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曲家金矿位于我国重要的蚀变岩型金矿矿集区之焦家金矿带的中段,矿床赋存标高为-726~-1 334 m。为研究黄铁矿的演化及其对金成矿过程的指示,运用LA-ICP-MS分析黄铁矿原位微量元素含量,结合岩相学观察和点群分析对黄铁矿进行了分类。发现黄铁矿中Co、Ni、As等微量元素主要以类质同像形式赋存,而Au、Ag、Cu、Zn、Pb、Bi等元素主要以纳米级、微米级矿物包裹体形式赋存。黄铁矿主要分为5种类型:富Co型Py1,富Ni型Py2,富Au、As型Py3,富Au、Ag、Pb、Bi型Py4及“干净”型Py5。黄铁矿微量元素特征指示成矿物质可能主要来源于前寒武纪变质基底岩石和中生代岩浆岩,少量来源于地幔,成矿热液可能属变质热液、岩浆热液和浅部大气降水的混合成因。不同类型黄铁矿反映成矿热液由富Co、Ni经富As、Au向富Pb、Bi、Au、Ag演化。Py1和Py2形成后受构造活动影响发生强烈破碎,裂隙表面对热液中金络合物增强的吸附作用促使金在裂隙中沉淀,对金的富集成矿可能起重要作用。Co、Ni含量较低,同时Au、Ag、As、Pb、Bi等元素含量较高的黄铁矿与成矿作用有密切关系。另外,黄铁矿中C...  相似文献   

在胶东莱州吴一村地区完成的3266.06 m深钻,是目前焦家金成矿带最深见矿钻孔,研究钻孔揭露的深部矿石中金矿物及黄铁矿微量元素特征,对探讨深部成矿作用演化具有重要意义。笔者采取深钻中2420~3206 m垂深的岩(矿)芯样品进行了详细的岩相学和矿相学研究,结合扫描电镜和电子探针微区分析,研究了矿石中金矿物的赋存状态和成分。对不同成矿阶段形成的黄铁矿进行了LA-ICPMS微量元素分析。研究结果表明,深部矿石中载金矿物主要为黄铁矿,其次为石英、黄铜矿、方铅矿,可见金主要以自然金和银金矿的形式存在,以晶隙金和裂隙金为主,其次为包体金。与浅部金矿床比较,深部金的成色较高。黄铁矿分为6种类型,第Ⅰ成矿阶段形成富Co型黄铁矿Py1,第Ⅱ成矿阶段形成富Ni型黄铁矿Py2a和Py2b,第Ⅲ成矿阶段形成富Au、As型黄铁矿Py3a和富Au、Ag、Pb、Bi型黄铁矿Py3b,第Ⅳ成矿阶段形成贫微量元素黄铁矿Py4。其中,Py1和Py2a发生强烈破碎,裂隙表面对热液中的Au络合物产生吸附作用,对金沉淀富集起重要作用。黄铁矿中Co、Ni、As等微量元素主要以类质同象形式赋存,而Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、Bi等主要以纳米级、微米级矿物包体形式赋存。Pb+Bi、Cu+Pb+Zn、Te+Bi与Au+Ag呈明显正相关,而Au与As相关性较差。黄铁矿中Co、Ni含量较低,而Au+Ag+As或Au+Ag+Pb+Bi+Cu含量较高指示成矿有利。另外,黄铁矿中Co、Ni含量较高,并且破碎强烈,成矿相关元素含量较高也指示成矿有利。  相似文献   

烧锅营子金矿床的黄铁矿形成于早、中、晚3期,是主要的矿石矿物和载金矿物,其中以中期黄铁矿为最主要的载金者.黄铁矿的化学成分为:TFe43.34%~45.52%,S46.58%~48.86%,与标准黄铁矿相比显示亏铁、亏硫特点.黄铁矿内含丰富的微量元素,有Au、Ag、As、Sb、Bi、Cu、Zn、Pb、Co、Ni、W、Mo、Se等.其中Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、Bi含量较高,而As、Sb低,Se极低.其Au/Ag(多大于0.5)、(Cu+Pb+Zn)/(Co+Ni+As)(4.26)、Co/Ni(>> 1)比值表明其属中温岩浆热液矿床.  相似文献   

本文依据相关元素的分配和地球化学理论,讨论了各种热液成因黄铁矿中的Co、Ni、As、Sb、Cu、Pb、Zn、Au、Ag、Mn、Te、Se含量和Fe/S、Co/Ni、Pb/Zn、Au/Ag比率及其在时间上和空间上的变化趋向,并得出黄铁矿的化学成分在探索矿床成因、划分成矿阶段、研究矿床分带和矿化评价等方面具一定意义的结论。  相似文献   

