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大型跨国零售企业进军中国的市场分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
严怡瑾 《世界地理研究》2004,13(2):21-25,39
CEPA和WTO框架的全面实施,对我国零售业将产生巨大影响.本文以进入中国市场的大型跨国企业为研究对象,分析其业态特征、进入中国市场的条件及其对中国零售业的挑战。文中以销品茂和大卖场为重点,探讨其准入现状、准入环境、规模经济优势和技术优势。论文最后就在竞争中学会竞争,提高中国零售企业的国际竞争力提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

In many developing economies, a partial or full liberalization of the retail trade has encouraged the establishment of supermarkets. This innovation and the consequent shifts in market share can evoke protest from a spectrum of traditional and small‐scale retailers, wholesalers, farmers and market workers whose organized resistance can influence the investment policies and decisions of governments and corporations. Yet, so far, resistance is rarely considered in global production networks analysis. The paper uses the case of the ongoing resistance and protest against the entry of modern supermarket operations in cities in India to show how such resistance and protest groups have influenced retail investors and public opinion, and gained collective power. In the Indian democracy, these mobilizations have developed a strong enough political influence in certain geographic regions to curtail the operations of transnational corporations and induce shifts in corporate expansion strategies.  相似文献   

薛德升  邹小华 《地理学报》2018,73(6):989-1001
世界城市及其网络是近20多年来国际上城市研究的重要方向。现有研究主要反映了发达国家高级生产者服务业企业主导下的世界城市网络,针对中国等新兴经济体经济动力影响下的世界城市网络的研究明显不足。以在全球快速扩展中的中资商业银行为对象,利用改进的链锁网络模型,分析了1978年以来中资商业银行境外扩展的时空变化,及其连接下的世界城市网络的空间结构变迁。结果显示:中资商业银行的全球扩展,强化了中国主要城市与西欧和北美核心金融中心城市、全球的区域性门户城市、以及亚太地区的世界城市之间的联系,对不同阶段全球的世界城市网络的发展产生了日益重要的影响。中国的对外经济、人员以及政府间的联系,是影响中资商业银行全球扩展与世界城市网络格局的主要原因。  相似文献   

王玥 《地理研究》2018,37(7):1435-1446
在过去的10年中,快速的零售业全球化进程已经在经济地理学研究中引起了强烈的关注。依托全球生产网络分析框架,通过阐述权利与价值在两个食品供应链(鲜奶和食用油)中发生的迁移与更迭,揭示出跨国零售企业进入中国市场前后,本土供应链发生的转型与升级。同时,就供应链转型所具有的五个普适性特征,包括集中化采购、专业批发商的涌现、物流与信息系统升级、执行企业标准和发展自有品牌,在选取的案例产品中进行分析与比较,以此来解释供应链重组过程中的影响因素。结果表明:应采用动态的视角来研究零售供应链中的权利与价值,以此才能更好地揭示新兴市场中供应链网络转型升级的复杂性和不均衡性。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the nature of FDI local networks in production and R&D activities in China and discusses their implications for technological dynamism and regional development. We investigate foreign ventures (or foreign-invested enterprises, FIEs) in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, based on a large-scale survey of ICT firms conducted in three mega-city regions of China: Beijing, Shanghai-Suzhou, and Shenzhen-Dongguan. Our data show that FIEs in China are gradually localizing their production, but the extent of local embeddedness is contingent upon home country effects, local specific contexts and FDI-host region relationships. We have also found significant influence of industrial agglomeration on FDI location and network decisions. Beijing tends to have broader FDI sources and better integrated global-local networks, while in those regions dominated by FDI such as Suzhou and Dongguan, FIEs are thinly embedded with local economies and tend to establish global-local networks among themselves; local embeddedness is limited by a series of technological, institutional, spatial, and structural mismatches. Shanghai and Shenzhen are in between. More efforts are still needed to better integrate FDI with local economies and strengthen China’s local innovative capacities.  相似文献   

