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笔者等在内蒙古白云鄂博铁铌稀土矿床东南约25km处的达尔罕茂明安联合旗黑脑包腮林忽洞群下部发现一个厚30余米、呈北西向延伸的滑塌岩块。滑塌岩块的岩性主要为薄层黄灰色微晶灰岩与青灰色泥质微晶灰岩互层,单层厚多为1~2cm。风化面上可见青灰色泥质灰岩层抗风化能力较强,呈突出状。青灰色薄层泥灰岩在宏观上即见大量层间破碎,几乎层层都被小的同生断裂错开,有的薄层被分割成叠瓦状的碎块,有的被邻层的泥质贯入而分割成一个个竹节状块体(即布丁构造)。同生小断裂和布丁构造为同沉积期的地震造成,因此,发育同沉积布丁构造的薄层微晶灰岩可以看作是典型的震积岩。整个岩块发生了强烈的褶皱变形,且变形强度自下而上逐渐变弱。岩层在下部强烈褶皱,向上规模和强度都逐渐变小,直到变为未变形的平直岩层,具有明显的不协调性。这种褶皱是岩块受地震影响而整体滑塌过程中的变形记录。震积岩和滑塌褶皱都揭示了盆地边界的拉张背景,同时指示盆地自南东向北西水体变深的地貌格局。这一发现表明,腮林忽洞群沉积的早期就已有地震事件发生,与已知的腮四组震积岩和腮五组微晶丘一起,表明腮林忽洞群沉积时期,本地先后至少有两个阶段处于不稳定的地震活跃阶段。腮林忽洞群可能相当于白云鄂博群的下部,后者中产著名的白云鄂博铁铌稀土矿床,成矿的同位素年龄值有2.1~0.4Ga多种不同的结果,但多位微体古生物学者均认为是震旦纪至奥陶纪,且在腮林忽洞群中还发现了三叶虫碎片,故作者等在本文取信腮林忽洞群为寒武纪~奥陶纪。在腮林忽洞群顶部产有厚近百米的微晶丘,与白云鄂博矿区的赋矿白云岩相当,可能均是热水沉积形成。所以,本文对于认识白云鄂博地区腮林忽洞群沉积时(寒武纪-奥陶纪?)的大地构造性质及白云鄂博矿床的成因具有重要意义。  相似文献   

白云鄂博矿床成因的Mg同位素制约   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙剑  房楠  李世珍  陈岳龙  朱祥坤 《岩石学报》2012,28(9):2890-2902
白云鄂博Fe-REE-Nb矿床是世界著名的巨型多金属矿床,它的成因一直是个激烈争论的问题。近年来Mg同位素研究快速发展,在示踪幔源火成碳酸岩和沉积碳酸盐岩方面显示出一定的潜力,为白云鄂博矿床成因问题的究提供了新的途径。对白云鄂博矿床H8白云岩、碳酸岩墙白云岩,以及中元古代沉积白云岩,腮林忽洞微晶丘白云岩的Mg同位素进行了对比研究。研究结果表明:碳酸岩墙样品的δ26Mg-DSM3变化范围为-0.34‰~-0.14‰,平均值-0.24‰,落在地幔岩端元;中元古代沉积白云岩的δ26MgDSM3为-1.81‰~-1.53‰;H8白云岩的δ26MgDSM3变化范围为-1.13‰~-0.10‰,平均值-0.53‰,部分落在地幔岩范围,部分落在地幔岩和沉积白云岩之间;而腮林忽洞微晶丘白云岩的δ26MgDSM3最轻,为-1.99‰~-1.93‰。白云鄂博矿床赋矿白云岩的Mg同位素组成特征不支持正常白云岩沉积成因和微晶丘成因观点,更倾向于火成碳酸浆成因观点。  相似文献   