江西银山矿床是一个与火山—次火山有关的多金属热液矿床。通过对其黄铁矿的化学成分特征表现出西山-九区具有富集Cu、Au(Ag)、Bi、Se的特点,向南北两侧黄铁矿中Pb、Zn、Ag、Te、Sb等元素增加,具有亏(损)硫现象;黄铜矿的化学成分特征表现出九区含As、Co比较高,贫Zn,银山区黄铜矿富Ag、Zn、Bi、Te、Ni。  相似文献   

文中给出了一个包含两大类五亚类八个型式的金矿床成矿模式图。浙江省火山岩区金矿的找矿标志有:矿床产出条件、围岩蚀变、同位素组成、包裹体、矿物共生组合、矿物组构及其标型特征。例如,该火山岩区重要金矿床的黄铁矿中,相对富含Pb、Zn、Mo、Sn、As,Sb和Bi,而贫Co、Ni、Se和Te;并且S/se、Ag/Au、Pb/Ni、Se/Te和(As+Sb+Bi)/(Se+Te)比值较高,Co/Ni、Ag/Pb、Ag/Zn、Cu/Zn和(Co+Ni)/(Pb+Zn)比值较低。Ⅰ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ式金银矿床中闪锌矿的化学成分富Fe、Mn,贫Cd、Hg;尤其贫Ge、Ga、Tl而富Au、Ag、Sn、Bi;晶体结构αo值约为5.4167~5.4191A。闪锌矿比重较低(d<4.05)、反射率(R)较高(高于纯闪锌矿0.24~1.61%),并且只有一个红外吸收峰(310~313cm~(-1))的特点。  相似文献   

位于上黑龙江盆地内的虎拉林金矿床为区域重要的金矿床之一,关于该矿床的成因一直存在较大的争议.为厘清虎拉林金矿床成矿物质来源及赋存状态,确定矿床成因及形成机制,作者运用LA-ICP-MS原位测试技术,分析了矿床中不同期次黄铁矿的元素组成.结果表明,该矿床存在PyI、PyII和PyIII三期黄铁矿,不同期次黄铁矿的微量元素组成差异明显,PyII为金主成矿期,其Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag、Au、Bi、As、Mo、V、Cr、Mn、Sb、Sn和Ga等微量元素含量较高.在PyI、PyII和PyIII三期黄铁矿中,Co、Ni、As、Se以类质同象形式赋存于黄铁矿中;而Cu、Pb、Zn、Bi及Te、Mo、V、Cr、Mn、Sb、Sn、Ga分别以金属矿物微粒及纳米微粒金属矿物包体存在于黄铁矿颗粒中或间隙;Au、Ag以银金矿微粒形式存在于黄铁矿晶体及间隙中,且As在Au的迁移、富集和沉淀等过程中具有重要的作用.三个不同期次黄铁矿的Co/Ni值均小于10,且在Co-Ni成因判别图中PyI主要分布于沉积区,PyII与PyIII则主要分布于沉积改造区及岩浆区.结合研究区区域地质背景、矿床地质特征及黄铁矿微量元素特征,认为虎拉林金矿床首先经历了早期沉积作用,之后受到来自含Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、Bi等元素成矿流体的热液叠加改造,成矿物质源于早白垩世深部岩浆,且成矿过程中存在岩浆热液与早期沉积地层的混染作用,是典型的斑岩型金矿床.  相似文献   

泥堡金矿床为黔西南地区新近发现的又一个重要的卡林型金矿床,显微镜下观察和电子探针分析显示,含砷黄铁矿是其主要的载金矿物。在详细的野外调研和室内观察的基础上,将该矿床中的载金含砷黄铁矿分为3种类型,即环带状含砷黄铁矿(PyⅠ)、胶状含砷黄铁矿(PyⅡ)和生物结构状含砷黄铁矿(PyⅢ)。电子探针和LA-ICP-MS原位主微量元素测定结果显示,PyⅠ明显存在继承核和增生环带,内核富S、Fe,贫Au、As、Ag、Cu等中低温成矿元素,为沉积成因或成矿前热液成因黄铁矿;增生环带则相对贫S、Fe,富Au、As、Ag、Cu等中低温成矿元素,为主成矿期热液成因黄铁矿。PyⅡ和PyⅢ均为均质结构,具有富Au、As、Ag、Cu等中低温成矿元素及贫S、Fe的特点,类似PyⅠ的增生环带,应与PyⅠ的增生环带为同一成因类型,可能是同期形成的。毒砂中普遍富As,而贫Au、Ag、Hg、Cu等元素,应为成矿热液晚期的结晶产物。综合分析认为,泥堡金矿床载金矿物的结晶顺序为:贫砷的沉积成因或早阶段热液成因黄铁矿(PyⅠ内核)→含砷黄铁矿颗粒+含砷黄铁矿环带(PyⅠ增生环带)→毒砂。矿床中Au、Ag、As、Cu等成矿物质主要来自于燕山晚期的岩浆热液系统。  相似文献   