跨国零售企业在华区位研究——以沃尔玛和家乐福为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与制造业外资高度集聚在沿海地区不同,服务业外资则沿着中国城市体系布局,消费者外资服务业在渗透大城市市场的同时,以等级式扩散方式向内陆地区城市扩张,以蔓延式扩散方式在都市圈内扩张。本文以沃尔玛和家乐福为例,研究跨国零售企业在中国的空间扩张。截止到2009年,沃尔玛超市已经渗透到许多中等城市,主要以等级式扩散方式进行空间扩张。家乐福超市则主要集中在珠三角、长三角和京津冀都市圈,在各都市圈内部蔓延式扩张。二项式逻辑模型分析表明,家乐福更重视本地化零售业市场规模与潜力,偏好零售业开放时间较长的城市,同时也关注竞争对手沃尔玛新开门店的城市选择。沃尔玛则重视利用零售业集聚经济和规模经济以及家乐福门店城市选择策略,但不在意本地零售业市场规模及其开放政策制度的影响。综合其空间扩散模式、物流配送以及区位选择行为,本文认为两个企业在中国采取了全球化与本土化兼顾的战略,从而得以在中国实现快速扩张。  相似文献   

With the pursuit for global competitiveness and economic growth, Chinese cities have recorded massive urban land expansion. This article examines the effects of development policies and economic restructuring on urban land expansion in China through a case study of Nanjing, representing the rapidly growing and globalizing coastal cities in China. Wei investigate the development process and changing contents of government policies, and analyze development zones and key projects as privileged, trait making, and even path‐breaking elements of the development process. We highlight the transition and paradox of the Chinese state in the urban development process, and the broad contexts underlying urban land expansion in Chinese cities. We see urban expansion in China as a process largely responding to top‐down policy change and economic transition initiated by the central government. We hold that the role of the state has to be analyzed to understand urban transformation and land expansion, moving beyond local factors of accessibility and feasibility. Development‐zone and project fevers, and lagging administrative reforms, however, have made Chinese cities heavy with debt and led to wasteful development, corruption, and social unrest in China.  相似文献   

地方嵌入对在华外资企业出口市场多元化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贺灿飞  任卓然 《地理科学》2021,41(3):369-379
外资企业通过直接出口和间接溢出效应对中国出口增长做出了巨大贡献。现有文献大多基于外资企业知识溢出研究其对本地出口和创新等方面的促进作用,较少关注外资企业自身的贸易活动。利用2000—2016年中国海关贸易数据库,在全球?地方互动视角下,搭建本地、目的国(地区)和本地?目的国(地区)联系三维度框架,重点关注外资企业地方嵌入对其出口市场多元化的影响。实证结果表明,在华外资企业地方嵌入对其出口市场多元化有促进作用。但由于外资企业贸易的特殊性,地方嵌入对其出口二元边际的作用不同。具体来说,地方嵌入对外资企业出口比较优势获取有显著促进作用,但对目的国(地区)拓展的促进作用仅局限在一般贸易,且主要发挥作用的是外资企业与当地的知识耦合。  相似文献   

马凌  谢圆圆  张博 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1430-1445
知识经济时代,地理学与世界移民研究越来越重视知识移民及其流动。本文以广州市高校海外留学回国的知识移民为例,采用深度访谈等质性研究方法,从多维视角探讨其回流和嵌入母国和回流地的动态过程及结果。研究发现:① 高校海归知识移民的回流动力机制主要包括工作机会和跨国比较发展优势,以及家庭关系和文化归属等;② 回流后高校知识移民面临着工作、生活、社会关系网络等方面的再嵌入;再嵌入的过程和结果受到工作及工作环境等结构因素和日常生活等非制度情感因素的共同作用;③ 由于拥有较高的跨境智力资本和较强的跨地方社会关系网络,其地方嵌入过程体现出较强的能动性。跨国流动背景下,他们的身份认同表现为混合文化身份的跨地方主体性,其“家”的意义建构也呈现出一种多元的特征。研究指出,多地方的社会嵌入通过跨地方的社会关系使得海归知识移民产生归属感,而并不完全依附于有边界的地理空间,这一定程度上打破了以往地理位置所定义的“地方”,而将关注点放置于基础的工作、社会关系网络与日常的生活实践。从微观和主体视角细致探究海归人才回流嵌入的过程与结果,可以进一步完善转型期知识移民的理论和研究框架,也可以为中国人才政策和发展战略提出指导建议。  相似文献   

