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本文是4年时间对当地蔬菜生产考察,以及在内蒙古达拉特旗蔬菜试验点工作的基础上,以本区各旗县1995-2010年人口发展状况推测出1995-2010年本区发展蔬菜生产的远景,同时根据当地具体情况及今后的我国蔬菜生产发展趋势,提出1995年本区发展保护地蔬菜面积,2000年保护地蔬菜种植面积,2010年保护地种植面积,至此可达到国家菜蓝子工程指标,为能顺利达到以上发展指标。本文提出了本区蔬菜生产发展布  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,寿光市农民利用土温室、小拱棚以及地膜覆盖等方式采取日光提升温度,从而使得蔬菜提前上市,达到增产增收的目的。从此,冬暖式蔬菜大棚种植技术迅速推广,使蔬菜深冬生产成为现实,推动了一场遍及全国的“绿色革命”。寿光发展成为“中国蔬菜之乡”,并被人们称为“中国第一号菜篮子”。  相似文献   

通过对石家庄市8个不同类型蔬菜生产专业村的调查研究,从微观农户角度分析了我国加入WTO后,影响农户蔬菜生产效益的主要因素采用多元回归方法,选择经营方式、物质和技术管理投入、经营规模、市场与信息、劳动力素质等因素对蔬菜生产效益的影响程度进行了量化分析,提出了保障蔬菜生产专业村发展、提高农户收益的建议。  相似文献   

鲁爱华  郑永胜 《地理教学》2013,(5):57-58,49
正一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案)近些年来珠江三角洲的农业发生了巨大的变化,"桑(蔗)基鱼塘"已经变成"杂基鱼塘",基面改种象草或蔬菜、花卉、果树,大量的农田变成了果园、花卉基地、无公害蔬菜基地、特种禽畜渔业养殖场。据此完成1~2题。1.影响珠江三角洲基塘生产的主要因素是A.地形B.气候C.水源D.政策  相似文献   

该基地环境质量优良 :水质综合污染指数 0 .37( 级 ) ,大气质量几何均数指数0 .68( 级 ) ;各种重金属元素含量均在浙江省土壤元素变化范围内 ;土壤中六六六、DDT、As的含量和基地内主产蔬菜的抽检指标均符合绿色食品卫生标准 .当地适宜发展无公害蔬菜  相似文献   

由于蔬菜需求量的增加,中国的蔬菜产量不断增加;然而蔬菜地的化学污染会威胁到中国的食品安全。基于蔬菜和粮食作物的播种面积和产量、农业生产投入价格指数、单位面积的农业物质投入、蔬菜和粮食作物生产者价格指数和净利润等数据,本文计算分析了蔬菜地污染造成的中国潜在食品安全风险的变化趋势。研究表明,由于改革开放以来对蔬菜饮食的公共需求的不断增加和蔬菜高的市场价格,蔬菜的播种面积和产量显著增加;然而由于研究时段内蔬菜种植比例的增加,农业物质投入增加所带来的潜在污染风险也在不断增加。通过控制蔬菜地污染,中国的食品安全问题可以得到较大改善。  相似文献   

本文通过对达拉特旗设立典型农户利用大棚,温室种植蔬菜的试验示范,从菜种,品种选择,育苗技术,田间栽培管理,施肥以及种植制度等方面探讨了适宜本地区的保护地蔬菜生产体系,并通过产入与产出比为中国落后农区的菜农指出了一条发展经济达到小康的出路。  相似文献   

达拉特旗蔬菜试验地土壤微量元素及培肥增产的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过达拉特旗蔬菜试验土壤微量元素的分析,得知该地区土壤中铜锌含量低于临界值,而硼,铁,锰基本属于正常水平,合理施用铜锌肥,会使蔬菜生产获得较大经济效益。  相似文献   

无公害果品是指果树的生长环境、生产过程以及包装、贮存、运输中未被有害物质污染,或虽有污染,但符合国家无公害标准的果品。 一、平凉市果品生产现状及存在的问题地处黄土高原中心地带的平凉市,是甘肃省及我国大宗果品苹果生产的优势地带和中心地带。目前有果园面积6.29万公顷,其中以苹果为主的水果4.94万公顷,以核桃、杏为主的干杂果1.33万公顷,年果品总产量3109万吨,产值达4亿元,农民人均收入的13%来自于果业。目前存在的主要问题有:(1)国际竞争激烈,出口难。我国水果年总产量5000万吨,位居世界首位,但出口较难,据统计出口量仅16万吨,…  相似文献   

当前三峡库区经济发展存在主要产业经济效益低,国有产业亏损大,产业规模小,城镇经济中心作用弱等突出问题.库区开发必需是持久战和持续发展相结合,将库区基础设施建设放在重要地位,搞好资金、行业、所有制之间的优化组合,大力发展第三产业;要准备用几十年的艰苦奋斗,才能赶上全国平均水平.  相似文献   

