor materials. Additionally the oxygen isotope compositions of E3 chondrules indicate formation from a unique oxygen reservoir. Although the abundance, size distribution, and secondary alteration minerals are not always identical, CAIs in E3 chondrites generally have textures, mineral assemblages and compositions similar to those in other groups. These observations indicates that CAIs in O, C and E chondrites all formed in the reservoir under similar conditions, and were redistributed to the different chondrite accretion zones, where the secondary alteration took place. Thus, chondrule formation was a local process for each particular chondrite group, but all CAIs may have formed in the similar nebular environment. Lack of evidence of water (hydrous minerals), and oxygen isotope compositions similar to Earth and Moon suggest formation of the E chondrites in the inner solar system and make them prime candidates as building blocks for the inner planets.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of the total carbon in the enstatite chondrites Indarch, Abee, St. Marks, Pillistfer, Hvittis and Daniel's Kuil and the enstatite achondrite Cumberland Falls has been measured. The empirical relationhip between carbon isotopic composition and total carbon content is distinct from that of carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Within the enstatite chondrite group the average 13C content increases with petrographic type: E4 < E5 < E6. Daniel's Kuil shows the largest 13C enrichment in the bulk carbon of any meteorite. The carbon isotopic composition is most clearly correlated with the abundance of the elements Zn, Cd and In. Insofar as these elements may hold the key to the understanding of enstatite chondrites, more detailed combined carbon isotope and trace element studies of these meteorites will play an important role in the deciphering of their history.  相似文献   

We report instrumental neutron activation analysis determinations of 19 major, minor and trace elements in three enstatite chondrites. Based on these, and literature data on the bulk and mineral composition of enstatite chondrites, we discuss the history of the type 3 or unequilibrated enstatite chondrites, and their relationship with the other enstatite chondrites. The type 3 enstatite chondrites have E chondrite lithophile element abundances and their siderophile element abundances place them with the EH chondrites, well resolved from the EL chondrites. Moderately volatile chalcophile elements are at the low end of the EH range and Cr appears to be intermediate between EH and EL. We suggest that the type 3 enstatite chondrites are EH chondrites which have suffered small depletions of certain chalcophile elements through the loss of shock-produced sulfurous liquids. The oxygen isotope differences between type 3 and other enstatite chondrites is consistent with equilibration with the nebula gas ~30° higher than the others, or with the loss of a plagioclase-rich liquid. The mineral chemistry of the type 3 chondrites is consistent with either low temperature equilibration, or, in some instances, with shock effects.  相似文献   

The abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSE) Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Rh, Pd and Au, and 187Os/188Os isotope ratios have been determined for a set of carbonaceous, ordinary, enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites, using an analytical technique that permits the precise and accurate measurement of all HSE from the same digestion aliquot. Concentrations of Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were determined by isotope dilution ICP-MS and N-TIMS analysis. The monoisotopic elements Rh and Au were quantified relative to the abundance of Ir.Differences in HSE abundances and ratios such as Re/Os, 187Os/188Os, Pd/Ir and Au/Ir between different chondrite classes are further substantiated with new data, and additional Rh and Au data, including new data for CI chondrites. Systematically different relative abundances of Rh between different chondrite classes are reminiscent of the behaviour of Re. Carbonaceous chondrites are characterized by low average Rh/Ir of 0.27 ± 0.03 (1s) which is about 20% lower than the ratio for ordinary (0.34 ± 0.02) and enstatite chondrites (EH: 0.33 ± 0.01; EL: 0.32 ± 0.01). R chondrites show higher and somewhat variable Rh/Ir of 0.37 ± 0.07.Well-defined linear correlations of HSE, in particular for bulk samples of ordinary and EL chondrites, are explained by binary mixing and/or dilution by silicates. The HSE carriers responsible for these correlations have a uniform chemical composition, indicating efficient homogenization of local nebular heterogeneities during or prior to the formation of the host minerals in chondrite components. Excepting Rumuruti chondrites and Au in carbonaceous chondrites, these correlations also suggest that metamorphism, alteration and igneous processes had negligible influence on the HSE distribution on the bulk sample scale.Depletion patterns for Rh, Pd and Au in carbonaceous chondrites other than CI are smoothly related to condensation temperatures and therefore consistent with the general depletion of moderately volatile elements in carbonaceous chondrites. Fractionated HSE abundance patterns of ordinary, enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites, however, are more difficult to explain. Fractional condensation combined with the removal of metal phases at various times, and later mixing of early and late formed metal phases may provide a viable explanation. Planetary fractionation processes that may have affected precursor material of chondrite components cannot explain the HSE abundance patterns of chondrite groups. HSE abundances of some, but not all Rumuruti chondrites may be consistent with solid sulphide-liquid sulphide fractionation processes during impact induced melting.  相似文献   

Isotopic heterogeneity within the solar nebula has been a long-standing issue. Studies on primitive chondrites and chondrite components for Ba, Sm, Nd, Mo, Ru, Hf, Ti, and Os yielded conflicting results, with some studies suggesting large-scale heterogeneity. Low-grade enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites represent the most extreme ends of the chondrite meteorites in terms of oxidation state, and might thus also present extremes if there is significant isotopic heterogeneity across the region of chondrite formation. Osmium is an ideal tracer because of its multiple isotopes generated by a combination of p-, r-, and s-process and, as a refractory element; it records the earliest stages of condensation.Some grade 3-4 enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites show similar deficits of s-process components as revealed by high-precision Os isotope studies in some low-grade carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Enstatite chondrites of grades 5-6 have Os isotopic composition identical within error to terrestrial and solar composition. This supports the view of digestion-resistant presolar grains, most likely SiC, as the major carrier of these anomalies. Destruction of presolar grains during parent body processing, which all high-grade enstatite chondrites, but also some low-grade chondrites seemingly underwent, makes the isotopically anomalous Os accessible for analysis. The magnitude of the anomalies is consistent with the presence of a few ppm of presolar SiC with a highly unusual isotopic composition, produced in a different stellar environment like asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB) and injected into the solar nebula. The presence of similar Os isotopic anomalies throughout all major chondrite groups implies that carriers of Os isotopic anomalies were homogeneously distributed in the solar nebula, at least across the formation region of chondrites.  相似文献   