黄铁矿中的微量元素含量既可提供元素赋存状态的信息,又可示踪热液成矿过程。利用电子探针对龙山金锑矿赋矿地层新鲜板岩、蚀变围岩以及矿石中黄铁矿的多种微量元素进行了分析,研究结果表明:沉积黄铁矿中Au主要以纳米颗粒形式存在;热液黄铁矿中既有固溶体金,也有纳米金。沉积黄铁矿中Co、Ni、Sb、Mn、Te可能以固溶体形式存在,As、Pb、Zn、Cu、Ag以包裹体形式存在;热液黄铁矿中As、Sb、Mn、Te可能以固溶体的形式存在,Co、Ni、Pb、Zn、Cu、Ag以矿物包裹体形式存在。龙山金锑矿至少经历了两个成矿期:早期是由深部的富Ni岩浆流体引发的金、铅、铜、钨矿化,该期矿化强度不大;晚期是以大气降水循环引起的金、锑矿化,是龙山金锑矿的主要成矿期,并大致可分为显微金阶段、次显微金辉锑矿阶段、可见金辉锑矿阶段和辉锑矿阶段4个成矿阶段。  相似文献   

凉水沟铅锌矿床位于川滇黔铅锌成矿域中东部,为黔西北矿集区内的铅锌矿床之一。本文应用电子探针分析(EPMA)技术测定了凉水沟铅锌矿床中黄铁矿、闪锌矿的微量元素组成。结果表明,该矿床发育2期黄铁矿,黄铁矿-Ⅰ为沉积成因,受后期热液叠加改造作用明显,黄铁矿-Ⅱ为热液成因,二者均富集Pb、Zn、Co、Ni、As和Mo,贫Au、Ag、Sb等微量元素,而闪锌矿则以富集Cu、Fe、Cd、Pb、Ga等微量元素为特征。微量元素Co、Ni、Mo、Pb、As等可能以类质同象或矿物包体的形式赋存于金属硫化物中。硫化物微量元素特征显示其主要形成于中低温的成矿温度环境,具沉积-改造成因的特征。综合矿床地质特征及区域成矿地质背景,本文认为凉水沟铅锌矿床属沉积-改造型铅锌矿床。  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2011,43(1):32-46
Hydrothermal pyrite contains significant amounts of minor and trace elements including As, Pb, Sb, Bi, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Au, Ag, Se and Te, which can be incorporated into nanoparticles (NPs). NP-bearing pyrite is most common in hydrothermal ore deposits that contain a wide range of trace elements, especially deposits that formed at low temperatures. In this study, we have characterized the chemical composition and structure of these NPs and their host pyrite with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM), analytical electron microscopy (AEM), and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). Pyrite containing the NPs comes from two types of common low-temperature deposits, Carlin-type (Lone Tree, Screamer, Deep Star (Nevada, USA)), and epithermal (Pueblo Viejo (Dominican Republic) and Porgera (Papua New-Guinea)).EMPA analyses of the pyrite show maximum concentrations of As (11.2), Ni (3.04), Cu (2.99), Sb (2.24), Pb (0.99), Co (0.58), Se (0.2), Au (0.19), Hg (0.19), Ag (0.16), Zn (0.04), and Te (0.04) (in wt.%). Three types of pyrite have been investigated: “pure” or “barren” pyrite, Cu-rich pyrite and As-rich pyrite. Arsenic in pyrite from Carlin-type deposits and the Porgera epithermal deposit is negatively correlated with S, whereas some (colloform) pyrite from Pueblo Viejo shows a negative correlation between As + Cu and Fe. HRTEM observations and SAED patterns confirm that almost all NPs are crystalline and that their size varies from 5 to 100 nm (except for NPs of galena, which have diameters of up to 500 nm). NPs can be divided into three groups on the basis of their chemical composition: (i) native metals: Au, Ag, Ag–Au (electrum); (ii) sulfides and sulfosalts: PbS (galena), HgS (cinnabar), Pb–Sb–S, Ag–Pb–S, Pb–Ag–Sb–S, Pb–Sb–Bi–Ag–Te–S, Pb–Te–Sb–Au–Ag–Bi–S, Cu–Fe–S NPs, and Au–Ag–As–Ni–S; and (iii) Fe-bearing NPs: Fe–As–Ag–Ni–S, Fe–As–Sb–Pb–Ni–Au–S, all of which are in a matrix of distorted and polycrystalline pyrite. TEM-EDX spectra collected from the NPs and pyrite matrix document preferential partitioning of trace metals including Pb, Bi, Sb, Au, Ag, Ni, Te, and As into the NPs. The NPs formed due to exsolution from the pyrite matrix, most commonly for NPs less than 10 nm in size, and direct precipitation from the hydrothermal fluid and deposition into the growing pyrite, most commonly for those > 20 nm in size. NPs containing numerous heavy metals are likely to be found in pyrite and/or other sulfides in various hydrothermal, diagenetic and groundwater systems dominated by reducing conditions.  相似文献   