跨国公司功能区位实证研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
贺灿飞  肖晓俊 《地理学报》2011,66(12):1669-1681
随着交通通讯技术的发展,跨国公司在东道国内部实现功能空间分离.伴随中国渐进式的改革开放进程,全球500 强跨国公司逐步在中国实现地理扩张和功能扩张.本文基于1979-2008 年电子信息和医药化工产业的全球500 强跨国公司在华投资数据研究跨国公司功能区位.研究表明,跨国公司倾向于在已有投资的城市追加投资,不同功能呈现一定差异性地理分布,但功能之间共聚趋势明显.区域性总部和商务功能聚集在一线城市,生产功能布局于省会和一线城市周边地区,研发功能追随生产功能.条件逻辑模型分析表明,跨国公司功能区位存在显著的公司内集聚、跨公司集聚、来源国集聚以及跨功能共聚现象.市场潜力及城市行政地位也是吸引跨国公司投资的重要因素.随着全方位开放格局形成,集聚效应较制度优势更为重要.跨国公司分支机构地理集聚提升一线城市的功能,强化顶级城市的领导力和聚集力.跨国公司的功能片段化布局既依托我国的城市等级体系,又在一定程度上重塑我国城市空间结构,促进城市体系按价值链等级进行专业化分工并推动区域协作.  相似文献   

陈肖飞  韩腾腾  赵梓渝  苗长虹 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3483-3496
全球生产网络(GPNs)非常重视跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合模式及影响机制,然而以往研究相对聚焦于资本密集型或技术密集型企业,着重探讨产业联系、技术外溢、社会网络等要素的影响,而对以富士康为代表的劳动密集型跨国企业并未给予足够关注。本研究以郑州富士康为案例,融合劳工地理学和新经济地理学的理论视角,基于2017—2021年对郑州富士康的追踪调研,研究发现:① 在全球网络动力与本土地域动力相互联动的作用下,地方区位优势和企业空间粘性虽然发生了显著变化,并初步呈现出互惠式耦合特征,但郑州富士康地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合模式仍以依附式为主。② 劳动力视角下跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合形成机制主要受制于公司属性特征与员工雇佣方式(包括企业性质、用工模式、工资福利等)、区域人口红利与劳动力供应格局、政府中介政策与劳动力行为选择等因素。③ 促进劳动密集型跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合,维持劳动力市场弹性和激励跨国公司扩大投资并促进生产网络区域化应作为国家和地方政府战略制定和政策实施的两个基本维度。研究成果不仅可以有效弥补跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展战略耦合对劳动力作用的忽视,而且通过典型案例可以为劳动密集型跨国公司与区域发展的战略耦合关系提供实证经验支持。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of driving time and retail agglomerations on consumer store choice within a retail network. A pairwise comparison of confluencing store trade areas is conducted based on loyalty card information and exit questionnaires for six retailers operating in different product categories in Belgium. Results show that there is a stronger emphasis in the preference hierarchy on driving time towards a store for the daily goods retailer. Moreover, there is varying intra-network spatial competition depending on the type of location strategy pursued by the different retailers. Results show that for some retailers retail agglomeration effects are more outspoken than for others. However, impact of driving time on consumer intra-network store choice was independent of retail agglomeration size. Finally, results indicate that opening stores outside the pursued location strategy should be approached with care as significant impacts on sales cannibalization can emerge within the store network. These findings are important for crafting an overall expansion strategy for expansion managers as well as for marketing managers occupied with network changes at operational level.  相似文献   

