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新生代以来印度-欧亚板块持续碰撞汇聚形成号称世界第三极的青藏高原。青藏高原的扩展生长和构造变形系统形成的动力学过程是地球科学研究的重大科学问题。青藏高原东北缘新生代以来构造演化过程及其与印度-欧亚板块碰撞汇聚的动力学耦合关系研究对于揭示青藏高原扩展生长过程具有重要地质意义。尽管前人已经开展了大量研究探索,提出各种构造-隆升模型,但青藏高原东北缘何时卷入印度-欧亚碰撞汇聚的青藏高原构造系统尚未达成共识。作为青藏高原东北缘组成部分的西秦岭北缘构造带漳县地区不仅新生代地层记录齐全,而且断裂构造发育,构造变形现象丰富,是研究青藏高原东北缘新生代构造演化及印度-欧亚碰撞汇聚远程构造响应的良好区域。通过对西秦岭北缘构造带漳县地区新生代沉积盆地地层构造格架、沉积地层序列和沉积旋回等详细野外观测研究,结合区域断裂带几何学-运动学及变形历史分析,取得如下认识:(1)西秦岭北缘漳县地区新生代沉积地层主要由为不整合分隔的两套构造性质完全不同的构造地层单元组成,即渐新世—中新世伸展断陷盆地沉积和上新世再生前陆磨拉石盆地沉积;(2)渐新世—中新世时期的地壳伸展拉张构造环境与印度-欧亚碰撞汇聚的挤压环境相悖,指示了西秦岭北缘在渐新世—中新世尚未卷入现今的印度-欧亚碰撞汇聚构造系统;(3)上新世磨拉石盆地的发育标志着西秦岭北缘构造带从伸展到挤压的构造体制转换,可能指示了印度-欧亚碰撞汇聚的挤压构造作用这时才波及西秦岭北缘;(4)上新世粗砾岩、西秦岭造山带地层和中生代沉积地层共同经历了抬升剥蚀作用,形成了西秦岭北缘广泛发育的夷平面。第四纪以来夷平面的抬升和解体、现代河流侵蚀系统和多级河流阶地的出现,指示了青藏高原东北缘整体的不均匀大规模抬升而进入现今青藏高原构造系统。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘海原断裂带新生代构造演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海原断裂带作为青藏高原东北缘构造变形最显著断裂带之一,记录了青藏高原向北东扩展的构造信息。在详细的构造测量基础上,初步提出海原断裂带新生代以来的古构造应力场序列,反演了其新生代构造演化历史。详细构造解析表明,海原断裂带新生代以来主要经历了5个构造演化历史阶段,即始新世-中新世NWSE向构造伸展与沉积盆地发育、中新世晚期-上新世NNESSW向构造挤压与海原断裂带右行走滑活动、上新世末-早更新世NESW向构造挤压与强烈褶皱逆冲活动、晚更新世晚期以来ENEWSW向构造伸展与断陷盆地发育、全新世以来NESW向构造挤压作用与断裂带强烈左行走滑活动。变形分析表明海原断裂带现今地貌格局主要缘于上新世末-早更新世NESW向强烈逆冲活动,后期ENEWSW向构造挤压作用导致断裂走滑活动,并改造了局部地貌,主要表现为沿断裂带发育一系列第四纪小型拉分盆地。该带新生代构造演化研究,为探讨青藏高原东北缘新构造演化提供了具体构造证据。  相似文献   

阿尔金山走滑断裂带位于青藏高原北缘,向东北与北山构造带相带,它斜切了塔里木板块和柴达木地块,东天山构造带和祁连构造带,新近在该构造带中段苏呈什杰一带发现了高压-超高压岩石新类型-含菱镁矿石二辉橄榄岩,其与高压壳源型榴辉岩共生一起,为幔源型超高变压岩构造侵位的产物。  相似文献   

从地球物理场信息探讨阿尔金断裂带东北尾端效应和延伸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据区域地球物理资料分析,阿尔金—祁连山弧形巨型重力梯级带展布在青藏高原东北边缘,构成青藏地块与塔里木、华北地块的分界,NEE向密集重力梯级带反映出阿尔金断裂带呈左行走滑兼有逆冲;祁连山西段NWW向弧形重力高、重力低相间分布,反映出祁连造山带内挤压推覆、逆冲叠置、盆山耦合的构造格局;在敦煌—金塔之间,基于阿尔金左行走滑断裂带东北段存在尾端效应,产生一系列与NEE向走滑断裂伴生的NNE向拉分断陷盆地,大陆碱性玄武岩充填在拉分空间,引起与重力低对应的磁异常;由于能量的消减和转换致使阿尔金断裂终止于金塔盆地花海断陷,向东并未延伸。  相似文献   