浙江火山岩区金矿床黄铁矿的找矿矿物学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
论文给出了中国浙江火山岩区金矿床中黄铁矿的微量元素、形态和物理性质找矿标型特征.例如.(在许多)浙江火山岩区重要金-银矿床中黄铁矿相对富含铅、锌、钼、锡、砷、锑、铋而贫钴,镍、硒、碲:并且S/Se、Ag/Au、Pb/Ni、Se/Te、(As+sb+Bi)/(Se+Te)比值较高,Co/Nj、Ag/Pb、Ag/Zn、Cu/Zn和(Co+Ni)/(Pb+Zn)比值较低,再如含金黄铁矿比不含金黄铁矿的反射率低.总之,黄铁矿的标型性研究对于寻找金矿具有重大的理论意义和实际意义.  相似文献   

The Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit, located in the middle Nanling metallogenic belt, is an important and representative W-Mo-Cu-Pb-Zn deposit in the northern Guangdong. The deposit is characterized by a complex combination of ore-forming elements, containing 0.86 Mt Cu, 0.85 Mt Zn, 0.31 Mt Pb, 0.14 Mt WO3 at grades of 0.86%, 12%, 1.77% and 0.12%, respectively. Due to different mineral association and occurrence, mineralization at Dabaoshan can be defined as three types: porphyry W-Mo mineralization, skarn Mo-W mineralization and strata-bound sulfide mineralization. Pyrite from the three-mineralization types has different textures and element compositions. EMPA mapping analysis suggested that distribution of Co, Ni, and As is nearly homogeneous, whilst As in pyrite from the stratabound sulfides shows weak irregular zoning. LA-ICP-MS analyses of pyrite suggested that the three type have distinctive trace element characteristics even though the concentrations of the trace elements are relatively low. Cobalt, Ni, As and Se substitutes Fe and S in pyrite respectively while Cu, Zn, Sn Sb are mainly represented by chalcopyrite, sphalerite, cassiterite and stibnite inclusions enclosed in pyrite. Ni and Ag are rich in the pyrite from the stratabound mineralization. The results suggested that the trace element characteristic of pyrite can be used to: a) study the occurrence of trace element in pyrite; b) imply the chemical-physical conditions; c) trace the regional ore-forming substance and ore forming process. The stratabound mineralization is formed during the volcano eruption during the Devonian then and overprinted by the deep source material and multiple ore-forming fluids in the Yanshanian period. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization at Kundarkocha, India, is hosted in sheared gray quartz veins that were emplaced in carbonaceous pyritic phyllite. Gold occurs as enclosed grains within sulfides and free grains in quartz. Based on characteristic textural and chemical features, documented by X-ray element imaging, electron probe microanalysis and laser-ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses, four pyrite types were identified in carbonaceous phyllites and auriferous veins. Rock-hosted fine-grained syn-sedimentary to early diagenetic pyrite framboids (PyI) have lower contents of Co and As but consistently high gold values. Pyrite of the next generation (PyII) has numerous silicate and rare sulfide inclusions; lower contents of Co and Ni, moderate As values; the highest mean value of invisible gold and maximum concentrations of trace elements such as Li, Ti, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, La, Ce, Ta, Th, U and Cr. Pyrite of the third generation (PyIII) shows evidence of overgrowth over PyII, contains both silicate and sulfide inclusions, and are characterized by moderate contents of Co, high Ni and low Au values and higher concentrations of large ion lithophile elements, but lesser amount of high field strength elements. Pyrites of the latest type (PyIV) occur as polycrystalline aggregates that contain inclusions of gold, sulfides and rare silicates, show oscillatory zoning of Co and As and the lowest concentrations of all other trace elements. Successive decrease in contents of majority of trace elements from PyII to PyIV is attributed to fluid-assisted recrystallization during diagenesis and low grade metamorphism.Later generation pyrites (PyII through PyIV) exhibit higher Au contents regardless of their As values, indicating occurrence of invisible gold mostly as nanoparticles, at times reaching up to 500 ppm. Unlike the majority of trace elements that underwent large-scale remobilizations, gold was somehow locked up in pyrite resulting in a rather lean deposit at Kundarkocha.  相似文献   

