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徐光龙 《吉林地质》2020,39(1):69-72
本文在野外地质勘查及系统分析前人工作资料的基础上,对吉林省橄榄石宝石矿床区域分布及勘查开发现状进行归纳总结。吉林省橄榄石宝石矿主要分布在吉林省东部,已发现的橄榄石宝石矿床均赋存于新生界新近系上新统船底山组玄武岩中。严格受敦化-密山岩石圈断裂及其次级断裂控制。在找矿方向上应扩大已有矿区勘查范围,加大勘查力度及对省内船底山组玄武岩分布地区做重点勘查工作部署,力求在橄榄石宝石矿找矿方面取得更大的突破。同时对橄榄石宝石矿业发展远景进行探讨。  相似文献   

邓尔新 《矿物岩石》1993,13(2):54-66
研究成矿规律并用之于预测地下矿产的论著与日俱增,显示出该学科所具有的重大实际意义与强大生命力。然而对全球成矿规律系统理论的论述却很少见。笔者在1990年以后,在多次内部会议和讲学中曾先后阐述环球内生矿产三向特征的规律性。鉴于一些学者们的建议,决定以此简短的中、英文摘要向同行们介绍。内生矿产成矿规律主要反映其成矿物质来源,时、空分布,共生分布及其成因内在联系等诸方面特征规律性的总和。根据大量研究资料的分析,笔者认为成矿物质来源与各有关元素分别赋存于地球之上地幔、下壳层和上壳层三大圈层中之高丰度有密切关系。矿产在时、空和共生分布所展现的规律性,在  相似文献   

初论信息技术与我国有色金属矿产勘查与开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国有色金属工业在面对“转企”的压力下,又面临知识经济带来的挑战和机遇,重视和研究信息技术在有色金属矿产勘查与开发中的应用是一项紧迫的任务,这也是非传统的有色金属矿产勘查与开发的主要方向。从靶区优选→概查→详查→勘探→初期开发→中期开发→末期开发等一套系统集成的信息采集与处理技术系统是一项急需开拓性研究课题。已具备的有色金属矿产空间信息技术(如数据库、图形库)及空间信息统计学,为开展这项开拓性研究  相似文献   

易门铜矿"镜面对称"成矿及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在列举了大量地质依据的基础上,论证了易门铜矿区西矿带的矿床(点)分布存在“镜面对称”成矿现象,并讨论了形成这种对称分布的力学机理。这一发现无疑对矿床形成和分布具有重要的理论意义。而且,对本区和类似地区进行成矿预测及矿产勘查具有重要的实际指导意义。  相似文献   

《矿床地质》创刊于1982年,系中国地质学会矿床地质专业委员会、中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所主办的学术性期刊(双月刊),国内外发行,双月末出版。本刊主要报道矿床地质(包括金属矿床、非金属矿床、海洋矿产)、矿床地球化学、区域成矿规律、矿产普查与勘探、矿产资源预测与评价方面研究的科研成果;与成矿作用有关的岩石学、矿物学、地球化学、矿田构造及模拟实验等方面的新成果、新认识和综述性文章。优先发表新探明矿床、新类型矿床和新发现矿床的科研成果。主要栏目有“研究论文”、“最新报道”、“叙谈矿产地质工作”等。  相似文献   

上海经济区蕴藏着丰富的金属矿产资源,主要有铁、铜、铅、锌、钨、锡、钼、锰、金、银、稀土、铌、钽等矿种。研究区内金属矿产的成矿地质条件和矿产分布规律,对于查明和合理使用金属矿产资源,进一步开发上海经济区,发展外向型经济具有重要的现实和深远意义。  相似文献   

吉林省地矿局于1989年4月上旬在吉林市召开了科技成果交流会。局属各单位到会的代表共57人。大会交流的科技成果有“金矿区的花岗岩—绿岩带研究”及“玄武岩覆盖区地球物理探矿方法研究”等共18项。局总工程师王恩远作了吉林省层控矿床和他赴联邦德国考察硅藻土、硅土、高岭土等非金属矿产开发的专题报告。  相似文献   