构造作用是影响地球深部内热向地表传输和热能再分配过程的关键因素之一。青藏高原东北缘共和盆地发现高温地热资源,其热源成因机制一直是研究焦点。为理解构造作用对地热资源分布的控制过程,本文选取共和盆地高温地热异常区,分析边界断裂构造性质、活动期次、演化历程,结合钻井、大地电磁和背景噪声成像地球物理异常特征,提出新生代构造演化和地热异常形成的耦合关系。认为:1)青藏高原东北缘共和盆地及周缘变形区形成于昆仑断裂和海源断裂大型活动左旋走滑作用的滑动消减带;2)共和盆地新生代以来经历中新世(12–6 Ma)旋转泛湖盆凹陷、上新世—第四纪(6–3 Ma)盆内张扭变形两期主要演化阶段;3)共和盆地上地壳发育的与高温相关的地球物理低速-高导异常层(Vs<3.2km/s,R<10Ω·m)是主导热源;4)上新世持续左旋走滑变形导致的岩石圈隆起变形是深部热能向浅层传输的主要动力学机制,浅部热能聚集成热过程至少延续到了3Ma;5)预测青藏高原东北缘与共和盆地具有类似构造演化性质的次生盆地具有高温地热资源发育的条件。  相似文献   

阿尔金构造带是多次俯冲—碰撞而形成的塔里木板块东南边缘,构造带内的走滑活动始于奥陶纪中晚期,中新生代强烈活动,并将北部不同构造单元的一些地质体拖曳到断裂带中,形成北山与敦煌构造楔。北山—阿拉善及断裂两侧的其他地质体受到走滑拉分作用的强烈改造,形成许多中新生代含油气盆地,共同构成我国中西部一条巨型走滑断裂系。  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘断裂带漳县—车厂断层的结构及构造演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西秦岭北缘断裂带是青藏高原东北缘主要构造边界断裂带之一, 其构造变形历史和运动学特征研究可以为西秦岭中新生代构造过程和印度—亚洲板块碰撞动力学的远程构造响应提供约束。漳县—车厂断层是西秦岭北缘断裂带的重要组成部分, 通过对工程开挖所揭露的断层带内丰富构造现象的观测与分析, 至少可以辨别出3期性质、规模、运动学特征各异的构造变形事件。第一期为向北北东陡倾的伸展正断层作用; 第二期为向南南西倾的由南向北的逆冲断层作用; 第三期为沿近直立断面左旋走滑作用。尽管每期变形的时代尚缺乏构造物质测年的约束, 但根据其与白垩系、新近系的空间关系以及已有第四纪以来沿断层地貌位错和相关沉积物测年以及地震活动历史研究对断层左旋走滑作用的时代约束, 认为第一期伸展正断层作用起始于早白垩纪, 可能持续到渐新世; 第二期向北逆冲断层作用起始于渐新世初, 可能持续到早第四纪; 第三期左旋走滑断层作用起始于晚第四纪, 持续至今。漳县—车厂断层是一条典型的多期变形的脆性断层, 其变形特征与历史, 如果代表了西秦岭北缘断裂带特征与构造变形过程, 那么现今西秦岭北缘断裂带仅是起始于早白垩纪、新生的脆性断裂带, 并非是印支主造山期大规模韧性逆冲推覆作用的边界断层。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江洋俯冲及印度-欧亚陆陆碰撞导致了强烈的大陆岩石圈挤压变形与青藏高原的隆升。研究青藏高原内部破碎带构造-沉积演化,对理解相关变形如何向欧亚大陆腹地扩展传递至关重要。班公湖—怒江缝合带内发育一系列白垩纪—新生代陆相沉积盆地,保存了关于该时期高原内部构造-沉积演化的丰富信息。针对该类盆地的构造性质和形成机制有走滑拉分盆地、断陷盆地、前陆盆地3类不同观点。若要检定上述观点,需要开展如下工作:(1)查明盆地基底与充填建造变形特征;(2)结合构造背景探究其演化机制。鉴于此,本文对该带内尼玛盆地开展大比例尺地质填图与构造分析,结合前人成果,对盆地构造背景、构造性质和构造演化进行了探讨。主要取得了如下认识:(1)尼玛盆地基底为班公湖—怒江洋闭合形成的软碰撞缝合带内的变质岩与海相沉积岩。基底断裂为近东西走向,倾向或南或北的逆冲断裂。(2)盆地充填建造为上白垩统—新近系多旋回河湖相沉积。其变形样式主要为轴向近东西延伸的非对称褶皱,局部卷入基底断裂变形。多幕次变形自边缘向盆地中心前展式递进发展。(3)盆地可以划分为盆北掀斜隆起、南部推覆扇状隆起两处主要剥蚀物源区、中部基底断片掀斜隆起一处次要剥蚀物源区,以及北部叠瓦状压陷区与南部对冲压陷区两处主要构造沉积单元,其构造格架可以概括为“三隆夹两坳”。(4)尼玛盆地肇始于班公湖—怒江洋闭合导致的南北向地壳缩短。其后,雅鲁藏布江洋北向俯冲与印度-欧亚碰撞所致南北向挤压,导致盆地基底断裂发生周期性活动,伴有多旋回磨拉石建造与递进变形。简言之,尼玛盆地为软碰撞缝合带之上发育的山间压陷盆地。  相似文献   

