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水库淤积形态是影响库容分布、水库排沙的一项重要因素。小浪底水库近坝段淤积泥沙粒径极细,具有流动性,针对其细颗粒泥沙淤积特点,揭示了水库细颗粒淤积物的流变特性与流型特征;通过引入水、淤积物、床面之间的界面受力分析,构建了细颗粒淤积物失稳流动描述模式,并与水沙输移模型相耦合,建立了考虑细颗粒淤积物流动特性的水库淤积形态模拟方法,在此基础上对小浪底水库淤积形态进行了验证分析。研究结果表明:低密度细颗粒淤积物为宾汉型流体,淤积平衡坡降较小,当其密度大于1.25 g/cm3后,流动性快速减弱;考虑细颗粒淤积物流动特征的水库淤积形态模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好。研究成果可为水库淤积形态形成机理及其对水沙调控的响应研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

水库淤积形态是影响库容分布、水库排沙的一项重要因素。小浪底水库近坝段淤积泥沙粒径极细,具有流动性,针对其细颗粒泥沙淤积特点,揭示了水库细颗粒淤积物的流变特性与流型特征;通过引入水、淤积物、床面之间的界面受力分析,构建了细颗粒淤积物失稳流动描述模式,并与水沙输移模型相耦合,建立了考虑细颗粒淤积物流动特性的水库淤积形态模拟方法,在此基础上对小浪底水库淤积形态进行了验证分析。研究结果表明:低密度细颗粒淤积物为宾汉型流体,淤积平衡坡降较小,当其密度大于1.25 g/cm 3后,流动性快速减弱;考虑细颗粒淤积物流动特征的水库淤积形态模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好。研究成果可为水库淤积形态形成机理及其对水沙调控的响应研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水初期近坝区淤积形态成因初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
三峡水库蓄水运用后,库区泥沙淤积将显著增加.基于三维水沙数值模型及实测资料分析,对水库蓄水初期近坝区泥沙淤积形态的成因进行了初步探讨.研究结果表明坝前淤积形态的成因既与坝前水流流态的三维特性有关,又与水库蓄水初期坝前淤积物颗粒特性有关.水库蓄水初期沉积在近坝区的泥沙颗粒较细,初始干容重较低,使得淤积物表现出一定的浮泥特性.坝前淤积总量较大主要是宽谷河段水流特性造成的;而基底深槽处淤积物厚度较大、淤积面呈水平状的主要原因则是浮泥状淤积物在重力作用下向河底运动、并沿深泓线在基底深槽中汇集.  相似文献   

三峡水库运行初期的泥沙淤积特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对三峡蓄水运行后的泥沙淤积问题,基于实测资料,采用输沙率法和断面法分析了三峡水库运行初期的泥沙淤积特点.结果表明:三峡水库2003—2013年泥沙淤积总量为15.31亿t,平均排沙比为24.5%,均较论证阶段降低;库区泥沙淤积主要分布在常年回水区的宽谷和弯道河段,宽谷段全断面发生淤积、弯道断面流速较小一侧淤积、峡谷无累积性淤积;常年库区近坝段泥沙淤积速度逐年减小,而上段泥沙淤积速度则呈增大趋势;淤积物粒径沿程分选不明显,常年回水区淤积物中值粒径多在0.01 mm以下.库区峡谷段深泓线无明显变化、尚未出现泥沙淤积三角洲、库尾泥沙淤积上延和尾水抬高不明显,据此初步推断峡谷河段存在富余挟沙力而成为局部侵蚀基准面,整个库区将无统一平衡比降的趋势.  相似文献   

三峡库区絮凝现象是细颗粒泥沙淤积的重要原因,泥沙絮凝临界条件对三峡库区泥沙淤积规律和模拟具有重要意义。在三峡库区忠县和奉节河段开展泥沙絮凝的现场测量,基于声学多普勒流速仪(Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter,ADV)和泥沙采样测得同步的瞬时流速和含沙量,通过泥沙扩散理论反算现场泥沙沉速及絮团粒径,得到了三峡库区泥沙絮凝度及其与粒径、流速和含沙量的关系。结果表明:库区细颗粒泥沙发生絮凝,且多为中轻度絮凝,重度絮凝较少;库区泥沙絮凝的临界粒径约为0.018 mm,临界流速约为0.7 m/s,临界含沙量约为0.8 kg/m3。研究结果可为三峡库区泥沙的运动规律以及泥沙淤积模拟等提供一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   

齐斌  熊运阜 《水文》2001,21(3):45-47
介绍了黄河万家寨水库运行及库区水文泥沙动态监测的基本情况,并对水库容淤积、库区淤积物分布、泥沙组成及水库淤积形态等方面的问题进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