Utilizing theories of minerageny and prospecting mineralogy, the authors studied the attitude, morphotype and chemical composition of metallic minerals of pyrite, gold, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite, non-metallic minerals of quartz, carbonate, dolomite and rutile in the Puziwan gold deposit. The study shows the following results. (1) The mineral assemblage is complex and the species of sulfide are abundant with occurrences of sulfosalt minerals. (2) The composition in the minerals is complex and there rich micro elements, including As, Sb, Bi, Se, Te, Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cr, Ni, V. The typomorphic characteristics of the association of the elements and their specific value suggest that gold mineralization is associated with shallow magmatic hydrothermal activity, the oreforming fluid is the mixture of abundant rising alkali magmatic water originating from the mantle or the lower crust and the descending acid atmospheric water. (3) Ankerite, Fe-rich sphalerite, granular Ti-rich rutile are widely distributed, which indicate great denudation depths, high mineralization temperature. The deposit is found in the middle and shallow positions of the porphyry series. The deep layers are not favorable for gold mineralization. (4) Copper minerals are rich in the ores and sulfides have high content of copper, suggesting possible porphyry-type Cu (Au) mineralization in deep positions and the surrounding areas.  相似文献   

The first study of the pyrite composition from gold deposit in the Urals by the LA-ICP-MS method has been carried out. In the pyrite high contents of Au (up to 49 ppm), Ag (105 ppm), and other micronutrients (As (417 ppm), Ag (105 ppm), Co (2825 ppm), Ni (75 ppm), Cu (1442 ppm), and Zn (19 ppm)) were detected. Furthermore, an increase in the concentrations of trace elements from early to later generations of pyrite (from Py-1 to Py-3) Au, Ag, Te, Sn, Te, and Bi and depletion of Co, As, and Ni have been revealed. Gold is mainly concentrated in the pyrite of the second generation (Py-2) and occurs mostly as an “invisible” form with prevalence of nano-sized particles of native Au, similar in composition to electrum AuAg, as well as Au- and Au–Ag tellurides. The presence in the pyrite of admixtures of Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, As, and Te, possibly favors the entrance of Au into it (up to 5–50 ppm), while in common pyrite, poor in the mentioned impurities, the gold content is <1 ppm.  相似文献   

山西省阳高县堡子湾金矿床矿物标型特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据成因矿物学及找矿矿物学观点,系统研究堡子湾金矿床黄铁矿、金矿物、方铅矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿等金属矿物,石英、碳酸盐、绢(白)云母和金红石等非金属矿物的产状、形态及化学成分标型,结果表明:①矿床中矿物组合复杂,硫化物种类多,有少量硫盐矿物出现;②矿物中微量元素成分复杂,富含As,Sb,Bi,Se,Te等Au活化、迁移有利的矿化搬运剂,Cu,Ph,Zn,Au,Ag等成矿元素和Cr,Ni,V等深源元素;元素矿物组合及其特征比值指示金矿化与深源(下地壳或上地慢)浅成岩浆热液活动(斑岩系统)有关,燕山期石英二长斑岩(角砾岩)是成矿的主导因素;③矿石中大量出现铁白云石、富铁闪锌矿,粒状、富Ti金红石的大量分布,反映矿床剥蚀深度较大,目前可能已揭露至中深部中温带,位于斑岩系统的中下部,深部金矿化不利;④矿石含丰富的铜矿物,其他硫化物矿物中含铜量大,指示深部可能存在斑岩型Cu(Au)矿化。  相似文献   

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