吴晨  陈宣华  丁林 《地学前缘》2023,(3):262-281
祁连造山带位于东特提斯北缘,蛇绿混杂岩带、(超)高压变质岩和弧岩浆岩等广泛发育,是前新生代华北克拉通与柴达木古地块之间多期次俯冲、碰撞和造山形成的复合造山带。现今的祁连山是青藏高原北缘高原隆升与扩展的关键构造带,具有复杂的陆内变形构造和深部结构,记录了新生代高原生长过程中不同阶段的构造变形和盆-山演化历史。本文在区域地质研究资料的综合分析基础上,讨论祁连造山带元古宙变质基底属性、新元古代—古生代古海洋演化和中—新生代构造变形特征,探讨祁连(山)造山带的构造演化过程和陆内变形历史。祁连造山带发育新元古代早期和早古生代两期岩浆弧,分别代表了古祁连洋和(南、北)祁连洋的俯冲-碰撞事件;亲华北的基底属性指示了祁连洋实属陆缘海。新生代青藏高原东北缘发育两阶段构造变形和盆-山演化,在中新世完成了由新生代早期以逆冲断裂活动为主向走滑断裂和逆冲断裂共同作用的转变,随着东昆仑山的快速隆起将古近纪大盆地隔开成两个盆地,即现今的柴达木盆地和可可西里盆地。中新世中晚期以来,青藏高原东北缘的构造格局主要受控于东昆仑和海原两个近乎平行的大型转换挤压构造系统的发育、顺时针旋转和侧向生长。大型走滑断裂系统在造山带内的...  相似文献   

有研究表明,北山候选区新生代构造受阿尔金断裂系控制,而阿尔金断裂是闻名全球的一条新生代大型走滑断裂带.作为青藏高原的北缘边界之一,新生代阿尔金的走滑活动量在数百公里以上.但是,阿尔金断裂带的走滑活动主要被祁连山的变形吸收和转换了,越过酒西盆地后,只有几百米的走滑量,且呈树枝状分叉自然尖灭.因此阿尔金东北末端构造活动并不强烈.  相似文献   

We study high-resolution three-dimensional P-wave velocity (Vp) tomography and anisotropic structure of the crust and uppermost mantle under the Helan–Liupan–Ordos western margin tectonic belt in North-Central China using 13,506 high-quality P-wave arrival times from 2666 local earthquakes recorded by 87 seismic stations during 1980–2008. Our results show that prominent low-velocity (low-V) anomalies exist widely in the lower crust beneath the study region and the low-V zones extend to the uppermost mantle in some local areas, suggesting that the lower crust contains higher-temperature materials and fluids. The major fault zones, especially the large boundary faults of major tectonic units, are located at the edge portion of the low-V anomalies or transition zones between the low-V and high-V anomalies in the upper crust, whereas low-V anomalies are revealed in the lower crust under most of the faults. Most of large historical earthquakes are located in the boundary zones where P-wave velocity changes drastically in a short distance. Beneath the source zones of most of the large historical earthquakes, prominent low-V anomalies are visible in the lower crust. Significant P-wave azimuthal anisotropy is revealed in the study region, and the pattern of anisotropy in the upper crust is consistent with the surface geologic features. In the lower crust and uppermost mantle, the predominant fast velocity direction (FVD) is NNE–SSW under the Yinchuan Graben and NWW–SEE or NW–SE beneath the Corridor transitional zone, Qilian Orogenic Belt and Western Qinling Orogenic Belt, and the FVD is NE–SW under the eastern Qilian Orogenic Belt. The anisotropy in the lower crust may be caused by the lattice-preferred orientation of minerals, which may reflect the lower-crustal ductile flow with varied directions. The present results shed new light on the seismotectonics and geodynamic processes of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and its northeastern margin.  相似文献   