The mineral phases including olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, troilite, nickel-iron, plagioclase, chromite and the phosphates were separated from several meteorites. These were a hypersthene chondrite (Modoc), a bronzite chondrite (Guareña), an enstatite chondrite (Khairpur), and two eucrites (Haraiya and Moore County); diopside was separated from the Nakhla achondrite. The purified minerals were analyzed for trace and minor elements by spark source mass spectrometry and instrumental neutron activation analysis. On the meteorites examined our results show that Co, Ni, Cu, Ge, As, Ru, Rh, Pd, Sn, Sb, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt and Au are entirely or almost entirely siderophile; Na, Rb, Sr, Y, Ba and the rare earth elements lithophile; Se chalcophile. The transition elements So, Ti, V, Cr and Mn are lithophile in most stony meteorites, but show chalcophile affinities in the enstatite chondrites (and enstatite achondrites), as do Zn, Zr and Nb. In the ordinary chondrites Ga shows both lithophile and siderophile affinities, but becomes entirely siderophile in the enstatite chondrites. Molybdenum and tellurium show strong siderophile and weaker chalcophile affinity. The lithophile elements are distributed among the minerals according to the crystallochemical factors, the most effective controlling factor being ionic size.  相似文献   

Chondrules in E3 chondrites differ from those in other chondrite groups. Many contain near-pure endmember enstatite (Fs<1). Some contain Si-bearing FeNi metal, Cr-bearing troilite, and, in some cases Mg, Mn- and Ca-sulfides. Olivine and more FeO-rich pyroxene grains are present but much less common than in ordinary or carbonaceous chondrite chondrules. In some cases, the FeO-rich grains contain dusty inclusions of metal. The oxygen three-isotope ratios (δ18O, δ17O) of olivine and pyroxene in chondrules from E3 chondrites, which are measured using a multi-collection SIMS, show a wide range of values. Most enstatite data plots on the terrestrial fractionation (TF) line near whole rock values and some plot near the ordinary chondrite region on the 3-isotope diagram. Pyroxene with higher FeO contents (∼2-10 wt.% FeO) generally plots on the TF line similar to enstatite, suggesting it formed locally in the EC (enstatite chondrite) region and that oxidation/reduction conditions varied within the E3 chondrite chondrule-forming region. Olivine shows a wide range of correlated δ18O and δ17O values and data from two olivine-bearing chondrules form a slope ∼1 mixing line, which is approximately parallel to but distinct from the CCAM (carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mixing) line. We refer to this as the ECM (enstatite chondrite mixing) line but it also may coincide with a line defined by chondrules from Acfer 094 referred to as the PCM (Primitive Chondrite Mineral) line (Ushikubo et al., 2011). The range of O isotope compositions and mixing behavior in E3 chondrules is similar to that in O and C chondrite groups, indicating similar chondrule-forming processes, solid-gas mixing and possibly similar 16O-rich precursors solids. However, E3 chondrules formed in a distinct oxygen reservoir.Internal oxygen isotope heterogeneity was found among minerals from some of the chondrules in E3 chondrites suggesting incomplete melting of the chondrules, survival of minerals from previous generations of chondrules, and chondrule recycling. Olivine, possibly a relict grain, in one chondrule has an R chondrite-like oxygen isotope composition and may indicate limited mixing of materials from other reservoirs. Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) in E3 chondrites have petrologic characteristics and oxygen isotope ratios similar to those in other chondrite groups. However, chondrules from E3 chondrites differ markedly from those in other chondrite groups. From this we conclude that chondrule formation was a local event but CAIs may have all formed in one distinct place and time and were later redistributed to the various chondrule-forming and parent body accretion regions. This also implies that transport mechanisms were less active at the time of and following chondrule formation.  相似文献   

在建立了小行星区星云凝聚模型的基础上,对类地行星区中上物质(硅酸盐、氧化物、金属、硫化物等)的凝聚作用,以及凝聚物的水化作用进行了讨论,进而建立了包括小行星区在内的整个类地行星区的星云凝聚模式。根据地球核慢质量比和关于地球初期演化的研究结果;使用顽火辉石球粒陨石和C1陨石的化学成分分别做为地球形成区中类顽火辉石球粒陨石质星子和类C1陨石质星子的成分数据;假定类顽火辉石无球粒陨石质星子的成分与类顽火辉石球粒陨石质星子的硅酸盐部分成分相同,计算出原始地球可能由1.58%的类铁陨石质星子、13.9%的类顽火辉石无球粒陨石质星子、82.52%类顽火辉石球粒陨石质星子、2%的类C1陨石质星子组成。  相似文献   

陨石氧同位素组成及其地学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了各类陨石氧同位素组成的特点,对陨石氧同位素组成的主要成因观点进行了评述,结合地球的原始物质组成,讨论了陨石氧同位素组成的地球科学意义。  相似文献   

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