赵东杰 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1243-1256
铌和钽作为重要的稀有金属矿产,被广泛应用于各种“高精尖”领域。非洲铌钽资源丰富,是全球最大的钽矿生产地。本文基于非洲铌钽矿资源状况、矿床类型、典型矿床及其勘查开发现状最新数据,得出以下认识:铌钽矿主要集中于非洲中南部地区,多数以伴生矿的形式产出,矿床类型主要包括碳酸岩型、风化壳型、碱性岩型、花岗岩型、伟晶岩型和砂矿型六种,其中花岗岩型和伟晶岩型主要富钽,而碳酸岩型和碱性岩型则主要富铌;铌钽矿床主要分布于卡普瓦尔克拉通、刚果克拉通、津巴布韦克拉通以及基巴拉、达马拉、泛非等碰撞造山带内,形成时代主要集中于太古宙、古元古代、新元古代、泛非活动期和中生代五个成矿期;非洲大部分铌钽矿山都还处于勘探开发初级阶段,受困于经济技术的落后,手工和小规模采矿仍然是铌钽矿生产开发的主要手段,未来资源潜力较大。  相似文献   

四川省岩盐矿产资源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多年从事四川岩盐矿产勘查开发和科研成果积累的资料,对四川岩盐矿产的时空分布、成矿特征、矿床类型、资源藏量及资源优势等诸多方面作一概要的综述,旨在促进四川岩盐矿产勘查开发,推动井矿盐及盐化工业的发展。  相似文献   

2003年我区地质勘查工作上了一个新台阶,提交了可供开发的资源量,延长了矿山的服务年限.发现了一大批有进一步工作价值的矿产地和矿化线索,基础地质研究也取得许多新认识.今后地质勘查工作要继续坚持“主攻天山,深化阿尔泰山.开拓昆仑、阿尔金山”的总体部署思路,遵循“区划、区调、矿产普查、物化探和科研五统一”的工作原则,针对铜、金、富铁、富铅锌、富锑等国家和自治区急需的矿产及相应的重要矿床成因类型,以寻找大型-超大型矿床为突破口.兼顾可开发的中小型矿床.  相似文献   

利用GC-MS(气相色谱—质谱仪),对采自湖北清江流域和尚洞洞顶的土壤样品与洞内石笋样品进行分析,发现土壤中存在的七个系列单甲基支链烷烃在所有的石笋样品中均可以找到,呈现相似的分布模式,石笋中七个系列支链烷烃有可能来自洞穴滴水携带的土壤中的支链烷烃,但是也不能排除石笋原地生长的微生物的贡献。烷基环己烷的分布在土壤与石笋中呈现了相似的分布模式,但是主峰碳数有所变化,高碳数部分与低碳数部分的相对含量也发生了变化。主要原因可能是微生物选择性降解的结果,也有可能是土壤与石笋中微生物种类分布差异所造成的。本次研究初步显示了相对封闭稳定的洞穴沉积物与上覆土壤层中生物标志化合物的异同。   相似文献   

The dissolution of H2O and CO2 in structurally dense, nominally anhydrous and non-carbonate oxide matrices such as MgO and CaO is reviewed. H2O and CO2 are treated as gaseous oxide components which enter into solid solution with the refractory oxide hosts. They form anion complexes associated with cation vacancy sites. Evidence is presented that OH? pairs which derive from the dissolution of H2O are subject to a charge transfer (CT) conversion into peroxy moieties and molecular hydrogen, O 2 2? ... H2. Because the O 2 2? moiety is small (O?-O? distance ≈ 1.5 Å) high pressure probably favors the CT conversion. Mass spectroscopic studies show that molecular H2 may be lost from the solid which retains excess oxygen in the form of O 2 2? , leading to the release of atomic O. The dissociation of O 2 2? moieties into a vacancy-bound O? state and an unbound O? state can be followed by measuring the internal redox reactions involving transition metal impurities, the transient paramagnetism of the O? and their effect on the d.c. conductivity. Evidence is presented that CO2 molecules dissolve dissociatively in the structurally dense oxide matrix, as if they were first to dissociate into CO+O and then to form separate solute moieties CO 2 2? and O 2 2? , both associated with cation vacancy sites. In the CO 2 2? moiety (C-O? distance 1.2–1.3 Å, OCO angle ≈ 130°) the C atom probably sits off center. The transition of the C atom into interstitial sites is accompanied by dissociation of the CO 2 2? moiety into CO? and O?. This transition can be followed by infrared spectroscopy, using OH? as local probes. Further support derives from magnetic susceptibility, thermal expansion, low frequency dielectric loss and low temperature deformation measurements. The recently observed emission of O and Mg atoms besides a variety of molecules such as CO, CO2, CH4, HCN and other hydrocarbons during impact fracture of MgO single crystals is presented and discussed in the light of the other experimental data.  相似文献   