农村土地制度改革与乡村振兴   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
乡村发展现实困境与乡村振兴战略目标之间存在巨大鸿沟。论文总结了1949年以来农村土地制度改革与乡村发展的演进态势与时代特征,基于农村土地制度改革的功能体系,剖析了二者的互动机制,探讨了农村土地制度改革助推乡村振兴的发展路径与典型模式,并进行了研究展望。结论如下:① 农村土地制度改革是破解当前乡村发展困境、推进乡村振兴的突破口,本质是新时期为适应城乡生产力发展的生产关系再调整,二者均具迫切性、交融性与攻坚性的时代特征。1949年以来农村土地制度与乡村发展总体耦合联动、互促互馈。② 新时期,农村土地制度改革具有多功能价值,通过补短板促进乡村重构与乡村多功能发展,发挥制度联动、城乡融合与经济转型的乘数效应,助推乡村振兴,并带动城乡地域系统功能优化。③ 农村土地制度改革沿整合要素、重组结构、优化功能的路径,因地制宜、分类推进乡村地域功能演变与乡村振兴。④ 未来需发挥农村土地制度改革的制度联动作用,同时重视改革的政策性摩擦,深化乡村振兴对农村土地制度改革的正反馈,并权衡农村土地制度改革举措与乡村发展的适应性问题。  相似文献   

Collective forest tenure reform and water rights system reform are two types of resource system reform initiated by the Chinese government since the implementation of the reform and opening policy of the 1980s. Forest tenure reform has been completed and water rights system reform is ongoing. This study analyzes key points and problems with collective forest tenure reform and summarizes four typical successful reform measures and lessons that will have implications for the developing water rights system: the collective forest-cutting quota system, collective forest tenure compensation, collective forest tenure confirmation, and collective forest tenure trading center. A flexible water permission index, compensation measures in water rights trade, water rights approval, and various forms of water rights trading platforms are proposed as reform measures. This study fills a gap in comparative studies between two important resource system reforms in China and provides a reference for further reform and development of water rights systems locally and abroad.  相似文献   

商丘市构建农村宅基地退出机制探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农村宅基地使用制度改革是当前农村土地制度改革的重要内容,是统筹城乡发展、解决保护耕地和保障发展"两难"问题的突破口。商丘市作为河南省农村空闲宅基地退出机制改革试验区,探索构建了一套行之有效的宅基地有偿退出机制。从阐释农村宅基地退出的历史背景、改革方向和驱动因素入手,总结提炼出迁村并点、村企合一、原址改造、整村搬迁和中心社区集聚5种退出模式,并分析退出后的资金保障、补偿标准、产权关系和整理复垦等关键问题,为推进农村宅基地使用制度改革工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

In the former coloured rural reserves of Namaqualand, land is held under an evolving form of communal tenure. This study, using in-depth interviews with both women farmers and non-farmers in Namaqualand, explores women's attitudes towards land and their experience of agriculture. It finds that women gain access to land for residential and production purposes mainly through dependent relationships with husbands, fathers and sons, and that unmarried women find it virtually impossible to obtain land rights in their own name. In the event of divorce or widowhood, women are vulnerable to loss of land rights and other resources. Women were found to engage in a range of agricultural activities, both on land allocated for their own use and on land controlled by male relatives, while a few better-off women engage in independent livestock farming. While the South African government's land reform programme has extended the area of communal land and attempted to secure the rights of existing land holders, this has largely benefited existing male farmers and appears to offer little to women farmers. Women's attitudes to the patriarchal system of land holding were found to be largely conservative. Few are willing to challenge the highly gendered nature of land rights within families, and women generally feel excluded from public processes around land. Nonetheless, women in the study expressed a demand for more secure access to land and an interest in agriculture as part of wider livelihood strategies.  相似文献   

With the transition to democracy in 1994, South Africa was faced with an enormous challenge in redressing the highly unequal and racialized pattern of land rights inherited from the colonial and apartheid past. In Namaqualand, a history of land dispossession and racial segregation presented the new government with a complex set of problems, which led to a series of distinct policy responses within the context of the wider national land reform programme. Land reform in Namaqualand aims to impact positively on local people's access to land, improve livelihood opportunities and develop the local economy. Unique features of the land reform process in Namaqualand include the reform of tenure in the former Coloured Rural Areas, the prominent role played by local municipalities and the heavy reliance on municipal commonage as a form of landholding. This study provides and overview of the process of land reform in Namaqualand since 1994, considering the three elements of tenure reform, land redistribution and restitution of historical land rights. It concludes that, while considerable progress has been made in provision of additional land to historically disadvantaged communities, obstacles remain in the area of post-transfer support to new and emerging farmers.  相似文献   

黄淮海地区为我国重要的农业区。农村经济体制改革以来,本区乡村开始向现代化演进。本文分析了本区产业结构的演进过程和现状特征,乡村城镇化特点及前景,指出乡村发展面临的困境和出路。  相似文献   