青藏高原是由印度板块和亚洲板块于50~60 Ma碰撞而形成的全球最高最大的高原,已成为多数国内外学者的共识.然而,关于它的岩石圈变形机制却是长期争论的问题.深地震反射剖面是精细揭示岩石圈结构、分辨变形样式的有效技术.重新处理的松潘地块一西秦岭造山带深地震反射剖面揭示出岩石圈变形的细节,以地壳上部的双重逆冲构造、地壳中部...  相似文献   

印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞使喜马拉雅-青藏高原隆升,地壳增厚并生长扩展。探测青藏高原深部结构,揭露两个大陆如何碰撞以及碰撞如何使大陆变形的过程,是对全球关切的科学奥秘的探索。深地震反射剖面探测是打开这个科学奥秘的最有效途径之一。二十多年来,运用这项高技术探测到青藏高原巨厚地壳的精细结构,攻克了难以得到下地壳和Moho面信息的技术瓶颈,揭露了陆-陆碰撞过程。本文在探测研究成果的基础上,从青藏高原南北-东西对比,再到高原腹地,系统地综述了青藏高原之下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞-俯冲的深部行为。印度地壳在高原南缘俯冲在喜马拉雅造山带之下,亚洲板块的阿拉善地块岩石圈在北缘向祁连山下俯冲,祁连山地壳向外扩展,塔里木地块与高原西缘的西昆仑发生面对面的碰撞,在高原东缘发现龙日坝断裂(而不是龙门山断裂)是扬子板块的西缘边界,高原腹地Moho面厚度薄而平坦,岩石圈伸展垮塌。多条深反射剖面揭露了在雅鲁藏布江缝合带下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞的行为,不仅沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带走向印度地壳俯冲行为存在东西变化,而且印度地壳向北行进到拉萨地体内部的位置也不同。在缝合带中部,研究显示印度地壳上地壳与下地壳拆离,上地壳向北仰冲,下地壳向北俯冲,并在俯冲过程中发生物质的回返与构造叠置,这导致印度地壳减薄,喜马拉雅地壳加厚。俯冲印度地壳前缘与亚洲地壳碰撞后沉入地幔,处于亚洲板块前缘的冈底斯岩基与特提斯喜马拉雅近于直立碰撞,冈底斯下地壳呈部分熔融状态,近乎透明的弱反射和局部出现的亮点反射以及近于平的Moho面都反映出亚洲板块南缘处于伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

Investigation of the deep geophysical structure of the Longmen Mountains tectonic belt and its relation to the Wenchuan Earthquake is important for the study of earthquakes. By using magnetotelluric sounding profiles of the Luqu–Zhongjiang and Anxian–Suining; seismic sounding profiles of the Sichuan Maowen–Chongqing Gongtan, the Qinghai Huashi Gorge–Sichuan Jianyang, and the Batang–Zizhong; and magnetogravimetric data of the Longmen Mountains region, the deep geophysical structure of the Songpan–Ganzi block, the western Sichuan foreland basin, and the Longmen Mountains tectonic belt and their relation was discussed. The eastward extrusion of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau thrusts the Songpan–Ganzi block upon the Yangtze block, which obstructs the eastward movement of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The Maoxian–Wenchuan, Beichuan–Yingxiu, and Anxian–Guanxian faults of the Longmen Mountains fault belt dip to northwest with different dip angles and gradually converge in the deeper parts. Geophysical structure suggests that an intracrustal low-velocity, low-resistivity, and high-conductivity layer is common between the middle and upper crust west of the Longmen Mountains tectonic belt but not in the upper Yangtze block. The Sichuan Basin has a thick low-resistance sedimentary layer on a stable high-resistance basement; moreover, there are secondary paleohighs and depression structures at the lower part of the western Sichuan foreland basin with characteristic of high magnetic anomalies, whereas the Songpan–Ganzi block has a high resisitivity cover of upper crust and continues to a low-resistance layer. Considering the Longmen Mountains tectonic belt as the boundary, there are Bouguer gravity anomalies of "one belt between two zones." Thus, we infer that there is a corresponding relation between the inferred crystalline basement of the Songpan block and the underlying basin basement of the Longmen Mountains fault belt. Furthermore, there may be an extensive ancient Yangtze block, which is west of the Ruoergai block. In addition, the crust–mantle ductile shear zone under the Longmen Mountains tectonic belt is the main fault, whereas the Beichuan–Yingxiu and Anxian–Guanxian faults at the surface are earthquake faults. The Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake might be attributed to the collision of the Yangtze block and the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The eastward obduction of the eastern edge of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and eastward subduction of its deeper part under the influence of the collision of the Indian, Pacific, and Philippine Plates with the Eurasia Plate might have caused the Longmen Mountains tectonic belt to cut the Moho and extend to the middle and upper crust; thus, creating high stress concentration and rapid energy release zone.  相似文献   