白云鄂博矿床成矿构造环境分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
白云鄂博矿床是世界著名的超大型铁铌稀土矿床,但因为其成因和形成时代的证据复杂多样,其成因、形成时代及其形成的大地构造环境均有多种不同认识。笔者等曾对赋矿白云岩成因、成矿时代及赋矿地层白云鄂博群的年代这两个关键问题进行了系统的地质、地球化学研究,获得了一系列关键证据,并对前人资料进行了系统地梳理,论证了白云鄂博矿床赋矿白云岩为一大型微晶丘,而微晶丘是热水沉积形成;确定其成矿时代及白云鄂博群的年代均为早古生代。本文进一步报道了在与白云鄂博群下部相当的腮林忽洞群中发现了宏体化石海绵和腹足类,在白云鄂博群中发现了与腮林忽洞群中相同的振动液化脉和振动液化角砾岩。从而笔者等认为,白云鄂博矿床成矿和白云鄂博群的沉积环境是早古生代被动大陆边缘。  相似文献   

内蒙古白乃庙地区白云鄂博群震积岩的发现及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矫德阳  崔晓  苏宏伟 《现代地质》2011,25(3):503-509
中新元古界白云鄂博群发育于华北板块北缘,是中新元古代板块内部伸展-拉张背景下沉积的产物.在内蒙古白乃庙地区白云鄂博群哈拉霍圪特组中首次发现一套软沉积变形构造,发育在该组下部的结晶灰岩中,主要表现有自碎屑角砾岩、软沉积褶皱、层内阶梯状正断层、液化方解石脉等,软沉积变形特征表明其成因为震积岩.通过与相邻地区同时代的腮林忽洞...  相似文献   

孙剑  朱祥坤  陈岳龙  房楠 《地质学报》2012,86(5):819-828
白云鄂博Fe-REE-Nb矿床是世界著名的巨型多金属矿床,它的成因一直是个激烈争论的问题,观点主要集中在沉积成因和岩浆成因上,而铁的物质来源问题是争论的焦点之一。近年来Fe同位素的快速发展为解决白云鄂博铁矿的成因提供了新思路。对白云鄂博地区发育的白云鄂博群尖山组铁质板岩、宽沟北沉积型铁矿、腮林忽洞微晶丘、灰绿岩墙这些相关地质单元的Fe同位素组成特征进行了研究,为白云鄂博矿床成因研究提供了最直接的参考。结果表明,尖山组铁质板岩的δ56Fe值为-0.49‰~0.48‰,平均值为-0.03‰±0.84‰,2SD,n=5;宽沟北沉积型铁矿的δ56Fe值为-0.68‰~0.23‰,平均值为-0.10‰±0.78‰,2SD,n=5;腮林忽洞微晶丘δ56Fe值为-0.64‰~0.12‰,平均值为-0.28‰±0.57‰,2SD,n=6;辉绿岩的Fe同位素组成δ56Fe值集中在0.11‰~0.16‰。腮林忽洞微晶丘总体上比白云鄂博赋矿白云岩富集Fe的轻同位素,Fe同位素组成变化也相对更大,表明两者可能有不同的成因。白云鄂博地区尖山组铁质板岩、宽沟北沉积型铁矿与世界其他地区含铁沉积建造的Fe同位素组成类似,其共同特征是,Fe同位素变化较大,总体上δ56Fe大于0‰。这一特征与白云鄂博铁矿的Fe同位素组成差别较大。白云鄂博矿床的δ56Fe集中在0‰附近,与白云鄂博地区灰绿岩、世界不同地区火成岩和岩浆型铁矿的Fe同位素组成特征一致。表明白云鄂博铁矿可能不是沉积成因的,更有可能与岩浆作用有关。  相似文献   

微晶丘成因新认识   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
微晶丘主要由灰泥组成,仅见少量生物碎屑,其成因尚无圆满解释。借鉴现代海底勘查成果,依据北京西山微晶丘、白云鄂博赋矿微晶丘、腮林忽洞微晶丘的特征,认为微晶丘是海底热水(伴CO2)的化学作用产物:现代海底勘查发现的微晶丘是形成于洋中脊、热点或弧后盆地;北京西山等地的纯灰岩微晶丘是形成于大陆内部;而白云鄂博赋矿白云岩是一个大型微晶丘,形成于被动大陆边缘。微晶丘中的生物作用仅是深海热水活动的伴生作用,并不是微晶丘形成的主导作用。  相似文献   