受上游水沙条件和水库调度过程等影响,三峡水库实际淤积过程较为复杂。本文基于一维泥沙数学模型,分析上下游边界条件变化对三峡水库淤积特征的综合影响,建立入库沙量和汛期坝前水位与库区淤积的经验关系,讨论了其贡献及未来淤积趋势。结果表明:上游干支流入库沙量和汛期坝前水位是影响三峡水库淤积的主要因素,其变化均将造成库区淤积重心的偏移,变动回水区下段及常年回水区上段的泥沙分选及冲淤情况受影响最为明显;2013—2020年,干流来沙对三峡库区淤积的贡献减小(由65%减小至42%),支流来沙贡献逐步增大(由32%增大至56%);汛期坝前水位变化对该时段库区淤积较2003—2012年期间的影响已经较小(1.6%~1.8%);当遭遇平常水文年水沙过程,未来三峡水库泥沙淤积量约在0.5亿t/a左右;当遭遇不利洪水组合水文年,尤其是支流发生大规模强降雨使岷江和嘉陵江洪峰流量大于30 000 m3/s时,三峡水库泥沙淤积量约在1.6亿t/a左右。  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水运用后,泥沙淤积主要分布在常年库区的宽谷和弯道,峡谷则无累积性淤积。基于实测资料计算了三峡成库前(2001年)和成库后(2003-2011年)的挟沙力,结果表明挟沙力随着不同运行阶段坝前水位的抬高而逐步降低,宽谷河段降低幅度较大,峡谷河段降低幅度较小,泥沙淤积比率逐步增大。宽谷河段挟沙力普遍降至含沙量以下而发生淤积,峡谷河段挟沙力仍大于含沙量而无累积性淤积。流量越大,宽谷河段的挟沙力越小于含沙量,而峡谷河段的挟沙力越大于含沙量,表明宽谷河段淤积主要发生在汛期,而峡谷河段汛期以冲刷为主。由于细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉降以及黏性淤积物难以冲刷,恢复饱和系数淤积取1、冲刷取0.01得到的沿程淤积量计算值与实测值吻合较好。弯道河段计算的淤积量与实测值差异较大,表明弯道河段二维特征明显,利用一维的挟沙力计算淤积量不能适用。  相似文献   

潮汐河口泥沙运动复杂多变, 科学划分泥沙运动形式并评估其对航道淤积的影响, 是厘清航道淤积泥沙来源、制定有效减淤措施的关键。基于长江口深水航道所处南港—北槽河段2015年和2018年洪季、枯季表层沉积物和近底悬沙的现场采样数据, 分析提出潮汐条件下推移质、悬移质和时推时悬泥沙3类泥沙运动形式的粒径划分方法, 量化3类泥沙对深水航道淤积的贡献比例。结果表明: 近底悬沙级配曲线上拐点粒径对泥沙由推移质向悬移质转化具有较好的指示意义; 长江口南港—北槽悬沙、底沙交换显著, 深水航道淤积物中除仅做推移质或悬移质运动的泥沙外, 还包括大量的时推时悬泥沙, 其在航道淤积泥沙中的占比最高, 约达50%~60%;南港段航道洪季、枯季推移质淤积占比分别为36%和26%, 高于悬移质的6%和13%;北槽段航道悬移质落淤泥沙占比为44%~48%, 明显较推移质3%~6%的占比高。3类泥沙运动形式粒径划分方法为深化潮汐河口泥沙运动规律认识、判别航道淤积泥沙来源提供了新途径。  相似文献   

河床演变中普遍存在着滞后现象,而以往的三峡水库泥沙研究对滞后现象鲜有考虑。为深入认识三峡水库运行带来的泥沙淤积特征,建立了考虑上游来沙和坝前水位双重影响的泥沙淤积滞后响应模型。基于2003—2017年实测水沙资料,分析了三峡入库水沙特性及汛期泥沙淤积特点,利用滞后响应模型探究了汛期泥沙淤积的滞后规律。结果表明:2003—2012年入库水沙呈现“大水带大沙,少水带少沙”的特点,汛期淤积随坝前水位抬升而增加;2013—2017年入库水沙关系的一致性发生变化,受上游梯级库群拦沙影响,汛期淤积减缓。三峡水库汛期累计淤积与5年线性叠加坝前水位之间有较好的相关关系,汛期淤积不仅与当年来沙和坝前水位运行有关,也与前4年的来沙和坝前水位调度有关。  相似文献   