The P-wave velocity structure in the shallow crust is investigated in and around the Sulu-Dabie region by using seismic reflection data for deep soundings in 48 survey profiles and from rock velocity determinations. The observed velocity distributions show obvious heterogeneities in this region. The low velocity anomalies are observed mainly in the west of the Dabie region and the East Sea regions. The high velocity anomalies emerge in the shallow crust of the Sulu and Dabie orogeny. These high-velocity anomalies can be attributed to the ultra-high pressure metamorphosed (UHPM) rock formed by exhumation motion of mantle materials during the orogeny. The high-velocity anomalies in the different shallow layers beneath the Sulu region are located to the northeast of the Tan-Lu fault. The high-velocity anomalies beneath the Dabie region are located southwest of the Tan-Lu fault. Such a distribution pattern of velocity anomaly zones may reveal historical motion of a left-lateral strike-slip for the Tan-Lu fault, which differs from the result of a right-lateral strike-slip motion regime known from modern seismology, indicating a more complex tectonic motion along the Tan-Lu fault.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地东北部新近纪构造旋转及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
青藏高原东北缘构造变形的研究是认识高原隆起过程、机制和印度—欧亚板块碰撞远程效应的重要途径。柴达木盆地是印度-欧亚板块碰撞后南北向挤压应力为动力背景的高原东北部内陆盆地,沉积物主要来自于周边山地,完整的保存了新生代以来高原隆升的详细记录。通过柴达木盆地东北部瑙格剖面精细古地磁及构造旋转研究发现,20.1~15.1Ma以及15.1~8.2Ma柴达木盆地分别发生了9.7°±7.4°和6.4°±4.4°的顺时针旋转,约8.2Ma后,柴达木盆地东北部瑙格地区发生了16°±7.5°的逆时针快速旋转。通过分析认为,前两次的顺时针构造旋转事件可能与阿尔金断裂的左旋走滑有关。而约82Ma以来的逆时针旋转事件属于柴达木盆地东北部瑙格地区的局部旋转,可能与温泉断裂的右旋走滑有关,说明青藏高原东北部在昆仑山、阿尔金山和祁连山三条巨型断裂系左旋相对运动的宏观控制下形成的NNW向温泉右旋走滑断裂开始走滑的年代为约8Ma。  相似文献   