晨光  张凤荣  张佰林 《地理科学进展》2015,34(10):1316-1323
以农牧交错区的阿鲁科尔沁旗为例,选取7个典型村,运用参与式农村评估(PRA)、GIS与遥感技术相结合的方法,探讨农牧交错区农村居民点土地利用形态特征及其与农牧户生计的关系。结果表明:①半农半牧型农村居民点由纯牧型农村居民点演变而来。人口增加导致人地矛盾突出和草原开垦耕种,农牧户生计策略转为畜牧业和种植业结合,农村居民点向半农半牧型转变;②半农半牧型农村居民点内部用地类型逐渐多样化。从改革开放前居民点内部以农村宅基地占主导,到改革开放后居民点内部公共设施用地、商服用地、工矿仓储用地迅速扩大;③由于农牧户生计活动的多样化和非农化,农村宅基地内部不但包括居住用地(住房),还包括生产性用地和生产辅助性用地(如牲畜的棚圈、菜园和粮草仓库等)。研究认为,半农半牧型农村居民点人均居民点用地和户均宅基地都远大于国家规定的用地标准,是与半农半牧的生产方式和生计需求紧密相关的。  相似文献   

新时期乡村振兴战略与农村宅基地制度改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乔陆印  刘彦随 《地理研究》2019,38(3):655-666
乡村振兴战略是新时代破解“三农”问题、实现乡村现代化的重大举措,其基本路径方向是坚持乡村分化差异性原则下实现城乡融合发展,基本驱动力是城乡一体化的制度体系创建和农村土地制度改革。理论上,乡村振兴是城乡人口自由流动与择业、乡村资源与空间高效利用、村镇居业空间格局优化、社会企业资本持续投入的动态过程;宅基地制度改革能够有效促进人口、土地、产业、资金等城乡要素的快速流动与整合重组,可成为乡村振兴的有力抓手。宅基地制度改革应实现四大目标,即保障农民居住权、管控宅基地规模、赋予农民财产权益、放活宅基地使用权,当前的试点探索仍显不足。因此,乡村振兴导向下的宅基地制度改革需要在使用权自由流转、宅基地用途转换、资格权空间置换、资格认定与有偿使用有效衔接等方面实现更大突破,有力助推城乡融合发展。  相似文献   

Research on ecosystem service consumption not only helps to reveal the utilization intensity and management level of the ecosystem in Guilin, but it also provides a scientific basis for ecosystem investment, trade, subsidies and taxation by the Guilin government departments. Based on household survey data of urban and rural ecological consumption, the physical quantity accounting method is adopted for multivariate statistical analyses, such as analysis of variance and multiple comparison. This analysis reveals the differences and changes in the consumption level, consumption structure and consumption pattern of the main ecological products in Guilin among the various counties. The results fit into four main themes. (1) The annual per capita consumption of the main ecological products in Guilin varies either extremely significantly or significantly among the counties, but the consumption level of ecological products varies according to the type of products. There are significant or extremely significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of cereals, melons and fruits, pork, poultry, beef and mutton, fresh eggs and milk between urban and rural residents. (2) There are extremely significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of fruits, pork, poultry, beef and mutton, fish, fresh milk and vegetable oil among urban residents in different counties. There are also extremely significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of cereals, pork, poultry and alcohol among rural residents in different counties, and significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of fresh eggs and milk. The consumption level of ecological products by urban and rural resident varies with the type of products. (3) The ecological consumption patterns of all counties in Guilin mainly follow the “cereal + vegetable + fruit + meat” pattern for urban residents and the “cereal + vegetable + meat” pattern for rural residents (except for the rural residents in Pingle, which show the “cereal + vegetable” pattern). The consumption structure of urban residents is better than that of rural residents. (4) There is a large gap between the ecological consumption of urban and rural residents in Guilin and China's recommended standards, except for cereals and meat. The main problems are excessive meat intake, and insufficient intake of dark vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk and fish. Therefore, we should make full use of forestland, grassland, water and other resources in the area, and vigorously develop fishery, fruit and vegetable production and herbivorous animal husbandry to meet people's ecological needs for dark fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk and fish in Guilin City.  相似文献   


Tenure security is commonly recognized as an important factor in stimulating long-term investments in land. Recent studies suggest that a distinction between legal, actual and perceived tenure security needs to be made in analyzing tenure security. This study discusses the relationships between legal, actual and perceived land tenure security in rural China, and empirically examines the impact of actual on perceived land tenure security by applying Probit models to household and village survey data collected in four provinces. Using household expectations about the absence of land reallocations within the next five years as the dependent variable, we find that tenure security is positively affected by the possession of land certificates in villages that periodically reallocated land but not in villages that did not do so. The estimated impact is larger for land certificates issued in the new round of land certification than for land certificates that were issued earlier.  相似文献   

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