Coastal barriers provide sheltered, low-energy settings for fine-grained sediment deposition and retention, although the process of back-barrier infilling and how tidal-channel connectivity impacts this process is not well-understood. Understanding how back-barrier environments infill and evolve is necessary to predict how they will respond to future changes in sea-level and sediment supply. With this motivation, in situ observations and sedimentary signatures from an Amazonian tidal-channel system are interpreted to create a conceptual model of morphological evolution in a macrotidal back-barrier environment that is rich in fine-grained sediment, vegetated by mangroves and incised by tidal channels with multiple outlets. Results indicate that within a high-connectivity back-barrier channel, tidal processes dominate sedimentation and morphological development. Sediment cores (<60 cm) exhibited millimetre-scale tidalites composed of sand and mud. High-connectivity channels allow tidal propagation from multiple inlets, and in this case, the converging flood waves promote delivery of sediment fluxing through the system to the mangrove flats in the convergence zone. Sediment preferentially deposits in regions with adequate accommodation space and dense vegetation, and in these zones, sediment grain size is slightly finer than that transiting through the system. The greatest sediment-accumulation rates (3 to 4 cm yr−1), calculated from steady-state 210Pb profiles, were found in the convergence zone near the mangrove-channel edge. As tidal flats aggrade vertically and prograde into the channels, accommodation space diminishes. In effect, the channel’s narrowest stretch is expected to migrate along the path of net-sediment flux towards regions with more accommodation space until it reaches the tidal-convergence zone. The location of recent preferential infilling is evidenced by relatively rapid sediment-accumulation rates, finer sediment and significant clustering of small secondary tidal channels. These findings shed light on how sediment transported through vegetated back-barrier environments is ultimately preserved and how evidence preserved in surface morphology and the geological record can be interpreted.  相似文献   

Status and Trends in Research on Deep-Water Gravity Flow Deposits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Deep-water gravity flows are one of the most important sediment transport mechanisms on Earth. After 60 years of study,significant achievements have been made in terms of classification schemes,genetic mechanisms,and depositional models of deep-water gravity flows. The research history of deep-water gravity flows can be divided into five stages: incipience of turbidity current theory; formation of turbidity current theory; development of deep-water gravity flow theory; improvement and perfection of deep-water gravity flow theory; and comprehensive development of deep-water gravity flow theory. Currently,three primary classification schemes based on the sediment support mechanism,the rheology and transportation process,and the integration of sediment support mechanisms,rheology,sedimentary characteristics,and flow state are commonly used.Different types of deep-water gravity flow events form different types of gravity flow deposits. Sediment slump retransportation mainly forms muddy debris flows,sandy debris flows,and surge-like turbidity currents. Resuspension of deposits by storms leads to quasi-steady hyperpycnal turbidity currents(hyperpycnal flows). Sustainable sediment supplies mainly generate muddy debris flows,sandy debris flows,and hyperpycnal flows. Deep-water fans,which are commonly controlled by debris flows and hyperpycnal flows,are triggered by sustainable sediment supply; in contrast,deep-water slope sedimentary deposits consist mainly of debris flows that are triggered by the retransportation of sediment slumps and deep-water fine-grained sedimentary deposits are derived primarily from finegrained hyperpycnal flows that are triggered by the resuspension of storm deposits. Harmonization of classification schemes,transformation between different types of gravity flow deposit,and monitoring and reproduction of the sedimentary processes of deep-water gravity flows as well as a source-to-sink approach to document the evolution and deposition of deep-water gravity flows are the most important research aspects for future studies of deep-water gravity flows study in the future.  相似文献   

Sediment in tectonically active, topographically restricted settings of the western Hellenic Arc, eastern Mediterranean, consists primarily of clayey silt and silty clay. Failure of metastable sediment temporarily stored on relatively steep slopes is triggered by earthquake tremors and eustatic oscillations. Redeposition of these materials by gravitative transport has resulted in markedly different lithofacies from site to site. Most piston cores include three Late Quaternary stratigraphic units that can be correlated with sections in other parts of the eastern Mediterranean; numerous radiocarbon-age determinations enhance the correlation. Seven fine-grained sediment types are identified in cores from eight distinct depositional environments. Some muds are closely related to specific environments (slump and debris flow deposits on slope and high-relief environments), or to time (well laminated mud during the latest Pleistocene-mid-Holocene), or to both (uniform and faintly laminated muds restricted to trench basins). Turbiditic and hemipelagic muds are common throughout the study area. Mud distribution patterns correlate closely with calculated sedimentation rates. We propose two depositional models for these sediments. The first emphasizes downslope transformations resulting in progressively reduced flow concentration during transport: from slump and debris flow–>turbidity current–>low density turbidity current or turbid layer mechanisms. The distal end-member deposits settling from low concentration flows are thick, rapidly emplaced, fine-grained uniform muds closely associated with faintly laminated muds. These were ponded in flat trench basin-plains. Planktonic and terrigenous fractions in the turbiditic, finely laminated and uniform muds record mixing of materials of gravitative and suspension origin during redeposition. This sequence prevails under conditions of minimal stratification of water masses, as characterized by the present Mediterranean. In the second model developed for conditions of well-developed water mass stratification, well laminated rather than uniform mud prevails as the end product of low concentration flows. These very finely laminated and graded muds record particle-by-particle settling from detached turbid layers concentrated along density interfaces; they include material from turbid layers complemented by the normal ‘rain’ of pelagic material. Stratification barriers resulted in region-wide distribution of such deposits, in both slope and trench environments.  相似文献   