At 31 sites in Finland the Zn content was determined of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. growing on pine and birch, the terricolous lichen Cladina spp. in pine bark, and the inner part of birch bark. The anomalous contents of Zn in H. physodes on pine and Cladina spp. in soil appeared to be strongly related to sulphide ore deposits. Anthropogenic Zn correlated closely with S and Fe in H. physodes on pine and with Fe in Cladina spp. The binding of geogenic Zn was related to iron hydroxides, and was attributed to the different uptake mechanism of S in these lichens. Elevated values of Zn in H. physodes on birch were due to both geogenic and anthropogenic sources. Zinc in pine bark increased with the Zn content in H. physodes and reached a limiting value.  相似文献   

There are few inter-African country urban analyses because of the continent’s enormous size and socioeconomic diversity, language barriers, and wide variations in national and regional urban research capacity. Nevertheless, comparative urban studies are critical in understanding contemporary African urbanization. In this comparative spatial and temporal analysis of Ghana and Kenya’s urbanization, we find that both countries are urbanizing rapidly and are faced with many common urban problems. Moreover, Ghana is more urbanized than Kenya and has a larger indigenous urban imprint and a more widely dispersed urban pattern. Besides their physiographic and population conditions, we trace these countries’ convergent and divergent urban trends to their shared but unique experiences of colonialism, nationalism and globalization.  相似文献   

The Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers originate in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas (Garhwal) and result in high sediment yields causing flood hazards downstream of the Ganga River and high sediment flux to the Bay of Bengal. The rivers are perennial, since runoff in these rivers is controlled by both precipitation and glacial melt. In the present study, three locations in the upper reaches of the Ganga River were monitored for 1 yr (daily observations of, more than >1000 samples) for suspended sediment concentrations. In addition, more than one hundred samples were collected from various locations of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers at different periods to observe spatial and temporal variations in river suspensions. Further, multi-annual data (up to 40 yrs) of water flow and sediment concentrations were used for inferring the variations in water flow and sediment loads on longer time scales. In most previous studies of Himalayan Rivers, there has been a general lack of long term water flow and sediment load data. In the present study, we carried out high frequency sampling, considered long term discharge data and based on these information, discussed the temporal and spatial variations in water discharge and sediment loads in the rivers in the Himalayan region. The results show that, >75% of annual sediment loads are transported during the monsoon season (June through September). The annual physical weathering rates in the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi River basins at Devprayag are estimated to be 863 tons km−2 yr−1 (3.25 mm yr−1) and 907 tons km−2 yr−1 (3.42 mm yr−1) respectively, which are far in excess of the global average of 156 tons km−2 yr−1 (0.58 mm yr−1).  相似文献   

As a result of systematic study on heavy minerals in soils at city and town areas and their surroundings,cinnabar was discovered for the first time in areas of Hg anomalies in China, and it was found that the distribution of cinnabar was basically coincident in scope with that of Hg anomalies, showing that Hg anomalies were‘closely related to cinnabar. This finding provides a theoretical basis for a verification of Hg anomalies in soils in city and town areas and their surroundings, as well as evaluation of its ecological effects, and is significant to revealing the occurrence modes and origin of Hg in soils.  相似文献   

煤中气孔和镶嵌结构及其在煤变质研究中的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省禹县、新密和荥巩煤田山西组Ⅱ1煤的贫煤和无烟煤中,气孔发育。气孔形态有椭圆状(图版1)、圆状及不规则状(图版2),有的几个气孔连在一起呈大的朵状气孔(图版3)。此外,在荥巩煤田西部无烟煤中还发育有镀嵌结构(图版4)。   相似文献   