中国生产性服务业发展与空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨帆  叶嘉安 《热带地理》2013,33(2):178-186
从分行业的角度探讨了中国生产性服务业的发展特征及其在城市体系中的空间分布。研究表明,中国生产性服务业的发展水平还处在初级阶段,虽然高级别生产性服务业增长较快,但是所占比重较小。空间分布上,生产性服务业倾向于集中在特大城市。由于其在经济发展中发挥重要的作用,这种分布特征重组了城市等级结构和城市之间的经济联系。随着中国经济的持续增长和政府的政策支持,对生产性服务业的需求将大大增加。全球化背景下,发展生产性服务业也成为重要的城市发展战略。但是,生产性服务业不均衡的分布格局决定了大城市和特大城市在新一轮的城市发展中具有更大的竞争力。因此,中小城市在发展生产性服务业时必须进行深入的分析,以免造成用地和资金的浪费。  相似文献   

金万富  何广静  陈乐 《热带地理》2020,40(3):515-524
利用空间分析和数理统计等方法探究了1984—2016年中国高尔夫球场数量时空演变、影响因素和扩散模式。结果表明:1)球场数量变化经历了低速增长期、稳定增长期、加速增长期和紧缩期;2)球场空间分布范围经历了扩张期和收缩期,向北、向西扩散较为明显;3)目前球场主要分布在经济发展水平较高且外向型经济突出的长三角、珠三角和环渤海地区;4)人均GDP、人口规模、区域开放程度、交通优势度、气候类型和土地资源稀缺性与球场空间分布均呈显著正相关,其中交通优势度相关系数最大;5)高尔夫球场空间扩散模式兼具接触性扩散和等级性扩散。  相似文献   

The impact of recent economic reforms in China on Chinese cities has influenced both the rate and spatial pattern of their development. In this research, three groups of cities are analyzed: those in special economic zones, opened coastal cities, and inland provincial level capital cities. Eighteen variables were selected to determine the impact of the reforms. Major conclusions of the research are: (1) current urban reforms deviate sharply from earlier socialist Chinese practice; (2) urban growth has responded strongly and positively to the economic activities advocated by the urban reforms (e.g., foreign investment, foreign trade, individual entrepreneurship, and development of a market economy); and (3) urban reforms have resulted in distinctly different spatial impacts among the three types of cities, with those in the special economic zones and in the coastal areas benefitting more than inland cities.  相似文献   

The spatial inequality of foreign direct investment (FDI) can intensify uneven economic development. As globalization and economic transition proceeds, foreign investors are changing their behaviors in FDI location, based on institutional change and agglomeration effects. In order to reduce the inequality, this research employs spatial statistics and analyses to examine the change in the spatial inequality of FDI among regions and among prefectural cities, and uses regression models and spatial regime analyses to investigate factors influencing the inequality from 1990 to 2010. The spatial diffusion of FDI clusters from the eastern/coastal region to the interior shows the trend of FDI convergence among regions. However, increasing numbers of FDI clusters and hot spots show the increasing divergence among cities within three regions. Agglomeration effects have replaced institutional factors to become one of the most significant factors influencing the FDI inequality among cities. Additionally, special economic zones, coastal open cities, provincial capital cities, and development zones lost their advantages in FDI as more reforms set in. The spatial regime analyses further indicate the significance of market size in FDI in prefecture-level cities and the significance of agglomeration economies in FDI in capitals and municipalities.  相似文献   

消费升级时代孕育了生活性服务新业态,改变了生活服务业的城市空间格局。论文以菜市场作为生活服务空间的代表,选取武汉市这一中国城市消费升级样本及城市疫后复苏“风向标”作为典型案例区,结合GIS空间计量和STATA统计分析,探讨菜市场综合体系的形成过程、类型差异和影响因素。研究发现:① 武汉市菜市场经历了传统农贸市场主导—零售新业态扩张—社区尺度回落的历程,形成以大卖场生鲜部、农贸市场、生鲜超市及社区菜场为主的复合型生活服务空间,并在疫后展现出一定韧性;② 武汉市菜市场整体上由双核心向多核心转变,由城市中心向外围延伸,且呈现出农贸市场“团簇状”、生鲜超市“条型”、大卖场“点状”、社区菜场“蝶形”的分类型差异化格局;③ 全业态菜市场布局受社会、经济、区位和发展基础影响显著,传统业态受市场和区位要素影响显著,零售新业态受经济要素和前期菜市场集聚程度的影响显著,且消费升级态势下新建菜市场选址更加偏好购物中心代表的体验式消费场所。研究结果对于丰富现代菜市场体系的类型研究,拓展城市生活服务空间研究的学科视域具有一定理论意义,同时对于优化城市生活服务空间结构以满足居民日益增长的美好生活需要和服务品质追求具有一定现实价值。  相似文献   