乔秀夫  章雨旭 《地质学报》1997,71(3):202-211,T002
据层序地层,事件地层,生物地层和岩石地层研究,腮林忽洞群是白云鄂博群的一部分。于腮 林忽洞群下部层位的岩石切片中首次发现三叶虫屑,并首次分离出奥陶系疑源类及几丁虫化石;于上部层位首次识别出碳酸盐震积岩组及顶部巨型微晶丘。  相似文献   

马铭株  章雨旭  颉颃强  万渝生 《岩石学报》2014,30(10):2973-2988
白云鄂博群位于华北克拉通北缘,由于赋存超大型REE-Nb-Fe矿而受到广泛关注。白云鄂博群形成时代有中元古代、古生代等不同认识。腮林忽洞群位于白云鄂博群的南部,与白云鄂博群的关系也有不同认识。本文报道了白云鄂博群和腮林忽洞群底部中-粗粒砂岩的碎屑锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄和LA-ICPMS Hf同位素组成。两个岩群碎屑沉积岩的碎屑锆石在形态和内部结构上类似,按结构特征可分为继承或捕获锆石、岩浆锆石、变质锆石和重结晶锆石等不同类型。年龄都主要分布在1.8~2.1Ga之间和2.4~2.7Ga之间,尽管年龄峰值存在一定区别。它们的Hf同位素组成也类似,εHf(t)和tDM2(Hf)变化范围分别主要在约-6.0~6.0之间和2550~2950Ma之间。结合前人研究,可得出如下结论:白云鄂博群和腮林忽洞群的物源区类似,主要由新太古代晚期和古元古代晚期岩浆岩组成,为新太古代早期陆壳物质再循环产物;部分岩石遭受新太古代晚期和古元古代晚期高级变质作用改造;碎屑物质都来自华北克拉通北缘早前寒武纪变质基底,与其形成时代相同的认识不矛盾。  相似文献   

白云鄂博群尖山组H4岩性段石英砂岩中的碎屑锆石年龄纪录了华北克拉通北缘两期重要的构造岩浆事件,一组年龄集中在新太古代—古元古代初期(2379~2596Ma),另一组年龄集中在古元古代晚期(1761~1946Ma),该结果与白云鄂博地区基底岩石的锆石年龄相吻合。白云鄂博群沉积碳酸盐岩的全岩207Pb-206Pb等时线年龄1649±45Ma,代表了白云鄂博群的沉积时代。白云鄂博地区沉积灰岩、白云岩与含矿白云岩的Pb同位素组成存在非常大的差异,在Pb同位素组成和构造图解中,含矿白云岩都集中在地幔演化线附近,靠近亏损地幔端元[(206Pb/204Pb)i=15.04~16.49,(207Pb/204Pb)i=15.17~15.28,(208Pb/204Pb)i=31.20~36.40],而白云鄂博群中的灰岩、白云岩则位于造山带演化线附近,靠近深海沉积物端元[(206Pb/204Pb)i=17.28~19.35,(207Pb/204Pb)i=15.47~15.69,(208Pb/204Pb)i=36.62~37.12]。  相似文献   

1991年,笔者等应内蒙古地矿局邀请,对腮林忽洞组及白云鄂博群进行了初步踏勘性研究;在国家攀登附加项目和国家自然科学基金主任基金资助下,于1994年和1996年进行了进一步研究,获得了一些重要的发现与新的认识。 (1)腮林忽洞组剖面露头良好,被若干个大陆风化壳所分隔,可识别出7个三级层序(or-thosequence)。依岩石地层单位定义,应称其为腮林忽洞群。 (2)白云鄂博群以宽沟背斜为轴部可分为南、北两翼。腮林忽洞群以角度不整合覆于变质  相似文献   

Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first found in thin sections of the rock from the lower part of the Sailinhudong Group and some Ordovician acritarchs and chitinozoans are also found in this group. A formationa unit of carbonate seismites is first recognized in the upper part and a huge micrite mound is first identified at the top. Dolomite, the host rock of the super giant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits, is neither an igneous carbonatite nor a common bedded sedimentary carbonate, but a huge micrite mound. It has the same macroscopic characters as the micrite mounds at the top of the Sailinhudong Group, which suggests that they should be of the same horizon. According to the fossils, the Sailinhudong and Bayan Obo Groups should be of the Early Palaeozoic rather than the Middle Proterozoic. The new discovery and new idea will throw l  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1720-1731
The origin of the Bayan Obo ore deposit, the largest REE deposit in the world, has long been debated and various hypotheses have been proposed. Among them is that the Bayan Obo ore deposit is correlated with and has the same origin as the Sailinhudong micrite mound in the southern limb of the Bayan Obo synclinorium. To test this model, the Bayan Obo ore deposit and the Sailinhudong micrite mound are systematically compared for their geological features, elemental geochemistry, and C, O, and Mg isotopic geochemistry. We show that the Bayan Obo ore deposit and the Sailinhudong micrite mound are both calcareous, lens-like in shape, lack bedding features, and are both hosted in a sedimentary formation that consists of clastic sediments and carbonates, unconformably overlying the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic crystalline basement. However, their geochemical characteristics differ markedly. Compared with the Sailinhudong micrite carbonates, the Bayan Obo ore-hosting dolomite marbles are strongly enriched in LREEs, Ba, Th, Nb, Pb, and Sr, and have very different (PAAS)-normalized REE patterns. Sailinhudong micrite carbonates have higher δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values, falling into the typical sedimentary field, but the Bayan Obo ore-hosting dolomites are isotopically intermediate between primary igneous carbonatite and typical sedimentary limestone. The δ26 Mg values of the Sailinhudong micrite carbonates are lighter than those of normal Mesoproterozoic sedimentary dolostone, while those of the Bayan Obo ore-hosting dolomite marble are isotopically heavier, similar to δ26 Mg of mantle xenoliths and Bayan Obo intrusive carbonatite. We conclude that the Bayan Obo ore deposit is not correlated with the Sailinhudong micrite mound; it is neither a micrite mound nor an altered micrite mound.  相似文献   

The authors introduced two kinds of newly found soft-sediment deformation-synsedimentary extension structure and syn-sedimentary compression structure, and discuss their origins and constraints on basin tectonic evolution. One representative of the syn-sedimentary extension structure is syn-sedimentary boudinage structure, while the typical example of the syn-sedimentary compression structure is compression sand pillows or compression wrinkles. The former shows NW-SE-trendlng contemporaneous extension events related to earthquakes in the rift basin near a famous Fe-Nb-REE deposit in northern China during the Early Paleozoic (or Mesoproterozoic as proposed by some researches), while the latter indicates NE-SW-trending contemporaneous compression activities related to earthquakes in the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang remnant basin covering south Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan in southwestern China. The syn-sedimentary boudinage structure was found in an earthquake slump block in the lower part of the Early Paleozoic Sailinhudong Group, 20 km to the southeast of Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, north of China. The slump block is composed of two kinds of very thin layers-pale-gray micrite (microcrystalline limestone) of 1-2 cm thick interbedded with gray muddy micrite layers with the similar thickness. Almost every thin muddy micrite layer was cut into imbricate blocks or boudins by abundant tiny contemporaneous faults, while the interbedded micrite remain in continuity. Boudins form as a response to layer-parallel extension (and/or layer-perpendicular flattening) of stiff layers enveloped top and bottom by mechanically soft layers. In this case, the imbricate blocks cut by the tiny contemporaneous faults are the result of abrupt horizontal extension of the crust in the SE-NW direction accompanied with earthquakes. Thus, the rock block is, in fact, a kind of seismites. The syn-sedimentary boudins indicate that there was at least a strong earthquake belt on the southeast side of the basin during the early stage of the Sailinhudong Group. This may be a good constraint on the tectonic evolution of the Bayan Obo area during the Early Paleozoic time. The syn-sedimentary compression structure was found in the Middle Triassic flysch in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The typical structures are compression sand pillows and compression wrinkles. Both of them were found on the bottoms of sand units and the top surface of the underlying mud units. In other words, the structures were found only in the interfaces between the graded sand layer and the underlying mud layer of the flysch. A deformation experiment with dough was conducted, showing that the tectonic deformation must have been instantaneous one accompanied by earthquakes. The compression sand pillows or wrinkles showed uniform directions along the bottoms of the sand layer in the flysch, revealing contemporaneous horizontal compression during the time between deposition and diagenesis of the related beds. The Nanpanjiang Basin was affected, in general, with SSW-NNE compression during the Middle Triassic, according to the syn-sedimentary compression structure. The two kinds of syn-sedimentary tectonic deformation also indicate that the related basins belong to a rift basin and a remnant basin, respectively, in the model of Wilson Cycle.  相似文献   