This review of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry includes research that employed quadrupole instruments, and single-collector and multicollector magnetic sector field instruments. The most important trend in 2004–2005 was the growing appreciation that small matrix effects in LA-(MC)-ICP-MS need to be addressed in order to produce highly precise and accurate data by the method. The issue is most acute for isotope ratio measurements that require standard-sample-standard bracketing but can also be important for certain elemental analysis. Matrix-dependent elemental and isotopic fractionations were studied from the standpoint of laser-sample interactions and the behaviour of laser-generated particles in the ablation cell, transfer tubing and ICP torch. Innovations in LA-(MC)-ICP-MS involved signal smoothing, in torch laser ablation, on-line isotope dilution and molecular oxide monitoring. Other important research was carried out on the calibration and homogeneity of various reference materials; and the exploration of mature ( in situ U-Pb geochronology) and emerging (apatite fission-track chronometry, U-Th/He thermochronology, boron/strontium/uranium-series isotopic microanalysis) applications in the Earth sciences.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(3):382-390
Ground gravity survey for regional structure unit delineation and oil and gas exploration in China is addressed in this paper with examples. Gravity survey scales, coverage, technical regulations and achievements at the national level are introduced, including data processing and anomaly interpretation techniques. Bouguer anomalies of terrestrial territories of China and classification of anomalous feature zones are also described; they are well correlated with lithotectonical boundaries, fault zones, and unexposed igneous plutons. Recent study results of petroliferous sedimentary basins are presented as well, including concealed boundaries and major structures of large basins. It is concluded that gravity survey is the most effective and economic method in unveiling unexposed and deep-seated structures, targeting and delineating oil and gas-bearing sedimentary basins, and locating main trap structures within prolific basins in early stage of exploration in China. Suggestions for improving exploration of both conventional and unconventional oil and gas reservoirs in China are also given in the paper.  相似文献   

Using improved analytical techniques, which reduce the Re blanks by factors of 8 to 10, we report new Re-Os data on low Re and low PGE pallasites (PAL-anom) and IIIAB irons. The new pallasite samples nearly double the observed range in Re/Os for pallasites and allow the determination of an isochron of slope 0.0775 ± 0.0008 (T = 4.50 ± 0.04 Ga, using the adjusted λ187Re = 1.66 × 10−11 a−1) and initial (187Os/188Os)0 = 0.09599 ± 0.00046. If the data on different groups of pallasites (including the “anomalous” pallasites) are considered to define a whole-rock isochron, their formation would appear to be distinctly younger than for the iron meteorites by ∼60 Ma. Five IIIAB irons (Acuna, Bella Roca, Chupaderos, Grant, and Bear Creek), with Re contents ranging from 0.9 to 2.8 ppb, show limited Re/Os fractionation and plot within errors on the IIAB iron meteorite isochron of slope 0.07848 ± 0.00018 (T = 4.56 ± 0.01 Ga) and initial (187Os/188Os)0 = 0.09563 ± 0.00011. Many of the meteorites were analyzed also for Pd-Ag and show 107Ag enrichments correlated with Pd/Ag, requiring early formation and fractionation of the FeNi metal, in a narrow time interval, after injection of live 107Pd (t1/2 = 6.5 Ma) into the solar nebula. Based on Pd-Ag, the typical range in relative ages of these meteorites is ≤10 Ma. The Pd-Ag results suggest early formation and preservation of the 107Pd-107Ag systematics, both for IIIAB irons and for pallasites, while the younger Re-Os apparent age for pallasites suggests that the Re-Os system in pallasites was subject to re-equilibration. The low Re and low PGE pallasites show significant Re/Os fractionation (higher Re/Os) as the Re and PGE contents decrease. By contrast, the IIIAB irons show a restricted range in Re/Os, even for samples with extremely low Re and PGE contents. There is a good correlation of Re and Ir contents. The correlation of Re and Os contents for IIIAB irons shows a similar complex pattern as observed for IIAB irons (Morgan et al., 1995), and neither can be ascribed to a continuous fractional crystallization process with uniform solid-metal/liquid-metal distribution coefficients.  相似文献   

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