网上零售企业的空间组织研究——以"当当网"为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
汪明峰  卢姗 《地理研究》2011,30(6):965-976
零售商业活动及其空间组织历来是城市和经济地理学研究的重要主题之一.伴随着新的信息和通信技术的应用和普及,一种新的商业业态--网上购物,正在被越来越多的商家和消费者所接受.这一趋势对零售业的价值链、商业模式以及空间组织均产生了不可忽视的影响.本文试图通过对国内主要的电子商务企业之一"当当网"的研究,初步探讨网上零售企业的...  相似文献   

Existing evidence on food retail expansion in developing countries is largely based on cross-country studies. This may be excellent to provide general pictures but less relevant for development planners to tailor context-specific interventions. We apply a meso-level analysis to address three questions: (i) Are modern food retail formats impeding the expansion of the traditional ones? (ii) What is the pattern of food retail expansion into urban, peri-urban, and rural areas? (iii) What factors influence observed food retail patterns? The study was carried out within the geographic landscape of Lebanon, a commercial link between the Middle East and Europe. Historical analysis shows increased growth both in the modern and traditional food retail sales, with the former modestly outpacing the latter. However, data from the last five years indicate the gap being reduced to 2 percentage points, displaying a clear leveling-off as compared to the preceding decade. Thus, we find insufficient evidence to conclude that modern food retail formats are definitively replacing traditional ones. An extremely high spatial disparity in food retail concentration is observed across governorates and districts, suggesting a need for flexible policies for viable food system development in various contexts. Expansion of modern food retail formats is limited by geography or socioeconomic groups, while traditional formats are equally present in urban, peri-urban and rural settings, including high poverty areas. This suggests a need for recognizing the latter as alternative institutions to address specific needs of consumers, particularly in poorer neighborhoods or rural areas. The findings are relevant for international, regional, and domestic food retailers to understand food retail patterns in Lebanon, for development planners to tailor specific interventions in areas where food establishments are least developed, and for researchers to investigate the impact of such patterns on nutritional transformations among the Lebanese urban, peri-urban and rural populations.  相似文献   

上市公司500强企业网络嵌入对中国城市经济增长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盛科荣  张杰  张红霞 《地理学报》2021,76(4):818-834
近些年来城市网络的快速发展深刻改变了中国城市经济的发展环境,城市网络外部性及其传导机制的研究已经成为新时期城市地理学的重要课题,也将为中国城镇化政策的优化调整提供直接参考。本文以产品价值链生产分割为主线,利用2017年中国上市公司500强企业和隶属联系模型建立城市网络,定量测度了网络链接强度和合作伙伴经济绩效对城市经济增长的影响,揭示了生产分割环境下网络外部性的多样性和异质性特征。研究发现:① 网络嵌入影响中国城市经济增长的传导机制具有不同的作用效果,总体来看网络链接强度对城市经济增长具有显著促进作用,但是合作伙伴经济绩效的影响不明显,表明网络嵌入主要是通过凸显比较优势和规模经济而不是知识外溢来提高城市经济绩效。② 网络嵌入对中国城市经济增长的影响具有异质性特征,东部地区、核心地位、较大规模城市从网络中获得的利益分别明显高于中西部地区、外围地位和较小规模城市,表明网络外部性的经济效果受到城市网络竞争力和知识利用能力的强烈约束。未来中国城镇化政策体系和治理模式需要做出相应调整,中国政府需要在更大空间尺度上推动城市之间的网络合作,同时高度重视网络环境下城市间多维度的发展差距问题。  相似文献   

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