白云鄂博碳酸盐矿物的矿物化学成分标型特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对白云鄂博地区不同产状的碳酸盐矿物进行了系统的电子探针分析,其结果表明白云鄂博REE-Nb-Fe矿床的赋矿白云岩中,无论是粗粒结构的,还是细粒结构的白云岩,其主要造岩矿物白云石或者铁白云石均具高锰(MnO〉0.5wt%)和高锶(SrO〉1.5wt%)的特征,与矿床北东方向0 ̄3.5km范围内切割五台群花岗片麻岩-混合岩及白云鄂博群碎屑岩的火成碳酸岩岩墙中的碳酸盐矿物非常相似。它们完全不同于宽沟段裂以北典型沉积石灰岩厦白云质石灰岩中的方解石和白云(MnO<0.1wt% ,SrO<0.1wt% )。赋矿白云岩中自云石的锶和锰含量系统变他反映碳酸岩浆发生了分离结晶作用,其结果可以导致其余岩浆中REE高度富集.本文认为碳酸盐矿物的锶和锰含量可以作为识别其成囡的重要标型特征,其氧化物MnO>0.15wt% 和Sr>0.15wt%为火成碳酸岩的标志。  相似文献   

Trace element and isotopic compositions of carbonate from ore bodies, country rock which hosts the ore bodies (H8 dolomite), a carbonatite dyke exposed in Dulahala near Bayan Obo, and rare earth element (REE)-rich dolomite in Bayan Obo have been determined to understand the genesis of the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE ore deposit, the world’s largest resource of REE. The REE and trace element distribution patterns of samples from the REE-rich carbonatite dykes are identical to those of mineralized carbonate rocks, indicating a genetic linkage between the REE-rich carbonatite and mineralization in this region. By contrast, carbon and oxygen isotopes in the mineralized carbonate varied significantly, δ13C = −7.98‰ to −1.12‰, δ18O = 8.60-25.69‰, which are distinctively different from those in mantle-derived carbonatite. Abnormal isotopic fractionations between dolomite and calcite suggest that these two minerals are in disequilibrium in the carbonatite dyke, ore bodies, and H8 marble from Bayan Obo. This isotopic characteristic is also found in mineralized sedimentary marine micrite from Heinaobao, ∼25 km southeast of the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE ore deposit. These facts imply that the carbonate minerals in the Bayan Obo deposit have resulted from sedimentary carbonate rocks being metasomatised by mantle-derived fluids, likely derived from a REE-enriched carbonatitic magma. The initial Nd isotope values of ore bodies and carbonatite dykes are identical, indicating that ore bodies, carbonatite dykes and veins may have a similar REE source.  相似文献   

白云鄂博地区构造格局与古板块构造演化   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
通过对白云鄂博及周边地区地质和构造形迹的系统调研,综合分析了白云鄂博地区的古板块构造单元、白云鄂博群的沉积构造背景以及白云鄂博地区的构造组合特征。白云鄂博群可以划分为三个沉积组合,它们分别代表中元古代、晚元古代和早古生代白云鄂博地区由陆内裂谷向陆缘裂谷转化到活动大陆边缘裂谷的沉积过程。白云鄂博地区以白银角拉克-宽沟断裂为界,南北两侧存在重大地质差异。断裂南侧的该群岩石不整合覆盖在相当于五台群的巴尔腾山群之上,是在华北陆壳基底上发展起来的陆缘沉积。局部碳酸盐岩和页岩层位在加里东期遭受了强烈的地幔流体改造,形成大规模稀土矿化;在海西期又遭受了强烈的区域变质改造。断裂北侧的白云鄂博群以发育蛇绿混杂岩-叠瓦状况断层-紧闭同斜褶皱为特征,具有古板块俯冲形成的加积杂岩特征。在此基础上,对白云鄂博地区的古板块构造演化动力学过程进行了初步总结。  相似文献   

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