Depositional models that use heterogeneity in mud‐dominated successions to distinguish and diagnose environments within the offshore realm are still in their infancy, despite significant recent advances in understanding the complex and dynamic processes of mud deposition. Six cored intervals of the main body of the Mancos Shale, the lower Blue Gate Member, Uinta Basin, were examined sedimentologically, stratigraphically and geochemically in order to evaluate facies heterogeneity and depositional mechanisms. Unique sedimentological and geochemical features are used to identify three offshore environments of deposition: the prodelta, the mudbelt and the sediment‐starved shelf. Prodelta deposits consist of interlaminated siltstone and sandstone and exhibit variable and stressed trace fossil assemblages, and indicators of high sedimentation rates. The prodelta was dominated by river‐fed hyperpycnal flow. Mudbelt deposits consist of interlaminated siltstone and sandstone and are characterized by higher bioturbation indices and more diverse trace fossil assemblages. Ripples, scours, truncations and normally graded laminations are abundant in prodelta and mudbelt deposits indicating dynamic current conditions. Mudbelt sediment dispersal was achieved by both combined flow above storm wave base and current‐enhanced and wave‐enhanced sediment gravity flows below storm wave base. Sediment‐starved shelf deposits are dominantly siltstone to claystone with the highest calcite and organic content. Bioturbation is limited to absent. Sediment‐starved shelf deposits were the result of a combination of shelfal currents and hypopycnal settling of sediment. Despite representing the smallest volume, sediment‐starved shelf deposits are the most prospective for shale hydrocarbon resource development, due to elevated organic and carbonate content. Sediment‐starved shelf deposits are found in either retrogradational to aggradational parasequence sets or early distal aggradational to progradational parasequence sets, bounding the maximum flooding surface. An improved framework classification of offshore mudstone depositional processes based on diagnostic sedimentary criteria advances our predictive ability in complex and dynamic mud‐dominated environments and informs resource prospectivity.  相似文献   

对于山区河流低坝而言,平时淤积在坝前的推移质粗沙可能会在洪水期集中翻越坝顶,形成高强度输沙。本文开展水槽试验,研究推移质粗沙自上游起动、推进、再翻越坝顶后向下游输移的过程,分析了输沙参数的变化特性及数理规律,描述了翻坝输沙模式及运动特征,揭示了输沙规律与河床形态之间的自然联系。取得如下认识:①输沙量随时间大致以幂函数规律增长。②低坝附近区域河床形态终将趋于稳定,上游和下游均形成相对稳定的曲面斜坡淤积体。③在不同的水流强度下推移质翻坝输移模式存在差异。对于一般水流强度工况,上游淤积体曲面斜坡表面泥沙颗粒以滚动或滑动模式起动,推移至接近坝顶位置时再跃移翻坝,后向下游输移;对于更高水流强度工况,后期的翻坝输沙模式可能发生显著转变,周期性边壁漩涡成为翻坝输沙的主要动力来源。  相似文献   

对于山区河流低坝而言,平时淤积在坝前的推移质粗沙可能会在洪水期集中翻越坝顶,形成高强度输沙。本文开展水槽试验,研究推移质粗沙自上游起动、推进、再翻越坝顶后向下游输移的过程,分析了输沙参数的变化特性及数理规律,描述了翻坝输沙模式及运动特征,揭示了输沙规律与河床形态之间的自然联系。取得如下认识:①输沙量随时间大致以幂函数规律增长。②低坝附近区域河床形态终将趋于稳定,上游和下游均形成相对稳定的曲面斜坡淤积体。③在不同的水流强度下推移质翻坝输移模式存在差异。对于一般水流强度工况,上游淤积体曲面斜坡表面泥沙颗粒以滚动或滑动模式起动,推移至接近坝顶位置时再跃移翻坝,后向下游输移;对于更高水流强度工况,后期的翻坝输沙模式可能发生显著转变,周期性边壁漩涡成为翻坝输沙的主要动力来源。  相似文献   

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