利用中国地震台网和ISC台站记录的P波到时数据,采用球坐标系有限差分地震层析成像方法反演了南海东北部及其邻近地区壳幔三维P波速度结构,并分析了不同地质单元的构造差异及其深部特征。结果表明:南海东北部表现出陆架地区的岩石层特性,属于华南大陆向海区的延伸,岩石层厚度较大,现今不存在大规模的地幔热流活动,推测大陆边缘张裂作用仅限于地壳内部而没有延伸进入上地幔,具有非火山型大陆边缘的深部特点。中央海盆附近上地幔P波速度明显降低,与海盆下方地幔热流活动密切相关。不同的速度异常特征表明:华南大陆暨台湾地区属于欧亚大陆的正常地壳或是与菲律宾海板块相互作用产生的增厚型地壳,冲绳海槽则是弧后扩张产生的减薄型地壳。滨海断裂带作为华南大陆高速异常和南海北部高速异常的分界,代表了一定地质时期华南地块和南海地块的拼合边界。断裂附近的上地幔低速异常揭示了闽粤沿海岩浆作用的深层动力机制。吕宋岛弧、马尼拉海沟、东吕宋海槽的速度异常与其所处的特殊构造位置有密切的关系,清晰地反映出岛弧俯冲带的地壳结构差异;台湾南部至吕宋岛弧的上地幔低速异常揭示了两个重要火山链的深部构造特征,北吕宋海脊下方100 km深度的条带状高速异常有可能代表了俯冲下沉的岩石层板片。  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘构造带不仅发育一系列继承性多期活动或新生的近东西向断层,而且新生代地层中还发育与近东西向断层走向不一致且具有独特构造特征的北西向左旋走滑断层。这种北西向左旋走滑断层带不发育断层角砾岩、磨砾岩、碎粉岩、断层泥、摩擦镜面、擦痕线理、断层阶步等脆性断层中常见的构造现象,仅表现为地层旋转和剪切拉断形成的一定宽度的透镜化带,两条断层之间地层产状发生旋转形成了约1 km宽,平面上类似膝折构造几何形态地层扭折带。该北西向断层横切了渐新统—中新统地层,并被上新统砾岩覆盖和第四纪以来的近东西向左旋走滑断层斜切,指示了其形成于渐新世—中新世沉积地层形成之后,上新世砾岩沉积之前,即上新世早期。北西向断层带不发育脆性断层典型构造现象和断层左旋走滑作用在渐新统—中新统沉积地层中形成了类似膝折构造几何形态地层扭折带,说明其变形具有韧脆性过渡和缓慢剪切变形的特征,是西秦岭北缘一种新的断层类型。其形成机制为基底或中下地壳中大型左旋走滑韧性或韧脆性剪切带向上扩展延伸到上部沉积盖层中之结果,也就是说,新生代沉积盖层中这种北西向断层和地层扭折带是下部韧性剪切带的左旋走滑剪切在盖层中被动构造响应。这种基底或中下地壳北西向左旋韧性剪切带可能指示了上新世初期西秦岭北缘构造带深部韧性地壳物质向南东流变蠕动的构造标志,代表深部地壳缩短增厚向地壳韧性物质侧向扩展流动的转换过程。这种特殊的断层类型对理解青藏高原东北缘新生代构造变形体制转换和地壳隆升具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

The special seismic tectonic environment and frequent seismicity in the southeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau show that this area is an ideal location to study the present tectonic movement and background of strong earthquakes in mainland China and to predict future strong earthquake risk zones. Studies of the structural environment and physical characteristics of the deep structure in this area are helpful to explore deep dynamic effects and deformation field characteristics, to strengthen our understanding of the roles of anisotropy and tectonic deformation and to study the deep tectonic background of the seismic origin of the block's interior. In this paper, the three-dimensional(3D) P-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle under the southeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau is obtained via observational data from 224 permanent seismic stations in the regional digital seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces and from 356 mobile China seismic arrays in the southern section of the north–south seismic belt using a joint inversion method of the regional earthquake and teleseismic data. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of the P-wave velocity anomalies in the shallow upper crust is closely related to the surface geological structure, terrain and lithology. Baoxing and Kangding, with their basic volcanic rocks and volcanic clastic rocks, present obvious high-velocity anomalies. The Chengdu Basin shows low-velocity anomalies associated with the Quaternary sediments. The Xichang Mesozoic Basin and the Butuo Basin are characterised by lowvelocity anomalies related to very thick sedimentary layers. The upper and middle crust beneath the Chuan–Dian and Songpan–Ganzi Blocks has apparent lateral heterogeneities, including low-velocity zones of different sizes. There is a large range of low-velocity layers in the Songpan–Ganzi Block and the sub–block northwest of Sichuan Province, showing that the middle and lower crust is relatively weak. The Sichuan Basin, which is located in the western margin of the Yangtze platform, shows high-velocity characteristics. The results also reveal that there are continuous low-velocity layer distributions in the middle and lower crust of the Daliangshan Block and that the distribution direction of the low-velocity anomaly is nearly SN, which is consistent with the trend of the Daliangshan fault. The existence of the low-velocity layer in the crust also provides a deep source for the deep dynamic deformation and seismic activity of the Daliangshan Block and its boundary faults. The results of the 3D P-wave velocity structure show that an anomalous distribution of high-density, strong-magnetic and high-wave velocity exists inside the crust in the Panxi region. This is likely related to late Paleozoic mantle plume activity that led to a large number of mafic and ultra-mafic intrusions into the crust. In the crustal doming process, the massive intrusion of mantle-derived material enhanced the mechanical strength of the crustal medium. The P-wave velocity structure also revealed that the upper mantle contains a low-velocity layer at a depth of 80–120 km in the Panxi region. The existence of deep faults in the Panxi region, which provide conditions for transporting mantle thermal material into the crust, is the deep tectonic background forthe area's strong earthquake activity.  相似文献   

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